1 | /** @file
2 | Provides generic security measurement functions for DXE module.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include <PiDxe.h>
10 | #include <Protocol/LoadFile.h>
11 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
12 | #include <Library/DxeServicesLib.h>
13 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
14 | #include <Library/SecurityManagementLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
16 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
17 |
19 |
20 | //
21 | // Secruity Operation on Image and none Image.
22 | //
28 |
29 | typedef struct {
30 | UINT32 SecurityOperation;
33 |
34 | typedef struct {
35 | UINT32 Security2Operation;
38 |
39 | UINT32 mCurrentAuthOperation = 0;
40 | UINT32 mNumberOfSecurityHandler = 0;
41 | UINT32 mMaxNumberOfSecurityHandler = 0;
42 | SECURITY_INFO *mSecurityTable = NULL;
43 |
44 | UINT32 mCurrentAuthOperation2 = 0;
45 | UINT32 mNumberOfSecurity2Handler = 0;
46 | UINT32 mMaxNumberOfSecurity2Handler = 0;
47 | SECURITY2_INFO *mSecurity2Table = NULL;
48 |
49 | /**
50 | Reallocates more global memory to store the registered Handler list.
51 |
52 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Reallocate memory successfully.
53 | @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough memory to allocated.
54 | **/
57 | ReallocateSecurityHandlerTable (
58 | VOID
59 | )
60 | {
61 | //
62 | // Reallocate memory for security info structure.
63 | //
64 | mSecurityTable = ReallocatePool (
65 | mMaxNumberOfSecurityHandler * sizeof (SECURITY_INFO),
66 | (mMaxNumberOfSecurityHandler + SECURITY_HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE) * sizeof (SECURITY_INFO),
67 | mSecurityTable
68 | );
69 |
70 | //
71 | // No enough resource is allocated.
72 | //
73 | if (mSecurityTable == NULL) {
75 | }
76 |
77 | //
78 | // Increase max handler number
79 | //
80 | mMaxNumberOfSecurityHandler = mMaxNumberOfSecurityHandler + SECURITY_HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE;
81 | return RETURN_SUCCESS;
82 | }
83 |
84 | /**
85 | Check whether an operation is valid according to the requirement of current operation,
86 | which must make sure that the measure image operation is the last one.
87 |
88 | @param CurrentAuthOperation Current operation.
89 | @param CheckAuthOperation Operation to be checked.
90 |
91 | @retval TRUE Operation is valid for current operation.
92 | @retval FALSE Operation is invalid for current operation.
93 | **/
95 | CheckAuthenticationOperation (
96 | IN UINT32 CurrentAuthOperation,
97 | IN UINT32 CheckAuthOperation
98 | )
99 | {
100 | //
101 | // Make sure new auth operation can be recognized.
102 | //
104 |
105 | //
106 | // When current operation includes measure image operation,
107 | // only another measure image operation or none operation will be allowed.
108 | //
112 | return TRUE;
113 | } else {
114 | return FALSE;
115 | }
116 | }
117 |
118 | //
119 | // When current operation doesn't include measure image operation,
120 | // any new operation will be allowed.
121 | //
122 | return TRUE;
123 | }
124 |
125 | /**
126 | Register security measurement handler with its operation type. The different
127 | handler with the same operation can all be registered.
128 |
129 | If SecurityHandler is NULL, then ASSERT().
130 | If no enough resources available to register new handler, then ASSERT().
131 | If AuthenticationOperation is not recongnized, then ASSERT().
132 | If the previous register handler can't be executed before the later register handler, then ASSERT().
133 |
134 | @param[in] SecurityHandler Security measurement service handler to be registered.
135 | @param[in] AuthenticationOperation Operation type is specified for the registered handler.
136 |
137 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The handlers were registered successfully.
138 | **/
140 | EFIAPI
141 | RegisterSecurityHandler (
143 | IN UINT32 AuthenticationOperation
144 | )
145 | {
146 | EFI_STATUS Status;
147 |
148 | ASSERT (SecurityHandler != NULL);
149 |
150 | //
151 | // Make sure AuthenticationOperation is valid in the register order.
152 | //
153 | ASSERT (CheckAuthenticationOperation (mCurrentAuthOperation, AuthenticationOperation));
154 | mCurrentAuthOperation = mCurrentAuthOperation | AuthenticationOperation;
155 |
156 | //
157 | // Check whether the handler lists is enough to store new handler.
158 | //
159 | if (mNumberOfSecurityHandler == mMaxNumberOfSecurityHandler) {
160 | //
161 | // Allocate more resources for new handler.
162 | //
163 | Status = ReallocateSecurityHandlerTable();
164 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
165 | }
166 |
167 | //
168 | // Register new handler into the handler list.
169 | //
170 | mSecurityTable[mNumberOfSecurityHandler].SecurityOperation = AuthenticationOperation;
171 | mSecurityTable[mNumberOfSecurityHandler].SecurityHandler = SecurityHandler;
172 | mNumberOfSecurityHandler ++;
173 |
174 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
175 | }
176 |
177 | /**
178 | Execute registered handlers until one returns an error and that error is returned.
179 | If none of the handlers return an error, then EFI_SUCCESS is returned.
180 |
181 | Before exectue handler, get the image buffer by file device path if a handler
182 | requires the image file. And return the image buffer to each handler when exectue handler.
183 |
184 | The handlers are executed in same order to their registered order.
185 |
186 | @param[in] AuthenticationStatus
187 | This is the authentication type returned from the Section
188 | Extraction protocol. See the Section Extraction Protocol
189 | Specification for details on this type.
190 | @param[in] FilePath This is a pointer to the device path of the file that is
191 | being dispatched. This will optionally be used for logging.
192 |
193 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file specified by File did authenticate when more
194 | than one security handler services were registered,
195 | or the file did not authenticate when no security
196 | handler service was registered. And the platform policy
197 | dictates that the DXE Core may use File.
198 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER File is NULL.
199 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The file specified by File did not authenticate, and
200 | the platform policy dictates that File should be placed
201 | in the untrusted state. A file may be promoted from
202 | the untrusted to the trusted state at a future time
203 | with a call to the Trust() DXE Service.
204 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file specified by File did not authenticate, and
205 | the platform policy dictates that File should not be
206 | used for any purpose.
207 | **/
209 | EFIAPI
210 | ExecuteSecurityHandlers (
211 | IN UINT32 AuthenticationStatus,
213 | )
214 | {
215 | UINT32 Index;
216 | EFI_STATUS Status;
217 | UINT32 HandlerAuthenticationStatus;
218 | VOID *FileBuffer;
219 | UINTN FileSize;
220 | EFI_HANDLE Handle;
223 |
224 | if (FilePath == NULL) {
226 | }
227 |
228 | //
229 | // Directly return successfully when no handler is registered.
230 | //
231 | if (mNumberOfSecurityHandler == 0) {
232 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
233 | }
234 |
235 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
236 | FileBuffer = NULL;
237 | FileSize = 0;
238 | HandlerAuthenticationStatus = AuthenticationStatus;
239 | FilePathToVerfiy = (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *) FilePath;
240 | //
241 | // Run security handler in same order to their registered list
242 | //
243 | for (Index = 0; Index < mNumberOfSecurityHandler; Index ++) {
244 | if ((mSecurityTable[Index].SecurityOperation & EFI_AUTH_OPERATION_IMAGE_REQUIRED) == EFI_AUTH_OPERATION_IMAGE_REQUIRED) {
245 | //
246 | // Try get file buffer when the handler requires image buffer.
247 | //
248 | if (FileBuffer == NULL) {
249 | Node = FilePathToVerfiy;
250 | Status = gBS->LocateDevicePath (&gEfiLoadFileProtocolGuid, &Node, &Handle);
251 | //
252 | // Try to get image by FALSE boot policy for the exact boot file path.
253 | //
254 | FileBuffer = GetFileBufferByFilePath (FALSE, FilePath, &FileSize, &AuthenticationStatus);
255 | if (FileBuffer == NULL) {
256 | //
257 | // Try to get image by TRUE boot policy for the inexact boot file path.
258 | //
259 | FileBuffer = GetFileBufferByFilePath (TRUE, FilePath, &FileSize, &AuthenticationStatus);
260 | }
261 | if ((FileBuffer != NULL) && (!EFI_ERROR (Status))) {
262 | //
263 | // LoadFile () may cause the device path of the Handle be updated.
264 | //
265 | FilePathToVerfiy = AppendDevicePath (DevicePathFromHandle (Handle), Node);
266 | }
267 | }
268 | }
269 | Status = mSecurityTable[Index].SecurityHandler (
270 | HandlerAuthenticationStatus,
271 | FilePathToVerfiy,
272 | FileBuffer,
273 | FileSize
274 | );
275 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
276 | break;
277 | }
278 | }
279 |
280 | if (FileBuffer != NULL) {
281 | FreePool (FileBuffer);
282 | }
283 | if (FilePathToVerfiy != FilePath) {
284 | FreePool (FilePathToVerfiy);
285 | }
286 |
287 | return Status;
288 | }
289 |
290 | /**
291 | Reallocates more global memory to store the registered Securit2Handler list.
292 |
293 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Reallocate memory successfully.
294 | @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough memory to allocated.
295 | **/
297 | EFIAPI
298 | ReallocateSecurity2HandlerTable (
299 | VOID
300 | )
301 | {
302 | //
303 | // Reallocate memory for security info structure.
304 | //
305 | mSecurity2Table = ReallocatePool (
306 | mMaxNumberOfSecurity2Handler * sizeof (SECURITY2_INFO),
307 | (mMaxNumberOfSecurity2Handler + SECURITY_HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE) * sizeof (SECURITY2_INFO),
308 | mSecurity2Table
309 | );
310 |
311 | //
312 | // No enough resource is allocated.
313 | //
314 | if (mSecurity2Table == NULL) {
316 | }
317 |
318 | //
319 | // Increase max handler number
320 | //
321 | mMaxNumberOfSecurity2Handler = mMaxNumberOfSecurity2Handler + SECURITY_HANDLER_TABLE_SIZE;
322 | return RETURN_SUCCESS;
323 | }
324 |
325 | /**
326 | Check whether an operation is valid according to the requirement of current operation,
327 | which must make sure that the measure image operation is the last one.
328 |
329 | If AuthenticationOperation is not recongnized, return FALSE.
330 | If AuthenticationOperation is EFI_AUTH_OPERATION_NONE, return FALSE.
331 | If AuthenticationOperation includes security operation and authentication operation, return FALSE.
332 | If the previous register handler can't be executed before the later register handler, return FALSE.
333 |
334 | @param CurrentAuthOperation Current operation.
335 | @param CheckAuthOperation Operation to be checked.
336 |
337 | @retval TRUE Operation is valid for current operation.
338 | @retval FALSE Operation is invalid for current operation.
339 | **/
341 | CheckAuthentication2Operation (
342 | IN UINT32 CurrentAuthOperation,
343 | IN UINT32 CheckAuthOperation
344 | )
345 | {
346 | //
347 | // Make sure new auth operation can be recognized.
348 | //
349 | if (CheckAuthOperation == EFI_AUTH_OPERATION_NONE) {
350 | return FALSE;
351 | }
352 | if ((CheckAuthOperation & ~(EFI_AUTH_IMAGE_OPERATION_MASK |
355 | return FALSE;
356 | }
357 |
358 | //
359 | // When current operation includes measure image operation,
360 | // only another measure image or none image operation will be allowed.
361 | //
364 | ((CheckAuthOperation & EFI_AUTH_IMAGE_OPERATION_MASK) == 0)) {
365 | return TRUE;
366 | } else {
367 | return FALSE;
368 | }
369 | }
370 |
371 | //
372 | // Any other operation will be allowed.
373 | //
374 | return TRUE;
375 | }
376 |
377 | /**
378 | Register security measurement handler with its operation type. Different
379 | handlers with the same operation can all be registered.
380 |
381 | If Security2Handler is NULL, then ASSERT().
382 | If no enough resources available to register new handler, then ASSERT().
383 | If AuthenticationOperation is not recongnized, then ASSERT().
384 | If AuthenticationOperation is EFI_AUTH_OPERATION_NONE, then ASSERT().
385 | If the previous register handler can't be executed before the later register handler, then ASSERT().
386 |
387 | @param[in] Security2Handler The security measurement service handler to be registered.
388 | @param[in] AuthenticationOperation The operation type is specified for the registered handler.
389 |
390 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The handlers were registered successfully.
391 | **/
393 | EFIAPI
394 | RegisterSecurity2Handler (
396 | IN UINT32 AuthenticationOperation
397 | )
398 | {
399 | EFI_STATUS Status;
400 |
401 | ASSERT (Security2Handler != NULL);
402 |
403 | //
404 | // Make sure AuthenticationOperation is valid in the register order.
405 | //
406 | ASSERT (CheckAuthentication2Operation (mCurrentAuthOperation2, AuthenticationOperation));
407 | mCurrentAuthOperation2 = mCurrentAuthOperation2 | AuthenticationOperation;
408 |
409 | //
410 | // Check whether the handler lists is enough to store new handler.
411 | //
412 | if (mNumberOfSecurity2Handler == mMaxNumberOfSecurity2Handler) {
413 | //
414 | // Allocate more resources for new handler.
415 | //
416 | Status = ReallocateSecurity2HandlerTable();
417 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
418 | }
419 |
420 | //
421 | // Register new handler into the handler list.
422 | //
423 | mSecurity2Table[mNumberOfSecurity2Handler].Security2Operation = AuthenticationOperation;
424 | mSecurity2Table[mNumberOfSecurity2Handler].Security2Handler = Security2Handler;
425 | mNumberOfSecurity2Handler ++;
426 |
427 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
428 | }
429 |
430 | /**
431 | Execute registered handlers based on input AuthenticationOperation until
432 | one returns an error and that error is returned.
433 |
434 | If none of the handlers return an error, then EFI_SUCCESS is returned.
435 | The handlers those satisfy AuthenticationOperation will only be executed.
436 | The handlers are executed in same order to their registered order.
437 |
438 | @param[in] AuthenticationOperation
439 | The operation type specifies which handlers will be executed.
440 | @param[in] AuthenticationStatus
441 | The authentication status for the input file.
442 | @param[in] File This is a pointer to the device path of the file that is
443 | being dispatched. This will optionally be used for logging.
444 | @param[in] FileBuffer A pointer to the buffer with the UEFI file image
445 | @param[in] FileSize The size of File buffer.
446 | @param[in] BootPolicy A boot policy that was used to call LoadImage() UEFI service.
447 |
448 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The file specified by DevicePath and non-NULL
449 | FileBuffer did authenticate, and the platform policy dictates
450 | that the DXE Foundation may use the file.
451 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The device path specified by NULL device path DevicePath
452 | and non-NULL FileBuffer did authenticate, and the platform
453 | policy dictates that the DXE Foundation may execute the image in
454 | FileBuffer.
455 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS FileBuffer is NULL and current user has permission to start
456 | UEFI device drivers on the device path specified by DevicePath.
457 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The file specified by File or FileBuffer did not
458 | authenticate, and the platform policy dictates that
459 | the file should be placed in the untrusted state.
460 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION FileBuffer FileBuffer is NULL and the user has no
461 | permission to start UEFI device drivers on the device path specified
462 | by DevicePath.
463 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION FileBuffer is not NULL and the user has no permission to load
464 | drivers from the device path specified by DevicePath. The
465 | image has been added into the list of the deferred images.
466 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The file specified by File did not authenticate, and
467 | the platform policy dictates that the DXE
468 | Foundation may not use File.
469 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER File and FileBuffer are both NULL.
470 | **/
472 | EFIAPI
473 | ExecuteSecurity2Handlers (
474 | IN UINT32 AuthenticationOperation,
475 | IN UINT32 AuthenticationStatus,
477 | IN VOID *FileBuffer,
478 | IN UINTN FileSize,
479 | IN BOOLEAN BootPolicy
480 | )
481 | {
482 | UINT32 Index;
483 | EFI_STATUS Status;
484 |
485 | //
486 | // Invalid case if File and FileBuffer are both NULL.
487 | //
488 | if (File == NULL && FileBuffer == NULL) {
490 | }
491 |
492 | //
493 | // Directly return successfully when no handler is registered.
494 | //
495 | if (mNumberOfSecurity2Handler == 0) {
496 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
497 | }
498 |
499 | //
500 | // Run security handler in same order to their registered list
501 | //
502 | for (Index = 0; Index < mNumberOfSecurity2Handler; Index ++) {
503 | //
504 | // If FileBuffer is not NULL, the input is Image, which will be handled by EFI_AUTH_IMAGE_OPERATION_MASK operation.
505 | // If FileBuffer is NULL, the input is not Image, which will be handled by EFI_AUTH_NONE_IMAGE_OPERATION_MASK operation.
506 | // Other cases are ignored.
507 | //
508 | if ((FileBuffer != NULL && (mSecurity2Table[Index].Security2Operation & EFI_AUTH_IMAGE_OPERATION_MASK) != 0) ||
509 | (FileBuffer == NULL && (mSecurity2Table[Index].Security2Operation & EFI_AUTH_NONE_IMAGE_OPERATION_MASK) != 0)) {
510 | //
511 | // Execute registered handlers based on input AuthenticationOperation
512 | //
513 | if ((mSecurity2Table[Index].Security2Operation & AuthenticationOperation) != 0) {
514 | Status = mSecurity2Table[Index].Security2Handler (
515 | AuthenticationStatus,
516 | File,
517 | FileBuffer,
518 | FileSize,
519 | BootPolicy
520 | );
521 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
522 | return Status;
523 | }
524 | }
525 | }
526 | }
527 |
528 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
529 | }