1 | /** @file
2 | HII Library implementation that uses DXE protocols and services.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 |
10 | #include "InternalHiiLib.h"
11 |
12 | /**
13 | This function create a new string in String Package or updates an existing
14 | string in a String Package. If StringId is 0, then a new string is added to
15 | a String Package. If StringId is not zero, then a string in String Package is
16 | updated. If SupportedLanguages is NULL, then the string is added or updated
17 | for all the languages that the String Package supports. If SupportedLanguages
18 | is not NULL, then the string is added or updated for the set of languages
19 | specified by SupportedLanguages.
20 |
21 | If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
22 | If String is NULL, then ASSERT().
23 |
24 | @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the
25 | HII Database.
26 | @param[in] StringId If zero, then a new string is created in the
27 | String Package associated with HiiHandle. If
28 | non-zero, then the string specified by StringId
29 | is updated in the String Package associated
30 | with HiiHandle.
31 | @param[in] String A pointer to the Null-terminated Unicode string
32 | to add or update in the String Package associated
33 | with HiiHandle.
34 | @param[in] SupportedLanguages A pointer to a Null-terminated ASCII string of
35 | language codes. If this parameter is NULL, then
36 | String is added or updated in the String Package
37 | associated with HiiHandle for all the languages
38 | that the String Package supports. If this
39 | parameter is not NULL, then then String is added
40 | or updated in the String Package associated with
41 | HiiHandle for the set oflanguages specified by
42 | SupportedLanguages. The format of
43 | SupportedLanguages must follow the language
44 | format assumed the HII Database.
45 |
46 | @retval 0 The string could not be added or updated in the String Package.
47 | @retval Other The EFI_STRING_ID of the newly added or updated string.
48 |
49 | **/
52 | HiiSetString (
53 | IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle,
56 | IN CONST CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages OPTIONAL
57 | )
58 | {
59 | EFI_STATUS Status;
60 | CHAR8 *AllocatedLanguages;
61 | CHAR8 *Supported;
62 | CHAR8 *Language;
63 |
64 | ASSERT (HiiHandle != NULL);
65 | ASSERT (String != NULL);
66 |
67 | if (SupportedLanguages == NULL) {
68 | //
69 | // Retrieve the languages that the package specified by HiiHandle supports
70 | //
71 | AllocatedLanguages = HiiGetSupportedLanguages (HiiHandle);
72 | } else {
73 | //
74 | // Allocate a copy of the SupportLanguages string that passed in
75 | //
76 | AllocatedLanguages = AllocateCopyPool (AsciiStrSize (SupportedLanguages), SupportedLanguages);
77 | }
78 |
79 | //
80 | // If there are not enough resources for the supported languages string, then return a StringId of 0
81 | //
82 | if (AllocatedLanguages == NULL) {
83 | return (EFI_STRING_ID)(0);
84 | }
85 |
87 | //
88 | // Loop through each language that the string supports
89 | //
90 | for (Supported = AllocatedLanguages; *Supported != '\0'; ) {
91 | //
92 | // Cache a pointer to the beginning of the current language in the list of languages
93 | //
94 | Language = Supported;
95 |
96 | //
97 | // Search for the next language separator and replace it with a Null-terminator
98 | //
99 | for (; *Supported != 0 && *Supported != ';'; Supported++);
100 | if (*Supported != 0) {
101 | *(Supported++) = '\0';
102 | }
103 |
104 | if ((SupportedLanguages == NULL) && AsciiStrnCmp (Language, UEFI_CONFIG_LANG, AsciiStrLen (UEFI_CONFIG_LANG)) == 0) {
105 | //
106 | // Skip string package used for keyword protocol.
107 | //
108 | continue;
109 | }
110 |
111 | //
112 | // If StringId is 0, then call NewString(). Otherwise, call SetString()
113 | //
114 | if (StringId == (EFI_STRING_ID)(0)) {
115 | Status = gHiiString->NewString (gHiiString, HiiHandle, &StringId, Language, NULL, String, NULL);
116 | } else {
117 | Status = gHiiString->SetString (gHiiString, HiiHandle, StringId, Language, String, NULL);
118 | }
119 |
120 | //
121 | // If there was an error, then break out of the loop and return a StringId of 0
122 | //
123 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
124 | break;
125 | }
126 | }
127 |
128 | //
129 | // Free the buffer of supported languages
130 | //
131 | FreePool (AllocatedLanguages);
132 |
133 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
134 | return (EFI_STRING_ID)(0);
135 | } else {
136 | return StringId;
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 |
141 | /**
142 | Retrieves a string from a string package names by GUID in a specific language.
143 | If the language is not specified, then a string from a string package in the
144 | current platform language is retrieved. If the string can not be retrieved
145 | using the specified language or the current platform language, then the string
146 | is retrieved from the string package in the first language the string package
147 | supports. The returned string is allocated using AllocatePool(). The caller
148 | is responsible for freeing the allocated buffer using FreePool().
149 |
150 | If PackageListGuid is NULL, then ASSERT().
151 | If StringId is 0, then ASSERT.
152 |
153 | @param[in] PackageListGuid The GUID of a package list that was previously
154 | registered in the HII Database.
155 | @param[in] StringId The identifier of the string to retrieved from the
156 | string package associated with PackageListGuid.
157 | @param[in] Language The language of the string to retrieve. If this
158 | parameter is NULL, then the current platform
159 | language is used. The format of Language must
160 | follow the language format assumed the HII Database.
161 |
162 | @retval NULL The package list specified by PackageListGuid is not present in the
163 | HII Database.
164 | @retval NULL The string specified by StringId is not present in the string package.
165 | @retval Other The string was returned.
166 |
167 | **/
169 | EFIAPI
170 | HiiGetPackageString (
171 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *PackageListGuid,
172 | IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId,
174 | )
175 | {
176 | EFI_HII_HANDLE *HiiHandleBuffer;
177 | EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle;
178 |
179 | ASSERT (PackageListGuid != NULL);
180 |
181 | HiiHandleBuffer = HiiGetHiiHandles (PackageListGuid);
182 | if (HiiHandleBuffer == NULL) {
183 | return NULL;
184 | }
185 |
186 | HiiHandle = HiiHandleBuffer[0];
187 | FreePool (HiiHandleBuffer);
188 |
189 | return HiiGetString (HiiHandle, StringId, Language);
190 | }
191 |
192 | /**
193 | Retrieves a string from a string package in a specific language. If the language
194 | is not specified, then a string from a string package in the current platform
195 | language is retrieved. If the string can not be retrieved using the specified
196 | language or the current platform language, then the string is retrieved from
197 | the string package in the first language the string package supports. The
198 | returned string is allocated using AllocatePool(). The caller is responsible
199 | for freeing the allocated buffer using FreePool().
200 |
201 | If HiiHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
202 | If StringId is 0, then ASSET.
203 |
204 | @param[in] HiiHandle A handle that was previously registered in the HII Database.
205 | @param[in] StringId The identifier of the string to retrieved from the string
206 | package associated with HiiHandle.
207 | @param[in] Language The language of the string to retrieve. If this parameter
208 | is NULL, then the current platform language is used. The
209 | format of Language must follow the language format assumed
210 | the HII Database.
211 |
212 | @retval NULL The string specified by StringId is not present in the string package.
213 | @retval Other The string was returned.
214 |
215 | **/
217 | EFIAPI
218 | HiiGetString (
219 | IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle,
220 | IN EFI_STRING_ID StringId,
222 | )
223 | {
224 | EFI_STATUS Status;
225 | UINTN StringSize;
226 | CHAR16 TempString;
227 | EFI_STRING String;
228 | CHAR8 *SupportedLanguages;
229 | CHAR8 *PlatformLanguage;
230 | CHAR8 *BestLanguage;
231 |
232 | ASSERT (HiiHandle != NULL);
233 | ASSERT (StringId != 0);
234 |
235 | //
236 | // Initialize all allocated buffers to NULL
237 | //
238 | SupportedLanguages = NULL;
239 | PlatformLanguage = NULL;
240 | BestLanguage = NULL;
241 | String = NULL;
242 |
243 | //
244 | // Get the languages that the package specified by HiiHandle supports
245 | //
246 | SupportedLanguages = HiiGetSupportedLanguages (HiiHandle);
247 | if (SupportedLanguages == NULL) {
248 | goto Error;
249 | }
250 |
251 | //
252 | // Get the current platform language setting
253 | //
254 | GetEfiGlobalVariable2 (L"PlatformLang", (VOID**)&PlatformLanguage, NULL);
255 |
256 | //
257 | // If Languag is NULL, then set it to an empty string, so it will be
258 | // skipped by GetBestLanguage()
259 | //
260 | if (Language == NULL) {
261 | Language = "";
262 | }
263 |
264 | //
265 | // Get the best matching language from SupportedLanguages
266 | //
267 | BestLanguage = GetBestLanguage (
268 | SupportedLanguages,
269 | FALSE, // RFC 4646 mode
270 | Language, // Highest priority
271 | PlatformLanguage != NULL ? PlatformLanguage : "", // Next highest priority
272 | SupportedLanguages, // Lowest priority
273 | NULL
274 | );
275 | if (BestLanguage == NULL) {
276 | goto Error;
277 | }
278 |
279 | //
280 | // Retrieve the size of the string in the string package for the BestLanguage
281 | //
282 | StringSize = 0;
283 | Status = gHiiString->GetString (
284 | gHiiString,
285 | BestLanguage,
286 | HiiHandle,
287 | StringId,
288 | &TempString,
289 | &StringSize,
290 | NULL
291 | );
292 | //
293 | // If GetString() returns EFI_SUCCESS for a zero size,
294 | // then there are no supported languages registered for HiiHandle. If GetString()
295 | // returns an error other than EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, then HiiHandle is not present
296 | // in the HII Database
297 | //
298 | if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
299 | goto Error;
300 | }
301 |
302 | //
303 | // Allocate a buffer for the return string
304 | //
305 | String = AllocateZeroPool (StringSize);
306 | if (String == NULL) {
307 | goto Error;
308 | }
309 |
310 | //
311 | // Retrieve the string from the string package
312 | //
313 | Status = gHiiString->GetString (
314 | gHiiString,
315 | BestLanguage,
316 | HiiHandle,
317 | StringId,
318 | String,
319 | &StringSize,
320 | NULL
321 | );
322 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
323 | //
324 | // Free the buffer and return NULL if the supported languages can not be retrieved.
325 | //
326 | FreePool (String);
327 | String = NULL;
328 | }
329 |
330 | Error:
331 | //
332 | // Free allocated buffers
333 | //
334 | if (SupportedLanguages != NULL) {
335 | FreePool (SupportedLanguages);
336 | }
337 | if (PlatformLanguage != NULL) {
338 | FreePool (PlatformLanguage);
339 | }
340 | if (BestLanguage != NULL) {
341 | FreePool (BestLanguage);
342 | }
343 |
344 | //
345 | // Return the Null-terminated Unicode string
346 | //
347 | return String;
348 | }
349 |