1 | /** @file
2 | Produces the Metronome Architectural Protocol on top of Timer Library.
3 |
4 | This is a generic implementation of the Metronome Architectural Protocol that
5 | layers on top of an instance of the Timer Library. The Timer Library provides
6 | functions for nanosecond and microsecond delays. This generic implementation
7 | produces a fixed TickPeriod of 1 100ns unit, and when the WaitForTick() service
8 | is called, the number of ticks passed in is converted to either nanosecond or
9 | microsecond units. If the number of ticks is small, then nanoseconds are used.
10 | If the number of ticks is large, then microseconds are used. This prevents
11 | overflows that could occur for long delays if only nanoseconds were used and also
12 | provides the greatest accuracy for small delays.
13 |
14 | Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
15 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
16 |
17 | **/
18 |
19 | #include "Metronome.h"
20 |
21 | //
22 | // Handle for the Metronome Architectural Protocol instance produced by this driver
23 | //
24 | EFI_HANDLE mMetronomeHandle = NULL;
25 |
26 | //
27 | // The Metronome Architectural Protocol instance produced by this driver
28 | //
30 | WaitForTick,
31 | 1 // TickPeriod = 1*100 ns units
32 | };
33 |
34 | /**
35 | Waits for the specified number of ticks.
36 |
37 | This function implements EFI_METRONOME_ARCH_PROTOCOL.WaitForTick().
38 | The WaitForTick() function waits for the number of ticks specified by
39 | TickNumber from a known time source in the platform. If TickNumber of
40 | ticks are detected, then EFI_SUCCESS is returned. The actual time passed
41 | between entry of this function and the first tick is between 0 and
42 | TickPeriod 100 nS units. If you want to guarantee that at least TickPeriod
43 | time has elapsed, wait for two ticks. This function waits for a hardware
44 | event to determine when a tick occurs. It is possible for interrupt
45 | processing, or exception processing to interrupt the execution of the
46 | WaitForTick() function. Depending on the hardware source for the ticks, it
47 | is possible for a tick to be missed. This function cannot guarantee that
48 | ticks will not be missed. If a timeout occurs waiting for the specified
49 | number of ticks, then EFI_TIMEOUT is returned.
50 |
51 | @param This The EFI_METRONOME_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
52 | @param TickNumber Number of ticks to wait.
53 |
54 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The wait for the number of ticks specified by TickNumber
55 | succeeded.
56 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred waiting for the specified number of ticks.
57 |
58 | **/
61 | WaitForTick (
63 | IN UINT32 TickNumber
64 | )
65 | {
66 | //
67 | // Check the value of TickNumber, so a 32-bit overflow can be avoided
68 | // when TickNumber of converted to nanosecond units
69 | //
70 | if (TickNumber < 10000000) {
71 | //
72 | // If TickNumber is small, then use NanoSecondDelay()
73 | //
74 | NanoSecondDelay (TickNumber * 100);
75 | } else {
76 | //
77 | // If TickNumber is large, then use MicroSecondDelay()
78 | //
79 | MicroSecondDelay (TickNumber / 10);
80 | }
81 |
82 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
83 | }
84 |
85 | /**
86 | The user Entry Point for module Metronome. The user code starts with this function.
87 |
88 | @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
89 | @param[in] SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table.
90 |
91 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point is executed successfully.
92 | @retval other Some error occurs when executing this entry point.
93 |
94 | **/
97 | InstallMetronome (
98 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
99 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
100 | )
101 | {
102 | EFI_STATUS Status;
103 |
104 | //
105 | // Make sure the Metronome Architectural Protocol is not already installed in the system
106 | //
107 | ASSERT_PROTOCOL_ALREADY_INSTALLED (NULL, &gEfiMetronomeArchProtocolGuid);
108 |
109 | //
110 | // Install on a new handle
111 | //
112 | Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
113 | &mMetronomeHandle,
114 | &gEfiMetronomeArchProtocolGuid,
115 | &mMetronome,
116 | NULL
117 | );
118 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
119 |
120 | return Status;
121 | }