1 | /** @file
2 | Library class definition of Extended SAL Library.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | This program and the accompanying materials
6 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
9 |
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | #ifndef _EXTENDED_SAL_LIB_H__
16 | #define _EXTENDED_SAL_LIB_H__
17 |
18 | #include <IndustryStandard/Sal.h>
19 |
20 | /**
21 | Register ESAL Class and its associated global.
22 |
23 | This function Registers one or more Extended SAL services in a given
24 | class along with the associated global context.
25 | This function is only available prior to ExitBootServices().
26 |
27 | @param ClassGuidLo GUID of function class, lower 64-bits
28 | @param ClassGuidHi GUID of function class, upper 64-bits
29 | @param ModuleGlobal Module global for Function.
30 | @param ... List of Function/FunctionId pairs, ended by NULL
31 |
32 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Extended SAL services were registered.
33 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This function was called after ExitBootServices().
34 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to register one or more of the specified services.
35 | @retval Other ClassGuid could not be installed onto a new handle.
36 |
37 | **/
40 | RegisterEsalClass (
41 | IN CONST UINT64 ClassGuidLo,
42 | IN CONST UINT64 ClassGuidHi,
43 | IN VOID *ModuleGlobal, OPTIONAL
44 | ...
45 | );
46 |
47 | /**
48 | Calls an Extended SAL Class service that was previously registered with RegisterEsalClass().
49 |
50 | This function calls an Extended SAL Class service that was previously registered with RegisterEsalClass().
51 |
52 | @param ClassGuidLo GUID of function, lower 64-bits
53 | @param ClassGuidHi GUID of function, upper 64-bits
54 | @param FunctionId Function in ClassGuid to call
55 | @param Arg2 Argument 2 ClassGuid/FunctionId defined
56 | @param Arg3 Argument 3 ClassGuid/FunctionId defined
57 | @param Arg4 Argument 4 ClassGuid/FunctionId defined
58 | @param Arg5 Argument 5 ClassGuid/FunctionId defined
59 | @param Arg6 Argument 6 ClassGuid/FunctionId defined
60 | @param Arg7 Argument 7 ClassGuid/FunctionId defined
61 | @param Arg8 Argument 8 ClassGuid/FunctionId defined
62 |
63 | @retval EFI_SAL_ERROR The address of ExtendedSalProc() can not be determined
64 | for the current CPU execution mode.
65 | @retval Other See the return status from ExtendedSalProc() in the
67 |
68 | **/
71 | EsalCall (
72 | IN UINT64 ClassGuidLo,
73 | IN UINT64 ClassGuidHi,
74 | IN UINT64 FunctionId,
75 | IN UINT64 Arg2,
76 | IN UINT64 Arg3,
77 | IN UINT64 Arg4,
78 | IN UINT64 Arg5,
79 | IN UINT64 Arg6,
80 | IN UINT64 Arg7,
81 | IN UINT64 Arg8
82 | );
83 |
84 | /**
85 | Wrapper for the EsalStallFunctionId service of Extended SAL Stall Services Class.
86 |
87 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalStallFunctionId service of Extended SAL
88 | Stall Services Class. See EsalStallFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
89 |
90 | @param Microseconds The number of microseconds to delay.
91 |
92 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS Call completed without error.
93 | @retval EFI_SAL_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument.
94 | @retval EFI_SAL_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_ERROR Virtual address not registered
95 |
96 | **/
99 | EsalStall (
100 | IN UINTN Microseconds
101 | );
102 |
103 | /**
104 | Wrapper for the EsalSetNewPalEntryFunctionId service of Extended SAL PAL Services Services Class.
105 |
106 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalSetNewPalEntryFunctionId service of Extended SAL
107 | PAL Services Services Class. See EsalSetNewPalEntryFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
108 |
109 | @param PhysicalAddress If TRUE, then PalEntryPoint is a physical address.
110 | If FALSE, then PalEntryPoint is a virtual address.
111 | @param PalEntryPoint The PAL Entry Point being set.
112 |
113 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The PAL Entry Point was set.
114 | @retval EFI_SAL_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_ERROR This function was called in virtual mode before
115 | virtual mappings for the specified Extended SAL
116 | Procedure are available.
117 |
118 | **/
120 | EFIAPI
121 | EsalSetNewPalEntry (
122 | IN BOOLEAN PhysicalAddress,
123 | IN UINT64 PalEntryPoint
124 | );
125 |
126 | /**
127 | Wrapper for the EsalGetNewPalEntryFunctionId service of Extended SAL PAL Services Services Class.
128 |
129 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalGetNewPalEntryFunctionId service of Extended SAL
130 | PAL Services Services Class. See EsalGetNewPalEntryFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
131 |
132 | @param PhysicalAddress If TRUE, then PalEntryPoint is a physical address.
133 | If FALSE, then PalEntryPoint is a virtual address.
134 |
135 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The PAL Entry Point was retrieved and returned in
137 | @retval EFI_SAL_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_ERROR This function was called in virtual mode before
138 | virtual mappings for the specified Extended SAL
139 | Procedure are available.
140 | @return r9 PAL entry point retrieved.
141 |
142 | **/
144 | EFIAPI
145 | EsalGetNewPalEntry (
146 | IN BOOLEAN PhysicalAddress
147 | );
148 |
149 | /**
150 | Wrapper for the EsalGetStateBufferFunctionId service of Extended SAL MCA Log Services Class.
151 |
152 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalGetStateBufferFunctionId service of Extended SAL
153 | MCA Log Services Class. See EsalGetStateBufferFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
154 |
155 | @param McaType See type parameter of SAL Procedure SAL_GET_STATE_INFO.
156 | @param McaBuffer A pointer to the base address of the returned buffer.
157 | Copied from SAL_RETURN_REGS.r9.
158 | @param BufferSize A pointer to the size, in bytes, of the returned buffer.
159 | Copied from SAL_RETURN_REGS.r10.
160 |
161 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The memory buffer to store error records was returned in r9 and r10.
162 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A memory buffer for string error records in not available
163 | @return r9 Base address of the returned buffer
164 | @return r10 Size of the returned buffer in bytes
165 |
166 | **/
168 | EFIAPI
169 | EsalGetStateBuffer (
170 | IN UINT64 McaType,
171 | OUT UINT8 **McaBuffer,
172 | OUT UINTN *BufferSize
173 | );
174 |
175 | /**
176 | Wrapper for the EsalSaveStateBufferFunctionId service of Extended SAL MCA Log Services Class.
177 |
178 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalSaveStateBufferFunctionId service of Extended SAL
179 | MCA Log Services Class. See EsalSaveStateBufferFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
180 |
181 | @param McaType See type parameter of SAL Procedure SAL_GET_STATE_INFO.
182 |
183 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The memory buffer containing the error record was written to nonvolatile storage.
184 |
185 | **/
187 | EFIAPI
188 | EsalSaveStateBuffer (
189 | IN UINT64 McaType
190 | );
191 |
192 | /**
193 | Wrapper for the EsalGetVectorsFunctionId service of Extended SAL Base Services Class.
194 |
195 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalGetVectorsFunctionId service of Extended SAL
196 | Base Services Class. See EsalGetVectorsFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
197 |
198 | @param VectorType The vector type to retrieve.
199 | 0 - MCA, 1 - BSP INIT, 2 - BOOT_RENDEZ, 3 - AP INIT.
200 |
201 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS Call completed without error.
202 | @retval EFI_SAL_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument.
203 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The requested vector has not been registered
204 | with the SAL Procedure SAL_SET_VECTORS.
205 |
206 | **/
208 | EFIAPI
209 | EsalGetVectors (
210 | IN UINT64 VectorType
211 | );
212 |
213 | /**
214 | Wrapper for the EsalMcGetParamsFunctionId service of Extended SAL Base Services Class.
215 |
216 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalMcGetParamsFunctionId service of Extended SAL
217 | Base Services Class. See EsalMcGetParamsFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
218 |
219 | @param ParamInfoType The parameter type to retrieve.
220 | 1 - rendezvous interrupt
221 | 2 - wake up
222 | 3 - Corrected Platform Error Vector.
223 |
224 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS Call completed without error.
225 | @retval EFI_SAL_INVALID_ARGUMENT Invalid argument.
226 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The requested vector has not been registered
227 | with the SAL Procedure SAL_MC_SET_PARAMS.
228 |
229 | **/
231 | EFIAPI
232 | EsalMcGetParams (
233 | IN UINT64 ParamInfoType
234 | );
235 |
236 | /**
237 | Wrapper for the EsalMcGetParamsFunctionId service of Extended SAL Base Services Class.
238 |
239 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalMcGetParamsFunctionId service of Extended SAL
240 | Base Services Class. See EsalMcGetParamsFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
241 |
242 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS Call completed without error.
243 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The requested vector has not been registered
244 | with the SAL Procedure SAL_MC_SET_PARAMS.
245 |
246 | **/
248 | EFIAPI
249 | EsalMcGetMcParams (
250 | VOID
251 | );
252 |
253 | /**
254 | Wrapper for the EsalGetMcCheckinFlagsFunctionId service of Extended SAL Base Services Class.
255 |
256 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalGetMcCheckinFlagsFunctionId service of Extended SAL
257 | Base Services Class. See EsalGetMcCheckinFlagsFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
258 |
259 | @param CpuIndex The index of the CPU of set of enabled CPUs to check.
260 |
261 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The checkin status of the requested CPU was returned.
262 |
263 | **/
265 | EFIAPI
266 | EsalGetMcCheckinFlags (
267 | IN UINT64 CpuIndex
268 | );
269 |
270 | /**
271 | Wrapper for the EsalAddCpuDataFunctionId service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
272 |
273 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalAddCpuDataFunctionId service of Extended SAL
274 | MP Services Class. See EsalAddCpuDataFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
275 |
276 | @param CpuGlobalId The Global ID for the CPU being added.
277 | @param Enabled The enable flag for the CPU being added.
278 | TRUE means the CPU is enabled.
279 | FALSE means the CPU is disabled.
280 | @param PalCompatibility The PAL Compatibility value for the CPU being added.
281 |
282 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The CPU was added to the database.
283 | @retval EFI_SAL_NOT_ENOUGH_SCRATCH There are not enough resource available to add the CPU.
284 |
285 | **/
287 | EFIAPI
288 | EsalAddCpuData (
289 | IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId,
290 | IN BOOLEAN Enabled,
291 | IN UINT64 PalCompatibility
292 | );
293 |
294 | /**
295 | Wrapper for the EsalRemoveCpuDataFunctionId service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
296 |
297 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalRemoveCpuDataFunctionId service of Extended SAL
298 | MP Services Class. See EsalRemoveCpuDataFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
299 |
300 | @param CpuGlobalId The Global ID for the CPU being removed.
301 |
302 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The CPU was removed from the database.
303 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The specified CPU is not in the database.
304 |
305 | **/
307 | EFIAPI
308 | EsalRemoveCpuData (
309 | IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId
310 | );
311 |
312 | /**
313 | Wrapper for the EsalModifyCpuDataFunctionId service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
314 |
315 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalModifyCpuDataFunctionId service of Extended SAL
316 | MP Services Class. See EsalModifyCpuDataFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
317 |
318 | @param CpuGlobalId The Global ID for the CPU being modified.
319 | @param Enabled The enable flag for the CPU being modified.
320 | TRUE means the CPU is enabled.
321 | FALSE means the CPU is disabled.
322 | @param PalCompatibility The PAL Compatibility value for the CPU being modified.
323 |
324 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The CPU database was updated.
325 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The specified CPU is not in the database.
326 |
327 | **/
329 | EFIAPI
330 | EsalModifyCpuData (
331 | IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId,
332 | IN BOOLEAN Enabled,
333 | IN UINT64 PalCompatibility
334 | );
335 |
336 | /**
337 | Wrapper for the EsalGetCpuDataByIdFunctionId service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
338 |
339 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalGetCpuDataByIdFunctionId service of Extended SAL
340 | MP Services Class. See EsalGetCpuDataByIdFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
341 |
342 | @param CpuGlobalId The Global ID for the CPU being looked up.
343 | @param IndexByEnabledCpu If TRUE, then the index of set of enabled CPUs of database is returned.
344 | If FALSE, then the index of set of all CPUs of database is returned.
345 |
346 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The information on the specified CPU was returned.
347 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The specified CPU is not in the database.
348 |
349 | **/
351 | EFIAPI
352 | EsalGetCpuDataById (
353 | IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId,
354 | IN BOOLEAN IndexByEnabledCpu
355 | );
356 |
357 | /**
358 | Wrapper for the EsalGetCpuDataByIndexFunctionId service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
359 |
360 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalGetCpuDataByIndexFunctionId service of Extended SAL
361 | MP Services Class. See EsalGetCpuDataByIndexFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
362 |
363 | @param Index The Global ID for the CPU being modified.
364 | @param IndexByEnabledCpu If TRUE, then the index of set of enabled CPUs of database is returned.
365 | If FALSE, then the index of set of all CPUs of database is returned.
366 |
367 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The information on the specified CPU was returned.
368 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The specified CPU is not in the database.
369 |
370 | **/
372 | EFIAPI
373 | EsalGetCpuDataByIndex (
374 | IN UINT64 Index,
375 | IN BOOLEAN IndexByEnabledCpu
376 | );
377 |
378 | /**
379 | Wrapper for the EsalWhoAmIFunctionId service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
380 |
381 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalWhoAmIFunctionId service of Extended SAL
382 | MP Services Class. See EsalWhoAmIFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
383 |
384 | @param IndexByEnabledCpu If TRUE, then the index of set of enabled CPUs of database is returned.
385 | If FALSE, then the index of set of all CPUs of database is returned.
386 |
387 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The Global ID for the calling CPU was returned.
388 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The calling CPU is not in the database.
389 |
390 | **/
392 | EFIAPI
393 | EsalWhoAmI (
394 | IN BOOLEAN IndexByEnabledCpu
395 | );
396 |
397 | /**
398 | Wrapper for the EsalNumProcessors service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
399 |
400 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalNumProcessors service of Extended SAL
401 | MP Services Class. See EsalNumProcessors of Extended SAL Specification.
402 |
403 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The information on the number of CPUs in the platform
404 | was returned.
405 |
406 | **/
408 | EFIAPI
409 | EsalNumProcessors (
410 | VOID
411 | );
412 |
413 | /**
414 | Wrapper for the EsalSetMinStateFnctionId service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
415 |
416 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalSetMinStateFnctionId service of Extended SAL
417 | MP Services Class. See EsalSetMinStateFnctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
418 |
419 | @param CpuGlobalId The Global ID for the CPU whose MINSTATE pointer is being set.
420 | @param MinStatePointer The physical address of the MINSTATE buffer for the CPU
421 | specified by CpuGlobalId.
422 |
423 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The MINSTATE pointer was set for the specified CPU.
424 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The specified CPU is not in the database.
425 |
426 | **/
428 | EFIAPI
429 | EsalSetMinState (
430 | IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId,
432 | );
433 |
434 | /**
435 | Wrapper for the EsalGetMinStateFunctionId service of Extended SAL MP Services Class.
436 |
437 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalGetMinStateFunctionId service of Extended SAL
438 | MP Services Class. See EsalGetMinStateFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
439 |
440 | @param CpuGlobalId The Global ID for the CPU whose MINSTATE pointer is being retrieved.
441 |
442 | @retval EFI_SAL_SUCCESS The MINSTATE pointer for the specified CPU was retrieved.
443 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION The specified CPU is not in the database.
444 |
445 | **/
447 | EFIAPI
448 | EsalGetMinState (
449 | IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId
450 | );
451 |
452 | /**
453 | Wrapper for the EsalMcsGetStateInfoFunctionId service of Extended SAL MCA Services Class.
454 |
455 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalMcsGetStateInfoFunctionId service of Extended SAL
456 | MCA Services Class. See EsalMcsGetStateInfoFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
457 |
458 | @param CpuGlobalId The Global ID for the CPU whose MCA state buffer is being retrieved.
459 | @param StateBufferPointer A pointer to the returned MCA state buffer.
460 | @param RequiredStateBufferSize A pointer to the size, in bytes, of the returned MCA state buffer.
461 |
462 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS MINSTATE successfully got and size calculated.
463 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION Fail to get MINSTATE.
464 |
465 | **/
467 | EFIAPI
468 | EsalMcaGetStateInfo (
469 | IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId,
470 | OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *StateBufferPointer,
471 | OUT UINT64 *RequiredStateBufferSize
472 | );
473 |
474 | /**
475 | Wrapper for the EsalMcaRegisterCpuFunctionId service of Extended SAL MCA Services Class.
476 |
477 | This function is a wrapper for the EsalMcaRegisterCpuFunctionId service of Extended SAL
478 | MCA Services Class. See EsalMcaRegisterCpuFunctionId of Extended SAL Specification.
479 |
480 | @param CpuGlobalId The Global ID for the CPU whose MCA state buffer is being set.
481 | @param StateBufferPointer A pointer to the MCA state buffer.
482 |
483 | @retval EFI_SAL_NO_INFORMATION Cannot get the processor info with the CpuId
484 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Save the processor's state info successfully
485 |
486 | **/
488 | EFIAPI
489 | EsalMcaRegisterCpu (
490 | IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId,
491 | IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS StateBufferPointer
492 | );
493 |
494 | #endif