1 | /** @file
2 | Provides services to enable and disable periodic SMI handlers.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #ifndef __PERIODIC_SMI_LIB_H__
10 | #define __PERIODIC_SMI_LIB_H__
11 |
12 | #define PERIODIC_SMI_LIBRARY_ANY_CPU 0xffffffff
13 |
14 | /**
15 | This function returns a pointer to a table of supported periodic
16 | SMI tick periods in 100 ns units sorted from largest to smallest.
17 | The table contains a array of UINT64 values terminated by a tick
18 | period value of 0. The returned table must be treated as read-only
19 | data and must not be freed.
20 |
21 | @return A pointer to a table of UINT64 tick period values in
22 | 100ns units sorted from largest to smallest terminated
23 | by a tick period of 0.
24 |
25 | **/
26 | UINT64 *
28 | PeriodicSmiSupportedTickPeriod (
29 | VOID
30 | );
31 |
32 | /**
33 | This function returns the time in 100ns units since the periodic SMI
34 | handler function was called. If the periodic SMI handler was resumed
35 | through PeriodicSmiYield(), then the time returned is the time in
36 | 100ns units since PeriodicSmiYield() returned.
37 |
38 | @return The actual time in 100ns units that the periodic SMI handler
39 | has been executing. If this function is not called from within
40 | an enabled periodic SMI handler, then 0 is returned.
41 |
42 | **/
43 | UINT64
45 | PeriodicSmiExecutionTime (
46 | VOID
47 | );
48 |
49 | /**
50 | This function returns control back to the SMM Foundation. When the next
51 | periodic SMI for the currently executing handler is triggered, the periodic
52 | SMI handler will restarted from its registered DispatchFunction entry point.
53 | If this function is not called from within an enabled periodic SMI handler,
54 | then control is returned to the calling function.
55 |
56 | **/
57 | VOID
59 | PeriodicSmiExit (
60 | VOID
61 | );
62 |
63 | /**
64 | This function yields control back to the SMM Foundation. When the next
65 | periodic SMI for the currently executing handler is triggered, the periodic
66 | SMI handler will be resumed and this function will return. Use of this
67 | function requires a separate stack for the periodic SMI handler. A non zero
68 | stack size must be specified in PeriodicSmiEnable() for this function to be
69 | used.
70 |
71 | If the stack size passed into PeriodicSmiEnable() was zero, the 0 is returned.
72 |
73 | If this function is not called from within an enabled periodic SMI handler,
74 | then 0 is returned.
75 |
76 | @return The actual time in 100ns units elapsed since this function was
77 | called. A value of 0 indicates an unknown amount of time.
78 |
79 | **/
80 | UINT64
82 | PeriodicSmiYield (
83 | VOID
84 | );
85 |
86 | /**
87 | This function is a prototype for a periodic SMI handler function
88 | that may be enabled with PeriodicSmiEnable() and disabled with
89 | PeriodicSmiDisable().
90 |
91 | @param[in] Context Content registered with PeriodicSmiEnable().
92 | @param[in] ElapsedTime The actual time in 100ns units elapsed since
93 | this function was called. A value of 0 indicates
94 | an unknown amount of time.
95 |
96 | **/
97 | typedef
98 | VOID
101 | IN UINT64 ElapsedTime
102 | );
103 |
104 | /**
105 | This function enables a periodic SMI handler.
106 |
107 | @param[in, out] DispatchHandle A pointer to the handle associated with the
108 | enabled periodic SMI handler. This is an
109 | optional parameter that may be NULL. If it is
110 | NULL, then the handle will not be returned,
111 | which means that the periodic SMI handler can
112 | never be disabled.
113 | @param[in] DispatchFunction A pointer to a periodic SMI handler function.
114 | @param[in] Context Optional content to pass into DispatchFunction.
115 | @param[in] TickPeriod The requested tick period in 100ns units that
116 | control should be given to the periodic SMI
117 | handler. Must be one of the supported values
118 | returned by PeriodicSmiSupportedPickPeriod().
119 | @param[in] Cpu Specifies the CPU that is required to execute
120 | the periodic SMI handler. If Cpu is
121 | PERIODIC_SMI_LIBRARY_ANY_CPU, then the periodic
122 | SMI handler will always be executed on the SMST
123 | CurrentlyExecutingCpu, which may vary across
124 | periodic SMIs. If Cpu is between 0 and the SMST
125 | NumberOfCpus, then the periodic SMI will always
126 | be executed on the requested CPU.
127 | @param[in] StackSize The size, in bytes, of the stack to allocate for
128 | use by the periodic SMI handler. If 0, then the
129 | default stack will be used.
130 |
131 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER DispatchFunction is NULL.
132 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED TickPeriod is not a supported tick period. The
133 | supported tick periods can be retrieved using
134 | PeriodicSmiSupportedTickPeriod().
136 | the range 0 to SMST NumberOfCpus.
137 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to enable the
138 | periodic SMI handler.
139 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to allocate the
140 | stack specified by StackSize.
141 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The periodic SMI handler was enabled.
142 |
143 | **/
145 | EFIAPI
146 | PeriodicSmiEnable (
147 | IN OUT EFI_HANDLE *DispatchHandle, OPTIONAL
150 | IN UINT64 TickPeriod,
151 | IN UINTN Cpu,
152 | IN UINTN StackSize
153 | );
154 |
155 | /**
156 | This function disables a periodic SMI handler that has been previously
157 | enabled with PeriodicSmiEnable().
158 |
159 | @param[in] DispatchHandle A handle associated with a previously enabled periodic
160 | SMI handler. This is an optional parameter that may
161 | be NULL. If it is NULL, then the active periodic SMI
162 | handlers is disabled.
163 |
164 | @retval FALSE DispatchHandle is NULL and there is no active periodic SMI handler.
165 | @retval FALSE The periodic SMI handler specified by DispatchHandle has
166 | not been enabled with PeriodicSmiEnable().
167 | @retval TRUE The periodic SMI handler specified by DispatchHandle has
168 | been disabled. If DispatchHandle is NULL, then the active
169 | periodic SMI handler has been disabled.
170 |
171 | **/
173 | EFIAPI
174 | PeriodicSmiDisable (
175 | IN EFI_HANDLE DispatchHandle OPTIONAL
176 | );
177 |
178 | #endif