1 | /** @file
2 | EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_PROTOCOL as defined in UEFI 2.5.
3 | The EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_PROTOCOL is used to verify data signed using PKCS#7
4 | formatted authentication. The PKCS#7 data to be verified must be binary
5 | DER encoded.
6 | PKCS#7 is a general-purpose cryptographic standard (defined by RFC2315,
7 | available at http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2315).
8 |
9 | Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
10 | This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
11 | the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
12 | The full text of the license may be found at
13 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
14 |
17 |
18 | **/
19 |
20 | #ifndef __EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_PROTOCOL_H__
21 | #define __EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_PROTOCOL_H__
22 |
23 | #include <Guid/ImageAuthentication.h>
24 |
25 | ///
26 | /// Global ID for the PKCS7 Verification Protocol
27 | ///
29 | { \
30 | 0x47889fb2, 0xd671, 0x4fab, {0xa0, 0xca, 0xdf, 0x0e, 0x44, 0xdf, 0x70, 0xd6 } \
31 | }
32 |
34 |
35 |
36 | /**
37 | Processes a buffer containing binary DER-encoded PKCS7 signature.
38 | The signed data content may be embedded within the buffer or separated. Funtion
39 | verifies the signature of the content is valid and signing certificate was not
40 | revoked and is contained within a list of trusted signers.
41 |
42 | @param[in] This Pointer to EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_PROTOCOL instance.
43 | @param[in] SignedData Points to buffer containing ASN.1 DER-encoded PKCS7
44 | signature.
45 | @param[in] SignedDataSize The size of SignedData buffer in bytes.
46 | @param[in] InData In case of detached signature, InData points to
47 | buffer containing the raw message data previously
48 | signed and to be verified by function. In case of
49 | SignedData containing embedded data, InData must be
50 | NULL.
51 | @param[in] InDataSize When InData is used, the size of InData buffer in
52 | bytes. When InData is NULL. This parameter must be
53 | 0.
54 | @param[in] AllowedDb Pointer to a list of pointers to EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST
55 | structures. The list is terminated by a null
56 | pointer. The EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST structures contain
57 | lists of X.509 certificates of approved signers.
58 | Function recognizes signer certificates of type
59 | EFI_CERT_X509_GUID. Any hash certificate in AllowedDb
60 | list is ignored by this function. Function returns
61 | success if signer of the buffer is within this list
62 | (and not within RevokedDb). This parameter is
63 | required.
64 | @param[in] RevokedDb Optional pointer to a list of pointers to
65 | EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST structures. The list is terminated
66 | by a null pointer. List of X.509 certificates of
67 | revoked signers and revoked file hashes. Except as
68 | noted in description of TimeStampDb signature
69 | verification will always fail if the signer of the
70 | file or the hash of the data component of the buffer
71 | is in RevokedDb list. This list is optional and
72 | caller may pass Null or pointer to NULL if not
73 | required.
74 | @param[in] TimeStampDb Optional pointer to a list of pointers to
75 | EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST structures. The list is terminated
76 | by a null pointer. This parameter can be used to pass
77 | a list of X.509 certificates of trusted time stamp
78 | signers. This list is optional and caller must pass
79 | Null or pointer to NULL if not required.
80 | @param[out] Content On input, points to an optional caller-allocated
81 | buffer into which the function will copy the content
82 | portion of the file after verification succeeds.
83 | This parameter is optional and if NULL, no copy of
84 | content from file is performed.
85 | @param[in,out] ContentSize On input, points to the size in bytes of the optional
86 | buffer Content previously allocated by caller. On
87 | output, if the verification succeeds, the value
88 | referenced by ContentSize will contain the actual
89 | size of the content from signed file. If ContentSize
90 | indicates the caller-allocated buffer is too small
91 | to contain content, an error is returned, and
92 | ContentSize will be updated with the required size.
93 | This parameter must be 0 if Content is Null.
94 |
95 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Content signature was verified against hash of
96 | content, the signer's certificate was not found in
97 | RevokedDb, and was found in AllowedDb or if in signer
98 | is found in both AllowedDb and RevokedDb, the
99 | signing was allowed by reference to TimeStampDb as
100 | described above, and no hash matching content hash
101 | was found in RevokedDb.
102 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The SignedData buffer was correctly formatted but
103 | signer was in RevokedDb or not in AllowedDb. Also
104 | returned if matching content hash found in RevokedDb.
105 | @retval EFI_COMPROMISED_DATA Calculated hash differs from signed hash.
106 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER SignedData is NULL or SignedDataSize is zero.
107 | AllowedDb is NULL.
108 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Content is not NULL and ContentSize is NULL.
109 | @retval EFI_ABORTED Unsupported or invalid format in TimeStampDb,
110 | RevokedDb or AllowedDb list contents was detected.
111 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Content not found because InData is NULL and no
112 | content embedded in SignedData.
113 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The SignedData buffer was not correctly formatted
114 | for processing by the function.
115 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Signed data embedded in SignedData but InData is not
116 | NULL.
117 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The size of buffer indicated by ContentSize is too
118 | small to hold the content. ContentSize updated to
119 | required size.
120 |
121 | **/
122 | typedef
126 | IN VOID *SignedData,
127 | IN UINTN SignedDataSize,
129 | IN UINTN InDataSize,
130 | IN EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST **AllowedDb,
133 | OUT VOID *Content OPTIONAL,
134 | IN OUT UINTN *ContentSize
135 | );
136 |
137 | /**
138 | Processes a buffer containing binary DER-encoded detached PKCS7 signature.
139 | The hash of the signed data content is calculated and passed by the caller. Function
140 | verifies the signature of the content is valid and signing certificate was not revoked
141 | and is contained within a list of trusted signers.
142 |
143 | Note: because this function uses hashes and the specification contains a variety of
144 | hash choices, you should be aware that the check against the RevokedDb list
145 | will improperly succeed if the signature is revoked using a different hash
146 | algorithm. For this reason, you should either cycle through all UEFI supported
147 | hashes to see if one is forbidden, or rely on a single hash choice only if the
148 | UEFI signature authority only signs and revokes with a single hash (at time
149 | of writing, this hash choice is SHA256).
150 |
151 | @param[in] This Pointer to EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_PROTOCOL instance.
152 | @param[in] Signature Points to buffer containing ASN.1 DER-encoded PKCS
153 | detached signature.
154 | @param[in] SignatureSize The size of Signature buffer in bytes.
155 | @param[in] InHash InHash points to buffer containing the caller
156 | calculated hash of the data. The parameter may not
157 | be NULL.
158 | @param[in] InHashSize The size in bytes of InHash buffer.
159 | @param[in] AllowedDb Pointer to a list of pointers to EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST
160 | structures. The list is terminated by a null
161 | pointer. The EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST structures contain
162 | lists of X.509 certificates of approved signers.
163 | Function recognizes signer certificates of type
164 | EFI_CERT_X509_GUID. Any hash certificate in AllowedDb
165 | list is ignored by this function. Function returns
166 | success if signer of the buffer is within this list
167 | (and not within RevokedDb). This parameter is
168 | required.
169 | @param[in] RevokedDb Optional pointer to a list of pointers to
170 | EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST structures. The list is terminated
171 | by a null pointer. List of X.509 certificates of
172 | revoked signers and revoked file hashes. Signature
173 | verification will always fail if the signer of the
174 | file or the hash of the data component of the buffer
175 | is in RevokedDb list. This parameter is optional
176 | and caller may pass Null if not required.
177 | @param[in] TimeStampDb Optional pointer to a list of pointers to
178 | EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST structures. The list is terminated
179 | by a null pointer. This parameter can be used to pass
180 | a list of X.509 certificates of trusted time stamp
181 | counter-signers.
182 |
183 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Signed hash was verified against caller-provided
184 | hash of content, the signer's certificate was not
185 | found in RevokedDb, and was found in AllowedDb or
186 | if in signer is found in both AllowedDb and
187 | RevokedDb, the signing was allowed by reference to
188 | TimeStampDb as described above, and no hash matching
189 | content hash was found in RevokedDb.
190 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The SignedData buffer was correctly formatted but
191 | signer was in RevokedDb or not in AllowedDb. Also
192 | returned if matching content hash found in RevokedDb.
193 | @retval EFI_COMPROMISED_DATA Caller provided hash differs from signed hash. Or,
194 | caller and encrypted hash are different sizes.
195 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Signature is NULL or SignatureSize is zero. InHash
196 | is NULL or InHashSize is zero. AllowedDb is NULL.
197 | @retval EFI_ABORTED Unsupported or invalid format in TimeStampDb,
198 | RevokedDb or AllowedDb list contents was detected.
199 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The Signature buffer was not correctly formatted
200 | for processing by the function.
201 |
202 | **/
203 | typedef
207 | IN VOID *Signature,
208 | IN UINTN SignatureSize,
209 | IN VOID *InHash,
210 | IN UINTN InHashSize,
211 | IN EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST **AllowedDb,
214 | );
215 |
216 | ///
217 | /// The EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_PROTOCOL is used to verify data signed using PKCS7
218 | /// structure. The PKCS7 data to be verified must be ASN.1 (DER) encoded.
219 | /// SHA256 must be supported as digest algorithm with RSA digest encryption.
220 | /// Support of other hash algorithms is optional.
221 | ///
223 | EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_BUFFER VerifyBuffer;
224 | EFI_PKCS7_VERIFY_SIGNATURE VerifySignature;
225 | };
226 |
227 | extern EFI_GUID gEfiPkcs7VerifyProtocolGuid;
228 |
229 | #endif