1 | /** @file
2 | Base Library CPU Functions for all architectures.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include "BaseLibInternals.h"
10 |
11 |
12 | /**
13 | Disables CPU interrupts and returns the interrupt state prior to the disable
14 | operation.
15 |
16 | @retval TRUE CPU interrupts were enabled on entry to this call.
17 | @retval FALSE CPU interrupts were disabled on entry to this call.
18 |
19 | **/
22 | SaveAndDisableInterrupts (
23 | VOID
24 | )
25 | {
26 | BOOLEAN InterruptState;
27 |
28 | InterruptState = GetInterruptState ();
29 | DisableInterrupts ();
30 | return InterruptState;
31 | }
32 |
33 | /**
34 | Set the current CPU interrupt state.
35 |
36 | Sets the current CPU interrupt state to the state specified by
37 | InterruptState. If InterruptState is TRUE, then interrupts are enabled. If
38 | InterruptState is FALSE, then interrupts are disabled. InterruptState is
39 | returned.
40 |
41 | @param InterruptState TRUE if interrupts should be enabled. FALSE if
42 | interrupts should be disabled.
43 |
44 | @return InterruptState
45 |
46 | **/
49 | SetInterruptState (
50 | IN BOOLEAN InterruptState
51 | )
52 | {
53 | if (InterruptState) {
54 | EnableInterrupts ();
55 | } else {
56 | DisableInterrupts ();
57 | }
58 | return InterruptState;
59 | }