1 | /** @file
2 | IA-32/x64 AsmDisablePaging64()
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 | #include "BaseLibInternals.h"
13 |
14 | /**
15 | Disables the 64-bit paging mode on the CPU.
16 |
17 | Disables the 64-bit paging mode on the CPU and returns to 32-bit protected
18 | mode. This function assumes the current execution mode is 64-paging mode.
19 | This function is only available on x64. After the 64-bit paging mode is
20 | disabled, control is transferred to the function specified by EntryPoint
21 | using the new stack specified by NewStack and passing in the parameters
22 | specified by Context1 and Context2. Context1 and Context2 are optional and
23 | may be 0. The function EntryPoint must never return.
24 |
25 | If the current execution mode is not 64-bit paged mode, then ASSERT().
26 | If EntryPoint is 0, then ASSERT().
27 | If NewStack is 0, then ASSERT().
28 |
29 | @param Cs The 16-bit selector to load in the CS before EntryPoint
30 | is called. The descriptor in the GDT that this selector
31 | references must be setup for 32-bit protected mode.
32 | @param EntryPoint The 64-bit virtual address of the function to call with
33 | the new stack after paging is disabled.
34 | @param Context1 The 64-bit virtual address of the context to pass into
35 | the EntryPoint function as the first parameter after
36 | paging is disabled.
37 | @param Context2 The 64-bit virtual address of the context to pass into
38 | the EntryPoint function as the second parameter after
39 | paging is disabled.
40 | @param NewStack The 64-bit virtual address of the new stack to use for
41 | the EntryPoint function after paging is disabled.
42 |
43 | **/
44 | VOID
46 | AsmDisablePaging64 (
47 | IN UINT16 Cs,
48 | IN UINT32 EntryPoint,
49 | IN UINT32 Context1, OPTIONAL
50 | IN UINT32 Context2, OPTIONAL
51 | IN UINT32 NewStack
52 | )
53 | {
54 | ASSERT (EntryPoint != 0);
55 | ASSERT (NewStack != 0);
56 | InternalX86DisablePaging64 (Cs, EntryPoint, Context1, Context2, NewStack);
57 | }