1 | /** @file
2 |
3 | The library provides USB HID Class standard and specific requests defined
4 | in USB HID Firmware Specification 7 section : Requests.
5 |
6 | Copyright (c) 2004 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
7 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 |
9 | **/
10 |
11 | #include "UefiUsbLibInternal.h"
12 |
13 | //
14 | // Hid RequestType Bits specifying characteristics of request.
15 | // Valid values are 10100001b (0xa1) or 00100001b (0x21).
16 | // The following description:
17 | // 7 Data transfer direction
18 | // 0 = Host to device
19 | // 1 = Device to host
20 | // 6..5 Type
21 | // 1 = Class
22 | // 4..0 Recipient
23 | // 1 = Interface
24 | //
25 |
26 | /**
27 | Get the descriptor of the specified USB HID interface.
28 |
29 | Submit a USB get HID descriptor request for the USB device specified by UsbIo
30 | and Interface and return the HID descriptor in HidDescriptor.
31 | If UsbIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
32 | If HidDescriptor is NULL, then ASSERT().
33 |
34 | @param UsbIo A pointer to the USB I/O Protocol instance for the specific USB target.
35 | @param Interface The index of the HID interface on the USB target.
36 | @param HidDescriptor The pointer to the USB HID descriptor that was retrieved from
37 | the specified USB target and interface. Type EFI_USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR
38 | is defined in the MDE Package Industry Standard include file Usb.h.
39 |
40 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request executed successfully.
41 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred executing the request.
42 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request failed due to a device error.
43 |
44 | **/
47 | UsbGetHidDescriptor (
49 | IN UINT8 Interface,
51 | )
52 | {
53 | UINT32 Status;
54 | EFI_STATUS Result;
56 |
57 | ASSERT (UsbIo != NULL);
58 | ASSERT (HidDescriptor != NULL);
59 |
60 | Request.RequestType = USB_HID_GET_DESCRIPTOR_REQ_TYPE;
61 | Request.Request = USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR;
62 | Request.Value = (UINT16)(USB_DESC_TYPE_HID << 8);
63 | Request.Index = Interface;
64 | Request.Length = (UINT16)sizeof (EFI_USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR);
65 |
66 | Result = UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer (
67 | UsbIo,
68 | &Request,
69 | EfiUsbDataIn,
70 | PcdGet32 (PcdUsbTransferTimeoutValue),
71 | HidDescriptor,
73 | &Status
74 | );
75 |
76 | return Result;
77 | }
78 |
79 | /**
80 | Get the report descriptor of the specified USB HID interface.
81 |
82 | Submit a USB get HID report descriptor request for the USB device specified by
83 | UsbIo and Interface and return the report descriptor in DescriptorBuffer.
84 | If UsbIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
85 | If DescriptorBuffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
86 |
87 | @param UsbIo A pointer to the USB I/O Protocol instance for the specific USB target.
88 | @param Interface The index of the report interface on the USB target.
89 | @param DescriptorLength The size, in bytes, of DescriptorBuffer.
90 | @param DescriptorBuffer A pointer to the buffer to store the report class descriptor.
91 |
92 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request executed successfully.
93 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The request could not be completed because the
94 | buffer specified by DescriptorLength and DescriptorBuffer
95 | is not large enough to hold the result of the request.
96 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred executing the request.
97 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request failed due to a device error.
98 |
99 | **/
101 | EFIAPI
102 | UsbGetReportDescriptor (
104 | IN UINT8 Interface,
105 | IN UINT16 DescriptorLength,
106 | OUT UINT8 *DescriptorBuffer
107 | )
108 | {
109 | UINT32 Status;
110 | EFI_STATUS Result;
112 |
113 | ASSERT (UsbIo != NULL);
114 | ASSERT (DescriptorBuffer != NULL);
115 |
116 | //
117 | // Fill Device request packet
118 | //
119 | Request.RequestType = USB_HID_GET_DESCRIPTOR_REQ_TYPE;
120 | Request.Request = USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR;
121 | Request.Value = (UINT16)(USB_DESC_TYPE_REPORT << 8);
122 | Request.Index = Interface;
123 | Request.Length = DescriptorLength;
124 |
125 | Result = UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer (
126 | UsbIo,
127 | &Request,
128 | EfiUsbDataIn,
129 | PcdGet32 (PcdUsbTransferTimeoutValue),
130 | DescriptorBuffer,
131 | DescriptorLength,
132 | &Status
133 | );
134 |
135 | return Result;
136 | }
137 |
138 | /**
139 | Get the HID protocol of the specified USB HID interface.
140 |
141 | Submit a USB get HID protocol request for the USB device specified by UsbIo
142 | and Interface and return the protocol retrieved in Protocol.
143 | If UsbIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
144 | If Protocol is NULL, then ASSERT().
145 |
146 | @param UsbIo A pointer to the USB I/O Protocol instance for the specific USB target.
147 | @param Interface The index of the report interface on the USB target.
148 | @param Protocol A pointer to the protocol for the specified USB target.
149 |
150 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request executed successfully.
151 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred executing the request.
152 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request failed due to a device error.
153 |
154 | **/
156 | EFIAPI
157 | UsbGetProtocolRequest (
159 | IN UINT8 Interface,
160 | OUT UINT8 *Protocol
161 | )
162 | {
163 | UINT32 Status;
164 | EFI_STATUS Result;
166 |
167 | ASSERT (UsbIo != NULL);
168 | ASSERT (Protocol != NULL);
169 |
170 | //
171 | // Fill Device request packet
172 | //
173 | Request.RequestType = USB_HID_CLASS_GET_REQ_TYPE;
174 | Request.Request = EFI_USB_GET_PROTOCOL_REQUEST;
175 | Request.Value = 0;
176 | Request.Index = Interface;
177 | Request.Length = 1;
178 |
179 | Result = UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer (
180 | UsbIo,
181 | &Request,
182 | EfiUsbDataIn,
183 | PcdGet32 (PcdUsbTransferTimeoutValue),
184 | Protocol,
185 | sizeof (UINT8),
186 | &Status
187 | );
188 |
189 | return Result;
190 | }
191 |
192 | /**
193 | Set the HID protocol of the specified USB HID interface.
194 |
195 | Submit a USB set HID protocol request for the USB device specified by UsbIo
196 | and Interface and set the protocol to the value specified by Protocol.
197 | If UsbIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
198 |
199 | @param UsbIo A pointer to the USB I/O Protocol instance for the specific USB target.
200 | @param Interface The index of the report interface on the USB target.
201 | @param Protocol The protocol value to set for the specified USB target.
202 |
203 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request executed successfully.
204 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred executing the request.
205 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request failed due to a device error.
206 |
207 | **/
209 | EFIAPI
210 | UsbSetProtocolRequest (
212 | IN UINT8 Interface,
213 | IN UINT8 Protocol
214 | )
215 | {
216 | UINT32 Status;
217 | EFI_STATUS Result;
219 |
220 | ASSERT (UsbIo != NULL);
221 |
222 | //
223 | // Fill Device request packet
224 | //
225 | Request.RequestType = USB_HID_CLASS_SET_REQ_TYPE;
226 | Request.Request = EFI_USB_SET_PROTOCOL_REQUEST;
227 | Request.Value = Protocol;
228 | Request.Index = Interface;
229 | Request.Length = 0;
230 |
231 | Result = UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer (
232 | UsbIo,
233 | &Request,
234 | EfiUsbNoData,
235 | PcdGet32 (PcdUsbTransferTimeoutValue),
236 | NULL,
237 | 0,
238 | &Status
239 | );
240 | return Result;
241 | }
242 |
243 | /**
244 | Set the idle rate of the specified USB HID report.
245 |
246 | Submit a USB set HID report idle request for the USB device specified by UsbIo,
247 | Interface, and ReportId, and set the idle rate to the value specified by Duration.
248 | If UsbIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
249 |
250 | @param UsbIo A pointer to the USB I/O Protocol instance for the specific USB target.
251 | @param Interface The index of the report interface on the USB target.
252 | @param ReportId The identifier of the report to retrieve.
253 | @param Duration The idle rate to set for the specified USB target.
254 |
255 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request executed successfully.
256 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred executing the request.
257 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request failed due to a device error.
258 |
259 | **/
261 | EFIAPI
262 | UsbSetIdleRequest (
264 | IN UINT8 Interface,
265 | IN UINT8 ReportId,
266 | IN UINT8 Duration
267 | )
268 | {
269 | UINT32 Status;
270 | EFI_STATUS Result;
272 |
273 | ASSERT (UsbIo != NULL);
274 | //
275 | // Fill Device request packet
276 | //
277 | Request.RequestType = USB_HID_CLASS_SET_REQ_TYPE;
278 | Request.Request = EFI_USB_SET_IDLE_REQUEST;
279 | Request.Value = (UINT16)((Duration << 8) | ReportId);
280 | Request.Index = Interface;
281 | Request.Length = 0;
282 |
283 | Result = UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer (
284 | UsbIo,
285 | &Request,
286 | EfiUsbNoData,
287 | PcdGet32 (PcdUsbTransferTimeoutValue),
288 | NULL,
289 | 0,
290 | &Status
291 | );
292 | return Result;
293 | }
294 |
295 | /**
296 | Get the idle rate of the specified USB HID report.
297 |
298 | Submit a USB get HID report idle request for the USB device specified by UsbIo,
299 | Interface, and ReportId, and return the ide rate in Duration.
300 | If UsbIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
301 | If Duration is NULL, then ASSERT().
302 |
303 | @param UsbIo A pointer to the USB I/O Protocol instance for the specific USB target.
304 | @param Interface The index of the report interface on the USB target.
305 | @param ReportId The identifier of the report to retrieve.
306 | @param Duration A pointer to the idle rate retrieved from the specified USB target.
307 |
308 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request executed successfully.
309 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred executing the request.
310 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request failed due to a device error.
311 |
312 | **/
314 | EFIAPI
315 | UsbGetIdleRequest (
317 | IN UINT8 Interface,
318 | IN UINT8 ReportId,
319 | OUT UINT8 *Duration
320 | )
321 | {
322 | UINT32 Status;
323 | EFI_STATUS Result;
325 |
326 | ASSERT (UsbIo != NULL);
327 | ASSERT (Duration != NULL);
328 | //
329 | // Fill Device request packet
330 | //
331 | Request.RequestType = USB_HID_CLASS_GET_REQ_TYPE;
332 | Request.Request = EFI_USB_GET_IDLE_REQUEST;
333 | Request.Value = ReportId;
334 | Request.Index = Interface;
335 | Request.Length = 1;
336 |
337 | Result = UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer (
338 | UsbIo,
339 | &Request,
340 | EfiUsbDataIn,
341 | PcdGet32 (PcdUsbTransferTimeoutValue),
342 | Duration,
343 | 1,
344 | &Status
345 | );
346 |
347 | return Result;
348 | }
349 |
350 | /**
351 | Set the report descriptor of the specified USB HID interface.
352 |
353 | Submit a USB set HID report request for the USB device specified by UsbIo,
354 | Interface, ReportId, and ReportType, and set the report descriptor using the
355 | buffer specified by ReportLength and Report.
356 | If UsbIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
357 | If Report is NULL, then ASSERT().
358 |
359 | @param UsbIo A pointer to the USB I/O Protocol instance for the specific USB target.
360 | @param Interface The index of the report interface on the USB target.
361 | @param ReportId The identifier of the report to retrieve.
362 | @param ReportType The type of report to retrieve.
363 | @param ReportLength The size, in bytes, of Report.
364 | @param Report A pointer to the report descriptor buffer to set.
365 |
366 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request executed successfully.
367 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred executing the request.
368 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request failed due to a device error.
369 |
370 | **/
372 | EFIAPI
373 | UsbSetReportRequest (
375 | IN UINT8 Interface,
376 | IN UINT8 ReportId,
377 | IN UINT8 ReportType,
378 | IN UINT16 ReportLen,
379 | IN UINT8 *Report
380 | )
381 | {
382 | UINT32 Status;
383 | EFI_STATUS Result;
385 |
386 | ASSERT (UsbIo != NULL);
387 | ASSERT (Report != NULL);
388 |
389 | //
390 | // Fill Device request packet
391 | //
392 | Request.RequestType = USB_HID_CLASS_SET_REQ_TYPE;
393 | Request.Request = EFI_USB_SET_REPORT_REQUEST;
394 | Request.Value = (UINT16)((ReportType << 8) | ReportId);
395 | Request.Index = Interface;
396 | Request.Length = ReportLen;
397 |
398 | Result = UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer (
399 | UsbIo,
400 | &Request,
401 | EfiUsbDataOut,
402 | PcdGet32 (PcdUsbTransferTimeoutValue),
403 | Report,
404 | ReportLen,
405 | &Status
406 | );
407 |
408 | return Result;
409 | }
410 |
411 | /**
412 | Get the report descriptor of the specified USB HID interface.
413 |
414 | Submit a USB get HID report request for the USB device specified by UsbIo,
415 | Interface, ReportId, and ReportType, and return the report in the buffer
416 | specified by Report.
417 | If UsbIo is NULL, then ASSERT().
418 | If Report is NULL, then ASSERT().
419 |
420 | @param UsbIo A pointer to the USB I/O Protocol instance for the specific USB target.
421 | @param Interface The index of the report interface on the USB target.
422 | @param ReportId The identifier of the report to retrieve.
423 | @param ReportType The type of report to retrieve.
424 | @param ReportLength The size, in bytes, of Report.
425 | @param Report A pointer to the buffer to store the report descriptor.
426 |
427 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The request executed successfully.
428 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The request could not be completed because the
429 | buffer specified by ReportLength and Report is not
430 | large enough to hold the result of the request.
431 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT A timeout occurred executing the request.
432 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The request failed due to a device error.
433 |
434 | **/
436 | EFIAPI
437 | UsbGetReportRequest (
439 | IN UINT8 Interface,
440 | IN UINT8 ReportId,
441 | IN UINT8 ReportType,
442 | IN UINT16 ReportLen,
443 | OUT UINT8 *Report
444 | )
445 | {
446 | UINT32 Status;
447 | EFI_STATUS Result;
449 |
450 | ASSERT (UsbIo != NULL);
451 | ASSERT (Report != NULL);
452 |
453 | //
454 | // Fill Device request packet
455 | //
456 | Request.RequestType = USB_HID_CLASS_GET_REQ_TYPE;
457 | Request.Request = EFI_USB_GET_REPORT_REQUEST;
458 | Request.Value = (UINT16)((ReportType << 8) | ReportId);
459 | Request.Index = Interface;
460 | Request.Length = ReportLen;
461 |
462 | Result = UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer (
463 | UsbIo,
464 | &Request,
465 | EfiUsbDataIn,
466 | PcdGet32 (PcdUsbTransferTimeoutValue),
467 | Report,
468 | ReportLen,
469 | &Status
470 | );
471 |
472 | return Result;
473 | }