1 | /** @file
2 | This file contains the callback routines for undi3.1.
3 | the callback routines for Undi3.1 have an extra parameter UniqueId which
4 | stores the interface context for the NIC that snp is trying to talk.
5 |
6 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
7 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 |
9 | **/
10 |
11 | #include "Snp.h"
12 |
13 | /**
14 | Acquire or release a lock of the exclusive access to a critical section of the
15 | code/data.
16 |
17 | This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI3.1 at undi_start time.
18 | New callbacks for 3.1: there won't be a virtual2physical callback for UNDI 3.1
19 | because undi3.1 uses the MemMap call to map the required address by itself!
20 |
21 | @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to
22 | store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write
23 | this variable).
24 | @param Enable Non-zero indicates acquire; Zero indicates release.
25 |
26 | **/
27 | VOID
29 | SnpUndi32CallbackBlock (
30 | IN UINT64 UniqueId,
31 | IN UINT32 Enable
32 | )
33 | {
34 | SNP_DRIVER *Snp;
35 |
36 | Snp = (SNP_DRIVER *) (UINTN) UniqueId;
37 | //
38 | // tcpip was calling snp at tpl_notify and when we acquire a lock that was
39 | // created at a lower level (TPL_CALLBACK) it gives an assert!
40 | //
41 | if (Enable != 0) {
42 | EfiAcquireLock (&Snp->Lock);
43 | } else {
44 | EfiReleaseLock (&Snp->Lock);
45 | }
46 | }
47 |
48 | /**
49 | Delay MicroSeconds of micro seconds.
50 |
51 | This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
52 |
53 | @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to
54 | store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write
55 | this variable).
56 | @param MicroSeconds Number of micro seconds to pause, ususlly multiple of 10.
57 |
58 | **/
59 | VOID
61 | SnpUndi32CallbackDelay (
62 | IN UINT64 UniqueId,
63 | IN UINT64 MicroSeconds
64 | )
65 | {
66 | if (MicroSeconds != 0) {
67 | gBS->Stall ((UINTN) MicroSeconds);
68 | }
69 | }
70 |
71 | /**
72 | IO routine for UNDI3.1.
73 |
74 | This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
75 |
76 | @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this
77 | to store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or
78 | write this variable).
79 | @param ReadOrWrite Indicates read or write, IO or Memory.
80 | @param NumBytes Number of bytes to read or write.
81 | @param MemOrPortAddr IO or memory address to read from or write to.
82 | @param BufferPtr Memory location to read into or that contains the bytes
83 | to write.
84 |
85 | **/
86 | VOID
88 | SnpUndi32CallbackMemio (
89 | IN UINT64 UniqueId,
90 | IN UINT8 ReadOrWrite,
91 | IN UINT8 NumBytes,
92 | IN UINT64 MemOrPortAddr,
93 | IN OUT UINT64 BufferPtr
94 | )
95 | {
96 | SNP_DRIVER *Snp;
98 |
99 | Snp = (SNP_DRIVER *) (UINTN) UniqueId;
100 |
101 | Width = (EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) 0;
102 | switch (NumBytes) {
103 | case 2:
104 | Width = (EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) 1;
105 | break;
106 |
107 | case 4:
108 | Width = (EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) 2;
109 | break;
110 |
111 | case 8:
112 | Width = (EFI_PCI_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) 3;
113 | break;
114 | }
115 |
116 | switch (ReadOrWrite) {
117 | case PXE_IO_READ:
118 | Snp->PciIo->Io.Read (
119 | Snp->PciIo,
120 | Width,
121 | Snp->IoBarIndex, // BAR 1 (for 32bit regs), IO base address
122 | MemOrPortAddr,
123 | 1, // count
124 | (VOID *) (UINTN) BufferPtr
125 | );
126 | break;
127 |
128 | case PXE_IO_WRITE:
129 | Snp->PciIo->Io.Write (
130 | Snp->PciIo,
131 | Width,
132 | Snp->IoBarIndex, // BAR 1 (for 32bit regs), IO base address
133 | MemOrPortAddr,
134 | 1, // count
135 | (VOID *) (UINTN) BufferPtr
136 | );
137 | break;
138 |
139 | case PXE_MEM_READ:
140 | Snp->PciIo->Mem.Read (
141 | Snp->PciIo,
142 | Width,
143 | Snp->MemoryBarIndex, // BAR 0, Memory base address
144 | MemOrPortAddr,
145 | 1, // count
146 | (VOID *) (UINTN) BufferPtr
147 | );
148 | break;
149 |
150 | case PXE_MEM_WRITE:
151 | Snp->PciIo->Mem.Write (
152 | Snp->PciIo,
153 | Width,
154 | Snp->MemoryBarIndex, // BAR 0, Memory base address
155 | MemOrPortAddr,
156 | 1, // count
157 | (VOID *) (UINTN) BufferPtr
158 | );
159 | break;
160 | }
161 |
162 | return ;
163 | }
164 |
165 | /**
166 | Map a CPU address to a device address.
167 |
168 | This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
169 |
170 | @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to
171 | store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write
172 | this variable).
173 | @param CpuAddr Virtual address to be mapped.
174 | @param NumBytes Size of memory to be mapped.
175 | @param Direction Direction of data flow for this memory's usage:
176 | cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways.
177 | @param DeviceAddrPtr Pointer to return the mapped device address.
178 |
179 | **/
180 | VOID
181 | EFIAPI
182 | SnpUndi32CallbackMap (
183 | IN UINT64 UniqueId,
184 | IN UINT64 CpuAddr,
185 | IN UINT32 NumBytes,
186 | IN UINT32 Direction,
187 | IN OUT UINT64 DeviceAddrPtr
188 | )
189 | {
192 | UINTN BuffSize;
193 | SNP_DRIVER *Snp;
194 | UINTN Index;
195 | EFI_STATUS Status;
196 |
197 | BuffSize = (UINTN) NumBytes;
198 | Snp = (SNP_DRIVER *) (UINTN) UniqueId;
199 | DevAddrPtr = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *) (UINTN) DeviceAddrPtr;
200 |
201 | if (CpuAddr == 0) {
202 | *DevAddrPtr = 0;
203 | return ;
204 | }
205 |
206 | switch (Direction) {
207 | case TO_AND_FROM_DEVICE:
208 | DirectionFlag = EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterCommonBuffer;
209 | break;
210 |
211 | case FROM_DEVICE:
212 | DirectionFlag = EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterWrite;
213 | break;
214 |
215 | case TO_DEVICE:
216 | DirectionFlag = EfiPciIoOperationBusMasterRead;
217 | break;
218 |
219 | default:
220 | *DevAddrPtr = 0;
221 | //
222 | // any non zero indicates error!
223 | //
224 | return ;
225 | }
226 | //
227 | // find an unused map_list entry
228 | //
229 | for (Index = 0; Index < MAX_MAP_LENGTH; Index++) {
230 | if (Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress == 0) {
231 | break;
232 | }
233 | }
234 |
235 | if (Index >= MAX_MAP_LENGTH) {
236 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SNP maplist is FULL\n"));
237 | *DevAddrPtr = 0;
238 | return ;
239 | }
240 |
241 | Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS) CpuAddr;
242 |
243 | Status = Snp->PciIo->Map (
244 | Snp->PciIo,
245 | DirectionFlag,
246 | (VOID *) (UINTN) CpuAddr,
247 | &BuffSize,
248 | DevAddrPtr,
249 | &(Snp->MapList[Index].MapCookie)
250 | );
251 | if (Status != EFI_SUCCESS) {
252 | *DevAddrPtr = 0;
253 | Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress = 0;
254 | }
255 |
256 | return ;
257 | }
258 |
259 | /**
260 | Unmap an address that was previously mapped using map callback.
261 |
262 | This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time.
263 |
264 | @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to
265 | store. Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write
266 | this variable).
267 | @param CpuAddr Virtual address that was mapped.
268 | @param NumBytes Size of memory mapped.
269 | @param Direction Direction of data flow for this memory's usage:
270 | cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways.
271 | @param DeviceAddr The mapped device address.
272 |
273 | **/
274 | VOID
275 | EFIAPI
276 | SnpUndi32CallbackUnmap (
277 | IN UINT64 UniqueId,
278 | IN UINT64 CpuAddr,
279 | IN UINT32 NumBytes,
280 | IN UINT32 Direction,
281 | IN UINT64 DeviceAddr
282 | )
283 | {
284 | SNP_DRIVER *Snp;
285 | UINT16 Index;
286 |
287 | Snp = (SNP_DRIVER *) (UINTN) UniqueId;
288 |
289 | for (Index = 0; Index < MAX_MAP_LENGTH; Index++) {
290 | if (Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress == CpuAddr) {
291 | break;
292 | }
293 | }
294 |
295 | if (Index >= MAX_MAP_LENGTH) {
296 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SNP could not find a mapping, failed to unmap.\n"));
297 | return ;
298 | }
299 |
300 | Snp->PciIo->Unmap (Snp->PciIo, Snp->MapList[Index].MapCookie);
301 | Snp->MapList[Index].VirtualAddress = 0;
302 | Snp->MapList[Index].MapCookie = NULL;
303 | return ;
304 | }
305 |
306 | /**
307 | Synchronize the virtual buffer contents with the mapped buffer contents.
308 |
309 | This is a callback routine supplied to UNDI at undi_start time. The virtual
310 | and mapped buffers need not correspond to the same physical memory (especially
311 | if the virtual address is > 4GB). Depending on the direction for which the
312 | buffer is mapped, undi will need to synchronize their contents whenever it
313 | writes to/reads from the buffer using either the cpu address or the device
314 | address.
315 | EFI does not provide a sync call since virt=physical, we should just do the
316 | synchronization ourselves here.
317 |
318 | @param UniqueId This was supplied to UNDI at Undi_Start, SNP uses this to
319 | store Undi interface context (Undi does not read or write
320 | this variable).
321 | @param CpuAddr Virtual address that was mapped.
322 | @param NumBytes Size of memory mapped.
323 | @param Direction Direction of data flow for this memory's usage:
324 | cpu->device, device->cpu or both ways.
325 | @param DeviceAddr The mapped device address.
326 |
327 | **/
328 | VOID
329 | EFIAPI
330 | SnpUndi32CallbackSync (
331 | IN UINT64 UniqueId,
332 | IN UINT64 CpuAddr,
333 | IN UINT32 NumBytes,
334 | IN UINT32 Direction,
335 | IN UINT64 DeviceAddr
336 | )
337 | {
338 | if ((CpuAddr == 0) || (DeviceAddr == 0) || (NumBytes == 0)) {
339 | return ;
340 |
341 | }
342 |
343 | switch (Direction) {
344 | case FROM_DEVICE:
345 | CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) CpuAddr, (UINT8 *) (UINTN) DeviceAddr, NumBytes);
346 | break;
347 |
348 | case TO_DEVICE:
349 | CopyMem ((UINT8 *) (UINTN) DeviceAddr, (UINT8 *) (UINTN) CpuAddr, NumBytes);
350 | break;
351 | }
352 |
353 | return ;
354 | }