1 | /** @file
2 | This driver implements EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL, providing the PCI bus
3 | driver with resource padding information, for PCIe hotplug purposes.
4 |
5 | Copyright (C) 2016, Red Hat, Inc.
6 |
7 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
8 | **/
9 |
10 | #include <IndustryStandard/Acpi10.h>
11 | #include <IndustryStandard/Q35MchIch9.h>
12 | #include <IndustryStandard/QemuPciBridgeCapabilities.h>
13 |
14 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
16 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
17 | #include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
18 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
19 | #include <Library/PciCapLib.h>
20 | #include <Library/PciCapPciSegmentLib.h>
21 | #include <Library/PciLib.h>
22 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
23 |
24 | #include <Protocol/PciHotPlugInit.h>
25 | #include <Protocol/PciRootBridgeIo.h>
26 |
27 | //
28 | // TRUE if the PCI platform supports extended config space, FALSE otherwise.
29 | //
30 | STATIC BOOLEAN mPciExtConfSpaceSupported;
31 |
32 | //
33 | // The protocol interface this driver produces.
34 | //
35 | // Refer to 12.6 "PCI Hot Plug PCI Initialization Protocol" in the Platform
36 | // Init 1.4a Spec, Volume 5.
37 | //
39 |
40 | //
41 | // Resource padding template for the GetResourcePadding() protocol member
42 | // function.
43 | //
44 | // Refer to Table 8 "ACPI 2.0 & 3.0 QWORD Address Space Descriptor Usage" in
45 | // the Platform Init 1.4a Spec, Volume 5.
46 | //
47 | // This structure is interpreted by the ApplyResourcePadding() function in the
48 | // edk2 PCI Bus UEFI_DRIVER.
49 | //
50 | // We can request padding for at most four resource types, each of which is
51 | // optional, independently of the others:
52 | // (a) bus numbers,
53 | // (b) IO space,
54 | // (c) non-prefetchable MMIO space (32-bit only),
55 | // (d) prefetchable MMIO space (either 32-bit or 64-bit, never both).
56 | //
57 | #pragma pack (1)
58 | typedef struct {
62 | #pragma pack ()
63 |
64 | /**
65 | Initialize a RESOURCE_PADDING object.
66 |
67 | @param[out] ResourcePadding The caller-allocated RESOURCE_PADDING object to
68 | initialize.
69 | **/
71 | VOID
72 | InitializeResourcePadding (
73 | OUT RESOURCE_PADDING *ResourcePadding
74 | )
75 | {
76 | UINTN Index;
77 |
78 | ZeroMem (ResourcePadding, sizeof *ResourcePadding);
79 |
80 | //
81 | // Fill in the Padding fields that don't vary across resource types.
82 | //
83 | for (Index = 0; Index < ARRAY_SIZE (ResourcePadding->Padding); ++Index) {
85 |
86 | Descriptor = ResourcePadding->Padding + Index;
88 | Descriptor->Len = (UINT16)(
90 | OFFSET_OF (
92 | ResType
93 | )
94 | );
95 | }
96 |
97 | //
98 | // Fill in the End Tag.
99 | //
100 | ResourcePadding->EndDesc.Desc = ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR;
101 | }
102 |
103 | /**
104 | Set up a descriptor entry for reserving IO space.
105 |
106 | @param[in,out] Descriptor The descriptor to configure. The caller shall have
107 | initialized Descriptor earlier, with
108 | InitializeResourcePadding().
109 |
110 | @param[in] SizeExponent The size and natural alignment of the reservation
111 | are determined by raising two to this power.
112 | **/
113 | STATIC
114 | VOID
115 | SetIoPadding (
117 | IN UINTN SizeExponent
118 | )
119 | {
120 | Descriptor->ResType = ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_TYPE_IO;
121 | Descriptor->AddrLen = LShiftU64 (1, SizeExponent);
122 | Descriptor->AddrRangeMax = Descriptor->AddrLen - 1;
123 | }
124 |
125 | /**
126 | Set up a descriptor entry for reserving MMIO space.
127 |
128 | @param[in,out] Descriptor The descriptor to configure. The caller shall
129 | have initialized Descriptor earlier, with
130 | InitializeResourcePadding().
131 |
132 | @param[in] Prefetchable TRUE if the descriptor should reserve
133 | prefetchable MMIO space. Pass FALSE for
134 | reserving non-prefetchable MMIO space.
135 |
136 | @param[in] ThirtyTwoBitOnly TRUE if the reservation should be limited to
137 | 32-bit address space. FALSE if the reservation
138 | can be satisfied from 64-bit address space.
139 | ThirtyTwoBitOnly is ignored if Prefetchable is
140 | FALSE; in that case ThirtyTwoBitOnly is always
141 | considered TRUE.
142 |
143 | @param[in] SizeExponent The size and natural alignment of the
144 | reservation are determined by raising two to
145 | this power.
146 | **/
147 | STATIC
148 | VOID
149 | SetMmioPadding (
151 | IN BOOLEAN Prefetchable,
152 | IN BOOLEAN ThirtyTwoBitOnly,
153 | IN UINTN SizeExponent
154 | )
155 | {
156 | Descriptor->ResType = ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_TYPE_MEM;
157 | if (Prefetchable) {
158 | Descriptor->SpecificFlag =
160 | Descriptor->AddrSpaceGranularity = ThirtyTwoBitOnly ? 32 : 64;
161 | } else {
162 | Descriptor->SpecificFlag =
164 | Descriptor->AddrSpaceGranularity = 32;
165 | }
166 |
167 | Descriptor->AddrLen = LShiftU64 (1, SizeExponent);
168 | Descriptor->AddrRangeMax = Descriptor->AddrLen - 1;
169 | }
170 |
171 | /**
172 | Round up a positive 32-bit value to the next whole power of two, and return
173 | the bit position of the highest bit set in the result. Equivalent to
174 | ceil(log2(x)).
175 |
176 | @param[in] Operand The 32-bit operand to evaluate.
177 |
178 | @retval -1 Operand is zero.
179 |
180 | @retval -1 Operand is positive, not a whole power of two, and rounding it
181 | up to the next power of two does not fit into 32 bits.
182 |
183 | @retval 0..31 Otherwise, return ceil(log2(Value)).
184 | **/
185 | STATIC
186 | INTN
187 | HighBitSetRoundUp32 (
188 | IN UINT32 Operand
189 | )
190 | {
191 | INTN HighBit;
192 |
193 | HighBit = HighBitSet32 (Operand);
194 | if (HighBit == -1) {
195 | //
196 | // Operand is zero.
197 | //
198 | return HighBit;
199 | }
200 |
201 | if ((Operand & (Operand - 1)) != 0) {
202 | //
203 | // Operand is not a whole power of two.
204 | //
205 | ++HighBit;
206 | }
207 |
208 | return (HighBit < 32) ? HighBit : -1;
209 | }
210 |
211 | /**
212 | Round up a positive 64-bit value to the next whole power of two, and return
213 | the bit position of the highest bit set in the result. Equivalent to
214 | ceil(log2(x)).
215 |
216 | @param[in] Operand The 64-bit operand to evaluate.
217 |
218 | @retval -1 Operand is zero.
219 |
220 | @retval -1 Operand is positive, not a whole power of two, and rounding it
221 | up to the next power of two does not fit into 64 bits.
222 |
223 | @retval 0..63 Otherwise, return ceil(log2(Value)).
224 | **/
225 | STATIC
226 | INTN
227 | HighBitSetRoundUp64 (
228 | IN UINT64 Operand
229 | )
230 | {
231 | INTN HighBit;
232 |
233 | HighBit = HighBitSet64 (Operand);
234 | if (HighBit == -1) {
235 | //
236 | // Operand is zero.
237 | //
238 | return HighBit;
239 | }
240 |
241 | if ((Operand & (Operand - 1)) != 0) {
242 | //
243 | // Operand is not a whole power of two.
244 | //
245 | ++HighBit;
246 | }
247 |
248 | return (HighBit < 64) ? HighBit : -1;
249 | }
250 |
251 | /**
252 | Look up the QEMU-specific Resource Reservation capability in the conventional
253 | config space of a Hotplug Controller (that is, PCI Bridge).
254 |
255 | On error, the contents of ReservationHint are indeterminate.
256 |
257 | @param[in] HpcPciAddress The address of the PCI Bridge -- Bus, Device,
258 | Function -- in UEFI (not PciLib) encoding.
259 |
260 | @param[out] ReservationHint The caller-allocated capability structure to
261 | populate from the PCI Bridge's config space.
262 |
263 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capability has been found, ReservationHint has
264 | been populated.
265 |
266 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The capability is missing.
267 |
268 | @return Error codes from PciCapPciSegmentLib and PciCapLib.
269 | **/
270 | STATIC
272 | QueryReservationHint (
275 | )
276 | {
277 | UINT16 PciVendorId;
278 | EFI_STATUS Status;
279 | PCI_CAP_DEV *PciDevice;
280 | PCI_CAP_LIST *CapList;
281 | UINT16 VendorInstance;
282 | PCI_CAP *VendorCap;
283 |
284 | //
285 | // Check the vendor identifier.
286 | //
287 | PciVendorId = PciRead16 (
289 | HpcPciAddress->Bus,
290 | HpcPciAddress->Device,
291 | HpcPciAddress->Function,
293 | )
294 | );
295 | if (PciVendorId != QEMU_PCI_BRIDGE_VENDOR_ID_REDHAT) {
296 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
297 | }
298 |
299 | //
300 | // Parse the capabilities lists.
301 | //
302 | Status = PciCapPciSegmentDeviceInit (
303 | mPciExtConfSpaceSupported ? PciCapExtended : PciCapNormal,
304 | 0, // Segment
305 | HpcPciAddress->Bus,
306 | HpcPciAddress->Device,
307 | HpcPciAddress->Function,
308 | &PciDevice
309 | );
310 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
311 | return Status;
312 | }
313 |
314 | Status = PciCapListInit (PciDevice, &CapList);
315 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
316 | goto UninitPciDevice;
317 | }
318 |
319 | //
320 | // Scan the vendor capability instances for the Resource Reservation
321 | // capability.
322 | //
323 | VendorInstance = 0;
324 | for ( ; ;) {
325 | UINT8 VendorLength;
326 | UINT8 BridgeCapType;
327 |
328 | Status = PciCapListFindCap (
329 | CapList,
330 | PciCapNormal,
332 | VendorInstance++,
333 | &VendorCap
334 | );
335 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
336 | goto UninitCapList;
337 | }
338 |
339 | //
340 | // Check the vendor capability length.
341 | //
342 | Status = PciCapRead (
343 | PciDevice,
344 | VendorCap,
346 | &VendorLength,
347 | sizeof VendorLength
348 | );
349 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
350 | goto UninitCapList;
351 | }
352 |
353 | if (VendorLength != sizeof *ReservationHint) {
354 | continue;
355 | }
356 |
357 | //
358 | // Check the vendor bridge capability type.
359 | //
360 | Status = PciCapRead (
361 | PciDevice,
362 | VendorCap,
364 | &BridgeCapType,
365 | sizeof BridgeCapType
366 | );
367 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
368 | goto UninitCapList;
369 | }
370 |
371 | if (BridgeCapType ==
373 | {
374 | //
375 | // We have a match.
376 | //
377 | break;
378 | }
379 | }
380 |
381 | //
382 | // Populate ReservationHint.
383 | //
384 | Status = PciCapRead (
385 | PciDevice,
386 | VendorCap,
387 | 0, // SourceOffsetInCap
388 | ReservationHint,
389 | sizeof *ReservationHint
390 | );
391 |
392 | UninitCapList:
393 | PciCapListUninit (CapList);
394 |
395 | UninitPciDevice:
396 | PciCapPciSegmentDeviceUninit (PciDevice);
397 |
398 | return Status;
399 | }
400 |
401 | /**
402 | Returns a list of root Hot Plug Controllers (HPCs) that require
403 | initialization during the boot process.
404 |
405 | This procedure returns a list of root HPCs. The PCI bus driver must
406 | initialize these controllers during the boot process. The PCI bus driver may
407 | or may not be able to detect these HPCs. If the platform includes a
408 | PCI-to-CardBus bridge, it can be included in this list if it requires
409 | initialization. The HpcList must be self consistent. An HPC cannot control
410 | any of its parent buses. Only one HPC can control a PCI bus. Because this
411 | list includes only root HPCs, no HPC in the list can be a child of another
412 | HPC. This policy must be enforced by the EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL.
413 | The PCI bus driver may not check for such invalid conditions. The callee
414 | allocates the buffer HpcList
415 |
416 | @param[in] This Pointer to the EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL
417 | instance.
418 | @param[out] HpcCount The number of root HPCs that were returned.
419 | @param[out] HpcList The list of root HPCs. HpcCount defines the number of
420 | elements in this list.
421 |
422 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS HpcList was returned.
423 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES HpcList was not returned due to insufficient
424 | resources.
425 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HpcCount is NULL or HpcList is NULL.
426 | **/
427 | STATIC
429 | EFIAPI
430 | GetRootHpcList (
432 | OUT UINTN *HpcCount,
434 | )
435 | {
436 | if ((HpcCount == NULL) || (HpcList == NULL)) {
438 | }
439 |
440 | //
441 | // There are no top-level (i.e., un-enumerable) hot-plug controllers in QEMU
442 | // that would require special initialization.
443 | //
444 | *HpcCount = 0;
445 | *HpcList = NULL;
446 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
447 | }
448 |
449 | /**
450 | Initializes one root Hot Plug Controller (HPC). This process may causes
451 | initialization of its subordinate buses.
452 |
453 | This function initializes the specified HPC. At the end of initialization,
454 | the hot-plug slots or sockets (controlled by this HPC) are powered and are
455 | connected to the bus. All the necessary registers in the HPC are set up. For
456 | a Standard (PCI) Hot Plug Controller (SHPC), the registers that must be set
457 | up are defined in the PCI Standard Hot Plug Controller and Subsystem
458 | Specification.
459 |
460 | @param[in] This Pointer to the EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL
461 | instance.
462 | @param[in] HpcDevicePath The device path to the HPC that is being
463 | initialized.
464 | @param[in] HpcPciAddress The address of the HPC function on the PCI bus.
465 | @param[in] Event The event that should be signaled when the HPC
466 | initialization is complete. Set to NULL if the
467 | caller wants to wait until the entire
468 | initialization process is complete.
469 | @param[out] HpcState The state of the HPC hardware. The state is
472 |
473 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS If Event is NULL, the specific HPC was
474 | successfully initialized. If Event is not
475 | NULL, Event will be signaled at a later time
476 | when initialization is complete.
477 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This instance of
479 | support the specified HPC.
480 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Initialization failed due to insufficient
481 | resources.
482 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HpcState is NULL.
483 | **/
484 | STATIC
486 | EFIAPI
487 | InitializeRootHpc (
490 | IN UINT64 HpcPciAddress,
492 | OUT EFI_HPC_STATE *HpcState
493 | )
494 | {
495 | //
496 | // This function should never be called, due to the information returned by
497 | // GetRootHpcList().
498 | //
500 |
501 | if (HpcState == NULL) {
503 | }
504 |
505 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
506 | }
507 |
508 | /**
509 | Returns the resource padding that is required by the PCI bus that is
510 | controlled by the specified Hot Plug Controller (HPC).
511 |
512 | This function returns the resource padding that is required by the PCI bus
513 | that is controlled by the specified HPC. This member function is called for
514 | all the root HPCs and nonroot HPCs that are detected by the PCI bus
515 | enumerator. This function will be called before PCI resource allocation is
516 | completed. This function must be called after all the root HPCs, with the
517 | possible exception of a PCI-to-CardBus bridge, have completed
518 | initialization.
519 |
520 | @param[in] This Pointer to the EFI_PCI_HOT_PLUG_INIT_PROTOCOL
521 | instance.
522 | @param[in] HpcDevicePath The device path to the HPC.
523 | @param[in] HpcPciAddress The address of the HPC function on the PCI bus.
524 | @param[in] HpcState The state of the HPC hardware.
525 | @param[out] Padding The amount of resource padding that is required
526 | by the PCI bus under the control of the specified
527 | HPC.
528 | @param[out] Attributes Describes how padding is accounted for. The
529 | padding is returned in the form of ACPI 2.0
530 | resource descriptors.
531 |
532 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The resource padding was successfully
533 | returned.
534 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This instance of the
536 | support the specified HPC.
537 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY This function was called before HPC
538 | initialization is complete.
539 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HpcState or Padding or Attributes is NULL.
540 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES ACPI 2.0 resource descriptors for Padding
541 | cannot be allocated due to insufficient
542 | resources.
543 | **/
544 | STATIC
546 | EFIAPI
547 | GetResourcePadding (
550 | IN UINT64 HpcPciAddress,
551 | OUT EFI_HPC_STATE *HpcState,
552 | OUT VOID **Padding,
554 | )
555 | {
557 | BOOLEAN DefaultIo;
558 | BOOLEAN DefaultMmio;
559 | BOOLEAN DefaultPrefMmio;
560 | RESOURCE_PADDING ReservationRequest;
562 | EFI_STATUS ReservationHintStatus;
564 |
566 |
568 | CHAR16 *DevicePathString;
569 |
570 | DevicePathString = ConvertDevicePathToText (HpcDevicePath, FALSE, FALSE);
571 |
572 | DEBUG ((
574 | "%a: Address=%02x:%02x.%x DevicePath=%s\n",
575 | __FUNCTION__,
576 | Address->Bus,
577 | Address->Device,
578 | Address->Function,
579 | (DevicePathString == NULL) ? L"<unavailable>" : DevicePathString
580 | ));
581 |
582 | if (DevicePathString != NULL) {
583 | FreePool (DevicePathString);
584 | }
585 |
586 | DEBUG_CODE_END ();
587 |
588 | if ((HpcState == NULL) || (Padding == NULL) || (Attributes == NULL)) {
590 | }
591 |
592 | DefaultIo = TRUE;
593 | DefaultMmio = TRUE;
594 | DefaultPrefMmio = TRUE;
595 |
596 | //
597 | // Init ReservationRequest, and point FirstResource one past the last
598 | // descriptor entry. We're going to build the entries backwards from
599 | // ReservationRequest.EndDesc.
600 | //
601 | InitializeResourcePadding (&ReservationRequest);
602 | FirstResource = ReservationRequest.Padding +
603 | ARRAY_SIZE (ReservationRequest.Padding);
604 |
605 | //
606 | // Try to get the QEMU-specific Resource Reservation capability.
607 | //
608 | ReservationHintStatus = QueryReservationHint (Address, &ReservationHint);
609 | if (!EFI_ERROR (ReservationHintStatus)) {
610 | INTN HighBit;
611 |
612 | DEBUG ((
614 | "%a: BusNumbers=0x%x Io=0x%Lx NonPrefetchable32BitMmio=0x%x\n"
615 | "%a: Prefetchable32BitMmio=0x%x Prefetchable64BitMmio=0x%Lx\n",
616 | __FUNCTION__,
617 | ReservationHint.BusNumbers,
618 | ReservationHint.Io,
619 | ReservationHint.NonPrefetchable32BitMmio,
620 | __FUNCTION__,
621 | ReservationHint.Prefetchable32BitMmio,
622 | ReservationHint.Prefetchable64BitMmio
623 | ));
624 |
625 | //
626 | // (a) Reserve bus numbers.
627 | //
628 | switch (ReservationHint.BusNumbers) {
629 | case 0:
630 | //
631 | // No reservation needed.
632 | //
633 | break;
634 | case MAX_UINT32:
635 | //
636 | // Firmware default (unspecified). Treat it as "no reservation needed".
637 | //
638 | break;
639 | default:
640 | //
641 | // Request the specified amount.
642 | //
643 | --FirstResource;
644 | FirstResource->ResType = ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_TYPE_BUS;
645 | FirstResource->AddrLen = ReservationHint.BusNumbers;
646 | break;
647 | }
648 |
649 | //
650 | // (b) Reserve IO space.
651 | //
652 | switch (ReservationHint.Io) {
653 | case 0:
654 | //
655 | // No reservation needed, disable our built-in.
656 | //
657 | DefaultIo = FALSE;
658 | break;
659 | case MAX_UINT64:
660 | //
661 | // Firmware default (unspecified). Stick with our built-in.
662 | //
663 | break;
664 | default:
665 | //
666 | // Round the specified amount up to the next power of two. If rounding is
667 | // successful, reserve the rounded value. Fall back to the default
668 | // otherwise.
669 | //
670 | HighBit = HighBitSetRoundUp64 (ReservationHint.Io);
671 | if (HighBit != -1) {
672 | SetIoPadding (--FirstResource, (UINTN)HighBit);
673 | DefaultIo = FALSE;
674 | }
675 |
676 | break;
677 | }
678 |
679 | //
680 | // (c) Reserve non-prefetchable MMIO space (32-bit only).
681 | //
682 | switch (ReservationHint.NonPrefetchable32BitMmio) {
683 | case 0:
684 | //
685 | // No reservation needed, disable our built-in.
686 | //
687 | DefaultMmio = FALSE;
688 | break;
689 | case MAX_UINT32:
690 | //
691 | // Firmware default (unspecified). Stick with our built-in.
692 | //
693 | break;
694 | default:
695 | //
696 | // Round the specified amount up to the next power of two. If rounding is
697 | // successful, reserve the rounded value. Fall back to the default
698 | // otherwise.
699 | //
700 | HighBit = HighBitSetRoundUp32 (ReservationHint.NonPrefetchable32BitMmio);
701 | if (HighBit != -1) {
702 | SetMmioPadding (--FirstResource, FALSE, TRUE, (UINTN)HighBit);
703 | DefaultMmio = FALSE;
704 | }
705 |
706 | break;
707 | }
708 |
709 | //
710 | // (d) Reserve prefetchable MMIO space (either 32-bit or 64-bit, never
711 | // both).
712 | //
713 | // For either space, we treat 0 as "no reservation needed", and the maximum
714 | // value as "firmware default". The latter is unspecified, and we interpret
715 | // it as the former.
716 | //
717 | // Otherwise, round the specified amount up to the next power of two. If
718 | // rounding is successful, reserve the rounded value. Do not reserve
719 | // prefetchable MMIO space otherwise.
720 | //
721 | if ((ReservationHint.Prefetchable32BitMmio > 0) &&
722 | (ReservationHint.Prefetchable32BitMmio < MAX_UINT32))
723 | {
724 | HighBit = HighBitSetRoundUp32 (ReservationHint.Prefetchable32BitMmio);
725 | if (HighBit != -1) {
726 | SetMmioPadding (--FirstResource, TRUE, TRUE, (UINTN)HighBit);
727 | DefaultPrefMmio = FALSE;
728 | }
729 | } else if ((ReservationHint.Prefetchable64BitMmio > 0) &&
730 | (ReservationHint.Prefetchable64BitMmio < MAX_UINT64))
731 | {
732 | HighBit = HighBitSetRoundUp64 (ReservationHint.Prefetchable64BitMmio);
733 | if (HighBit != -1) {
734 | SetMmioPadding (--FirstResource, TRUE, FALSE, (UINTN)HighBit);
735 | DefaultPrefMmio = FALSE;
736 | }
737 | }
738 | }
739 |
740 | if (DefaultIo) {
741 | //
742 | // Request defaults.
743 | //
744 | SetIoPadding (--FirstResource, (UINTN)HighBitSetRoundUp64 (512));
745 | }
746 |
747 | if (DefaultMmio) {
748 | //
749 | // Request defaults.
750 | //
751 | SetMmioPadding (
752 | --FirstResource,
753 | FALSE,
754 | TRUE,
755 | (UINTN)HighBitSetRoundUp32 (SIZE_2MB)
756 | );
757 | }
758 |
759 | if (DefaultPrefMmio) {
760 | UINT64 Pci64Size = PcdGet64 (PcdPciMmio64Size);
761 |
762 | if (Pci64Size > SIZE_32GB) {
763 | SetMmioPadding (
764 | --FirstResource,
765 | TRUE,
766 | FALSE,
767 | (UINTN)HighBitSetRoundUp64 (RShiftU64 (Pci64Size, 8))
768 | );
769 | }
770 | }
771 |
772 | //
773 | // Output a copy of ReservationRequest from the lowest-address populated
774 | // entry until the end of the structure (including
775 | // ReservationRequest.EndDesc). If no reservations are necessary, we'll only
776 | // output the End Tag.
777 | //
778 | *Padding = AllocateCopyPool (
779 | (UINT8 *)(&ReservationRequest + 1) - (UINT8 *)FirstResource,
780 | FirstResource
781 | );
782 | if (*Padding == NULL) {
783 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
784 | }
785 |
786 | //
787 | // Resource padding is required.
788 | //
790 |
791 | //
792 | // The padding should be applied at PCI bus level, and considered by upstream
793 | // bridges, recursively.
794 | //
795 | *Attributes = EfiPaddingPciBus;
796 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
797 | }
798 |
799 | /**
800 | Entry point for this driver.
801 |
802 | @param[in] ImageHandle Image handle of this driver.
803 | @param[in] SystemTable Pointer to SystemTable.
804 |
805 | @retval EFI_SUCESS Driver has loaded successfully.
806 | @return Error codes from lower level functions.
807 |
808 | **/
810 | EFIAPI
811 | DriverInitialize (
812 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
813 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
814 | )
815 | {
816 | EFI_STATUS Status;
817 |
818 | mPciExtConfSpaceSupported = (PcdGet16 (PcdOvmfHostBridgePciDevId) ==
820 | mPciHotPlugInit.GetRootHpcList = GetRootHpcList;
821 | mPciHotPlugInit.InitializeRootHpc = InitializeRootHpc;
822 | mPciHotPlugInit.GetResourcePadding = GetResourcePadding;
823 | Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
824 | &ImageHandle,
825 | &gEfiPciHotPlugInitProtocolGuid,
826 | &mPciHotPlugInit,
827 | NULL
828 | );
829 | return Status;
830 | }