1 | /** @file
2 | Debug Port Library implementation based on usb3 debug port.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 | #include "DebugCommunicationLibUsb3Internal.h"
9 |
10 | /**
11 | Synchronize the specified transfer ring to update the enqueue and dequeue pointer.
12 |
13 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
14 | @param TrsRing The transfer ring to sync.
15 |
16 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The transfer ring is synchronized successfully.
17 |
18 | **/
21 | XhcSyncTrsRing (
24 | )
25 | {
26 | UINTN Index;
27 | TRB_TEMPLATE *TrsTrb;
28 | UINT32 CycleBit;
29 |
30 | ASSERT (TrsRing != NULL);
31 |
32 | //
33 | // Calculate the latest RingEnqueue and RingPCS
34 | //
35 | TrsTrb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) TrsRing->RingEnqueue;
36 |
37 | ASSERT (TrsTrb != NULL);
38 |
39 | for (Index = 0; Index < TrsRing->TrbNumber; Index++) {
40 | if (TrsTrb->CycleBit != (TrsRing->RingPCS & BIT0)) {
41 | break;
42 | }
43 | TrsTrb++;
44 | if ((UINT8) TrsTrb->Type == TRB_TYPE_LINK) {
45 | ASSERT (((LINK_TRB*)TrsTrb)->TC != 0);
46 | //
47 | // set cycle bit in Link TRB as normal
48 | //
49 | ((LINK_TRB*)TrsTrb)->CycleBit = TrsRing->RingPCS & BIT0;
50 | //
51 | // Toggle PCS maintained by software
52 | //
53 | TrsRing->RingPCS = (TrsRing->RingPCS & BIT0) ? 0 : 1;
54 | TrsTrb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN)((TrsTrb->Parameter1 | LShiftU64 ((UINT64)TrsTrb->Parameter2, 32)) & ~0x0F);
55 | }
56 | }
57 | ASSERT (Index != TrsRing->TrbNumber);
58 |
59 | if ((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) TrsTrb != TrsRing->RingEnqueue) {
60 | TrsRing->RingEnqueue = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) TrsTrb;
61 | }
62 |
63 | //
64 | // Clear the Trb context for enqueue, but reserve the PCS bit which indicates free Trb.
65 | //
66 | CycleBit = TrsTrb->CycleBit;
67 | ZeroMem (TrsTrb, sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE));
68 | TrsTrb->CycleBit = CycleBit;
69 |
70 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
71 | }
72 |
73 | /**
74 | Synchronize the specified event ring to update the enqueue and dequeue pointer.
75 |
76 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
77 | @param EvtRing The event ring to sync.
78 |
79 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The event ring is synchronized successfully.
80 |
81 | **/
84 | XhcSyncEventRing (
86 | IN EVENT_RING *EvtRing
87 | )
88 | {
89 | UINTN Index;
90 | TRB_TEMPLATE *EvtTrb1;
91 |
92 | ASSERT (EvtRing != NULL);
93 |
94 | //
95 | // Calculate the EventRingEnqueue and EventRingCCS.
96 | // Note: only support single Segment
97 | //
98 | EvtTrb1 = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingDequeue;
99 |
100 | for (Index = 0; Index < EvtRing->TrbNumber; Index++) {
101 | if (EvtTrb1->CycleBit != EvtRing->EventRingCCS) {
102 | break;
103 | }
104 |
105 | EvtTrb1++;
106 |
107 | if ((UINTN)EvtTrb1 >= ((UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingSeg0 + sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * EvtRing->TrbNumber)) {
108 | EvtTrb1 = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingSeg0;
109 | EvtRing->EventRingCCS = (EvtRing->EventRingCCS) ? 0 : 1;
110 | }
111 | }
112 |
113 | if (Index < EvtRing->TrbNumber) {
114 | EvtRing->EventRingEnqueue = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)EvtTrb1;
115 | } else {
117 | }
118 |
119 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
120 | }
121 |
122 | /**
123 | Check if there is a new generated event.
124 |
125 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
126 | @param EvtRing The event ring to check.
127 | @param NewEvtTrb The new event TRB found.
128 |
129 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Found a new event TRB at the event ring.
130 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY The event ring has no new event.
131 |
132 | **/
134 | EFIAPI
135 | XhcCheckNewEvent (
137 | IN EVENT_RING *EvtRing,
138 | OUT TRB_TEMPLATE **NewEvtTrb
139 | )
140 | {
141 | EFI_STATUS Status;
142 |
143 | ASSERT (EvtRing != NULL);
144 |
145 | *NewEvtTrb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingDequeue;
146 |
147 | if (EvtRing->EventRingDequeue == EvtRing->EventRingEnqueue) {
148 | return EFI_NOT_READY;
149 | }
150 |
151 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
152 |
153 | EvtRing->EventRingDequeue += sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE);
154 | //
155 | // If the dequeue pointer is beyond the ring, then roll-back it to the beginning of the ring.
156 | //
157 | if ((UINTN)EvtRing->EventRingDequeue >= ((UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingSeg0 + sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * EvtRing->TrbNumber)) {
158 | EvtRing->EventRingDequeue = EvtRing->EventRingSeg0;
159 | }
160 |
161 | return Status;
162 | }
163 |
164 | /**
165 | Check if the Trb is a transaction of the URB.
166 |
167 | @param Ring The transfer ring to be checked.
168 | @param Trb The TRB to be checked.
169 |
170 | @retval TRUE It is a transaction of the URB.
171 | @retval FALSE It is not any transaction of the URB.
172 |
173 | **/
175 | IsTrbInTrsRing (
178 | )
179 | {
180 | TRB_TEMPLATE *CheckedTrb;
181 | UINTN Index;
182 |
183 | CheckedTrb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) Ring->RingSeg0;
184 |
185 | ASSERT (Ring->TrbNumber == TR_RING_TRB_NUMBER);
186 |
187 | for (Index = 0; Index < Ring->TrbNumber; Index++) {
188 | if (Trb == CheckedTrb) {
189 | return TRUE;
190 | }
191 | CheckedTrb++;
192 | }
193 |
194 | return FALSE;
195 | }
196 |
197 | /**
198 | Check the URB's execution result and update the URB's
199 | result accordingly.
200 |
201 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
202 | @param Urb The URB to check result.
203 |
204 | **/
205 | VOID
206 | XhcCheckUrbResult (
208 | IN URB *Urb
209 | )
210 | {
213 | UINTN Index;
214 | EFI_STATUS Status;
215 | URB *CheckedUrb;
216 | UINT64 XhcDequeue;
217 | UINT32 High;
218 | UINT32 Low;
219 |
220 | ASSERT ((Handle != NULL) && (Urb != NULL));
221 |
222 | if (Urb->Finished) {
223 | goto EXIT;
224 | }
225 |
226 | EvtTrb = NULL;
227 |
228 | //
229 | // Traverse the event ring to find out all new events from the previous check.
230 | //
231 | XhcSyncEventRing (Handle, &Handle->EventRing);
232 |
233 | for (Index = 0; Index < Handle->EventRing.TrbNumber; Index++) {
234 |
235 | Status = XhcCheckNewEvent (Handle, &Handle->EventRing, ((TRB_TEMPLATE **)&EvtTrb));
236 | if (Status == EFI_NOT_READY) {
237 | //
238 | // All new events are handled, return directly.
239 | //
240 | goto EXIT;
241 | }
242 |
243 | if ((EvtTrb->Type != TRB_TYPE_COMMAND_COMPLT_EVENT) && (EvtTrb->Type != TRB_TYPE_TRANS_EVENT)) {
244 | continue;
245 | }
246 |
247 | TRBPtr = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN)(EvtTrb->TRBPtrLo | LShiftU64 ((UINT64) EvtTrb->TRBPtrHi, 32));
248 |
249 | if (IsTrbInTrsRing ((TRANSFER_RING *)(UINTN)(Urb->Ring), TRBPtr)) {
250 | CheckedUrb = Urb;
251 | } else if (IsTrbInTrsRing ((TRANSFER_RING *)(UINTN)(Handle->UrbIn.Ring), TRBPtr)) {
252 | //
253 | // If it is read event and it should be generated by poll, and current operation is write, we need save data into internal buffer.
254 | // Internal buffer is used by next read.
255 | //
256 | Handle->DataCount = (UINT8) (Handle->UrbIn.DataLen - EvtTrb->Length);
257 | CopyMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)Handle->Data, (VOID *)(UINTN)Handle->UrbIn.Data, Handle->DataCount);
258 | //
259 | // Fill this TRB complete with CycleBit, otherwise next read will fail with old TRB.
260 | //
261 | TRBPtr->CycleBit = (TRBPtr->CycleBit & BIT0) ? 0 : 1;
262 | continue;
263 | } else {
264 | continue;
265 | }
266 |
267 | if ((EvtTrb->Completecode == TRB_COMPLETION_SHORT_PACKET) ||
268 | (EvtTrb->Completecode == TRB_COMPLETION_SUCCESS)) {
269 | //
270 | // The length of data which were transferred.
271 | //
272 | CheckedUrb->Completed += (((TRANSFER_TRB_NORMAL*)TRBPtr)->Length - EvtTrb->Length);
273 | } else {
274 | CheckedUrb->Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_TIMEOUT;
275 | }
276 | //
277 | // This Urb has been processed
278 | //
279 | CheckedUrb->Finished = TRUE;
280 | }
281 |
282 | EXIT:
283 | //
284 | // Advance event ring to last available entry
285 | //
286 | // Some 3rd party XHCI external cards don't support single 64-bytes width register access,
287 | // So divide it to two 32-bytes width register access.
288 | //
289 | Low = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP);
290 | High = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP + 4);
291 | XhcDequeue = (UINT64)(LShiftU64((UINT64)High, 32) | Low);
292 |
293 | if ((XhcDequeue & (~0x0F)) != ((UINT64)(UINTN)Handle->EventRing.EventRingDequeue & (~0x0F))) {
294 | //
295 | // Some 3rd party XHCI external cards don't support single 64-bytes width register access,
296 | // So divide it to two 32-bytes width register access.
297 | //
298 | XhcWriteDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP, XHC_LOW_32BIT (Handle->EventRing.EventRingDequeue));
299 | XhcWriteDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP + 4, XHC_HIGH_32BIT (Handle->EventRing.EventRingDequeue));
300 | }
301 | }
302 |
303 | /**
304 | Ring the door bell to notify XHCI there is a transaction to be executed.
305 |
306 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
307 | @param Urb The pointer to URB.
308 |
309 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully ring the door bell.
310 |
311 | **/
313 | EFIAPI
314 | XhcRingDoorBell (
316 | IN URB *Urb
317 | )
318 | {
319 | UINT32 Dcdb;
320 |
321 | //
322 | // DCDB Register
323 | //
324 | Dcdb = (Urb->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) ? 0x100 : 0x0;
325 |
326 | XhcWriteDebugReg (
327 | Handle,
328 | XHC_DC_DCDB,
329 | Dcdb
330 | );
331 |
332 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
333 | }
334 |
335 | /**
336 | Execute the transfer by polling the URB. This is a synchronous operation.
337 |
338 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
339 | @param Urb The URB to execute.
340 | @param Timeout The time to wait before abort, in microsecond.
341 |
342 | **/
343 | VOID
344 | XhcExecTransfer (
346 | IN URB *Urb,
347 | IN UINTN Timeout
348 | )
349 | {
350 | TRANSFER_RING *Ring;
351 | TRB_TEMPLATE *Trb;
352 | UINTN Loop;
353 | UINTN Index;
354 |
355 | Loop = Timeout / XHC_DEBUG_PORT_1_MILLISECOND;
356 | if (Timeout == 0) {
357 | Loop = 0xFFFFFFFF;
358 | }
359 | XhcRingDoorBell (Handle, Urb);
360 | //
361 | // Event Ring Not Empty bit can only be set to 1 by XHC after ringing door bell with some delay.
362 | //
363 | for (Index = 0; Index < Loop; Index++) {
364 | XhcCheckUrbResult (Handle, Urb);
365 | if (Urb->Finished) {
366 | break;
367 | }
368 | MicroSecondDelay (XHC_DEBUG_PORT_1_MILLISECOND);
369 | }
370 | if (Index == Loop) {
371 | //
372 | // If time out occurs.
373 | //
374 | Urb->Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_TIMEOUT;
375 | }
376 | //
377 | // If URB transfer is error, restore transfer ring to original value before URB transfer
378 | // This will make the current transfer TRB is always at the latest unused one in transfer ring.
379 | //
380 | Ring = (TRANSFER_RING *)(UINTN) Urb->Ring;
381 | if ((Urb->Result != EFI_USB_NOERROR) && (Urb->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn)) {
382 | //
383 | // Adjust Enqueue pointer
384 | //
385 | Ring->RingEnqueue = Urb->Trb;
386 | //
387 | // Clear CCS flag for next use
388 | //
389 | Trb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) Urb->Trb;
390 | Trb->CycleBit = ((~Ring->RingPCS) & BIT0);
391 | } else {
392 | //
393 | // Update transfer ring for next transfer.
394 | //
395 | XhcSyncTrsRing (Handle, Ring);
396 | }
397 | }
398 |
399 | /**
400 | Create a transfer TRB.
401 |
402 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
403 | @param Urb The urb used to construct the transfer TRB.
404 |
405 | @return Created TRB or NULL
406 |
407 | **/
409 | XhcCreateTransferTrb (
411 | IN URB *Urb
412 | )
413 | {
415 | TRB *Trb;
416 |
417 | if (Urb->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
418 | EPRing = &Handle->TransferRingIn;
419 | } else {
420 | EPRing = &Handle->TransferRingOut;
421 | }
422 |
424 | XhcSyncTrsRing (Handle, EPRing);
425 |
426 | Urb->Trb = EPRing->RingEnqueue;
427 | Trb = (TRB *)(UINTN)EPRing->RingEnqueue;
428 | Trb->TrbNormal.TRBPtrLo = XHC_LOW_32BIT (Urb->Data);
429 | Trb->TrbNormal.TRBPtrHi = XHC_HIGH_32BIT (Urb->Data);
430 | Trb->TrbNormal.Length = Urb->DataLen;
431 | Trb->TrbNormal.TDSize = 0;
432 | Trb->TrbNormal.IntTarget = 0;
433 | Trb->TrbNormal.ISP = 1;
434 | Trb->TrbNormal.IOC = 1;
435 | Trb->TrbNormal.Type = TRB_TYPE_NORMAL;
436 |
437 | //
438 | // Update the cycle bit to indicate this TRB has been consumed.
439 | //
440 | Trb->TrbNormal.CycleBit = EPRing->RingPCS & BIT0;
441 |
442 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
443 | }
444 |
445 | /**
446 | Create a new URB for a new transaction.
447 |
448 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
449 | @param Direction The direction of data flow.
450 | @param Data The user data to transfer
451 | @param DataLen The length of data buffer
452 |
453 | @return Created URB or NULL
454 |
455 | **/
456 | URB*
457 | XhcCreateUrb (
460 | IN VOID *Data,
461 | IN UINTN DataLen
462 | )
463 | {
464 | EFI_STATUS Status;
465 | URB *Urb;
467 |
468 | if (Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
469 | Urb = &Handle->UrbIn;
470 | } else {
471 | Urb = &Handle->UrbOut;
472 | }
473 |
474 | UrbData = Urb->Data;
475 |
476 | ZeroMem (Urb, sizeof (URB));
477 | Urb->Direction = Direction;
478 |
479 | //
480 | // Allocate memory to move data from CAR or SMRAM to normal memory
481 | // to make XHCI DMA successfully
482 | // re-use the pre-allocate buffer in PEI to avoid DXE memory service or gBS are not ready
483 | //
484 | Urb->Data = UrbData;
485 |
486 | if (Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
487 | //
488 | // Do not break URB data in buffer as it may contain the data which were just put in via DMA by XHC
489 | //
490 | Urb->DataLen = (UINT32) DataLen;
491 | } else {
492 | //
493 | // Put data into URB data out buffer which will create TRBs
494 | //
495 | ZeroMem ((VOID*)(UINTN) Urb->Data, DataLen);
496 | CopyMem ((VOID*)(UINTN) Urb->Data, Data, DataLen);
497 | Urb->DataLen = (UINT32) DataLen;
498 | }
499 |
500 | Status = XhcCreateTransferTrb (Handle, Urb);
501 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
502 |
503 | return Urb;
504 | }
505 |
506 | /**
507 | Submits bulk transfer to a bulk endpoint of a USB device.
508 |
509 | @param Handle Debug port handle.
510 | @param Direction The direction of data transfer.
511 | @param Data Array of pointers to the buffers of data to transmit
512 | from or receive into.
513 | @param DataLength The length of the data buffer.
514 | @param Timeout Indicates the maximum time, in microsecond, which
515 | the transfer is allowed to complete.
516 |
517 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The transfer was completed successfully.
518 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The transfer failed due to lack of resource.
519 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameters are invalid.
520 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The transfer failed due to timeout.
521 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The transfer failed due to host controller error.
522 |
523 | **/
525 | EFIAPI
526 | XhcDataTransfer (
529 | IN OUT VOID *Data,
530 | IN OUT UINTN *DataLength,
531 | IN UINTN Timeout
532 | )
533 | {
534 | URB *Urb;
535 | EFI_STATUS Status;
536 |
537 | //
538 | // Validate the parameters
539 | //
540 | if ((DataLength == NULL) || (*DataLength == 0) || (Data == NULL)) {
542 | }
543 |
544 | //
545 | // Create a new URB, insert it into the asynchronous
546 | // schedule list, then poll the execution status.
547 | //
548 | Urb = XhcCreateUrb (Handle, Direction, Data, *DataLength);
549 | ASSERT (Urb != NULL);
550 |
551 | XhcExecTransfer (Handle, Urb, Timeout);
552 |
553 | //
554 | // Make sure the data received from HW can fit in the received buffer.
555 | //
556 | if (Urb->Completed > *DataLength) {
557 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
558 | }
559 |
560 | *DataLength = Urb->Completed;
561 |
562 | Status = EFI_TIMEOUT;
563 | if (Urb->Result == EFI_USB_NOERROR) {
564 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
565 | }
566 |
567 | if (Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
568 | //
569 | // Move data from internal buffer to outside buffer (outside buffer may be in SMRAM...)
570 | // SMRAM does not allow to do DMA, so we create an internal buffer.
571 | //
572 | CopyMem (Data, (VOID *)(UINTN)Urb->Data, *DataLength);
573 | }
574 |
575 | return Status;
576 | }
577 |