/* * Management of the debugging channels * * Copyright 2000 Alexandre Julliard * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /* * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified. */ #include "config.h" #include "wine/port.h" #include "initguid.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wine/debug.h" //#include "wine/library.h" #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM #include #include #else #include #endif #if VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA /* WINE defines this as inline in its headers, directly accessing a memory location */ #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS #define GetCurrentThreadId() (1) #endif #endif static const char * const debug_classes[] = { "fixme", "err", "warn", "trace" }; #define MAX_DEBUG_OPTIONS 256 typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNVBOXWINELOGBACKDOOR(char* pcszStr); typedef FNVBOXWINELOGBACKDOOR *PFNVBOXWINELOGBACKDOOR; static PFNVBOXWINELOGBACKDOOR vbox_log_backdoor = NULL; static unsigned char default_flags = (1 << __WINE_DBCL_ERR) | (1 << __WINE_DBCL_FIXME) | (1 << __WINE_DBCL_WARN); static int nb_debug_options = -1; static struct __wine_debug_channel debug_options[MAX_DEBUG_OPTIONS]; static struct __wine_debug_functions funcs; static void debug_init(void); static int cmp_name( const void *p1, const void *p2 ) { const char *name = p1; const struct __wine_debug_channel *chan = p2; return strcmp( name, chan->name ); } /* get the flags to use for a given channel, possibly setting them too in case of lazy init */ unsigned char __wine_dbg_get_channel_flags( struct __wine_debug_channel *channel ) { if (nb_debug_options == -1) debug_init(); if (nb_debug_options) { struct __wine_debug_channel *opt = bsearch( channel->name, debug_options, nb_debug_options, sizeof(debug_options[0]), cmp_name ); if (opt) return opt->flags; } /* no option for this channel */ if (channel->flags & (1 << __WINE_DBCL_INIT)) channel->flags = default_flags; return default_flags; } /* set the flags to use for a given channel; return 0 if the channel is not available to set */ int __wine_dbg_set_channel_flags( struct __wine_debug_channel *channel, unsigned char set, unsigned char clear ) { if (nb_debug_options == -1) debug_init(); if (nb_debug_options) { struct __wine_debug_channel *opt = bsearch( channel->name, debug_options, nb_debug_options, sizeof(debug_options[0]), cmp_name ); if (opt) { opt->flags = (opt->flags & ~clear) | set; return 1; } } return 0; } /* add a new debug option at the end of the option list */ static void add_option( const char *name, unsigned char set, unsigned char clear ) { int min = 0, max = nb_debug_options - 1, pos, res; if (!name[0]) /* "all" option */ { default_flags = (default_flags & ~clear) | set; return; } if (strlen(name) >= sizeof(debug_options[0].name)) return; while (min <= max) { pos = (min + max) / 2; res = strcmp( name, debug_options[pos].name ); if (!res) { debug_options[pos].flags = (debug_options[pos].flags & ~clear) | set; return; } if (res < 0) max = pos - 1; else min = pos + 1; } if (nb_debug_options >= MAX_DEBUG_OPTIONS) return; pos = min; if (pos < nb_debug_options) memmove( &debug_options[pos + 1], &debug_options[pos], (nb_debug_options - pos) * sizeof(debug_options[0]) ); strcpy( debug_options[pos].name, name ); debug_options[pos].flags = (default_flags & ~clear) | set; nb_debug_options++; } /* parse a set of debugging option specifications and add them to the option list */ static void parse_options( const char *str ) { char *opt, *next, *options; unsigned int i; if (!(options = strdup(str))) return; for (opt = options; opt; opt = next) { const char *p; unsigned char set = 0, clear = 0; if ((next = strchr( opt, ',' ))) *next++ = 0; p = opt + strcspn( opt, "+-" ); if (!p[0]) p = opt; /* assume it's a debug channel name */ if (p > opt) { for (i = 0; i < sizeof(debug_classes)/sizeof(debug_classes[0]); i++) { int len = strlen(debug_classes[i]); if (len != (p - opt)) continue; if (!memcmp( opt, debug_classes[i], len )) /* found it */ { if (*p == '+') set |= 1 << i; else clear |= 1 << i; break; } } if (i == sizeof(debug_classes)/sizeof(debug_classes[0])) /* bad class name, skip it */ continue; } else { if (*p == '-') clear = ~0; else set = ~0; } if (*p == '+' || *p == '-') p++; if (!p[0]) continue; if (!strcmp( p, "all" )) default_flags = (default_flags & ~clear) | set; else add_option( p, set, clear ); } free( options ); } /* print the usage message */ static void debug_usage(void) { static const char usage[] = "Syntax of the WINEDEBUG variable:\n" " WINEDEBUG=[class]+xxx,[class]-yyy,...\n\n" "Example: WINEDEBUG=+all,warn-heap\n" " turns on all messages except warning heap messages\n" "Available message classes: err, warn, fixme, trace\n"; write( 2, usage, sizeof(usage) - 1 ); exit(1); } #ifndef VBOX_WITH_WDDM static DECLCALLBACK(void) vbox_log_backdoor_rt(char* pcszStr) { RTLogPrintf("%s", pcszStr); } #else static DECLCALLBACK(void) vbox_log_backdoor_dispmp(char* pcszStr) { VBoxDispMpLoggerLog(pcszStr); } #endif static void vbox_log_v(const char *pszFormat, va_list args) { if (vbox_log_backdoor) { static char buf[8092]; int offset = sprintf(buf, "[0x%lx.0x%lx] Wine Debug: ", GetCurrentProcessId(), GetCurrentThreadId()); vsprintf(buf + offset, pszFormat, args); vbox_log_backdoor(buf); } } /* initialize all options at startup */ static void debug_init(void) { char *wine_debug; if (nb_debug_options != -1) return; /* already initialized */ nb_debug_options = 0; if ((wine_debug = getenv("WINEDEBUG"))) { #ifndef VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA Assert(0); #endif if (!strcmp( wine_debug, "help" )) debug_usage(); else if (getenv("WINEDEBUG_BACKDOOR")) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM int rc = VBoxDispMpLoggerInit(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) vbox_log_backdoor = vbox_log_backdoor_dispmp; // else #else vbox_log_backdoor = vbox_log_backdoor_rt; #endif } parse_options( wine_debug ); } } /* varargs wrapper for funcs.dbg_vprintf */ int wine_dbg_printf( const char *format, ... ) { int ret; va_list valist; va_start(valist, format); ret = funcs.dbg_vprintf( format, valist ); va_end(valist); return ret; } /* printf with temp buffer allocation */ const char *wine_dbg_sprintf( const char *format, ... ) { static const int max_size = 200; char *ret; int len; va_list valist; va_start(valist, format); ret = funcs.get_temp_buffer( max_size ); len = vsnprintf( ret, max_size, format, valist ); if (len == -1 || len >= max_size) ret[max_size-1] = 0; else funcs.release_temp_buffer( ret, len + 1 ); va_end(valist); return ret; } /* varargs wrapper for funcs.dbg_vlog */ int wine_dbg_log( enum __wine_debug_class cls, struct __wine_debug_channel *channel, const char *func, const char *format, ... ) { int ret; va_list valist; if (!(__wine_dbg_get_channel_flags( channel ) & (1 << cls))) return -1; va_start(valist, format); ret = funcs.dbg_vlog( cls, channel, func, format, valist ); va_end(valist); return ret; } #if !defined(VBOX_WITH_VMSVGA) || defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) int interlocked_xchg_add( int *dest, int incr ) { return InterlockedExchangeAdd(dest, incr); } #endif /* allocate some tmp string space */ /* FIXME: this is not 100% thread-safe */ static char *get_temp_buffer( size_t size ) { static char *list[32]; static int pos; char *ret; int idx; idx = interlocked_xchg_add( &pos, 1 ) % (sizeof(list)/sizeof(list[0])); if ((ret = realloc( list[idx], size ))) list[idx] = ret; return ret; } /* release unused part of the buffer */ static void release_temp_buffer( char *buffer, size_t size ) { /* don't bother doing anything */ } /* default implementation of wine_dbgstr_an */ static const char *default_dbgstr_an( const char *str, int n ) { static const char hex[16] = "0123456789abcdef"; char *dst, *res; size_t size; if (!((ULONG_PTR)str >> 16)) { if (!str) return "(null)"; res = funcs.get_temp_buffer( 6 ); sprintf( res, "#%04x", LOWORD(str) ); return res; } if (n == -1) n = strlen(str); if (n < 0) n = 0; size = 10 + min( 300, n * 4 ); dst = res = funcs.get_temp_buffer( size ); *dst++ = '"'; while (n-- > 0 && dst <= res + size - 9) { unsigned char c = *str++; switch (c) { case '\n': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'n'; break; case '\r': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'r'; break; case '\t': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 't'; break; case '"': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '"'; break; case '\\': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '\\'; break; default: if (c >= ' ' && c <= 126) *dst++ = c; else { *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'x'; *dst++ = hex[(c >> 4) & 0x0f]; *dst++ = hex[c & 0x0f]; } } } *dst++ = '"'; if (n > 0) { *dst++ = '.'; *dst++ = '.'; *dst++ = '.'; } *dst++ = 0; funcs.release_temp_buffer( res, dst - res ); return res; } /* default implementation of wine_dbgstr_wn */ static const char *default_dbgstr_wn( const WCHAR *str, int n ) { char *dst, *res; size_t size; if (!((ULONG_PTR)str >> 16)) { if (!str) return "(null)"; res = funcs.get_temp_buffer( 6 ); sprintf( res, "#%04x", LOWORD(str) ); return res; } if (n == -1) { const WCHAR *end = str; while (*end) end++; n = end - str; } if (n < 0) n = 0; size = 12 + min( 300, n * 5 ); dst = res = funcs.get_temp_buffer( size ); *dst++ = 'L'; *dst++ = '"'; while (n-- > 0 && dst <= res + size - 10) { WCHAR c = *str++; switch (c) { case '\n': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'n'; break; case '\r': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 'r'; break; case '\t': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = 't'; break; case '"': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '"'; break; case '\\': *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '\\'; break; default: if (c >= ' ' && c <= 126) *dst++ = c; else { *dst++ = '\\'; sprintf(dst,"%04x",c); dst+=4; } } } *dst++ = '"'; if (n > 0) { *dst++ = '.'; *dst++ = '.'; *dst++ = '.'; } *dst++ = 0; funcs.release_temp_buffer( res, dst - res ); return res; } /* default implementation of wine_dbg_vprintf */ static int default_dbg_vprintf( const char *format, va_list args ) { vbox_log_v(format, args); #ifdef DEBUG_leo static FILE *output=NULL; static int first_time = 1; if (first_time) { first_time = 0; output = fopen( "winelog.txt", "w" ); } if (output) vfprintf( output, format, args ); #endif return vfprintf( stdout, format, args ); } /* default implementation of wine_dbg_vlog */ static int default_dbg_vlog( enum __wine_debug_class cls, struct __wine_debug_channel *channel, const char *func, const char *format, va_list args ) { int ret = 0; if (cls < sizeof(debug_classes)/sizeof(debug_classes[0])) ret += wine_dbg_printf( "%s:[%#x]:%s:%s ", debug_classes[cls], GetCurrentThreadId(), channel->name, func ); if (format) ret += funcs.dbg_vprintf( format, args ); return ret; } /* wrappers to use the function pointers */ const char *wine_dbgstr_an( const char * s, int n ) { return funcs.dbgstr_an(s, n); } const char *wine_dbgstr_wn( const WCHAR *s, int n ) { return funcs.dbgstr_wn(s, n); } void __wine_dbg_set_functions( const struct __wine_debug_functions *new_funcs, struct __wine_debug_functions *old_funcs, size_t size ) { if (old_funcs) memcpy( old_funcs, &funcs, min(sizeof(funcs),size) ); if (new_funcs) memcpy( &funcs, new_funcs, min(sizeof(funcs),size) ); } static struct __wine_debug_functions funcs = { get_temp_buffer, release_temp_buffer, default_dbgstr_an, default_dbgstr_wn, default_dbg_vprintf, default_dbg_vlog };