1 | /*
2 | * Deprecated shell interfaces
3 | *
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010 Nikolay Sivov for CodeWeavers
5 | *
6 | * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 | * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 | * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 | * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 | *
11 | * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 | *
16 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 | * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 | * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 | */
20 |
21 | /*
22 | * Oracle LGPL Disclaimer: For the avoidance of doubt, except that if any license choice
23 | * other than GPL or LGPL is available it will apply instead, Oracle elects to use only
24 | * the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2) at this time for any software where
25 | * a choice of LGPL license versions is made available with the language indicating
26 | * that LGPLv2 or any later version may be used, or where a choice of which version
27 | * of the LGPL is applied is otherwise unspecified.
28 | */
29 |
30 | import "objidl.idl";
31 | import "ocidl.idl";
32 | import "shtypes.idl";
33 | import "shobjidl.idl";
34 | import "hlink.idl";
35 | import "exdisp.idl";
36 |
37 | cpp_quote("#define TLOG_BACK -1")
38 | cpp_quote("#define TLOG_FORE 1")
39 |
40 | cpp_quote("#define TLMENUF_INCLUDECURRENT 0x00000001")
41 | cpp_quote("#define TLMENUF_CHECKCURRENT (TLMENUF_INCLUDECURRENT | 0x00000002)")
42 | cpp_quote("#define TLMENUF_BACK 0x00000010")
43 | cpp_quote("#define TLMENUF_FORE 0x00000020")
45 |
46 | [
47 | hidden,
48 | local,
49 | object,
50 | uuid(F46EDB3B-BC2F-11d0-9412-00AA00A3EBD3)
51 | ]
52 | interface ITravelEntry : IUnknown
53 | {
54 | HRESULT Invoke(
55 | [in] IUnknown *punk);
56 |
57 | HRESULT Update(
58 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
59 | [in] BOOL fIsLocalAnchor);
60 |
61 | HRESULT GetPidl(
62 | [out] LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl);
63 | };
64 |
65 | [
66 | hidden,
67 | local,
68 | object,
69 | uuid(66A9CB08-4802-11d2-A561-00A0C92DBFE8)
70 | ]
71 | interface ITravelLog : IUnknown
72 | {
73 | HRESULT AddEntry(
74 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
75 | [in] BOOL fIsLocalAnchor);
76 |
77 | HRESULT UpdateEntry(
78 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
79 | [in] BOOL fIsLocalAnchor);
80 |
81 | HRESULT UpdateExternal(
82 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
83 | [in] IUnknown *punkHLBrowseContext);
84 |
85 | HRESULT Travel(
86 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
87 | [in] int iOffset);
88 |
89 | HRESULT GetTravelEntry(
90 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
91 | [in] int iOffset,
92 | [optional, out] ITravelEntry **ppte);
93 |
94 | HRESULT FindTravelEntry(
95 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
96 | [in] LPCITEMIDLIST pidl,
97 | [out] ITravelEntry **ppte);
98 |
99 | HRESULT GetToolTipText(
100 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
101 | [in] int iOffset,
102 | [in] int idsTemplate,
103 | [out, size_is(cchText)] LPWSTR pwzText,
104 | [in] DWORD cchText);
105 |
106 | HRESULT InsertMenuEntries(
107 | [in] IUnknown *punk,
108 | [in] HMENU hmenu,
109 | [in] int nPos,
110 | [in] int idFirst,
111 | [in] int idLast,
112 | [in] DWORD dwFlags);
113 |
114 | HRESULT Clone(
115 | [out] ITravelLog **pptl);
116 |
117 | DWORD CountEntries(
118 | [in] IUnknown *punk);
119 |
120 | HRESULT Revert();
121 | };
122 |
123 | typedef void *CIE4ConnectionPoint;
124 |
125 | [
126 | local,
127 | object,
128 | uuid(0D7D1D00-6FC0-11D0-A974-00C04FD705A2)
129 | ]
130 | interface IExpDispSupport : IUnknown
131 | {
132 | HRESULT FindCIE4ConnectionPoint(
133 | REFIID riid,
134 | CIE4ConnectionPoint **ppccp);
135 |
136 | HRESULT OnTranslateAccelerator(
137 | MSG *pMsg,
138 | DWORD grfModifiers);
139 |
140 | HRESULT OnInvoke(
141 | DISPID dispidMember,
142 | REFIID iid,
143 | LCID lcid,
144 | WORD wFlags,
145 | DISPPARAMS *pdispparams,
146 | VARIANT *pVarResult,
147 | EXCEPINFO *pexcepinfo,
148 | UINT *puArgErr);
149 | };
150 |
151 | typedef enum tagBNSTATE
152 | {
153 | BNS_NORMAL = 0,
155 | BNS_NAVIGATE = 2
156 |
157 | } BNSTATE;
158 |
159 | enum {
160 | SBSC_HIDE = 0,
161 | SBSC_SHOW = 1,
162 | SBSC_TOGGLE = 2,
163 | SBSC_QUERY = 3
164 | };
165 |
166 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_REGISTERASDROPTARGET 0x00000001")
167 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_THEATERMODE 0x00000002")
168 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_NOLOCALFILEWARNING 0x00000010")
169 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_UISETBYAUTOMATION 0x00000100")
170 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_RESIZABLE 0x00000200")
171 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_CANMAXIMIZE 0x00000400")
172 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_TOPBROWSER 0x00000800")
173 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_NAVNOHISTORY 0x00001000")
174 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_HTMLNAVCANCELED 0x00002000")
175 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_DONTSHOWNAVCANCELPAGE 0x00004000")
176 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_SETNAVIGATABLECODEPAGE 0x00008000")
177 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_DELEGATEDNAVIGATION 0x00010000")
178 | cpp_quote("#define BSF_TRUSTEDFORACTIVEX 0x00020000")
179 |
180 | cpp_quote("#define HLNF_CALLERUNTRUSTED 0x00200000")
181 | cpp_quote("#define HLNF_TRUSTEDFORACTIVEX 0x00400000")
182 | cpp_quote("#define HLNF_DISABLEWINDOWRESTRICTIONS 0x00800000")
183 | cpp_quote("#define HLNF_TRUSTFIRSTDOWNLOAD 0x01000000")
184 | cpp_quote("#define HLNF_UNTRUSTEDFORDOWNLOAD 0x02000000")
185 | cpp_quote("#define SHHLNF_NOAUTOSELECT 0x04000000")
186 | cpp_quote("#define SHHLNF_WRITENOHISTORY 0x08000000")
187 | cpp_quote("#define HLNF_EXTERNALNAVIGATE 0x10000000")
188 | cpp_quote("#define HLNF_ALLOW_AUTONAVIGATE 0x20000000")
189 | cpp_quote("#define HLNF_NEWWINDOWSMANAGED 0x80000000")
190 |
191 | [
192 | local,
193 | object,
194 | uuid(02ba3b52-0547-11d1-b833-00c04fc9b31f)
195 | ]
196 | interface IBrowserService : IUnknown
197 | {
198 | HRESULT GetParentSite(
199 | [out] IOleInPlaceSite **ppipsite);
200 |
201 | HRESULT SetTitle(
202 | [in] IShellView *psv,
203 | [in] LPCWSTR pszName);
204 |
205 | HRESULT GetTitle(
206 | [in] IShellView *psv,
207 | [out, size_is(cchName)] LPWSTR pszName,
208 | [in] DWORD cchName);
209 |
210 | HRESULT GetOleObject(
211 | [out] IOleObject **ppobjv);
212 |
213 | HRESULT GetTravelLog(
214 | [out, optional] ITravelLog **pptl);
215 |
216 | HRESULT ShowControlWindow(
217 | [in] UINT id,
218 | [in] BOOL fShow);
219 |
220 | HRESULT IsControlWindowShown(
221 | [in] UINT id,
222 | [out] BOOL *pfShown);
223 |
224 | HRESULT IEGetDisplayName(
225 | [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl,
226 | [out] LPWSTR pwszName,
227 | [in] UINT uFlags);
228 |
229 | HRESULT IEParseDisplayName(
230 | [in] UINT uiCP,
231 | [in] LPCWSTR pwszPath,
232 | [out] PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE *ppidlOut);
233 |
234 | HRESULT DisplayParseError(
235 | [in] HRESULT hres,
236 | [in] LPCWSTR pwszPath);
237 |
238 | HRESULT NavigateToPidl(
239 | [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl,
240 | [in] DWORD grfHLNF);
241 |
242 | HRESULT SetNavigateState(
243 | [in] BNSTATE bnstate);
244 |
245 | HRESULT GetNavigateState(
246 | [out] BNSTATE *pbnstate);
247 |
248 | HRESULT NotifyRedirect(
249 | [in] IShellView *psv,
250 | [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl,
251 | [out] BOOL *pfDidBrowse);
252 |
253 | HRESULT UpdateWindowList();
254 |
255 | HRESULT UpdateBackForwardState();
256 |
257 | HRESULT SetFlags(
258 | [in] DWORD dwFlags,
259 | [in] DWORD dwFlagMask);
260 |
261 | HRESULT GetFlags(
262 | [out] DWORD *pdwFlags);
263 |
264 | HRESULT CanNavigateNow();
265 |
266 | HRESULT GetPidl(
267 | [out] PIDLIST_ABSOLUTE *ppidl);
268 |
269 | HRESULT SetReferrer(
270 | [in] PCIDLIST_ABSOLUTE pidl);
271 |
272 | DWORD GetBrowserIndex();
273 |
274 | HRESULT GetBrowserByIndex(
275 | [in] DWORD dwID,
276 | [out] IUnknown **ppunk);
277 |
278 | HRESULT GetHistoryObject(
279 | [out] IOleObject **ppole,
280 | [out] IStream **pstm,
281 | [out] IBindCtx **ppbc);
282 |
283 | HRESULT SetHistoryObject(
284 | [in] IOleObject *pole,
285 | [in] BOOL fIsLocalAnchor);
286 |
287 | HRESULT CacheOLEServer(
288 | [in] IOleObject *pole);
289 |
290 | HRESULT GetSetCodePage(
291 | [in] VARIANT *pvarIn,
292 | [out] VARIANT *pvarOut);
293 |
294 | HRESULT OnHttpEquiv(
295 | [in] IShellView *psv,
296 | [in] BOOL fDone,
297 | [in] VARIANT *pvarargIn,
298 | [out] VARIANT *pvarargOut);
299 |
300 | HRESULT GetPalette(
301 | [out] HPALETTE *hpal);
302 |
303 | HRESULT RegisterWindow(
304 | [in] BOOL fForceRegister,
305 | [in] int swc);
306 | }
307 |
308 | [
309 | object,
310 | local,
311 | uuid(5836fb00-8187-11cf-a12b-00aa004ae837)
312 | ]
313 | interface IShellService : IUnknown
314 | {
315 | HRESULT SetOwner( [in] IUnknown *pUnk );
316 | }
317 |
318 | cpp_quote("#if 0")
319 | typedef HANDLE HMONITOR;
320 | cpp_quote("#endif")
321 |
322 | enum {
339 | };
340 |
341 |
342 | typedef struct {
343 | HWND _hwnd;
344 | ITravelLog *_ptl;
345 | IHlinkFrame *_phlf;
346 | IWebBrowser2 *_pautoWB2;
347 | IExpDispSupport *_pautoEDS;
348 | IShellService *_pautoSS;
349 | int _eSecureLockIcon;
350 | DWORD _fCreatingViewWindow;
351 | UINT _uActivateState;
352 |
353 | LPCITEMIDLIST _pidlNewShellView;
354 |
355 | IOleCommandTarget *_pctView;
356 |
357 | LPITEMIDLIST _pidlCur;
358 | IShellView *_psv;
359 | IShellFolder *_psf;
360 | HWND _hwndView;
361 | LPWSTR _pszTitleCur;
362 |
363 | LPITEMIDLIST _pidlPending;
364 | IShellView *_psvPending;
365 | IShellFolder *_psfPending;
366 | HWND _hwndViewPending;
367 | LPWSTR _pszTitlePending;
368 |
369 | BOOL _fIsViewMSHTML;
370 | BOOL _fPrivacyImpacted;
371 |
374 |
375 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_RESTRICTED 0x00000070")
376 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_CACHEHIT 0x00000050")
377 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_STALECACHEHIT 0x00000045")
378 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_USEASDEFAULT 0x00000043")
379 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_SHELLEXT 0x00000040")
380 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_CACHEMISS 0x00000030")
381 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_INHERIT 0x00000020")
382 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_SHELLEXT_ASBACKUP 0x0015")
383 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_DESPERATE 0x00000010")
384 | cpp_quote("#define VIEW_PRIORITY_NONE 0x00000000")
385 |
386 | typedef struct tagFolderSetData {
388 | SHELLVIEWID _vidRestore;
389 | DWORD _dwViewPriority;
391 |
392 | typedef struct SToolbarItem {
393 | IDockingWindow *ptbar;
394 | BORDERWIDTHS rcBorderTool;
395 | LPWSTR pwszItem;
396 | BOOL fShow;
397 | HMONITOR hMon;
399 |
400 | cpp_quote("#define ITB_VIEW ((UINT)-1)")
401 |
402 | [
403 | local,
404 | object,
405 | uuid(68BD21CC-438B-11d2-A560-00A0C92DBFE8)
406 | ]
407 | interface IBrowserService2 : IBrowserService
408 | {
409 | LRESULT WndProcBS(
410 | [in] HWND hwnd,
411 | [in] UINT uMsg,
412 | [in, out] WPARAM wParam,
413 | [in, out] LPARAM lParam);
414 |
415 | HRESULT SetAsDefFolderSettings();
416 |
417 | HRESULT GetViewRect(
418 | [in, out] RECT *prc);
419 |
420 | HRESULT OnSize(
421 | [in] WPARAM wParam);
422 |
423 | HRESULT OnCreate(
424 | [in] struct tagCREATESTRUCTW *pcs);
425 |
426 | LRESULT OnCommand(
427 | [in] WPARAM wParam,
428 | [in] LPARAM lParam);
429 |
430 | HRESULT OnDestroy();
431 |
432 | LRESULT OnNotify(
433 | [in, out] struct tagNMHDR *pnm);
434 |
435 | HRESULT OnSetFocus();
436 |
437 | HRESULT OnFrameWindowActivateBS(
438 | [in] BOOL fActive);
439 |
440 | HRESULT ReleaseShellView();
441 |
442 | HRESULT ActivatePendingView();
443 |
444 | HRESULT CreateViewWindow(
445 | [in] IShellView *psvNew,
446 | [in] IShellView *psvOld,
447 | [out] LPRECT prcView,
448 | [out] HWND *phwnd);
449 |
450 | HRESULT CreateBrowserPropSheetExt(
451 | [in] REFIID riid,
452 | [out] void **ppv);
453 |
454 | HRESULT GetViewWindow(
455 | [out] HWND *phwndView);
456 |
457 | HRESULT GetBaseBrowserData(
458 | [in, out] LPCBASEBROWSERDATA *pbbd);
459 |
460 | LPBASEBROWSERDATA PutBaseBrowserData();
461 |
462 | HRESULT InitializeTravelLog(
463 | [in] ITravelLog *ptl,
464 | [in] DWORD dw);
465 |
466 | HRESULT SetTopBrowser();
467 |
468 | HRESULT Offline(
469 | [in] int iCmd);
470 |
471 | HRESULT AllowViewResize(
472 | [in] BOOL f);
473 |
474 | HRESULT SetActivateState(
475 | [in] UINT u);
476 |
477 | HRESULT UpdateSecureLockIcon(
478 | [in] int eSecureLock);
479 |
480 | HRESULT InitializeDownloadManager();
481 |
482 | HRESULT InitializeTransitionSite();
483 |
484 | HRESULT _Initialize(
485 | [in] HWND hwnd,
486 | [in] IUnknown *pauto);
487 |
488 | HRESULT _CancelPendingNavigationAsync();
489 |
490 | HRESULT _CancelPendingView();
491 |
492 | HRESULT _MaySaveChanges();
493 |
494 | HRESULT _PauseOrResumeView(
495 | [in] BOOL fPaused);
496 |
497 | HRESULT _DisableModeless();
498 |
499 | HRESULT _NavigateToPidl(
500 | [in] LPCITEMIDLIST pidl,
501 | [in] DWORD grfHLNF,
502 | [in] DWORD dwFlags);
503 |
504 | HRESULT _TryShell2Rename(
505 | [in] IShellView *psv,
506 | [in] LPCITEMIDLIST pidlNew);
507 |
508 | HRESULT _SwitchActivationNow();
509 |
510 | HRESULT _ExecChildren(
511 | [in] IUnknown *punkBar,
512 | [in] BOOL fBroadcast,
513 | [in] const GUID *pguidCmdGroup,
514 | [in] DWORD nCmdID,
515 | [in] DWORD nCmdexecopt,
516 | [in] VARIANTARG *pvarargIn,
517 | [in, out] VARIANTARG *pvarargOut);
518 |
519 | HRESULT _SendChildren(
520 | [in] HWND hwndBar,
521 | [in] BOOL fBroadcast,
522 | [in] UINT uMsg,
523 | [in, out] WPARAM wParam,
524 | [in, out] LPARAM lParam);
525 |
526 | HRESULT GetFolderSetData(
527 | [in, out] struct tagFolderSetData *pfsd);
528 |
529 | HRESULT _OnFocusChange(
530 | [in] UINT itb);
531 |
532 | HRESULT v_ShowHideChildWindows(
533 | [in] BOOL fChildOnly);
534 |
535 | UINT _get_itbLastFocus();
536 |
537 | HRESULT _put_itbLastFocus(
538 | [in] UINT itbLastFocus);
539 |
540 | HRESULT _UIActivateView(
541 | [in] UINT uState);
542 |
543 | HRESULT _GetViewBorderRect(
544 | [in, out] RECT* prc);
545 |
546 | HRESULT _UpdateViewRectSize();
547 |
548 | HRESULT _ResizeNextBorder(
549 | [in] UINT itb);
550 |
551 | HRESULT _ResizeView();
552 |
553 | HRESULT _GetEffectiveClientArea(
554 | [in, out] LPRECT lprectBorder,
555 | [in] HMONITOR hmon);
556 |
557 | IStream* v_GetViewStream(
558 | [in] LPCITEMIDLIST pidl,
559 | [in] DWORD grfMode,
560 | [in] LPCWSTR pwszName);
561 |
562 | LRESULT ForwardViewMsg(
563 | [in] UINT uMsg,
564 | [in] WPARAM wParam,
565 | [in] LPARAM lParam);
566 |
567 | HRESULT SetAcceleratorMenu(
568 | [in] HACCEL hacc);
569 |
570 | int _GetToolbarCount();
571 |
572 | LPTOOLBARITEM _GetToolbarItem(
573 | [in] int itb);
574 |
575 | HRESULT _SaveToolbars(
576 | [in] IStream *pstm);
577 |
578 | HRESULT _LoadToolbars(
579 | [in] IStream *pstm);
580 |
581 | HRESULT _CloseAndReleaseToolbars(
582 | [in] BOOL fClose);
583 |
584 | HRESULT v_MayGetNextToolbarFocus(
585 | [in] LPMSG lpMsg,
586 | [in] UINT itbNext,
587 | [in] int citb,
588 | [out] LPTOOLBARITEM *pptbi,
589 | [out] HWND *phwnd);
590 |
591 | HRESULT _ResizeNextBorderHelper(
592 | [in] UINT itb,
593 | [in] BOOL bUseHmonitor);
594 |
595 | UINT _FindTBar(
596 | [in] IUnknown *punkSrc);
597 |
598 | HRESULT _SetFocus(
599 | [in] LPTOOLBARITEM ptbi,
600 | [in] HWND hwnd,
601 | [in] LPMSG lpMsg);
602 |
603 | HRESULT v_MayTranslateAccelerator(
604 | [in] MSG* pmsg);
605 |
606 | HRESULT _GetBorderDWHelper(
607 | [in] IUnknown *punkSrc,
608 | [in] LPRECT lprectBorder,
609 | [in] BOOL bUseHmonitor);
610 |
611 | HRESULT v_CheckZoneCrossing(
612 | [in, out] LPCITEMIDLIST pidl);
613 | };