/* $Id: tftp.c 63621 2016-08-24 07:49:10Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * NAT - TFTP server. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /* * This code is based on: * * tftp.c - a simple, read-only tftp server for qemu * * Copyright (c) 2004 Magnus Damm * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include typedef enum ENMTFTPSESSIONFMT { TFTPFMT_NONE = 0, TFTPFMT_OCTET, TFTPFMT_NETASCII, TFTPFMT_MAIL, TFTPFMT_NOT_FMT = 0xffff } ENMTFTPSESSIONFMT; typedef struct TFPTPSESSIONOPTDESC { int fRequested; uint64_t u64Value; } TFPTPSESSIONOPTDESC, *PTFPTPSESSIONOPTDESC; typedef struct TFTPSESSION { int fInUse; unsigned char pszFilename[TFTP_FILENAME_MAX]; struct in_addr IpClientAddress; uint16_t u16ClientPort; int iTimestamp; uint64_t cbTransfered; uint16_t cTftpAck; ENMTFTPSESSIONFMT enmTftpFmt; TFPTPSESSIONOPTDESC OptionBlkSize; TFPTPSESSIONOPTDESC OptionTSize; TFPTPSESSIONOPTDESC OptionTimeout; } TFTPSESSION, *PTFTPSESSION, **PPTFTPSESSION; #pragma pack(1) typedef struct TFTPCOREHDR { uint16_t u16TftpOpCode; /* Data lays here (might be raw uint8_t* or header of payload ) */ } TFTPCOREHDR, *PTFTPCOREHDR; typedef struct TFTPIPHDR { struct ip IPv4Hdr; struct udphdr UdpHdr; uint16_t u16TftpOpType; TFTPCOREHDR Core; /* Data lays here */ } TFTPIPHDR, *PTFTPIPHDR; #pragma pack() typedef const PTFTPIPHDR PCTFTPIPHDR; typedef const PTFTPSESSION PCTFTPSESSION; typedef struct TFTPOPTIONDESC { const char *pszName; ENMTFTPSESSIONFMT enmType; int cbName; bool fHasValue; } TFTPOPTIONDESC, *PTFTPOPTIONDESC; typedef const PTFTPOPTIONDESC PCTFTPOPTIONDESC; static TFTPOPTIONDESC g_TftpTransferFmtDesc[] = { {"octet", TFTPFMT_OCTET, 5, false}, /* RFC1350 */ {"netascii", TFTPFMT_NETASCII, 8, false}, /* RFC1350 */ {"mail", TFTPFMT_MAIL, 4, false}, /* RFC1350 */ }; static TFTPOPTIONDESC g_TftpDesc[] = { {"blksize", TFTPFMT_NOT_FMT, 7, true}, /* RFC2348 */ {"timeout", TFTPFMT_NOT_FMT, 7, true}, /* RFC2349 */ {"tsize", TFTPFMT_NOT_FMT, 5, true}, /* RFC2349 */ {"size", TFTPFMT_NOT_FMT, 4, true}, /* RFC2349 */ }; /** * This function evaluate file name. * @param pu8Payload * @param cbPayload * @param cbFileName * @return VINF_SUCCESS - * VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER - */ DECLINLINE(int) tftpSecurityFilenameCheck(PNATState pData, PCTFTPSESSION pcTftpSession) { size_t cbSessionFilename = 0; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtrReturn(pcTftpSession, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); cbSessionFilename = RTStrNLen((const char *)pcTftpSession->pszFilename, TFTP_FILENAME_MAX); if ( !RTStrNCmp((const char*)pcTftpSession->pszFilename, "../", 3) || (pcTftpSession->pszFilename[cbSessionFilename - 1] == '/') || RTStrStr((const char *)pcTftpSession->pszFilename, "/../")) rc = VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; /* only allow exported prefixes */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && !tftp_prefix) rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /* * This function returns index of option descriptor in passed descriptor array * @param piIdxOpt returned index value * @param paTftpDesc array of known Tftp descriptors * @param caTftpDesc size of array of tftp descriptors * @param pszOpt name of option */ DECLINLINE(int) tftpFindDesciptorIndexByName(int *piIdxOpt, PCTFTPOPTIONDESC paTftpDesc, int caTftpDesc, const char *pszOptName) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; int idxOption = 0; AssertReturn(piIdxOpt, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(paTftpDesc, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(pszOptName, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); for (idxOption = 0; idxOption < caTftpDesc; ++idxOption) { if (!RTStrNICmp(pszOptName, paTftpDesc[idxOption].pszName, 10)) { *piIdxOpt = idxOption; return rc; } } rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND; return rc; } /** * Helper function to look for index of descriptor in transfer format descriptors * @param piIdxOpt returned value of index * @param pszOpt name of option */ DECLINLINE(int) tftpFindTransferFormatIdxbyName(int *piIdxOpt, const char *pszOpt) { return tftpFindDesciptorIndexByName(piIdxOpt, &g_TftpTransferFmtDesc[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_TftpTransferFmtDesc), pszOpt); } /** * Helper function to look for index of descriptor in options descriptors * @param piIdxOpt returned value of index * @param pszOpt name of option */ DECLINLINE(int) tftpFindOptionIdxbyName(int *piIdxOpt, const char *pszOpt) { return tftpFindDesciptorIndexByName(piIdxOpt, &g_TftpDesc[0], RT_ELEMENTS(g_TftpDesc), pszOpt); } #if 0 /* unused */ DECLINLINE(bool) tftpIsAcceptableOption(const char *pszOptionName) { int idxOptDesc = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pszOptionName, false); AssertReturn(RTStrNLen(pszOptionName,10) >= 4, false); AssertReturn(RTStrNLen(pszOptionName,10) < 8, false); for(idxOptDesc = 0; idxOptDesc < RT_ELEMENTS(g_TftpTransferFmtDesc); ++idxOptDesc) { if (!RTStrNICmp(pszOptionName, g_TftpTransferFmtDesc[idxOptDesc].pszName, 10)) return true; } for(idxOptDesc = 0; idxOptDesc < RT_ELEMENTS(g_TftpDesc); ++idxOptDesc) { if (!RTStrNICmp(pszOptionName, g_TftpDesc[idxOptDesc].pszName, 10)) return true; } return false; } #endif /* unused */ /** * This helper function that validate if client want to operate in supported by server mode. * @param pcTftpHeader comulative header (IP, UDP, TFTP) * @param pcu8Options pointer to the options supposing that pointer points at the mode option * @param cbOptions size of the options buffer */ DECLINLINE(int) tftpIsSupportedTransferMode(PCTFTPSESSION pcTftpSession) { AssertPtrReturn(pcTftpSession, 0); return (pcTftpSession->enmTftpFmt == TFTPFMT_OCTET); } DECLINLINE(void) tftpSessionUpdate(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession) { pTftpSession->iTimestamp = curtime; pTftpSession->fInUse = 1; } DECLINLINE(void) tftpSessionTerminate(PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession) { pTftpSession->fInUse = 0; } DECLINLINE(int) tftpSessionParseAndMarkOption(const char *pcszRawOption, PTFPTPSESSIONOPTDESC pTftpSessionOption) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; rc = RTStrToInt64Full(pcszRawOption, 0, (int64_t *)&pTftpSessionOption->u64Value); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); pTftpSessionOption->fRequested = 1; return rc; } DECLINLINE(int) tftpSessionOptionParse(PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession, PCTFTPIPHDR pcTftpIpHeader) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; char *pszTftpRRQRaw; size_t idxTftpRRQRaw = 0; ssize_t cbTftpRRQRaw = 0; int fWithArg = 0; int idxOptionArg = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pTftpSession, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcTftpIpHeader, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(RT_N2H_U16(pcTftpIpHeader->u16TftpOpType) == TFTP_RRQ, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); LogFlowFunc(("pTftpSession:%p, pcTftpIpHeader:%p\n", pTftpSession, pcTftpIpHeader)); pszTftpRRQRaw = (char *)&pcTftpIpHeader->Core; cbTftpRRQRaw = RT_H2N_U16(pcTftpIpHeader->UdpHdr.uh_ulen) + sizeof(struct ip) - RT_OFFSETOF(TFTPIPHDR, Core); while (cbTftpRRQRaw) { idxTftpRRQRaw = RTStrNLen(pszTftpRRQRaw, 512 - idxTftpRRQRaw) + 1; if (RTStrNLen((char *)pTftpSession->pszFilename, TFTP_FILENAME_MAX) == 0) { rc = RTStrCopy((char *)pTftpSession->pszFilename, TFTP_FILENAME_MAX, pszTftpRRQRaw); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); AssertRCReturn(rc,rc); } } else if (pTftpSession->enmTftpFmt == TFTPFMT_NONE) { int idxFmt = 0; rc = tftpFindTransferFormatIdxbyName(&idxFmt, pszTftpRRQRaw); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } AssertReturn( g_TftpTransferFmtDesc[idxFmt].enmType != TFTPFMT_NONE && g_TftpTransferFmtDesc[idxFmt].enmType != TFTPFMT_NOT_FMT, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); pTftpSession->enmTftpFmt = g_TftpTransferFmtDesc[idxFmt].enmType; } else if (fWithArg) { if (!RTStrICmp("blksize", g_TftpDesc[idxOptionArg].pszName)) { rc = tftpSessionParseAndMarkOption(pszTftpRRQRaw, &pTftpSession->OptionBlkSize); if (pTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.u64Value > UINT16_MAX) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && !RTStrICmp("tsize", g_TftpDesc[idxOptionArg].pszName)) rc = tftpSessionParseAndMarkOption(pszTftpRRQRaw, &pTftpSession->OptionTSize); /** @todo we don't use timeout, but its value in the range 0-255 */ if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && !RTStrICmp("timeout", g_TftpDesc[idxOptionArg].pszName)) rc = tftpSessionParseAndMarkOption(pszTftpRRQRaw, &pTftpSession->OptionTimeout); /** @todo unknown option detection */ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); AssertRCReturn(rc,rc); } fWithArg = 0; idxOptionArg = 0; } else { rc = tftpFindOptionIdxbyName(&idxOptionArg, pszTftpRRQRaw); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) fWithArg = 1; else { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); AssertRCReturn(rc,rc); } } pszTftpRRQRaw += idxTftpRRQRaw; cbTftpRRQRaw -= idxTftpRRQRaw; } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } static int tftpAllocateSession(PNATState pData, PCTFTPIPHDR pcTftpIpHeader, PPTFTPSESSION ppTftpSession) { PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession = NULL; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; int idxSession; AssertPtrReturn(pData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcTftpIpHeader, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(ppTftpSession, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); for (idxSession = 0; idxSession < TFTP_SESSIONS_MAX; idxSession++) { pTftpSession = &((PTFTPSESSION)pData->pvTftpSessions)[idxSession]; if (!pTftpSession->fInUse) goto found; /* sessions time out after 5 inactive seconds */ if ((int)(curtime - pTftpSession->iTimestamp) > 5000) goto found; } return VERR_NOT_FOUND; found: memset(pTftpSession, 0, sizeof(*pTftpSession)); memcpy(&pTftpSession->IpClientAddress, &pcTftpIpHeader->IPv4Hdr.ip_src, sizeof(pTftpSession->IpClientAddress)); pTftpSession->u16ClientPort = pcTftpIpHeader->UdpHdr.uh_sport; rc = tftpSessionOptionParse(pTftpSession, pcTftpIpHeader); AssertRCReturn(rc, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); *ppTftpSession = pTftpSession; tftpSessionUpdate(pData, pTftpSession); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int tftpSessionFind(PNATState pData, PCTFTPIPHDR pcTftpIpHeader, PPTFTPSESSION ppTftpSessions) { PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession; int idxTftpSession; AssertPtrReturn(pData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcTftpIpHeader, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(ppTftpSessions, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); for (idxTftpSession = 0; idxTftpSession < TFTP_SESSIONS_MAX; idxTftpSession++) { pTftpSession = &((PTFTPSESSION)pData->pvTftpSessions)[idxTftpSession]; if (pTftpSession->fInUse) { if (!memcmp(&pTftpSession->IpClientAddress, &pcTftpIpHeader->IPv4Hdr.ip_src, sizeof(pTftpSession->IpClientAddress))) { if (pTftpSession->u16ClientPort == pcTftpIpHeader->UdpHdr.uh_sport) { *ppTftpSessions = pTftpSession; return VINF_SUCCESS; } } } } return VERR_NOT_FOUND; } DECLINLINE(int) pftpSessionOpenFile(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession, PRTFILE pSessionFile) { char aszSessionFileName[TFTP_FILENAME_MAX]; size_t cbSessionFileName; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LogFlowFuncEnter(); cbSessionFileName = RTStrPrintf(aszSessionFileName, TFTP_FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", tftp_prefix, pTftpSession->pszFilename); if (cbSessionFileName >= TFTP_FILENAME_MAX) { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } LogFunc(("aszSessionFileName: %s\n", aszSessionFileName)); if (!RTFileExists(aszSessionFileName)) { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } rc = RTFileOpen(pSessionFile, aszSessionFileName, RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } DECLINLINE(int) tftpSessionEvaluateOptions(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; RTFILE hSessionFile; uint64_t cbSessionFile = 0; LogFlowFunc(("pTftpSession:%p\n", pTftpSession)); rc = pftpSessionOpenFile(pData, pTftpSession, &hSessionFile); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } rc = RTFileGetSize(hSessionFile, &cbSessionFile); RTFileClose(hSessionFile); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } if (pTftpSession->OptionTSize.fRequested) { pTftpSession->OptionTSize.u64Value = cbSessionFile; } if ( !pTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.u64Value && !pTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.fRequested) { pTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.u64Value = 1428; } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } DECLINLINE(int) tftpSend(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession, struct mbuf *pMBuf, PCTFTPIPHDR pcTftpIpHeaderRecv) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; struct sockaddr_in saddr, daddr; LogFlowFunc(("pMBuf:%p, pcTftpIpHeaderRecv:%p\n", pMBuf, pcTftpIpHeaderRecv)); saddr.sin_addr = pcTftpIpHeaderRecv->IPv4Hdr.ip_dst; saddr.sin_port = pcTftpIpHeaderRecv->UdpHdr.uh_dport; daddr.sin_addr = pTftpSession->IpClientAddress; daddr.sin_port = pTftpSession->u16ClientPort; pMBuf->m_data += sizeof(struct udpiphdr); pMBuf->m_len -= sizeof(struct udpiphdr); udp_output2(pData, NULL, pMBuf, &saddr, &daddr, IPTOS_LOWDELAY); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } DECLINLINE(int) tftpSendError(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession, uint16_t errorcode, const char *msg, PCTFTPIPHDR pcTftpIpHeaderRecv); DECLINLINE(int) tftpReadDataBlock(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pcTftpSession, uint8_t *pu8Data, int *pcbReadData) { RTFILE hSessionFile; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint16_t u16BlkSize = 0; AssertPtrReturn(pData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcTftpSession, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pu8Data, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcbReadData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(pcTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.u64Value < UINT16_MAX, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); LogFlowFunc(("pcTftpSession:%p, pu8Data:%p, pcbReadData:%p\n", pcTftpSession, pu8Data, pcbReadData)); u16BlkSize = (uint16_t)pcTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.u64Value; rc = pftpSessionOpenFile(pData, pcTftpSession, &hSessionFile); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } if (pcbReadData) { size_t cbRead; rc = RTFileSeek(hSessionFile, pcTftpSession->cbTransfered, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTFileClose(hSessionFile); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } rc = RTFileRead(hSessionFile, pu8Data, u16BlkSize, &cbRead); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { RTFileClose(hSessionFile); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } *pcbReadData = (int)cbRead; } rc = RTFileClose(hSessionFile); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } DECLINLINE(int) tftpAddOptionToOACK(PNATState pData, struct mbuf *pMBuf, const char *pszOptName, uint64_t u64OptValue) { char aszOptionBuffer[256]; size_t iOptLength; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; int cbMBufCurrent = pMBuf->m_len; LogFlowFunc(("pMBuf:%p, pszOptName:%s, u16OptValue:%ld\n", pMBuf, pszOptName, u64OptValue)); AssertPtrReturn(pMBuf, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pszOptName, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); RT_ZERO(aszOptionBuffer); iOptLength = RTStrPrintf(aszOptionBuffer, 256 , "%s", pszOptName) + 1; iOptLength += RTStrPrintf(aszOptionBuffer + iOptLength, 256 - iOptLength , "%llu", u64OptValue) + 1; if (iOptLength > M_TRAILINGSPACE(pMBuf)) rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; /* buffer too small */ else { pMBuf->m_len += (int)iOptLength; m_copyback(pData, pMBuf, cbMBufCurrent, (int)iOptLength, aszOptionBuffer); } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } DECLINLINE(int) tftpSendOACK(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession, PCTFTPIPHDR pcTftpIpHeaderRecv) { struct mbuf *m; PTFTPIPHDR pTftpIpHeader; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; rc = tftpSessionEvaluateOptions(pData, pTftpSession); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { tftpSendError(pData, pTftpSession, 2, "Option negotiation failure (file not found or inaccessible?)", pcTftpIpHeaderRecv); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return -1; } m = slirpTftpMbufAlloc(pData); if (!m) return -1; m->m_data += if_maxlinkhdr; m->m_pkthdr.header = mtod(m, void *); pTftpIpHeader = mtod(m, PTFTPIPHDR); m->m_len = sizeof(TFTPIPHDR) - sizeof(uint16_t); /* no u16TftpOpCode */ pTftpIpHeader->u16TftpOpType = RT_H2N_U16_C(TFTP_OACK); if (pTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.fRequested) { if (pTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.u64Value > UINT16_MAX) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; else rc = tftpAddOptionToOACK(pData, m, "blksize", pTftpSession->OptionBlkSize.u64Value); } if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pTftpSession->OptionTSize.fRequested) rc = tftpAddOptionToOACK(pData, m, "tsize", pTftpSession->OptionTSize.u64Value); rc = tftpSend(pData, pTftpSession, m, pcTftpIpHeaderRecv); return RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? 0 : -1; } DECLINLINE(int) tftpSendError(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession, uint16_t errorcode, const char *msg, PCTFTPIPHDR pcTftpIpHeaderRecv) { struct mbuf *m = NULL; PTFTPIPHDR pTftpIpHeader = NULL; u_int cbMsg = (u_int)strlen(msg) + 1; /* ending zero */ LogFlowFunc(("ENTER: errorcode: %RX16, msg: %s\n", errorcode, msg)); m = slirpTftpMbufAlloc(pData); if (!m) { LogFlowFunc(("LEAVE: Can't allocate mbuf\n")); return -1; } m->m_data += if_maxlinkhdr; m->m_len = sizeof(TFTPIPHDR) + cbMsg; m->m_pkthdr.header = mtod(m, void *); pTftpIpHeader = mtod(m, PTFTPIPHDR); pTftpIpHeader->u16TftpOpType = RT_H2N_U16_C(TFTP_ERROR); pTftpIpHeader->Core.u16TftpOpCode = RT_H2N_U16(errorcode); m_copyback(pData, m, sizeof(TFTPIPHDR), cbMsg, (c_caddr_t)msg); tftpSend(pData, pTftpSession, m, pcTftpIpHeaderRecv); tftpSessionTerminate(pTftpSession); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return 0; } static int tftpSendData(PNATState pData, PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession, uint16_t u16Block, PCTFTPIPHDR pcTftpIpHeaderRecv) { struct mbuf *m; PTFTPIPHDR pTftpIpHeader; int cbRead = 0; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (u16Block == pTftpSession->cTftpAck) pTftpSession->cTftpAck++; else { tftpSendError(pData, pTftpSession, 6, "ACK is wrong", pcTftpIpHeaderRecv); tftpSessionTerminate(pTftpSession); return -1; } m = slirpTftpMbufAlloc(pData); if (!m) return -1; m->m_data += if_maxlinkhdr; m->m_pkthdr.header = mtod(m, void *); pTftpIpHeader = mtod(m, PTFTPIPHDR); m->m_len = sizeof(TFTPIPHDR); pTftpIpHeader->u16TftpOpType = RT_H2N_U16_C(TFTP_DATA); pTftpIpHeader->Core.u16TftpOpCode = RT_H2N_U16(pTftpSession->cTftpAck); rc = tftpReadDataBlock(pData, pTftpSession, (uint8_t *)&pTftpIpHeader->Core.u16TftpOpCode + sizeof(uint16_t), &cbRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pTftpSession->cbTransfered += cbRead; m->m_len += cbRead; tftpSend(pData, pTftpSession, m, pcTftpIpHeaderRecv); if (cbRead > 0) tftpSessionUpdate(pData, pTftpSession); else tftpSessionTerminate(pTftpSession); } else { m_freem(pData, m); tftpSendError(pData, pTftpSession, 1, "File not found", pcTftpIpHeaderRecv); /* send "file not found" error back */ return -1; } return 0; } DECLINLINE(void) tftpProcessRRQ(PNATState pData, PCTFTPIPHDR pTftpIpHeader, int pktlen) { PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession = NULL; uint8_t *pu8Payload = NULL; int cbPayload = 0; size_t cbFileName = 0; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AssertPtrReturnVoid(pTftpIpHeader); AssertPtrReturnVoid(pData); AssertReturnVoid(pktlen > sizeof(TFTPIPHDR)); LogFlowFunc(("ENTER: pTftpIpHeader:%p, pktlen:%d\n", pTftpIpHeader, pktlen)); rc = tftpAllocateSession(pData, pTftpIpHeader, &pTftpSession); if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) || pTftpSession == NULL) { LogFlowFuncLeave(); return; } pu8Payload = (uint8_t *)&pTftpIpHeader->Core; cbPayload = pktlen - sizeof(TFTPIPHDR); cbFileName = RTStrNLen((char *)pu8Payload, cbPayload); /* We assume that file name should finish with '\0' and shouldn't bigger * than buffer for name storage. */ AssertReturnVoid( cbFileName < cbPayload && cbFileName < TFTP_FILENAME_MAX /* current limit in tftp session handle */ && cbFileName); /* Dont't bother with rest processing in case of invalid access */ if (RT_FAILURE(tftpSecurityFilenameCheck(pData, pTftpSession))) { tftpSendError(pData, pTftpSession, 2, "Access violation", pTftpIpHeader); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return; } if (RT_UNLIKELY(!tftpIsSupportedTransferMode(pTftpSession))) { tftpSendError(pData, pTftpSession, 4, "Unsupported transfer mode", pTftpIpHeader); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return; } tftpSendOACK(pData, pTftpSession, pTftpIpHeader); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return; } static void tftpProcessACK(PNATState pData, PTFTPIPHDR pTftpIpHeader) { int rc; PTFTPSESSION pTftpSession = NULL; rc = tftpSessionFind(pData, pTftpIpHeader, &pTftpSession); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return; if (tftpSendData(pData, pTftpSession, RT_N2H_U16(pTftpIpHeader->Core.u16TftpOpCode), pTftpIpHeader)) LogRel(("NAT TFTP: failure\n")); } int slirpTftpInit(PNATState pData) { AssertPtrReturn(pData, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); pData->pvTftpSessions = RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(TFTPSESSION) * TFTP_SESSIONS_MAX); AssertPtrReturn(pData->pvTftpSessions, VERR_NO_MEMORY); return VINF_SUCCESS; } void slirpTftpTerm(PNATState pData) { RTMemFree(pData->pvTftpSessions); } int slirpTftpInput(PNATState pData, struct mbuf *pMbuf) { PTFTPIPHDR pTftpIpHeader = NULL; AssertPtr(pData); AssertPtr(pMbuf); pTftpIpHeader = mtod(pMbuf, PTFTPIPHDR); switch(RT_N2H_U16(pTftpIpHeader->u16TftpOpType)) { case TFTP_RRQ: tftpProcessRRQ(pData, pTftpIpHeader, m_length(pMbuf, NULL)); break; case TFTP_ACK: tftpProcessACK(pData, pTftpIpHeader); break; default:; } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(VINF_SUCCESS); return VINF_SUCCESS; }