/* $Id: DevFwCommon.cpp 25647 2010-01-05 09:59:19Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * FwCommon - Shared firmware code (used by DevPcBios & DevEFI). */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DEV #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Builtins.h" #include "../Builtins2.h" #include "DevFwCommon.h" /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /* * Default DMI data (legacy). * Don't change this information otherwise Windows guests will demand re-activation! */ static const int32_t s_iDefDmiBIOSReleaseMajor = 0; static const int32_t s_iDefDmiBIOSReleaseMinor = 0; static const int32_t s_iDefDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor = 0; static const int32_t s_iDefDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor = 0; static const char *s_szDefDmiBIOSVendor = "innotek GmbH"; static const char *s_szDefDmiBIOSVersion = "VirtualBox"; static const char *s_szDefDmiBIOSReleaseDate = "12/01/2006"; static const char *s_szDefDmiSystemVendor = "innotek GmbH"; static const char *s_szDefDmiSystemProduct = "VirtualBox"; static const char *s_szDefDmiSystemVersion = "1.2"; static const char *s_szDefDmiSystemSerial = "0"; static const char *s_szDefDmiSystemFamily = "Virtual Machine"; static const char *s_szDefDmiChassisVendor = "Sun Microsystems, Inc."; static const char *s_szDefDmiChassisVersion = ""; static const char *s_szDefDmiChassisSerial = ""; static const char *s_szDefDmiChassisAssetTag = ""; /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct SMBIOSHDR { uint8_t au8Signature[4]; uint8_t u8Checksum; uint8_t u8Eps; uint8_t u8VersionMajor; uint8_t u8VersionMinor; uint16_t u16MaxStructureSize; uint8_t u8EntryPointRevision; uint8_t u8Pad[5]; } *SMBIOSHDRPTR; AssertCompileSize(SMBIOSHDR, 16); typedef struct DMIMAINHDR { uint8_t au8Signature[5]; uint8_t u8Checksum; uint16_t u16TablesLength; uint32_t u32TableBase; uint16_t u16TableEntries; uint8_t u8TableVersion; } *DMIMAINHDRPTR; AssertCompileSize(DMIMAINHDR, 15); /** DMI header */ typedef struct DMIHDR { uint8_t u8Type; uint8_t u8Length; uint16_t u16Handle; } *PDMIHDR; AssertCompileSize(DMIHDR, 4); /** DMI BIOS information (Type 0) */ typedef struct DMIBIOSINF { DMIHDR header; uint8_t u8Vendor; uint8_t u8Version; uint16_t u16Start; uint8_t u8Release; uint8_t u8ROMSize; uint64_t u64Characteristics; uint8_t u8CharacteristicsByte1; uint8_t u8CharacteristicsByte2; uint8_t u8ReleaseMajor; uint8_t u8ReleaseMinor; uint8_t u8FirmwareMajor; uint8_t u8FirmwareMinor; } *PDMIBIOSINF; AssertCompileSize(DMIBIOSINF, 0x18); /** DMI system information (Type 1) */ typedef struct DMISYSTEMINF { DMIHDR header; uint8_t u8Manufacturer; uint8_t u8ProductName; uint8_t u8Version; uint8_t u8SerialNumber; uint8_t au8Uuid[16]; uint8_t u8WakeupType; uint8_t u8SKUNumber; uint8_t u8Family; } *PDMISYSTEMINF; AssertCompileSize(DMISYSTEMINF, 0x1b); /** DMI system enclosure or chassis type (Type 3) */ typedef struct DMICHASSIS { DMIHDR header; uint8_t u8Manufacturer; uint8_t u8Type; uint8_t u8Version; uint8_t u8SerialNumber; uint8_t u8AssetTag; uint8_t u8BootupState; uint8_t u8PowerSupplyState; uint8_t u8ThermalState; uint8_t u8SecurityStatus; /* v2.3+, currently not supported */ uint32_t u32OEMdefined; uint8_t u8Height; uint8_t u8NumPowerChords; uint8_t u8ContElems; uint8_t u8ContElemRecLen; } *PDMICHASSIS; AssertCompileSize(DMICHASSIS, 0x15); /** DMI processor information (Type 4) */ typedef struct DMIPROCESSORINF { DMIHDR header; uint8_t u8SocketDesignation; uint8_t u8ProcessorType; uint8_t u8ProcessorFamily; uint8_t u8ProcessorManufacturer; uint64_t u64ProcessorIdentification; uint8_t u8ProcessorVersion; uint8_t u8Voltage; uint16_t u16ExternalClock; uint16_t u16MaxSpeed; uint16_t u16CurrentSpeed; uint8_t u8Status; uint8_t u8ProcessorUpgrade; uint16_t u16L1CacheHandle; uint16_t u16L2CacheHandle; uint16_t u16L3CacheHandle; uint8_t u8SerialNumber; uint8_t u8AssetTag; uint8_t u8PartNumber; uint8_t u8CoreCount; uint8_t u8CoreEnabled; uint8_t u8ThreadCount; uint16_t u16ProcessorCharacteristics; uint16_t u16ProcessorFamily2; } *PDMIPROCESSORINF; AssertCompileSize(DMIPROCESSORINF, 0x2a); /** DMI OEM strings (Type 11) */ typedef struct DMIOEMSTRINGS { DMIHDR header; uint8_t u8Count; uint8_t u8VBoxVersion; uint8_t u8VBoxRevision; } *PDMIOEMSTRINGS; AssertCompileSize(DMIOEMSTRINGS, 0x7); /** MPS floating pointer structure */ typedef struct MPSFLOATPTR { uint8_t au8Signature[4]; uint32_t u32MPSAddr; uint8_t u8Length; uint8_t u8SpecRev; uint8_t u8Checksum; uint8_t au8Feature[5]; } *PMPSFLOATPTR; AssertCompileSize(MPSFLOATPTR, 16); /** MPS config table header */ typedef struct MPSCFGTBLHEADER { uint8_t au8Signature[4]; uint16_t u16Length; uint8_t u8SpecRev; uint8_t u8Checksum; uint8_t au8OemId[8]; uint8_t au8ProductId[12]; uint32_t u32OemTablePtr; uint16_t u16OemTableSize; uint16_t u16EntryCount; uint32_t u32AddrLocalApic; uint16_t u16ExtTableLength; uint8_t u8ExtTableChecksxum; uint8_t u8Reserved; } *PMPSCFGTBLHEADER; AssertCompileSize(MPSCFGTBLHEADER, 0x2c); /** MPS processor entry */ typedef struct MPSPROCENTRY { uint8_t u8EntryType; uint8_t u8LocalApicId; uint8_t u8LocalApicVersion; uint8_t u8CPUFlags; uint32_t u32CPUSignature; uint32_t u32CPUFeatureFlags; uint32_t u32Reserved[2]; } *PMPSPROCENTRY; AssertCompileSize(MPSPROCENTRY, 20); /** MPS bus entry */ typedef struct MPSBUSENTRY { uint8_t u8EntryType; uint8_t u8BusId; uint8_t au8BusTypeStr[6]; } *PMPSBUSENTRY; AssertCompileSize(MPSBUSENTRY, 8); /** MPS I/O-APIC entry */ typedef struct MPSIOAPICENTRY { uint8_t u8EntryType; uint8_t u8Id; uint8_t u8Version; uint8_t u8Flags; uint32_t u32Addr; } *PMPSIOAPICENTRY; AssertCompileSize(MPSIOAPICENTRY, 8); /** MPS I/O-Interrupt entry */ typedef struct MPSIOINTERRUPTENTRY { uint8_t u8EntryType; uint8_t u8Type; uint16_t u16Flags; uint8_t u8SrcBusId; uint8_t u8SrcBusIrq; uint8_t u8DstIOAPICId; uint8_t u8DstIOAPICInt; } *PMPSIOIRQENTRY; AssertCompileSize(MPSIOINTERRUPTENTRY, 8); #pragma pack() /** * Calculate a simple checksum for the MPS table. * * @param data data * @param len size of data */ static uint8_t fwCommonChecksum(const uint8_t * const au8Data, uint32_t u32Length) { uint8_t u8Sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < u32Length; ++i) u8Sum += au8Data[i]; return -u8Sum; } static bool sharedfwChecksumOk(const uint8_t * const au8Data, uint32_t u32Length) { uint8_t u8Sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < u32Length; i++) u8Sum += au8Data[i]; return (u8Sum == 0); } /** * Construct the DMI table. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pTable Where to create the DMI table. * @param cbMax The max size of the DMI table. * @param pUuid Pointer to the UUID to use if the DmiUuid * configuration string isn't present. * @param pCfgHandle The handle to our config node. * @param fPutSmbiosHeaders Plant SMBIOS headers if true. */ int FwCommonPlantDMITable(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint8_t *pTable, unsigned cbMax, PCRTUUID pUuid, PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle, bool fPutSmbiosHeaders) { #define CHECKSIZE(cbWant) \ { \ size_t cbNeed = (size_t)(pszStr + cbWant - (char *)pTable) + 5; /* +1 for strtab terminator +4 for end-of-table entry */ \ if (cbNeed > cbMax) \ { \ if (fHideErrors) \ { \ LogRel(("One of the DMI strings is too long -- using default DMI data!\n")); \ continue; \ } \ return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA, RT_SRC_POS, \ N_("One of the DMI strings is too long. Check all bios/Dmi* configuration entries. At least %zu bytes are needed but there is no space for more than %d bytes"), cbNeed, cbMax); \ } \ } #define READCFGSTRDEF(variable, name, default_value) \ { \ if (fForceDefault) \ pszTmp = default_value; \ else \ { \ rc = CFGMR3QueryStringDef(pCfgHandle, name, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), default_value); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ if (fHideErrors) \ { \ LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"" name "\" as a string failed -- using default DMI data!\n")); \ continue; \ } \ return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, \ N_("Configuration error: Querying \"" name "\" as a string failed")); \ } \ else if (!strcmp(szBuf, "")) \ pszTmp = ""; \ else \ pszTmp = szBuf; \ } \ if (!pszTmp[0]) \ variable = 0; /* empty string */ \ else \ { \ variable = iStrNr++; \ size_t cStr = strlen(pszTmp) + 1; \ CHECKSIZE(cStr); \ memcpy(pszStr, pszTmp, cStr); \ pszStr += cStr ; \ } \ } #define READCFGSTR(variable, name) \ READCFGSTRDEF(variable, # name, s_szDef ## name) #define READCFGINT(variable, name) \ { \ if (fForceDefault) \ variable = s_iDef ## name; \ else \ { \ rc = CFGMR3QueryS32Def(pCfgHandle, # name, & variable, s_iDef ## name); \ if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) \ { \ if (fHideErrors) \ { \ LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"" # name "\" as an int failed -- using default DMI data!\n")); \ continue; \ } \ return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, \ N_("Configuration error: Querying \"" # name "\" as an int failed")); \ } \ } \ } bool fForceDefault = false; #ifdef VBOX_BIOS_DMI_FALLBACK /* * There will be two passes. If an error occurs during the first pass, a * message will be written to the release log and we fall back to default * DMI data and start a second pass. */ bool fHideErrors = true; #else /* * There will be one pass, every error is fatal and will prevent the VM * from starting. */ bool fHideErrors = false; #endif for (;; fForceDefault = true, fHideErrors = false) { int iStrNr; int rc; char szBuf[256]; char *pszStr = (char *)pTable; char szDmiSystemUuid[64]; char *pszDmiSystemUuid; const char *pszTmp; if (fForceDefault) pszDmiSystemUuid = NULL; else { rc = CFGMR3QueryString(pCfgHandle, "DmiSystemUuid", szDmiSystemUuid, sizeof(szDmiSystemUuid)); if (rc == VERR_CFGM_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) pszDmiSystemUuid = NULL; else if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (fHideErrors) { LogRel(("Configuration error: Querying \"DmiSystemUuid\" as a string failed, using default DMI data\n")); continue; } return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Configuration error: Querying \"DmiSystemUuid\" as a string failed")); } else pszDmiSystemUuid = szDmiSystemUuid; } /********************************* * DMI BIOS information (Type 0) * *********************************/ PDMIBIOSINF pBIOSInf = (PDMIBIOSINF)pszStr; CHECKSIZE(sizeof(*pBIOSInf)); pszStr = (char *)&pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMajor; pBIOSInf->header.u8Length = RT_OFFSETOF(DMIBIOSINF, u8ReleaseMajor); /* don't set these fields by default for legacy compatibility */ int iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor, iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor; READCFGINT(iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor, DmiBIOSReleaseMajor); READCFGINT(iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor, DmiBIOSReleaseMinor); if (iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor != 0 || iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor != 0) { pszStr = (char *)&pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMajor; pBIOSInf->header.u8Length = RT_OFFSETOF(DMIBIOSINF, u8FirmwareMajor); pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMajor = iDmiBIOSReleaseMajor; pBIOSInf->u8ReleaseMinor = iDmiBIOSReleaseMinor; int iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor, iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor; READCFGINT(iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor, DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor); READCFGINT(iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor, DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor); if (iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor != 0 || iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor != 0) { pszStr = (char *)(pBIOSInf + 1); pBIOSInf->header.u8Length = sizeof(DMIBIOSINF); pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMajor = iDmiBIOSFirmwareMajor; pBIOSInf->u8FirmwareMinor = iDmiBIOSFirmwareMinor; } } iStrNr = 1; pBIOSInf->header.u8Type = 0; /* BIOS Information */ pBIOSInf->header.u16Handle = 0x0000; READCFGSTR(pBIOSInf->u8Vendor, DmiBIOSVendor); READCFGSTR(pBIOSInf->u8Version, DmiBIOSVersion); pBIOSInf->u16Start = 0xE000; READCFGSTR(pBIOSInf->u8Release, DmiBIOSReleaseDate); pBIOSInf->u8ROMSize = 1; /* 128K */ pBIOSInf->u64Characteristics = RT_BIT(4) /* ISA is supported */ | RT_BIT(7) /* PCI is supported */ | RT_BIT(15) /* Boot from CD is supported */ | RT_BIT(16) /* Selectable Boot is supported */ | RT_BIT(27) /* Int 9h, 8042 Keyboard services supported */ | RT_BIT(30) /* Int 10h, CGA/Mono Video Services supported */ /* any more?? */ ; pBIOSInf->u8CharacteristicsByte1 = RT_BIT(0) /* ACPI is supported */ /* any more?? */ ; pBIOSInf->u8CharacteristicsByte2 = 0 /* any more?? */ ; *pszStr++ = '\0'; /*********************************** * DMI system information (Type 1) * ***********************************/ PDMISYSTEMINF pSystemInf = (PDMISYSTEMINF)pszStr; CHECKSIZE(sizeof(*pSystemInf)); pszStr = (char *)(pSystemInf + 1); iStrNr = 1; pSystemInf->header.u8Type = 1; /* System Information */ pSystemInf->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pSystemInf); pSystemInf->header.u16Handle = 0x0001; READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8Manufacturer, DmiSystemVendor); READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8ProductName, DmiSystemProduct); READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8Version, DmiSystemVersion); READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8SerialNumber, DmiSystemSerial); RTUUID uuid; if (pszDmiSystemUuid) { rc = RTUuidFromStr(&uuid, pszDmiSystemUuid); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (fHideErrors) { LogRel(("Configuration error: Invalid UUID for DMI tables specified, using default DMI data\n")); continue; } return PDMDevHlpVMSetError(pDevIns, rc, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Configuration error: Invalid UUID for DMI tables specified")); } uuid.Gen.u32TimeLow = RT_H2BE_U32(uuid.Gen.u32TimeLow); uuid.Gen.u16TimeMid = RT_H2BE_U16(uuid.Gen.u16TimeMid); uuid.Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion = RT_H2BE_U16(uuid.Gen.u16TimeHiAndVersion); pUuid = &uuid; } memcpy(pSystemInf->au8Uuid, pUuid, sizeof(RTUUID)); pSystemInf->u8WakeupType = 6; /* Power Switch */ pSystemInf->u8SKUNumber = 0; READCFGSTR(pSystemInf->u8Family, DmiSystemFamily); *pszStr++ = '\0'; /******************************************** * DMI System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3) * ********************************************/ PDMICHASSIS pChassis = (PDMICHASSIS)pszStr; CHECKSIZE(sizeof(*pChassis)); pszStr = (char*)&pChassis->u32OEMdefined; iStrNr = 1; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DMI_CHASSIS pChassis->header.u8Type = 3; /* System Enclosure or Chassis */ #else pChassis->header.u8Type = 0x7e; /* inactive */ #endif pChassis->header.u8Length = RT_OFFSETOF(DMICHASSIS, u32OEMdefined); pChassis->header.u16Handle = 0x0003; READCFGSTR(pChassis->u8Manufacturer, DmiChassisVendor); pChassis->u8Type = 0x01; /* ''other'', no chassis lock present */ READCFGSTR(pChassis->u8Version, DmiChassisVersion); READCFGSTR(pChassis->u8SerialNumber, DmiChassisSerial); READCFGSTR(pChassis->u8AssetTag, DmiChassisAssetTag); pChassis->u8BootupState = 0x03; /* safe */ pChassis->u8PowerSupplyState = 0x03; /* safe */ pChassis->u8ThermalState = 0x03; /* safe */ pChassis->u8SecurityStatus = 0x03; /* none XXX */ # if 0 /* v2.3+, currently not supported */ pChassis->u32OEMdefined = 0; pChassis->u8Height = 0; /* unspecified */ pChassis->u8NumPowerChords = 0; /* unspecified */ pChassis->u8ContElems = 0; /* no contained elements */ pChassis->u8ContElemRecLen = 0; /* no contained elements */ # endif *pszStr++ = '\0'; /***************************** * DMI OEM strings (Type 11) * *****************************/ PDMIOEMSTRINGS pOEMStrings = (PDMIOEMSTRINGS)pszStr; CHECKSIZE(sizeof(*pOEMStrings)); pszStr = (char *)(pOEMStrings + 1); iStrNr = 1; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_DMI_OEMSTRINGS pOEMStrings->header.u8Type = 0xb; /* OEM Strings */ #else pOEMStrings->header.u8Type = 0x7e; /* inactive */ #endif pOEMStrings->header.u8Length = sizeof(*pOEMStrings); pOEMStrings->header.u16Handle = 0x0002; pOEMStrings->u8Count = 2; char szTmp[64]; RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "vboxVer_%u.%u.%u", RTBldCfgVersionMajor(), RTBldCfgVersionMinor(), RTBldCfgVersionBuild()); READCFGSTRDEF(pOEMStrings->u8VBoxVersion, "DmiOEMVBoxVer", szTmp); RTStrPrintf(szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), "vboxRev_%u", RTBldCfgRevision()); READCFGSTRDEF(pOEMStrings->u8VBoxRevision, "DmiOEMVBoxRev", szTmp); *pszStr++ = '\0'; /* End-of-table marker - includes padding to account for fixed table size. */ PDMIHDR pEndOfTable = (PDMIHDR)pszStr; pEndOfTable->u8Type = 0x7f; pEndOfTable->u8Length = cbMax - ((char *)pszStr - (char *)pTable) - 2; pEndOfTable->u16Handle = 0xFEFF; /* If more fields are added here, fix the size check in READCFGSTR */ /* Success! */ break; } #undef READCFGSTR #undef READCFGINT #undef CHECKSIZE if (fPutSmbiosHeaders) { struct { struct SMBIOSHDR smbios; struct DMIMAINHDR dmi; } aBiosHeaders = { // The SMBIOS header { { 0x5f, 0x53, 0x4d, 0x5f}, // "_SM_" signature 0x00, // checksum 0x1f, // EPS length, defined by standard VBOX_SMBIOS_MAJOR_VER, // SMBIOS major version VBOX_SMBIOS_MINOR_VER, // SMBIOS minor version VBOX_SMBIOS_MAXSS, // Maximum structure size 0x00, // Entry point revision { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } // padding }, // The DMI header { { 0x5f, 0x44, 0x4d, 0x49, 0x5f }, // "_DMI_" signature 0x00, // checksum VBOX_DMI_TABLE_SIZE, // DMI tables length VBOX_DMI_TABLE_BASE, // DMI tables base VBOX_DMI_TABLE_ENTR, // DMI tables entries VBOX_DMI_TABLE_VER, // DMI version } }; aBiosHeaders.smbios.u8Checksum = fwCommonChecksum((uint8_t*)&aBiosHeaders.smbios, sizeof(aBiosHeaders.smbios)); aBiosHeaders.dmi.u8Checksum = fwCommonChecksum((uint8_t*)&aBiosHeaders.dmi, sizeof(aBiosHeaders.dmi)); PDMDevHlpPhysWrite (pDevIns, 0xfe300, &aBiosHeaders, sizeof(aBiosHeaders)); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } AssertCompile(VBOX_DMI_TABLE_ENTR == 5); /** * Construct the MPS table. Only applicable if IOAPIC is active! * * See ``MultiProcessor Specificatiton Version 1.4 (May 1997)'': * ``1.3 Scope * ... * The hardware required to implement the MP specification is kept to a * minimum, as follows: * * One or more processors that are Intel architecture instruction set * compatible, such as the CPUs in the Intel486 or Pentium processor * family. * * One or more APICs, such as the Intel 82489DX Advanced Programmable * Interrupt Controller or the integrated APIC, such as that on the * Intel Pentium 735\\90 and 815\\100 processors, together with a discrete * I/O APIC unit.'' * and later: * ``4.3.3 I/O APIC Entries * The configuration table contains one or more entries for I/O APICs. * ... * I/O APIC FLAGS: EN 3:0 1 If zero, this I/O APIC is unusable, and the * operating system should not attempt to access * this I/O APIC. * At least one I/O APIC must be enabled.'' * * @param pDevIns The device instance data. * @param addr physical address in guest memory. */ void FwCommonPlantMpsTable(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, uint8_t *pTable, uint16_t cCpus) { /* configuration table */ PMPSCFGTBLHEADER pCfgTab = (MPSCFGTBLHEADER*)pTable; memcpy(pCfgTab->au8Signature, "PCMP", 4); pCfgTab->u8SpecRev = 4; /* 1.4 */ memcpy(pCfgTab->au8OemId, "VBOXCPU ", 8); memcpy(pCfgTab->au8ProductId, "VirtualBox ", 12); pCfgTab->u32OemTablePtr = 0; pCfgTab->u16OemTableSize = 0; pCfgTab->u16EntryCount = cCpus /* Processors */ + 1 /* ISA Bus */ + 1 /* I/O-APIC */ + 16 /* Interrupts */; pCfgTab->u32AddrLocalApic = 0xfee00000; pCfgTab->u16ExtTableLength = 0; pCfgTab->u8ExtTableChecksxum = 0; pCfgTab->u8Reserved = 0; uint32_t u32Eax, u32Ebx, u32Ecx, u32Edx; uint32_t u32CPUSignature = 0x0520; /* default: Pentium 100 */ uint32_t u32FeatureFlags = 0x0001; /* default: FPU */ PDMDevHlpGetCpuId(pDevIns, 0, &u32Eax, &u32Ebx, &u32Ecx, &u32Edx); if (u32Eax >= 1) { PDMDevHlpGetCpuId(pDevIns, 1, &u32Eax, &u32Ebx, &u32Ecx, &u32Edx); u32CPUSignature = u32Eax & 0xfff; /* Local APIC will be enabled later so override it here. Since we provide * an MP table we have an IOAPIC and therefore a Local APIC. */ u32FeatureFlags = u32Edx | X86_CPUID_FEATURE_EDX_APIC; } /* Construct MPS table for each VCPU. */ PMPSPROCENTRY pProcEntry = (PMPSPROCENTRY)(pCfgTab+1); for (int i = 0; i < cCpus; i++) { pProcEntry->u8EntryType = 0; /* processor entry */ pProcEntry->u8LocalApicId = i; pProcEntry->u8LocalApicVersion = 0x11; pProcEntry->u8CPUFlags = (i == 0 ? 2 /* bootstrap processor */ : 0 /* application processor */) | 1 /* enabled */; pProcEntry->u32CPUSignature = u32CPUSignature; pProcEntry->u32CPUFeatureFlags = u32FeatureFlags; pProcEntry->u32Reserved[0] = pProcEntry->u32Reserved[1] = 0; pProcEntry++; } /* ISA bus */ PMPSBUSENTRY pBusEntry = (PMPSBUSENTRY)pProcEntry; pBusEntry->u8EntryType = 1; /* bus entry */ pBusEntry->u8BusId = 0; /* this ID is referenced by the interrupt entries */ memcpy(pBusEntry->au8BusTypeStr, "ISA ", 6); /* PCI bus? */ /* I/O-APIC. * MP spec: "The configuration table contains one or more entries for I/O APICs. * ... At least one I/O APIC must be enabled." */ PMPSIOAPICENTRY pIOAPICEntry = (PMPSIOAPICENTRY)(pBusEntry+1); uint16_t apicId = cCpus; pIOAPICEntry->u8EntryType = 2; /* I/O-APIC entry */ pIOAPICEntry->u8Id = apicId; /* this ID is referenced by the interrupt entries */ pIOAPICEntry->u8Version = 0x11; pIOAPICEntry->u8Flags = 1 /* enable */; pIOAPICEntry->u32Addr = 0xfec00000; PMPSIOIRQENTRY pIrqEntry = (PMPSIOIRQENTRY)(pIOAPICEntry+1); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++, pIrqEntry++) { pIrqEntry->u8EntryType = 3; /* I/O interrupt entry */ pIrqEntry->u8Type = 0; /* INT, vectored interrupt */ pIrqEntry->u16Flags = 0; /* polarity of APIC I/O input signal = conforms to bus, trigger mode = conforms to bus */ pIrqEntry->u8SrcBusId = 0; /* ISA bus */ pIrqEntry->u8SrcBusIrq = i; pIrqEntry->u8DstIOAPICId = apicId; pIrqEntry->u8DstIOAPICInt = i; } pCfgTab->u16Length = (uint8_t*)pIrqEntry - pTable; pCfgTab->u8Checksum = fwCommonChecksum(pTable, pCfgTab->u16Length); AssertMsg(pCfgTab->u16Length < 0x1000 - 0x100, ("VBOX_MPS_TABLE_SIZE=%d, maximum allowed size is %d", pCfgTab->u16Length, 0x1000-0x100)); MPSFLOATPTR floatPtr; floatPtr.au8Signature[0] = '_'; floatPtr.au8Signature[1] = 'M'; floatPtr.au8Signature[2] = 'P'; floatPtr.au8Signature[3] = '_'; floatPtr.u32MPSAddr = VBOX_MPS_TABLE_BASE; floatPtr.u8Length = 1; /* structure size in paragraphs */ floatPtr.u8SpecRev = 4; /* MPS revision 1.4 */ floatPtr.u8Checksum = 0; floatPtr.au8Feature[0] = 0; floatPtr.au8Feature[1] = 0; floatPtr.au8Feature[2] = 0; floatPtr.au8Feature[3] = 0; floatPtr.au8Feature[4] = 0; floatPtr.u8Checksum = fwCommonChecksum((uint8_t*)&floatPtr, 16); PDMDevHlpPhysWrite (pDevIns, 0x9fff0, &floatPtr, 16); }