/* $Id: DevHPET.cpp 29250 2010-05-09 17:53:58Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * HPET virtual device - high precision event timer emulation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DEV_HPET #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../Builtins.h" /******************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *******************************************************************************/ /* * Current limitations: * - not entirely correct time of interrupt, i.e. never * schedule interrupt earlier than in 1ms * - statistics not implemented * - level-triggered mode not implemented */ /* * Base address for MMIO */ #define HPET_BASE 0xfed00000 /* * Number of available timers, cannot be changed without * breaking saved states. */ #define HPET_NUM_TIMERS 3 /* * 10000000 femtoseconds == 10ns */ #define HPET_CLK_PERIOD 10000000UL /* * Femptosecods in nanosecond */ #define FS_PER_NS 1000000 /* * Interrupt type */ #define HPET_TIMER_TYPE_LEVEL 1 #define HPET_TIMER_TYPE_EDGE 0 /* Delivery mode */ /* Via APIC */ #define HPET_TIMER_DELIVERY_APIC 0 /* Via FSB */ #define HPET_TIMER_DELIVERY_FSB 1 #define HPET_TIMER_CAP_FSB_INT_DEL (1 << 15) #define HPET_TIMER_CAP_PER_INT (1 << 4) #define HPET_CFG_ENABLE 0x001 /* ENABLE_CNF */ #define HPET_CFG_LEGACY 0x002 /* LEG_RT_CNF */ #define HPET_ID 0x000 #define HPET_PERIOD 0x004 #define HPET_CFG 0x010 #define HPET_STATUS 0x020 #define HPET_COUNTER 0x0f0 #define HPET_TN_CFG 0x000 #define HPET_TN_CMP 0x008 #define HPET_TN_ROUTE 0x010 #define HPET_CFG_WRITE_MASK 0x3 #define HPET_TN_INT_TYPE (1 << 1) #define HPET_TN_ENABLE (1 << 2) #define HPET_TN_PERIODIC (1 << 3) #define HPET_TN_PERIODIC_CAP (1 << 4) #define HPET_TN_SIZE_CAP (1 << 5) #define HPET_TN_SETVAL (1 << 6) #define HPET_TN_32BIT (1 << 8) #define HPET_TN_INT_ROUTE_MASK 0x3e00 #define HPET_TN_CFG_WRITE_MASK 0x3f4e #define HPET_TN_INT_ROUTE_SHIFT 9 #define HPET_TN_INT_ROUTE_CAP_SHIFT 32 #define HPET_TN_CFG_BITS_READONLY_OR_RESERVED 0xffff80b1U /** The version of the saved state. */ #define HPET_SAVED_STATE_VERSION 2 /* Empty saved state */ #define HPET_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_EMPTY 1 /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ struct HpetState; typedef struct HpetTimer { /** The HPET timer - R3 Ptr. */ PTMTIMERR3 pTimerR3; /** Pointer to the instance data - R3 Ptr. */ R3PTRTYPE(struct HpetState *) pHpetR3; /** The HPET timer - R0 Ptr. */ PTMTIMERR0 pTimerR0; /** Pointer to the instance data - R0 Ptr. */ R0PTRTYPE(struct HpetState *) pHpetR0; /** The HPET timer - RC Ptr. */ PTMTIMERRC pTimerRC; /** Pointer to the instance data - RC Ptr. */ RCPTRTYPE(struct HpetState *) pHpetRC; /* timer number*/ uint8_t u8TimerNumber; /* Wrap */ uint8_t u8Wrap; /* Alignment */ uint32_t alignment0; /* Memory-mapped, software visible timer registers */ /* Configuration/capabilities */ uint64_t u64Config; /* comparator */ uint64_t u64Cmp; /* FSB route, not supported now */ uint64_t u64Fsb; /* Hidden register state */ /* Last value written to comparator */ uint64_t u64Period; } HpetTimer; typedef struct HpetState { /** Pointer to the device instance. - R3 ptr. */ PPDMDEVINSR3 pDevInsR3; /** The HPET helpers - R3 Ptr. */ PCPDMHPETHLPR3 pHpetHlpR3; /** Pointer to the device instance. - R0 ptr. */ PPDMDEVINSR0 pDevInsR0; /** The HPET helpers - R0 Ptr. */ PCPDMHPETHLPR0 pHpetHlpR0; /** Pointer to the device instance. - RC ptr. */ PPDMDEVINSRC pDevInsRC; /** The HPET helpers - RC Ptr. */ PCPDMHPETHLPRC pHpetHlpRC; /* Timer structures */ HpetTimer aTimers[HPET_NUM_TIMERS]; /* Offset realtive to the system clock */ uint64_t u64HpetOffset; /* Memory-mapped, software visible registers */ /* capabilities */ uint64_t u64Capabilities; /* configuration */ uint64_t u64HpetConfig; /* interrupt status register */ uint64_t u64Isr; /* main counter */ uint64_t u64HpetCounter; /* Global device lock */ PDMCRITSECT csLock; } HpetState; #ifndef VBOX_DEVICE_STRUCT_TESTCASE /* * We shall declare MMIO accessors as extern "C" to avoid name mangling * and let them be found during R0/RC module init. * Maybe PDMBOTHCBDECL macro shall have extern "C" part in it. */ RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) hpetMMIOWrite(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb); PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) hpetMMIORead (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb); RT_C_DECLS_END /* * Temporary control to disable locking if problems found */ static const bool fHpetLocking = true; DECLINLINE(int) hpetLock(HpetState* pThis, int rcBusy) { if (!fHpetLocking) return VINF_SUCCESS; return PDMCritSectEnter(&pThis->csLock, rcBusy); } DECLINLINE(void) hpetUnlock(HpetState* pThis) { if (!fHpetLocking) return; PDMCritSectLeave(&pThis->csLock); } static uint32_t hpetTimeAfter32(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return ((int32_t)(b) - (int32_t)(a) <= 0); } static uint32_t hpetTimeAfter64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) { return ((int64_t)(b) - (int64_t)(a) <= 0); } static uint64_t hpetTicksToNs(uint64_t value) { return (ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32(value, HPET_CLK_PERIOD, FS_PER_NS)); } static uint64_t nsToHpetTicks(uint64_t u64Value) { return (ASMMultU64ByU32DivByU32(u64Value, FS_PER_NS, HPET_CLK_PERIOD)); } static uint64_t hpetGetTicks(HpetState* pThis) { /* * We can use any timer to get current time, they all go * with the same speed. */ return nsToHpetTicks(TMTimerGet(pThis->aTimers[0].CTX_SUFF(pTimer)) + pThis->u64HpetOffset); } static uint64_t hpetUpdateMasked(uint64_t u64NewValue, uint64_t u64OldValue, uint64_t u64Mask) { u64NewValue &= u64Mask; u64NewValue |= (u64OldValue & ~u64Mask); return u64NewValue; } static bool hpetBitJustSet(uint64_t u64OldValue, uint64_t u64NewValue, uint64_t u64Mask) { return (!(u64OldValue & u64Mask) && !!(u64NewValue & u64Mask)); } static bool hpetBitJustCleared(uint64_t u64OldValue, uint64_t u64NewValue, uint64_t u64Mask) { return (!!(u64OldValue & u64Mask) && !(u64NewValue & u64Mask)); } DECLINLINE(uint64_t) hpetComputeDiff(HpetTimer* pTimer, uint64_t u64Now) { if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_32BIT) { uint32_t u32Diff; u32Diff = (uint32_t)pTimer->u64Cmp - (uint32_t)u64Now; u32Diff = ((int32_t)u32Diff > 0) ? u32Diff : (uint32_t)0; return (uint64_t)u32Diff; } else { uint64_t u64Diff; u64Diff = pTimer->u64Cmp - u64Now; u64Diff = ((int64_t)u64Diff > 0) ? u64Diff : (uint64_t)0; return u64Diff; } } static void hpetAdjustComparator(HpetTimer* pTimer, uint64_t u64Now) { uint64_t u64Period = pTimer->u64Period; if ((pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_PERIODIC) && (u64Period != 0)) { /* While loop is suboptimal */ if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_32BIT) { while (hpetTimeAfter32(u64Now, pTimer->u64Cmp)) pTimer->u64Cmp = (uint32_t)(pTimer->u64Cmp + u64Period); } else { while (hpetTimeAfter64(u64Now, pTimer->u64Cmp)) pTimer->u64Cmp += u64Period; } } } static void hpetProgramTimer(HpetTimer *pTimer) { uint64_t u64Diff; uint32_t u32TillWrap; uint64_t u64Ticks = hpetGetTicks(pTimer->CTX_SUFF(pHpet)); /* no wrapping on new timers */ pTimer->u8Wrap = 0; hpetAdjustComparator(pTimer, u64Ticks); u64Diff = hpetComputeDiff(pTimer, u64Ticks); /* Spec says in one-shot 32-bit mode, generate an interrupt when * counter wraps in addition to an interrupt with comparator match. */ if ((pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_32BIT) && !(pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_PERIODIC)) { u32TillWrap = 0xffffffff - (uint32_t)u64Ticks; if (u32TillWrap < (uint32_t)u64Diff) { u64Diff = u32TillWrap; pTimer->u8Wrap = 1; } } /* Avoid killing VM with interrupts */ #if 1 /* @todo: HACK, rethink, may have negative impact on the guest */ if (u64Diff == 0) u64Diff = 100000; /* 1 millisecond */ #endif Log4(("HPET: next IRQ in %lld ticks (%lld ns)\n", u64Diff, hpetTicksToNs(u64Diff))); TMTimerSetNano(pTimer->CTX_SUFF(pTimer), hpetTicksToNs(u64Diff)); } static uint32_t getTimerIrq(struct HpetTimer *pTimer) { /* * Per spec, in legacy mode HPET timers wired as: * timer 0: IRQ0 for PIC and IRQ2 for APIC * timer 1: IRQ8 for both PIC and APIC * * ISA IRQ delivery logic will take care of correct delivery * to the different ICs. */ if ((pTimer->u8TimerNumber <= 1) && (pTimer->CTX_SUFF(pHpet)->u64HpetConfig & HPET_CFG_LEGACY)) return (pTimer->u8TimerNumber == 0) ? 0 : 8; else return (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_INT_ROUTE_MASK) >> HPET_TN_INT_ROUTE_SHIFT; } static int hpetTimerRegRead32(HpetState* pThis, uint32_t iTimerNo, uint32_t iTimerReg, uint32_t * pValue) { HpetTimer *pTimer; if (iTimerNo >= HPET_NUM_TIMERS) { LogRel(("HPET: using timer above configured range: %d\n", iTimerNo)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } pTimer = &pThis->aTimers[iTimerNo]; switch (iTimerReg) { case HPET_TN_CFG: Log(("read HPET_TN_CFG on %d\n", pTimer->u8TimerNumber)); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pTimer->u64Config); break; case HPET_TN_CFG + 4: Log(("read HPET_TN_CFG+4 on %d\n", pTimer->u8TimerNumber)); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pTimer->u64Config >> 32); break; case HPET_TN_CMP: Log(("read HPET_TN_CMP on %d, cmp=%llx\n", pTimer->u8TimerNumber, pTimer->u64Cmp)); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pTimer->u64Cmp); break; case HPET_TN_CMP + 4: Log(("read HPET_TN_CMP+4 on %d, cmp=%llx\n", pTimer->u8TimerNumber, pTimer->u64Cmp)); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pTimer->u64Cmp >> 32); break; case HPET_TN_ROUTE: Log(("read HPET_TN_ROUTE on %d\n", pTimer->u8TimerNumber)); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pTimer->u64Fsb >> 32); break; default: LogRel(("invalid HPET register read %d on %d\n", iTimerReg, pTimer->u8TimerNumber)); break; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int hpetConfigRegRead32(HpetState* pThis, uint32_t iIndex, uint32_t *pValue) { switch (iIndex) { case HPET_ID: Log(("read HPET_ID\n")); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pThis->u64Capabilities); break; case HPET_PERIOD: Log(("read HPET_PERIOD\n")); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pThis->u64Capabilities >> 32); break; case HPET_CFG: Log(("read HPET_CFG\n")); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pThis->u64HpetConfig); break; case HPET_CFG + 4: Log(("read of HPET_CFG + 4\n")); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pThis->u64HpetConfig >> 32); break; case HPET_COUNTER: case HPET_COUNTER + 4: { uint64_t u64Ticks; Log(("read HPET_COUNTER\n")); if (pThis->u64HpetConfig & HPET_CFG_ENABLE) u64Ticks = hpetGetTicks(pThis); else u64Ticks = pThis->u64HpetCounter; /** @todo: is it correct? */ *pValue = (iIndex == HPET_COUNTER) ? (uint32_t)u64Ticks : (uint32_t)(u64Ticks >> 32); break; } case HPET_STATUS: Log(("read HPET_STATUS\n")); *pValue = (uint32_t)(pThis->u64Isr); break; default: Log(("invalid HPET register read: %x\n", iIndex)); break; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int hpetTimerRegWrite32(HpetState* pThis, uint32_t iTimerNo, uint32_t iTimerReg, uint32_t iNewValue) { HpetTimer * pTimer; uint64_t iOldValue = 0; uint32_t u32Temp; int rc; if (iTimerNo >= HPET_NUM_TIMERS) { LogRel(("HPET: using timer above configured range: %d\n", iTimerNo)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } pTimer = &pThis->aTimers[iTimerNo]; rc = hpetTimerRegRead32(pThis, iTimerNo, iTimerReg, &u32Temp); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; iOldValue = u32Temp; switch (iTimerReg) { case HPET_TN_CFG: { Log(("write HPET_TN_CFG: %d\n", iTimerNo)); if (iNewValue & HPET_TN_32BIT) { pTimer->u64Cmp = (uint32_t)pTimer->u64Cmp; pTimer->u64Period = (uint32_t)pTimer->u64Period; } if ((iNewValue & HPET_TN_INT_TYPE) == HPET_TIMER_TYPE_LEVEL) { LogRel(("level-triggered config not yet supported\n")); Assert(false); } /** We only care about lower 32-bits so far */ pTimer->u64Config = hpetUpdateMasked(iNewValue, iOldValue, HPET_TN_CFG_WRITE_MASK); break; } case HPET_TN_CFG + 4: /* Interrupt capabilities */ { Log(("write HPET_TN_CFG + 4, useless\n")); break; } case HPET_TN_CMP: /* lower bits of comparator register */ { Log(("write HPET_TN_CMP on %d: %x\n", iTimerNo, iNewValue)); if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_32BIT) iNewValue = (uint32_t)iNewValue; if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_SETVAL) { /* HPET_TN_SETVAL allows to adjust comparator w/o updating period, and it's cleared on access */ if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_32BIT) pTimer->u64Config &= ~HPET_TN_SETVAL; } else if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_PERIODIC) { iNewValue &= (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_32BIT ? ~0U : ~0ULL) >> 1; pTimer->u64Period = (pTimer->u64Period & 0xffffffff00000000ULL) | iNewValue; } pTimer->u64Cmp = (pTimer->u64Cmp & 0xffffffff00000000ULL) | iNewValue; Log2(("after HPET_TN_CMP cmp=%llx per=%llx\n", pTimer->u64Cmp, pTimer->u64Period)); if (pThis->u64HpetConfig & HPET_CFG_ENABLE) hpetProgramTimer(pTimer); break; } case HPET_TN_CMP + 4: /* upper bits of comparator register */ { Log(("write HPET_TN_CMP + 4 on %d: %x\n", iTimerNo, iNewValue)); if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_32BIT) break; if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_SETVAL) { /* HPET_TN_SETVAL allows to adjust comparator w/o updating period, and it's cleared on access */ pTimer->u64Config &= ~HPET_TN_SETVAL; } else if (pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_PERIODIC) { pTimer->u64Period = (pTimer->u64Period & 0xffffffffULL) | ((uint64_t)iNewValue << 32); } pTimer->u64Cmp = (pTimer->u64Cmp & 0xffffffffULL) | ((uint64_t)iNewValue << 32); Log2(("after HPET_TN_CMP+4 cmp=%llx per=%llx\n", pTimer->u64Cmp, pTimer->u64Period)); if (pThis->u64HpetConfig & HPET_CFG_ENABLE) hpetProgramTimer(pTimer); break; } case HPET_TN_ROUTE: { Log(("write HPET_TN_ROUTE\n")); break; } case HPET_TN_ROUTE + 4: { Log(("write HPET_TN_ROUTE + 4\n")); break; } default: { LogRel(("invalid timer register write: %d\n", iTimerReg)); Assert(false); break; } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int hpetLegacyMode(HpetState* pThis, bool fActivate) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; #ifndef IN_RING3 /* Don't do anything complicated outside of R3 */ rc = VINF_IOM_HC_MMIO_WRITE; #else /* IN_RING3 */ if (pThis->pHpetHlpR3) rc = pThis->pHpetHlpR3->pfnSetLegacyMode(pThis->pDevInsR3, fActivate); #endif return rc; } static int hpetConfigRegWrite32(HpetState* pThis, uint32_t iIndex, uint32_t iNewValue) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; switch (iIndex) { case HPET_ID: case HPET_ID + 4: { Log(("write HPET_ID, useless\n")); break; } case HPET_CFG: { uint32_t i, iOldValue; Log(("write HPET_CFG: %x\n", iNewValue)); iOldValue = (uint32_t)(pThis->u64HpetConfig); /* * This check must be here, before actual update, as hpetLegacyMode * may request retry in R3 - so we must keep state intact. */ if (hpetBitJustSet(iOldValue, iNewValue, HPET_CFG_LEGACY)) { rc = hpetLegacyMode(pThis, true); } else if (hpetBitJustCleared(iOldValue, iNewValue, HPET_CFG_LEGACY)) { rc = hpetLegacyMode(pThis, false); } if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS) return rc; pThis->u64HpetConfig = hpetUpdateMasked(iNewValue, iOldValue, HPET_CFG_WRITE_MASK); if (hpetBitJustSet(iOldValue, iNewValue, HPET_CFG_ENABLE)) { /* Enable main counter and interrupt generation. */ pThis->u64HpetOffset = hpetTicksToNs(pThis->u64HpetCounter) - TMTimerGet(pThis->aTimers[0].CTX_SUFF(pTimer)); for (i = 0; i < HPET_NUM_TIMERS; i++) if (pThis->aTimers[i].u64Cmp != ~0ULL) hpetProgramTimer(&pThis->aTimers[i]); } else if (hpetBitJustCleared(iOldValue, iNewValue, HPET_CFG_ENABLE)) { /* Halt main counter and disable interrupt generation. */ pThis->u64HpetCounter = hpetGetTicks(pThis); for (i = 0; i < HPET_NUM_TIMERS; i++) TMTimerStop(pThis->aTimers[i].CTX_SUFF(pTimer)); } break; } case HPET_CFG + 4: { Log(("write HPET_CFG + 4: %x\n", iNewValue)); pThis->u64HpetConfig = hpetUpdateMasked((uint64_t)iNewValue << 32, pThis->u64HpetConfig, 0xffffffff00000000ULL); break; } case HPET_STATUS: { Log(("write HPET_STATUS: %x\n", iNewValue)); // clear ISR for all set bits in iNewValue, see p. 14 of HPET spec pThis->u64Isr &= ~((uint64_t)iNewValue); break; } case HPET_STATUS + 4: { Log(("write HPET_STATUS + 4: %x\n", iNewValue)); if (iNewValue != 0) LogRel(("Writing HPET_STATUS + 4 with non-zero, ignored\n")); break; } case HPET_COUNTER: { pThis->u64HpetCounter = (pThis->u64HpetCounter & 0xffffffff00000000ULL) | iNewValue; Log(("write HPET_COUNTER: %#x -> %llx\n", iNewValue, pThis->u64HpetCounter)); break; } case HPET_COUNTER + 4: { pThis->u64HpetCounter = (pThis->u64HpetCounter & 0xffffffffULL) | (((uint64_t)iNewValue) << 32); Log(("write HPET_COUNTER + 4: %#x -> %llx\n", iNewValue, pThis->u64HpetCounter)); break; } default: LogRel(("invalid HPET config write: %x\n", iIndex)); break; } return rc; } PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) hpetMMIORead(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void * pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void * pv, unsigned cb) { HpetState * pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState*); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint32_t iIndex = (uint32_t)(GCPhysAddr - HPET_BASE); LogFlow(("hpetMMIORead: %llx (%x)\n", (uint64_t)GCPhysAddr, iIndex)); rc = hpetLock(pThis, VINF_IOM_HC_MMIO_READ); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS)) return rc; switch (cb) { case 1: case 2: Log(("Narrow read: %d\n", cb)); rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; case 4: { if ((iIndex >= 0x100) && (iIndex < 0x400)) rc = hpetTimerRegRead32(pThis, (iIndex - 0x100) / 0x20, (iIndex - 0x100) % 0x20, (uint32_t*)pv); else rc = hpetConfigRegRead32(pThis, iIndex, (uint32_t*)pv); break; } case 8: { union { uint32_t u32[2]; uint64_t u64; } value; /* Unaligned accesses not allowed */ if (iIndex % 8 != 0) { AssertMsgFailed(("Unaligned HPET read access\n")); rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } // for 8-byte accesses we just split them, happens under lock anyway if ((iIndex >= 0x100) && (iIndex < 0x400)) { uint32_t iTimer = (iIndex - 0x100) / 0x20; uint32_t iTimerReg = (iIndex - 0x100) % 0x20; rc = hpetTimerRegRead32(pThis, iTimer, iTimerReg, &value.u32[0]); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS)) break; rc = hpetTimerRegRead32(pThis, iTimer, iTimerReg + 4, &value.u32[1]); } else { rc = hpetConfigRegRead32(pThis, iIndex, &value.u32[0]); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS)) break; rc = hpetConfigRegRead32(pThis, iIndex+4, &value.u32[1]); } if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) *(uint64_t*)pv = value.u64; break; } default: AssertReleaseMsgFailed(("cb=%d\n", cb)); /* for now we assume simple accesses. */ rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } hpetUnlock(pThis); return rc; } PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) hpetMMIOWrite(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void * pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void * pv, unsigned cb) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState*); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint32_t iIndex = (uint32_t)(GCPhysAddr - HPET_BASE); LogFlow(("hpetMMIOWrite: %llx (%x) <- %x\n", (uint64_t)GCPhysAddr, iIndex, *(uint32_t*)pv)); rc = hpetLock(pThis, VINF_IOM_HC_MMIO_WRITE); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS)) return rc; switch (cb) { case 1: case 2: Log(("Narrow write: %d\n", cb)); rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; case 4: { if ((iIndex >= 0x100) && (iIndex < 0x400)) rc = hpetTimerRegWrite32(pThis, (iIndex - 0x100) / 0x20, (iIndex - 0x100) % 0x20, *(uint32_t*)pv); else rc = hpetConfigRegWrite32(pThis, iIndex, *(uint32_t*)pv); break; } case 8: { union { uint32_t u32[2]; uint64_t u64; } value; /* Unaligned accesses not allowed */ if (iIndex % 8 != 0) { AssertMsgFailed(("Unaligned HPET write access\n")); rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; break; } value.u64 = *(uint64_t*)pv; // for 8-byte accesses we just split them, happens under lock anyway if ((iIndex >= 0x100) && (iIndex < 0x400)) { uint32_t iTimer = (iIndex - 0x100) / 0x20; uint32_t iTimerReg = (iIndex - 0x100) % 0x20; rc = hpetTimerRegWrite32(pThis, iTimer, iTimerReg, value.u32[0]); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS)) break; rc = hpetTimerRegWrite32(pThis, iTimer, iTimerReg + 4, value.u32[1]); } else { rc = hpetConfigRegWrite32(pThis, iIndex, value.u32[0]); if (RT_UNLIKELY(rc != VINF_SUCCESS)) break; rc = hpetConfigRegWrite32(pThis, iIndex+4, value.u32[1]); } break; } default: AssertReleaseMsgFailed(("cb=%d\n", cb)); /* for now we assume simple accesses. */ rc = VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } hpetUnlock(pThis); return rc; } #ifdef IN_RING3 static int hpetSaveTimer(HpetTimer *pTimer, PSSMHANDLE pSSM) { TMR3TimerSave(pTimer->pTimerR3, pSSM); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pTimer->u8Wrap); SSMR3PutU64 (pSSM, pTimer->u64Config); SSMR3PutU64 (pSSM, pTimer->u64Cmp); SSMR3PutU64 (pSSM, pTimer->u64Fsb); SSMR3PutU64 (pSSM, pTimer->u64Period); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int hpetLoadTimer(HpetTimer *pTimer, PSSMHANDLE pSSM) { TMR3TimerLoad(pTimer->pTimerR3, pSSM); SSMR3GetU8(pSSM, &pTimer->u8Wrap); SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pTimer->u64Config); SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pTimer->u64Cmp); SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pTimer->u64Fsb); SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pTimer->u64Period); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @copydoc FNSSMDEVLIVEEXEC */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hpetLiveExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uPass) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); SSMR3PutU8(pSSM, HPET_NUM_TIMERS); return VINF_SSM_DONT_CALL_AGAIN; } /** * Saves a state of the HPET device. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pSSMHandle The handle to save the state to. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hpetSaveExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); uint32_t iTimer; int rc; /* The config. */ hpetLiveExec(pDevIns, pSSM, SSM_PASS_FINAL); for (iTimer = 0; iTimer < HPET_NUM_TIMERS; iTimer++) { rc = hpetSaveTimer(&pThis->aTimers[iTimer], pSSM); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); } SSMR3PutU64(pSSM, pThis->u64HpetOffset); SSMR3PutU64(pSSM, pThis->u64Capabilities); SSMR3PutU64(pSSM, pThis->u64HpetConfig); SSMR3PutU64(pSSM, pThis->u64Isr); SSMR3PutU64(pSSM, pThis->u64HpetCounter); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Loads a HPET device state. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pSSMHandle The handle to the saved state. * @param uVersion The data unit version number. * @param uPass The data pass. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hpetLoadExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); uint32_t iTimer; int rc; if (uVersion == HPET_SAVED_STATE_VERSION_EMPTY) return VINF_SUCCESS; if (uVersion != HPET_SAVED_STATE_VERSION) return VERR_SSM_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_UNIT_VERSION; uint8_t u8NumTimers; rc = SSMR3GetU8(pSSM, &u8NumTimers); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); if (u8NumTimers != HPET_NUM_TIMERS) return SSMR3SetCfgError(pSSM, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Config mismatch - wrong number of timers: saved=%#x config=%#x"), u8NumTimers, HPET_NUM_TIMERS); if (uPass != SSM_PASS_FINAL) return VINF_SUCCESS; for (iTimer = 0; iTimer < HPET_NUM_TIMERS; iTimer++) { rc = hpetLoadTimer(&pThis->aTimers[iTimer], pSSM); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); } SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pThis->u64HpetOffset); SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pThis->u64Capabilities); SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pThis->u64HpetConfig); SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pThis->u64Isr); SSMR3GetU64(pSSM, &pThis->u64HpetCounter); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static void hpetIrqUpdate(struct HpetTimer *pTimer) { uint32_t irq = getTimerIrq(pTimer); HpetState* pThis = pTimer->CTX_SUFF(pHpet); /** @todo: is it correct? */ if (!!(pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_ENABLE) && !!(pThis->u64HpetConfig & HPET_CFG_ENABLE)) { Log4(("HPET: raising IRQ %d\n", irq)); /* ISR bits are only set in level-triggered mode */ if ((pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_INT_TYPE) == HPET_TIMER_TYPE_LEVEL) pThis->u64Isr |= (uint64_t)(1 << pTimer->u8TimerNumber); /* We trigger flip/flop in edge-triggered mode and do nothing in level-triggered mode yet */ if ((pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_INT_TYPE) == HPET_TIMER_TYPE_EDGE) pThis->pHpetHlpR3->pfnSetIrq(pThis->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), irq, PDM_IRQ_LEVEL_FLIP_FLOP); else Assert(false); /* @todo: implement IRQs in level-triggered mode */ } } /** * Device timer callback function. * * @param pDevIns Device instance of the device which registered the timer. * @param pTimer The timer handle. * @param pvUser Pointer to the HPET timer state. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) hpetTimer(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PTMTIMER pTmTimer, void * pvUser) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); HpetTimer *pTimer = (HpetTimer *)pvUser; uint64_t u64Period = pTimer->u64Period; uint64_t u64CurTick = hpetGetTicks(pThis); uint64_t u64Diff; int rc; if (pTimer == NULL) return; /* Lock in R3 must either block or succeed */ rc = hpetLock(pThis, VERR_IGNORED); AssertLogRelRCReturnVoid(rc); if ((pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_PERIODIC) && (u64Period != 0)) { hpetAdjustComparator(pTimer, u64CurTick); u64Diff = hpetComputeDiff(pTimer, u64CurTick); Log4(("HPET: periodical: next in %lld\n", hpetTicksToNs(u64Diff))); TMTimerSetNano(pTmTimer, hpetTicksToNs(u64Diff)); } else if ((pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_32BIT) && !(pTimer->u64Config & HPET_TN_PERIODIC)) { if (pTimer->u8Wrap) { u64Diff = hpetComputeDiff(pTimer, u64CurTick); TMTimerSetNano(pTmTimer, hpetTicksToNs(u64Diff)); pTimer->u8Wrap = 0; } } /* Should it really be under lock, does it really matter? */ hpetIrqUpdate(pTimer); hpetUnlock(pThis); } /** * Relocation notification. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pDevIns The device instance data. * @param offDelta The delta relative to the old address. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) hpetRelocate(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, RTGCINTPTR offDelta) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); unsigned i; LogFlow(("hpetRelocate:\n")); pThis->pDevInsRC = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns); pThis->pHpetHlpRC = pThis->pHpetHlpR3->pfnGetRCHelpers(pDevIns); for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aTimers); i++) { HpetTimer *pTm = &pThis->aTimers[i]; if (pTm->pTimerR3) pTm->pTimerRC = TMTimerRCPtr(pTm->pTimerR3); pTm->pHpetRC = PDMINS_2_DATA_RCPTR(pDevIns); } } /** * Reset notification. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pDevIns The device instance data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) hpetReset(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); unsigned i; LogFlow(("hpetReset:\n")); pThis->u64HpetConfig = 0; for (i = 0; i < HPET_NUM_TIMERS; i++) { HpetTimer *pTimer = &pThis->aTimers[i]; pTimer->u8TimerNumber = i; pTimer->u64Cmp = ~0ULL; /* capable of periodic operations and 64-bits */ pTimer->u64Config = HPET_TN_PERIODIC_CAP | HPET_TN_SIZE_CAP; /* We can do all IRQs */ uint32_t u32RoutingCap = 0xffffffff; pTimer->u64Config |= ((uint64_t)u32RoutingCap) << 32; pTimer->u64Period = 0ULL; pTimer->u8Wrap = 0; } pThis->u64HpetCounter = 0ULL; pThis->u64HpetOffset = 0ULL; /* 64-bit main counter; 3 timers supported; LegacyReplacementRoute. */ uint32_t u32Vendor = 0x8086; uint32_t u32Caps = (1 << 15) /* LEG_RT_CAP, LegacyReplacementRoute capable */ | (1 << 13) /* COUNTER_SIZE_CAP, main counter is 64-bit capable */ | ((HPET_NUM_TIMERS-1) << 8) /* NUM_TIM_CAP, number of timers -1 */ | 1 /* REV_ID, revision, must not be 0 */; pThis->u64Capabilities = (u32Vendor << 16) | u32Caps; pThis->u64Capabilities |= ((uint64_t)(HPET_CLK_PERIOD) << 32); /* Notify PIT/RTC devices */ hpetLegacyMode(pThis, false); } /** * Initialization routine. * * @returns VBox status. * @param pDevIns The device instance data. */ static int hpetInit(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { unsigned i; int rc; HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); memset(pThis, 0, sizeof(*pThis)); pThis->pDevInsR3 = pDevIns; pThis->pDevInsR0 = PDMDEVINS_2_R0PTR(pDevIns); pThis->pDevInsRC = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns); for (i = 0; i < HPET_NUM_TIMERS; i++) { HpetTimer *timer = &pThis->aTimers[i]; timer->pHpetR3 = pThis; timer->pHpetR0 = PDMINS_2_DATA_R0PTR(pDevIns); timer->pHpetRC = PDMINS_2_DATA_RCPTR(pDevIns); rc = PDMDevHlpTMTimerCreate(pDevIns, TMCLOCK_VIRTUAL_SYNC, hpetTimer, timer, TMTIMER_FLAGS_DEFAULT_CRIT_SECT, "HPET Timer", &pThis->aTimers[i].pTimerR3); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pThis->aTimers[i].pTimerRC = TMTimerRCPtr(pThis->aTimers[i].pTimerR3); pThis->aTimers[i].pTimerR0 = TMTimerR0Ptr(pThis->aTimers[i].pTimerR3); } hpetReset(pDevIns); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Info handler, device version. * * @param pDevIns Device instance which registered the info. * @param pHlp Callback functions for doing output. * @param pszArgs Argument string. Optional and specific to the handler. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) hpetInfo(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszArgs) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); int i; pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "HPET status:\n" " config = %016RX64\n" " offset = %016RX64 counter = %016RX64 isr = %016RX64\n" " legacy mode is %s\n", pThis->u64HpetConfig, pThis->u64HpetOffset, pThis->u64HpetCounter, pThis->u64Isr, !!(pThis->u64HpetConfig & HPET_CFG_LEGACY) ? "on" : "off"); pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "Timers:\n"); for (i = 0; i < HPET_NUM_TIMERS; i++) { pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, " %d: comparator=%016RX64 period(hidden)=%016RX64 cfg=%016RX64\n", pThis->aTimers[i].u8TimerNumber, pThis->aTimers[i].u64Cmp, pThis->aTimers[i].u64Period, pThis->aTimers[i].u64Config); } } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMDEVREG,pfnConstruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) hpetConstruct(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, int iInstance, PCFGMNODE pCfg) { HpetState *pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, HpetState *); int rc; bool fRCEnabled = false; bool fR0Enabled = false; PDMHPETREG HpetReg; /* Only one HPET device now */ Assert(iInstance == 0); /* * Validate configuration. */ if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pCfg, "GCEnabled\0" "R0Enabled\0")) return VERR_PDM_DEVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES; /* Query configuration. */ #if 1 rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "GCEnabled", &fRCEnabled, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: Querying \"GCEnabled\" as a bool failed")); rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "R0Enabled", &fR0Enabled, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("Configuration error: failed to read R0Enabled as boolean")); #endif /* Initialize the device state */ rc = hpetInit(pDevIns); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pThis->pDevInsR3 = pDevIns; pThis->pDevInsR0 = PDMDEVINS_2_R0PTR(pDevIns); pThis->pDevInsRC = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns); /* * Register the HPET and get helpers. */ HpetReg.u32Version = PDM_HPETREG_VERSION; rc = PDMDevHlpHPETRegister(pDevIns, &HpetReg, &pThis->pHpetHlpR3); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Cannot HPETRegister: %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /* * Initialize critical section. */ rc = PDMDevHlpCritSectInit(pDevIns, &pThis->csLock, RT_SRC_POS, "HPET"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("HPET cannot initialize critical section")); /* * Register the MMIO range, PDM API requests page aligned * addresses and sizes. */ rc = PDMDevHlpMMIORegister(pDevIns, HPET_BASE, 0x1000, pThis, hpetMMIOWrite, hpetMMIORead, NULL, "HPET Memory"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Cannot register MMIO: %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } if (fRCEnabled) { rc = PDMDevHlpMMIORegisterRC(pDevIns, HPET_BASE, 0x1000, 0, "hpetMMIOWrite", "hpetMMIORead", NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pThis->pHpetHlpRC = pThis->pHpetHlpR3->pfnGetRCHelpers(pDevIns); if (!pThis->pHpetHlpRC) { AssertReleaseMsgFailed(("cannot get RC helper\n")); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } if (fR0Enabled) { rc = PDMDevHlpMMIORegisterR0(pDevIns, HPET_BASE, 0x1000, 0, "hpetMMIOWrite", "hpetMMIORead", NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pThis->pHpetHlpR0 = pThis->pHpetHlpR3->pfnGetR0Helpers(pDevIns); if (!pThis->pHpetHlpR0) { AssertReleaseMsgFailed(("cannot get R0 helper\n")); return VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR; } } /* Register SSM callbacks */ rc = PDMDevHlpSSMRegister3(pDevIns, HPET_SAVED_STATE_VERSION, sizeof(*pThis), hpetLiveExec, hpetSaveExec, hpetLoadExec); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /** * @todo Register statistics. */ PDMDevHlpDBGFInfoRegister(pDevIns, "hpet", "Display HPET status. (no arguments)", hpetInfo); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * The device registration structure. */ const PDMDEVREG g_DeviceHPET = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DEVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "hpet", /* szRCMod */ "VBoxDDGC.gc", /* szR0Mod */ "VBoxDDR0.r0", /* pszDescription */ " High Precision Event Timer (HPET) Device", /* fFlags */ PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT | PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_GUEST_BITS_32_64 | PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_PAE36 | PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_RC | PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_R0, /* fClass */ PDM_DEVREG_CLASS_PIT, /* cMaxInstances */ 1, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(HpetState), /* pfnConstruct */ hpetConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ NULL, /* pfnRelocate */ hpetRelocate, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ hpetReset, /* pfnSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnQueryInterface. */ NULL, /* pfnInitComplete */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32VersionEnd */ PDM_DEVREG_VERSION }; #endif /* IN_RING3 */ #endif /* VBOX_DEVICE_STRUCT_TESTCASE */