/* $Id: DevBusLogic.cpp 30809 2010-07-13 17:22:38Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox storage devices: BusLogic SCSI host adapter BT-958. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /* Implemented looking at the driver source in the linux kernel (drivers/scsi/BusLogic.[ch]). */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ //#define DEBUG #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DEV_BUSLOGIC #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef IN_RING3 # include # include # include # include #endif #include "VBoxSCSI.h" #include "../Builtins.h" /* Maximum number of attached devices the adapter can handle. */ #define BUSLOGIC_MAX_DEVICES 16 /* Maximum number of scatter gather elements this device can handle. */ #define BUSLOGIC_MAX_SCATTER_GATHER_LIST_SIZE 128 /* Size of the command buffer. */ #define BUSLOGIC_COMMAND_SIZE_MAX 5 /* Size of the reply buffer. */ #define BUSLOGIC_REPLY_SIZE_MAX 64 /* I/O port registered in the ISA compatible range to let the BIOS access * the controller. */ #define BUSLOGIC_ISA_IO_PORT 0x330 /** State saved version. */ #define BUSLOGIC_SAVED_STATE_MINOR_VERSION 1 /** * State of a device attached to the buslogic host adapter. * * @implements PDMIBASE * @implements PDMISCSIPORT * @implements PDMILEDPORTS */ typedef struct BUSLOGICDEVICE { /** Pointer to the owning buslogic device instance. - R3 pointer */ R3PTRTYPE(struct BUSLOGIC *) pBusLogicR3; /** Pointer to the owning buslogic device instance. - R0 pointer */ R0PTRTYPE(struct BUSLOGIC *) pBusLogicR0; /** Pointer to the owning buslogic device instance. - RC pointer */ RCPTRTYPE(struct BUSLOGIC *) pBusLogicRC; /** Flag whether device is present. */ bool fPresent; /** LUN of the device. */ RTUINT iLUN; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint32_t Alignment0; #endif /** Our base interace. */ PDMIBASE IBase; /** SCSI port interface. */ PDMISCSIPORT ISCSIPort; /** Led interface. */ PDMILEDPORTS ILed; /** Pointer to the attached driver's base interface. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPDMIBASE) pDrvBase; /** Pointer to the underlying SCSI connector interface. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPDMISCSICONNECTOR) pDrvSCSIConnector; /** The status LED state for this device. */ PDMLED Led; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint32_t Alignment1; #endif /** Number of outstanding tasks on the port. */ volatile uint32_t cOutstandingRequests; } BUSLOGICDEVICE, *PBUSLOGICDEVICE; /* * Commands the BusLogic adapter supports. */ enum BUSLOGICCOMMAND { BUSLOGICCOMMAND_TEST_COMMAND_COMPLETE_INTERRUPT = 0x00, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INITIALIZE_MAILBOX = 0x01, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_EXECUTE_MAILBOX_COMMAND = 0x02, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_EXECUTE_BIOS_COMMAND = 0x03, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_BOARD_ID = 0x04, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_ENABLE_OUTGOING_MAILBOX_AVAILABLE_INTERRUPT = 0x05, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_SCSI_SELECTION_TIMEOUT = 0x06, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_PREEMPT_TIME_ON_BUS = 0x07, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_TIME_OFF_BUS = 0x08, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_BUS_TRANSFER_RATE = 0x09, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_INSTALLED_DEVICES_ID_0_TO_7 = 0x0a, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_CONFIGURATION = 0x0b, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_ENABLE_TARGET_MODE = 0x0c, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_SETUP_INFORMATION = 0x0d, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_WRITE_ADAPTER_LOCAL_RAM = 0x1a, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_READ_ADAPTER_LOCAL_RAM = 0x1b, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_WRITE_BUSMASTER_CHIP_FIFO = 0x1c, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_READ_BUSMASTER_CHIP_FIFO = 0x1d, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_ECHO_COMMAND_DATA = 0x1f, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_HOST_ADAPTER_DIAGNOSTIC = 0x20, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_ADAPTER_OPTIONS = 0x21, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_INSTALLED_DEVICES_ID_8_TO_15 = 0x23, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_TARGET_DEVICES = 0x24, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_DISABLE_HOST_ADAPTER_INTERRUPT = 0x25, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INITIALIZE_EXTENDED_MAILBOX = 0x81, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_EXECUTE_SCSI_COMMAND = 0x83, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_FIRMWARE_VERSION_3RD_LETTER = 0x84, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_FIRMWARE_VERSION_LETTER = 0x85, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_PCI_HOST_ADAPTER_INFORMATION = 0x86, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_HOST_ADAPTER_MODEL_NUMBER = 0x8b, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_SYNCHRONOUS_PERIOD = 0x8c, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_EXTENDED_SETUP_INFORMATION = 0x8d, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_ENABLE_STRICT_ROUND_ROBIN_MODE = 0x8f, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_STORE_HOST_ADAPTER_LOCAL_RAM = 0x90, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_FETCH_HOST_ADAPTER_LOCAL_RAM = 0x91, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_STORE_LOCAL_DATA_IN_EEPROM = 0x92, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_UPLOAD_AUTO_SCSI_CODE = 0x94, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_MODIFY_IO_ADDRESS = 0x95, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_CCB_FORMAT = 0x96, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_WRITE_INQUIRY_BUFFER = 0x9a, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_READ_INQUIRY_BUFFER = 0x9b, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_FLASH_ROM_UPLOAD_DOWNLOAD = 0xa7, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_READ_SCAM_DATA = 0xa8, BUSLOGICCOMMAND_WRITE_SCAM_DATA = 0xa9 } BUSLOGICCOMMAND; #pragma pack(1) /** * Auto SCSI structure which is located * in host adapter RAM and contains several * configuration parameters. */ typedef struct AutoSCSIRam { uint8_t aInternalSignature[2]; uint8_t cbInformation; uint8_t aHostAdaptertype[6]; uint8_t uReserved1; bool fFloppyEnabled: 1; bool fFloppySecondary: 1; bool fLevelSensitiveInterrupt: 1; unsigned char uReserved2: 2; unsigned char uSystemRAMAreForBIOS: 3; unsigned char uDMAChannel: 7; bool fDMAAutoConfiguration: 1; unsigned char uIrqChannel: 7; bool fIrqAutoConfiguration: 1; uint8_t uDMATransferRate; uint8_t uSCSIId; bool fLowByteTerminated: 1; bool fParityCheckingEnabled: 1; bool fHighByteTerminated: 1; bool fNoisyCablingEnvironment: 1; bool fFastSynchronousNeogtiation: 1; bool fBusResetEnabled: 1; bool fReserved3: 1; bool fActiveNegotiationEnabled: 1; uint8_t uBusOnDelay; uint8_t uBusOffDelay; bool fHostAdapterBIOSEnabled: 1; bool fBIOSRedirectionOfInt19: 1; bool fExtendedTranslation: 1; bool fMapRemovableAsFixed: 1; bool fReserved4: 1; bool fBIOSSupportsMoreThan2Drives: 1; bool fBIOSInterruptMode: 1; bool fFlopticalSupport: 1; uint16_t u16DeviceEnabledMask; uint16_t u16WidePermittedMask; uint16_t u16FastPermittedMask; uint16_t u16SynchronousPermittedMask; uint16_t u16DisconnectPermittedMask; uint16_t u16SendStartUnitCommandMask; uint16_t u16IgnoreInBIOSScanMask; unsigned char uPCIInterruptPin: 2; unsigned char uHostAdapterIoPortAddress: 2; bool fStrictRoundRobinMode: 1; bool fVesaBusSpeedGreaterThan33MHz: 1; bool fVesaBurstWrite: 1; bool fVesaBurstRead: 1; uint16_t u16UltraPermittedMask; uint32_t uReserved5; uint8_t uReserved6; uint8_t uAutoSCSIMaximumLUN; bool fReserved7: 1; bool fSCAMDominant: 1; bool fSCAMenabled: 1; bool fSCAMLevel2: 1; unsigned char uReserved8: 4; bool fInt13Extension: 1; bool fReserved9: 1; bool fCDROMBoot: 1; unsigned char uReserved10: 5; unsigned char uBootTargetId: 4; unsigned char uBootChannel: 4; bool fForceBusDeviceScanningOrder: 1; unsigned char uReserved11: 7; uint16_t u16NonTaggedToAlternateLunPermittedMask; uint16_t u16RenegotiateSyncAfterCheckConditionMask; uint8_t aReserved12[10]; uint8_t aManufacturingDiagnostic[2]; uint16_t u16Checksum; } AutoSCSIRam, *PAutoSCSIRam; AssertCompileSize(AutoSCSIRam, 64); #pragma pack() #pragma pack(1) /** * The local Ram. */ typedef union HostAdapterLocalRam { /* Byte view. */ uint8_t u8View[256]; /* Structured view. */ struct { /** Offset 0 - 63 is for BIOS. */ uint8_t u8Bios[64]; /** Auto SCSI structure. */ AutoSCSIRam autoSCSIData; } structured; } HostAdapterLocalRam, *PHostAdapterLocalRam; AssertCompileSize(HostAdapterLocalRam, 256); #pragma pack() /** * Main BusLogic device state. * * @extends PCIDEVICE * @implements PDMILEDPORTS */ typedef struct BUSLOGIC { /** The PCI device structure. */ PCIDEVICE dev; /** Pointer to the device instance - HC ptr */ PPDMDEVINSR3 pDevInsR3; /** Pointer to the device instance - R0 ptr */ PPDMDEVINSR0 pDevInsR0; /** Pointer to the device instance - RC ptr. */ PPDMDEVINSRC pDevInsRC; /** Whether R0 is enabled. */ bool fR0Enabled; /** Whether RC is enabled. */ bool fGCEnabled; /** Base address of the I/O ports. */ RTIOPORT IOPortBase; /** Base address of the memory mapping. */ RTGCPHYS MMIOBase; /** Status register - Readonly. */ volatile uint8_t regStatus; /** Interrupt register - Readonly. */ volatile uint8_t regInterrupt; /** Geometry register - Readonly. */ volatile uint8_t regGeometry; /** Local RAM for the fetch hostadapter local RAM request. * I don't know how big the buffer really is but the maximum * seems to be 256 bytes because the offset and count field in the command request * are only one byte big. */ HostAdapterLocalRam LocalRam; /** Command code the guest issued. */ uint8_t uOperationCode; /** Buffer for the command parameters the adapter is currently receiving from the guest. * Size of the largest command which is possible. */ uint8_t aCommandBuffer[BUSLOGIC_COMMAND_SIZE_MAX]; /* Size of the biggest request. */ /** Current position in the command buffer. */ uint8_t iParameter; /** Parameters left until the command is complete. */ uint8_t cbCommandParametersLeft; /** Whether we are using the RAM or reply buffer. */ bool fUseLocalRam; /** Buffer to store reply data from the controller to the guest. */ uint8_t aReplyBuffer[BUSLOGIC_REPLY_SIZE_MAX]; /* Size of the biggest reply. */ /** Position in the buffer we are reading next. */ uint8_t iReply; /** Bytes left until the reply buffer is empty. */ uint8_t cbReplyParametersLeft; /** Flag whether IRQs are enabled. */ bool fIRQEnabled; /** Flag whether the ISA I/O port range is disabled * to prevent the BIOs to access the device. */ bool fISAEnabled; /** Number of mailboxes the guest set up. */ uint32_t cMailbox; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint32_t Alignment0; #endif /** Physical base address of the outgoing mailboxes. */ RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase; /** Current outgoing mailbox position. */ uint32_t uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent; /** Number of mailboxes ready. */ volatile uint32_t cMailboxesReady; /** Whether a notification to R3 was send. */ volatile bool fNotificationSend; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint32_t Alignment1; #endif /** Physical base address of the incoming mailboxes. */ RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrMailboxIncomingBase; /** Current incoming mailbox position. */ uint32_t uMailboxIncomingPositionCurrent; /** Whether strict round robin is enabled. */ bool fStrictRoundRobinMode; /** Whether the extended LUN CCB format is enabled for 32 possible logical units. */ bool fExtendedLunCCBFormat; /** Queue to send tasks to R3. - HC ptr */ R3PTRTYPE(PPDMQUEUE) pNotifierQueueR3; /** Queue to send tasks to R3. - HC ptr */ R0PTRTYPE(PPDMQUEUE) pNotifierQueueR0; /** Queue to send tasks to R3. - RC ptr */ RCPTRTYPE(PPDMQUEUE) pNotifierQueueRC; uint32_t Alignment2; /** Critical section protecting access to the interrupt status register. */ PDMCRITSECT CritSectIntr; /** Cache for task states. */ R3PTRTYPE(RTMEMCACHE) hTaskCache; /** Device state for BIOS access. */ VBOXSCSI VBoxSCSI; /** BusLogic device states. */ BUSLOGICDEVICE aDeviceStates[BUSLOGIC_MAX_DEVICES]; /** The base interface. * @todo use PDMDEVINS::IBase */ PDMIBASE IBase; /** Status Port - Leds interface. */ PDMILEDPORTS ILeds; /** Partner of ILeds. */ R3PTRTYPE(PPDMILEDCONNECTORS) pLedsConnector; #if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 uint32_t Alignment3; #endif /** Indicates that PDMDevHlpAsyncNotificationCompleted should be called when * a port is entering the idle state. */ bool volatile fSignalIdle; } BUSLOGIC, *PBUSLOGIC; /** Register offsets in the I/O port space. */ #define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL 0 /* Writeonly */ /** Fields for the control register. */ # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL_SCSI_BUSRESET RT_BIT(4) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL_INTERRUPT_RESET RT_BIT(5) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL_SOFT_RESET RT_BIT(6) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL_HARD_RESET RT_BIT(7) #define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS 0 /* Readonly */ /** Fields for the status register. */ # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_COMMAND_INVALID RT_BIT(0) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_DATA_IN_REGISTER_READY RT_BIT(2) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_COMMAND_PARAMETER_REGISTER_BUSY RT_BIT(3) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_READY RT_BIT(4) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_REQUIRED RT_BIT(5) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_DIAGNOSTIC_FAILURE RT_BIT(6) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_DIAGNOSTIC_ACTIVE RT_BIT(7) #define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_COMMAND 1 /* Writeonly */ #define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_DATAIN 1 /* Readonly */ #define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT 2 /* Readonly */ /** Fields for the interrupt register. */ # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_INCOMING_MAILBOX_LOADED RT_BIT(0) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_OUTCOMING_MAILBOX_AVAILABLE RT_BIT(1) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_COMMAND_COMPLETE RT_BIT(2) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_EXTERNAL_BUS_RESET RT_BIT(3) # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_INTERRUPT_VALID RT_BIT(7) #define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_GEOMETRY 3 /* Readonly */ # define BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_GEOMETRY_EXTENTED_TRANSLATION_ENABLED RT_BIT(7) /* Structure for the INQUIRE_PCI_HOST_ADAPTER_INFORMATION reply. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct ReplyInquirePCIHostAdapterInformation { uint8_t IsaIOPort; uint8_t IRQ; unsigned char LowByteTerminated:1; unsigned char HighByteTerminated:1; unsigned char uReserved:2; /* Reserved. */ unsigned char JP1:1; /* Whatever that means. */ unsigned char JP2:1; /* Whatever that means. */ unsigned char JP3:1; /* Whatever that means. */ /** Whether the provided info is valid. */ unsigned char InformationIsValid: 1; uint8_t uReserved2; /* Reserved. */ } ReplyInquirePCIHostAdapterInformation, *PReplyInquirePCIHostAdapterInformation; AssertCompileSize(ReplyInquirePCIHostAdapterInformation, 4); #pragma pack() /* Structure for the INQUIRE_CONFIGURATION reply. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct ReplyInquireConfiguration { unsigned char uReserved1: 5; bool fDmaChannel5: 1; bool fDmaChannel6: 1; bool fDmaChannel7: 1; bool fIrqChannel9: 1; bool fIrqChannel10: 1; bool fIrqChannel11: 1; bool fIrqChannel12: 1; unsigned char uReserved2: 1; bool fIrqChannel14: 1; bool fIrqChannel15: 1; unsigned char uReserved3: 1; unsigned char uHostAdapterId: 4; unsigned char uReserved4: 4; } ReplyInquireConfiguration, *PReplyInquireConfiguration; AssertCompileSize(ReplyInquireConfiguration, 3); #pragma pack() /* Structure for the INQUIRE_SETUP_INFORMATION reply. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct ReplyInquireSetupInformationSynchronousValue { unsigned char uOffset: 4; unsigned char uTransferPeriod: 3; bool fSynchronous: 1; }ReplyInquireSetupInformationSynchronousValue, *PReplyInquireSetupInformationSynchronousValue; AssertCompileSize(ReplyInquireSetupInformationSynchronousValue, 1); #pragma pack() #pragma pack(1) typedef struct ReplyInquireSetupInformation { bool fSynchronousInitiationEnabled: 1; bool fParityCheckingEnabled: 1; unsigned char uReserved1: 6; uint8_t uBusTransferRate; uint8_t uPreemptTimeOnBus; uint8_t uTimeOffBus; uint8_t cMailbox; uint8_t MailboxAddress[3]; ReplyInquireSetupInformationSynchronousValue SynchronousValuesId0To7[8]; uint8_t uDisconnectPermittedId0To7; uint8_t uSignature; uint8_t uCharacterD; uint8_t uHostBusType; uint8_t uWideTransferPermittedId0To7; uint8_t uWideTransfersActiveId0To7; ReplyInquireSetupInformationSynchronousValue SynchronousValuesId8To15[8]; uint8_t uDisconnectPermittedId8To15; uint8_t uReserved2; uint8_t uWideTransferPermittedId8To15; uint8_t uWideTransfersActiveId8To15; } ReplyInquireSetupInformation, *PReplyInquireSetupInformation; AssertCompileSize(ReplyInquireSetupInformation, 34); #pragma pack() /* Structure for the INQUIRE_EXTENDED_SETUP_INFORMATION. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct ReplyInquireExtendedSetupInformation { uint8_t uBusType; uint8_t uBiosAddress; uint16_t u16ScatterGatherLimit; uint8_t cMailbox; uint32_t uMailboxAddressBase; unsigned char uReserved1: 2; bool fFastEISA: 1; unsigned char uReserved2: 3; bool fLevelSensitiveInterrupt: 1; unsigned char uReserved3: 1; unsigned char aFirmwareRevision[3]; bool fHostWideSCSI: 1; bool fHostDifferentialSCSI: 1; bool fHostSupportsSCAM: 1; bool fHostUltraSCSI: 1; bool fHostSmartTermination: 1; unsigned char uReserved4: 3; } ReplyInquireExtendedSetupInformation, *PReplyInquireExtendedSetupInformation; AssertCompileSize(ReplyInquireExtendedSetupInformation, 14); #pragma pack() /* Structure for the INITIALIZE EXTENDED MAILBOX request. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct RequestInitializeExtendedMailbox { /** Number of mailboxes in guest memory. */ uint8_t cMailbox; /** Physical address of the first mailbox. */ uint32_t uMailboxBaseAddress; } RequestInitializeExtendedMailbox, *PRequestInitializeExtendedMailbox; AssertCompileSize(RequestInitializeExtendedMailbox, 5); #pragma pack() /* * Structure of a mailbox in guest memory. * The incoming and outgoing mailbox have the same size * but the incoming one has some more fields defined which * are marked as reserved in the outgoing one. * The last field is also different from the type. * For outgoing mailboxes it is the action and * for incoming ones the completion status code for the task. * We use one structure for both types. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct Mailbox { /** Physical adress of the CCB structure in the guest memory. */ uint32_t u32PhysAddrCCB; /** Type specific data. */ union { /** For outgoing mailboxes. */ struct { /** Reserved */ uint8_t uReserved[3]; /** Action code. */ uint8_t uActionCode; } out; /** For incoming mailboxes. */ struct { /** The host adapter status after finishing the request. */ uint8_t uHostAdapterStatus; /** The status of the device which executed the request after executing it. */ uint8_t uTargetDeviceStatus; /** Reserved. */ uint8_t uReserved; /** The completion status code of the request. */ uint8_t uCompletionCode; } in; } u; } Mailbox, *PMailbox; AssertCompileSize(Mailbox, 8); #pragma pack() /* * Action codes for outgoing mailboxes. */ enum BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_OUTGOING_ACTION { BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_OUTGOING_ACTION_FREE = 0x00, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_OUTGOING_ACTION_START_COMMAND = 0x01, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_OUTGOING_ACTION_ABORT_COMMAND = 0x02 }; /* * Completion codes for incoming mailboxes. */ enum BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION { BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION_FREE = 0x00, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION_WITHOUT_ERROR = 0x01, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION_ABORTED = 0x02, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION_ABORTED_NOT_FOUND = 0x03, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION_WITH_ERROR = 0x04, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION_INVALID_CCB = 0x05 }; /* * Host adapter status for incoming mailboxes. */ enum BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS { BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_CMD_COMPLETED = 0x00, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_LINKED_CMD_COMPLETED = 0x0a, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_LINKED_CMD_COMPLETED_WITH_FLAG = 0x0b, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_DATA_UNDERUN = 0x0c, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_SCSI_SELECTION_TIMEOUT = 0x11, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN = 0x12, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_UNEXPECTED_BUS_FREE = 0x13, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_INVALID_BUS_PHASE_REQUESTED = 0x14, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_INVALID_OUTGOING_MAILBOX_ACTION_CODE = 0x15, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_INVALID_COMMAND_OPERATION_CODE = 0x16, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_LINKED_CCB_HAS_INVALID_LUN = 0x17, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_INVALID_COMMAND_PARAMETER = 0x1a, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_AUTO_REQUEST_SENSE_FAILED = 0x1b, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_TAGGED_QUEUING_MESSAGE_REJECTED = 0x1c, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE_RECEIVED = 0x1d, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_HARDWARE_FAILED = 0x20, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_TARGET_FAILED_RESPONSE_TO_ATN = 0x21, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_ASSERTED_RST = 0x22, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_OTHER_DEVICE_ASSERTED_RST = 0x23, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_TARGET_DEVICE_RECONNECTED_IMPROPERLY = 0x24, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_ASSERTED_BUS_DEVICE_RESET = 0x25, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_ABORT_QUEUE_GENERATED = 0x26, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_SOFTWARE_ERROR = 0x27, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_HARDWARE_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 0x30, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_SCSI_PARITY_ERROR_DETECTED = 0x34 }; /* * Device status codes for incoming mailboxes. */ enum BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_DEVICE_STATUS { BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_DEVICE_STATUS_OPERATION_GOOD = 0x00, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_DEVICE_STATUS_CHECK_CONDITION = 0x02, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_DEVICE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY = 0x08 }; /* * Opcode types for CCB. */ enum BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE { BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB = 0x00, BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_TARGET_CCB = 0x01, BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_SCATTER_GATHER = 0x02, BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_RESIDUAL_DATA_LENGTH = 0x03, BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_RESIDUAL_SCATTER_GATHER = 0x04, BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_BUS_DEVICE_RESET = 0x81 }; /* * Data transfer direction. */ enum BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION { BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_UNKNOWN = 0x00, BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_IN = 0x01, BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_OUT = 0x02, BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_NO_DATA = 0x03 }; /* * The command control block for a SCSI request. */ #pragma pack(1) typedef struct CommandControlBlock { /** Opcode. */ uint8_t uOpcode; /** Reserved */ unsigned char uReserved1: 3; /** Data direction for the request. */ unsigned char uDataDirection: 2; /** Whether the request is tag queued. */ bool fTagQueued: 1; /** Queue tag mode. */ unsigned char uQueueTag: 2; /** Length of the SCSI CDB. */ uint8_t cbCDB; /** Sense data length. */ uint8_t cbSenseData; /** Data length. */ uint32_t cbData; /** Data pointer. * This points to the data region or a scatter gather list based on the opcode. */ uint32_t u32PhysAddrData; /** Reserved. */ uint8_t uReserved2[2]; /** Host adapter status. */ uint8_t uHostAdapterStatus; /** Device adapter status. */ uint8_t uDeviceStatus; /** The device the request is send to. */ uint8_t uTargetId; /**The LUN in the device. */ unsigned char uLogicalUnit: 5; /** Legacy tag. */ bool fLegacyTagEnable: 1; /** Legacy queue tag. */ unsigned char uLegacyQueueTag: 2; /** The SCSI CDB. */ uint8_t aCDB[12]; /* A CDB can be 12 bytes long. */ /** Reserved. */ uint8_t uReserved3[6]; /** Sense data pointer. */ uint32_t u32PhysAddrSenseData; } CommandControlBlock, *PCommandControlBlock; AssertCompileSize(CommandControlBlock, 40); #pragma pack() #pragma pack(1) typedef struct ScatterGatherEntry { uint32_t cbSegment; uint32_t u32PhysAddrSegmentBase; } ScatterGatherEntry, *PScatterGatherEntry; AssertCompileSize(ScatterGatherEntry, 8); #pragma pack() /* * Task state for a CCB request. */ typedef struct BUSLOGICTASKSTATE { /** Device this task is assigned to. */ R3PTRTYPE(PBUSLOGICDEVICE) pTargetDeviceR3; /** The command control block from the guest. */ CommandControlBlock CommandControlBlockGuest; /** Mailbox read from guest memory. */ Mailbox MailboxGuest; /** The SCSI request we pass to the underlying SCSI engine. */ PDMSCSIREQUEST PDMScsiRequest; /** Data buffer segment */ RTSGSEG DataSeg; /** Pointer to the R3 sense buffer. */ uint8_t *pbSenseBuffer; /** Flag whether this is a request from the BIOS. */ bool fBIOS; } BUSLOGICTASKSTATE, *PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE; #ifndef VBOX_DEVICE_STRUCT_TESTCASE RT_C_DECLS_BEGIN PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) buslogicIOPortWrite (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t u32, unsigned cb); PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) buslogicIOPortRead (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t *pu32, unsigned cb); PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) buslogicMMIOWrite(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb); PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) buslogicMMIORead(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb); RT_C_DECLS_END #define PDMIBASE_2_PBUSLOGICDEVICE(pInterface) ( (PBUSLOGICDEVICE)((uintptr_t)(pInterface) - RT_OFFSETOF(BUSLOGICDEVICE, IBase)) ) #define PDMISCSIPORT_2_PBUSLOGICDEVICE(pInterface) ( (PBUSLOGICDEVICE)((uintptr_t)(pInterface) - RT_OFFSETOF(BUSLOGICDEVICE, ISCSIPort)) ) #define PDMILEDPORTS_2_PBUSLOGICDEVICE(pInterface) ( (PBUSLOGICDEVICE)((uintptr_t)(pInterface) - RT_OFFSETOF(BUSLOGICDEVICE, ILed)) ) #define PDMIBASE_2_PBUSLOGIC(pInterface) ( (PBUSLOGIC)((uintptr_t)(pInterface) - RT_OFFSETOF(BUSLOGIC, IBase)) ) #define PDMILEDPORTS_2_PBUSLOGIC(pInterface) ( (PBUSLOGIC)((uintptr_t)(pInterface) - RT_OFFSETOF(BUSLOGIC, ILeds)) ) /** * Deasserts the interrupt line of the BusLogic adapter. * * @returns nothing * @param pBuslogic Pointer to the BusLogic device instance. */ static void buslogicClearInterrupt(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic) { LogFlowFunc(("pBusLogic=%#p\n", pBusLogic)); pBusLogic->regInterrupt = 0; PDMDevHlpPCISetIrq(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), 0, 0); } /** * Assert IRQ line of the BusLogic adapter. * * @returns nothing. * @param pBusLogic Pointer to the BusLogic device instance. * @param fSuppressIrq Flag to suppress IRQ generation regardless of fIRQEnabled */ static void buslogicSetInterrupt(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic, bool fSuppressIrq) { LogFlowFunc(("pBusLogic=%#p\n", pBusLogic)); pBusLogic->regInterrupt |= BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_INTERRUPT_VALID; if (pBusLogic->fIRQEnabled && !fSuppressIrq) PDMDevHlpPCISetIrq(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), 0, 1); } #if defined(IN_RING3) /** * Initialize local RAM of host adapter with default values. * * @returns nothing. * @param pBusLogic. */ static void buslogicInitializeLocalRam(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic) { /* * These values are mostly from what I think is right * looking at the dmesg output from a Linux guest inside * a VMware server VM. * * So they don't have to be right :) */ memset(pBusLogic->LocalRam.u8View, 0, sizeof(HostAdapterLocalRam)); pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.fLevelSensitiveInterrupt = true; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.fParityCheckingEnabled = true; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.fExtendedTranslation = true; /* Same as in geometry register. */ pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.u16DeviceEnabledMask = ~0; /* All enabled. Maybe mask out non present devices? */ pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.u16WidePermittedMask = ~0; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.u16FastPermittedMask = ~0; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.u16SynchronousPermittedMask = ~0; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.u16DisconnectPermittedMask = ~0; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.fStrictRoundRobinMode = pBusLogic->fStrictRoundRobinMode; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.u16UltraPermittedMask = ~0; /* @todo calculate checksum? */ } /** * Do a hardware reset of the buslogic adapter. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pBusLogic Pointer to the BusLogic device instance. */ static int buslogicHwReset(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic) { LogFlowFunc(("pBusLogic=%#p\n", pBusLogic)); /* Reset registers to default value. */ pBusLogic->regStatus = BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_READY | BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_REQUIRED; pBusLogic->regInterrupt = 0; pBusLogic->regGeometry = BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_GEOMETRY_EXTENTED_TRANSLATION_ENABLED; pBusLogic->uOperationCode = 0xff; /* No command executing. */ pBusLogic->iParameter = 0; pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft = 0; pBusLogic->fIRQEnabled = true; pBusLogic->fISAEnabled = true; pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent = 0; pBusLogic->uMailboxIncomingPositionCurrent = 0; buslogicInitializeLocalRam(pBusLogic); vboxscsiInitialize(&pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif /** * Resets the command state machine for the next command and notifies the guest. * * @returns nothing. * @param pBusLogic Pointer to the BusLogic device instance * @param fSuppressIrq Flag to suppress IRQ generation regardless of current state */ static void buslogicCommandComplete(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic, bool fSuppressIrq) { LogFlowFunc(("pBusLogic=%#p\n", pBusLogic)); pBusLogic->fUseLocalRam = false; pBusLogic->regStatus |= BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_READY; pBusLogic->iReply = 0; /* Modify I/O address does not generate an interrupt. */ if (pBusLogic->uOperationCode != BUSLOGICCOMMAND_EXECUTE_MAILBOX_COMMAND) { /* Notify that the command is complete. */ pBusLogic->regStatus &= ~BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_DATA_IN_REGISTER_READY; pBusLogic->regInterrupt |= BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_COMMAND_COMPLETE; buslogicSetInterrupt(pBusLogic, fSuppressIrq); } pBusLogic->uOperationCode = 0xff; pBusLogic->iParameter = 0; } #if defined(IN_RING3) /** * Initiates a hard reset which was issued from the guest. * * @returns nothing * @param pBusLogic Pointer to the BusLogic device instance. */ static void buslogicIntiateHardReset(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic) { LogFlowFunc(("pBusLogic=%#p\n", pBusLogic)); buslogicHwReset(pBusLogic); /* We set the diagnostic active in the status register. */ pBusLogic->regStatus |= BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_DIAGNOSTIC_ACTIVE; } /** * Send a mailbox with set status codes to the guest. * * @returns nothing. * @param pBusLogicR Pointer to the BubsLogic device instance. * @param pTaskState Pointer to the task state with the mailbox to send. * @param uHostAdapterStatus The host adapter status code to set. * @param uDeviceStatus The target device status to set. * @param uMailboxCompletionCode Completion status code to set in the mailbox. */ static void buslogicSendIncomingMailbox(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic, PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE pTaskState, uint8_t uHostAdapterStatus, uint8_t uDeviceStatus, uint8_t uMailboxCompletionCode) { pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u.in.uHostAdapterStatus = uHostAdapterStatus; pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u.in.uTargetDeviceStatus = uDeviceStatus; pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u.in.uCompletionCode = uMailboxCompletionCode; int rc = PDMCritSectEnter(&pBusLogic->CritSectIntr, VINF_SUCCESS); AssertRC(rc); RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrMailboxIncoming = pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxIncomingBase + (pBusLogic->uMailboxIncomingPositionCurrent * sizeof(Mailbox)); RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrCCB = (RTGCPHYS)pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u32PhysAddrCCB; /* Update CCB. */ pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uHostAdapterStatus = uHostAdapterStatus; pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDeviceStatus = uDeviceStatus; PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), GCPhysAddrCCB, &pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest, sizeof(CommandControlBlock)); /* Update mailbox. */ PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), GCPhysAddrMailboxIncoming, &pTaskState->MailboxGuest, sizeof(Mailbox)); /* Advance to next mailbox position. */ pBusLogic->uMailboxIncomingPositionCurrent++; if (pBusLogic->uMailboxIncomingPositionCurrent >= pBusLogic->cMailbox) pBusLogic->uMailboxIncomingPositionCurrent = 0; pBusLogic->regInterrupt |= BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT_INCOMING_MAILBOX_LOADED; buslogicSetInterrupt(pBusLogic, false); PDMCritSectLeave(&pBusLogic->CritSectIntr); } #if defined(DEBUG) /** * Dumps the content of a mailbox for debugging purposes. * * @return nothing * @param pMailbox The mialbox to dump. * @param fOutgoing true if dumping the outgoing state. * false if dumping the incoming state. */ static void buslogicDumpMailboxInfo(PMailbox pMailbox, bool fOutgoing) { Log(("%s: Dump for %s mailbox:\n", __FUNCTION__, fOutgoing ? "outgoing" : "incoming")); Log(("%s: u32PhysAddrCCB=%#x\n", __FUNCTION__, pMailbox->u32PhysAddrCCB)); if (fOutgoing) { Log(("%s: uActionCode=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pMailbox->u.out.uActionCode)); } else { Log(("%s: uHostAdapterStatus=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pMailbox->u.in.uHostAdapterStatus)); Log(("%s: uTargetDeviceStatus=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pMailbox->u.in.uTargetDeviceStatus)); Log(("%s: uCompletionCode=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pMailbox->u.in.uCompletionCode)); } } /** * Dumps the content of a command control block for debugging purposes. * * @returns nothing. * @param pCCB Pointer to the command control block to dump. */ static void buslogicDumpCCBInfo(PCommandControlBlock pCCB) { Log(("%s: Dump for Command Control Block:\n", __FUNCTION__)); Log(("%s: uOpCode=%#x\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->uOpcode)); Log(("%s: uDataDirection=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->uDataDirection)); Log(("%s: fTagQueued=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->fTagQueued)); Log(("%s: uQueueTag=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->uQueueTag)); Log(("%s: cbCDB=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->cbCDB)); Log(("%s: cbSenseData=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->cbSenseData)); Log(("%s: cbData=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->cbData)); Log(("%s: u32PhysAddrData=%#x\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->u32PhysAddrData)); Log(("%s: uHostAdapterStatus=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->uHostAdapterStatus)); Log(("%s: uDeviceStatus=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->uDeviceStatus)); Log(("%s: uTargetId=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->uTargetId)); Log(("%s: uLogicalUnit=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->uLogicalUnit)); Log(("%s: fLegacyTagEnable=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->fLegacyTagEnable)); Log(("%s: uLegacyQueueTag=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->uLegacyQueueTag)); Log(("%s: uCDB[0]=%#x\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->aCDB[0])); for (int i = 1; i < pCCB->cbCDB; i++) Log(("%s: uCDB[%d]=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, i, pCCB->aCDB[i])); Log(("%s: u32PhysAddrSenseData=%#x\n", __FUNCTION__, pCCB->u32PhysAddrSenseData)); } #endif /** * Allocate data buffer. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pTaskState Pointer to the task state. */ static int buslogicDataBufferAlloc(PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE pTaskState) { PPDMDEVINS pDevIns = pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->CTX_SUFF(pBusLogic)->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns); if ( (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection != BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_NO_DATA) && (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbData > 0)) { /* * @todo: Check following assumption and what residual means. * * The BusLogic adapter can handle two different data buffer formats. * The first one is that the data pointer entry in the CCB points to * the buffer directly. In second mode the data pointer points to a * scatter gather list which describes the buffer. */ if ( (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uOpcode == BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_SCATTER_GATHER) || (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uOpcode == BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_RESIDUAL_SCATTER_GATHER)) { uint32_t cScatterGatherGCRead; uint32_t iScatterGatherEntry; ScatterGatherEntry aScatterGatherReadGC[32]; /* Number of scatter gather list entries read from guest memory. */ uint32_t cScatterGatherGCLeft = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbData / sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry); RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent = (RTGCPHYS)pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.u32PhysAddrData; size_t cbDataToTransfer = 0; /* Count number of bytes to transfer. */ do { cScatterGatherGCRead = (cScatterGatherGCLeft < RT_ELEMENTS(aScatterGatherReadGC)) ? cScatterGatherGCLeft : RT_ELEMENTS(aScatterGatherReadGC); cScatterGatherGCLeft -= cScatterGatherGCRead; /* Read the SG entries. */ PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pDevIns, GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent, &aScatterGatherReadGC[0], cScatterGatherGCRead * sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry)); for (iScatterGatherEntry = 0; iScatterGatherEntry < cScatterGatherGCRead; iScatterGatherEntry++) { RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrDataBase; Log(("%s: iScatterGatherEntry=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, iScatterGatherEntry)); GCPhysAddrDataBase = (RTGCPHYS)aScatterGatherReadGC[iScatterGatherEntry].u32PhysAddrSegmentBase; cbDataToTransfer += aScatterGatherReadGC[iScatterGatherEntry].cbSegment; Log(("%s: GCPhysAddrDataBase=%RGp cbDataToTransfer=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, GCPhysAddrDataBase, aScatterGatherReadGC[iScatterGatherEntry].cbSegment)); } /* Set address to the next entries to read. */ GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent += cScatterGatherGCRead * sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry); } while (cScatterGatherGCLeft > 0); Log(("%s: cbDataToTransfer=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, cbDataToTransfer)); /* Allocate buffer */ pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg = cbDataToTransfer; pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg = RTMemAlloc(pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg); if (!pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; /* Copy the data if needed */ if (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection == BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_OUT) { cScatterGatherGCLeft = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbData / sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry); GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent = (RTGCPHYS)pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.u32PhysAddrData; uint8_t *pbData = (uint8_t *)pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg; do { cScatterGatherGCRead = (cScatterGatherGCLeft < RT_ELEMENTS(aScatterGatherReadGC)) ? cScatterGatherGCLeft : RT_ELEMENTS(aScatterGatherReadGC); cScatterGatherGCLeft -= cScatterGatherGCRead; /* Read the SG entries. */ PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pDevIns, GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent, &aScatterGatherReadGC[0], cScatterGatherGCRead * sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry)); for (iScatterGatherEntry = 0; iScatterGatherEntry < cScatterGatherGCRead; iScatterGatherEntry++) { RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrDataBase; Log(("%s: iScatterGatherEntry=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, iScatterGatherEntry)); GCPhysAddrDataBase = (RTGCPHYS)aScatterGatherReadGC[iScatterGatherEntry].u32PhysAddrSegmentBase; cbDataToTransfer = aScatterGatherReadGC[iScatterGatherEntry].cbSegment; Log(("%s: GCPhysAddrDataBase=%RGp cbDataToTransfer=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, GCPhysAddrDataBase, cbDataToTransfer)); PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pDevIns, GCPhysAddrDataBase, pbData, cbDataToTransfer); pbData += cbDataToTransfer; } /* Set address to the next entries to read. */ GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent += cScatterGatherGCRead * sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry); } while (cScatterGatherGCLeft > 0); } } else if ( pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uOpcode == BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB || pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uOpcode == BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_RESIDUAL_DATA_LENGTH) { /* The buffer is not scattered. */ RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrDataBase = (RTGCPHYS)pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.u32PhysAddrData; AssertMsg(GCPhysAddrDataBase != 0, ("Physical address is 0\n")); pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbData; pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg = RTMemAlloc(pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg); if (!pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; Log(("Non scattered buffer:\n")); Log(("u32PhysAddrData=%#x\n", pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.u32PhysAddrData)); Log(("cbData=%u\n", pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbData)); Log(("GCPhysAddrDataBase=0x%RGp\n", GCPhysAddrDataBase)); /* Copy the data into the buffer. */ PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pDevIns, GCPhysAddrDataBase, pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg, pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg); } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Free allocated resources used for the scatter gather list. * * @returns nothing. * @param pTaskState Pointer to the task state. */ static void buslogicDataBufferFree(PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE pTaskState) { PPDMDEVINS pDevIns = pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->CTX_SUFF(pBusLogic)->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns); if ( (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbData > 0) && ( (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection == BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_IN) || (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection == BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_UNKNOWN))) { if ( (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uOpcode == BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_SCATTER_GATHER) || (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uOpcode == BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_RESIDUAL_SCATTER_GATHER)) { uint32_t cScatterGatherGCRead; uint32_t iScatterGatherEntry; ScatterGatherEntry aScatterGatherReadGC[32]; /* Number of scatter gather list entries read from guest memory. */ uint32_t cScatterGatherGCLeft = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbData / sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry); RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent = (RTGCPHYS)pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.u32PhysAddrData; uint8_t *pbData = (uint8_t *)pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg; do { cScatterGatherGCRead = (cScatterGatherGCLeft < RT_ELEMENTS(aScatterGatherReadGC)) ? cScatterGatherGCLeft : RT_ELEMENTS(aScatterGatherReadGC); cScatterGatherGCLeft -= cScatterGatherGCRead; /* Read the SG entries. */ PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pDevIns, GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent, &aScatterGatherReadGC[0], cScatterGatherGCRead * sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry)); for (iScatterGatherEntry = 0; iScatterGatherEntry < cScatterGatherGCRead; iScatterGatherEntry++) { RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrDataBase; size_t cbDataToTransfer; Log(("%s: iScatterGatherEntry=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, iScatterGatherEntry)); GCPhysAddrDataBase = (RTGCPHYS)aScatterGatherReadGC[iScatterGatherEntry].u32PhysAddrSegmentBase; cbDataToTransfer = aScatterGatherReadGC[iScatterGatherEntry].cbSegment; Log(("%s: GCPhysAddrDataBase=%RGp cbDataToTransfer=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, GCPhysAddrDataBase, cbDataToTransfer)); PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(pDevIns, GCPhysAddrDataBase, pbData, cbDataToTransfer); pbData += cbDataToTransfer; } /* Set address to the next entries to read. */ GCPhysAddrScatterGatherCurrent += cScatterGatherGCRead * sizeof(ScatterGatherEntry); } while (cScatterGatherGCLeft > 0); } else if ( pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uOpcode == BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB || pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uOpcode == BUSLOGIC_CCB_OPCODE_INITIATOR_CCB_RESIDUAL_DATA_LENGTH) { /* The buffer is not scattered. */ RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrDataBase = (RTGCPHYS)pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.u32PhysAddrData; AssertMsg(GCPhysAddrDataBase != 0, ("Physical address is 0\n")); Log(("Non scattered buffer:\n")); Log(("u32PhysAddrData=%#x\n", pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.u32PhysAddrData)); Log(("cbData=%u\n", pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbData)); Log(("GCPhysAddrDataBase=0x%RGp\n", GCPhysAddrDataBase)); /* Copy the data into the guest memory. */ PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(pDevIns, GCPhysAddrDataBase, pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg, pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg); } } RTMemFree(pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg); pTaskState->DataSeg.pvSeg = NULL; pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg = 0; } /** * Free the sense buffer. * * @returns nothing. * @param pTaskState Pointer to the task state. * @param fCopy If sense data should be copied to guest memory. */ static void buslogicSenseBufferFree(PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE pTaskState, bool fCopy) { PPDMDEVINS pDevIns = pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->CTX_SUFF(pBusLogic)->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns); RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrSenseBuffer = (RTGCPHYS)pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.u32PhysAddrSenseData; uint32_t cbSenseBuffer = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbSenseData; /* Copy into guest memory. */ if (fCopy) PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(pDevIns, GCPhysAddrSenseBuffer, pTaskState->pbSenseBuffer, cbSenseBuffer); RTMemFree(pTaskState->pbSenseBuffer); pTaskState->pbSenseBuffer = NULL; } /** * Alloc the sense buffer. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pTaskState Pointer to the task state. * @note Current assumption is that the sense buffer is not scattered and does not cross a page boundary. */ static int buslogicSenseBufferAlloc(PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE pTaskState) { PPDMDEVINS pDevIns = pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->CTX_SUFF(pBusLogic)->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns); uint32_t cbSenseBuffer = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbSenseData; pTaskState->pbSenseBuffer = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(cbSenseBuffer); if (!pTaskState->pbSenseBuffer) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif /* IN_RING3 */ /** * Parses the command buffer and executes it. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pBusLogic Pointer to the BusLogic device instance. */ static int buslogicProcessCommand(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; bool fSuppressIrq = false; LogFlowFunc(("pBusLogic=%#p\n", pBusLogic)); AssertMsg(pBusLogic->uOperationCode != 0xff, ("There is no command to execute\n")); switch (pBusLogic->uOperationCode) { case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_PCI_HOST_ADAPTER_INFORMATION: { PReplyInquirePCIHostAdapterInformation pReply = (PReplyInquirePCIHostAdapterInformation)pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer; memset(pReply, 0, sizeof(ReplyInquirePCIHostAdapterInformation)); /* It seems VMware does not provide valid information here too, lets do the same :) */ pReply->InformationIsValid = 0; pReply->IsaIOPort = 0xff; /* Make it invalid. */ pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = sizeof(ReplyInquirePCIHostAdapterInformation); break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_MODIFY_IO_ADDRESS: { pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 0; if (pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0] == 0x06) { Log(("Disabling ISA I/O ports.\n")); pBusLogic->fISAEnabled = false; } fSuppressIrq = true; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_BOARD_ID: { /* The special option byte is important: If it is '0' or 'B', Windows NT drivers * for Adaptec AHA-154x may claim the adapter. The BusLogic drivers will claim * the adapter only when the byte is *not* '0' or 'B'. */ pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[0] = 'A'; /* Firmware option bytes */ pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[1] = 'A'; /* Special option byte */ /* We report version 5.07B. This reply will provide the first two digits. */ pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[2] = '5'; /* Major version 5 */ pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[3] = '0'; /* Minor version 0 */ pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 4; /* Reply is 4 bytes long */ break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_FIRMWARE_VERSION_3RD_LETTER: { pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[0] = '7'; pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 1; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_FIRMWARE_VERSION_LETTER: { pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[0] = 'B'; pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 1; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_HOST_ADAPTER_MODEL_NUMBER: { /* The reply length is set by the guest and is found in the first byte of the command buffer. */ pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0]; memset(pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer, ' ', pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft); const char aModelName[] = "958"; int cCharsToTransfer = (pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft <= (sizeof(aModelName) - 1)) ? pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft : sizeof(aModelName) - 1; for (int i = 0; i < cCharsToTransfer; i++) pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[i] = aModelName[i]; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_CONFIGURATION: { pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = sizeof(ReplyInquireConfiguration); PReplyInquireConfiguration pReply = (PReplyInquireConfiguration)pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer; memset(pReply, 0, sizeof(ReplyInquireConfiguration)); pReply->uHostAdapterId = 7; /* The controller has always 7 as ID. */ /* * The rest of this reply only applies for ISA adapters. * This is a PCI adapter so they are not important and are skipped. */ break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_EXTENDED_SETUP_INFORMATION: { /* The reply length is set by the guest and is found in the first byte of the command buffer. */ pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0]; PReplyInquireExtendedSetupInformation pReply = (PReplyInquireExtendedSetupInformation)pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer; memset(pReply, 0, sizeof(ReplyInquireExtendedSetupInformation)); //@todo: should this reflect the RAM contents (AutoSCSIRam)? pReply->uBusType = 'E'; /* EISA style */ pReply->u16ScatterGatherLimit = 8192; pReply->fLevelSensitiveInterrupt = true; pReply->fHostWideSCSI = true; pReply->fHostUltraSCSI = true; memcpy(pReply->aFirmwareRevision, "07B", sizeof(pReply->aFirmwareRevision)); break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_SETUP_INFORMATION: { /* The reply length is set by the guest and is found in the first byte of the command buffer. */ pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0]; PReplyInquireSetupInformation pReply = (PReplyInquireSetupInformation)pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer; memset(pReply, 0, sizeof(ReplyInquireSetupInformation)); break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_FETCH_HOST_ADAPTER_LOCAL_RAM: { /* * First element in the command buffer contains start offset to read from * and second one the number of bytes to read. */ uint8_t uOffset = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0]; pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[1]; pBusLogic->fUseLocalRam = true; pBusLogic->iReply = uOffset; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INITIALIZE_EXTENDED_MAILBOX: { PRequestInitializeExtendedMailbox pRequest = (PRequestInitializeExtendedMailbox)pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer; pBusLogic->cMailbox = pRequest->cMailbox; pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase = (RTGCPHYS)pRequest->uMailboxBaseAddress; /* The area for incoming mailboxes is right after the last entry of outgoing mailboxes. */ pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxIncomingBase = (RTGCPHYS)pRequest->uMailboxBaseAddress + (pBusLogic->cMailbox * sizeof(Mailbox)); Log(("GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase=%RGp\n", pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase)); Log(("GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase=%RGp\n", pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxIncomingBase)); Log(("cMailboxes=%u\n", pBusLogic->cMailbox)); pBusLogic->regStatus &= ~BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_INITIALIZATION_REQUIRED; pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 0; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_ENABLE_STRICT_ROUND_ROBIN_MODE: { if (pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0] == 0) pBusLogic->fStrictRoundRobinMode = false; else if (pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0] == 1) pBusLogic->fStrictRoundRobinMode = true; else AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid round robin mode %d\n", pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0])); pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 0; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_CCB_FORMAT: { if (pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0] == 0) pBusLogic->fExtendedLunCCBFormat = false; else if (pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0] == 1) pBusLogic->fExtendedLunCCBFormat = true; else AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid CCB format %d\n", pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0])); pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 0; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_TARGET_DEVICES: { /* Each bit which is set in the 16bit wide variable means a present device. */ uint16_t u16TargetsPresentMask = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pBusLogic->aDeviceStates); i++) { if (pBusLogic->aDeviceStates[i].fPresent) u16TargetsPresentMask |= (1 << i); } pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[0] = (uint8_t)u16TargetsPresentMask; pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[1] = (uint8_t)(u16TargetsPresentMask >> 8); pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 2; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_SYNCHRONOUS_PERIOD: { pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0]; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft; i++) pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[i] = 0; /* @todo Figure if we need something other here. It's not needed for the linux driver */ break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_DISABLE_HOST_ADAPTER_INTERRUPT: { if (pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0] == 0) pBusLogic->fIRQEnabled = false; else pBusLogic->fIRQEnabled = true; /* No interrupt signaled regardless of enable/disable. */ fSuppressIrq = true; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_ECHO_COMMAND_DATA: { pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[0] = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0]; pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 1; break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_PREEMPT_TIME_ON_BUS: { pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 0; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.uBusOnDelay = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0]; Log(("Bus-on time: %d\n", pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0])); break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_TIME_OFF_BUS: { pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft = 0; pBusLogic->LocalRam.structured.autoSCSIData.uBusOffDelay = pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0]; Log(("Bus-off time: %d\n", pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[0])); break; } case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_EXECUTE_MAILBOX_COMMAND: /* Should be handled already. */ default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid command %#x\n", pBusLogic->uOperationCode)); } Log(("uOperationCode=%#x, cbReplyParametersLeft=%d\n", pBusLogic->uOperationCode, pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft)); /* Set the data in ready bit in the status register in case the command has a reply. */ if (pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft) pBusLogic->regStatus |= BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_DATA_IN_REGISTER_READY; else buslogicCommandComplete(pBusLogic, fSuppressIrq); return rc; } /** * Read a register from the BusLogic adapter. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pBusLogic Pointer to the BusLogic instance data. * @param iRegister The index of the register to read. * @param pu32 Where to store the register content. */ static int buslogicRegisterRead(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic, unsigned iRegister, uint32_t *pu32) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; switch (iRegister) { case BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS: { *pu32 = pBusLogic->regStatus; /* * If the diagnostic active bit is set we are in a hard reset initiated from the guest. * The guest reads the status register and waits that the host adapter ready bit is set. */ if (pBusLogic->regStatus & BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_DIAGNOSTIC_ACTIVE) { pBusLogic->regStatus &= ~BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_DIAGNOSTIC_ACTIVE; pBusLogic->regStatus |= BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_READY; } break; } case BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_DATAIN: { if (pBusLogic->fUseLocalRam) *pu32 = pBusLogic->LocalRam.u8View[pBusLogic->iReply]; else *pu32 = pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer[pBusLogic->iReply]; pBusLogic->iReply++; pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft--; LogFlowFunc(("cbReplyParametersLeft=%u\n", pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft)); if (!pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft) { /* * Reply finished, set command complete bit, unset data in ready bit and * interrupt the guest if enabled. */ buslogicCommandComplete(pBusLogic, false); } break; } case BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_INTERRUPT: { *pu32 = pBusLogic->regInterrupt; break; } case BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_GEOMETRY: { *pu32 = pBusLogic->regGeometry; break; } default: *pu32 = UINT32_C(0xffffffff); } Log2(("%s: pu32=%p:{%.*Rhxs} iRegister=%d rc=%Rrc\n", __FUNCTION__, pu32, 1, pu32, iRegister, rc)); return rc; } /** * Write a value to a register. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pBusLogic Pointer to the BusLogic instance data. * @param iRegister The index of the register to read. * @param uVal The value to write. */ static int buslogicRegisterWrite(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic, unsigned iRegister, uint8_t uVal) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; switch (iRegister) { case BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL: { rc = PDMCritSectEnter(&pBusLogic->CritSectIntr, VINF_IOM_HC_IOPORT_WRITE); if (rc != VINF_SUCCESS) return rc; if (uVal & BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL_INTERRUPT_RESET) buslogicClearInterrupt(pBusLogic); PDMCritSectLeave(&pBusLogic->CritSectIntr); if ((uVal & BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL_HARD_RESET) || (uVal & BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_CONTROL_SOFT_RESET)) { #ifdef IN_RING3 buslogicIntiateHardReset(pBusLogic); #else rc = VINF_IOM_HC_IOPORT_WRITE; #endif } break; } case BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_COMMAND: { /* Fast path for mailbox execution command. */ if ((uVal == BUSLOGICCOMMAND_EXECUTE_MAILBOX_COMMAND) && (pBusLogic->uOperationCode == 0xff)) { ASMAtomicIncU32(&pBusLogic->cMailboxesReady); if (!ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pBusLogic->fNotificationSend, true)) { /* Send new notification to the queue. */ PPDMQUEUEITEMCORE pItem = PDMQueueAlloc(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pNotifierQueue)); AssertMsg(pItem, ("Allocating item for queue failed\n")); PDMQueueInsert(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pNotifierQueue), (PPDMQUEUEITEMCORE)pItem); } return rc; } /* * Check if we are already fetch command parameters from the guest. * If not we initialize executing a new command. */ if (pBusLogic->uOperationCode == 0xff) { pBusLogic->uOperationCode = uVal; pBusLogic->iParameter = 0; /* Mark host adapter as busy. */ pBusLogic->regStatus &= ~BUSLOGIC_REGISTER_STATUS_HOST_ADAPTER_READY; /* Get the number of bytes for parameters from the command code. */ switch (pBusLogic->uOperationCode) { case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_FIRMWARE_VERSION_LETTER: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_BOARD_ID: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_FIRMWARE_VERSION_3RD_LETTER: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_PCI_HOST_ADAPTER_INFORMATION: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_CONFIGURATION: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_TARGET_DEVICES: pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft = 0; break; case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_MODIFY_IO_ADDRESS: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_EXTENDED_SETUP_INFORMATION: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_SETUP_INFORMATION: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_HOST_ADAPTER_MODEL_NUMBER: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_ENABLE_STRICT_ROUND_ROBIN_MODE: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_CCB_FORMAT: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INQUIRE_SYNCHRONOUS_PERIOD: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_DISABLE_HOST_ADAPTER_INTERRUPT: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_ECHO_COMMAND_DATA: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_PREEMPT_TIME_ON_BUS: case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_SET_TIME_OFF_BUS: pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft = 1; break; case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_FETCH_HOST_ADAPTER_LOCAL_RAM: pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft = 2; break; case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_INITIALIZE_EXTENDED_MAILBOX: pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft = sizeof(RequestInitializeExtendedMailbox); break; case BUSLOGICCOMMAND_EXECUTE_MAILBOX_COMMAND: /* Should not come here anymore. */ default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid operation code %#x\n", uVal)); } } else { /* * The real adapter would set the Command register busy bit in the status register. * The guest has to wait until it is unset. * We don't need to do it because the guest does not continue execution while we are in this * function. */ pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer[pBusLogic->iParameter] = uVal; pBusLogic->iParameter++; pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft--; } /* Start execution of command if there are no parameters left. */ if (!pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft) { rc = buslogicProcessCommand(pBusLogic); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Processing command failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Register not available\n")); rc = VERR_IOM_IOPORT_UNUSED; } return rc; } /** * Memory mapped I/O Handler for read operations. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pvUser User argument. * @param GCPhysAddr Physical address (in GC) where the read starts. * @param pv Where to store the result. * @param cb Number of bytes read. */ PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) buslogicMMIORead(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb) { /* the linux driver does not make use of the MMIO area. */ AssertMsgFailed(("MMIO Read\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Memory mapped I/O Handler for write operations. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pvUser User argument. * @param GCPhysAddr Physical address (in GC) where the read starts. * @param pv Where to fetch the result. * @param cb Number of bytes to write. */ PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) buslogicMMIOWrite(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddr, void *pv, unsigned cb) { /* the linux driver does not make use of the MMIO area. */ AssertMsgFailed(("MMIO Write\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Port I/O Handler for IN operations. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pvUser User argument. * @param uPort Port number used for the IN operation. * @param pu32 Where to store the result. * @param cb Number of bytes read. */ PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) buslogicIOPortRead (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t *pu32, unsigned cb) { PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC);; unsigned iRegister = Port - pBusLogic->IOPortBase; Assert(cb == 1); return buslogicRegisterRead(pBusLogic, iRegister, pu32); } /** * Port I/O Handler for OUT operations. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pvUser User argument. * @param uPort Port number used for the IN operation. * @param u32 The value to output. * @param cb The value size in bytes. */ PDMBOTHCBDECL(int) buslogicIOPortWrite (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t u32, unsigned cb) { PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; unsigned iRegister = Port - pBusLogic->IOPortBase; uint8_t uVal = (uint8_t)u32; Assert(cb == 1); rc = buslogicRegisterWrite(pBusLogic, iRegister, (uint8_t)uVal); Log2(("#%d %s: pvUser=%#p cb=%d u32=%#x Port=%#x rc=%Rrc\n", pDevIns->iInstance, __FUNCTION__, pvUser, cb, u32, Port, rc)); return rc; } #ifdef IN_RING3 /** * Port I/O Handler for IN operations - legacy port. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pvUser User argument. * @param uPort Port number used for the IN operation. * @param pu32 Where to store the result. * @param cb Number of bytes read. */ static int buslogicIsaIOPortRead (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t *pu32, unsigned cb) { int rc; PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); Assert(cb == 1); if (!pBusLogic->fISAEnabled) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = vboxscsiReadRegister(&pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI, (Port - BUSLOGIC_ISA_IO_PORT), pu32); //Log2(("%s: pu32=%p:{%.*Rhxs} iRegister=%d rc=%Rrc\n", // __FUNCTION__, pu32, 1, pu32, (Port - BUSLOGIC_ISA_IO_PORT), rc)); return rc; } static int buslogicPrepareBIOSSCSIRequest(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic) { int rc; PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE pTaskState; uint32_t uTargetDevice; rc = RTMemCacheAllocEx(pBusLogic->hTaskCache, (void **)&pTaskState); AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("Getting task from cache failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc), rc); pTaskState->fBIOS = true; rc = vboxscsiSetupRequest(&pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI, &pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest, &uTargetDevice); AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("Setting up SCSI request failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc), rc); pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.pvUser = pTaskState; pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice) = &pBusLogic->aDeviceStates[uTargetDevice]; if (!pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->fPresent) { /* Device is not present. */ AssertMsg(pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.pbCDB[0] == SCSI_INQUIRY, ("Device is not present but command is not inquiry\n")); SCSIINQUIRYDATA ScsiInquiryData; memset(&ScsiInquiryData, 0, sizeof(SCSIINQUIRYDATA)); ScsiInquiryData.u5PeripheralDeviceType = SCSI_INQUIRY_DATA_PERIPHERAL_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; ScsiInquiryData.u3PeripheralQualifier = SCSI_INQUIRY_DATA_PERIPHERAL_QUALIFIER_NOT_CONNECTED_NOT_SUPPORTED; memcpy(pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.pBuf, &ScsiInquiryData, 5); rc = vboxscsiRequestFinished(&pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI, &pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest); AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("Finishing BIOS SCSI request failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc), rc); RTMemCacheFree(pBusLogic->hTaskCache, pTaskState); } else { LogFlowFunc(("before increment %u\n", pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->cOutstandingRequests)); ASMAtomicIncU32(&pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->cOutstandingRequests); LogFlowFunc(("after increment %u\n", pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->cOutstandingRequests)); rc = pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->pDrvSCSIConnector->pfnSCSIRequestSend(pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice)->pDrvSCSIConnector, &pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest); AssertMsgRCReturn(rc, ("Sending request to SCSI layer failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc), rc); } return rc; } /** * Port I/O Handler for OUT operations - legacy port. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pvUser User argument. * @param uPort Port number used for the IN operation. * @param u32 The value to output. * @param cb The value size in bytes. */ static int buslogicIsaIOPortWrite (PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, uint32_t u32, unsigned cb) { int rc; PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); Log2(("#%d %s: pvUser=%#p cb=%d u32=%#x Port=%#x\n", pDevIns->iInstance, __FUNCTION__, pvUser, cb, u32, Port)); Assert(cb == 1); if (!pBusLogic->fISAEnabled) return VINF_SUCCESS; rc = vboxscsiWriteRegister(&pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI, (Port - BUSLOGIC_ISA_IO_PORT), (uint8_t)u32); if (rc == VERR_MORE_DATA) { rc = buslogicPrepareBIOSSCSIRequest(pBusLogic); AssertRC(rc); } else if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertMsgFailed(("Writing BIOS register failed %Rrc\n", rc)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Port I/O Handler for primary port range OUT string operations. * @see FNIOMIOPORTOUTSTRING for details. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicIsaIOPortWriteStr(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, RTGCPTR *pGCPtrSrc, PRTGCUINTREG pcTransfer, unsigned cb) { PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); int rc; Log2(("#%d %s: pvUser=%#p cb=%d Port=%#x\n", pDevIns->iInstance, __FUNCTION__, pvUser, cb, Port)); rc = vboxscsiWriteString(pDevIns, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI, (Port - BUSLOGIC_ISA_IO_PORT), pGCPtrSrc, pcTransfer, cb); if (rc == VERR_MORE_DATA) { rc = buslogicPrepareBIOSSCSIRequest(pBusLogic); AssertRC(rc); } else if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) AssertMsgFailed(("Writing BIOS register failed %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Port I/O Handler for primary port range IN string operations. * @see FNIOMIOPORTINSTRING for details. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicIsaIOPortReadStr(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, void *pvUser, RTIOPORT Port, RTGCPTR *pGCPtrDst, PRTGCUINTREG pcTransfer, unsigned cb) { PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); LogFlowFunc(("#%d %s: pvUser=%#p cb=%d Port=%#x\n", pDevIns->iInstance, __FUNCTION__, pvUser, cb, Port)); return vboxscsiReadString(pDevIns, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI, (Port - BUSLOGIC_ISA_IO_PORT), pGCPtrDst, pcTransfer, cb); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicMMIOMap(PPCIDEVICE pPciDev, /*unsigned*/ int iRegion, RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddress, uint32_t cb, PCIADDRESSSPACE enmType) { PPDMDEVINS pDevIns = pPciDev->pDevIns; PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; Log2(("%s: registering MMIO area at GCPhysAddr=%RGp cb=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, GCPhysAddress, cb)); Assert(cb >= 32); if (enmType == PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM) { /* We use the assigned size here, because we currently only support page aligned MMIO ranges. */ rc = PDMDevHlpMMIORegister(pDevIns, GCPhysAddress, cb, NULL, buslogicMMIOWrite, buslogicMMIORead, NULL, "BusLogic"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (pThis->fR0Enabled) { rc = PDMDevHlpMMIORegisterR0(pDevIns, GCPhysAddress, cb, 0, "buslogicMMIOWrite", "buslogicMMIORead", NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } if (pThis->fGCEnabled) { rc = PDMDevHlpMMIORegisterRC(pDevIns, GCPhysAddress, cb, 0, "buslogicMMIOWrite", "buslogicMMIORead", NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } pThis->MMIOBase = GCPhysAddress; } else if (enmType == PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO) { rc = PDMDevHlpIOPortRegister(pDevIns, (RTIOPORT)GCPhysAddress, 32, NULL, buslogicIOPortWrite, buslogicIOPortRead, NULL, NULL, "BusLogic"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (pThis->fR0Enabled) { rc = PDMDevHlpIOPortRegisterR0(pDevIns, (RTIOPORT)GCPhysAddress, 32, 0, "buslogicIOPortWrite", "buslogicIOPortRead", NULL, NULL, "BusLogic"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } if (pThis->fGCEnabled) { rc = PDMDevHlpIOPortRegisterRC(pDevIns, (RTIOPORT)GCPhysAddress, 32, 0, "buslogicIOPortWrite", "buslogicIOPortRead", NULL, NULL, "BusLogic"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } pThis->IOPortBase = (RTIOPORT)GCPhysAddress; } else AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid enmType=%d\n", enmType)); return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicDeviceSCSIRequestCompleted(PPDMISCSIPORT pInterface, PPDMSCSIREQUEST pSCSIRequest, int rcCompletion) { int rc; PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE pTaskState = (PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE)pSCSIRequest->pvUser; PBUSLOGICDEVICE pBusLogicDevice = pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice); PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = pBusLogicDevice->CTX_SUFF(pBusLogic); LogFlowFunc(("before decrement %u\n", pBusLogicDevice->cOutstandingRequests)); ASMAtomicDecU32(&pBusLogicDevice->cOutstandingRequests); LogFlowFunc(("after decrement %u\n", pBusLogicDevice->cOutstandingRequests)); if (pTaskState->fBIOS) { rc = vboxscsiRequestFinished(&pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI, pSCSIRequest); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Finishing BIOS SCSI request failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } else { buslogicDataBufferFree(pTaskState); if (pTaskState->pbSenseBuffer) buslogicSenseBufferFree(pTaskState, (rcCompletion != SCSI_STATUS_OK)); buslogicSendIncomingMailbox(pBusLogic, pTaskState, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_CMD_COMPLETED, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_DEVICE_STATUS_OPERATION_GOOD, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION_WITHOUT_ERROR); } /* Add task to the cache. */ RTMemCacheFree(pBusLogic->hTaskCache, pTaskState); if (pBusLogicDevice->cOutstandingRequests == 0 && pBusLogic->fSignalIdle) PDMDevHlpAsyncNotificationCompleted(pBusLogic->pDevInsR3); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Read mailbox from the guest and execute command. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pBusLogic Pointer to the BusLogic instance data. */ static int buslogicProcessMailboxNext(PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic) { PBUSLOGICTASKSTATE pTaskState = NULL; RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrMailboxCurrent; int rc; rc = RTMemCacheAllocEx(pBusLogic->hTaskCache, (void **)&pTaskState); AssertMsgReturn(RT_SUCCESS(rc) && (pTaskState != NULL), ("Failed to get task state from cache\n"), rc); pTaskState->fBIOS = false; if (!pBusLogic->fStrictRoundRobinMode) { /* Search for a filled mailbox. */ do { /* Fetch mailbox from guest memory. */ GCPhysAddrMailboxCurrent = pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase + (pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent * sizeof(Mailbox)); PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), GCPhysAddrMailboxCurrent, &pTaskState->MailboxGuest, sizeof(Mailbox)); pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent++; /* Check if we reached the end and start from the beginning if so. */ if (pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent >= pBusLogic->cMailbox) pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent = 0; } while (pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u.out.uActionCode == BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_OUTGOING_ACTION_FREE); } else { /* Fetch mailbox from guest memory. */ GCPhysAddrMailboxCurrent = pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase + (pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent * sizeof(Mailbox)); PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), GCPhysAddrMailboxCurrent, &pTaskState->MailboxGuest, sizeof(Mailbox)); } #ifdef DEBUG buslogicDumpMailboxInfo(&pTaskState->MailboxGuest, true); #endif if (pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u.out.uActionCode == BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_OUTGOING_ACTION_START_COMMAND) { /* Fetch CCB now. */ RTGCPHYS GCPhysAddrCCB = (RTGCPHYS)pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u32PhysAddrCCB; PDMDevHlpPhysRead(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), GCPhysAddrCCB, &pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest, sizeof(CommandControlBlock)); PBUSLOGICDEVICE pTargetDevice = &pBusLogic->aDeviceStates[pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uTargetId]; pTaskState->CTX_SUFF(pTargetDevice) = pTargetDevice; #ifdef DEBUG buslogicDumpCCBInfo(&pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest); #endif /* Alloc required buffers. */ rc = buslogicDataBufferAlloc(pTaskState); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Alloc failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); if (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbSenseData) { rc = buslogicSenseBufferAlloc(pTaskState); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Mapping sense buffer failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } /* Check if device is present on bus. If not return error immediately and don't process this further. */ if (!pBusLogic->aDeviceStates[pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uTargetId].fPresent) { buslogicDataBufferFree(pTaskState); if (pTaskState->pbSenseBuffer) buslogicSenseBufferFree(pTaskState, true); buslogicSendIncomingMailbox(pBusLogic, pTaskState, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_ADAPTER_STATUS_SCSI_SELECTION_TIMEOUT, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_DEVICE_STATUS_OPERATION_GOOD, BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_INCOMING_COMPLETION_WITH_ERROR); RTMemCacheFree(pBusLogic->hTaskCache, pTaskState); } else { /* Setup SCSI request. */ pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.uLogicalUnit = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uLogicalUnit; if (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection == BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_UNKNOWN) pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.uDataDirection = PDMSCSIREQUESTTXDIR_UNKNOWN; else if (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection == BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_IN) pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.uDataDirection = PDMSCSIREQUESTTXDIR_FROM_DEVICE; else if (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection == BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_OUT) pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.uDataDirection = PDMSCSIREQUESTTXDIR_TO_DEVICE; else if (pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection == BUSLOGIC_CCB_DIRECTION_NO_DATA) pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.uDataDirection = PDMSCSIREQUESTTXDIR_NONE; else AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid data direction type %d\n", pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.uDataDirection)); pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.cbCDB = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbCDB; pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.pbCDB = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.aCDB; if (pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg) { pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.cbScatterGather = pTaskState->DataSeg.cbSeg; pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.cScatterGatherEntries = 1; pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.paScatterGatherHead = &pTaskState->DataSeg; } else { pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.cbScatterGather = 0; pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.cScatterGatherEntries = 0; pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.paScatterGatherHead = NULL; } pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.cbSenseBuffer = pTaskState->CommandControlBlockGuest.cbSenseData; pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.pbSenseBuffer = pTaskState->pbSenseBuffer; pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest.pvUser = pTaskState; LogFlowFunc(("before increment %u\n", pTargetDevice->cOutstandingRequests)); ASMAtomicIncU32(&pTargetDevice->cOutstandingRequests); LogFlowFunc(("after increment %u\n", pTargetDevice->cOutstandingRequests)); rc = pTargetDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector->pfnSCSIRequestSend(pTargetDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector, &pTaskState->PDMScsiRequest); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Sending request to SCSI layer failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } } else if (pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u.out.uActionCode == BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_OUTGOING_ACTION_ABORT_COMMAND) { AssertMsgFailed(("Not implemented yet\n")); } else AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid outgoing mailbox action code %u\n", pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u.out.uActionCode)); /* We got the mailbox, mark it as free in the guest. */ pTaskState->MailboxGuest.u.out.uActionCode = BUSLOGIC_MAILBOX_OUTGOING_ACTION_FREE; PDMDevHlpPhysWrite(pBusLogic->CTX_SUFF(pDevIns), GCPhysAddrMailboxCurrent, &pTaskState->MailboxGuest, sizeof(Mailbox)); if (pBusLogic->fStrictRoundRobinMode) { pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent++; /* Check if we reached the end and start from the beginning if so. */ if (pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent >= pBusLogic->cMailbox) pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent = 0; } return rc; } /** * Transmit queue consumer * Queue a new async task. * * @returns Success indicator. * If false the item will not be removed and the flushing will stop. * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param pItem The item to consume. Upon return this item will be freed. */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) buslogicNotifyQueueConsumer(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PPDMQUEUEITEMCORE pItem) { PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); AssertMsg(pBusLogic->cMailboxesReady > 0, ("Got notification without any mailboxes ready\n")); /* Reset notification send flag now. */ ASMAtomicXchgBool(&pBusLogic->fNotificationSend, false); /* Process mailboxes. */ do { int rc; rc = buslogicProcessMailboxNext(pBusLogic); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Processing mailbox failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } while (ASMAtomicDecU32(&pBusLogic->cMailboxesReady) > 0); return true; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicLiveExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uPass) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); /* Save the device config. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aDeviceStates); i++) SSMR3PutBool(pSSM, pThis->aDeviceStates[i].fPresent); return VINF_SSM_DONT_CALL_AGAIN; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicSaveExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM) { PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); /* Every device first. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pBusLogic->aDeviceStates); i++) { PBUSLOGICDEVICE pDevice = &pBusLogic->aDeviceStates[i]; AssertMsg(!pDevice->cOutstandingRequests, ("There are still outstanding requests on this device\n")); SSMR3PutBool(pSSM, pDevice->fPresent); SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, pDevice->cOutstandingRequests); } /* Now the main device state. */ SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->regStatus); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->regInterrupt); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->regGeometry); SSMR3PutMem (pSSM, &pBusLogic->LocalRam, sizeof(pBusLogic->LocalRam)); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->uOperationCode); SSMR3PutMem (pSSM, &pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer, sizeof(pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer)); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->iParameter); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft); SSMR3PutBool (pSSM, pBusLogic->fUseLocalRam); SSMR3PutMem (pSSM, pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer, sizeof(pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer)); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->iReply); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft); SSMR3PutBool (pSSM, pBusLogic->fIRQEnabled); SSMR3PutBool (pSSM, pBusLogic->fISAEnabled); SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, pBusLogic->cMailbox); SSMR3PutGCPhys(pSSM, pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase); SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent); SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, pBusLogic->cMailboxesReady); SSMR3PutBool (pSSM, pBusLogic->fNotificationSend); SSMR3PutGCPhys(pSSM, pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxIncomingBase); SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, pBusLogic->uMailboxIncomingPositionCurrent); SSMR3PutBool (pSSM, pBusLogic->fStrictRoundRobinMode); SSMR3PutBool (pSSM, pBusLogic->fExtendedLunCCBFormat); /* Now the data for the BIOS interface. */ SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.regIdentify); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.uTargetDevice); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.uTxDir); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbCDB); SSMR3PutMem (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.aCDB, sizeof(pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.aCDB)); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.iCDB); SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbBuf); SSMR3PutU32 (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.iBuf); SSMR3PutBool (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.fBusy); SSMR3PutU8 (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.enmState); if (pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbCDB) SSMR3PutMem(pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.pBuf, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbBuf); return SSMR3PutU32(pSSM, ~0); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicLoadExec(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PSSMHANDLE pSSM, uint32_t uVersion, uint32_t uPass) { PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); int rc; /* We support saved states only from this and older versions. */ if (uVersion > BUSLOGIC_SAVED_STATE_MINOR_VERSION) return VERR_SSM_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_UNIT_VERSION; /* Every device first. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pBusLogic->aDeviceStates); i++) { PBUSLOGICDEVICE pDevice = &pBusLogic->aDeviceStates[i]; AssertMsg(!pDevice->cOutstandingRequests, ("There are still outstanding requests on this device\n")); bool fPresent; rc = SSMR3GetBool(pSSM, &fPresent); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); if (pDevice->fPresent != fPresent) return SSMR3SetCfgError(pSSM, RT_SRC_POS, N_("Target %u config mismatch: config=%RTbool state=%RTbool"), i, pDevice->fPresent, fPresent); if (uPass == SSM_PASS_FINAL) SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, (uint32_t *)&pDevice->cOutstandingRequests); } if (uPass != SSM_PASS_FINAL) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* Now the main device state. */ SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, (uint8_t *)&pBusLogic->regStatus); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, (uint8_t *)&pBusLogic->regInterrupt); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, (uint8_t *)&pBusLogic->regGeometry); SSMR3GetMem (pSSM, &pBusLogic->LocalRam, sizeof(pBusLogic->LocalRam)); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->uOperationCode); SSMR3GetMem (pSSM, &pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer, sizeof(pBusLogic->aCommandBuffer)); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->iParameter); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->cbCommandParametersLeft); SSMR3GetBool (pSSM, &pBusLogic->fUseLocalRam); SSMR3GetMem (pSSM, pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer, sizeof(pBusLogic->aReplyBuffer)); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->iReply); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->cbReplyParametersLeft); SSMR3GetBool (pSSM, &pBusLogic->fIRQEnabled); SSMR3GetBool (pSSM, &pBusLogic->fISAEnabled); SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->cMailbox); SSMR3GetGCPhys(pSSM, &pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxOutgoingBase); SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->uMailboxOutgoingPositionCurrent); SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, (uint32_t *)&pBusLogic->cMailboxesReady); SSMR3GetBool (pSSM, (bool *)&pBusLogic->fNotificationSend); SSMR3GetGCPhys(pSSM, &pBusLogic->GCPhysAddrMailboxIncomingBase); SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->uMailboxIncomingPositionCurrent); SSMR3GetBool (pSSM, &pBusLogic->fStrictRoundRobinMode); SSMR3GetBool (pSSM, &pBusLogic->fExtendedLunCCBFormat); /* Now the data for the BIOS interface. */ SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.regIdentify); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.uTargetDevice); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.uTxDir); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbCDB); SSMR3GetMem (pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.aCDB, sizeof(pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.aCDB)); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.iCDB); SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbBuf); SSMR3GetU32 (pSSM, &pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.iBuf); SSMR3GetBool(pSSM, (bool *)&pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.fBusy); SSMR3GetU8 (pSSM, (uint8_t *)&pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.enmState); if (pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbCDB) { pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.pBuf = (uint8_t *)RTMemAllocZ(pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbCDB); if (!pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.pBuf) { LogRel(("BusLogic: Out of memory during restore.\n")); return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, VERR_NO_MEMORY, N_("BusLogic: Out of memory during restore\n")); } SSMR3GetMem(pSSM, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.pBuf, pBusLogic->VBoxSCSI.cbBuf); } uint32_t u32; rc = SSMR3GetU32(pSSM, &u32); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; AssertMsgReturn(u32 == ~0U, ("%#x\n", u32), VERR_SSM_DATA_UNIT_FORMAT_CHANGED); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Gets the pointer to the status LED of a device - called from the SCSi driver. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pInterface Pointer to the interface structure containing the called function pointer. * @param iLUN The unit which status LED we desire. Always 0 here as the driver * doesn't know about other LUN's. * @param ppLed Where to store the LED pointer. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicDeviceQueryStatusLed(PPDMILEDPORTS pInterface, unsigned iLUN, PPDMLED *ppLed) { PBUSLOGICDEVICE pDevice = PDMILEDPORTS_2_PBUSLOGICDEVICE(pInterface); if (iLUN == 0) { *ppLed = &pDevice->Led; Assert((*ppLed)->u32Magic == PDMLED_MAGIC); return VINF_SUCCESS; } return VERR_PDM_LUN_NOT_FOUND; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) buslogicDeviceQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PBUSLOGICDEVICE pDevice = PDMIBASE_2_PBUSLOGICDEVICE(pInterface); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pDevice->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMISCSIPORT, &pDevice->ISCSIPort); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMILEDPORTS, &pDevice->ILed); return NULL; } /** * Gets the pointer to the status LED of a unit. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pInterface Pointer to the interface structure containing the called function pointer. * @param iLUN The unit which status LED we desire. * @param ppLed Where to store the LED pointer. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicStatusQueryStatusLed(PPDMILEDPORTS pInterface, unsigned iLUN, PPDMLED *ppLed) { PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMILEDPORTS_2_PBUSLOGIC(pInterface); if (iLUN < BUSLOGIC_MAX_DEVICES) { *ppLed = &pBusLogic->aDeviceStates[iLUN].Led; Assert((*ppLed)->u32Magic == PDMLED_MAGIC); return VINF_SUCCESS; } return VERR_PDM_LUN_NOT_FOUND; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) buslogicStatusQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMIBASE_2_PBUSLOGIC(pInterface); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pThis->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMILEDPORTS, &pThis->ILeds); return NULL; } /* -=-=-=-=- Helper -=-=-=-=- */ /** * Checks if all asynchronous I/O is finished. * * Used by lsilogicReset, lsilogicSuspend and lsilogicPowerOff. * * @returns true if quiesced, false if busy. * @param pDevIns The device instance. */ static bool buslogicR3AllAsyncIOIsFinished(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aDeviceStates); i++) { PBUSLOGICDEVICE pThisDevice = &pThis->aDeviceStates[i]; if (pThisDevice->pDrvBase) { if (pThisDevice->cOutstandingRequests != 0) return false; } } return true; } /** * Callback employed by lsilogicR3Suspend and lsilogicR3PowerOff.. * * @returns true if we've quiesced, false if we're still working. * @param pDevIns The device instance. */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) buslogicR3IsAsyncSuspendOrPowerOffDone(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { if (!buslogicR3AllAsyncIOIsFinished(pDevIns)) return false; PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, false); return true; } /** * Common worker for ahciR3Suspend and ahciR3PowerOff. */ static void buslogicR3SuspendOrPowerOff(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, true); if (!buslogicR3AllAsyncIOIsFinished(pDevIns)) PDMDevHlpSetAsyncNotification(pDevIns, buslogicR3IsAsyncSuspendOrPowerOffDone); else ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, false); } /** * Suspend notification. * * @param pDevIns The device instance data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) buslogicSuspend(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { Log(("buslogicSuspend\n")); buslogicR3SuspendOrPowerOff(pDevIns); } /** * Detach notification. * * One harddisk at one port has been unplugged. * The VM is suspended at this point. * * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param iLUN The logical unit which is being detached. * @param fFlags Flags, combination of the PDMDEVATT_FLAGS_* \#defines. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) buslogicDetach(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, unsigned iLUN, uint32_t fFlags) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); PBUSLOGICDEVICE pDevice = &pThis->aDeviceStates[iLUN]; Log(("%s:\n", __FUNCTION__)); AssertMsg(fFlags & PDM_TACH_FLAGS_NOT_HOT_PLUG, ("BusLogic: Device does not support hotplugging\n")); /* * Zero some important members. */ pDevice->pDrvBase = NULL; pDevice->fPresent = false; pDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector = NULL; } /** * Attach command. * * This is called when we change block driver. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pDevIns The device instance. * @param iLUN The logical unit which is being detached. * @param fFlags Flags, combination of the PDMDEVATT_FLAGS_* \#defines. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicAttach(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, unsigned iLUN, uint32_t fFlags) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); PBUSLOGICDEVICE pDevice = &pThis->aDeviceStates[iLUN]; int rc; AssertMsgReturn(fFlags & PDM_TACH_FLAGS_NOT_HOT_PLUG, ("BusLogic: Device does not support hotplugging\n"), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* the usual paranoia */ AssertRelease(!pDevice->pDrvBase); AssertRelease(!pDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector); Assert(pDevice->iLUN == iLUN); /* * Try attach the block device and get the interfaces, * required as well as optional. */ rc = PDMDevHlpDriverAttach(pDevIns, pDevice->iLUN, &pDevice->IBase, &pDevice->pDrvBase, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Get SCSI connector interface. */ pDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDevice->pDrvBase, PDMISCSICONNECTOR); AssertMsgReturn(pDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector, ("Missing SCSI interface below\n"), VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE); pDevice->fPresent = true; } else AssertMsgFailed(("Failed to attach LUN#%d. rc=%Rrc\n", pDevice->iLUN, rc)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { pDevice->pDrvBase = NULL; pDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector = NULL; } return rc; } /** * Callback employed by buslogicR3Reset. * * @returns true if we've quiesced, false if we're still working. * @param pDevIns The device instance. */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) buslogicR3IsAsyncResetDone(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); if (!buslogicR3AllAsyncIOIsFinished(pDevIns)) return false; ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, false); buslogicHwReset(pThis); return true; } /** * @copydoc FNPDMDEVRESET */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) buslogicReset(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, true); if (!buslogicR3AllAsyncIOIsFinished(pDevIns)) PDMDevHlpSetAsyncNotification(pDevIns, buslogicR3IsAsyncResetDone); else { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&pThis->fSignalIdle, false); buslogicHwReset(pThis); } } static DECLCALLBACK(void) buslogicRelocate(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, RTGCINTPTR offDelta) { uint32_t i; PBUSLOGIC pBusLogic = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); pBusLogic->pDevInsRC = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns); pBusLogic->pNotifierQueueRC = PDMQueueRCPtr(pBusLogic->pNotifierQueueR3); for (i = 0; i < BUSLOGIC_MAX_DEVICES; i++) { PBUSLOGICDEVICE pDevice = &pBusLogic->aDeviceStates[i]; pDevice->pBusLogicRC = PDMINS_2_DATA_RCPTR(pDevIns); } } /** * Poweroff notification. * * @param pDevIns Pointer to the device instance */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) buslogicPowerOff(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { Log(("buslogicPowerOff\n")); buslogicR3SuspendOrPowerOff(pDevIns); } /** * Destroy a driver instance. * * Most VM resources are freed by the VM. This callback is provided so that any non-VM * resources can be freed correctly. * * @param pDevIns The device instance data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicDestruct(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); PDMDEV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN_QUIET(pDevIns); PDMR3CritSectDelete(&pThis->CritSectIntr); int rc = RTMemCacheDestroy(pThis->hTaskCache); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("Destroying task cache failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMDEVREG,pfnConstruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) buslogicConstruct(PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, int iInstance, PCFGMNODE pCfg) { PBUSLOGIC pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDevIns, PBUSLOGIC); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PDMDEV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pDevIns); /* * Validate and read configuration. */ if (!CFGMR3AreValuesValid(pCfg, "GCEnabled\0" "R0Enabled\0")) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, VERR_PDM_DEVINS_UNKNOWN_CFG_VALUES, N_("BusLogic configuration error: unknown option specified")); rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "GCEnabled", &pThis->fGCEnabled, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("BusLogic configuration error: failed to read GCEnabled as boolean")); Log(("%s: fGCEnabled=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pThis->fGCEnabled)); rc = CFGMR3QueryBoolDef(pCfg, "R0Enabled", &pThis->fR0Enabled, true); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("BusLogic configuration error: failed to read R0Enabled as boolean")); Log(("%s: fR0Enabled=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, pThis->fR0Enabled)); pThis->pDevInsR3 = pDevIns; pThis->pDevInsR0 = PDMDEVINS_2_R0PTR(pDevIns); pThis->pDevInsRC = PDMDEVINS_2_RCPTR(pDevIns); pThis->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = buslogicStatusQueryInterface; pThis->ILeds.pfnQueryStatusLed = buslogicStatusQueryStatusLed; PCIDevSetVendorId (&pThis->dev, 0x104b); /* BusLogic */ PCIDevSetDeviceId (&pThis->dev, 0x1040); /* BT-958 */ PCIDevSetCommand (&pThis->dev, 0x0003); PCIDevSetRevisionId (&pThis->dev, 0x01); PCIDevSetClassProg (&pThis->dev, 0x00); /* SCSI */ PCIDevSetClassSub (&pThis->dev, 0x00); /* SCSI */ PCIDevSetClassBase (&pThis->dev, 0x01); /* Mass storage */ PCIDevSetBaseAddress (&pThis->dev, 0, true /*IO*/, false /*Pref*/, false /*64-bit*/, 0x00000000); PCIDevSetBaseAddress (&pThis->dev, 1, false /*IO*/, false /*Pref*/, false /*64-bit*/, 0x00000000); PCIDevSetSubSystemVendorId(&pThis->dev, 0x104b); PCIDevSetSubSystemId (&pThis->dev, 0x1040); PCIDevSetInterruptLine (&pThis->dev, 0x00); PCIDevSetInterruptPin (&pThis->dev, 0x01); /* * Register the PCI device, it's I/O regions. */ rc = PDMDevHlpPCIRegister (pDevIns, &pThis->dev); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = PDMDevHlpPCIIORegionRegister(pDevIns, 0, 32, PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_IO, buslogicMMIOMap); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = PDMDevHlpPCIIORegionRegister(pDevIns, 1, 32, PCI_ADDRESS_SPACE_MEM, buslogicMMIOMap); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* Register I/O port space in ISA region for BIOS access. */ rc = PDMDevHlpIOPortRegister(pDevIns, BUSLOGIC_ISA_IO_PORT, 3, NULL, buslogicIsaIOPortWrite, buslogicIsaIOPortRead, buslogicIsaIOPortWriteStr, buslogicIsaIOPortReadStr, "BusLogic BIOS"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("BusLogic cannot register legacy I/O handlers")); /* Initialize task cache. */ rc = RTMemCacheCreate(&pThis->hTaskCache, sizeof(BUSLOGICTASKSTATE), 0, UINT32_MAX, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("BusLogic: Failed to initialize task cache\n")); /* Intialize task queue. */ rc = PDMDevHlpQueueCreate(pDevIns, sizeof(PDMQUEUEITEMCORE), 5, 0, buslogicNotifyQueueConsumer, true, "BugLogicTask", &pThis->pNotifierQueueR3); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; pThis->pNotifierQueueR0 = PDMQueueR0Ptr(pThis->pNotifierQueueR3); pThis->pNotifierQueueRC = PDMQueueRCPtr(pThis->pNotifierQueueR3); rc = PDMDevHlpCritSectInit(pDevIns, &pThis->CritSectIntr, RT_SRC_POS, "BusLogic-Intr"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("BusLogic: cannot create critical section")); /* Initialize per device state. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pThis->aDeviceStates); i++) { char szName[24]; PBUSLOGICDEVICE pDevice = &pThis->aDeviceStates[i]; RTStrPrintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "Device%d", i); /* Initialize static parts of the device. */ pDevice->iLUN = i; pDevice->pBusLogicR3 = pThis; pDevice->pBusLogicR0 = PDMINS_2_DATA_R0PTR(pDevIns); pDevice->pBusLogicRC = PDMINS_2_DATA_RCPTR(pDevIns); pDevice->Led.u32Magic = PDMLED_MAGIC; pDevice->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = buslogicDeviceQueryInterface; pDevice->ISCSIPort.pfnSCSIRequestCompleted = buslogicDeviceSCSIRequestCompleted; pDevice->ILed.pfnQueryStatusLed = buslogicDeviceQueryStatusLed; /* Attach SCSI driver. */ rc = PDMDevHlpDriverAttach(pDevIns, pDevice->iLUN, &pDevice->IBase, &pDevice->pDrvBase, szName); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Get SCSI connector interface. */ pDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDevice->pDrvBase, PDMISCSICONNECTOR); AssertMsgReturn(pDevice->pDrvSCSIConnector, ("Missing SCSI interface below\n"), VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE); pDevice->fPresent = true; } else if (rc == VERR_PDM_NO_ATTACHED_DRIVER) { pDevice->pDrvBase = NULL; pDevice->fPresent = false; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; Log(("BusLogic: no driver attached to device %s\n", szName)); } else { AssertLogRelMsgFailed(("BusLogic: Failed to attach %s\n", szName)); return rc; } } /* * Attach status driver (optional). */ PPDMIBASE pBase; rc = PDMDevHlpDriverAttach(pDevIns, PDM_STATUS_LUN, &pThis->IBase, &pBase, "Status Port"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pThis->pLedsConnector = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pBase, PDMILEDCONNECTORS); else if (rc != VERR_PDM_NO_ATTACHED_DRIVER) { AssertMsgFailed(("Failed to attach to status driver. rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("BusLogic cannot attach to status driver")); } rc = PDMDevHlpSSMRegister3(pDevIns, BUSLOGIC_SAVED_STATE_MINOR_VERSION, sizeof(*pThis), buslogicLiveExec, buslogicSaveExec, buslogicLoadExec); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return PDMDEV_SET_ERROR(pDevIns, rc, N_("BusLogic cannot register save state handlers")); rc = buslogicHwReset(pThis); AssertMsgRC(rc, ("hardware reset of BusLogic host adapter failed rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * The device registration structure. */ const PDMDEVREG g_DeviceBusLogic = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DEVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "buslogic", /* szRCMod */ "VBoxDDGC.gc", /* szR0Mod */ "VBoxDDR0.r0", /* pszDescription */ "BusLogic BT-958 SCSI host adapter.\n", /* fFlags */ PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_DEFAULT_BITS | PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_RC | PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_R0 | PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_FIRST_SUSPEND_NOTIFICATION | PDM_DEVREG_FLAGS_FIRST_POWEROFF_NOTIFICATION, /* fClass */ PDM_DEVREG_CLASS_STORAGE, /* cMaxInstances */ ~0, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(BUSLOGIC), /* pfnConstruct */ buslogicConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ buslogicDestruct, /* pfnRelocate */ buslogicRelocate, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ buslogicReset, /* pfnSuspend */ buslogicSuspend, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnAttach */ buslogicAttach, /* pfnDetach */ buslogicDetach, /* pfnQueryInterface. */ NULL, /* pfnInitComplete */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ buslogicPowerOff, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32VersionEnd */ PDM_DEVREG_VERSION }; #endif /* IN_RING3 */ #endif /* !VBOX_DEVICE_STRUCT_TESTCASE */