/** @file * * VBox HDD container maintenance/conversion utility */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void ascii2upper(char *psz) { for (;*psz; psz++) if (*psz >= 'a' && *psz <= 'z') *psz += 'A' - 'a'; } static int UsageExit() { RTPrintf("Usage: vditool [Params]\n" \ "Commands and params:\n" \ " NEW Filename Mbytes - create new image;\n" \ " DD Filename DDFilename - create new image from DD format image;\n" \ " CONVERT Filename - convert VDI image from old format;\n" \ " DUMP Filename - debug dump;\n" \ " RESETGEO Filename - reset geometry information;\n" \ " COPY FromImage ToImage - make image copy;\n" \ " COPYDD FromImage DDFilename - make a DD copy of the image;\n" \ " SHRINK Filename - optimize (reduce) VDI image size.\n"); return 1; } static int SyntaxError(const char *pszMsg) { RTPrintf("Syntax error: %s\n\n", pszMsg); UsageExit(); return 1; } /** * Prints a done message indicating success or failure. * @returns rc * @param rc Status code. */ static int PrintDone(int rc) { if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) RTPrintf("The operation completed successfully!\n"); else if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) RTPrintf("The operation completed successfully! (rc=%Rrc)\n", rc); else RTPrintf("FAILURE: %Rrf (%Rrc)\n", rc, rc); return rc; } static int NewImage(const char *pszFilename, uint32_t cMBs) { RTPrintf("Creating VDI: file=\"%s\" size=%u MB...\n", pszFilename, cMBs); int rc = VDICreateBaseImage(pszFilename, VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, (uint64_t)cMBs * (uint64_t)(1024 * 1024), "Newly created test image", NULL, NULL); return PrintDone(rc); } static int ConvertDDImage(const char *pszFilename, const char *pszDDFilename) { RTPrintf("Converting VDI: from DD image file=\"%s\" to file=\"%s\"...\n", pszDDFilename, pszFilename); /* open raw image file. */ RTFILE File; int rc = RTFileOpen(&File, pszDDFilename, RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { RTPrintf("File=\"%s\" open error: %Rrf\n", pszDDFilename, rc); return rc; } /* get image size. */ uint64_t cbFile; rc = RTFileGetSize(File, &cbFile); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTPrintf("Creating fixed image with size %u Bytes...\n", (unsigned)cbFile); rc = VDICreateBaseImage(pszFilename, VDI_IMAGE_TYPE_FIXED, cbFile, "Converted from DD test image", NULL, NULL); PrintDone(rc); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTPrintf("Writing data...\n"); PVDIDISK pVdi = VDIDiskCreate(); rc = VDIDiskOpenImage(pVdi, pszFilename, VDI_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* alloc work buffer. */ void *pvBuf = RTMemAlloc(VDIDiskGetBufferSize(pVdi)); if (pvBuf) { uint64_t off = 0; while (off < cbFile) { unsigned cbRead = 0; rc = RTFileRead(File, pvBuf, VDIDiskGetBufferSize(pVdi), &cbRead); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc) || !cbRead) break; rc = VDIDiskWrite(pVdi, off, pvBuf, cbRead); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) break; off += cbRead; } RTMemFree(pvBuf); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; VDIDiskCloseImage(pVdi); } if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) { /* delete image on error */ VDIDeleteImage(pszFilename); } PrintDone(rc); } } RTFileClose(File); return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) ProcessCallback(PVM pVM, unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser) { unsigned *pPercent = (unsigned *)pvUser; if (*pPercent != uPercent) { *pPercent = uPercent; RTPrintf("."); if ((uPercent % 10) == 0 && uPercent) RTPrintf("%d%%", uPercent); RTStrmFlush(g_pStdOut); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static int ConvertOldImage(const char *pszFilename) { RTPrintf("Converting VDI image file=\"%s\" to a new format...\n" "progress: 0%%", pszFilename); unsigned uPercent = 0; int rc = VDIConvertImage(pszFilename, ProcessCallback, &uPercent); RTPrintf("\n"); return PrintDone(rc); } static int DumpImage(const char *pszFilename) { RTPrintf("Dumping VDI image file=\"%s\" into the log file...\n", pszFilename); PVDIDISK pVdi = VDIDiskCreate(); int rc = VDIDiskOpenImage(pVdi, pszFilename, VDI_OPEN_FLAGS_READONLY); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { VDIDiskDumpImages(pVdi); VDIDiskCloseAllImages(pVdi); } return PrintDone(rc); } static int ResetImageGeometry(const char *pszFilename) { RTPrintf("Resetting geometry info of VDI image file=\"%s\"\n", pszFilename); PVDIDISK pVdi = VDIDiskCreate(); int rc = VDIDiskOpenImage(pVdi, pszFilename, VDI_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = VDIDiskSetGeometry(pVdi, 0, 0, 0); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = VDIDiskSetTranslation(pVdi, PDMBIOSTRANSLATION_AUTO); } VDIDiskCloseImage(pVdi); return PrintDone(rc); } static int CopyImage(const char *pszDstFile, const char *pszSrcFile) { RTPrintf("Copying VDI image file=\"%s\" to image file=\"%s\"...\n" "progress: 0%%", pszSrcFile, pszDstFile); unsigned uPrecent = 0; int rc = VDICopyImage(pszDstFile, pszSrcFile, NULL, ProcessCallback, &uPrecent); RTPrintf("\n"); return PrintDone(rc); } static int CopyToDD(const char *pszDstFile, const char *pszSrcFile) { RTPrintf("Copying VDI image file=\"%s\" to DD file=\"%s\"...\n", pszSrcFile, pszDstFile); PVDIDISK pVdi = VDIDiskCreate(); int rc = VDIDiskOpenImage(pVdi, pszSrcFile, VDI_OPEN_FLAGS_NORMAL); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTFILE FileDst; rc = RTFileOpen(&FileDst, pszDstFile, RTFILE_O_CREATE | RTFILE_O_READWRITE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); if (VBOX_SUCCESS(rc)) { uint64_t cbSrc = VDIDiskGetSize(pVdi); const unsigned cbBuf = VDIDiskGetBlockSize(pVdi); /* or perhaps VDIDiskGetBufferSize(pVdi)? */ void *pvBuf = RTMemAlloc(cbBuf); if (pvBuf) { uint64_t off = 0; while (off < cbSrc) { rc = VDIDiskRead(pVdi, off, pvBuf, cbBuf); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) break; rc = RTFileWrite(FileDst, pvBuf, cbBuf, NULL); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) break; off += cbBuf; } RTMemFree(pvBuf); } RTFileClose(FileDst); } } VDIDiskCloseImage(pVdi); return PrintDone(rc); } static int ShrinkImage(const char *pszFilename) { RTPrintf("Shrinking VDI image file=\"%s\"...\n" "progress: 0%%", pszFilename); unsigned uPrecent; int rc = VDIShrinkImage(pszFilename, ProcessCallback, &uPrecent); RTPrintf("\n"); return PrintDone(rc); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { putenv("VBOX_LOG_DEST=stdout"); putenv("VBOX_LOG_FLAGS="); RTR3Init(); RTPrintf("vditool Copyright (c) 2004-2005 innotek GmbH.\n\n"); /* * Do cmd line parsing. */ if (argc < 2) return UsageExit(); char szCmd[16]; if (strlen(argv[1]) >= sizeof(szCmd)) return SyntaxError("Invalid command!"); strcpy(szCmd, argv[1]); ascii2upper(szCmd); PRTLOGGER pLogger; static const char * const s_apszGroups[] = VBOX_LOGGROUP_NAMES; int rc = RTLogCreate(&pLogger, 0, "all", NULL, ELEMENTS(s_apszGroups), s_apszGroups, RTLOGDEST_STDOUT, NULL); RTLogRelSetDefaultInstance(pLogger); if (strcmp(szCmd, "NEW") == 0) { if (argc != 4) return SyntaxError("Invalid argument count!"); uint32_t cMBs; rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(argv[3], NULL, 10, &cMBs); if (VBOX_FAILURE(rc)) return SyntaxError("Invalid number!"); if ( cMBs < 2 || cMBs > 1024*1024) { RTPrintf("error: Disk size %RU32 (MB) is not within the range %u-%u!\n", cMBs, 2, 1024*1024); return 1; } rc = NewImage(argv[2], cMBs); } else if (strcmp(szCmd, "DD") == 0) { if (argc != 4) return SyntaxError("Invalid argument count!"); rc = ConvertDDImage(argv[2], argv[3]); } else if (strcmp(szCmd, "CONVERT") == 0) { if (argc != 3) return SyntaxError("Invalid argument count!"); rc = ConvertOldImage(argv[2]); } else if (strcmp(szCmd, "DUMP") == 0) { if (argc != 3) return SyntaxError("Invalid argument count!"); rc = DumpImage(argv[2]); } else if (strcmp(szCmd, "RESETGEO") == 0) { if (argc != 3) return SyntaxError("Invalid argument count!"); rc = ResetImageGeometry(argv[2]); } else if (strcmp(szCmd, "COPY") == 0) { if (argc != 4) return SyntaxError("Invalid argument count!"); rc = CopyImage(argv[3], argv[2]); } else if (strcmp(szCmd, "COPYDD") == 0) { if (argc != 4) return SyntaxError("Invalid argument count!"); rc = CopyToDD(argv[3], argv[2]); } else if (strcmp(szCmd, "SHRINK") == 0) { if (argc != 3) return SyntaxError("Invalid argument count!"); rc = ShrinkImage(argv[2]); } else return SyntaxError("Invalid command!"); RTLogFlush(NULL); return !VBOX_SUCCESS(rc); }