/** @file * * VBox frontends: Basic Frontend (BFE): * Implemenation of USBProxyService class */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include "USBProxyService.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include /** @todo add the required locking. */ /** * Initialize data members. */ USBProxyService::USBProxyService (HostUSB *aHost) : mHost (aHost), mThread (NIL_RTTHREAD), mTerminate (false), mDevices (), mLastError (VINF_SUCCESS) { LogFlowMember (("USBProxyService::USBProxyService: aHost=%p\n", aHost)); } /** * Empty destructor. */ USBProxyService::~USBProxyService() { LogFlowMember (("USBProxyService::~USBProxyService: \n")); Assert (mThread == NIL_RTTHREAD); mDevices.clear(); mTerminate = true; mHost = NULL; } bool USBProxyService::isActive (void) { return mThread != NIL_RTTHREAD; } int USBProxyService::getLastError (void) { return mLastError; } int USBProxyService::start (void) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (mThread == NIL_RTTHREAD) { /* * Force update before starting the poller thread. */ wait (0); processChanges (); /* * Create the poller thread which will look for changes. */ mTerminate = false; rc = RTThreadCreate (&mThread, USBProxyService::serviceThread, this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_INFREQUENT_POLLER, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "USBPROXY"); AssertRC (rc); if (VBOX_SUCCESS (rc)) LogFlow (("USBProxyService::start: started mThread=%RTthrd\n", mThread)); else { mThread = NIL_RTTHREAD; mLastError = rc; } } else LogFlow (("USBProxyService::start: already running, mThread=%RTthrd\n", mThread)); return rc; } int USBProxyService::stop (void) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (mThread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { /* * Mark the thread for termination and kick it. */ ASMAtomicXchgSize (&mTerminate, true); rc = interruptWait(); AssertRC (rc); /* * Wait for the thread to finish and then update the state. */ rc = RTThreadWait (mThread, 60000, NULL); if (rc == VERR_INVALID_HANDLE) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (VBOX_SUCCESS (rc)) { LogFlowMember (("USBProxyService::stop: stopped mThread=%RTthrd\n", mThread)); mThread = NIL_RTTHREAD; mTerminate = false; } else { AssertRC (rc); mLastError = rc; } } else LogFlowMember (("USBProxyService::stop: not active\n")); return rc; } /** * Sort a list of USB devices. * * @returns Pointer to the head of the sorted doubly linked list. * @param aDevices Head pointer (can be both singly and doubly linked list). */ static PUSBDEVICE sortDevices (PUSBDEVICE pDevices) { PUSBDEVICE pHead = NULL; PUSBDEVICE pTail = NULL; while (pDevices) { /* unlink head */ PUSBDEVICE pDev = pDevices; pDevices = pDev->pNext; if (pDevices) pDevices->pPrev = NULL; /* find location. */ PUSBDEVICE pCur = pTail; while ( pCur && HostUSBDevice::compare (pCur, pDev) > 0) pCur = pCur->pPrev; /* insert (after pCur) */ pDev->pPrev = pCur; if (pCur) { pDev->pNext = pCur->pNext; pCur->pNext = pDev; if (pDev->pNext) pDev->pNext->pPrev = pDev; else pTail = pDev; } else { pDev->pNext = pHead; if (pHead) pHead->pPrev = pDev; else pTail = pDev; pHead = pDev; } } return pHead; } void USBProxyService::processChanges (void) { LogFlowMember (("USBProxyService::processChanges: \n")); /* * Get the sorted list of USB devices. */ PUSBDEVICE pDevices = getDevices(); if (pDevices) { pDevices = sortDevices (pDevices); /* * Compare previous list with the previous list of devices * and merge in any changes while notifying Host. */ HostUSBDeviceList::iterator It = this->mDevices.begin(); while ( It != mDevices.end() || pDevices) { /* * Compare. */ HostUSBDevice *DevPtr = 0; /* shut up gcc */ int iDiff; if (It == mDevices.end()) iDiff = 1; else { DevPtr = *It; if (!pDevices) iDiff = -1; else iDiff = DevPtr->compare (pDevices); } if (!iDiff) { /* * Device still there, update the state and move on. */ if (DevPtr->updateState (pDevices)) mHost->onUSBDeviceStateChanged (DevPtr); It++; PUSBDEVICE pFree = pDevices; pDevices = pDevices->pNext; /* treated as singly linked */ freeDevice (pFree); /** @todo detect status changes! */ } else { if (iDiff > 0) { /* * Head of pDevices was attached. */ PUSBDEVICE pNew = pDevices; pDevices = pDevices->pNext; pNew->pPrev = pNew->pNext = NULL; HostUSBDevice *NewObj = new HostUSBDevice; NewObj->init (pNew, this); Log (("USBProxyService::processChanges: attached %p/%p:{.idVendor=%#06x, .idProduct=%#06x, .pszProduct=\"%s\", .pszManufacturer=\"%s\"}\n", NewObj, pNew, pNew->idVendor, pNew->idProduct, pNew->pszProduct, pNew->pszManufacturer)); mDevices.insert (It, NewObj); mHost->onUSBDeviceAttached (NewObj); } else { /* * DevPtr was detached. */ It = mDevices.erase (It); mHost->onUSBDeviceDetached (DevPtr); Log (("USBProxyService::processChanges: detached %p\n", (HostUSBDevice *)DevPtr)); /** @todo add details .*/ } } } /* while */ } else { /* All devices were detached */ HostUSBDeviceList::iterator It = this->mDevices.begin(); while (It != mDevices.end()) { HostUSBDevice *DevPtr = *It; /* * DevPtr was detached. */ It = mDevices.erase (It); mHost->onUSBDeviceDetached (DevPtr); Log (("USBProxyService::processChanges: detached %p\n", (HostUSBDevice *)DevPtr)); /** @todo add details .*/ } } LogFlowMember (("USBProxyService::processChanges: returns void\n")); } /*static*/ DECLCALLBACK (int) USBProxyService::serviceThread (RTTHREAD Thread, void *pvUser) { USBProxyService *pThis = (USBProxyService *)pvUser; LogFlow (("USBProxyService::serviceThread: pThis=%p\n", pThis)); /* * Processing loop. */ for (;;) { pThis->wait (RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT); if (pThis->mTerminate) break; pThis->processChanges(); } LogFlow (("USBProxyService::serviceThread: returns VINF_SUCCESS\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /*static*/ void USBProxyService::freeInterfaceMembers (PUSBINTERFACE pIf, unsigned cIfs) { while (cIfs-- > 0) { RTMemFree (pIf->paEndpoints); pIf->paEndpoints = NULL; RTStrFree ((char *)pIf->pszDriver); pIf->pszDriver = NULL; RTStrFree ((char *)pIf->pszInterface); pIf->pszInterface = NULL; freeInterfaceMembers(pIf->paAlts, pIf->cAlts); RTMemFree(pIf->paAlts); pIf->paAlts = NULL; pIf->cAlts = 0; /* next */ pIf++; } } /*static*/ void USBProxyService::freeDevice (PUSBDEVICE pDevice) { PUSBCONFIG pCfg = pDevice->paConfigurations; unsigned cCfgs = pDevice->bNumConfigurations; while (cCfgs-- > 0) { freeInterfaceMembers (pCfg->paInterfaces, pCfg->bNumInterfaces); RTMemFree (pCfg->paInterfaces); pCfg->paInterfaces = NULL; pCfg->bNumInterfaces = 0; RTStrFree ((char *)pCfg->pszConfiguration); pCfg->pszConfiguration = NULL; /* next */ pCfg++; } RTMemFree (pDevice->paConfigurations); pDevice->paConfigurations = NULL; RTStrFree ((char *)pDevice->pszManufacturer); pDevice->pszManufacturer = NULL; RTStrFree ((char *)pDevice->pszProduct); pDevice->pszProduct = NULL; RTStrFree ((char *)pDevice->pszSerialNumber); pDevice->pszSerialNumber = NULL; RTStrFree ((char *)pDevice->pszAddress); pDevice->pszAddress = NULL; RTMemFree (pDevice); } /* static */ uint64_t USBProxyService::calcSerialHash (const char *aSerial) { if (!aSerial) aSerial = ""; register const uint8_t *pu8 = (const uint8_t *)aSerial; register uint64_t u64 = 14695981039346656037ULL; for (;;) { register uint8_t u8 = *pu8; if (!u8) break; u64 = (u64 * 1099511628211ULL) ^ u8; pu8++; } return u64; } /* Stubs which the host specific classes overrides: */ int USBProxyService::wait (unsigned aMillies) { return RTThreadSleep (250); } int USBProxyService::interruptWait (void) { return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } PUSBDEVICE USBProxyService::getDevices (void) { return NULL; } int USBProxyService::captureDevice (HostUSBDevice *pDevice) { return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int USBProxyService::holdDevice (HostUSBDevice *pDevice) { return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int USBProxyService::releaseDevice (HostUSBDevice *pDevice) { return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } int USBProxyService::resetDevice (HostUSBDevice *pDevice) { return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }