/* $Id: VBoxManage.h 90234 2021-07-16 22:28:08Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxManage - VirtualBox command-line interface, internal header file. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_VBoxManage_VBoxManage_h #define VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_VBoxManage_VBoxManage_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ #include #include #include #include #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS # include "VBoxManageBuiltInHelp.h" # include "PasswordInput.h" #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // definitions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @name Syntax diagram category, i.e. the command. * @{ */ typedef enum { USAGE_INVALID = 0, USAGE_LIST, USAGE_SHOWVMINFO, USAGE_REGISTERVM, USAGE_UNREGISTERVM, USAGE_CREATEVM, USAGE_MODIFYVM, USAGE_STARTVM, USAGE_CONTROLVM, USAGE_DISCARDSTATE, USAGE_CLOSEMEDIUM, USAGE_SHOWMEDIUMINFO, USAGE_CREATEMEDIUM, USAGE_MODIFYMEDIUM, USAGE_CLONEMEDIUM, USAGE_MOVEVM, USAGE_CREATEHOSTIF, USAGE_REMOVEHOSTIF, USAGE_GETEXTRADATA, USAGE_SETEXTRADATA, USAGE_SETPROPERTY, USAGE_USBFILTER, USAGE_I_LOADSYMS, USAGE_I_LOADMAP, USAGE_I_SETHDUUID, USAGE_CONVERTFROMRAW, USAGE_I_LISTPARTITIONS, USAGE_I_CREATERAWVMDK, USAGE_ADOPTSTATE, USAGE_I_MODINSTALL, USAGE_I_MODUNINSTALL, USAGE_I_RENAMEVMDK, #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_PROPS USAGE_GUESTPROPERTY, #endif /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_PROPS defined */ USAGE_I_CONVERTTORAW, USAGE_METRICS, USAGE_I_CONVERTHD, USAGE_IMPORTAPPLIANCE, USAGE_EXPORTAPPLIANCE, USAGE_HOSTONLYIFS, USAGE_I_DUMPHDINFO, USAGE_STORAGEATTACH, USAGE_STORAGECONTROLLER, #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL USAGE_GUESTCONTROL, #endif /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL defined */ USAGE_I_DEBUGLOG, USAGE_I_SETHDPARENTUUID, USAGE_I_PASSWORDHASH, USAGE_BANDWIDTHCONTROL, USAGE_I_GUESTSTATS, USAGE_I_REPAIRHD, USAGE_NATNETWORK, USAGE_MEDIUMPROPERTY, USAGE_ENCRYPTMEDIUM, USAGE_MEDIUMENCCHKPWD, USAGE_USBDEVSOURCE, USAGE_CLOUDPROFILE, /* Insert new entries before this line, but only if it is not an option * to go for the new style command and help handling (see e.g. extpack, * unattend or mediumio. */ USAGE_S_NEWCMD = 10000, /**< new style command with no old help support */ USAGE_S_ALL, USAGE_S_DUMPOPTS } USAGECATEGORY; /** @} */ #define HELP_SCOPE_USBFILTER_ADD RT_BIT_64(0) #define HELP_SCOPE_USBFILTER_MODIFY RT_BIT_64(1) #define HELP_SCOPE_USBFILTER_REMOVE RT_BIT_64(2) #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_RUN RT_BIT(0) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_START RT_BIT(1) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_COPYFROM RT_BIT(2) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_COPYTO RT_BIT(3) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_MKDIR RT_BIT(4) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_RMDIR RT_BIT(5) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_RM RT_BIT(6) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_MV RT_BIT(7) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_MKTEMP RT_BIT(8) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_LIST RT_BIT(9) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_CLOSEPROCESS RT_BIT(10) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_CLOSESESSION RT_BIT(11) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_STAT RT_BIT(12) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_UPDATEGA RT_BIT(13) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_WATCH RT_BIT(14) # define HELP_SCOPE_GSTCTRL_WAITRUNLEVEL RT_BIT(15) #endif /** command handler argument */ struct HandlerArg { int argc; char **argv; #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS ComPtr virtualBox; ComPtr session; #endif }; /** flag whether we're in internal mode */ extern bool g_fInternalMode; /** showVMInfo details */ typedef enum { VMINFO_NONE = 0, VMINFO_STANDARD = 1, /**< standard details */ VMINFO_FULL = 2, /**< both */ VMINFO_MACHINEREADABLE = 3, /**< both, and make it machine readable */ VMINFO_COMPACT = 4 } VMINFO_DETAILS; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // global variables // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// extern bool g_fDetailedProgress; // in VBoxManage.cpp //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // prototypes // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* VBoxManageHelp.cpp */ /* Legacy help infrastructure, to be replaced by new one using generated help. */ void printUsage(USAGECATEGORY enmCommand, uint64_t fSubcommandScope, PRTSTREAM pStrm); RTEXITCODE errorSyntax(USAGECATEGORY enmCommand, const char *pszFormat, ...); RTEXITCODE errorSyntaxEx(USAGECATEGORY enmCommand, uint64_t fSubcommandScope, const char *pszFormat, ...); RTEXITCODE errorGetOpt(USAGECATEGORY enmCommand, int rc, union RTGETOPTUNION const *pValueUnion); RTEXITCODE errorGetOptEx(USAGECATEGORY enmCommand, uint64_t fSubcommandScope, int rc, union RTGETOPTUNION const *pValueUnion); RTEXITCODE errorArgument(const char *pszFormat, ...) RT_IPRT_FORMAT_ATTR(1, 2); void printUsageInternal(USAGECATEGORY enmCommand, PRTSTREAM pStrm); #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS void setCurrentCommand(enum HELP_CMD_VBOXMANAGE enmCommand); void setCurrentSubcommand(uint64_t fCurSubcommandScope); void printUsage(PRTSTREAM pStrm); void printHelp(PRTSTREAM pStrm); RTEXITCODE errorNoSubcommand(void); RTEXITCODE errorUnknownSubcommand(const char *pszSubCmd); RTEXITCODE errorTooManyParameters(char **papszArgs); RTEXITCODE errorGetOpt(int rcGetOpt, union RTGETOPTUNION const *pValueUnion); RTEXITCODE errorFetchValue(int iValueNo, const char *pszOption, int rcGetOptFetchValue, union RTGETOPTUNION const *pValueUnion); RTEXITCODE errorSyntax(const char *pszFormat, ...); #define SHOW_PROGRESS_NONE 0 #define SHOW_PROGRESS_DESC (1u << 0) #define SHOW_PROGRESS (1u << 1) #define SHOW_PROGRESS_DETAILS (1u << 2) HRESULT showProgress(ComPtr progress, unsigned int fFlags = SHOW_PROGRESS); #endif /* VBoxManage.cpp */ void showLogo(PRTSTREAM pStrm); #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS RTEXITCODE handleInternalCommands(HandlerArg *a); #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ /* VBoxManageControlVM.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleControlVM(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp */ #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS void parseGroups(const char *pcszGroups, com::SafeArray *pGroups); #endif RTEXITCODE handleModifyVM(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageDebugVM.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleDebugVM(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageGuestProp.cpp */ extern void usageGuestProperty(PRTSTREAM pStrm, const char *pcszSep1, const char *pcszSep2); /* VBoxManageGuestCtrl.cpp */ extern void usageGuestControl(PRTSTREAM pStrm, const char *pcszSep1, const char *pcszSep2, uint64_t fSubcommandScope); #ifndef VBOX_ONLY_DOCS /* VBoxManageGuestProp.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleGuestProperty(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageGuestCtrl.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleGuestControl(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageVMInfo.cpp */ HRESULT showSnapshots(ComPtr &rootSnapshot, ComPtr ¤tSnapshot, VMINFO_DETAILS details, const com::Utf8Str &prefix = "", int level = 0); RTEXITCODE handleShowVMInfo(HandlerArg *a); HRESULT showVMInfo(ComPtr pVirtualBox, ComPtr pMachine, ComPtr pSession, VMINFO_DETAILS details = VMINFO_NONE); const char *machineStateToName(MachineState_T machineState, bool fShort); HRESULT showBandwidthGroups(ComPtr &bwCtrl, VMINFO_DETAILS details); void outputMachineReadableString(const char *pszName, const char *pszValue); void outputMachineReadableString(const char *pszName, com::Bstr const *pbstrValue); void outputMachineReadableBool(const char *pszName, BOOL const *pfValue); void outputMachineReadableBool(const char *pszName, bool const *pfValue); void outputMachineReadableULong(const char *pszName, ULONG *uValue); void outputMachineReadableLong64(const char *pszName, LONG64 *uValue); /* VBoxManageList.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleList(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageMetrics.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleMetrics(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageMisc.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleRegisterVM(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleUnregisterVM(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleCreateVM(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleCloneVM(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleStartVM(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleDiscardState(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleAdoptState(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleGetExtraData(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleSetExtraData(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleSetProperty(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleSharedFolder(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleExtPack(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleUnattended(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleMoveVM(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleCloudProfile(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageDisk.cpp */ HRESULT openMedium(HandlerArg *a, const char *pszFilenameOrUuid, DeviceType_T enmDevType, AccessMode_T enmAccessMode, ComPtr &pMedium, bool fForceNewUuidOnOpen, bool fSilent); RTEXITCODE handleCreateMedium(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleModifyMedium(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleCloneMedium(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleMediumProperty(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleEncryptMedium(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleCheckMediumPassword(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleConvertFromRaw(HandlerArg *a); HRESULT showMediumInfo(const ComPtr &pVirtualBox, const ComPtr &pMedium, const char *pszParentUUID, bool fOptLong); RTEXITCODE handleShowMediumInfo(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleCloseMedium(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleMediumIO(HandlerArg *a); int parseMediumType(const char *psz, MediumType_T *penmMediumType); int parseBool(const char *psz, bool *pb); /* VBoxManageStorageController.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleStorageAttach(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleStorageController(HandlerArg *a); // VBoxManageAppliance.cpp RTEXITCODE handleImportAppliance(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleExportAppliance(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleSignAppliance(HandlerArg *a); // VBoxManageSnapshot.cpp RTEXITCODE handleSnapshot(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageUSB.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleUSBFilter(HandlerArg *a); RTEXITCODE handleUSBDevSource(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageHostonly.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleHostonlyIf(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageDHCPServer.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleDHCPServer(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageNATNetwork.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleNATNetwork(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageBandwidthControl.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleBandwidthControl(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageCloud.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleCloud(HandlerArg *a); /* VBoxManageUpdateCheck.cpp */ RTEXITCODE handleUpdateCheck(HandlerArg *a); #endif /* !VBOX_ONLY_DOCS */ #endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_VBoxManage_VBoxManage_h */