
source: vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VBoxShell/ 63539

最後變更 在這個檔案從63539是 63231,由 vboxsync 提交於 9 年 前 python 2.x fix (SyntaxError: can not delete variable 'ctx' referenced in nested scope) and do garbage collection before shutting down COM/XPCOM.

  • 屬性 svn:eol-style 設為 native
  • 屬性 svn:executable 設為 *
  • 屬性 svn:keywords 設為 Author Date Id Revision
檔案大小: 118.9 KB
1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# $Id: 63231 2016-08-09 19:04:34Z vboxsync $
6VirtualBox Python Shell.
8This program is a simple interactive shell for VirtualBox. You can query
9information and issue commands from a simple command line.
11It also provides you with examples on how to use VirtualBox's Python API.
12This shell is even somewhat documented, supports TAB-completion and
13history if you have Python readline installed.
15Finally, shell allows arbitrary custom extensions, just create
16.VirtualBox/shexts/ and drop your extensions there.
17 Enjoy.
19P.S. Our apologies for the code quality.
22from __future__ import print_function
24__copyright__ = \
26Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Oracle Corporation
28This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
29available from This file is free software;
30you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
31General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
32Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
33VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
34hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
36__version__ = "$Revision: 63231 $"
39import gc
40import os
41import sys
42import traceback
43import shlex
44import time
45import re
46import platform
47from optparse import OptionParser
48from pprint import pprint
52# Global Variables
54g_fBatchMode = False
55g_sScriptFile = None
56g_sCmd = None
57g_fHasReadline = True
59 import readline
60 import rlcompleter
61except ImportError:
62 g_fHasReadline = False
64g_sPrompt = "vbox> "
66g_fHasColors = True
67g_dTermColors = {
68 'red': '\033[31m',
69 'blue': '\033[94m',
70 'green': '\033[92m',
71 'yellow': '\033[93m',
72 'magenta': '\033[35m',
73 'cyan': '\033[36m'
78def colored(strg, color):
79 """
80 Translates a string to one including coloring settings, if enabled.
81 """
82 if not g_fHasColors:
83 return strg
84 col = g_dTermColors.get(color, None)
85 if col:
86 return col+str(strg)+'\033[0m'
87 return strg
89if g_fHasReadline:
90 class CompleterNG(rlcompleter.Completer):
91 def __init__(self, dic, ctx):
92 self.ctx = ctx
93 rlcompleter.Completer.__init__(self, dic)
95 def complete(self, text, state):
96 """
97 taken from:
99 """
100 if False and text == "":
101 return ['\t', None][state]
102 else:
103 return rlcompleter.Completer.complete(self, text, state)
105 def canBePath(self, _phrase, word):
106 return word.startswith('/')
108 def canBeCommand(self, phrase, _word):
109 spaceIdx = phrase.find(" ")
110 begIdx = readline.get_begidx()
111 firstWord = (spaceIdx == -1 or begIdx < spaceIdx)
112 if firstWord:
113 return True
114 if phrase.startswith('help'):
115 return True
116 return False
118 def canBeMachine(self, phrase, word):
119 return not self.canBePath(phrase, word) and not self.canBeCommand(phrase, word)
121 def global_matches(self, text):
122 """
123 Compute matches when text is a simple name.
124 Return a list of all names currently defined
125 in self.namespace that match.
126 """
128 matches = []
129 phrase = readline.get_line_buffer()
131 try:
132 if self.canBePath(phrase, text):
133 (directory, rest) = os.path.split(text)
134 c = len(rest)
135 for word in os.listdir(directory):
136 if c == 0 or word[:c] == rest:
137 matches.append(os.path.join(directory, word))
139 if self.canBeCommand(phrase, text):
140 c = len(text)
141 for lst in [ self.namespace ]:
142 for word in lst:
143 if word[:c] == text:
144 matches.append(word)
146 if self.canBeMachine(phrase, text):
147 c = len(text)
148 for mach in getMachines(self.ctx, False, True):
149 # although it has autoconversion, we need to cast
150 # explicitly for subscripts to work
151 word = re.sub("(?<!\\\\) ", "\\ ", str(
152 if word[:c] == text:
153 matches.append(word)
154 word = str(
155 if word[:c] == text:
156 matches.append(word)
158 except Exception as e:
159 printErr(self.ctx, e)
160 if g_fVerbose:
161 traceback.print_exc()
163 return matches
165def autoCompletion(cmds, ctx):
166 if not g_fHasReadline:
167 return
169 comps = {}
170 for (key, _value) in list(cmds.items()):
171 comps[key] = None
172 completer = CompleterNG(comps, ctx)
173 readline.set_completer(completer.complete)
174 delims = readline.get_completer_delims()
175 readline.set_completer_delims(re.sub("[\\./-]", "", delims)) # remove some of the delimiters
176 readline.parse_and_bind("set editing-mode emacs")
177 # OSX need it
178 if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
179 # see
180 readline.parse_and_bind ("bind ^I rl_complete")
181 readline.parse_and_bind ("bind ^W ed-delete-prev-word")
182 # Doesn't work well
183 # readline.parse_and_bind ("bind ^R em-inc-search-prev")
184 readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
187g_fVerbose = False
189def split_no_quotes(s):
190 return shlex.split(s)
192def progressBar(ctx, progress, wait=1000):
193 try:
194 while not progress.completed:
195 print("%s %%\r" % (colored(str(progress.percent), 'red')), end="")
196 sys.stdout.flush()
197 progress.waitForCompletion(wait)
198 ctx['global'].waitForEvents(0)
199 if int(progress.resultCode) != 0:
200 reportError(ctx, progress)
201 return 1
202 except KeyboardInterrupt:
203 print("Interrupted.")
204 ctx['interrupt'] = True
205 if progress.cancelable:
206 print("Canceling task...")
207 progress.cancel()
208 return 0
210def printErr(_ctx, e):
211 oVBoxMgr = _ctx['global']
212 if oVBoxMgr.errIsOurXcptKind(e):
213 print(colored('%s: %s' % (oVBoxMgr.xcptToString(e), oVBoxMgr.xcptGetMessage(e)), 'red'))
214 else:
215 print(colored(str(e), 'red'))
217def reportError(_ctx, progress):
218 errorinfo = progress.errorInfo
219 if errorinfo:
220 print(colored("Error in module '%s': %s" % (errorinfo.component, errorinfo.text), 'red'))
222def colCat(_ctx, strg):
223 return colored(strg, 'magenta')
225def colVm(_ctx, vmname):
226 return colored(vmname, 'blue')
228def colPath(_ctx, path):
229 return colored(path, 'green')
231def colSize(_ctx, byte):
232 return colored(byte, 'red')
234def colPci(_ctx, pcidev):
235 return colored(pcidev, 'green')
237def colDev(_ctx, pcidev):
238 return colored(pcidev, 'cyan')
240def colSizeM(_ctx, mbyte):
241 return colored(str(mbyte)+'M', 'red')
243def createVm(ctx, name, kind):
244 vbox = ctx['vb']
245 mach = vbox.createMachine("", name, [], kind, "")
246 mach.saveSettings()
247 print("created machine with UUID",
248 vbox.registerMachine(mach)
249 # update cache
250 getMachines(ctx, True)
252def removeVm(ctx, mach):
253 uuid =
254 print("removing machine ",, "with UUID", uuid)
255 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, detachVmDevice, ["ALL"])
256 disks = mach.unregister(ctx['global'].constants.CleanupMode_Full)
257 if mach:
258 progress = mach.deleteConfig(disks)
259 if progressBar(ctx, progress, 100) and int(progress.resultCode) == 0:
260 print("Success!")
261 else:
262 reportError(ctx, progress)
263 # update cache
264 getMachines(ctx, True)
266def startVm(ctx, mach, vmtype):
267 vbox = ctx['vb']
268 perf = ctx['perf']
269 session = ctx['global'].getSessionObject(vbox)
270 progress = mach.launchVMProcess(session, vmtype, "")
271 if progressBar(ctx, progress, 100) and int(progress.resultCode) == 0:
272 # we ignore exceptions to allow starting VM even if
273 # perf collector cannot be started
274 if perf:
275 try:
276 perf.setup(['*'], [mach], 10, 15)
277 except Exception as e:
278 printErr(ctx, e)
279 if g_fVerbose:
280 traceback.print_exc()
281 session.unlockMachine()
283class CachedMach:
284 def __init__(self, mach):
285 if mach.accessible:
286 =
287 else:
288 = '<inaccessible>'
289 =
291def cacheMachines(_ctx, lst):
292 result = []
293 for mach in lst:
294 elem = CachedMach(mach)
295 result.append(elem)
296 return result
298def getMachines(ctx, invalidate = False, simple=False):
299 if ctx['vb'] is not None:
300 if ctx['_machlist'] is None or invalidate:
301 ctx['_machlist'] = ctx['global'].getArray(ctx['vb'], 'machines')
302 ctx['_machlistsimple'] = cacheMachines(ctx, ctx['_machlist'])
303 if simple:
304 return ctx['_machlistsimple']
305 else:
306 return ctx['_machlist']
307 else:
308 return []
310def asState(var):
311 if var:
312 return colored('on', 'green')
313 else:
314 return colored('off', 'green')
316def asFlag(var):
317 if var:
318 return 'yes'
319 else:
320 return 'no'
322def getFacilityStatus(ctx, guest, facilityType):
323 (status, _timestamp) = guest.getFacilityStatus(facilityType)
324 return asEnumElem(ctx, 'AdditionsFacilityStatus', status)
326def perfStats(ctx, mach):
327 if not ctx['perf']:
328 return
329 for metric in ctx['perf'].query(["*"], [mach]):
330 print(metric['name'], metric['values_as_string'])
332def guestExec(ctx, machine, console, cmds):
333 exec(cmds)
335def printMouseEvent(_ctx, mev):
336 print("Mouse : mode=%d x=%d y=%d z=%d w=%d buttons=%x" % (mev.mode, mev.x, mev.y, mev.z, mev.w, mev.buttons))
338def printKbdEvent(ctx, kev):
339 print("Kbd: ", ctx['global'].getArray(kev, 'scancodes'))
341def printMultiTouchEvent(ctx, mtev):
342 print("MultiTouch : contacts=%d time=%d" % (mtev.contactCount, mtev.scanTime))
343 xPositions = ctx['global'].getArray(mtev, 'xPositions')
344 yPositions = ctx['global'].getArray(mtev, 'yPositions')
345 contactIds = ctx['global'].getArray(mtev, 'contactIds')
346 contactFlags = ctx['global'].getArray(mtev, 'contactFlags')
348 for i in range(0, mtev.contactCount):
349 print(" [%d] %d,%d %d %d" % (i, xPositions[i], yPositions[i], contactIds[i], contactFlags[i]))
351def monitorSource(ctx, eventSource, active, dur):
352 def handleEventImpl(event):
353 evtype = event.type
354 print("got event: %s %s" % (str(evtype), asEnumElem(ctx, 'VBoxEventType', evtype)))
355 if evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnMachineStateChanged:
356 scev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IMachineStateChangedEvent')
357 if scev:
358 print("machine state event: mach=%s state=%s" % (scev.machineId, scev.state))
359 elif evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnSnapshotTaken:
360 stev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'ISnapshotTakenEvent')
361 if stev:
362 print("snapshot taken event: mach=%s snap=%s" % (stev.machineId, stev.snapshotId))
363 elif evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnGuestPropertyChanged:
364 gpcev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IGuestPropertyChangedEvent')
365 if gpcev:
366 print("guest property change: name=%s value=%s" % (, gpcev.value))
367 elif evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnMousePointerShapeChanged:
368 psev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IMousePointerShapeChangedEvent')
369 if psev:
370 shape = ctx['global'].getArray(psev, 'shape')
371 if shape is None:
372 print("pointer shape event - empty shape")
373 else:
374 print("pointer shape event: w=%d h=%d shape len=%d" % (psev.width, psev.height, len(shape)))
375 elif evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnGuestMouse:
376 mev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IGuestMouseEvent')
377 if mev:
378 printMouseEvent(ctx, mev)
379 elif evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnGuestKeyboard:
380 kev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IGuestKeyboardEvent')
381 if kev:
382 printKbdEvent(ctx, kev)
383 elif evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnGuestMultiTouch:
384 mtev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IGuestMultiTouchEvent')
385 if mtev:
386 printMultiTouchEvent(ctx, mtev)
388 class EventListener(object):
389 def __init__(self, arg):
390 pass
392 def handleEvent(self, event):
393 try:
394 # a bit convoluted QI to make it work with MS COM
395 handleEventImpl(ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IEvent'))
396 except:
397 traceback.print_exc()
398 pass
400 if active:
401 listener = ctx['global'].createListener(EventListener)
402 else:
403 listener = eventSource.createListener()
404 registered = False
405 if dur == -1:
406 # not infinity, but close enough
407 dur = 100000
408 try:
409 eventSource.registerListener(listener, [ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_Any], active)
410 registered = True
411 end = time.time() + dur
412 while time.time() < end:
413 if active:
414 ctx['global'].waitForEvents(500)
415 else:
416 event = eventSource.getEvent(listener, 500)
417 if event:
418 handleEventImpl(event)
419 # otherwise waitable events will leak (active listeners ACK automatically)
420 eventSource.eventProcessed(listener, event)
421 # We need to catch all exceptions here, otherwise listener will never be unregistered
422 except:
423 traceback.print_exc()
424 pass
425 if listener and registered:
426 eventSource.unregisterListener(listener)
429g_tsLast = 0
430def recordDemo(ctx, console, filename, dur):
431 demo = open(filename, 'w')
432 header = "VM=" + + "\n"
433 demo.write(header)
435 global g_tsLast
436 g_tsLast = time.time()
438 def stamp():
439 global g_tsLast
440 tsCur = time.time()
441 timePassed = int((tsCur-g_tsLast)*1000)
442 g_tsLast = tsCur
443 return timePassed
445 def handleEventImpl(event):
446 evtype = event.type
447 #print("got event: %s %s" % (str(evtype), asEnumElem(ctx, 'VBoxEventType', evtype)))
448 if evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnGuestMouse:
449 mev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IGuestMouseEvent')
450 if mev:
451 line = "%d: m %d %d %d %d %d %d\n" % (stamp(), mev.mode, mev.x, mev.y, mev.z, mev.w, mev.buttons)
452 demo.write(line)
453 elif evtype == ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_OnGuestKeyboard:
454 kev = ctx['global'].queryInterface(event, 'IGuestKeyboardEvent')
455 if kev:
456 line = "%d: k %s\n" % (stamp(), str(ctx['global'].getArray(kev, 'scancodes')))
457 demo.write(line)
459 listener = console.eventSource.createListener()
460 registered = False
461 # we create an aggregated event source to listen for multiple event sources (keyboard and mouse in our case)
462 agg = console.eventSource.createAggregator([console.keyboard.eventSource, console.mouse.eventSource])
463 demo = open(filename, 'w')
464 header = "VM=" + + "\n"
465 demo.write(header)
466 if dur == -1:
467 # not infinity, but close enough
468 dur = 100000
469 try:
470 agg.registerListener(listener, [ctx['global'].constants.VBoxEventType_Any], False)
471 registered = True
472 end = time.time() + dur
473 while time.time() < end:
474 event = agg.getEvent(listener, 1000)
475 if event:
476 handleEventImpl(event)
477 # keyboard/mouse events aren't waitable, so no need for eventProcessed
478 # We need to catch all exceptions here, otherwise listener will never be unregistered
479 except:
480 traceback.print_exc()
481 pass
482 demo.close()
483 if listener and registered:
484 agg.unregisterListener(listener)
487def playbackDemo(ctx, console, filename, dur):
488 demo = open(filename, 'r')
490 if dur == -1:
491 # not infinity, but close enough
492 dur = 100000
494 header = demo.readline()
495 print("Header is", header)
496 basere = re.compile(r'(?P<s>\d+): (?P<t>[km]) (?P<p>.*)')
497 mre = re.compile(r'(?P<a>\d+) (?P<x>-*\d+) (?P<y>-*\d+) (?P<z>-*\d+) (?P<w>-*\d+) (?P<b>-*\d+)')
498 kre = re.compile(r'\d+')
500 kbd = console.keyboard
501 mouse = console.mouse
503 try:
504 end = time.time() + dur
505 for line in demo:
506 if time.time() > end:
507 break
508 match =
509 if match is None:
510 continue
512 rdict = match.groupdict()
513 stamp = rdict['s']
514 params = rdict['p']
515 rtype = rdict['t']
517 time.sleep(float(stamp)/1000)
519 if rtype == 'k':
520 codes = kre.findall(params)
521 #print("KBD:", codes)
522 kbd.putScancodes(codes)
523 elif rtype == 'm':
524 mm =
525 if mm is not None:
526 mdict = mm.groupdict()
527 if mdict['a'] == '1':
528 # absolute
529 #print("MA: ", mdict['x'], mdict['y'], mdict['z'], mdict['b'])
530 mouse.putMouseEventAbsolute(int(mdict['x']), int(mdict['y']), int(mdict['z']), int(mdict['w']), int(mdict['b']))
531 else:
532 #print("MR: ", mdict['x'], mdict['y'], mdict['b'])
533 mouse.putMouseEvent(int(mdict['x']), int(mdict['y']), int(mdict['z']), int(mdict['w']), int(mdict['b']))
535 # We need to catch all exceptions here, to close file
536 except KeyboardInterrupt:
537 ctx['interrupt'] = True
538 except:
539 traceback.print_exc()
540 pass
541 demo.close()
544def takeScreenshotOld(_ctx, console, args):
545 from PIL import Image
546 display = console.display
547 if len(args) > 0:
548 f = args[0]
549 else:
550 f = "/tmp/screenshot.png"
551 if len(args) > 3:
552 screen = int(args[3])
553 else:
554 screen = 0
555 (fbw, fbh, _fbbpp, fbx, fby, _) = display.getScreenResolution(screen)
556 if len(args) > 1:
557 w = int(args[1])
558 else:
559 w = fbw
560 if len(args) > 2:
561 h = int(args[2])
562 else:
563 h = fbh
565 print("Saving screenshot (%d x %d) screen %d in %s..." % (w, h, screen, f))
566 data = display.takeScreenShotToArray(screen, w, h, ctx['const'].BitmapFormat_RGBA)
567 size = (w, h)
568 mode = "RGBA"
569 im = Image.frombuffer(mode, size, str(data), "raw", mode, 0, 1)
570, "PNG")
572def takeScreenshot(_ctx, console, args):
573 display = console.display
574 if len(args) > 0:
575 f = args[0]
576 else:
577 f = "/tmp/screenshot.png"
578 if len(args) > 3:
579 screen = int(args[3])
580 else:
581 screen = 0
582 (fbw, fbh, _fbbpp, fbx, fby, _) = display.getScreenResolution(screen)
583 if len(args) > 1:
584 w = int(args[1])
585 else:
586 w = fbw
587 if len(args) > 2:
588 h = int(args[2])
589 else:
590 h = fbh
592 print("Saving screenshot (%d x %d) screen %d in %s..." % (w, h, screen, f))
593 data = display.takeScreenShotToArray(screen, w, h, ctx['const'].BitmapFormat_PNG)
594 pngfile = open(f, 'wb')
595 pngfile.write(data)
596 pngfile.close()
598def teleport(ctx, _session, console, args):
599 if args[0].find(":") == -1:
600 print("Use host:port format for teleport target")
601 return
602 (host, port) = args[0].split(":")
603 if len(args) > 1:
604 passwd = args[1]
605 else:
606 passwd = ""
608 if len(args) > 2:
609 maxDowntime = int(args[2])
610 else:
611 maxDowntime = 250
613 port = int(port)
614 print("Teleporting to %s:%d..." % (host, port))
615 progress = console.teleport(host, port, passwd, maxDowntime)
616 if progressBar(ctx, progress, 100) and int(progress.resultCode) == 0:
617 print("Success!")
618 else:
619 reportError(ctx, progress)
622def guestStats(ctx, console, args):
623 guest = console.guest
624 # we need to set up guest statistics
625 if len(args) > 0 :
626 update = args[0]
627 else:
628 update = 1
629 if guest.statisticsUpdateInterval != update:
630 guest.statisticsUpdateInterval = update
631 try:
632 time.sleep(float(update)+0.1)
633 except:
634 # to allow sleep interruption
635 pass
636 all_stats = ctx['const'].all_values('GuestStatisticType')
637 cpu = 0
638 for s in list(all_stats.keys()):
639 try:
640 val = guest.getStatistic( cpu, all_stats[s])
641 print("%s: %d" % (s, val))
642 except:
643 # likely not implemented
644 pass
646def plugCpu(_ctx, machine, _session, args):
647 cpu = int(args[0])
648 print("Adding CPU %d..." % (cpu))
649 machine.hotPlugCPU(cpu)
651def unplugCpu(_ctx, machine, _session, args):
652 cpu = int(args[0])
653 print("Removing CPU %d..." % (cpu))
654 machine.hotUnplugCPU(cpu)
656def mountIso(_ctx, machine, _session, args):
657 machine.mountMedium(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4])
658 machine.saveSettings()
660def cond(c, v1, v2):
661 if c:
662 return v1
663 else:
664 return v2
666def printHostUsbDev(ctx, ud):
667 print(" %s: %s (vendorId=%d productId=%d serial=%s) %s" % (, colored(ud.product, 'blue'), ud.vendorId, ud.productId, ud.serialNumber, asEnumElem(ctx, 'USBDeviceState', ud.state)))
669def printUsbDev(_ctx, ud):
670 print(" %s: %s (vendorId=%d productId=%d serial=%s)" % (, colored(ud.product, 'blue'), ud.vendorId, ud.productId, ud.serialNumber))
672def printSf(ctx, sf):
673 print(" name=%s host=%s %s %s" % (, colPath(ctx, sf.hostPath), cond(sf.accessible, "accessible", "not accessible"), cond(sf.writable, "writable", "read-only")))
675def ginfo(ctx, console, _args):
676 guest = console.guest
677 if guest.additionsRunLevel != ctx['const'].AdditionsRunLevelType_None:
678 print("Additions active, version %s" % (guest.additionsVersion))
679 print("Support seamless: %s" % (getFacilityStatus(ctx, guest, ctx['const'].AdditionsFacilityType_Seamless)))
680 print("Support graphics: %s" % (getFacilityStatus(ctx, guest, ctx['const'].AdditionsFacilityType_Graphics)))
681 print("Balloon size: %d" % (guest.memoryBalloonSize))
682 print("Statistic update interval: %d" % (guest.statisticsUpdateInterval))
683 else:
684 print("No additions")
685 usbs = ctx['global'].getArray(console, 'USBDevices')
686 print("Attached USB:")
687 for ud in usbs:
688 printUsbDev(ctx, ud)
689 rusbs = ctx['global'].getArray(console, 'remoteUSBDevices')
690 print("Remote USB:")
691 for ud in rusbs:
692 printHostUsbDev(ctx, ud)
693 print("Transient shared folders:")
694 sfs = rusbs = ctx['global'].getArray(console, 'sharedFolders')
695 for sf in sfs:
696 printSf(ctx, sf)
698def cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, cmd, args):
699 session = None
700 try:
701 vbox = ctx['vb']
702 session = ctx['global'].getSessionObject(vbox)
703 mach.lockMachine(session, ctx['global'].constants.LockType_Shared)
704 except Exception as e:
705 printErr(ctx, "Session to '%s' not open: %s" % (, str(e)))
706 if g_fVerbose:
707 traceback.print_exc()
708 return
709 if session.state != ctx['const'].SessionState_Locked:
710 print("Session to '%s' in wrong state: %s" % (, session.state))
711 session.unlockMachine()
712 return
713 # this could be an example how to handle local only (i.e. unavailable
714 # in Webservices) functionality
715 if ctx['remote'] and cmd == 'some_local_only_command':
716 print('Trying to use local only functionality, ignored')
717 session.unlockMachine()
718 return
719 console = session.console
720 ops = {'pause': lambda: console.pause(),
721 'resume': lambda: console.resume(),
722 'powerdown': lambda: console.powerDown(),
723 'powerbutton': lambda: console.powerButton(),
724 'stats': lambda: perfStats(ctx, mach),
725 'guest': lambda: guestExec(ctx, mach, console, args),
726 'ginfo': lambda: ginfo(ctx, console, args),
727 'guestlambda': lambda: args[0](ctx, mach, console, args[1:]),
728 'save': lambda: progressBar(ctx, session.machine.saveState()),
729 'screenshot': lambda: takeScreenshot(ctx, console, args),
730 'teleport': lambda: teleport(ctx, session, console, args),
731 'gueststats': lambda: guestStats(ctx, console, args),
732 'plugcpu': lambda: plugCpu(ctx, session.machine, session, args),
733 'unplugcpu': lambda: unplugCpu(ctx, session.machine, session, args),
734 'mountiso': lambda: mountIso(ctx, session.machine, session, args),
735 }
736 try:
737 ops[cmd]()
738 except KeyboardInterrupt:
739 ctx['interrupt'] = True
740 except Exception as e:
741 printErr(ctx, e)
742 if g_fVerbose:
743 traceback.print_exc()
745 session.unlockMachine()
748def cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, cmd, args=[], save=True):
749 session = ctx['global'].openMachineSession(mach, True)
750 mach = session.machine
751 try:
752 cmd(ctx, mach, args)
753 except Exception as e:
754 save = False
755 printErr(ctx, e)
756 if g_fVerbose:
757 traceback.print_exc()
758 if save:
759 try:
760 mach.saveSettings()
761 except Exception as e:
762 printErr(ctx, e)
763 if g_fVerbose:
764 traceback.print_exc()
765 ctx['global'].closeMachineSession(session)
768def cmdAnyVm(ctx, mach, cmd, args=[], save=False):
769 session = ctx['global'].openMachineSession(mach)
770 mach = session.machine
771 try:
772 cmd(ctx, mach, session.console, args)
773 except Exception as e:
774 save = False
775 printErr(ctx, e)
776 if g_fVerbose:
777 traceback.print_exc()
778 if save:
779 mach.saveSettings()
780 ctx['global'].closeMachineSession(session)
782def machById(ctx, uuid):
783 mach = ctx['vb'].findMachine(uuid)
784 return mach
786class XPathNode:
787 def __init__(self, parent, obj, ntype):
788 self.parent = parent
789 self.obj = obj
790 self.ntype = ntype
791 def lookup(self, subpath):
792 children = self.enum()
793 matches = []
794 for e in children:
795 if e.matches(subpath):
796 matches.append(e)
797 return matches
798 def enum(self):
799 return []
800 def matches(self, subexp):
801 if subexp == self.ntype:
802 return True
803 if not subexp.startswith(self.ntype):
804 return False
805 match ="@(?P<a>\w+)=(?P<v>[^\'\[\]]+)", subexp)
806 matches = False
807 try:
808 if match is not None:
809 xdict = match.groupdict()
810 attr = xdict['a']
811 val = xdict['v']
812 matches = (str(getattr(self.obj, attr)) == val)
813 except:
814 pass
815 return matches
816 def apply(self, cmd):
817 exec(cmd, {'obj':self.obj, 'node':self, 'ctx':self.getCtx()}, {})
818 def getCtx(self):
819 if hasattr(self, 'ctx'):
820 return self.ctx
821 return self.parent.getCtx()
823class XPathNodeHolder(XPathNode):
824 def __init__(self, parent, obj, attr, heldClass, xpathname):
825 XPathNode.__init__(self, parent, obj, 'hld '+xpathname)
826 self.attr = attr
827 self.heldClass = heldClass
828 self.xpathname = xpathname
829 def enum(self):
830 children = []
831 for node in self.getCtx()['global'].getArray(self.obj, self.attr):
832 nodexml = self.heldClass(self, node)
833 children.append(nodexml)
834 return children
835 def matches(self, subexp):
836 return subexp == self.xpathname
838class XPathNodeValue(XPathNode):
839 def __init__(self, parent, obj, xpathname):
840 XPathNode.__init__(self, parent, obj, 'val '+xpathname)
841 self.xpathname = xpathname
842 def matches(self, subexp):
843 return subexp == self.xpathname
845class XPathNodeHolderVM(XPathNodeHolder):
846 def __init__(self, parent, vbox):
847 XPathNodeHolder.__init__(self, parent, vbox, 'machines', XPathNodeVM, 'vms')
849class XPathNodeVM(XPathNode):
850 def __init__(self, parent, obj):
851 XPathNode.__init__(self, parent, obj, 'vm')
852 #def matches(self, subexp):
853 # return subexp=='vm'
854 def enum(self):
855 return [XPathNodeHolderNIC(self, self.obj),
856 XPathNodeValue(self, self.obj.BIOSSettings, 'bios'), ]
858class XPathNodeHolderNIC(XPathNodeHolder):
859 def __init__(self, parent, mach):
860 XPathNodeHolder.__init__(self, parent, mach, 'nics', XPathNodeVM, 'nics')
861 self.maxNic = self.getCtx()['vb'].systemProperties.getMaxNetworkAdapters(self.obj.chipsetType)
862 def enum(self):
863 children = []
864 for i in range(0, self.maxNic):
865 node = XPathNodeNIC(self, self.obj.getNetworkAdapter(i))
866 children.append(node)
867 return children
869class XPathNodeNIC(XPathNode):
870 def __init__(self, parent, obj):
871 XPathNode.__init__(self, parent, obj, 'nic')
872 def matches(self, subexp):
873 return subexp == 'nic'
875class XPathNodeRoot(XPathNode):
876 def __init__(self, ctx):
877 XPathNode.__init__(self, None, None, 'root')
878 self.ctx = ctx
879 def enum(self):
880 return [XPathNodeHolderVM(self, self.ctx['vb'])]
881 def matches(self, subexp):
882 return True
884def eval_xpath(ctx, scope):
885 pathnames = scope.split("/")[2:]
886 nodes = [XPathNodeRoot(ctx)]
887 for path in pathnames:
888 seen = []
889 while len(nodes) > 0:
890 node = nodes.pop()
891 seen.append(node)
892 for s in seen:
893 matches = s.lookup(path)
894 for match in matches:
895 nodes.append(match)
896 if len(nodes) == 0:
897 break
898 return nodes
900def argsToMach(ctx, args):
901 if len(args) < 2:
902 print("usage: %s [vmname|uuid]" % (args[0]))
903 return None
904 uuid = args[1]
905 mach = machById(ctx, uuid)
906 if mach == None:
907 print("Machine '%s' is unknown, use list command to find available machines" % (uuid))
908 return mach
910def helpSingleCmd(cmd, h, sp):
911 if sp != 0:
912 spec = " [ext from "+sp+"]"
913 else:
914 spec = ""
915 print(" %s: %s%s" % (colored(cmd, 'blue'), h, spec))
917def helpCmd(_ctx, args):
918 if len(args) == 1:
919 print("Help page:")
920 names = list(commands.keys())
921 names.sort()
922 for i in names:
923 helpSingleCmd(i, commands[i][0], commands[i][2])
924 else:
925 cmd = args[1]
926 c = commands.get(cmd)
927 if c == None:
928 print("Command '%s' not known" % (cmd))
929 else:
930 helpSingleCmd(cmd, c[0], c[2])
931 return 0
933def asEnumElem(ctx, enum, elem):
934 enumVals = ctx['const'].all_values(enum)
935 for e in list(enumVals.keys()):
936 if str(elem) == str(enumVals[e]):
937 return colored(e, 'green')
938 return colored("<unknown>", 'green')
940def enumFromString(ctx, enum, strg):
941 enumVals = ctx['const'].all_values(enum)
942 return enumVals.get(strg, None)
944def listCmd(ctx, _args):
945 for mach in getMachines(ctx, True):
946 try:
947 if mach.teleporterEnabled:
948 tele = "[T] "
949 else:
950 tele = " "
951 print("%sMachine '%s' [%s], machineState=%s, sessionState=%s" % (tele, colVm(ctx,,, asEnumElem(ctx, "MachineState", mach.state), asEnumElem(ctx, "SessionState", mach.sessionState)))
952 except Exception as e:
953 printErr(ctx, e)
954 if g_fVerbose:
955 traceback.print_exc()
956 return 0
958def infoCmd(ctx, args):
959 if len(args) < 2:
960 print("usage: info [vmname|uuid]")
961 return 0
962 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
963 if mach == None:
964 return 0
965 vmos = ctx['vb'].getGuestOSType(mach.OSTypeId)
966 print(" One can use setvar <mach> <var> <value> to change variable, using name in [].")
967 print(" Name [name]: %s" % (colVm(ctx,
968 print(" Description [description]: %s" % (mach.description))
969 print(" ID [n/a]: %s" % (
970 print(" OS Type [via OSTypeId]: %s" % (vmos.description))
971 print(" Firmware [firmwareType]: %s (%s)" % (asEnumElem(ctx, "FirmwareType", mach.firmwareType), mach.firmwareType))
972 print()
973 print(" CPUs [CPUCount]: %d" % (mach.CPUCount))
974 print(" RAM [memorySize]: %dM" % (mach.memorySize))
975 print(" VRAM [VRAMSize]: %dM" % (mach.VRAMSize))
976 print(" Monitors [monitorCount]: %d" % (mach.monitorCount))
977 print(" Chipset [chipsetType]: %s (%s)" % (asEnumElem(ctx, "ChipsetType", mach.chipsetType), mach.chipsetType))
978 print()
979 print(" Clipboard mode [clipboardMode]: %s (%s)" % (asEnumElem(ctx, "ClipboardMode", mach.clipboardMode), mach.clipboardMode))
980 print(" Machine status [n/a]: %s (%s)" % (asEnumElem(ctx, "SessionState", mach.sessionState), mach.sessionState))
981 print()
982 if mach.teleporterEnabled:
983 print(" Teleport target on port %d (%s)" % (mach.teleporterPort, mach.teleporterPassword))
984 print()
985 bios = mach.BIOSSettings
986 print(" ACPI [BIOSSettings.ACPIEnabled]: %s" % (asState(bios.ACPIEnabled)))
987 print(" APIC [BIOSSettings.IOAPICEnabled]: %s" % (asState(bios.IOAPICEnabled)))
988 hwVirtEnabled = mach.getHWVirtExProperty(ctx['global'].constants.HWVirtExPropertyType_Enabled)
989 print(" Hardware virtualization [guest win machine.setHWVirtExProperty(ctx[\\'const\\'].HWVirtExPropertyType_Enabled, value)]: " + asState(hwVirtEnabled))
990 hwVirtVPID = mach.getHWVirtExProperty(ctx['const'].HWVirtExPropertyType_VPID)
991 print(" VPID support [guest win machine.setHWVirtExProperty(ctx[\\'const\\'].HWVirtExPropertyType_VPID, value)]: " + asState(hwVirtVPID))
992 hwVirtNestedPaging = mach.getHWVirtExProperty(ctx['const'].HWVirtExPropertyType_NestedPaging)
993 print(" Nested paging [guest win machine.setHWVirtExProperty(ctx[\\'const\\'].HWVirtExPropertyType_NestedPaging, value)]: " + asState(hwVirtNestedPaging))
995 print(" Hardware 3d acceleration [accelerate3DEnabled]: " + asState(mach.accelerate3DEnabled))
996 print(" Hardware 2d video acceleration [accelerate2DVideoEnabled]: " + asState(mach.accelerate2DVideoEnabled))
998 print(" Use universal time [RTCUseUTC]: %s" % (asState(mach.RTCUseUTC)))
999 print(" HPET [HPETEnabled]: %s" % (asState(mach.HPETEnabled)))
1000 if mach.audioAdapter.enabled:
1001 print(" Audio [via audioAdapter]: chip %s; host driver %s" % (asEnumElem(ctx, "AudioControllerType", mach.audioAdapter.audioController), asEnumElem(ctx, "AudioDriverType", mach.audioAdapter.audioDriver)))
1002 print(" CPU hotplugging [CPUHotPlugEnabled]: %s" % (asState(mach.CPUHotPlugEnabled)))
1004 print(" Keyboard [keyboardHIDType]: %s (%s)" % (asEnumElem(ctx, "KeyboardHIDType", mach.keyboardHIDType), mach.keyboardHIDType))
1005 print(" Pointing device [pointingHIDType]: %s (%s)" % (asEnumElem(ctx, "PointingHIDType", mach.pointingHIDType), mach.pointingHIDType))
1006 print(" Last changed [n/a]: " + time.asctime(time.localtime(mach.lastStateChange/1000)))
1007 # OSE has no VRDE
1008 try:
1009 print(" VRDE server [VRDEServer.enabled]: %s" % (asState(mach.VRDEServer.enabled)))
1010 except:
1011 pass
1013 print()
1014 print(colCat(ctx, " USB Controllers:"))
1015 for oUsbCtrl in ctx['global'].getArray(mach, 'USBControllers'):
1016 print(" '%s': type %s standard: %#x" \
1017 % (, asEnumElem(ctx, "USBControllerType", oUsbCtrl.type), oUsbCtrl.USBStandard))
1019 print()
1020 print(colCat(ctx, " I/O subsystem info:"))
1021 print(" Cache enabled [IOCacheEnabled]: %s" % (asState(mach.IOCacheEnabled)))
1022 print(" Cache size [IOCacheSize]: %dM" % (mach.IOCacheSize))
1024 controllers = ctx['global'].getArray(mach, 'storageControllers')
1025 if controllers:
1026 print()
1027 print(colCat(ctx, " Storage Controllers:"))
1028 for controller in controllers:
1029 print(" '%s': bus %s type %s" % (, asEnumElem(ctx, "StorageBus", controller.bus), asEnumElem(ctx, "StorageControllerType", controller.controllerType)))
1031 attaches = ctx['global'].getArray(mach, 'mediumAttachments')
1032 if attaches:
1033 print()
1034 print(colCat(ctx, " Media:"))
1035 for a in attaches:
1036 print(" Controller: '%s' port/device: %d:%d type: %s (%s):" % (a.controller, a.port, a.device, asEnumElem(ctx, "DeviceType", a.type), a.type))
1037 medium = a.medium
1038 if a.type == ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk:
1039 print(" HDD:")
1040 print(" Id: %s" % (
1041 print(" Location: %s" % (colPath(ctx, medium.location)))
1042 print(" Name: %s" % (
1043 print(" Format: %s" % (medium.format))
1045 if a.type == ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD:
1046 print(" DVD:")
1047 if medium:
1048 print(" Id: %s" % (
1049 print(" Name: %s" % (
1050 if medium.hostDrive:
1051 print(" Host DVD %s" % (colPath(ctx, medium.location)))
1052 if a.passthrough:
1053 print(" [passthrough mode]")
1054 else:
1055 print(" Virtual image at %s" % (colPath(ctx, medium.location)))
1056 print(" Size: %s" % (medium.size))
1058 if a.type == ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_Floppy:
1059 print(" Floppy:")
1060 if medium:
1061 print(" Id: %s" % (
1062 print(" Name: %s" % (
1063 if medium.hostDrive:
1064 print(" Host floppy %s" % (colPath(ctx, medium.location)))
1065 else:
1066 print(" Virtual image at %s" % (colPath(ctx, medium.location)))
1067 print(" Size: %s" % (medium.size))
1069 print()
1070 print(colCat(ctx, " Shared folders:"))
1071 for sf in ctx['global'].getArray(mach, 'sharedFolders'):
1072 printSf(ctx, sf)
1074 return 0
1076def startCmd(ctx, args):
1077 if len(args) < 2:
1078 print("usage: start name <frontend>")
1079 return 0
1080 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1081 if mach == None:
1082 return 0
1083 if len(args) > 2:
1084 vmtype = args[2]
1085 else:
1086 vmtype = "gui"
1087 startVm(ctx, mach, vmtype)
1088 return 0
1090def createVmCmd(ctx, args):
1091 if len(args) != 3:
1092 print("usage: createvm name ostype")
1093 return 0
1094 name = args[1]
1095 oskind = args[2]
1096 try:
1097 ctx['vb'].getGuestOSType(oskind)
1098 except Exception:
1099 print('Unknown OS type:', oskind)
1100 return 0
1101 createVm(ctx, name, oskind)
1102 return 0
1104def ginfoCmd(ctx, args):
1105 if len(args) < 2:
1106 print("usage: ginfo [vmname|uuid]")
1107 return 0
1108 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1109 if mach == None:
1110 return 0
1111 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'ginfo', '')
1112 return 0
1114def execInGuest(ctx, console, args, env, user, passwd, tmo, inputPipe=None, outputPipe=None):
1115 if len(args) < 1:
1116 print("exec in guest needs at least program name")
1117 return
1118 guest = console.guest
1119 guestSession = guest.createSession(user, passwd, "", "vboxshell guest exec")
1120 # shall contain program name as argv[0]
1121 gargs = args
1122 print("executing %s with args %s as %s" % (args[0], gargs, user))
1123 flags = 0
1124 if inputPipe is not None:
1125 flags = 1 # set WaitForProcessStartOnly
1126 print(args[0])
1127 process = guestSession.processCreate(args[0], gargs, env, [], tmo)
1128 print("executed with pid %d" % (process.PID))
1129 if pid != 0:
1130 try:
1131 while True:
1132 if inputPipe is not None:
1133 indata = inputPipe(ctx)
1134 if indata is not None:
1135 write = len(indata)
1136 off = 0
1137 while write > 0:
1138 w = guest.setProcessInput(pid, 0, 10*1000, indata[off:])
1139 off = off + w
1140 write = write - w
1141 else:
1142 # EOF
1143 try:
1144 guest.setProcessInput(pid, 1, 10*1000, " ")
1145 except:
1146 pass
1147 data = guest.getProcessOutput(pid, 0, 10000, 4096)
1148 if data and len(data) > 0:
1149 sys.stdout.write(data)
1150 continue
1151 progress.waitForCompletion(100)
1152 ctx['global'].waitForEvents(0)
1153 data = guest.getProcessOutput(pid, 0, 0, 4096)
1154 if data and len(data) > 0:
1155 if outputPipe is not None:
1156 outputPipe(ctx, data)
1157 else:
1158 sys.stdout.write(data)
1159 continue
1160 if progress.completed:
1161 break
1163 except KeyboardInterrupt:
1164 print("Interrupted.")
1165 ctx['interrupt'] = True
1166 if progress.cancelable:
1167 progress.cancel()
1168 (_reason, code, _flags) = guest.getProcessStatus(pid)
1169 print("Exit code: %d" % (code))
1170 return 0
1171 else:
1172 reportError(ctx, progress)
1174def copyToGuest(ctx, console, args, user, passwd):
1175 src = args[0]
1176 dst = args[1]
1177 flags = 0
1178 print("Copying host %s to guest %s" % (src, dst))
1179 progress = console.guest.copyToGuest(src, dst, user, passwd, flags)
1180 progressBar(ctx, progress)
1182def nh_raw_input(prompt=""):
1183 stream = sys.stdout
1184 prompt = str(prompt)
1185 if prompt:
1186 stream.write(prompt)
1187 line = sys.stdin.readline()
1188 if not line:
1189 raise EOFError
1190 if line[-1] == '\n':
1191 line = line[:-1]
1192 return line
1195def getCred(_ctx):
1196 import getpass
1197 user = getpass.getuser()
1198 user_inp = nh_raw_input("User (%s): " % (user))
1199 if len(user_inp) > 0:
1200 user = user_inp
1201 passwd = getpass.getpass()
1203 return (user, passwd)
1205def gexecCmd(ctx, args):
1206 if len(args) < 2:
1207 print("usage: gexec [vmname|uuid] command args")
1208 return 0
1209 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1210 if mach == None:
1211 return 0
1212 gargs = args[2:]
1213 env = [] # ["DISPLAY=:0"]
1214 (user, passwd) = getCred(ctx)
1215 gargs.insert(0, lambda ctx, mach, console, args: execInGuest(ctx, console, args, env, user, passwd, 10000))
1216 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', gargs)
1217 return 0
1219def gcopyCmd(ctx, args):
1220 if len(args) < 2:
1221 print("usage: gcopy [vmname|uuid] host_path guest_path")
1222 return 0
1223 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1224 if mach == None:
1225 return 0
1226 gargs = args[2:]
1227 (user, passwd) = getCred(ctx)
1228 gargs.insert(0, lambda ctx, mach, console, args: copyToGuest(ctx, console, args, user, passwd))
1229 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', gargs)
1230 return 0
1232def readCmdPipe(ctx, _hcmd):
1233 try:
1234 return ctx['process'].communicate()[0]
1235 except:
1236 return None
1238def gpipeCmd(ctx, args):
1239 if len(args) < 4:
1240 print("usage: gpipe [vmname|uuid] hostProgram guestProgram, such as gpipe linux '/bin/uname -a' '/bin/sh -c \"/usr/bin/tee; /bin/uname -a\"'")
1241 return 0
1242 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1243 if mach == None:
1244 return 0
1245 hcmd = args[2]
1246 gcmd = args[3]
1247 (user, passwd) = getCred(ctx)
1248 import subprocess
1249 ctx['process'] = subprocess.Popen(split_no_quotes(hcmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
1250 gargs = split_no_quotes(gcmd)
1251 env = []
1252 gargs.insert(0, lambda ctx, mach, console, args: execInGuest(ctx, console, args, env, user, passwd, 10000, lambda ctx:readCmdPipe(ctx, hcmd)))
1253 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', gargs)
1254 try:
1255 ctx['process'].terminate()
1256 except:
1257 pass
1258 ctx['process'] = None
1259 return 0
1262def removeVmCmd(ctx, args):
1263 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1264 if mach == None:
1265 return 0
1266 removeVm(ctx, mach)
1267 return 0
1269def pauseCmd(ctx, args):
1270 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1271 if mach == None:
1272 return 0
1273 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'pause', '')
1274 return 0
1276def powerdownCmd(ctx, args):
1277 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1278 if mach == None:
1279 return 0
1280 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'powerdown', '')
1281 return 0
1283def powerbuttonCmd(ctx, args):
1284 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1285 if mach == None:
1286 return 0
1287 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'powerbutton', '')
1288 return 0
1290def resumeCmd(ctx, args):
1291 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1292 if mach == None:
1293 return 0
1294 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'resume', '')
1295 return 0
1297def saveCmd(ctx, args):
1298 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1299 if mach == None:
1300 return 0
1301 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'save', '')
1302 return 0
1304def statsCmd(ctx, args):
1305 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1306 if mach == None:
1307 return 0
1308 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'stats', '')
1309 return 0
1311def guestCmd(ctx, args):
1312 if len(args) < 3:
1313 print("usage: guest name commands")
1314 return 0
1315 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1316 if mach == None:
1317 return 0
1318 if mach.state != ctx['const'].MachineState_Running:
1319 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, a: guestExec (ctx, mach, None, ' '.join(args[2:])))
1320 else:
1321 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guest', ' '.join(args[2:]))
1322 return 0
1324def screenshotCmd(ctx, args):
1325 if len(args) < 2:
1326 print("usage: screenshot vm <file> <width> <height> <monitor>")
1327 return 0
1328 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1329 if mach == None:
1330 return 0
1331 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'screenshot', args[2:])
1332 return 0
1334def teleportCmd(ctx, args):
1335 if len(args) < 3:
1336 print("usage: teleport name host:port <password>")
1337 return 0
1338 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1339 if mach == None:
1340 return 0
1341 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'teleport', args[2:])
1342 return 0
1344def portalsettings(_ctx, mach, args):
1345 enabled = args[0]
1346 mach.teleporterEnabled = enabled
1347 if enabled:
1348 port = args[1]
1349 passwd = args[2]
1350 mach.teleporterPort = port
1351 mach.teleporterPassword = passwd
1353def openportalCmd(ctx, args):
1354 if len(args) < 3:
1355 print("usage: openportal name port <password>")
1356 return 0
1357 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1358 if mach == None:
1359 return 0
1360 port = int(args[2])
1361 if len(args) > 3:
1362 passwd = args[3]
1363 else:
1364 passwd = ""
1365 if not mach.teleporterEnabled or mach.teleporterPort != port or passwd:
1366 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, portalsettings, [True, port, passwd])
1367 startVm(ctx, mach, "gui")
1368 return 0
1370def closeportalCmd(ctx, args):
1371 if len(args) < 2:
1372 print("usage: closeportal name")
1373 return 0
1374 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1375 if mach == None:
1376 return 0
1377 if mach.teleporterEnabled:
1378 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, portalsettings, [False])
1379 return 0
1381def gueststatsCmd(ctx, args):
1382 if len(args) < 2:
1383 print("usage: gueststats name <check interval>")
1384 return 0
1385 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1386 if mach == None:
1387 return 0
1388 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'gueststats', args[2:])
1389 return 0
1391def plugcpu(_ctx, mach, args):
1392 plug = args[0]
1393 cpu = args[1]
1394 if plug:
1395 print("Adding CPU %d..." % (cpu))
1396 mach.hotPlugCPU(cpu)
1397 else:
1398 print("Removing CPU %d..." % (cpu))
1399 mach.hotUnplugCPU(cpu)
1401def plugcpuCmd(ctx, args):
1402 if len(args) < 2:
1403 print("usage: plugcpu name cpuid")
1404 return 0
1405 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1406 if mach == None:
1407 return 0
1408 if str(mach.sessionState) != str(ctx['const'].SessionState_Locked):
1409 if mach.CPUHotPlugEnabled:
1410 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, plugcpu, [True, int(args[2])])
1411 else:
1412 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'plugcpu', args[2])
1413 return 0
1415def unplugcpuCmd(ctx, args):
1416 if len(args) < 2:
1417 print("usage: unplugcpu name cpuid")
1418 return 0
1419 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1420 if mach == None:
1421 return 0
1422 if str(mach.sessionState) != str(ctx['const'].SessionState_Locked):
1423 if mach.CPUHotPlugEnabled:
1424 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, plugcpu, [False, int(args[2])])
1425 else:
1426 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'unplugcpu', args[2])
1427 return 0
1429def setvar(_ctx, _mach, args):
1430 expr = 'mach.'+args[0]+' = '+args[1]
1431 print("Executing", expr)
1432 exec(expr)
1434def setvarCmd(ctx, args):
1435 if len(args) < 4:
1436 print("usage: setvar [vmname|uuid] expr value")
1437 return 0
1438 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1439 if mach == None:
1440 return 0
1441 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, setvar, args[2:])
1442 return 0
1444def setvmextra(_ctx, mach, args):
1445 key = args[0]
1446 value = args[1]
1447 print("%s: setting %s to %s" % (, key, value if value else None))
1448 mach.setExtraData(key, value)
1450def setExtraDataCmd(ctx, args):
1451 if len(args) < 3:
1452 print("usage: setextra [vmname|uuid|global] key <value>")
1453 return 0
1454 key = args[2]
1455 if len(args) == 4:
1456 value = args[3]
1457 else:
1458 value = ''
1459 if args[1] == 'global':
1460 ctx['vb'].setExtraData(key, value)
1461 return 0
1463 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1464 if mach == None:
1465 return 0
1466 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, setvmextra, [key, value])
1467 return 0
1469def printExtraKey(obj, key, value):
1470 print("%s: '%s' = '%s'" % (obj, key, value))
1472def getExtraDataCmd(ctx, args):
1473 if len(args) < 2:
1474 print("usage: getextra [vmname|uuid|global] <key>")
1475 return 0
1476 if len(args) == 3:
1477 key = args[2]
1478 else:
1479 key = None
1481 if args[1] == 'global':
1482 obj = ctx['vb']
1483 else:
1484 obj = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1485 if obj == None:
1486 return 0
1488 if key == None:
1489 keys = obj.getExtraDataKeys()
1490 else:
1491 keys = [ key ]
1492 for k in keys:
1493 printExtraKey(args[1], k, obj.getExtraData(k))
1495 return 0
1497def quitCmd(_ctx, _args):
1498 return 1
1500def aliasCmd(ctx, args):
1501 if len(args) == 3:
1502 aliases[args[1]] = args[2]
1503 return 0
1505 for (key, value) in list(aliases.items()):
1506 print("'%s' is an alias for '%s'" % (key, value))
1507 return 0
1509def verboseCmd(ctx, args):
1510 global g_fVerbose
1511 if len(args) > 1:
1512 g_fVerbose = (args[1]=='on')
1513 else:
1514 g_fVerbose = not g_fVerbose
1515 return 0
1517def colorsCmd(ctx, args):
1518 global g_fHasColors
1519 if len(args) > 1:
1520 g_fHasColors = (args[1] == 'on')
1521 else:
1522 g_fHasColors = not g_fHasColors
1523 return 0
1525def hostCmd(ctx, args):
1526 vbox = ctx['vb']
1527 try:
1528 print("VirtualBox version %s" % (colored(vbox.version, 'blue')))
1529 except Exception as e:
1530 printErr(ctx, e)
1531 if g_fVerbose:
1532 traceback.print_exc()
1533 props = vbox.systemProperties
1534 print("Machines: %s" % (colPath(ctx, props.defaultMachineFolder)))
1536 #print("Global shared folders:")
1537 #for ud in ctx['global'].getArray(vbox, 'sharedFolders'):
1538 # printSf(ctx, sf)
1539 host =
1540 cnt = host.processorCount
1541 print(colCat(ctx, "Processors:"))
1542 print(" available/online: %d/%d " % (cnt, host.processorOnlineCount))
1543 for i in range(0, cnt):
1544 print(" processor #%d speed: %dMHz %s" % (i, host.getProcessorSpeed(i), host.getProcessorDescription(i)))
1546 print(colCat(ctx, "RAM:"))
1547 print(" %dM (free %dM)" % (host.memorySize, host.memoryAvailable))
1548 print(colCat(ctx, "OS:"))
1549 print(" %s (%s)" % (host.operatingSystem, host.OSVersion))
1550 if host.acceleration3DAvailable:
1551 print(colCat(ctx, "3D acceleration available"))
1552 else:
1553 print(colCat(ctx, "3D acceleration NOT available"))
1555 print(colCat(ctx, "Network interfaces:"))
1556 for ni in ctx['global'].getArray(host, 'networkInterfaces'):
1557 print(" %s (%s)" % (, ni.IPAddress))
1559 print(colCat(ctx, "DVD drives:"))
1560 for dd in ctx['global'].getArray(host, 'DVDDrives'):
1561 print(" %s - %s" % (, dd.description))
1563 print(colCat(ctx, "Floppy drives:"))
1564 for dd in ctx['global'].getArray(host, 'floppyDrives'):
1565 print(" %s - %s" % (, dd.description))
1567 print(colCat(ctx, "USB devices:"))
1568 for ud in ctx['global'].getArray(host, 'USBDevices'):
1569 printHostUsbDev(ctx, ud)
1571 if ctx['perf']:
1572 for metric in ctx['perf'].query(["*"], [host]):
1573 print(metric['name'], metric['values_as_string'])
1575 return 0
1577def monitorGuestCmd(ctx, args):
1578 if len(args) < 2:
1579 print("usage: monitorGuest name (duration)")
1580 return 0
1581 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1582 if mach == None:
1583 return 0
1584 dur = 5
1585 if len(args) > 2:
1586 dur = float(args[2])
1587 active = False
1588 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: monitorSource(ctx, console.eventSource, active, dur)])
1589 return 0
1591def monitorGuestKbdCmd(ctx, args):
1592 if len(args) < 2:
1593 print("usage: monitorGuestKbd name (duration)")
1594 return 0
1595 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1596 if mach == None:
1597 return 0
1598 dur = 5
1599 if len(args) > 2:
1600 dur = float(args[2])
1601 active = False
1602 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: monitorSource(ctx, console.keyboard.eventSource, active, dur)])
1603 return 0
1605def monitorGuestMouseCmd(ctx, args):
1606 if len(args) < 2:
1607 print("usage: monitorGuestMouse name (duration)")
1608 return 0
1609 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1610 if mach == None:
1611 return 0
1612 dur = 5
1613 if len(args) > 2:
1614 dur = float(args[2])
1615 active = False
1616 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: monitorSource(ctx, console.mouse.eventSource, active, dur)])
1617 return 0
1619def monitorGuestMultiTouchCmd(ctx, args):
1620 if len(args) < 2:
1621 print("usage: monitorGuestMultiTouch name (duration)")
1622 return 0
1623 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1624 if mach == None:
1625 return 0
1626 dur = 5
1627 if len(args) > 2:
1628 dur = float(args[2])
1629 active = False
1630 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: monitorSource(ctx, console.mouse.eventSource, active, dur)])
1631 return 0
1633def monitorVBoxCmd(ctx, args):
1634 if len(args) > 2:
1635 print("usage: monitorVBox (duration)")
1636 return 0
1637 dur = 5
1638 if len(args) > 1:
1639 dur = float(args[1])
1640 vbox = ctx['vb']
1641 active = False
1642 monitorSource(ctx, vbox.eventSource, active, dur)
1643 return 0
1645def getAdapterType(ctx, natype):
1646 if (natype == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C970A or
1647 natype == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_Am79C973):
1648 return "pcnet"
1649 elif (natype == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_I82540EM or
1650 natype == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_I82545EM or
1651 natype == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_I82543GC):
1652 return "e1000"
1653 elif (natype == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_Virtio):
1654 return "virtio"
1655 elif (natype == ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAdapterType_Null):
1656 return None
1657 else:
1658 raise Exception("Unknown adapter type: "+natype)
1661def portForwardCmd(ctx, args):
1662 if len(args) != 5:
1663 print("usage: portForward <vm> <adapter> <hostPort> <guestPort>")
1664 return 0
1665 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1666 if mach == None:
1667 return 0
1668 adapterNum = int(args[2])
1669 hostPort = int(args[3])
1670 guestPort = int(args[4])
1671 proto = "TCP"
1672 session = ctx['global'].openMachineSession(mach)
1673 mach = session.machine
1675 adapter = mach.getNetworkAdapter(adapterNum)
1676 adapterType = getAdapterType(ctx, adapter.adapterType)
1678 profile_name = proto+"_"+str(hostPort)+"_"+str(guestPort)
1679 config = "VBoxInternal/Devices/" + adapterType + "/"
1680 config = config + str(adapter.slot) +"/LUN#0/Config/" + profile_name
1682 mach.setExtraData(config + "/Protocol", proto)
1683 mach.setExtraData(config + "/HostPort", str(hostPort))
1684 mach.setExtraData(config + "/GuestPort", str(guestPort))
1686 mach.saveSettings()
1687 session.unlockMachine()
1689 return 0
1692def showLogCmd(ctx, args):
1693 if len(args) < 2:
1694 print("usage: showLog vm <num>")
1695 return 0
1696 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1697 if mach == None:
1698 return 0
1700 log = 0
1701 if len(args) > 2:
1702 log = args[2]
1704 uOffset = 0
1705 while True:
1706 data = mach.readLog(log, uOffset, 4096)
1707 if len(data) == 0:
1708 break
1709 # print adds either NL or space to chunks not ending with a NL
1710 sys.stdout.write(str(data))
1711 uOffset += len(data)
1713 return 0
1715def findLogCmd(ctx, args):
1716 if len(args) < 3:
1717 print("usage: findLog vm pattern <num>")
1718 return 0
1719 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1720 if mach == None:
1721 return 0
1723 log = 0
1724 if len(args) > 3:
1725 log = args[3]
1727 pattern = args[2]
1728 uOffset = 0
1729 while True:
1730 # to reduce line splits on buffer boundary
1731 data = mach.readLog(log, uOffset, 512*1024)
1732 if len(data) == 0:
1733 break
1734 d = str(data).split("\n")
1735 for s in d:
1736 match = re.findall(pattern, s)
1737 if len(match) > 0:
1738 for mt in match:
1739 s = s.replace(mt, colored(mt, 'red'))
1740 print(s)
1741 uOffset += len(data)
1743 return 0
1746def findAssertCmd(ctx, args):
1747 if len(args) < 2:
1748 print("usage: findAssert vm <num>")
1749 return 0
1750 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1751 if mach == None:
1752 return 0
1754 log = 0
1755 if len(args) > 2:
1756 log = args[2]
1758 uOffset = 0
1759 ere = re.compile(r'(Expression:|\!\!\!\!\!\!)')
1760 active = False
1761 context = 0
1762 while True:
1763 # to reduce line splits on buffer boundary
1764 data = mach.readLog(log, uOffset, 512*1024)
1765 if len(data) == 0:
1766 break
1767 d = str(data).split("\n")
1768 for s in d:
1769 if active:
1770 print(s)
1771 if context == 0:
1772 active = False
1773 else:
1774 context = context - 1
1775 continue
1776 match = ere.findall(s)
1777 if len(match) > 0:
1778 active = True
1779 context = 50
1780 print(s)
1781 uOffset += len(data)
1783 return 0
1785def evalCmd(ctx, args):
1786 expr = ' '.join(args[1:])
1787 try:
1788 exec(expr)
1789 except Exception as e:
1790 printErr(ctx, e)
1791 if g_fVerbose:
1792 traceback.print_exc()
1793 return 0
1795def reloadExtCmd(ctx, args):
1796 # maybe will want more args smartness
1797 checkUserExtensions(ctx, commands, getHomeFolder(ctx))
1798 autoCompletion(commands, ctx)
1799 return 0
1801def runScriptCmd(ctx, args):
1802 if len(args) != 2:
1803 print("usage: runScript <script>")
1804 return 0
1805 try:
1806 lf = open(args[1], 'r')
1807 except IOError as e:
1808 print("cannot open:", args[1], ":", e)
1809 return 0
1811 try:
1812 lines = lf.readlines()
1813 ctx['scriptLine'] = 0
1814 ctx['interrupt'] = False
1815 while ctx['scriptLine'] < len(lines):
1816 line = lines[ctx['scriptLine']]
1817 ctx['scriptLine'] = ctx['scriptLine'] + 1
1818 done = runCommand(ctx, line)
1819 if done != 0 or ctx['interrupt']:
1820 break
1822 except Exception as e:
1823 printErr(ctx, e)
1824 if g_fVerbose:
1825 traceback.print_exc()
1826 lf.close()
1827 return 0
1829def sleepCmd(ctx, args):
1830 if len(args) != 2:
1831 print("usage: sleep <secs>")
1832 return 0
1834 try:
1835 time.sleep(float(args[1]))
1836 except:
1837 # to allow sleep interrupt
1838 pass
1839 return 0
1842def shellCmd(ctx, args):
1843 if len(args) < 2:
1844 print("usage: shell <commands>")
1845 return 0
1846 cmd = ' '.join(args[1:])
1848 try:
1849 os.system(cmd)
1850 except KeyboardInterrupt:
1851 # to allow shell command interruption
1852 pass
1853 return 0
1856def connectCmd(ctx, args):
1857 if len(args) > 4:
1858 print("usage: connect url <username> <passwd>")
1859 return 0
1861 if ctx['vb'] is not None:
1862 print("Already connected, disconnect first...")
1863 return 0
1865 if len(args) > 1:
1866 url = args[1]
1867 else:
1868 url = None
1870 if len(args) > 2:
1871 user = args[2]
1872 else:
1873 user = ""
1875 if len(args) > 3:
1876 passwd = args[3]
1877 else:
1878 passwd = ""
1880 ctx['wsinfo'] = [url, user, passwd]
1881 vbox = ctx['global'].platform.connect(url, user, passwd)
1882 ctx['vb'] = vbox
1883 try:
1884 print("Running VirtualBox version %s" % (vbox.version))
1885 except Exception as e:
1886 printErr(ctx, e)
1887 if g_fVerbose:
1888 traceback.print_exc()
1889 ctx['perf'] = ctx['global'].getPerfCollector(ctx['vb'])
1890 return 0
1892def disconnectCmd(ctx, args):
1893 if len(args) != 1:
1894 print("usage: disconnect")
1895 return 0
1897 if ctx['vb'] is None:
1898 print("Not connected yet.")
1899 return 0
1901 try:
1902 ctx['global'].platform.disconnect()
1903 except:
1904 ctx['vb'] = None
1905 raise
1907 ctx['vb'] = None
1908 return 0
1910def reconnectCmd(ctx, args):
1911 if ctx['wsinfo'] is None:
1912 print("Never connected...")
1913 return 0
1915 try:
1916 ctx['global'].platform.disconnect()
1917 except:
1918 pass
1920 [url, user, passwd] = ctx['wsinfo']
1921 ctx['vb'] = ctx['global'].platform.connect(url, user, passwd)
1922 try:
1923 print("Running VirtualBox version %s" % (ctx['vb'].version))
1924 except Exception as e:
1925 printErr(ctx, e)
1926 if g_fVerbose:
1927 traceback.print_exc()
1928 return 0
1930def exportVMCmd(ctx, args):
1931 if len(args) < 3:
1932 print("usage: exportVm <machine> <path> <format> <license>")
1933 return 0
1934 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
1935 if mach is None:
1936 return 0
1937 path = args[2]
1938 if len(args) > 3:
1939 fmt = args[3]
1940 else:
1941 fmt = "ovf-1.0"
1942 if len(args) > 4:
1943 lic = args[4]
1944 else:
1945 lic = "GPL"
1947 app = ctx['vb'].createAppliance()
1948 desc = mach.export(app)
1949 desc.addDescription(ctx['global'].constants.VirtualSystemDescriptionType_License, lic, "")
1950 progress = app.write(fmt, path)
1951 if (progressBar(ctx, progress) and int(progress.resultCode) == 0):
1952 print("Exported to %s in format %s" % (path, fmt))
1953 else:
1954 reportError(ctx, progress)
1955 return 0
1957# PC XT scancodes
1958scancodes = {
1959 'a': 0x1e,
1960 'b': 0x30,
1961 'c': 0x2e,
1962 'd': 0x20,
1963 'e': 0x12,
1964 'f': 0x21,
1965 'g': 0x22,
1966 'h': 0x23,
1967 'i': 0x17,
1968 'j': 0x24,
1969 'k': 0x25,
1970 'l': 0x26,
1971 'm': 0x32,
1972 'n': 0x31,
1973 'o': 0x18,
1974 'p': 0x19,
1975 'q': 0x10,
1976 'r': 0x13,
1977 's': 0x1f,
1978 't': 0x14,
1979 'u': 0x16,
1980 'v': 0x2f,
1981 'w': 0x11,
1982 'x': 0x2d,
1983 'y': 0x15,
1984 'z': 0x2c,
1985 '0': 0x0b,
1986 '1': 0x02,
1987 '2': 0x03,
1988 '3': 0x04,
1989 '4': 0x05,
1990 '5': 0x06,
1991 '6': 0x07,
1992 '7': 0x08,
1993 '8': 0x09,
1994 '9': 0x0a,
1995 ' ': 0x39,
1996 '-': 0xc,
1997 '=': 0xd,
1998 '[': 0x1a,
1999 ']': 0x1b,
2000 ';': 0x27,
2001 '\'': 0x28,
2002 ',': 0x33,
2003 '.': 0x34,
2004 '/': 0x35,
2005 '\t': 0xf,
2006 '\n': 0x1c,
2007 '`': 0x29
2010extScancodes = {
2011 'ESC' : [0x01],
2012 'BKSP': [0xe],
2013 'SPACE': [0x39],
2014 'TAB': [0x0f],
2015 'CAPS': [0x3a],
2016 'ENTER': [0x1c],
2017 'LSHIFT': [0x2a],
2018 'RSHIFT': [0x36],
2019 'INS': [0xe0, 0x52],
2020 'DEL': [0xe0, 0x53],
2021 'END': [0xe0, 0x4f],
2022 'HOME': [0xe0, 0x47],
2023 'PGUP': [0xe0, 0x49],
2024 'PGDOWN': [0xe0, 0x51],
2025 'LGUI': [0xe0, 0x5b], # GUI, aka Win, aka Apple key
2026 'RGUI': [0xe0, 0x5c],
2027 'LCTR': [0x1d],
2028 'RCTR': [0xe0, 0x1d],
2029 'LALT': [0x38],
2030 'RALT': [0xe0, 0x38],
2031 'APPS': [0xe0, 0x5d],
2032 'F1': [0x3b],
2033 'F2': [0x3c],
2034 'F3': [0x3d],
2035 'F4': [0x3e],
2036 'F5': [0x3f],
2037 'F6': [0x40],
2038 'F7': [0x41],
2039 'F8': [0x42],
2040 'F9': [0x43],
2041 'F10': [0x44 ],
2042 'F11': [0x57],
2043 'F12': [0x58],
2044 'UP': [0xe0, 0x48],
2045 'LEFT': [0xe0, 0x4b],
2046 'DOWN': [0xe0, 0x50],
2047 'RIGHT': [0xe0, 0x4d],
2050def keyDown(ch):
2051 code = scancodes.get(ch, 0x0)
2052 if code != 0:
2053 return [code]
2054 extCode = extScancodes.get(ch, [])
2055 if len(extCode) == 0:
2056 print("bad ext", ch)
2057 return extCode
2059def keyUp(ch):
2060 codes = keyDown(ch)[:] # make a copy
2061 if len(codes) > 0:
2062 codes[len(codes)-1] += 0x80
2063 return codes
2065def typeInGuest(console, text, delay):
2066 pressed = []
2067 group = False
2068 modGroupEnd = True
2069 i = 0
2070 kbd = console.keyboard
2071 while i < len(text):
2072 ch = text[i]
2073 i = i+1
2074 if ch == '{':
2075 # start group, all keys to be pressed at the same time
2076 group = True
2077 continue
2078 if ch == '}':
2079 # end group, release all keys
2080 for c in pressed:
2081 kbd.putScancodes(keyUp(c))
2082 pressed = []
2083 group = False
2084 continue
2085 if ch == 'W':
2086 # just wait a bit
2087 time.sleep(0.3)
2088 continue
2089 if ch == '^' or ch == '|' or ch == '$' or ch == '_':
2090 if ch == '^':
2091 ch = 'LCTR'
2092 if ch == '|':
2093 ch = 'LSHIFT'
2094 if ch == '_':
2095 ch = 'LALT'
2096 if ch == '$':
2097 ch = 'LGUI'
2098 if not group:
2099 modGroupEnd = False
2100 else:
2101 if ch == '\\':
2102 if i < len(text):
2103 ch = text[i]
2104 i = i+1
2105 if ch == 'n':
2106 ch = '\n'
2107 elif ch == '&':
2108 combo = ""
2109 while i < len(text):
2110 ch = text[i]
2111 i = i+1
2112 if ch == ';':
2113 break
2114 combo += ch
2115 ch = combo
2116 modGroupEnd = True
2117 kbd.putScancodes(keyDown(ch))
2118 pressed.insert(0, ch)
2119 if not group and modGroupEnd:
2120 for c in pressed:
2121 kbd.putScancodes(keyUp(c))
2122 pressed = []
2123 modGroupEnd = True
2124 time.sleep(delay)
2126def typeGuestCmd(ctx, args):
2127 if len(args) < 3:
2128 print("usage: typeGuest <machine> <text> <charDelay>")
2129 return 0
2130 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2131 if mach is None:
2132 return 0
2134 text = args[2]
2136 if len(args) > 3:
2137 delay = float(args[3])
2138 else:
2139 delay = 0.1
2141 gargs = [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: typeInGuest(console, text, delay)]
2142 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', gargs)
2144 return 0
2146def optId(verbose, uuid):
2147 if verbose:
2148 return ": "+uuid
2149 else:
2150 return ""
2152def asSize(val, inBytes):
2153 if inBytes:
2154 return int(val)/(1024*1024)
2155 else:
2156 return int(val)
2158def listMediaCmd(ctx, args):
2159 if len(args) > 1:
2160 verbose = int(args[1])
2161 else:
2162 verbose = False
2163 hdds = ctx['global'].getArray(ctx['vb'], 'hardDisks')
2164 print(colCat(ctx, "Hard disks:"))
2165 for hdd in hdds:
2166 if hdd.state != ctx['global'].constants.MediumState_Created:
2167 hdd.refreshState()
2168 print(" %s (%s)%s %s [logical %s]" % (colPath(ctx, hdd.location), hdd.format, optId(verbose,, colSizeM(ctx, asSize(hdd.size, True)), colSizeM(ctx, asSize(hdd.logicalSize, True))))
2170 dvds = ctx['global'].getArray(ctx['vb'], 'DVDImages')
2171 print(colCat(ctx, "CD/DVD disks:"))
2172 for dvd in dvds:
2173 if dvd.state != ctx['global'].constants.MediumState_Created:
2174 dvd.refreshState()
2175 print(" %s (%s)%s %s" % (colPath(ctx, dvd.location), dvd.format, optId(verbose,, colSizeM(ctx, asSize(dvd.size, True))))
2177 floppys = ctx['global'].getArray(ctx['vb'], 'floppyImages')
2178 print(colCat(ctx, "Floppy disks:"))
2179 for floppy in floppys:
2180 if floppy.state != ctx['global'].constants.MediumState_Created:
2181 floppy.refreshState()
2182 print(" %s (%s)%s %s" % (colPath(ctx, floppy.location), floppy.format, optId(verbose,, colSizeM(ctx, asSize(floppy.size, True))))
2184 return 0
2186def listUsbCmd(ctx, args):
2187 if len(args) > 1:
2188 print("usage: listUsb")
2189 return 0
2191 host = ctx['vb'].host
2192 for ud in ctx['global'].getArray(host, 'USBDevices'):
2193 printHostUsbDev(ctx, ud)
2195 return 0
2197def findDevOfType(ctx, mach, devtype):
2198 atts = ctx['global'].getArray(mach, 'mediumAttachments')
2199 for a in atts:
2200 if a.type == devtype:
2201 return [a.controller, a.port, a.device]
2202 return [None, 0, 0]
2204def createHddCmd(ctx, args):
2205 if len(args) < 3:
2206 print("usage: createHdd sizeM location type")
2207 return 0
2209 size = int(args[1])
2210 loc = args[2]
2211 if len(args) > 3:
2212 fmt = args[3]
2213 else:
2214 fmt = "vdi"
2216 hdd = ctx['vb'].createMedium(format, loc, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadWrite, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk)
2217 progress = hdd.createBaseStorage(size, (ctx['global'].constants.MediumVariant_Standard, ))
2218 if progressBar(ctx,progress) and
2219 print("created HDD at %s as %s" % (colPath(ctx,hdd.location),
2220 else:
2221 print("cannot create disk (file %s exist?)" % (loc))
2222 reportError(ctx,progress)
2223 return 0
2225 return 0
2227def registerHddCmd(ctx, args):
2228 if len(args) < 2:
2229 print("usage: registerHdd location")
2230 return 0
2232 vbox = ctx['vb']
2233 loc = args[1]
2234 setImageId = False
2235 imageId = ""
2236 setParentId = False
2237 parentId = ""
2238 hdd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadWrite, False)
2239 print("registered HDD as %s" % (
2240 return 0
2242def controldevice(ctx, mach, args):
2243 [ctr, port, slot, devtype, uuid] = args
2244 mach.attachDevice(ctr, port, slot, devtype, uuid)
2246def attachHddCmd(ctx, args):
2247 if len(args) < 3:
2248 print("usage: attachHdd vm hdd controller port:slot")
2249 return 0
2251 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2252 if mach is None:
2253 return 0
2254 vbox = ctx['vb']
2255 loc = args[2]
2256 try:
2257 hdd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadWrite, False)
2258 except:
2259 print("no HDD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2260 return 0
2261 if len(args) > 3:
2262 ctr = args[3]
2263 (port, slot) = args[4].split(":")
2264 else:
2265 [ctr, port, slot] = findDevOfType(ctx, mach, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk)
2267 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, args: mach.attachDevice(ctr, port, slot, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk,
2268 return 0
2270def detachVmDevice(ctx, mach, args):
2271 atts = ctx['global'].getArray(mach, 'mediumAttachments')
2272 hid = args[0]
2273 for a in atts:
2274 if a.medium:
2275 if hid == "ALL" or == hid:
2276 mach.detachDevice(a.controller, a.port, a.device)
2278def detachMedium(ctx, mid, medium):
2279 cmdClosedVm(ctx, machById(ctx, mid), detachVmDevice, [medium])
2281def detachHddCmd(ctx, args):
2282 if len(args) < 3:
2283 print("usage: detachHdd vm hdd")
2284 return 0
2286 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2287 if mach is None:
2288 return 0
2289 vbox = ctx['vb']
2290 loc = args[2]
2291 try:
2292 hdd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadWrite, False)
2293 except:
2294 print("no HDD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2295 return 0
2297 detachMedium(ctx,, hdd)
2298 return 0
2300def unregisterHddCmd(ctx, args):
2301 if len(args) < 2:
2302 print("usage: unregisterHdd path <vmunreg>")
2303 return 0
2305 vbox = ctx['vb']
2306 loc = args[1]
2307 if len(args) > 2:
2308 vmunreg = int(args[2])
2309 else:
2310 vmunreg = 0
2311 try:
2312 hdd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadWrite, False)
2313 except:
2314 print("no HDD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2315 return 0
2317 if vmunreg != 0:
2318 machs = ctx['global'].getArray(hdd, 'machineIds')
2319 try:
2320 for mach in machs:
2321 print("Trying to detach from %s" % (mach))
2322 detachMedium(ctx, mach, hdd)
2323 except Exception as e:
2324 print('failed: ', e)
2325 return 0
2326 hdd.close()
2327 return 0
2329def removeHddCmd(ctx, args):
2330 if len(args) != 2:
2331 print("usage: removeHdd path")
2332 return 0
2334 vbox = ctx['vb']
2335 loc = args[1]
2336 try:
2337 hdd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_HardDisk, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadWrite, False)
2338 except:
2339 print("no HDD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2340 return 0
2342 progress = hdd.deleteStorage()
2343 progressBar(ctx, progress)
2345 return 0
2347def registerIsoCmd(ctx, args):
2348 if len(args) < 2:
2349 print("usage: registerIso location")
2350 return 0
2352 vbox = ctx['vb']
2353 loc = args[1]
2354 iso = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False)
2355 print("registered ISO as %s" % (
2356 return 0
2358def unregisterIsoCmd(ctx, args):
2359 if len(args) != 2:
2360 print("usage: unregisterIso path")
2361 return 0
2363 vbox = ctx['vb']
2364 loc = args[1]
2365 try:
2366 dvd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False)
2367 except:
2368 print("no DVD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2369 return 0
2371 progress = dvd.close()
2372 print("Unregistered ISO at %s" % (colPath(ctx, loc)))
2374 return 0
2376def removeIsoCmd(ctx, args):
2377 if len(args) != 2:
2378 print("usage: removeIso path")
2379 return 0
2381 vbox = ctx['vb']
2382 loc = args[1]
2383 try:
2384 dvd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False)
2385 except:
2386 print("no DVD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2387 return 0
2389 progress = dvd.deleteStorage()
2390 if progressBar(ctx, progress):
2391 print("Removed ISO at %s" % (colPath(ctx, dvd.location)))
2392 else:
2393 reportError(ctx, progress)
2394 return 0
2396def attachIsoCmd(ctx, args):
2397 if len(args) < 3:
2398 print("usage: attachIso vm iso controller port:slot")
2399 return 0
2401 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2402 if mach is None:
2403 return 0
2404 vbox = ctx['vb']
2405 loc = args[2]
2406 try:
2407 dvd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False)
2408 except:
2409 print("no DVD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2410 return 0
2411 if len(args) > 3:
2412 ctr = args[3]
2413 (port, slot) = args[4].split(":")
2414 else:
2415 [ctr, port, slot] = findDevOfType(ctx, mach, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD)
2416 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, args: mach.attachDevice(ctr, port, slot, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD, dvd))
2417 return 0
2419def detachIsoCmd(ctx, args):
2420 if len(args) < 3:
2421 print("usage: detachIso vm iso")
2422 return 0
2424 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2425 if mach is None:
2426 return 0
2427 vbox = ctx['vb']
2428 loc = args[2]
2429 try:
2430 dvd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False)
2431 except:
2432 print("no DVD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2433 return 0
2435 detachMedium(ctx,, dvd)
2436 return 0
2438def mountIsoCmd(ctx, args):
2439 if len(args) < 3:
2440 print("usage: mountIso vm iso controller port:slot")
2441 return 0
2443 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2444 if mach is None:
2445 return 0
2446 vbox = ctx['vb']
2447 loc = args[2]
2448 try:
2449 dvd = vbox.openMedium(loc, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD, ctx['global'].constants.AccessMode_ReadOnly, False)
2450 except:
2451 print("no DVD with path %s registered" % (loc))
2452 return 0
2454 if len(args) > 3:
2455 ctr = args[3]
2456 (port, slot) = args[4].split(":")
2457 else:
2458 # autodetect controller and location, just find first controller with media == DVD
2459 [ctr, port, slot] = findDevOfType(ctx, mach, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD)
2461 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'mountiso', [ctr, port, slot, dvd, True])
2463 return 0
2465def unmountIsoCmd(ctx, args):
2466 if len(args) < 2:
2467 print("usage: unmountIso vm controller port:slot")
2468 return 0
2470 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2471 if mach is None:
2472 return 0
2473 vbox = ctx['vb']
2475 if len(args) > 3:
2476 ctr = args[2]
2477 (port, slot) = args[3].split(":")
2478 else:
2479 # autodetect controller and location, just find first controller with media == DVD
2480 [ctr, port, slot] = findDevOfType(ctx, mach, ctx['global'].constants.DeviceType_DVD)
2482 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'mountiso', [ctr, port, slot, None, True])
2484 return 0
2486def attachCtr(ctx, mach, args):
2487 [name, bus, ctrltype] = args
2488 ctr = mach.addStorageController(name, bus)
2489 if ctrltype != None:
2490 ctr.controllerType = ctrltype
2492def attachCtrCmd(ctx, args):
2493 if len(args) < 4:
2494 print("usage: attachCtr vm cname bus <type>")
2495 return 0
2497 if len(args) > 4:
2498 ctrltype = enumFromString(ctx, 'StorageControllerType', args[4])
2499 if ctrltype == None:
2500 print("Controller type %s unknown" % (args[4]))
2501 return 0
2502 else:
2503 ctrltype = None
2505 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2506 if mach is None:
2507 return 0
2508 bus = enumFromString(ctx, 'StorageBus', args[3])
2509 if bus is None:
2510 print("Bus type %s unknown" % (args[3]))
2511 return 0
2512 name = args[2]
2513 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, attachCtr, [name, bus, ctrltype])
2514 return 0
2516def detachCtrCmd(ctx, args):
2517 if len(args) < 3:
2518 print("usage: detachCtr vm name")
2519 return 0
2521 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2522 if mach is None:
2523 return 0
2524 ctr = args[2]
2525 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, args: mach.removeStorageController(ctr))
2526 return 0
2528def usbctr(ctx, mach, console, args):
2529 if args[0]:
2530 console.attachUSBDevice(args[1], "")
2531 else:
2532 console.detachUSBDevice(args[1])
2534def attachUsbCmd(ctx, args):
2535 if len(args) < 3:
2536 print("usage: attachUsb vm deviceuid")
2537 return 0
2539 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2540 if mach is None:
2541 return 0
2542 dev = args[2]
2543 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [usbctr, True, dev])
2544 return 0
2546def detachUsbCmd(ctx, args):
2547 if len(args) < 3:
2548 print("usage: detachUsb vm deviceuid")
2549 return 0
2551 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2552 if mach is None:
2553 return 0
2554 dev = args[2]
2555 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [usbctr, False, dev])
2556 return 0
2559def guiCmd(ctx, args):
2560 if len(args) > 1:
2561 print("usage: gui")
2562 return 0
2564 binDir = ctx['global'].getBinDir()
2566 vbox = os.path.join(binDir, 'VirtualBox')
2567 try:
2568 os.system(vbox)
2569 except KeyboardInterrupt:
2570 # to allow interruption
2571 pass
2572 return 0
2574def shareFolderCmd(ctx, args):
2575 if len(args) < 4:
2576 print("usage: shareFolder vm path name <writable> <persistent>")
2577 return 0
2579 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2580 if mach is None:
2581 return 0
2582 path = args[2]
2583 name = args[3]
2584 writable = False
2585 persistent = False
2586 if len(args) > 4:
2587 for a in args[4:]:
2588 if a == 'writable':
2589 writable = True
2590 if a == 'persistent':
2591 persistent = True
2592 if persistent:
2593 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, args: mach.createSharedFolder(name, path, writable), [])
2594 else:
2595 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: console.createSharedFolder(name, path, writable)])
2596 return 0
2598def unshareFolderCmd(ctx, args):
2599 if len(args) < 3:
2600 print("usage: unshareFolder vm name")
2601 return 0
2603 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2604 if mach is None:
2605 return 0
2606 name = args[2]
2607 found = False
2608 for sf in ctx['global'].getArray(mach, 'sharedFolders'):
2609 if == name:
2610 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, args: mach.removeSharedFolder(name), [])
2611 found = True
2612 break
2613 if not found:
2614 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: console.removeSharedFolder(name)])
2615 return 0
2618def snapshotCmd(ctx, args):
2619 if (len(args) < 2 or args[1] == 'help'):
2620 print("Take snapshot: snapshot vm take name <description>")
2621 print("Restore snapshot: snapshot vm restore name")
2622 print("Merge snapshot: snapshot vm merge name")
2623 return 0
2625 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
2626 if mach is None:
2627 return 0
2628 cmd = args[2]
2629 if cmd == 'take':
2630 if len(args) < 4:
2631 print("usage: snapshot vm take name <description>")
2632 return 0
2633 name = args[3]
2634 if len(args) > 4:
2635 desc = args[4]
2636 else:
2637 desc = ""
2638 cmdAnyVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, console, args: progressBar(ctx, mach.takeSnapshot(name, desc, True)[0]))
2639 return 0
2641 if cmd == 'restore':
2642 if len(args) < 4:
2643 print("usage: snapshot vm restore name")
2644 return 0
2645 name = args[3]
2646 snap = mach.findSnapshot(name)
2647 cmdAnyVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, console, args: progressBar(ctx, mach.restoreSnapshot(snap)))
2648 return 0
2650 if cmd == 'restorecurrent':
2651 if len(args) < 4:
2652 print("usage: snapshot vm restorecurrent")
2653 return 0
2654 snap = mach.currentSnapshot()
2655 cmdAnyVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, console, args: progressBar(ctx, mach.restoreSnapshot(snap)))
2656 return 0
2658 if cmd == 'delete':
2659 if len(args) < 4:
2660 print("usage: snapshot vm delete name")
2661 return 0
2662 name = args[3]
2663 snap = mach.findSnapshot(name)
2664 cmdAnyVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, console, args: progressBar(ctx, mach.deleteSnapshot(
2665 return 0
2667 print("Command '%s' is unknown" % (cmd))
2668 return 0
2670def natAlias(ctx, mach, nicnum, nat, args=[]):
2671 """This command shows/alters NAT's alias settings.
2672 usage: nat <vm> <nicnum> alias [default|[log] [proxyonly] [sameports]]
2673 default - set settings to default values
2674 log - switch on alias logging
2675 proxyonly - switch proxyonly mode on
2676 sameports - enforces NAT using the same ports
2677 """
2678 alias = {
2679 'log': 0x1,
2680 'proxyonly': 0x2,
2681 'sameports': 0x4
2682 }
2683 if len(args) == 1:
2684 first = 0
2685 msg = ''
2686 for aliasmode, aliaskey in list(alias.items()):
2687 if first == 0:
2688 first = 1
2689 else:
2690 msg += ', '
2691 if int(nat.aliasMode) & aliaskey:
2692 msg += '%s: %s' % (aliasmode, 'on')
2693 else:
2694 msg += '%s: %s' % (aliasmode, 'off')
2695 return (0, [msg])
2696 else:
2697 nat.aliasMode = 0
2698 if 'default' not in args:
2699 for a in range(1, len(args)):
2700 if args[a] not in alias:
2701 print('Invalid alias mode: ' + args[a])
2702 print(natAlias.__doc__)
2703 return (1, None)
2704 nat.aliasMode = int(nat.aliasMode) | alias[args[a]]
2705 return (0, None)
2707def natSettings(ctx, mach, nicnum, nat, args):
2708 """This command shows/alters NAT settings.
2709 usage: nat <vm> <nicnum> settings [<mtu> [[<socsndbuf> <sockrcvbuf> [<tcpsndwnd> <tcprcvwnd>]]]]
2710 mtu - set mtu <= 16000
2711 socksndbuf/sockrcvbuf - sets amount of kb for socket sending/receiving buffer
2712 tcpsndwnd/tcprcvwnd - sets size of initial tcp sending/receiving window
2713 """
2714 if len(args) == 1:
2715 (mtu, socksndbuf, sockrcvbuf, tcpsndwnd, tcprcvwnd) = nat.getNetworkSettings()
2716 if mtu == 0: mtu = 1500
2717 if socksndbuf == 0: socksndbuf = 64
2718 if sockrcvbuf == 0: sockrcvbuf = 64
2719 if tcpsndwnd == 0: tcpsndwnd = 64
2720 if tcprcvwnd == 0: tcprcvwnd = 64
2721 msg = 'mtu:%s socket(snd:%s, rcv:%s) tcpwnd(snd:%s, rcv:%s)' % (mtu, socksndbuf, sockrcvbuf, tcpsndwnd, tcprcvwnd)
2722 return (0, [msg])
2723 else:
2724 if args[1] < 16000:
2725 print('invalid mtu value (%s not in range [65 - 16000])' % (args[1]))
2726 return (1, None)
2727 for i in range(2, len(args)):
2728 if not args[i].isdigit() or int(args[i]) < 8 or int(args[i]) > 1024:
2729 print('invalid %s parameter (%i not in range [8-1024])' % (i, args[i]))
2730 return (1, None)
2731 a = [args[1]]
2732 if len(args) < 6:
2733 for i in range(2, len(args)): a.append(args[i])
2734 for i in range(len(args), 6): a.append(0)
2735 else:
2736 for i in range(2, len(args)): a.append(args[i])
2737 #print(a)
2738 nat.setNetworkSettings(int(a[0]), int(a[1]), int(a[2]), int(a[3]), int(a[4]))
2739 return (0, None)
2741def natDns(ctx, mach, nicnum, nat, args):
2742 """This command shows/alters DNS's NAT settings
2743 usage: nat <vm> <nicnum> dns [passdomain] [proxy] [usehostresolver]
2744 passdomain - enforces builtin DHCP server to pass domain
2745 proxy - switch on builtin NAT DNS proxying mechanism
2746 usehostresolver - proxies all DNS requests to Host Resolver interface
2747 """
2748 yesno = {0: 'off', 1: 'on'}
2749 if len(args) == 1:
2750 msg = 'passdomain:%s, proxy:%s, usehostresolver:%s' % (yesno[int(nat.DNSPassDomain)], yesno[int(nat.DNSProxy)], yesno[int(nat.DNSUseHostResolver)])
2751 return (0, [msg])
2752 else:
2753 nat.DNSPassDomain = 'passdomain' in args
2754 nat.DNSProxy = 'proxy' in args
2755 nat.DNSUseHostResolver = 'usehostresolver' in args
2756 return (0, None)
2758def natTftp(ctx, mach, nicnum, nat, args):
2759 """This command shows/alters TFTP settings
2760 usage nat <vm> <nicnum> tftp [prefix <prefix>| bootfile <bootfile>| server <server>]
2761 prefix - alters prefix TFTP settings
2762 bootfile - alters bootfile TFTP settings
2763 server - sets booting server
2764 """
2765 if len(args) == 1:
2766 server = nat.TFTPNextServer
2767 if server is None:
2768 server =
2769 if server is None:
2770 server = '10.0.%d/24' % (int(nicnum) + 2)
2771 (server, mask) = server.split('/')
2772 while server.count('.') != 3:
2773 server += '.0'
2774 (a, b, c, d) = server.split('.')
2775 server = '%d.%d.%d.4' % (a, b, c)
2776 prefix = nat.TFTPPrefix
2777 if prefix is None:
2778 prefix = '%s/TFTP/' % (ctx['vb'].homeFolder)
2779 bootfile = nat.TFTPBootFile
2780 if bootfile is None:
2781 bootfile = '%s.pxe' % (
2782 msg = 'server:%s, prefix:%s, bootfile:%s' % (server, prefix, bootfile)
2783 return (0, [msg])
2784 else:
2786 cmd = args[1]
2787 if len(args) != 3:
2788 print('invalid args:', args)
2789 print(natTftp.__doc__)
2790 return (1, None)
2791 if cmd == 'prefix': nat.TFTPPrefix = args[2]
2792 elif cmd == 'bootfile': nat.TFTPBootFile = args[2]
2793 elif cmd == 'server': nat.TFTPNextServer = args[2]
2794 else:
2795 print("invalid cmd:", cmd)
2796 return (1, None)
2797 return (0, None)
2799def natPortForwarding(ctx, mach, nicnum, nat, args):
2800 """This command shows/manages port-forwarding settings
2801 usage:
2802 nat <vm> <nicnum> <pf> [ simple tcp|udp <hostport> <guestport>]
2803 |[no_name tcp|udp <hostip> <hostport> <guestip> <guestport>]
2804 |[ex tcp|udp <pf-name> <hostip> <hostport> <guestip> <guestport>]
2805 |[delete <pf-name>]
2806 """
2807 if len(args) == 1:
2808 # note: keys/values are swapped in defining part of the function
2809 proto = {0: 'udp', 1: 'tcp'}
2810 msg = []
2811 pfs = ctx['global'].getArray(nat, 'redirects')
2812 for pf in pfs:
2813 (pfnme, pfp, pfhip, pfhp, pfgip, pfgp) = str(pf).split(', ')
2814 msg.append('%s: %s %s:%s => %s:%s' % (pfnme, proto[int(pfp)], pfhip, pfhp, pfgip, pfgp))
2815 return (0, msg) # msg is array
2816 else:
2817 proto = {'udp': 0, 'tcp': 1}
2818 pfcmd = {
2819 'simple': {
2820 'validate': lambda: args[1] in list(pfcmd.keys()) and args[2] in list(proto.keys()) and len(args) == 5,
2821 'func':lambda: nat.addRedirect('', proto[args[2]], '', int(args[3]), '', int(args[4]))
2822 },
2823 'no_name': {
2824 'validate': lambda: args[1] in list(pfcmd.keys()) and args[2] in list(proto.keys()) and len(args) == 7,
2825 'func': lambda: nat.addRedirect('', proto[args[2]], args[3], int(args[4]), args[5], int(args[6]))
2826 },
2827 'ex': {
2828 'validate': lambda: args[1] in list(pfcmd.keys()) and args[2] in list(proto.keys()) and len(args) == 8,
2829 'func': lambda: nat.addRedirect(args[3], proto[args[2]], args[4], int(args[5]), args[6], int(args[7]))
2830 },
2831 'delete': {
2832 'validate': lambda: len(args) == 3,
2833 'func': lambda: nat.removeRedirect(args[2])
2834 }
2835 }
2837 if not pfcmd[args[1]]['validate']():
2838 print('invalid port-forwarding or args of sub command ', args[1])
2839 print(natPortForwarding.__doc__)
2840 return (1, None)
2842 a = pfcmd[args[1]]['func']()
2843 return (0, None)
2845def natNetwork(ctx, mach, nicnum, nat, args):
2846 """This command shows/alters NAT network settings
2847 usage: nat <vm> <nicnum> network [<network>]
2848 """
2849 if len(args) == 1:
2850 if is not None and len(str( != 0:
2851 msg = '\'%s\'' % (
2852 else:
2853 msg = '10.0.%d.0/24' % (int(nicnum) + 2)
2854 return (0, [msg])
2855 else:
2856 (addr, mask) = args[1].split('/')
2857 if addr.count('.') > 3 or int(mask) < 0 or int(mask) > 32:
2858 print('Invalid arguments')
2859 return (1, None)
2860 = args[1]
2861 return (0, None)
2863def natCmd(ctx, args):
2864 """This command is entry point to NAT settins management
2865 usage: nat <vm> <nicnum> <cmd> <cmd-args>
2866 cmd - [alias|settings|tftp|dns|pf|network]
2867 for more information about commands:
2868 nat help <cmd>
2869 """
2871 natcommands = {
2872 'alias' : natAlias,
2873 'settings' : natSettings,
2874 'tftp': natTftp,
2875 'dns': natDns,
2876 'pf': natPortForwarding,
2877 'network': natNetwork
2878 }
2880 if len(args) < 2 or args[1] == 'help':
2881 if len(args) > 2:
2882 print(natcommands[args[2]].__doc__)
2883 else:
2884 print(natCmd.__doc__)
2885 return 0
2886 if len(args) == 1 or len(args) < 4 or args[3] not in natcommands:
2887 print(natCmd.__doc__)
2888 return 0
2889 mach = ctx['argsToMach'](args)
2890 if mach == None:
2891 print("please specify vm")
2892 return 0
2893 if len(args) < 3 or not args[2].isdigit() or int(args[2]) not in list(range(0, ctx['vb'].systemProperties.getMaxNetworkAdapters(mach.chipsetType))):
2894 print('please specify adapter num %d isn\'t in range [0-%d]' % (args[2], ctx['vb'].systemProperties.getMaxNetworkAdapters(mach.chipsetType)))
2895 return 0
2896 nicnum = int(args[2])
2897 cmdargs = []
2898 for i in range(3, len(args)):
2899 cmdargs.append(args[i])
2901 # @todo vvl if nicnum is missed but command is entered
2902 # use NAT func for every adapter on machine.
2903 func = args[3]
2904 rosession = 1
2905 session = None
2906 if len(cmdargs) > 1:
2907 rosession = 0
2908 session = ctx['global'].openMachineSession(mach, False)
2909 mach = session.machine
2911 adapter = mach.getNetworkAdapter(nicnum)
2912 natEngine = adapter.NATEngine
2913 (rc, report) = natcommands[func](ctx, mach, nicnum, natEngine, cmdargs)
2914 if rosession == 0:
2915 if rc == 0:
2916 mach.saveSettings()
2917 session.unlockMachine()
2918 elif report is not None:
2919 for r in report:
2920 msg ='%s nic%d %s: %s' % (, nicnum, func, r)
2921 print(msg)
2922 return 0
2924def nicSwitchOnOff(adapter, attr, args):
2925 if len(args) == 1:
2926 yesno = {0: 'off', 1: 'on'}
2927 r = yesno[int(adapter.__getattr__(attr))]
2928 return (0, r)
2929 else:
2930 yesno = {'off' : 0, 'on' : 1}
2931 if args[1] not in yesno:
2932 print('%s isn\'t acceptable, please choose %s' % (args[1], list(yesno.keys())))
2933 return (1, None)
2934 adapter.__setattr__(attr, yesno[args[1]])
2935 return (0, None)
2937def nicTraceSubCmd(ctx, vm, nicnum, adapter, args):
2938 '''
2939 usage: nic <vm> <nicnum> trace [on|off [file]]
2940 '''
2941 (rc, r) = nicSwitchOnOff(adapter, 'traceEnabled', args)
2942 if len(args) == 1 and rc == 0:
2943 r = '%s file:%s' % (r, adapter.traceFile)
2944 return (0, r)
2945 elif len(args) == 3 and rc == 0:
2946 adapter.traceFile = args[2]
2947 return (0, None)
2949def nicLineSpeedSubCmd(ctx, vm, nicnum, adapter, args):
2950 if len(args) == 1:
2951 r = '%d kbps'% (adapter.lineSpeed)
2952 return (0, r)
2953 else:
2954 if not args[1].isdigit():
2955 print('%s isn\'t a number' % (args[1]))
2956 return (1, None)
2957 adapter.lineSpeed = int(args[1])
2958 return (0, None)
2960def nicCableSubCmd(ctx, vm, nicnum, adapter, args):
2961 '''
2962 usage: nic <vm> <nicnum> cable [on|off]
2963 '''
2964 return nicSwitchOnOff(adapter, 'cableConnected', args)
2966def nicEnableSubCmd(ctx, vm, nicnum, adapter, args):
2967 '''
2968 usage: nic <vm> <nicnum> enable [on|off]
2969 '''
2970 return nicSwitchOnOff(adapter, 'enabled', args)
2972def nicTypeSubCmd(ctx, vm, nicnum, adapter, args):
2973 '''
2974 usage: nic <vm> <nicnum> type [Am79c970A|Am79c970A|I82540EM|I82545EM|I82543GC|Virtio]
2975 '''
2976 if len(args) == 1:
2977 nictypes = ctx['const'].all_values('NetworkAdapterType')
2978 for key in list(nictypes.keys()):
2979 if str(adapter.adapterType) == str(nictypes[key]):
2980 return (0, str(key))
2981 return (1, None)
2982 else:
2983 nictypes = ctx['const'].all_values('NetworkAdapterType')
2984 if args[1] not in list(nictypes.keys()):
2985 print('%s not in acceptable values (%s)' % (args[1], list(nictypes.keys())))
2986 return (1, None)
2987 adapter.adapterType = nictypes[args[1]]
2988 return (0, None)
2990def nicAttachmentSubCmd(ctx, vm, nicnum, adapter, args):
2991 '''
2992 usage: nic <vm> <nicnum> attachment [Null|NAT|Bridged <interface>|Internal <name>|HostOnly <interface>
2993 '''
2994 if len(args) == 1:
2995 nicAttachmentType = {
2996 ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_Null: ('Null', ''),
2997 ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT: ('NAT', ''),
2998 ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged: ('Bridged', adapter.bridgedInterface),
2999 ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_Internal: ('Internal', adapter.internalNetwork),
3000 ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly: ('HostOnly', adapter.hostOnlyInterface),
3001 # @todo show details of the generic network attachment type
3002 ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_Generic: ('Generic', ''),
3003 }
3004 if type(adapter.attachmentType) != int:
3005 t = str(adapter.attachmentType)
3006 else:
3007 t = adapter.attachmentType
3008 (r, p) = nicAttachmentType[t]
3009 return (0, 'attachment:%s, name:%s' % (r, p))
3010 else:
3011 nicAttachmentType = {
3012 'Null': {
3013 'v': lambda: len(args) == 2,
3014 'p': lambda: 'do nothing',
3015 'f': lambda: ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_Null},
3016 'NAT': {
3017 'v': lambda: len(args) == 2,
3018 'p': lambda: 'do nothing',
3019 'f': lambda: ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_NAT},
3020 'Bridged': {
3021 'v': lambda: len(args) == 3,
3022 'p': lambda: adapter.__setattr__('bridgedInterface', args[2]),
3023 'f': lambda: ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_Bridged},
3024 'Internal': {
3025 'v': lambda: len(args) == 3,
3026 'p': lambda: adapter.__setattr__('internalNetwork', args[2]),
3027 'f': lambda: ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_Internal},
3028 'HostOnly': {
3029 'v': lambda: len(args) == 2,
3030 'p': lambda: adapter.__setattr__('hostOnlyInterface', args[2]),
3031 'f': lambda: ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_HostOnly},
3032 # @todo implement setting the properties of a generic attachment
3033 'Generic': {
3034 'v': lambda: len(args) == 3,
3035 'p': lambda: 'do nothing',
3036 'f': lambda: ctx['global'].constants.NetworkAttachmentType_Generic}
3037 }
3038 if args[1] not in list(nicAttachmentType.keys()):
3039 print('%s not in acceptable values (%s)' % (args[1], list(nicAttachmentType.keys())))
3040 return (1, None)
3041 if not nicAttachmentType[args[1]]['v']():
3042 print(nicAttachmentType.__doc__)
3043 return (1, None)
3044 nicAttachmentType[args[1]]['p']()
3045 adapter.attachmentType = nicAttachmentType[args[1]]['f']()
3046 return (0, None)
3048def nicCmd(ctx, args):
3049 '''
3050 This command to manage network adapters
3051 usage: nic <vm> <nicnum> <cmd> <cmd-args>
3052 where cmd : attachment, trace, linespeed, cable, enable, type
3053 '''
3054 # 'command name':{'runtime': is_callable_at_runtime, 'op': function_name}
3055 niccomand = {
3056 'attachment': nicAttachmentSubCmd,
3057 'trace': nicTraceSubCmd,
3058 'linespeed': nicLineSpeedSubCmd,
3059 'cable': nicCableSubCmd,
3060 'enable': nicEnableSubCmd,
3061 'type': nicTypeSubCmd
3062 }
3063 if len(args) < 2 \
3064 or args[1] == 'help' \
3065 or (len(args) > 2 and args[3] not in niccomand):
3066 if len(args) == 3 \
3067 and args[2] in niccomand:
3068 print(niccomand[args[2]].__doc__)
3069 else:
3070 print(nicCmd.__doc__)
3071 return 0
3073 vm = ctx['argsToMach'](args)
3074 if vm is None:
3075 print('please specify vm')
3076 return 0
3078 if len(args) < 3 \
3079 or int(args[2]) not in list(range(0, ctx['vb'].systemProperties.getMaxNetworkAdapters(vm.chipsetType))):
3080 print('please specify adapter num %d isn\'t in range [0-%d]'% (args[2], ctx['vb'].systemProperties.getMaxNetworkAdapters(vm.chipsetType)))
3081 return 0
3082 nicnum = int(args[2])
3083 cmdargs = args[3:]
3084 func = args[3]
3085 session = None
3086 session = ctx['global'].openMachineSession(vm)
3087 vm = session.machine
3088 adapter = vm.getNetworkAdapter(nicnum)
3089 (rc, report) = niccomand[func](ctx, vm, nicnum, adapter, cmdargs)
3090 if rc == 0:
3091 vm.saveSettings()
3092 if report is not None:
3093 print('%s nic %d %s: %s' % (, nicnum, args[3], report))
3094 session.unlockMachine()
3095 return 0
3098def promptCmd(ctx, args):
3099 if len(args) < 2:
3100 print("Current prompt: '%s'" % (ctx['prompt']))
3101 return 0
3103 ctx['prompt'] = args[1]
3104 return 0
3106def foreachCmd(ctx, args):
3107 if len(args) < 3:
3108 print("usage: foreach scope command, where scope is XPath-like expression //vms/vm[@CPUCount='2']")
3109 return 0
3111 scope = args[1]
3112 cmd = args[2]
3113 elems = eval_xpath(ctx, scope)
3114 try:
3115 for e in elems:
3116 e.apply(cmd)
3117 except:
3118 print("Error executing")
3119 traceback.print_exc()
3120 return 0
3122def foreachvmCmd(ctx, args):
3123 if len(args) < 2:
3124 print("foreachvm command <args>")
3125 return 0
3126 cmdargs = args[1:]
3127 cmdargs.insert(1, '')
3128 for mach in getMachines(ctx):
3129 cmdargs[1] =
3130 runCommandArgs(ctx, cmdargs)
3131 return 0
3133def recordDemoCmd(ctx, args):
3134 if len(args) < 3:
3135 print("usage: recordDemo vm filename (duration)")
3136 return 0
3137 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
3138 if mach == None:
3139 return 0
3140 filename = args[2]
3141 dur = 10000
3142 if len(args) > 3:
3143 dur = float(args[3])
3144 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: recordDemo(ctx, console, filename, dur)])
3145 return 0
3147def playbackDemoCmd(ctx, args):
3148 if len(args) < 3:
3149 print("usage: playbackDemo vm filename (duration)")
3150 return 0
3151 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
3152 if mach == None:
3153 return 0
3154 filename = args[2]
3155 dur = 10000
3156 if len(args) > 3:
3157 dur = float(args[3])
3158 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: playbackDemo(ctx, console, filename, dur)])
3159 return 0
3162def pciAddr(ctx, addr):
3163 strg = "%02x:%02x.%d" % (addr >> 8, (addr & 0xff) >> 3, addr & 7)
3164 return colPci(ctx, strg)
3166def lspci(ctx, console):
3167 assigned = ctx['global'].getArray(console.machine, 'PCIDeviceAssignments')
3168 for a in assigned:
3169 if a.isPhysicalDevice:
3170 print("%s: assigned host device %s guest %s" % (colDev(ctx,, pciAddr(ctx, a.hostAddress), pciAddr(ctx, a.guestAddress)))
3172 atts = ctx['global'].getArray(console, 'attachedPCIDevices')
3173 for a in atts:
3174 if a.isPhysicalDevice:
3175 print("%s: physical, guest %s, host %s" % (colDev(ctx,, pciAddr(ctx, a.guestAddress), pciAddr(ctx, a.hostAddress)))
3176 else:
3177 print("%s: virtual, guest %s" % (colDev(ctx,, pciAddr(ctx, a.guestAddress)))
3178 return
3180def parsePci(strg):
3181 pcire = re.compile(r'(?P<b>[0-9a-fA-F]+):(?P<d>[0-9a-fA-F]+)\.(?P<f>\d)')
3182 match =
3183 if match is None:
3184 return -1
3185 pdict = match.groupdict()
3186 return ((int(pdict['b'], 16)) << 8) | ((int(pdict['d'], 16)) << 3) | int(pdict['f'])
3188def lspciCmd(ctx, args):
3189 if len(args) < 2:
3190 print("usage: lspci vm")
3191 return 0
3192 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
3193 if mach == None:
3194 return 0
3195 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', [lambda ctx, mach, console, args: lspci(ctx, console)])
3196 return 0
3198def attachpciCmd(ctx, args):
3199 if len(args) < 3:
3200 print("usage: attachpci vm hostpci <guestpci>")
3201 return 0
3202 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
3203 if mach == None:
3204 return 0
3205 hostaddr = parsePci(args[2])
3206 if hostaddr == -1:
3207 print("invalid host PCI %s, accepted format 01:02.3 for bus 1, device 2, function 3" % (args[2]))
3208 return 0
3210 if len(args) > 3:
3211 guestaddr = parsePci(args[3])
3212 if guestaddr == -1:
3213 print("invalid guest PCI %s, accepted format 01:02.3 for bus 1, device 2, function 3" % (args[3]))
3214 return 0
3215 else:
3216 guestaddr = hostaddr
3217 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, a: mach.attachHostPCIDevice(hostaddr, guestaddr, True))
3218 return 0
3220def detachpciCmd(ctx, args):
3221 if len(args) < 3:
3222 print("usage: detachpci vm hostpci")
3223 return 0
3224 mach = argsToMach(ctx, args)
3225 if mach == None:
3226 return 0
3227 hostaddr = parsePci(args[2])
3228 if hostaddr == -1:
3229 print("invalid host PCI %s, accepted format 01:02.3 for bus 1, device 2, function 3" % (args[2]))
3230 return 0
3232 cmdClosedVm(ctx, mach, lambda ctx, mach, a: mach.detachHostPCIDevice(hostaddr))
3233 return 0
3235def gotoCmd(ctx, args):
3236 if len(args) < 2:
3237 print("usage: goto line")
3238 return 0
3240 line = int(args[1])
3242 ctx['scriptLine'] = line
3244 return 0
3246aliases = {'s':'start',
3247 'i':'info',
3248 'l':'list',
3249 'h':'help',
3250 'a':'alias',
3251 'q':'quit', 'exit':'quit',
3252 'tg': 'typeGuest',
3253 'v':'verbose'}
3255commands = {'help':['Prints help information', helpCmd, 0],
3256 'start':['Start virtual machine by name or uuid: start Linux headless', startCmd, 0],
3257 'createVm':['Create virtual machine: createVm macvm MacOS', createVmCmd, 0],
3258 'removeVm':['Remove virtual machine', removeVmCmd, 0],
3259 'pause':['Pause virtual machine', pauseCmd, 0],
3260 'resume':['Resume virtual machine', resumeCmd, 0],
3261 'save':['Save execution state of virtual machine', saveCmd, 0],
3262 'stats':['Stats for virtual machine', statsCmd, 0],
3263 'powerdown':['Power down virtual machine', powerdownCmd, 0],
3264 'powerbutton':['Effectively press power button', powerbuttonCmd, 0],
3265 'list':['Shows known virtual machines', listCmd, 0],
3266 'info':['Shows info on machine', infoCmd, 0],
3267 'ginfo':['Shows info on guest', ginfoCmd, 0],
3268 'gexec':['Executes program in the guest', gexecCmd, 0],
3269 'gcopy':['Copy file to the guest', gcopyCmd, 0],
3270 'gpipe':['Pipe between host and guest', gpipeCmd, 0],
3271 'alias':['Control aliases', aliasCmd, 0],
3272 'verbose':['Toggle verbosity', verboseCmd, 0],
3273 'setvar':['Set VMs variable: setvar Fedora BIOSSettings.ACPIEnabled True', setvarCmd, 0],
3274 'eval':['Evaluate arbitrary Python construction: eval \'for m in getMachines(ctx): print(, "has", m.memorySize, "M")\'', evalCmd, 0],
3275 'quit':['Exits', quitCmd, 0],
3276 'host':['Show host information', hostCmd, 0],
3277 'guest':['Execute command for guest: guest Win32 \'console.mouse.putMouseEvent(20, 20, 0, 0, 0)\'', guestCmd, 0],
3278 'monitorGuest':['Monitor what happens with the guest for some time: monitorGuest Win32 10', monitorGuestCmd, 0],
3279 'monitorGuestKbd':['Monitor guest keyboard for some time: monitorGuestKbd Win32 10', monitorGuestKbdCmd, 0],
3280 'monitorGuestMouse':['Monitor guest mouse for some time: monitorGuestMouse Win32 10', monitorGuestMouseCmd, 0],
3281 'monitorGuestMultiTouch':['Monitor guest touch screen for some time: monitorGuestMultiTouch Win32 10', monitorGuestMultiTouchCmd, 0],
3282 'monitorVBox':['Monitor what happens with Virtual Box for some time: monitorVBox 10', monitorVBoxCmd, 0],
3283 'portForward':['Setup permanent port forwarding for a VM, takes adapter number host port and guest port: portForward Win32 0 8080 80', portForwardCmd, 0],
3284 'showLog':['Show log file of the VM, : showLog Win32', showLogCmd, 0],
3285 'findLog':['Show entries matching pattern in log file of the VM, : findLog Win32 PDM|CPUM', findLogCmd, 0],
3286 'findAssert':['Find assert in log file of the VM, : findAssert Win32', findAssertCmd, 0],
3287 'reloadExt':['Reload custom extensions: reloadExt', reloadExtCmd, 0],
3288 'runScript':['Run VBox script: runScript script.vbox', runScriptCmd, 0],
3289 'sleep':['Sleep for specified number of seconds: sleep 3.14159', sleepCmd, 0],
3290 'shell':['Execute external shell command: shell "ls /etc/rc*"', shellCmd, 0],
3291 'exportVm':['Export VM in OVF format: exportVm Win /tmp/win.ovf', exportVMCmd, 0],
3292 'screenshot':['Take VM screenshot to a file: screenshot Win /tmp/win.png 1024 768 0', screenshotCmd, 0],
3293 'teleport':['Teleport VM to another box (see openportal): teleport Win anotherhost:8000 <passwd> <maxDowntime>', teleportCmd, 0],
3294 'typeGuest':['Type arbitrary text in guest: typeGuest Linux "^lls\\n&UP;&BKSP;ess /etc/hosts\\nq^c" 0.7', typeGuestCmd, 0],
3295 'openportal':['Open portal for teleportation of VM from another box (see teleport): openportal Win 8000 <passwd>', openportalCmd, 0],
3296 'closeportal':['Close teleportation portal (see openportal, teleport): closeportal Win', closeportalCmd, 0],
3297 'getextra':['Get extra data, empty key lists all: getextra <vm|global> <key>', getExtraDataCmd, 0],
3298 'setextra':['Set extra data, empty value removes key: setextra <vm|global> <key> <value>', setExtraDataCmd, 0],
3299 'gueststats':['Print available guest stats (only Windows guests with additions so far): gueststats Win32', gueststatsCmd, 0],
3300 'plugcpu':['Add a CPU to a running VM: plugcpu Win 1', plugcpuCmd, 0],
3301 'unplugcpu':['Remove a CPU from a running VM (additions required, Windows cannot unplug): unplugcpu Linux 1', unplugcpuCmd, 0],
3302 'createHdd': ['Create virtual HDD: createHdd 1000 /disk.vdi ', createHddCmd, 0],
3303 'removeHdd': ['Permanently remove virtual HDD: removeHdd /disk.vdi', removeHddCmd, 0],
3304 'registerHdd': ['Register HDD image with VirtualBox instance: registerHdd /disk.vdi', registerHddCmd, 0],
3305 'unregisterHdd': ['Unregister HDD image with VirtualBox instance: unregisterHdd /disk.vdi', unregisterHddCmd, 0],
3306 'attachHdd': ['Attach HDD to the VM: attachHdd win /disk.vdi "IDE Controller" 0:1', attachHddCmd, 0],
3307 'detachHdd': ['Detach HDD from the VM: detachHdd win /disk.vdi', detachHddCmd, 0],
3308 'registerIso': ['Register CD/DVD image with VirtualBox instance: registerIso /os.iso', registerIsoCmd, 0],
3309 'unregisterIso': ['Unregister CD/DVD image with VirtualBox instance: unregisterIso /os.iso', unregisterIsoCmd, 0],
3310 'removeIso': ['Permanently remove CD/DVD image: removeIso /os.iso', removeIsoCmd, 0],
3311 'attachIso': ['Attach CD/DVD to the VM: attachIso win /os.iso "IDE Controller" 0:1', attachIsoCmd, 0],
3312 'detachIso': ['Detach CD/DVD from the VM: detachIso win /os.iso', detachIsoCmd, 0],
3313 'mountIso': ['Mount CD/DVD to the running VM: mountIso win /os.iso "IDE Controller" 0:1', mountIsoCmd, 0],
3314 'unmountIso': ['Unmount CD/DVD from running VM: unmountIso win "IDE Controller" 0:1', unmountIsoCmd, 0],
3315 'attachCtr': ['Attach storage controller to the VM: attachCtr win Ctr0 IDE ICH6', attachCtrCmd, 0],
3316 'detachCtr': ['Detach HDD from the VM: detachCtr win Ctr0', detachCtrCmd, 0],
3317 'attachUsb': ['Attach USB device to the VM (use listUsb to show available devices): attachUsb win uuid', attachUsbCmd, 0],
3318 'detachUsb': ['Detach USB device from the VM: detachUsb win uuid', detachUsbCmd, 0],
3319 'listMedia': ['List media known to this VBox instance', listMediaCmd, 0],
3320 'listUsb': ['List known USB devices', listUsbCmd, 0],
3321 'shareFolder': ['Make host\'s folder visible to guest: shareFolder win /share share writable', shareFolderCmd, 0],
3322 'unshareFolder': ['Remove folder sharing', unshareFolderCmd, 0],
3323 'gui': ['Start GUI frontend', guiCmd, 0],
3324 'colors':['Toggle colors', colorsCmd, 0],
3325 'snapshot':['VM snapshot manipulation, snapshot help for more info', snapshotCmd, 0],
3326 'nat':['NAT (network address translation engine) manipulation, nat help for more info', natCmd, 0],
3327 'nic' : ['Network adapter management', nicCmd, 0],
3328 'prompt' : ['Control shell prompt', promptCmd, 0],
3329 'foreachvm' : ['Perform command for each VM', foreachvmCmd, 0],
3330 'foreach' : ['Generic "for each" construction, using XPath-like notation: foreach //vms/vm[@OSTypeId=\'MacOS\'] "print("', foreachCmd, 0],
3331 'recordDemo':['Record demo: recordDemo Win32 file.dmo 10', recordDemoCmd, 0],
3332 'playbackDemo':['Playback demo: playbackDemo Win32 file.dmo 10', playbackDemoCmd, 0],
3333 'lspci': ['List PCI devices attached to the VM: lspci Win32', lspciCmd, 0],
3334 'attachpci': ['Attach host PCI device to the VM: attachpci Win32 01:00.0', attachpciCmd, 0],
3335 'detachpci': ['Detach host PCI device from the VM: detachpci Win32 01:00.0', detachpciCmd, 0],
3336 'goto': ['Go to line in script (script-only)', gotoCmd, 0]
3337 }
3339def runCommandArgs(ctx, args):
3340 c = args[0]
3341 if aliases.get(c, None) != None:
3342 c = aliases[c]
3343 ci = commands.get(c, None)
3344 if ci == None:
3345 print("Unknown command: '%s', type 'help' for list of known commands" % (c))
3346 return 0
3347 if ctx['remote'] and ctx['vb'] is None:
3348 if c not in ['connect', 'reconnect', 'help', 'quit']:
3349 print("First connect to remote server with %s command." % (colored('connect', 'blue')))
3350 return 0
3351 return ci[1](ctx, args)
3354def runCommand(ctx, cmd):
3355 if not cmd: return 0
3356 args = split_no_quotes(cmd)
3357 if len(args) == 0: return 0
3358 return runCommandArgs(ctx, args)
3361# To write your own custom commands to vboxshell, create
3362# file ~/.VirtualBox/ with content like
3364# def runTestCmd(ctx, args):
3365# print("Testy test", ctx['vb'])
3366# return 0
3368# commands = {
3369# 'test': ['Test help', runTestCmd]
3370# }
3371# and issue reloadExt shell command.
3372# This file also will be read automatically on startup or 'reloadExt'.
3374# Also one can put shell extensions into ~/.VirtualBox/shexts and
3375# they will also be picked up, so this way one can exchange
3376# shell extensions easily.
3377def addExtsFromFile(ctx, cmds, filename):
3378 if not os.path.isfile(filename):
3379 return
3380 d = {}
3381 try:
3382 exec(compile(open(filename).read(), filename, 'exec'), d, d)
3383 for (k, v) in list(d['commands'].items()):
3384 if g_fVerbose:
3385 print("customize: adding \"%s\" - %s" % (k, v[0]))
3386 cmds[k] = [v[0], v[1], filename]
3387 except:
3388 print("Error loading user extensions from %s" % (filename))
3389 traceback.print_exc()
3392def checkUserExtensions(ctx, cmds, folder):
3393 folder = str(folder)
3394 name = os.path.join(folder, "")
3395 addExtsFromFile(ctx, cmds, name)
3396 # also check 'exts' directory for all files
3397 shextdir = os.path.join(folder, "shexts")
3398 if not os.path.isdir(shextdir):
3399 return
3400 exts = os.listdir(shextdir)
3401 for e in exts:
3402 # not editor temporary files, please.
3403 if e.endswith('.py'):
3404 addExtsFromFile(ctx, cmds, os.path.join(shextdir, e))
3406def getHomeFolder(ctx):
3407 if ctx['remote'] or ctx['vb'] is None:
3408 if 'VBOX_USER_HOME' in os.environ:
3409 return os.path.join(os.environ['VBOX_USER_HOME'])
3410 return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".VirtualBox")
3411 else:
3412 return ctx['vb'].homeFolder
3414def interpret(ctx):
3415 if ctx['remote']:
3416 commands['connect'] = ["Connect to remote VBox instance: connect http://server:18083 user password", connectCmd, 0]
3417 commands['disconnect'] = ["Disconnect from remote VBox instance", disconnectCmd, 0]
3418 commands['reconnect'] = ["Reconnect to remote VBox instance", reconnectCmd, 0]
3419 ctx['wsinfo'] = ["http://localhost:18083", "", ""]
3421 vbox = ctx['vb']
3422 if vbox is not None:
3423 try:
3424 print("Running VirtualBox version %s" % (vbox.version))
3425 except Exception as e:
3426 printErr(ctx, e)
3427 if g_fVerbose:
3428 traceback.print_exc()
3429 ctx['perf'] = None # ctx['global'].getPerfCollector(vbox)
3430 else:
3431 ctx['perf'] = None
3433 home = getHomeFolder(ctx)
3434 checkUserExtensions(ctx, commands, home)
3435 if platform.system() in ['Windows', 'Microsoft']:
3436 global g_fHasColors
3437 g_fHasColors = False
3438 hist_file = os.path.join(home, ".vboxshellhistory")
3439 autoCompletion(commands, ctx)
3441 if g_fHasReadline and os.path.exists(hist_file):
3442 readline.read_history_file(hist_file)
3444 # to allow to print actual host information, we collect info for
3445 # last 150 secs maximum, (sample every 10 secs and keep up to 15 samples)
3446 if ctx['perf']:
3447 try:
3448 ctx['perf'].setup(['*'], [], 10, 15)
3449 except:
3450 pass
3451 cmds = []
3453 if g_sCmd is not None:
3454 cmds = g_sCmd.split(';')
3455 it = cmds.__iter__()
3457 while True:
3458 try:
3459 if g_fBatchMode:
3460 cmd = 'runScript %s'% (g_sScriptFile)
3461 elif g_sCmd is not None:
3462 cmd = next(it)
3463 else:
3464 if sys.version_info[0] <= 2:
3465 cmd = raw_input(ctx['prompt'])
3466 else:
3467 cmd = input(ctx['prompt'])
3468 done = runCommand(ctx, cmd)
3469 if done != 0: break
3470 if g_fBatchMode:
3471 break
3472 except KeyboardInterrupt:
3473 print('====== You can type quit or q to leave')
3474 except StopIteration:
3475 break
3476 except EOFError:
3477 break
3478 except Exception as e:
3479 printErr(ctx, e)
3480 if g_fVerbose:
3481 traceback.print_exc()
3482 ctx['global'].waitForEvents(0)
3483 try:
3484 # There is no need to disable metric collection. This is just an example.
3485 if ct['perf']:
3486 ctx['perf'].disable(['*'], [])
3487 except:
3488 pass
3489 if g_fHasReadline:
3490 readline.write_history_file(hist_file)
3492def runCommandCb(ctx, cmd, args):
3493 args.insert(0, cmd)
3494 return runCommandArgs(ctx, args)
3496def runGuestCommandCb(ctx, uuid, guestLambda, args):
3497 mach = machById(ctx, uuid)
3498 if mach == None:
3499 return 0
3500 args.insert(0, guestLambda)
3501 cmdExistingVm(ctx, mach, 'guestlambda', args)
3502 return 0
3504def main(argv):
3506 #
3507 # Parse command line arguments.
3508 #
3509 parse = OptionParser()
3510 parse.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help = "switch on verbose")
3511 parse.add_option("-a", "--autopath", dest="autopath", action="store_true", default=False, help = "switch on autopath")
3512 parse.add_option("-w", "--webservice", dest="style", action="store_const", const="WEBSERVICE", help = "connect to webservice")
3513 parse.add_option("-b", "--batch", dest="batch_file", help = "script file to execute")
3514 parse.add_option("-c", dest="command_line", help = "command sequence to execute")
3515 parse.add_option("-o", dest="opt_line", help = "option line")
3516 global g_fVerbose, g_sScriptFile, g_fBatchMode, g_fHasColors, g_fHasReadline, g_sCmd
3517 (options, args) = parse.parse_args()
3518 g_fVerbose = options.verbose
3519 style =
3520 if options.batch_file is not None:
3521 g_fBatchMode = True
3522 g_fHasColors = False
3523 g_fHasReadline = False
3524 g_sScriptFile = options.batch_file
3525 if options.command_line is not None:
3526 g_fHasColors = False
3527 g_fHasReadline = False
3528 g_sCmd = options.command_line
3530 params = None
3531 if options.opt_line is not None:
3532 params = {}
3533 strparams = options.opt_line
3534 strparamlist = strparams.split(',')
3535 for strparam in strparamlist:
3536 (key, value) = strparam.split('=')
3537 params[key] = value
3539 if options.autopath:
3540 asLocations = [ os.getcwd(), ]
3541 try: sScriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
3542 except: pass; # In case __file__ isn't there.
3543 else:
3544 if platform.system() in [ 'SunOS', ]:
3545 asLocations.append(os.path.join(sScriptDir, 'amd64'))
3546 asLocations.append(sScriptDir)
3549 sPath = os.environ.get("VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH")
3550 if sPath is None:
3551 for sCurLoc in asLocations:
3552 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sCurLoc, "VirtualBox")) \
3553 or os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sCurLoc, "VirtualBox.exe")):
3554 print("Autodetected VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH as", sCurLoc)
3555 os.environ["VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH"] = sCurLoc
3556 sPath = sCurLoc
3557 break
3558 if sPath:
3559 sys.path.append(os.path.join(sPath, "sdk", "installer"))
3561 sPath = os.environ.get("VBOX_SDK_PATH")
3562 if sPath is None:
3563 for sCurLoc in asLocations:
3564 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sCurLoc, "sdk", "bindings", "VirtualBox.xidl")):
3565 sCurLoc = os.path.join(sCurLoc, "sdk")
3566 print("Autodetected VBOX_SDK_PATH as", sCurLoc)
3567 os.environ["VBOX_SDK_PATH"] = sCurLoc
3568 sPath = sCurLoc
3569 break
3570 if sPath:
3571 sCurLoc = sPath
3572 sTmp = os.path.join(sCurLoc, 'bindings', 'xpcom', 'python')
3573 if os.path.isdir(sTmp):
3574 sys.path.append(sTmp)
3575 del sTmp
3576 del sPath, asLocations
3579 #
3580 # Set up the shell interpreter context and start working.
3581 #
3582 from vboxapi import VirtualBoxManager
3583 oVBoxMgr = VirtualBoxManager(style, params)
3584 ctx = {
3585 'global': oVBoxMgr,
3586 'vb': oVBoxMgr.vbox,
3587 'const': oVBoxMgr.constants,
3588 'remote': oVBoxMgr.remote,
3589 'type': oVBoxMgr.type,
3590 'run': lambda cmd, args: runCommandCb(ctx, cmd, args),
3591 'guestlambda': lambda uuid, guestLambda, args: runGuestCommandCb(ctx, uuid, guestLambda, args),
3592 'machById': lambda uuid: machById(ctx, uuid),
3593 'argsToMach': lambda args: argsToMach(ctx, args),
3594 'progressBar': lambda p: progressBar(ctx, p),
3595 'typeInGuest': typeInGuest,
3596 '_machlist': None,
3597 'prompt': g_sPrompt,
3598 'scriptLine': 0,
3599 'interrupt': False,
3600 }
3601 interpret(ctx)
3603 #
3604 # Release the interfaces references in ctx before cleaning up.
3605 #
3606 for sKey in list(ctx.keys()):
3607 del ctx[sKey];
3608 ctx = None;
3609 gc.collect();
3611 oVBoxMgr.deinit()
3612 del oVBoxMgr
3614if __name__ == '__main__':
3615 main(sys.argv)
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