/* * DO NOT EDIT! This is a generated file. * * Qt-based wrapper classes for VirualBox Main API (COM interfaces) * generated from XIDL (XML interface definition). * * Source : src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl * Generator : src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/include/COMWrappers.xsl * * Note: this header must be included from COMDefs.h, never directly. */ // all enums class CEnums { public: enum { = :: _ , _COUNT }; }; #if !defined (Q_WS_WIN32) #if defined (Q_WS_WIN32) #endif #if #endif // forward declarations class C ; // wrapper declarations // wrapper definitions // wrapper class C : public CInterface < > { public: typedef CInterface < > Base; // collection stuff ULONG GetCount () const; GetItemAt (ULONG index) const; Enumerate () const; // enumerator stuff BOOL HasMore () const; GetNext () const; // friend wrappers friend class CUnknown; friend class C ; friend class C ; }; // constructors and assignments taking CUnknown and raw iface pointer C () : Base () {} C (const CUnknown & that) : Base (that) {} C ( *i) : Base (i) {} C & operator = (const CUnknown & that) { return (C &) Base::operator = (that); } // attributes (properties) // methods // friend wrappers friend class CUnknown; friend class C ; friend class C ; // wrapper inline ULONG C ::GetCount () const { ULONG count = 0; Assert (mIface); if (!mIface) return count; mRC = mIface->COMGETTER(Count) (&count); return count; } inline C ::GetItemAt (ULONG index) const { item; Assert (mIface); if (!mIface) return item; mRC = mIface->GetItemAt (index, &item.mIface); return item; } inline C ::Enumerate () const { enumerator; Assert (mIface); if (!mIface) return enumerator; mRC = mIface->Enumerate (&enumerator.mIface); return enumerator; } inline BOOL C ::HasMore () const { BOOL more = FALSE; Assert (mIface); if (!mIface) return more; mRC = mIface->HasMore (&more); return more; } inline C ::GetNext () const { next; Assert (mIface); if (!mIface) return next; mRC = mIface->GetNext (&next.mIface); return next; } inline void C :: { Assert (mIface); if (!mIface) return; } ; inline C :: { a_ ; Assert (mIface); if (!mIface) return a_ ; return a_ ; } ; More than one return value in method: :: Set ( a_ ) Get ( ) const ( a_ , ) const mRC = mIface-> COMSETTER( COMGETTER( ) ( ( , ); , COMBaseWithEI if (FAILED (mRC)) { fetchErrorInfo (mIface, &COM_IIDOF (Base::Iface)); AssertMsg (errInfo.isFullAvailable(), ("for RC=0x%08X\n", mRC)); } BSTRIn (a_ ) BSTROut (a_ ) GUIDIn (a_ ) GUIDOut (a_ ) ( _T) a_ ENUMOut <CEnums:: , _T> (a_ ) a_ .iface() .mIface &a_ .ifaceRef() .mIface Parameter type is not currently supported a_ &a_ return array parameters are not currently supported either 'array' or 'mod' attribute is allowed, but not both! BOOL * BYTE * SHORT * USHORT * LONG * LONG64 * ULONG * ULONG64 * CHAR * OLECHAR * attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type of attibute 'mod' is invalid! HRESULT BOOL BYTE SHORT USHORT LONG LONG64 ULONG ULONG64 CHAR CHAR * OLECHAR QString QUuid CUnknown Unknown parameter type: either 'array' or 'mod' attribute is allowed, but not both! = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL = NULL attribute 'mod= ' cannot be used with type of attibute 'mod' is invalid! = S_OK = FALSE = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0 = NULL = 0 const & arrays of non-scalar types are not currently supported const & & * & &