* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* "Virtual Disk Manager" dialog UI include (Qt Designer)
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
* in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
* distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
** place of a destructor.
class DiskImageItem : public QListViewItem
enum { TypeId = 1001 };
DiskImageItem (DiskImageItem *parent) :
QListViewItem (parent), mStatus (VBoxMedia::Unknown) {}
DiskImageItem (QListView *parent) :
QListViewItem (parent), mStatus (VBoxMedia::Unknown) {}
void setMedia (const VBoxMedia &aMedia) { mMedia = aMedia; }
const VBoxMedia &getMedia() const { return mMedia; }
void setPath (const QString &aPath) { mPath = aPath; }
const QString &getPath() const { return mPath; }
void setUsage (const QString &aUsage) { mUsage = aUsage; }
const QString &getUsage() const { return mUsage; }
void setSnapshotUsage (const QString &aSnapshotUsage) { mSnapshotUsage = aSnapshotUsage; }
const QString &getSnapshotUsage() const { return mSnapshotUsage; }
QString getTotalUsage() const
/* should correlate with VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::compose[Cd/Fd]Tooltip */
return mSnapshotUsage.isNull() ? mUsage :
QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (mUsage, mSnapshotUsage);
void setSnapshotName (const QString &aSnapshotName) { mSnapshotName = aSnapshotName; }
const QString &getSnapshotName() const { return mSnapshotName; }
void setDiskType (const QString &aDiskType) { mDiskType = aDiskType; }
const QString &getDiskType() const { return mDiskType; }
void setStorageType (const QString &aStorageType) { mStorageType = aStorageType; }
const QString &getStorageType() const { return mStorageType; }
void setVirtualSize (const QString &aVirtualSize) { mVirtualSize = aVirtualSize; }
const QString &getVirtualSize() const { return mVirtualSize; }
void setActualSize (const QString &aActualSize) { mActualSize = aActualSize; }
const QString &getActualSize() const { return mActualSize; }
void setUuid (const QUuid &aUuid) { mUuid = aUuid; }
const QUuid &getUuid() const { return mUuid; }
void setMachineId (const QUuid &aMachineId) { mMachineId = aMachineId; }
const QUuid &getMachineId() const { return mMachineId; }
void setStatus (VBoxMedia::Status aStatus) { mStatus = aStatus; }
VBoxMedia::Status getStatus() const { return mStatus; }
void setToolTip (QString aToolTip) { mToolTip = aToolTip; }
const QString &getToolTip() const { return mToolTip; }
QString getInformation (const QString &aInfo, bool aCompact = true,
const QString &aElipsis = "middle")
QString compactString = QString ("").arg (aElipsis);
QString info = QString ("%1%2%3")
.arg (aCompact ? compactString : "")
.arg (aInfo.isEmpty() ?
VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::tr ("--", "no info") :
.arg (aCompact ? "" : "");
return info;
int rtti() const { return TypeId; }
int compare (QListViewItem *aItem, int aColumn, bool aAscending) const
ULONG64 thisValue = vboxGlobal().parseSize ( text (aColumn));
ULONG64 thatValue = vboxGlobal().parseSize (aItem->text (aColumn));
if (thisValue && thatValue)
if (thisValue == thatValue)
return 0;
return thisValue > thatValue ? 1 : -1;
return QListViewItem::compare (aItem, aColumn, aAscending);
DiskImageItem* nextSibling() const
return (QListViewItem::nextSibling() &&
QListViewItem::nextSibling()->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId) ?
static_cast (QListViewItem::nextSibling()) : 0;
void paintCell (QPainter *aPainter, const QColorGroup &aColorGroup,
int aColumn, int aWidth, int aSlign)
QColorGroup cGroup (aColorGroup);
if (mStatus == VBoxMedia::Unknown)
cGroup.setColor (QColorGroup::Text, cGroup.mid());
QListViewItem::paintCell (aPainter, cGroup, aColumn, aWidth, aSlign);
VBoxMedia mMedia;
QString mName;
QString mPath;
QString mUsage;
QString mSnapshotUsage;
QString mSnapshotName;
QString mDiskType;
QString mStorageType;
QString mVirtualSize;
QString mActualSize;
QUuid mUuid;
QUuid mMachineId;
QString mToolTip;
VBoxMedia::Status mStatus;
class DiskImageItemIterator : public QListViewItemIterator
DiskImageItemIterator (QListView* aList)
: QListViewItemIterator (aList) {}
DiskImageItem* operator*()
QListViewItem *item = QListViewItemIterator::operator*();
return item && item->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId ?
static_cast (item) : 0;
DiskImageItemIterator& operator++()
return (DiskImageItemIterator&) QListViewItemIterator::operator++();
class InfoPaneLabel : public QIRichLabel
InfoPaneLabel (QWidget *aParent, QLabel *aLabel = 0)
: QIRichLabel (aParent, "infoLabel"), mLabel (aLabel) {}
QLabel* label() { return mLabel; }
QLabel *mLabel;
VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg *VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::mModelessDialog = 0;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::showModeless (bool aRefresh /* = true */)
if (!mModelessDialog)
mModelessDialog =
new VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg (NULL,
WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose);
mModelessDialog->setup (VBoxDefs::HD | VBoxDefs::CD | VBoxDefs::FD,
false, NULL, aRefresh);
/* listen to events that may change the media status and refresh
* the contents of the modeless dialog */
/// @todo refreshAll() may be slow, so it may be better to analyze
// event details and update only what is changed */
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (machineDataChanged (const VBoxMachineDataChangeEvent &)),
mModelessDialog, SLOT (refreshAll()));
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (machineRegistered (const VBoxMachineRegisteredEvent &)),
mModelessDialog, SLOT (refreshAll()));
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (snapshotChanged (const VBoxSnapshotEvent &)),
mModelessDialog, SLOT (refreshAll()));
mModelessDialog->setWindowState (mModelessDialog->windowState() &
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::init()
polished = false;
mInLoop = false;
defaultButton = searchDefaultButton();
vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
Assert (!vbox.isNull());
setIcon (QPixmap::fromMimeSource ("diskim_16px.png"));
type = VBoxDefs::InvalidType;
QImage img =
QMessageBox::standardIcon (QMessageBox::Warning).convertToImage();
img = img.smoothScale (16, 16);
pxInaccessible.convertFromImage (img);
Assert (!pxInaccessible.isNull());
img =
QMessageBox::standardIcon (QMessageBox::Critical).convertToImage();
img = img.smoothScale (16, 16);
pxErroneous.convertFromImage (img);
Assert (!pxErroneous.isNull());
pxHD = VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("hd_16px.png", "hd_disabled_16px.png");
pxCD = VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("cd_16px.png", "cd_disabled_16px.png");
pxFD = VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("fd_16px.png", "fd_disabled_16px.png");
/* setup tab widget icons */
twImages->setTabIconSet (twImages->page (0), pxHD);
twImages->setTabIconSet (twImages->page (1), pxCD);
twImages->setTabIconSet (twImages->page (2), pxFD);
/* setup image list views */
hdsView->setColumnAlignment (1, Qt::AlignRight);
hdsView->setColumnAlignment (2, Qt::AlignRight);
hdsView->header()->setStretchEnabled (false);
hdsView->header()->setStretchEnabled (true, 0);
fdsView->setColumnAlignment (1, Qt::AlignRight);
fdsView->header()->setStretchEnabled (false);
fdsView->header()->setStretchEnabled (true, 0);
cdsView->setColumnAlignment (1, Qt::AlignRight);
cdsView->header()->setStretchEnabled (false);
cdsView->header()->setStretchEnabled (true, 0);
/* setup list-view's item tooltip */
hdsView->setShowToolTips (false);
cdsView->setShowToolTips (false);
fdsView->setShowToolTips (false);
connect (hdsView, SIGNAL (onItem (QListViewItem*)),
this, SLOT (mouseOnItem(QListViewItem*)));
connect (cdsView, SIGNAL (onItem (QListViewItem*)),
this, SLOT (mouseOnItem(QListViewItem*)));
connect (fdsView, SIGNAL (onItem (QListViewItem*)),
this, SLOT (mouseOnItem(QListViewItem*)));
/* status-bar currently disabled */
/// @todo we must enable it and disable our size grip hack!
/// (at least, to have action help text showh)
statusBar()->setHidden (true);
/* context menu composing */
itemMenu = new QPopupMenu (this, "itemMenu");
imNewAction = new QAction (this, "imNewAction");
imAddAction = new QAction (this, "imAddAction");
// imEditAction = new QAction (this, "imEditAction");
imRemoveAction = new QAction (this, "imRemoveAction");
imReleaseAction = new QAction (this, "imReleaseAction");
imRefreshAction = new QAction (this, "imRefreshAction");
connect (imNewAction, SIGNAL (activated()),
this, SLOT (newImage()));
connect (imAddAction, SIGNAL (activated()),
this, SLOT (addImage()));
// connect (imEditAction, SIGNAL (activated()),
// this, SLOT (editImage()));
connect (imRemoveAction, SIGNAL (activated()),
this, SLOT (removeImage()));
connect (imReleaseAction, SIGNAL (activated()),
this, SLOT (releaseImage()));
connect (imRefreshAction, SIGNAL (activated()),
this, SLOT (refreshAll()));
imNewAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx (
"vdm_new_22px.png", "vdm_new_16px.png",
"vdm_new_disabled_22px.png", "vdm_new_disabled_16px.png"));
imAddAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx (
"vdm_add_22px.png", "vdm_add_16px.png",
"vdm_add_disabled_22px.png", "vdm_add_disabled_16px.png"));
// imEditAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("guesttools_16px.png", "guesttools_disabled_16px.png"));
imRemoveAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx (
"vdm_remove_22px.png", "vdm_remove_16px.png",
"vdm_remove_disabled_22px.png", "vdm_remove_disabled_16px.png"));
imReleaseAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx (
"vdm_release_22px.png", "vdm_release_16px.png",
"vdm_release_disabled_22px.png", "vdm_release_disabled_16px.png"));
imRefreshAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx (
"refresh_22px.png", "refresh_16px.png",
"refresh_disabled_22px.png", "refresh_disabled_16px.png"));
// imEditAction->addTo (itemMenu);
imRemoveAction->addTo (itemMenu);
imReleaseAction->addTo (itemMenu);
/* toolbar composing */
toolBar = new VBoxToolBar (this, centralWidget(), "toolBar");
toolBar->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
((QVBoxLayout*)centralWidget()->layout())->insertWidget(0, toolBar);
toolBar->setUsesTextLabel (true);
toolBar->setUsesBigPixmaps (true);
imNewAction->addTo (toolBar);
imAddAction->addTo (toolBar);
// imEditAction->addTo (toolBar);
imRemoveAction->addTo (toolBar);
imReleaseAction->addTo (toolBar);
imRefreshAction->addTo (toolBar);
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
/* menu bar */
QPopupMenu *actionMenu = new QPopupMenu (this, "actionMenu");
imNewAction->addTo (actionMenu);
imAddAction->addTo (actionMenu);
// imEditAction->addTo (toolBar);
imRemoveAction->addTo (actionMenu);
imReleaseAction->addTo (actionMenu);
imRefreshAction->addTo (actionMenu);
menuBar()->insertItem (QString::null, actionMenu, 1);
/* setup size grip */
sizeGrip = new QSizeGrip (centralWidget(), "sizeGrip");
sizeGrip->resize (sizeGrip->sizeHint());
/* setup information pane */
QApplication::setGlobalMouseTracking (true);
qApp->installEventFilter (this);
/* setup information pane layouts */
QGridLayout *hdsContainerLayout = new QGridLayout (hdsContainer, 4, 4);
hdsContainerLayout->setMargin (10);
QGridLayout *cdsContainerLayout = new QGridLayout (cdsContainer, 2, 4);
cdsContainerLayout->setMargin (10);
QGridLayout *fdsContainerLayout = new QGridLayout (fdsContainer, 2, 4);
fdsContainerLayout->setMargin (10);
/* create info-pane for hd list-view */
createInfoString (hdsPane1, hdsContainer, 0, -1);
createInfoString (hdsPane2, hdsContainer, 1, 0);
createInfoString (hdsPane3, hdsContainer, 1, 1);
createInfoString (hdsPane4, hdsContainer, 2, 0);
createInfoString (hdsPane5, hdsContainer, 2, 1);
/* create info-pane for cd list-view */
createInfoString (cdsPane1, cdsContainer, 0, -1);
createInfoString (cdsPane2, cdsContainer, 1, -1);
/* create info-pane for fd list-view */
createInfoString (fdsPane1, fdsContainer, 0, -1);
createInfoString (fdsPane2, fdsContainer, 1, -1);
/* enumeration progressbar creation */
mProgressText = new QLabel (centralWidget());
mProgressText->setHidden (true);
buttonLayout->insertWidget (2, mProgressText);
mProgressBar = new QProgressBar (centralWidget());
mProgressBar->setHidden (true);
mProgressBar->setFrameShadow (QFrame::Sunken);
mProgressBar->setFrameShape (QFrame::Panel);
mProgressBar->setPercentageVisible (false);
mProgressBar->setMaximumWidth (100);
buttonLayout->insertWidget (3, mProgressBar);
/* applying language settings */
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::languageChangeImp()
imNewAction->setMenuText (tr ("&New..."));
imAddAction->setMenuText (tr ("&Add..."));
// imEditAction->setMenuText (tr ("&Edit..."));
imRemoveAction->setMenuText (tr ("R&emove"));
imReleaseAction->setMenuText (tr ("Re&lease"));
imRefreshAction->setMenuText (tr ("Re&fresh"));
imNewAction->setText (tr ("New"));
imAddAction->setText (tr ("Add"));
// imEditAction->setText (tr ("Edit"));
imRemoveAction->setText (tr ("Remove"));
imReleaseAction->setText (tr ("Release"));
imRefreshAction->setText (tr ("Refresh"));
imNewAction->setAccel (tr ("Ctrl+N"));
imAddAction->setAccel (tr ("Ctrl+A"));
// imEditAction->setAccel (tr ("Ctrl+E"));
imRemoveAction->setAccel (tr ("Ctrl+D"));
imReleaseAction->setAccel (tr ("Ctrl+L"));
imRefreshAction->setAccel (tr ("Ctrl+R"));
imNewAction->setStatusTip (tr ("Create a new virtual hard disk"));
imAddAction->setStatusTip (tr ("Add (register) an existing image file"));
// imEditAction->setStatusTip (tr ("Edit the properties of the selected item"));
imRemoveAction->setStatusTip (tr ("Remove (unregister) the selected media"));
imReleaseAction->setStatusTip (tr ("Release the selected media by detaching it from the machine"));
imRefreshAction->setStatusTip (tr ("Refresh the media list"));
if (menuBar()->findItem(1))
menuBar()->findItem(1)->setText (tr ("&Actions"));
hdsPane1->label()->setText (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Location")));
hdsPane2->label()->setText (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Disk Type")));
hdsPane3->label()->setText (QString (" %1:").arg (tr ("Storage Type")));
hdsPane4->label()->setText (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Attached to")));
hdsPane5->label()->setText (QString (" %1:").arg (tr ("Snapshot")));
cdsPane1->label()->setText (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Location")));
cdsPane2->label()->setText (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Attached to")));
fdsPane1->label()->setText (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Location")));
fdsPane2->label()->setText (QString ("%1:").arg (tr ("Attached to")));
mProgressText->setText (tr ("Checking accessibility"));
if (hdsView->childCount() || cdsView->childCount() || fdsView->childCount())
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::createInfoString (InfoPaneLabel *&aInfo,
QWidget *aRoot,
int aRow, int aColumn)
QLabel *nameLabel = new QLabel (aRoot);
aInfo = new InfoPaneLabel (aRoot, nameLabel);
/* Setup focus policy default for info pane */
aInfo->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus);
/* prevent the name columns from being expanded */
nameLabel->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
if (aColumn == -1)
((QGridLayout *) aRoot->layout())->addWidget (nameLabel, aRow, 0);
((QGridLayout *) aRoot->layout())->
addMultiCellWidget (aInfo, aRow, aRow,
1, ((QGridLayout *) aRoot->layout())->numCols() - 1);
((QGridLayout *) aRoot->layout())->addWidget (nameLabel, aRow, aColumn * 2);
((QGridLayout *) aRoot->layout())->addWidget (aInfo, aRow, aColumn * 2 + 1);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::showEvent (QShowEvent *e)
QMainWindow::showEvent (e);
/* one may think that QWidget::polish() is the right place to do things
* below, but apparently, by the time when QWidget::polish() is called,
* the widget style & layout are not fully done, at least the minimum
* size hint is not properly calculated. Since this is sometimes necessary,
* we provide our own "polish" implementation. */
if (polished)
polished = true;
VBoxGlobal::centerWidget (this, parentWidget());
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::mouseOnItem (QListViewItem *aItem)
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
QString tip;
switch (aItem->rtti())
case DiskImageItem::TypeId:
tip = static_cast (aItem)->getToolTip();
Assert (0);
QToolTip::add (currentList->viewport(), currentList->itemRect (aItem), tip);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent*)
sizeGrip->move (centralWidget()->rect().bottomRight() -
QPoint(sizeGrip->rect().width() - 1, sizeGrip->rect().height() - 1));
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *aEvent)
mModelessDialog = 0;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *aEvent)
if ( aEvent->state() == 0 ||
(aEvent->state() & Keypad && aEvent->key() == Key_Enter) )
switch ( aEvent->key() )
case Key_Enter:
case Key_Return:
QPushButton *currentDefault = searchDefaultButton();
if (currentDefault)
case Key_Escape:
QPushButton* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::searchDefaultButton()
QPushButton *defButton = 0;
QObjectList *list = queryList ("QPushButton");
QObjectListIt it (*list);
while ( (defButton = (QPushButton*)it.current()) && !defButton->isDefault() )
return defButton;
int VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::result() { return mRescode; }
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::setResult (int aRescode) { mRescode = aRescode; }
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::accept() { done( Accepted ); }
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::reject() { done( Rejected ); }
int VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::exec()
setResult (0);
if (mInLoop) return result();
mInLoop = true;
mInLoop = false;
return result();
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::done (int aResult)
setResult (aResult);
if (mInLoop)
QListView* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::getCurrentListView()
QListView *clv = static_cast(twImages->currentPage()->
return clv;
QListView* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::getListView (VBoxDefs::DiskType aType)
switch (aType)
case VBoxDefs::HD:
return hdsView;
case VBoxDefs::CD:
return cdsView;
case VBoxDefs::FD:
return fdsView;
return 0;
bool VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::eventFilter (QObject *aObject, QEvent *aEvent)
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
switch (aEvent->type())
case QEvent::DragEnter:
if (aObject == currentList)
QDragEnterEvent *dragEnterEvent =
return true;
case QEvent::Drop:
if (aObject == currentList)
QDropEvent *dropEvent =
QStringList *droppedList = new QStringList();
QUriDrag::decodeLocalFiles (dropEvent, *droppedList);
QCustomEvent *updateEvent = new QCustomEvent (1001);
updateEvent->setData (droppedList);
QApplication::postEvent (currentList, updateEvent);
return true;
case 1001: /* QCustomEvent 1001 - DnD Update Event */
if (aObject == currentList)
QCustomEvent *updateEvent =
addDroppedImages ((QStringList*) updateEvent->data());
return true;
case QEvent::FocusIn:
if (aObject->inherits ("QPushButton") && aObject->parent() == centralWidget())
((QPushButton*)aObject)->setDefault (aObject != defaultButton);
if (defaultButton)
defaultButton->setDefault (aObject == defaultButton);
case QEvent::FocusOut:
if (aObject->inherits ("QPushButton") && aObject->parent() == centralWidget())
if (defaultButton)
defaultButton->setDefault (aObject != defaultButton);
((QPushButton*)aObject)->setDefault (aObject == defaultButton);
return QMainWindow::eventFilter (aObject, aEvent);
bool VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::event (QEvent *aEvent)
bool result = QMainWindow::event (aEvent);
switch (aEvent->type())
case QEvent::LanguageChange:
return result;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::addDroppedImages (QStringList *aDroppedList)
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
for (QStringList::Iterator it = (*aDroppedList).begin();
it != (*aDroppedList).end(); ++it)
QString src = *it;
/* Check dropped media type */
/// @todo On OS/2 and windows (and mac?) extension checks should be case
/// insensitive, as OPPOSED to linux and the rest where case matters.
VBoxDefs::DiskType type = VBoxDefs::InvalidType;
if (src.endsWith (".iso", false))
if (currentList == cdsView) type = VBoxDefs::CD;
else if (src.endsWith (".img", false))
if (currentList == fdsView) type = VBoxDefs::FD;
else if (src.endsWith (".vdi", false) ||
src.endsWith (".vmdk", false))
if (currentList == hdsView) type = VBoxDefs::HD;
/* If media type has been determined - attach this device */
if (type)
addImageToList (*it, type);
if (!vbox.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotRegisterMedia (this, vbox, type, src);
delete aDroppedList;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::addImageToList (const QString &aSource,
VBoxDefs::DiskType aDiskType)
if (aSource.isEmpty())
QUuid uuid;
VBoxMedia media;
switch (aDiskType)
case VBoxDefs::HD:
CHardDisk hd = vbox.OpenHardDisk (aSource);
if (vbox.isOk())
vbox.RegisterHardDisk (hd);
if (vbox.isOk())
VBoxMedia::Status status =
hd.GetAccessible() ? VBoxMedia::Ok :
hd.isOk() ? VBoxMedia::Inaccessible :
media = VBoxMedia (CUnknown (hd), VBoxDefs::HD, status);
case VBoxDefs::CD:
CDVDImage cd = vbox.OpenDVDImage (aSource, uuid);
if (vbox.isOk())
vbox.RegisterDVDImage (cd);
if (vbox.isOk())
VBoxMedia::Status status =
cd.GetAccessible() ? VBoxMedia::Ok :
cd.isOk() ? VBoxMedia::Inaccessible :
media = VBoxMedia (CUnknown (cd), VBoxDefs::CD, status);
case VBoxDefs::FD:
CFloppyImage fd = vbox.OpenFloppyImage (aSource, uuid);
if (vbox.isOk())
vbox.RegisterFloppyImage (fd);
if (vbox.isOk())
VBoxMedia::Status status =
fd.GetAccessible() ? VBoxMedia::Ok :
fd.isOk() ? VBoxMedia::Inaccessible :
media = VBoxMedia (CUnknown (fd), VBoxDefs::FD, status);
AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid aDiskType type\n"));
if (media.type != VBoxDefs::InvalidType)
vboxGlobal().addMedia (media);
DiskImageItem* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::createImageNode (QListView *aList,
DiskImageItem *aRoot,
const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
DiskImageItem *item = 0;
if (aRoot)
item = new DiskImageItem (aRoot);
else if (aList)
item = new DiskImageItem (aList);
Assert (0);
item->setMedia (aMedia);
return item;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::invokePopup (QListViewItem *aItem, const QPoint & aPos, int)
if (aItem)
QString VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::getDVDImageUsage (const QUuid &aId,
QString &aSnapshotUsage)
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
QStringList permMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetDVDImageUsage (aId, CEnums::PermanentUsage));
QStringList tempMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetDVDImageUsage (aId, CEnums::TemporaryUsage));
QString usage;
for (QStringList::Iterator it = permMachines.begin();
it != permMachines.end();
if (usage)
usage += ", ";
CMachine machine = vbox.GetMachine (QUuid (*it));
usage += machine.GetName();
getDVDImageSnapshotUsage (aId, machine.GetSnapshot (QUuid()),
for (QStringList::Iterator it = tempMachines.begin();
it != tempMachines.end();
/* skip IDs that are in the permanent list */
if (!permMachines.contains (*it))
if (usage)
usage += ", [";
usage += "[";
CMachine machine = vbox.GetMachine (QUuid (*it));
usage += machine.GetName() + "]";
getDVDImageSnapshotUsage (aId, machine.GetSnapshot (QUuid()),
return usage;
QString VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::getFloppyImageUsage (const QUuid &aId,
QString &aSnapshotUsage)
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
QStringList permMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetFloppyImageUsage (aId, CEnums::PermanentUsage));
QStringList tempMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetFloppyImageUsage (aId, CEnums::TemporaryUsage));
QString usage;
for (QStringList::Iterator it = permMachines.begin();
it != permMachines.end();
if (usage)
usage += ", ";
CMachine machine = vbox.GetMachine (QUuid (*it));
usage += machine.GetName();
getFloppyImageSnapshotUsage (aId, machine.GetSnapshot (QUuid()),
for (QStringList::Iterator it = tempMachines.begin();
it != tempMachines.end();
/* skip IDs that are in the permanent list */
if (!permMachines.contains (*it))
if (usage)
usage += ", [";
usage += "[";
CMachine machine = vbox.GetMachine (QUuid (*it));
usage += machine.GetName() + "]";
getFloppyImageSnapshotUsage (aId, machine.GetSnapshot (QUuid()),
return usage;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::getDVDImageSnapshotUsage (const QUuid &aImageId,
const CSnapshot &aSnapshot,
QString &aUsage)
if (aSnapshot.isNull())
if (!aSnapshot.GetMachine().GetDVDDrive().GetImage().isNull() &&
aSnapshot.GetMachine().GetDVDDrive().GetImage().GetId() == aImageId)
if (aUsage)
aUsage += ", ";
aUsage += aSnapshot.GetName();
CSnapshotEnumerator en = aSnapshot.GetChildren().Enumerate();
while (en.HasMore())
getDVDImageSnapshotUsage (aImageId, en.GetNext(), aUsage);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::getFloppyImageSnapshotUsage (const QUuid &aImageId,
const CSnapshot &aSnapshot,
QString &aUsage)
if (aSnapshot.isNull())
if (!aSnapshot.GetMachine().GetFloppyDrive().GetImage().isNull() &&
aSnapshot.GetMachine().GetFloppyDrive().GetImage().GetId() == aImageId)
if (aUsage)
aUsage += ", ";
aUsage += aSnapshot.GetName();
CSnapshotEnumerator en = aSnapshot.GetChildren().Enumerate();
while (en.HasMore())
getFloppyImageSnapshotUsage (aImageId, en.GetNext(), aUsage);
QString VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::composeHdToolTip (CHardDisk &aHd,
VBoxMedia::Status aStatus,
DiskImageItem *aItem)
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
QUuid machineId = aItem ? aItem->getMachineId() : aHd.GetMachineId();
QString src = aItem ? aItem->getPath() : aHd.GetLocation();
QString location = aItem || aHd.GetStorageType() == CEnums::ISCSIHardDisk ? src :
QDir::convertSeparators (QFileInfo (src).absFilePath());
QString storageType = aItem ? aItem->getStorageType() :
vboxGlobal().toString (aHd.GetStorageType());
QString hardDiskType = aItem ? aItem->getDiskType() :
vboxGlobal().hardDiskTypeString (aHd);
QString usage;
if (aItem)
usage = aItem->getUsage();
else if (!machineId.isNull())
usage = vbox.GetMachine (machineId).GetName();
QUuid snapshotId = aItem ? aItem->getUuid() : aHd.GetSnapshotId();
QString snapshotName;
if (aItem)
snapshotName = aItem->getSnapshotName();
else if (!machineId.isNull() && !snapshotId.isNull())
CSnapshot snapshot = vbox.GetMachine (machineId).
GetSnapshot (aHd.GetSnapshotId());
if (!snapshot.isNull())
snapshotName = snapshot.GetName();
/* compose tool-tip information */
QString tip;
switch (aStatus)
case VBoxMedia::Unknown:
tip = tr ("%1
"Checking accessibility...", "HDD")
.arg (location);
case VBoxMedia::Ok:
tip = tr ("%1
"Disk type: %2
"Storage type: %3")
.arg (location)
.arg (hardDiskType)
.arg (storageType);
if (!usage.isNull())
tip += tr ("
Attached to: %1", "HDD")
.arg (usage);
if (!snapshotName.isNull())
tip += tr ("
Snapshot: %5", "HDD")
.arg (snapshotName);
case VBoxMedia::Error:
/// @todo (r=dmik) paass a complete VBoxMedia instance here
// to get the result of blabla.GetAccessible() call form CUnknown
tip = tr ("%1
"Error checking media accessibility", "HDD")
.arg (location);
case VBoxMedia::Inaccessible:
tip = tr ("%1
%2", "HDD")
.arg (location)
.arg (VBoxGlobal::highlight (aHd.GetLastAccessError(),
true /* aToolTip */));
return tip;
QString VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::composeCdToolTip (CDVDImage &aCd,
VBoxMedia::Status aStatus,
DiskImageItem *aItem)
QString location = aItem ? aItem->getPath() :
QDir::convertSeparators (QFileInfo (aCd.GetFilePath()).absFilePath());
QUuid uuid = aItem ? aItem->getUuid() : aCd.GetId();
QString usage;
if (aItem)
usage = aItem->getTotalUsage();
QString snapshotUsage;
usage = getDVDImageUsage (uuid, snapshotUsage);
/* should correlate with DiskImageItem::getTotalUsage() */
if (!snapshotUsage.isNull())
usage = QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (usage, snapshotUsage);
/* compose tool-tip information */
QString tip;
switch (aStatus)
case VBoxMedia::Unknown:
tip = tr ("%1
"Checking accessibility...", "CD/DVD/Floppy")
.arg (location);
case VBoxMedia::Ok:
tip = tr ("%1", "CD/DVD/Floppy")
.arg (location);
if (!usage.isNull())
tip += tr ("
Attached to: %1",
.arg (usage);
case VBoxMedia::Error:
/// @todo (r=dmik) paass a complete VBoxMedia instance here
// to get the result of blabla.GetAccessible() call form CUnknown
tip = tr ("%1
"Error checking media accessibility", "CD/DVD/Floppy")
.arg (location);
case VBoxMedia::Inaccessible:
/// @todo (r=dmik) correct this when GetLastAccessError() is
// implemented for IDVDImage
tip = tr ("%1
.arg (location)
.arg (tr ("The image file is not accessible",
return tip;
QString VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::composeFdToolTip (CFloppyImage &aFd,
VBoxMedia::Status aStatus,
DiskImageItem *aItem)
QString location = aItem ? aItem->getPath() :
QDir::convertSeparators (QFileInfo (aFd.GetFilePath()).absFilePath());
QUuid uuid = aItem ? aItem->getUuid() : aFd.GetId();
QString usage;
if (aItem)
usage = aItem->getTotalUsage();
QString snapshotUsage;
usage = getFloppyImageUsage (uuid, snapshotUsage);
/* should correlate with DiskImageItem::getTotalUsage() */
if (!snapshotUsage.isNull())
usage = QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (usage, snapshotUsage);
/* compose tool-tip information */
QString tip;
switch (aStatus)
case VBoxMedia::Unknown:
tip = tr ("%1
"Checking accessibility...", "CD/DVD/Floppy")
.arg (location);
case VBoxMedia::Ok:
tip = tr ("%1", "CD/DVD/Floppy")
.arg (location);
if (!usage.isNull())
tip += tr ("
Attached to: %1",
.arg (usage);
case VBoxMedia::Error:
/// @todo (r=dmik) paass a complete VBoxMedia instance here
// to get the result of blabla.GetAccessible() call form CUnknown
tip = tr ("%1
"Error checking media accessibility", "CD/DVD/Floppy")
.arg (location);
case VBoxMedia::Inaccessible:
/// @todo (r=dmik) correct this when GetLastAccessError() is
// implemented for IDVDImage
tip = tr ("%1
.arg (location)
.arg (tr ("The image file is not accessible",
return tip;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::updateHdItem (DiskImageItem *aItem,
const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
if (!aItem)
CHardDisk hd = aMedia.disk;
VBoxMedia::Status status = aMedia.status;
QUuid uuid = hd.GetId();
QString src = hd.GetLocation();
QUuid machineId = hd.GetMachineId();
QString usage;
if (!machineId.isNull())
usage = vbox.GetMachine (machineId).GetName();
QString storageType = vboxGlobal().toString (hd.GetStorageType());
QString hardDiskType = vboxGlobal().hardDiskTypeString (hd);
QString virtualSize = status == VBoxMedia::Ok ?
vboxGlobal().formatSize ((ULONG64)hd.GetSize() * _1M) : QString ("--");
QString actualSize = status == VBoxMedia::Ok ?
vboxGlobal().formatSize (hd.GetActualSize()) : QString ("--");
QString snapshotName;
if (!machineId.isNull() && !hd.GetSnapshotId().isNull())
CSnapshot snapshot = vbox.GetMachine (machineId).
GetSnapshot (hd.GetSnapshotId());
if (!snapshot.isNull())
snapshotName = QString ("%1").arg (snapshot.GetName());
QFileInfo fi (src);
aItem->setText (0, fi.fileName());
aItem->setText (1, virtualSize);
aItem->setText (2, actualSize);
aItem->setPath (hd.GetStorageType() == CEnums::ISCSIHardDisk ? src :
QDir::convertSeparators (fi.absFilePath()));
aItem->setUsage (usage);
aItem->setSnapshotName (snapshotName);
aItem->setDiskType (hardDiskType);
aItem->setStorageType (storageType);
aItem->setVirtualSize (virtualSize);
aItem->setActualSize (actualSize);
aItem->setUuid (uuid);
aItem->setMachineId (machineId);
aItem->setToolTip (composeHdToolTip (hd, status, aItem));
aItem->setStatus (status);
makeWarningMark (aItem, aMedia.status, VBoxDefs::HD);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::updateCdItem (DiskImageItem *aItem,
const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
if (!aItem)
CDVDImage cd = aMedia.disk;
VBoxMedia::Status status = aMedia.status;
QUuid uuid = cd.GetId();
QString src = cd.GetFilePath();
QString snapshotUsage;
QString usage = getDVDImageUsage (uuid, snapshotUsage);
QString size = status == VBoxMedia::Ok ?
vboxGlobal().formatSize (cd.GetSize()) : QString ("--");
QFileInfo fi (src);
aItem->setText (0, fi.fileName());
aItem->setText (1, size);
aItem->setPath (QDir::convertSeparators (fi.absFilePath ()));
aItem->setUsage (usage);
aItem->setSnapshotUsage (snapshotUsage);
aItem->setActualSize (size);
aItem->setUuid (uuid);
aItem->setToolTip (composeCdToolTip (cd, status, aItem));
aItem->setStatus (status);
makeWarningMark (aItem, aMedia.status, VBoxDefs::CD);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::updateFdItem (DiskImageItem *aItem,
const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
if (!aItem)
CFloppyImage fd = aMedia.disk;
VBoxMedia::Status status = aMedia.status;
QUuid uuid = fd.GetId();
QString src = fd.GetFilePath();
QString snapshotUsage;
QString usage = getFloppyImageUsage (uuid, snapshotUsage);
QString size = status == VBoxMedia::Ok ?
vboxGlobal().formatSize (fd.GetSize()) : QString ("--");
QFileInfo fi (src);
aItem->setText (0, fi.fileName());
aItem->setText (1, size);
aItem->setPath (QDir::convertSeparators (fi.absFilePath ()));
aItem->setUsage (usage);
aItem->setSnapshotUsage (snapshotUsage);
aItem->setActualSize (size);
aItem->setUuid (uuid);
aItem->setToolTip (composeFdToolTip (fd, status, aItem));
aItem->setStatus (status);
makeWarningMark (aItem, aMedia.status, VBoxDefs::FD);
DiskImageItem* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::createHdItem (QListView *aList,
const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
CHardDisk hd = aMedia.disk;
QUuid rootId = hd.GetParent().isNull() ? QUuid() : hd.GetParent().GetId();
DiskImageItem *root = searchItem (aList, rootId);
DiskImageItem *item = createImageNode (aList, root, aMedia);
updateHdItem (item, aMedia);
return item;
DiskImageItem* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::createCdItem (QListView *aList,
const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
DiskImageItem *item = createImageNode (aList, 0, aMedia);
updateCdItem (item, aMedia);
return item;
DiskImageItem* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::createFdItem (QListView *aList,
const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
DiskImageItem *item = createImageNode (aList, 0, aMedia);
updateFdItem (item, aMedia);
return item;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::makeWarningMark (DiskImageItem *aItem,
VBoxMedia::Status aStatus,
VBoxDefs::DiskType aType)
const QPixmap &pm = aStatus == VBoxMedia::Inaccessible ? pxInaccessible :
aStatus == VBoxMedia::Error ? pxErroneous : QPixmap();
if (!pm.isNull())
aItem->setPixmap (0, pm);
QIconSet iconSet (pm);
QWidget *wt = aType == VBoxDefs::HD ? twImages->page (0) :
aType == VBoxDefs::CD ? twImages->page (1) :
aType == VBoxDefs::FD ? twImages->page (2) : 0;
Assert (wt); /* aType should be correct */
twImages->changeTab (wt, iconSet, twImages->tabLabel (wt));
aItem->listView()->ensureItemVisible (aItem);
DiskImageItem* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::searchItem (QListView *aList,
const QUuid &aId)
if (aId.isNull()) return 0;
DiskImageItemIterator iterator (aList);
while (*iterator)
if ((*iterator)->getUuid() == aId)
return *iterator;
return 0;
DiskImageItem* VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::searchItem (QListView *aList,
VBoxMedia::Status aStatus)
DiskImageItemIterator iterator (aList);
while (*iterator)
if ((*iterator)->getStatus() == aStatus)
return *iterator;
return 0;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::setup (int aType, bool aDoSelect,
const QUuid *aTargetVMId /* = NULL */,
bool aRefresh /* = true */,
CMachine machine /* = NULL */,
const QUuid &aHdId,
const QUuid &aCdId,
const QUuid &aFdId)
cmachine = machine;
hdSelectedId = aHdId;
cdSelectedId = aCdId;
fdSelectedId = aFdId;
type = aType;
twImages->setTabEnabled (twImages->page(0), type & VBoxDefs::HD);
twImages->setTabEnabled (twImages->page(1), type & VBoxDefs::CD);
twImages->setTabEnabled (twImages->page(2), type & VBoxDefs::FD);
doSelect = aDoSelect;
if (aTargetVMId)
targetVMId = *aTargetVMId;
if (doSelect)
buttonOk->setText (tr ("&Select"));
buttonCancel->setShown (false);
/* listen to "media enumeration started" signals */
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (mediaEnumStarted()),
this, SLOT (mediaEnumStarted()));
/* listen to "media enumeration" signals */
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (mediaEnumerated (const VBoxMedia &, int)),
this, SLOT (mediaEnumerated (const VBoxMedia &, int)));
/* listen to "media enumeration finished" signals */
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (mediaEnumFinished (const VBoxMediaList &)),
this, SLOT (mediaEnumFinished (const VBoxMediaList &)));
/* listen to "media add" signals */
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (mediaAdded (const VBoxMedia &)),
this, SLOT (mediaAdded (const VBoxMedia &)));
/* listen to "media update" signals */
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (mediaUpdated (const VBoxMedia &)),
this, SLOT (mediaUpdated (const VBoxMedia &)));
/* listen to "media remove" signals */
connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (mediaRemoved (VBoxDefs::DiskType, const QUuid &)),
this, SLOT (mediaRemoved (VBoxDefs::DiskType, const QUuid &)));
if (aRefresh && !vboxGlobal().isMediaEnumerationStarted())
/* insert already enumerated media */
const VBoxMediaList &list = vboxGlobal().currentMediaList();
prepareToRefresh (list.size());
VBoxMediaList::const_iterator it;
int index = 0;
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++ it)
mediaAdded (*it);
if ((*it).status != VBoxMedia::Unknown)
mProgressBar->setProgress (++ index);
/* emulate the finished signal to reuse the code */
if (!vboxGlobal().isMediaEnumerationStarted())
mediaEnumFinished (list);
/* for a newly opened dialog, select the first item */
if (!hdsView->selectedItem())
setCurrentItem (hdsView, hdsView->firstChild());
if (!cdsView->selectedItem())
setCurrentItem (cdsView, cdsView->firstChild());
if (!fdsView->selectedItem())
setCurrentItem (fdsView, fdsView->firstChild());
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::mediaEnumStarted()
/* load default tab icons */
twImages->changeTab (twImages->page (0), pxHD,
twImages->tabLabel (twImages->page (0)));
twImages->changeTab (twImages->page (1), pxCD,
twImages->tabLabel (twImages->page (1)));
twImages->changeTab (twImages->page (2), pxFD,
twImages->tabLabel (twImages->page (2)));
/* load current media list */
const VBoxMediaList &list = vboxGlobal().currentMediaList();
prepareToRefresh (list.size());
VBoxMediaList::const_iterator it;
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++ it)
mediaAdded (*it);
/* select the first item if the previous saved item is not found
* or no current item at all */
if (!hdsView->currentItem() || !hdSelectedId.isNull())
setCurrentItem (hdsView, hdsView->firstChild());
if (!cdsView->currentItem() || !cdSelectedId.isNull())
setCurrentItem (cdsView, cdsView->firstChild());
if (!fdsView->currentItem() || !fdSelectedId.isNull())
setCurrentItem (fdsView, fdsView->firstChild());
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::mediaEnumerated (const VBoxMedia &aMedia,
int aIndex)
mediaUpdated (aMedia);
Assert (aMedia.status != VBoxMedia::Unknown);
if (aMedia.status != VBoxMedia::Unknown)
mProgressBar->setProgress (aIndex + 1);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::mediaEnumFinished (const VBoxMediaList &/* aList */)
mProgressBar->setHidden (true);
mProgressText->setHidden (true);
imRefreshAction->setEnabled (true);
/* adjust columns (it is strange to repeat but it works) */
hdsView->adjustColumn (1);
hdsView->adjustColumn (2);
hdsView->adjustColumn (1);
cdsView->adjustColumn (1);
cdsView->adjustColumn (2);
cdsView->adjustColumn (1);
fdsView->adjustColumn (1);
fdsView->adjustColumn (2);
fdsView->adjustColumn (1);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::mediaAdded (const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
/* ignore non-interesting aMedia */
if (!(type & aMedia.type))
DiskImageItem *item = 0;
switch (aMedia.type)
case VBoxDefs::HD:
item = createHdItem (hdsView, aMedia);
if (item->getUuid() == hdSelectedId)
setCurrentItem (hdsView, item);
hdSelectedId = QUuid();
case VBoxDefs::CD:
item = createCdItem (cdsView, aMedia);
if (item->getUuid() == cdSelectedId)
setCurrentItem (cdsView, item);
cdSelectedId = QUuid();
case VBoxDefs::FD:
item = createFdItem (fdsView, aMedia);
if (item->getUuid() == fdSelectedId)
setCurrentItem (fdsView, item);
fdSelectedId = QUuid();
AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid aMedia type\n"));
if (!item)
if (!vboxGlobal().isMediaEnumerationStarted())
setCurrentItem (getListView (aMedia.type), item);
if (item == getCurrentListView()->currentItem())
processCurrentChanged (item);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::mediaUpdated (const VBoxMedia &aMedia)
/* ignore non-interesting aMedia */
if (!(type & aMedia.type))
DiskImageItem *item = 0;
switch (aMedia.type)
case VBoxDefs::HD:
CHardDisk hd = aMedia.disk;
item = searchItem (hdsView, hd.GetId());
updateHdItem (item, aMedia);
case VBoxDefs::CD:
CDVDImage cd = aMedia.disk;
item = searchItem (cdsView, cd.GetId());
updateCdItem (item, aMedia);
case VBoxDefs::FD:
CFloppyImage fd = aMedia.disk;
item = searchItem (fdsView, fd.GetId());
updateFdItem (item, aMedia);
AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid aMedia type\n"));
if (!item)
/* note: current items on invisible tabs are not updated because
* it is always done in processCurrentChanged() when the user switches
* to an invisible tab */
if (item == getCurrentListView()->currentItem())
processCurrentChanged (item);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::mediaRemoved (VBoxDefs::DiskType aType,
const QUuid &aId)
QListView *listView = getListView (aType);
DiskImageItem *item = searchItem (listView, aId);
delete item;
setCurrentItem (listView, listView->currentItem());
/* search the list for inaccessible media */
if (!searchItem (listView, VBoxMedia::Inaccessible) &&
!searchItem (listView, VBoxMedia::Error))
QWidget *wt = aType == VBoxDefs::HD ? twImages->page (0) :
aType == VBoxDefs::CD ? twImages->page (1) :
aType == VBoxDefs::FD ? twImages->page (2) : 0;
const QIconSet &set = aType == VBoxDefs::HD ? pxHD :
aType == VBoxDefs::CD ? pxCD :
aType == VBoxDefs::FD ? pxFD : QIconSet();
Assert (wt && !set.isNull()); /* atype should be the correct one */
twImages->changeTab (wt, set, twImages->tabLabel (wt));
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::machineStateChanged (const VBoxMachineStateChangeEvent &e)
/// @todo (r=dmik) IVirtualBoxCallback::OnMachineStateChange
// must also expose the old state! In this case we won't need to cache
// the state value in every class in GUI that uses this signal.
switch (e.state)
case CEnums::PoweredOff:
case CEnums::Aborted:
case CEnums::Saved:
case CEnums::Starting:
case CEnums::Restoring:
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::clearInfoPanes()
hdsPane2->clear(), hdsPane3->clear();
hdsPane4->clear(), hdsPane5->clear();
cdsPane1->clear(), cdsPane2->clear();
fdsPane1->clear(), fdsPane2->clear();
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::prepareToRefresh (int aTotal)
/* info panel clearing */
/* prepare progressbar */
if (mProgressBar)
mProgressBar->setProgress (0, aTotal);
mProgressBar->setHidden (false);
mProgressText->setHidden (false);
imRefreshAction->setEnabled (false);
setCursor (QCursor (BusyCursor));
/* store the current list selections */
QListViewItem *item;
DiskImageItem *di;
item = hdsView->currentItem();
di = (item && item->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId) ?
static_cast (item) : 0;
if (hdSelectedId.isNull())
hdSelectedId = di ? di->getUuid() : QUuid();
item = cdsView->currentItem();
di = (item && item->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId) ?
static_cast (item) : 0;
if (cdSelectedId.isNull())
cdSelectedId = di ? di->getUuid() : QUuid();
item = fdsView->currentItem();
di = (item && item->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId) ?
static_cast (item) : 0;
if (fdSelectedId.isNull())
fdSelectedId = di ? di->getUuid() : QUuid();
/* finally, clear all lists */
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::refreshAll()
/* start enumerating media */
bool VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::checkImage (DiskImageItem* aItem)
QUuid itemId = aItem ? aItem->getUuid() : QUuid();
if (itemId.isNull()) return false;
QListView* parentList = aItem->listView();
if (parentList == hdsView)
CHardDisk hd = aItem->getMedia().disk;
QUuid machineId = hd.GetMachineId();
if (machineId.isNull() ||
vbox.GetMachine (machineId).GetState() != CEnums::PoweredOff &&
vbox.GetMachine (machineId).GetState() != CEnums::Aborted)
return false;
else if (parentList == cdsView)
/* check if there is temporary usage: */
QStringList tempMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetDVDImageUsage (itemId,
if (!tempMachines.isEmpty())
return false;
/* only permamently mounted .iso could be released */
QStringList permMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetDVDImageUsage (itemId,
for (QStringList::Iterator it = permMachines.begin();
it != permMachines.end(); ++it)
if (vbox.GetMachine(QUuid (*it)).GetState() != CEnums::PoweredOff &&
vbox.GetMachine(QUuid (*it)).GetState() != CEnums::Aborted)
return false;
else if (parentList == fdsView)
/* check if there is temporary usage: */
QStringList tempMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetFloppyImageUsage (itemId,
if (!tempMachines.isEmpty())
return false;
/* only permamently mounted .iso could be released */
QStringList permMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetFloppyImageUsage (itemId,
for (QStringList::Iterator it = permMachines.begin();
it != permMachines.end(); ++it)
if (vbox.GetMachine(QUuid (*it)).GetState() != CEnums::PoweredOff &&
vbox.GetMachine(QUuid (*it)).GetState() != CEnums::Aborted)
return false;
return false;
return true;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::setCurrentItem (QListView *aListView,
QListViewItem *aItem)
if (!aItem)
aListView->setCurrentItem (aItem);
aListView->setSelected (aListView->currentItem(), true);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::processCurrentChanged()
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
/* tab stop setup */
setTabOrder (hdsView, hdsPane1);
setTabOrder (hdsPane1, hdsPane2);
setTabOrder (hdsPane2, hdsPane3);
setTabOrder (hdsPane3, hdsPane4);
setTabOrder (hdsPane4, hdsPane5);
setTabOrder (hdsPane5, buttonHelp);
setTabOrder (cdsView, cdsPane1);
setTabOrder (cdsPane1, cdsPane2);
setTabOrder (cdsPane2, buttonHelp);
setTabOrder (fdsView, fdsPane1);
setTabOrder (fdsPane1, fdsPane2);
setTabOrder (fdsPane2, buttonHelp);
setTabOrder (buttonHelp, buttonOk);
setTabOrder (buttonOk, twImages);
processCurrentChanged (currentList->currentItem());
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::processCurrentChanged (QListViewItem *aItem)
DiskImageItem *item = aItem && aItem->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId ?
static_cast (aItem) : 0;
bool notInEnum = !vboxGlobal().isMediaEnumerationStarted();
bool modifyEnabled = notInEnum &&
item && item->getUsage().isNull() &&
!item->firstChild() && !item->getPath().isNull();
bool releaseEnabled = item && !item->getUsage().isNull() &&
item->getSnapshotUsage().isNull() &&
checkImage (item) &&
!item->parent() && !item->firstChild() &&
bool newEnabled = notInEnum &&
getCurrentListView() == hdsView ? true : false;
bool addEnabled = notInEnum;
// imEditAction->setEnabled (modifyEnabled);
imRemoveAction->setEnabled (modifyEnabled);
imReleaseAction->setEnabled (releaseEnabled);
imNewAction->setEnabled (newEnabled);
imAddAction->setEnabled (addEnabled);
// itemMenu->setItemVisible (itemMenu->idAt(0), modifyEnabled);
itemMenu->setItemEnabled (itemMenu->idAt(0), modifyEnabled);
itemMenu->setItemEnabled (itemMenu->idAt(1), releaseEnabled);
if (doSelect)
bool selectEnabled = item && !item->parent() &&
(!newEnabled ||
(item->getUsage().isNull() ||
item->getMachineId() == targetVMId));
buttonOk->setEnabled (selectEnabled);
if (item)
if (item->listView() == hdsView)
hdsPane1->setText (item->getInformation (item->getPath(), true, "end"));
hdsPane2->setText (item->getInformation (item->getDiskType(), false));
hdsPane3->setText (item->getInformation (item->getStorageType(), false));
hdsPane4->setText (item->getInformation (item->getUsage()));
hdsPane5->setText (item->getInformation (item->getSnapshotName()));
else if (item->listView() == cdsView)
cdsPane1->setText (item->getInformation (item->getPath(), true, "end"));
cdsPane2->setText (item->getInformation (item->getTotalUsage()));
else if (item->listView() == fdsView)
fdsPane1->setText (item->getInformation (item->getPath(), true, "end"));
fdsPane2->setText (item->getInformation (item->getTotalUsage()));
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::processPressed (QListViewItem * aItem)
if (!aItem)
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
currentList->setSelected (currentList->currentItem(), true);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::newImage()
AssertReturnVoid (getCurrentListView() == hdsView);
VBoxNewHDWzd dlg (this, "VBoxNewHDWzd");
if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
CHardDisk hd = dlg.hardDisk();
VBoxMedia::Status status =
hd.GetAccessible() ? VBoxMedia::Ok :
hd.isOk() ? VBoxMedia::Inaccessible :
vboxGlobal().addMedia (VBoxMedia (CUnknown (hd), VBoxDefs::HD, status));
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::addImage()
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
DiskImageItem *item =
currentList->currentItem() &&
currentList->currentItem()->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId ?
static_cast (currentList->currentItem()) : 0;
QString dir;
if (item && item->getStatus() == VBoxMedia::Ok)
dir = QFileInfo (item->getPath().stripWhiteSpace()).dirPath (true);
if (!dir)
if (currentList == hdsView)
dir = vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetDefaultVDIFolder();
if (!dir || !QFileInfo (dir).exists())
dir = vbox.GetHomeFolder();
QString title;
QString filter;
VBoxDefs::DiskType type = VBoxDefs::InvalidType;
if (currentList == hdsView)
filter = tr ("All hard disk images (*.vdi; *.vmdk);;"
"Virtual Disk images (*.vdi);;"
"VMDK images (*.vmdk);;"
"All files (*)");
title = tr ("Select a hard disk image file");
type = VBoxDefs::HD;
else if (currentList == cdsView)
filter = tr ("CD/DVD-ROM images (*.iso);;"
"All files (*)");
title = tr ("Select a CD/DVD-ROM disk image file");
type = VBoxDefs::CD;
else if (currentList == fdsView)
filter = tr ("Floppy images (*.img);;"
"All files (*)");
title = tr ("Select a floppy disk image file");
type = VBoxDefs::FD;
AssertMsgFailed (("Root list should be equal to hdsView, cdsView or fdsView"));
QString src = VBoxGlobal::getOpenFileName (dir, filter, this,
"AddDiskImageDialog", title);
src = QDir::convertSeparators (src);
addImageToList (src, type);
if (!vbox.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotRegisterMedia (this, vbox, type, src);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::removeImage()
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
DiskImageItem *item =
currentList->currentItem() &&
currentList->currentItem()->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId ?
static_cast (currentList->currentItem()) : 0;
AssertMsg (item, ("Current item must not be null"));
QUuid uuid = item->getUuid();
AssertMsg (!uuid.isNull(), ("Current item must have uuid"));
QString src = item->getPath().stripWhiteSpace();
VBoxDefs::DiskType type = VBoxDefs::InvalidType;
if (currentList == hdsView)
type = VBoxDefs::HD;
bool deleteImage = false;
/// @todo When creation of VMDK is implemented, we should
/// enable image deletion for them as well (use
/// GetStorageType() to define the correct cast).
CHardDisk disk = item->getMedia().disk;
if (disk.GetStorageType() == CEnums::VirtualDiskImage &&
item->getStatus() == VBoxMedia::Ok)
int rc = vboxProblem().confirmHardDiskImageDeletion (this, src);
if (rc == QIMessageBox::Cancel)
deleteImage = rc == QIMessageBox::Yes;
if (!vboxProblem().confirmHardDiskUnregister (this, src))
CHardDisk hd = vbox.UnregisterHardDisk (uuid);
if (!vbox.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotUnregisterMedia (this, vbox, type, src);
else if (deleteImage)
/// @todo When creation of VMDK is implemented, we should
/// enable image deletion for them as well (use
/// GetStorageType() to define the correct cast).
CVirtualDiskImage vdi = CUnknown (hd);
if (vdi.isOk())
if (!vdi.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotDeleteHardDiskImage (this, vdi);
else if (currentList == cdsView)
type = VBoxDefs::CD;
vbox.UnregisterDVDImage (uuid);
else if (currentList == fdsView)
type = VBoxDefs::FD;
vbox.UnregisterFloppyImage (uuid);
if (vbox.isOk())
vboxGlobal().removeMedia (type, uuid);
vboxProblem().cannotUnregisterMedia (this, vbox, type, src);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::releaseImage()
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
DiskImageItem *item =
currentList->currentItem() &&
currentList->currentItem()->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId ?
static_cast (currentList->currentItem()) : 0;
AssertMsg (item, ("Current item must not be null"));
QUuid itemId = item->getUuid();
AssertMsg (!itemId.isNull(), ("Current item must have uuid"));
/* if it is a hard disk sub-item: */
if (currentList == hdsView)
CHardDisk hd = item->getMedia().disk;
QUuid machineId = hd.GetMachineId();
if (vboxProblem().confirmReleaseImage (this,
vbox.GetMachine (machineId).GetName()))
releaseDisk (machineId, itemId, VBoxDefs::HD);
VBoxMedia media (item->getMedia());
media.status = hd.GetAccessible() ? VBoxMedia::Ok :
hd.isOk() ? VBoxMedia::Inaccessible :
vboxGlobal().updateMedia (media);
/* if it is a cd/dvd sub-item: */
else if (currentList == cdsView)
QString usage = item->getTotalUsage();
if (vboxProblem().confirmReleaseImage (this, usage))
QStringList permMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetDVDImageUsage (itemId,
for (QStringList::Iterator it = permMachines.begin();
it != permMachines.end(); ++it)
releaseDisk (QUuid (*it), itemId, VBoxDefs::CD);
CDVDImage cd = vbox.GetDVDImage (itemId);
VBoxMedia media (item->getMedia());
media.status = cd.GetAccessible() ? VBoxMedia::Ok :
cd.isOk() ? VBoxMedia::Inaccessible :
vboxGlobal().updateMedia (media);
/* if it is a floppy sub-item: */
else if (currentList == fdsView)
QString usage = item->getTotalUsage();
if (vboxProblem().confirmReleaseImage (this, usage))
QStringList permMachines =
QStringList::split (' ', vbox.GetFloppyImageUsage (itemId,
for (QStringList::Iterator it = permMachines.begin();
it != permMachines.end(); ++it)
releaseDisk (QUuid (*it), itemId, VBoxDefs::FD);
CFloppyImage fd = vbox.GetFloppyImage (itemId);
VBoxMedia media (item->getMedia());
media.status = fd.GetAccessible() ? VBoxMedia::Ok :
fd.isOk() ? VBoxMedia::Inaccessible :
vboxGlobal().updateMedia (media);
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::releaseDisk (QUuid aMachineId,
QUuid aItemId,
VBoxDefs::DiskType aDiskType)
CSession session;
CMachine machine;
/* is this media image mapped to this VM: */
if (!cmachine.isNull() && cmachine.GetId() == aMachineId)
machine = cmachine;
/* or some other: */
session = vboxGlobal().openSession (aMachineId);
if (session.isNull()) return;
machine = session.GetMachine();
/* perform disk releasing: */
switch (aDiskType)
case VBoxDefs::HD:
/* releasing hd: */
CHardDiskAttachmentEnumerator en =
while (en.HasMore())
CHardDiskAttachment hda = en.GetNext();
if (hda.GetHardDisk().GetId() == aItemId)
machine.DetachHardDisk (hda.GetController(),
if (!machine.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotDetachHardDisk (this,
machine, hda.GetController(), hda.GetDeviceNumber());
case VBoxDefs::CD:
/* releasing cd: */
case VBoxDefs::FD:
/* releasing fd: */
AssertMsgFailed (("Incorrect disk type."));
/* save all setting changes: */
if (!machine.isOk())
vboxProblem().cannotSaveMachineSettings (machine);
/* if local session was opened - close this session: */
if (!session.isNull())
QUuid VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::getSelectedUuid()
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
QUuid uuid;
if (currentList->selectedItem() &&
currentList->selectedItem()->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId)
uuid = static_cast (
return uuid;
QString VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::getSelectedPath()
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
QString path;
if (currentList->selectedItem() &&
currentList->selectedItem()->rtti() == DiskImageItem::TypeId )
path = static_cast (currentList->selectedItem())
return path;
void VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::processDoubleClick (QListViewItem*)
QListView *currentList = getCurrentListView();
if (doSelect && currentList->selectedItem() && buttonOk->isEnabled())