/** * * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"): * "VM network settings" dialog UI include (Qt Designer) */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use ** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an ** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in ** place of a destructor. *****************************************************************************/ /** * VBoxVMNetworkSettings class to use as network interface setup page. */ void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::init() { leMACAddress->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp ("[0-9,A-F]{12,12}"), this)); cbNetworkAttachment->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::NoNetworkAttachment)); cbNetworkAttachment->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::NATNetworkAttachment)); #ifndef Q_WS_MAC /* not yet on the Mac */ cbNetworkAttachment->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::HostInterfaceNetworkAttachment)); cbNetworkAttachment->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::InternalNetworkAttachment)); #endif #if defined Q_WS_X11 leTAPDescriptor->setValidator (new QIntValidator (-1, std::numeric_limits ::max(), this)); #else /* hide unavailable settings (TAP setup and terminate apps) */ frmTAPSetupTerminate->setHidden (true); /* disable unused interface name UI */ frmHostInterface_X11->setHidden (true); #endif #if defined Q_WS_WIN /* disable unused interface name UI */ grbTAP->setHidden (true); connect (grbEnabled, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (grbEnabledToggled (bool))); #else /* disable unused interface name UI */ txHostInterface_WIN->setHidden (true); cbHostInterfaceName->setHidden (true); /* setup iconsets */ pbTAPSetup->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); pbTAPTerminate->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); #endif /* the TAP file descriptor setting is always invisible -- currently not used * (remove the relative code at all? -- just leave for some time...) */ frmTAPDescriptor->setHidden (true); #if defined Q_WS_MAC /* no Host Interface Networking on the Mac yet */ grbTAP->setHidden (true); #endif } bool VBoxVMNetworkSettings::isPageValid (const QStringList &aList) { #if defined Q_WS_WIN CEnums::NetworkAttachmentType type = vboxGlobal().toNetworkAttachmentType (cbNetworkAttachment->currentText()); return !(type == CEnums::HostInterfaceNetworkAttachment && isInterfaceInvalid (aList, cbHostInterfaceName->currentText())); #else NOREF (aList); return true; #endif } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::loadList (const QStringList &aList, const QString &aNillItem) { #if defined Q_WS_WIN /* save current list item name */ QString currentListItemName = cbHostInterfaceName->currentText(); /* clear current list */ cbHostInterfaceName->clear(); /* load current list items */ if (aList.count()) { cbHostInterfaceName->insertStringList (aList); int index = aList.findIndex (currentListItemName); if (index != -1) cbHostInterfaceName->setCurrentItem (index); } else { cbHostInterfaceName->insertItem (aNillItem); cbHostInterfaceName->setCurrentItem (0); } #else NOREF (aList); NOREF (aNillItem); #endif } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::getFromAdapter (const CNetworkAdapter &adapter) { cadapter = adapter; grbEnabled->setChecked (adapter.GetEnabled()); CEnums::NetworkAttachmentType type = adapter.GetAttachmentType(); cbNetworkAttachment->setCurrentItem (0); for (int i = 0; i < cbNetworkAttachment->count(); i ++) if (vboxGlobal().toNetworkAttachmentType (cbNetworkAttachment->text (i)) == type) { cbNetworkAttachment->setCurrentItem (i); cbNetworkAttachment_activated (cbNetworkAttachment->currentText()); break; } leMACAddress->setText (adapter.GetMACAddress()); chbCableConnected->setChecked (adapter.GetCableConnected()); #if defined Q_WS_WIN QString name = adapter.GetHostInterface(); for (int index = 0; index < cbHostInterfaceName->count(); ++ index) if (cbHostInterfaceName->text (index) == name) { cbHostInterfaceName->setCurrentItem (index); break; } if (cbHostInterfaceName->currentItem() == -1) cbHostInterfaceName->setCurrentText (name); #else leHostInterface->setText (adapter.GetHostInterface()); #endif #if defined Q_WS_X11 leTAPDescriptor->setText (QString::number (adapter.GetTAPFileDescriptor())); leTAPSetup->setText (adapter.GetTAPSetupApplication()); leTAPTerminate->setText (adapter.GetTAPTerminateApplication()); #endif } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::putBackToAdapter() { cadapter.SetEnabled (grbEnabled->isChecked()); CEnums::NetworkAttachmentType type = vboxGlobal().toNetworkAttachmentType (cbNetworkAttachment->currentText()); switch (type) { case CEnums::NoNetworkAttachment: cadapter.Detach(); break; case CEnums::NATNetworkAttachment: cadapter.AttachToNAT(); break; case CEnums::HostInterfaceNetworkAttachment: cadapter.AttachToHostInterface(); break; case CEnums::InternalNetworkAttachment: cadapter.AttachToInternalNetwork(); break; default: AssertMsgFailed (("Invalid network attachment type: %d", type)); break; } cadapter.SetMACAddress (leMACAddress->text()); cadapter.SetCableConnected (chbCableConnected->isChecked()); if (type == CEnums::HostInterfaceNetworkAttachment) { #if defined Q_WS_WIN if (!cbHostInterfaceName->currentText().isEmpty()) cadapter.SetHostInterface (cbHostInterfaceName->currentText()); #else QString iface = leHostInterface->text(); cadapter.SetHostInterface (iface.isEmpty() ? QString::null : iface); #endif #if defined Q_WS_X11 cadapter.SetTAPFileDescriptor (leTAPDescriptor->text().toLong()); QString setup = leTAPSetup->text(); cadapter.SetTAPSetupApplication (setup.isEmpty() ? QString::null : setup); QString term = leTAPTerminate->text(); cadapter.SetTAPTerminateApplication (term.isEmpty() ? QString::null : term); #endif } } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::setValidator (QIWidgetValidator *aWalidator) { mWalidator = aWalidator; } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::revalidate() { mWalidator->revalidate(); } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::grbEnabledToggled (bool aOn) { #if defined Q_WS_WIN if (!aOn) { cbNetworkAttachment->setCurrentItem (0); cbNetworkAttachment_activated (cbNetworkAttachment->currentText()); } #else NOREF (aOn); #endif } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::cbNetworkAttachment_activated (const QString &aString) { bool enableHostIf = vboxGlobal().toNetworkAttachmentType (aString) == CEnums::HostInterfaceNetworkAttachment; #if defined Q_WS_WIN txHostInterface_WIN->setEnabled (enableHostIf); cbHostInterfaceName->setEnabled (enableHostIf); #else grbTAP->setEnabled (enableHostIf); #endif } bool VBoxVMNetworkSettings::isInterfaceInvalid (const QStringList &aList, const QString &aIface) { #if defined Q_WS_WIN return aList.find (aIface) == aList.end(); #else NOREF (aList); NOREF (aIface); return false; #endif } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::pbGenerateMAC_clicked() { cadapter.SetMACAddress (QString::null); leMACAddress->setText (cadapter.GetMACAddress()); } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::pbTAPSetup_clicked() { QString selected = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName ( "/", QString::null, this, NULL, tr ("Select TAP setup application")); if (selected) leTAPSetup->setText (selected); } void VBoxVMNetworkSettings::pbTAPTerminate_clicked() { QString selected = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName ( "/", QString::null, this, NULL, tr ("Select TAP terminate application")); if (selected) leTAPTerminate->setText (selected); }