/** * * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"): * "VM settings" dialog UI include (Qt Designer) */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, * in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE * distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox * distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox * license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph. */ /**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use ** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an ** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in ** place of a destructor. *****************************************************************************/ /** * QDialog class reimplementation to use for adding network interface. * It has one line-edit field for entering network interface's name and * common dialog's ok/cancel buttons. */ class VBoxAddNIDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: VBoxAddNIDialog (QWidget *aParent, const QString &aIfaceName) : QDialog (aParent, "VBoxAddNIDialog", true /* modal */), mLeName (0) { setCaption (tr ("Add Host Interface")); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout (this, 10, 10, "mainLayout"); /* Setup Input layout */ QHBoxLayout *inputLayout = new QHBoxLayout (mainLayout, 10, "inputLayout"); QLabel *lbName = new QLabel (tr ("Interface Name"), this); mLeName = new QLineEdit (aIfaceName, this); QWhatsThis::add (mLeName, tr ("Descriptive name of the new network interface")); inputLayout->addWidget (lbName); inputLayout->addWidget (mLeName); connect (mLeName, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)), this, SLOT (validate())); /* Setup Button layout */ QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout (mainLayout, 10, "buttonLayout"); mBtOk = new QPushButton (tr ("&OK"), this, "mBtOk"); QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); QPushButton *btCancel = new QPushButton (tr ("Cancel"), this, "btCancel"); connect (mBtOk, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (accept())); connect (btCancel, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (reject())); buttonLayout->addWidget (mBtOk); buttonLayout->addItem (spacer); buttonLayout->addWidget (btCancel); /* resize to fit the aIfaceName in one string */ int requiredWidth = mLeName->fontMetrics().width (aIfaceName) + mLeName->frameWidth() * 2 + mLeName->lineWidth() * 2 + inputLayout->spacing() + lbName->fontMetrics().width (lbName->text()) + lbName->frameWidth() * 2 + lbName->lineWidth() * 2 + mainLayout->margin() * 2; resize (requiredWidth, minimumHeight()); /* Validate interface name field */ validate(); } ~VBoxAddNIDialog() {} QString getName() { return mLeName->text(); } private slots: void validate() { mBtOk->setEnabled (!mLeName->text().isEmpty()); } private: void showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent) { setFixedHeight (height()); QDialog::showEvent (aEvent); } QPushButton *mBtOk; QLineEdit *mLeName; }; /** * Calculates a suitable page step size for the given max value. * The returned size is so that there will be no more than 32 pages. * The minimum returned page size is 4. */ static int calcPageStep (int aMax) { /* reasonable max. number of page steps is 32 */ uint page = ((uint) aMax + 31) / 32; /* make it a power of 2 */ uint p = page, p2 = 0x1; while ((p >>= 1)) p2 <<= 1; if (page != p2) p2 <<= 1; if (p2 < 4) p2 = 4; return (int) p2; } /** * QListView class reimplementation to use as boot items table. * It has one unsorted column without header with automated width * resize management. * Keymapping handlers for ctrl-up & ctrl-down are translated into * boot-items up/down moving. */ class BootItemsTable : public QListView { Q_OBJECT public: BootItemsTable (QWidget *aParent, const char *aName) : QListView (aParent, aName) { addColumn (QString::null); header()->hide(); setSorting (-1); setColumnWidthMode (0, Maximum); setResizeMode (AllColumns); QWhatsThis::add (this, tr ("Defines the boot device order. " "Use checkboxes to the left to enable or disable " "individual boot devices. Move items up and down to " "change the device order.")); setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred); connect (this, SIGNAL (pressed (QListViewItem*)), this, SLOT (processPressed (QListViewItem*))); } ~BootItemsTable() {} void emitItemToggled() { emit itemToggled(); } signals: void moveItemUp(); void moveItemDown(); void itemToggled(); private slots: void processPressed (QListViewItem *aItem) { if (!aItem) setSelected (currentItem(), true); } void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *aEvent) { if (aEvent->state() == Qt::ControlButton) { switch (aEvent->key()) { case Qt::Key_Up: emit moveItemUp(); return; case Qt::Key_Down: emit moveItemDown(); return; default: break; } } QListView::keyPressEvent (aEvent); } }; /** * QWidget class reimplementation to use as boot items widget. * It contains BootItemsTable and two tool-buttons for moving * boot-items up/down. * This widget handles saving/loading CMachine information related * to boot sequience. */ class BootItemsList : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT class BootItem : public QCheckListItem { public: BootItem (BootItemsTable *aParent, QListViewItem *aAfter, const QString &aName, Type aType) : QCheckListItem (aParent, aAfter, aName, aType) {} private: void stateChange (bool) { BootItemsTable *table = static_cast (listView()); table->emitItemToggled(); } }; public: BootItemsList (QWidget *aParent, const char *aName) : QWidget (aParent, aName), mBootTable (0) { /* Setup main widget layout */ QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout (this, 0, 6, "mainLayout"); /* Setup settings layout */ mBootTable = new BootItemsTable (this, "mBootTable"); connect (mBootTable, SIGNAL (currentChanged (QListViewItem*)), this, SLOT (processCurrentChanged (QListViewItem*))); mainLayout->addWidget (mBootTable); /* Setup button's layout */ QVBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QVBoxLayout (mainLayout, 0, "buttonLayout"); mBtnUp = new QToolButton (this, "mBtnUp"); mBtnDown = new QToolButton (this, "mBtnDown"); mBtnUp->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); mBtnDown->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); QWhatsThis::add (mBtnUp, tr ("Moves the selected boot device up.")); QWhatsThis::add (mBtnDown, tr ("Moves the selected boot device down.")); QToolTip::add (mBtnUp, tr ("Move Up (Ctrl-Up)")); QToolTip::add (mBtnDown, tr ("Move Down (Ctrl-Down)")); mBtnUp->setAutoRaise (true); mBtnDown->setAutoRaise (true); mBtnUp->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus); mBtnDown->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::StrongFocus); mBtnUp->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("list_moveup_16px.png", "list_moveup_disabled_16px.png")); mBtnDown->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("list_movedown_16px.png", "list_movedown_disabled_16px.png")); QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem (0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); connect (mBtnUp, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (moveItemUp())); connect (mBtnDown, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (moveItemDown())); connect (mBootTable, SIGNAL (moveItemUp()), this, SLOT (moveItemUp())); connect (mBootTable, SIGNAL (moveItemDown()), this, SLOT (moveItemDown())); connect (mBootTable, SIGNAL (itemToggled()), this, SLOT (onItemToggled())); buttonLayout->addWidget (mBtnUp); buttonLayout->addWidget (mBtnDown); buttonLayout->addItem (spacer); /* Setup focus proxy for BootItemsList */ setFocusProxy (mBootTable); } ~BootItemsList() {} void fixTabStops() { /* fix focus order for BootItemsList */ setTabOrder (mBootTable, mBtnUp); setTabOrder (mBtnUp, mBtnDown); } void getFromMachine (const CMachine &aMachine) { /* Load boot-items of current VM */ QStringList uniqueList; int minimumWidth = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++ i) { CEnums::DeviceType type = aMachine.GetBootOrder (i); if (type != CEnums::NoDevice) { QString name = vboxGlobal().toString (type); QCheckListItem *item = new BootItem (mBootTable, mBootTable->lastItem(), name, QCheckListItem::CheckBox); item->setOn (true); uniqueList << name; int width = item->width (mBootTable->fontMetrics(), mBootTable, 0); if (width > minimumWidth) minimumWidth = width; } } /* Load other unique boot-items */ for (int i = CEnums::FloppyDevice; i < CEnums::USBDevice; ++ i) { QString name = vboxGlobal().toString ((CEnums::DeviceType) i); if (!uniqueList.contains (name)) { QCheckListItem *item = new BootItem (mBootTable, mBootTable->lastItem(), name, QCheckListItem::CheckBox); uniqueList << name; int width = item->width (mBootTable->fontMetrics(), mBootTable, 0); if (width > minimumWidth) minimumWidth = width; } } processCurrentChanged (mBootTable->firstChild()); mBootTable->setFixedWidth (minimumWidth + 4 /* viewport margin */); mBootTable->setFixedHeight (mBootTable->childCount() * mBootTable->firstChild()->totalHeight() + 4 /* viewport margin */); } void putBackToMachine (CMachine &aMachine) { QCheckListItem *item = 0; /* Search for checked items */ int index = 1; item = static_cast (mBootTable->firstChild()); while (item) { if (item->isOn()) { CEnums::DeviceType type = vboxGlobal().toDeviceType (item->text (0)); aMachine.SetBootOrder (index++, type); } item = static_cast (item->nextSibling()); } /* Search for non-checked items */ item = static_cast (mBootTable->firstChild()); while (item) { if (!item->isOn()) aMachine.SetBootOrder (index++, CEnums::NoDevice); item = static_cast (item->nextSibling()); } } void processFocusIn (QWidget *aWidget) { if (aWidget == mBootTable) { mBootTable->setSelected (mBootTable->currentItem(), true); processCurrentChanged (mBootTable->currentItem()); } else if (aWidget != mBtnUp && aWidget != mBtnDown) { mBootTable->setSelected (mBootTable->currentItem(), false); processCurrentChanged (mBootTable->currentItem()); } } signals: void bootSequenceChanged(); private slots: void moveItemUp() { QListViewItem *item = mBootTable->currentItem(); Assert (item); QListViewItem *itemAbove = item->itemAbove(); if (!itemAbove) return; itemAbove->moveItem (item); processCurrentChanged (item); emit bootSequenceChanged(); } void moveItemDown() { QListViewItem *item = mBootTable->currentItem(); Assert (item); QListViewItem *itemBelow = item->itemBelow(); if (!itemBelow) return; item->moveItem (itemBelow); processCurrentChanged (item); emit bootSequenceChanged(); } void onItemToggled() { emit bootSequenceChanged(); } void processCurrentChanged (QListViewItem *aItem) { bool upEnabled = aItem && aItem->isSelected() && aItem->itemAbove(); bool downEnabled = aItem && aItem->isSelected() && aItem->itemBelow(); if (mBtnUp->hasFocus() && !upEnabled || mBtnDown->hasFocus() && !downEnabled) mBootTable->setFocus(); mBtnUp->setEnabled (upEnabled); mBtnDown->setEnabled (downEnabled); } private: BootItemsTable *mBootTable; QToolButton *mBtnUp; QToolButton *mBtnDown; }; /// @todo (dmik) remove? ///** // * Returns the through position of the item in the list view. // */ //static int pos (QListView *lv, QListViewItem *li) //{ // QListViewItemIterator it (lv); // int p = -1, c = 0; // while (it.current() && p < 0) // { // if (it.current() == li) // p = c; // ++ it; // ++ c; // } // return p; //} class USBListItem : public QCheckListItem { public: USBListItem (QListView *aParent, QListViewItem *aAfter) : QCheckListItem (aParent, aAfter, QString::null, CheckBox) , mId (-1) {} int mId; }; /** * Returns the path to the item in the form of 'grandparent > parent > item' * using the text of the first column of every item. */ static QString path (QListViewItem *li) { static QString sep = ": "; QString p; QListViewItem *cur = li; while (cur) { if (!p.isNull()) p = sep + p; p = cur->text (0).simplifyWhiteSpace() + p; cur = cur->parent(); } return p; } enum { /* listView column numbers */ listView_Category = 0, listView_Id = 1, listView_Link = 2, /* lvUSBFilters column numbers */ lvUSBFilters_Name = 0, }; void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::init() { polished = false; mResetFirstRunFlag = false; setIcon (QPixmap::fromMimeSource ("settings_16px.png")); /* all pages are initially valid */ valid = true; buttonOk->setEnabled( true ); /* disable unselecting items by clicking in the unused area of the list */ new QIListViewSelectionPreserver (this, listView); /* hide the header and internal columns */ listView->header()->hide(); listView->setColumnWidthMode (listView_Id, QListView::Manual); listView->setColumnWidthMode (listView_Link, QListView::Manual); listView->hideColumn (listView_Id); listView->hideColumn (listView_Link); /* sort by the id column (to have pages in the desired order) */ listView->setSorting (listView_Id); listView->sort(); /* disable further sorting (important for network adapters) */ listView->setSorting (-1); /* set the first item selected */ listView->setSelected (listView->firstChild(), true); listView_currentChanged (listView->firstChild()); /* setup status bar icon */ warningPixmap->setMaximumSize( 16, 16 ); warningPixmap->setPixmap( QMessageBox::standardIcon( QMessageBox::Warning ) ); /* page title font is derived from the system font */ QFont f = font(); f.setBold (true); f.setPointSize (f.pointSize() + 2); titleLabel->setFont (f); /* setup the what's this label */ QApplication::setGlobalMouseTracking (true); qApp->installEventFilter (this); whatsThisTimer = new QTimer (this); connect (whatsThisTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()), this, SLOT (updateWhatsThis())); whatsThisCandidate = NULL; whatsThisLabel = new QIRichLabel (this, "whatsThisLabel"); VBoxVMSettingsDlgLayout->addWidget (whatsThisLabel, 2, 1); #ifndef DEBUG /* Enforce rich text format to avoid jumping margins (margins of plain * text labels seem to be smaller). We don't do it in the DEBUG builds to * be able to immediately catch badly formatted text (i.e. text that * contains HTML tags but doesn't start with so that Qt isn't able to * recognize it as rich text and draws all tags as is instead of doing * formatting). We want to catch this text because this is how it will look * in the whatsthis balloon where we cannot enforce rich text. */ whatsThisLabel->setTextFormat (Qt::RichText); #endif whatsThisLabel->setMaxHeightMode (true); whatsThisLabel->setFocusPolicy (QWidget::NoFocus); whatsThisLabel->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); whatsThisLabel->setBackgroundMode (QLabel::PaletteMidlight); whatsThisLabel->setFrameShape (QLabel::Box); whatsThisLabel->setFrameShadow (QLabel::Sunken); whatsThisLabel->setMargin (7); whatsThisLabel->setScaledContents (FALSE); whatsThisLabel->setAlignment (int (QLabel::WordBreak | QLabel::AlignJustify | QLabel::AlignTop)); whatsThisLabel->setFixedHeight (whatsThisLabel->frameWidth() * 2 + 6 /* seems that RichText adds some margin */ + whatsThisLabel->fontMetrics().lineSpacing() * 4); whatsThisLabel->setMinimumWidth (whatsThisLabel->frameWidth() * 2 + 6 /* seems that RichText adds some margin */ + whatsThisLabel->fontMetrics().width ('m') * 40); /* * setup connections and set validation for pages * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* General page */ CSystemProperties sysProps = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties(); const uint MinRAM = sysProps.GetMinGuestRAM(); const uint MaxRAM = sysProps.GetMaxGuestRAM(); const uint MinVRAM = sysProps.GetMinGuestVRAM(); const uint MaxVRAM = sysProps.GetMaxGuestVRAM(); leName->setValidator( new QRegExpValidator( QRegExp( ".+" ), this ) ); leRAM->setValidator (new QIntValidator (MinRAM, MaxRAM, this)); leVRAM->setValidator (new QIntValidator (MinVRAM, MaxVRAM, this)); wvalGeneral = new QIWidgetValidator( pageGeneral, this ); connect (wvalGeneral, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT(enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *))); tbSelectSavedStateFolder->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); tbResetSavedStateFolder->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("eraser_16px.png", "eraser_disabled_16px.png")); teDescription->setTextFormat (Qt::PlainText); /* HDD Images page */ QWhatsThis::add (static_cast (grbHDA->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), tr ("When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the " "Master slot of the Primary IDE controller.")); QWhatsThis::add (static_cast (grbHDB->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), tr ("When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the " "Slave slot of the Primary IDE controller.")); QWhatsThis::add (static_cast (grbHDD->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), tr ("When checked, attaches the specified virtual hard disk to the " "Slave slot of the Secondary IDE controller.")); cbHDA = new VBoxMediaComboBox (grbHDA, "cbHDA", VBoxDefs::HD); cbHDB = new VBoxMediaComboBox (grbHDB, "cbHDB", VBoxDefs::HD); cbHDD = new VBoxMediaComboBox (grbHDD, "cbHDD", VBoxDefs::HD); hdaLayout->insertWidget (0, cbHDA); hdbLayout->insertWidget (0, cbHDB); hddLayout->insertWidget (0, cbHDD); /* sometimes the weirdness of Qt just kills... */ setTabOrder (static_cast (grbHDA->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), cbHDA); setTabOrder (static_cast (grbHDB->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), cbHDB); setTabOrder (static_cast (grbHDD->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), cbHDD); QWhatsThis::add (cbHDB, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot " "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk.")); QWhatsThis::add (cbHDD, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot " "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk.")); QWhatsThis::add (cbHDA, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot " "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk.")); QWhatsThis::add (cbHDB, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot " "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk.")); QWhatsThis::add (cbHDD, tr ("Displays the virtual hard disk to attach to this IDE slot " "and allows to quickly select a different hard disk.")); wvalHDD = new QIWidgetValidator( pageHDD, this ); connect (wvalHDD, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (wvalHDD, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (revalidate (QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (grbHDA, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (hdaMediaChanged())); connect (grbHDB, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (hdbMediaChanged())); connect (grbHDD, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (hddMediaChanged())); connect (cbHDA, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (hdaMediaChanged())); connect (cbHDB, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (hdbMediaChanged())); connect (cbHDD, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (hddMediaChanged())); connect (tbHDA, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerHDA())); connect (tbHDB, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerHDB())); connect (tbHDD, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerHDD())); /* setup iconsets -- qdesigner is not capable... */ tbHDA->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); tbHDB->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); tbHDD->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); /* CD/DVD-ROM Drive Page */ QWhatsThis::add (static_cast (bgDVD->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), tr ("When checked, mounts the specified media to the CD/DVD drive of the " "virtual machine. Note that the CD/DVD drive is always connected to the " "Secondary Master IDE controller of the machine.")); cbISODVD = new VBoxMediaComboBox (bgDVD, "cbISODVD", VBoxDefs::CD); cdLayout->insertWidget(0, cbISODVD); QWhatsThis::add (cbISODVD, tr ("Displays the image file to mount to the virtual CD/DVD " "drive and allows to quickly select a different image.")); wvalDVD = new QIWidgetValidator (pageDVD, this); connect (wvalDVD, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (wvalDVD, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (bgDVD, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (cdMediaChanged())); connect (rbHostDVD, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), wvalDVD, SLOT (revalidate())); connect (rbISODVD, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), wvalDVD, SLOT (revalidate())); connect (cbISODVD, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (cdMediaChanged())); connect (tbISODVD, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerISODVD())); /* setup iconsets -- qdesigner is not capable... */ tbISODVD->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); /* Floppy Drive Page */ QWhatsThis::add (static_cast (bgFloppy->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), tr ("When checked, mounts the specified media to the Floppy drive of the " "virtual machine.")); cbISOFloppy = new VBoxMediaComboBox (bgFloppy, "cbISOFloppy", VBoxDefs::FD); fdLayout->insertWidget(0, cbISOFloppy); QWhatsThis::add (cbISOFloppy, tr ("Displays the image file to mount to the virtual Floppy " "drive and allows to quickly select a different image.")); wvalFloppy = new QIWidgetValidator (pageFloppy, this); connect (wvalFloppy, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (wvalFloppy, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (bgFloppy, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (fdMediaChanged())); connect (rbHostFloppy, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate())); connect (rbISOFloppy, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate())); connect (cbISOFloppy, SIGNAL (activated (int)), this, SLOT (fdMediaChanged())); connect (tbISOFloppy, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (showImageManagerISOFloppy())); /* setup iconsets -- qdesigner is not capable... */ tbISOFloppy->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("select_file_16px.png", "select_file_dis_16px.png")); /* Audio Page */ QWhatsThis::add (static_cast (grbAudio->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), tr ("When checked, the virtual PCI audio card is plugged into the " "virtual machine that uses the specified driver to communicate " "to the host audio card.")); /* Network Page */ #ifndef Q_WS_WIN gbInterfaceList->setHidden (true); #endif /* setup tab widget */ mNoInterfaces = tr (""); /* setup iconsets */ pbHostAdd->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("add_host_iface_16px.png", "add_host_iface_disabled_16px.png")); pbHostRemove->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("remove_host_iface_16px.png", "remove_host_iface_disabled_16px.png")); /* setup languages */ QToolTip::add (pbHostAdd, tr ("Add")); QToolTip::add (pbHostRemove, tr ("Remove")); /* USB Page */ lvUSBFilters->header()->hide(); /* disable sorting */ lvUSBFilters->setSorting (-1); /* disable unselecting items by clicking in the unused area of the list */ new QIListViewSelectionPreserver (this, lvUSBFilters); /* create the widget stack for filter settings */ /// @todo (r=dmik) having a separate settings widget for every USB filter // is not that smart if there are lots of USB filters. The reason for // stacking here is that the stacked widget is used to temporarily store // data of the associated USB filter until the dialog window is accepted. // If we remove stacking, we will have to create a structure to store // editable data of all USB filters while the dialog is open. wstUSBFilters = new QWidgetStack (grbUSBFilters, "wstUSBFilters"); grbUSBFiltersLayout->addWidget (wstUSBFilters); /* create a default (disabled) filter settings widget at index 0 */ VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings = new VBoxUSBFilterSettings (wstUSBFilters); settings->setup (VBoxUSBFilterSettings::MachineType); wstUSBFilters->addWidget (settings, 0); lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (NULL); /* setup iconsets -- qdesigner is not capable... */ tbAddUSBFilter->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_new_16px.png", "usb_new_disabled_16px.png")); tbAddUSBFilterFrom->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_add_16px.png", "usb_add_disabled_16px.png")); tbRemoveUSBFilter->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_remove_16px.png", "usb_remove_disabled_16px.png")); tbUSBFilterUp->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_moveup_16px.png", "usb_moveup_disabled_16px.png")); tbUSBFilterDown->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSet ("usb_movedown_16px.png", "usb_movedown_disabled_16px.png")); usbDevicesMenu = new VBoxUSBMenu (this); connect (usbDevicesMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(menuAddUSBFilterFrom_activated(int))); mUSBFilterListModified = false; /* VRDP Page */ QWhatsThis::add (static_cast (grbVRDP->child ("qt_groupbox_checkbox")), tr ("When checked, the VM will act as a Remote Desktop " "Protocol (RDP) server, allowing remote clients to connect " "and operate the VM (when it is running) " "using a standard RDP client.")); ULONG maxPort = 65535; leVRDPPort->setValidator (new QIntValidator (0, maxPort, this)); leVRDPTimeout->setValidator (new QIntValidator (0, maxPort, this)); wvalVRDP = new QIWidgetValidator (pageVRDP, this); connect (wvalVRDP, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (wvalVRDP, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (grbVRDP, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate())); connect (leVRDPPort, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate())); connect (leVRDPTimeout, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), wvalFloppy, SLOT (revalidate())); /* Shared Folders Page */ QVBoxLayout* pageFoldersLayout = new QVBoxLayout (pageFolders, 0, 10, "pageFoldersLayout"); mSharedFolders = new VBoxSharedFoldersSettings (pageFolders, "sharedFolders"); mSharedFolders->setDialogType (VBoxSharedFoldersSettings::MachineType); pageFoldersLayout->addWidget (mSharedFolders); /* * set initial values * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* General page */ cbOS->insertStringList (vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSTypeDescriptions()); slRAM->setPageStep (calcPageStep (MaxRAM)); slRAM->setLineStep (slRAM->pageStep() / 4); slRAM->setTickInterval (slRAM->pageStep()); /* setup the scale so that ticks are at page step boundaries */ slRAM->setMinValue ((MinRAM / slRAM->pageStep()) * slRAM->pageStep()); slRAM->setMaxValue (MaxRAM); txRAMMin->setText (tr ("%1 MB").arg (MinRAM)); txRAMMax->setText (tr ("%1 MB").arg (MaxRAM)); /* limit min/max. size of QLineEdit */ leRAM->setMaximumSize (leRAM->fontMetrics().width ("99999") + leRAM->frameWidth() * 2, leRAM->minimumSizeHint().height()); leRAM->setMinimumSize (leRAM->maximumSize()); /* ensure leRAM value and validation is updated */ slRAM_valueChanged (slRAM->value()); slVRAM->setPageStep (calcPageStep (MaxVRAM)); slVRAM->setLineStep (slVRAM->pageStep() / 4); slVRAM->setTickInterval (slVRAM->pageStep()); /* setup the scale so that ticks are at page step boundaries */ slVRAM->setMinValue ((MinVRAM / slVRAM->pageStep()) * slVRAM->pageStep()); slVRAM->setMaxValue (MaxVRAM); txVRAMMin->setText (tr ("%1 MB").arg (MinVRAM)); txVRAMMax->setText (tr ("%1 MB").arg (MaxVRAM)); /* limit min/max. size of QLineEdit */ leVRAM->setMaximumSize (leVRAM->fontMetrics().width ("99999") + leVRAM->frameWidth() * 2, leVRAM->minimumSizeHint().height()); leVRAM->setMinimumSize (leVRAM->maximumSize()); /* ensure leVRAM value and validation is updated */ slVRAM_valueChanged (slVRAM->value()); /* Boot-order table */ tblBootOrder = new BootItemsList (groupBox12, "tblBootOrder"); connect (tblBootOrder, SIGNAL (bootSequenceChanged()), this, SLOT (resetFirstRunFlag())); /* Fixing focus order for BootItemsList */ setTabOrder (tbwGeneral, tblBootOrder); setTabOrder (tblBootOrder->focusProxy(), chbEnableACPI); groupBox12Layout->addWidget (tblBootOrder); tblBootOrder->fixTabStops(); /* Shared Clipboard mode */ cbSharedClipboard->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ClipDisabled)); cbSharedClipboard->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ClipHostToGuest)); cbSharedClipboard->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ClipGuestToHost)); cbSharedClipboard->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ClipBidirectional)); /* HDD Images page */ /* CD-ROM Drive Page */ /* Audio Page */ cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::NullAudioDriver)); #if defined Q_WS_WIN32 cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::DSOUNDAudioDriver)); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WINMM cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::WINMMAudioDriver)); #endif #elif defined Q_OS_LINUX cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::OSSAudioDriver)); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_ALSA cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::ALSAAudioDriver)); #endif #elif defined Q_OS_MACX cbAudioDriver->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::CoreAudioDriver)); #endif /* Network Page */ loadInterfacesList(); /* * update the Ok button state for pages with validation * (validityChanged() connected to enableNext() will do the job) */ wvalGeneral->revalidate(); wvalHDD->revalidate(); wvalDVD->revalidate(); wvalFloppy->revalidate(); /* VRDP Page */ leVRDPPort->setAlignment (Qt::AlignRight); cbVRDPAuthType->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::VRDPAuthNull)); cbVRDPAuthType->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::VRDPAuthExternal)); cbVRDPAuthType->insertItem (vboxGlobal().toString (CEnums::VRDPAuthGuest)); leVRDPTimeout->setAlignment (Qt::AlignRight); } bool VBoxVMSettingsDlg::eventFilter (QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (!object->isWidgetType()) return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event); QWidget *widget = static_cast (object); if (widget->topLevelWidget() != this) return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event); switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::Enter: case QEvent::Leave: { if (event->type() == QEvent::Enter) whatsThisCandidate = widget; else whatsThisCandidate = NULL; whatsThisTimer->start (100, true /* sshot */); break; } case QEvent::FocusIn: { updateWhatsThis (true /* gotFocus */); tblBootOrder->processFocusIn (widget); break; } default: break; } return QDialog::eventFilter (object, event); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showEvent (QShowEvent *e) { QDialog::showEvent (e); /* one may think that QWidget::polish() is the right place to do things * below, but apparently, by the time when QWidget::polish() is called, * the widget style & layout are not fully done, at least the minimum * size hint is not properly calculated. Since this is sometimes necessary, * we provide our own "polish" implementation. */ if (polished) return; polished = true; /* update geometry for the dynamically added usb-page to ensure proper * sizeHint calculation by the Qt layout manager */ wstUSBFilters->updateGeometry(); /* let our toplevel widget calculate its sizeHint properly */ QApplication::sendPostedEvents (0, 0); layout()->activate(); /* resize to the miminum possible size */ resize (minimumSize()); VBoxGlobal::centerWidget (this, parentWidget()); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::updateShortcuts() { /* setup necessary combobox item */ cbHDA->setCurrentItem (uuidHDA); cbHDB->setCurrentItem (uuidHDB); cbHDD->setCurrentItem (uuidHDD); cbISODVD->setCurrentItem (uuidISODVD); cbISOFloppy->setCurrentItem (uuidISOFloppy); /* check if the enumeration process has been started yet */ if (!vboxGlobal().isMediaEnumerationStarted()) vboxGlobal().startEnumeratingMedia(); else { cbHDA->refresh(); cbHDB->refresh(); cbHDD->refresh(); cbISODVD->refresh(); cbISOFloppy->refresh(); } } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::loadInterfacesList() { #if defined Q_WS_WIN /* clear inner list */ mInterfaceList.clear(); /* load current inner list */ CHostNetworkInterfaceEnumerator en = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost().GetNetworkInterfaces().Enumerate(); while (en.HasMore()) mInterfaceList += en.GetNext().GetName(); /* save current list item name */ QString currentListItemName = lbHostInterface->currentText(); /* load current list items */ lbHostInterface->clear(); if (mInterfaceList.count()) lbHostInterface->insertStringList (mInterfaceList); else lbHostInterface->insertItem (mNoInterfaces); /* select current list item */ int index = lbHostInterface->index ( lbHostInterface->findItem (currentListItemName)); if (index == -1) index = 0; lbHostInterface->setCurrentItem (index); lbHostInterface->setSelected (index, true); /* enable/disable interface delete button */ pbHostRemove->setEnabled (!mInterfaceList.isEmpty()); #endif } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hostInterfaceAdd() { #if defined Q_WS_WIN /* allow the started helper process to make itself the foreground window */ AllowSetForegroundWindow (ASFW_ANY); /* search for the max available interface index */ int ifaceNumber = 0; QString ifaceName = tr ("VirtualBox Host Interface %1"); QRegExp regExp (QString ("^") + ifaceName.arg ("([0-9]+)") + QString ("$")); for (uint index = 0; index < lbHostInterface->count(); ++ index) { QString iface = lbHostInterface->text (index); int pos = regExp.search (iface); if (pos != -1) ifaceNumber = regExp.cap (1).toInt() > ifaceNumber ? regExp.cap (1).toInt() : ifaceNumber; } /* creating add host interface dialog */ VBoxAddNIDialog dlg (this, ifaceName.arg (++ ifaceNumber)); if (dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; QString iName = dlg.getName(); /* create interface */ CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost(); CHostNetworkInterface iFace; CProgress progress = host.CreateHostNetworkInterface (iName, iFace); if (host.isOk()) { vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, iName, this); if (progress.GetResultCode() == 0) { /* add&select newly created interface */ delete lbHostInterface->findItem (mNoInterfaces); lbHostInterface->insertItem (iName); mInterfaceList += iName; lbHostInterface->setCurrentItem (lbHostInterface->count() - 1); lbHostInterface->setSelected (lbHostInterface->count() - 1, true); for (int index = 0; index < tbwNetwork->count(); ++ index) networkPageUpdate (tbwNetwork->page (index)); /* enable interface delete button */ pbHostRemove->setEnabled (true); } else vboxProblem().cannotCreateHostInterface (progress, iName, this); } else vboxProblem().cannotCreateHostInterface (host, iName, this); /* allow the started helper process to make itself the foreground window */ AllowSetForegroundWindow (ASFW_ANY); #endif } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hostInterfaceRemove() { #if defined Q_WS_WIN /* allow the started helper process to make itself the foreground window */ AllowSetForegroundWindow (ASFW_ANY); /* check interface name */ QString iName = lbHostInterface->currentText(); if (iName.isEmpty()) return; /* asking user about deleting selected network interface */ int delNetIface = vboxProblem().message (this, VBoxProblemReporter::Question, tr ("

Do you want to remove the selected host network interface " "%1?

" "

Note: This interface may be in use by one or more " "network adapters of this or another VM. After it is removed, these " "adapters will no longer work until you correct their settings by " "either choosing a different interface name or a different adapter " "attachment type.

").arg (iName), 0, /* autoConfirmId */ QIMessageBox::Ok | QIMessageBox::Default, QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Escape); if (delNetIface == QIMessageBox::Cancel) return; CHost host = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost(); CHostNetworkInterface iFace = host.GetNetworkInterfaces().FindByName (iName); if (host.isOk()) { /* delete interface */ CProgress progress = host.RemoveHostNetworkInterface (iFace.GetId(), iFace); if (host.isOk()) { vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, iName, this); if (progress.GetResultCode() == 0) { if (lbHostInterface->count() == 1) { lbHostInterface->insertItem (mNoInterfaces); /* disable interface delete button */ pbHostRemove->setEnabled (false); } delete lbHostInterface->findItem (iName); lbHostInterface->setSelected (lbHostInterface->currentItem(), true); mInterfaceList.erase (mInterfaceList.find (iName)); for (int index = 0; index < tbwNetwork->count(); ++ index) networkPageUpdate (tbwNetwork->page (index)); } else vboxProblem().cannotRemoveHostInterface (progress, iFace, this); } } if (!host.isOk()) vboxProblem().cannotRemoveHostInterface (host, iFace, this); #endif } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::networkPageUpdate (QWidget *aWidget) { if (!aWidget) return; #if defined Q_WS_WIN VBoxVMNetworkSettings *set = static_cast (aWidget); set->loadList (mInterfaceList, mNoInterfaces); set->revalidate(); #endif } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::resetFirstRunFlag() { mResetFirstRunFlag = true; } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hdaMediaChanged() { resetFirstRunFlag(); uuidHDA = grbHDA->isChecked() ? cbHDA->getId() : QUuid(); txHDA->setText (getHdInfo (grbHDA, uuidHDA)); /* revailidate */ wvalHDD->revalidate(); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hdbMediaChanged() { resetFirstRunFlag(); uuidHDB = grbHDB->isChecked() ? cbHDB->getId() : QUuid(); txHDB->setText (getHdInfo (grbHDB, uuidHDB)); /* revailidate */ wvalHDD->revalidate(); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::hddMediaChanged() { resetFirstRunFlag(); uuidHDD = grbHDD->isChecked() ? cbHDD->getId() : QUuid(); txHDD->setText (getHdInfo (grbHDD, uuidHDD)); /* revailidate */ wvalHDD->revalidate(); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::cdMediaChanged() { resetFirstRunFlag(); uuidISODVD = bgDVD->isChecked() ? cbISODVD->getId() : QUuid(); /* revailidate */ wvalDVD->revalidate(); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::fdMediaChanged() { resetFirstRunFlag(); uuidISOFloppy = bgFloppy->isChecked() ? cbISOFloppy->getId() : QUuid(); /* revailidate */ wvalFloppy->revalidate(); } QString VBoxVMSettingsDlg::getHdInfo (QGroupBox *aGroupBox, QUuid aId) { QString notAttached = tr ("", "hard disk"); if (aId.isNull()) return notAttached; return aGroupBox->isChecked() ? vboxGlobal().details (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHardDisk (aId), true) : notAttached; } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::updateWhatsThis (bool gotFocus /* = false */) { QString text; QWidget *widget = NULL; if (!gotFocus) { if (whatsThisCandidate != NULL && whatsThisCandidate != this) widget = whatsThisCandidate; } else { widget = focusData()->focusWidget(); } /* if the given widget lacks the whats'this text, look at its parent */ while (widget && widget != this) { text = QWhatsThis::textFor (widget); if (!text.isEmpty()) break; widget = widget->parentWidget(); } if (text.isEmpty() && !warningString.isEmpty()) text = warningString; if (text.isEmpty()) text = QWhatsThis::textFor (this); whatsThisLabel->setText (text); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::setWarning (const QString &warning) { warningString = warning; if (!warning.isEmpty()) warningString = QString ("%1").arg (warning); if (!warningString.isEmpty()) whatsThisLabel->setText (warningString); else updateWhatsThis (true); } /** * Sets up this dialog. * * If @a aCategory is non-null, it should be one of values from the hidden * '[cat]' column of #listView (see VBoxVMSettingsDlg.ui in qdesigner) * prepended with the '#' sign. In this case, the specified category page * will be activated when the dialog is open. * * If @a aWidget is non-null, it should be a name of one of widgets * from the given category page. In this case, the specified widget * will get focus when the dialog is open. * * @note Calling this method after the dialog is open has no sense. * * @param aCategory Category to select when the dialog is open or null. * @param aWidget Category to select when the dialog is open or null. */ void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::setup (const QString &aCategory, const QString &aControl) { if (!aCategory.isNull()) { /* search for a list view item corresponding to the category */ QListViewItem *item = listView->findItem (aCategory, listView_Link); if (item) { listView->setSelected (item, true); /* search for a widget with the given name */ if (!aControl.isNull()) { QObject *obj = widgetStack->visibleWidget()->child (aControl); if (obj && obj->isWidgetType()) { QWidget *w = static_cast (obj); QWidgetList parents; QWidget *p = w; while ((p = p->parentWidget()) != NULL) { if (!strcmp (p->className(), "QTabWidget")) { /* the tab contents widget is two steps down * (QTabWidget -> QWidgetStack -> QWidget) */ QWidget *c = parents.last(); if (c) c = parents.prev(); if (c) static_cast (p)->showPage (c); } parents.append (p); } w->setFocus(); } } } } } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::listView_currentChanged (QListViewItem *item) { Assert (item); int id = item->text (1).toInt(); Assert (id >= 0); titleLabel->setText (::path (item)); widgetStack->raiseWidget (id); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::enableOk( const QIWidgetValidator *wval ) { Q_UNUSED (wval); /* detect the overall validity */ bool newValid = true; { QObjectList *l = this->queryList ("QIWidgetValidator"); QObjectListIt it (*l); QObject *obj; while ((obj = it.current()) != 0) { newValid &= ((QIWidgetValidator *) obj)->isValid(); ++it; } delete l; } if (valid != newValid) { valid = newValid; buttonOk->setEnabled (valid); if (valid) setWarning(0); warningLabel->setHidden(valid); warningPixmap->setHidden(valid); } } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *wval ) { /* do individual validations for pages */ QWidget *pg = wval->widget(); bool valid = wval->isOtherValid(); if (pg == pageHDD) { CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox(); valid = true; QValueList uuids; if (valid && grbHDA->isChecked()) { if (uuidHDA.isNull()) { valid = false; setWarning (tr ("Primary Master hard disk is not selected.")); } else uuids << uuidHDA; } if (valid && grbHDB->isChecked()) { if (uuidHDB.isNull()) { valid = false; setWarning (tr ("Primary Slave hard disk is not selected.")); } else { bool found = uuids.findIndex (uuidHDB) >= 0; if (found) { CHardDisk hd = vbox.GetHardDisk (uuidHDB); valid = hd.GetType() == CEnums::ImmutableHardDisk; } if (valid) uuids << uuidHDB; else setWarning (tr ("Primary Slave hard disk is already attached " "to a different slot.")); } } if (valid && grbHDD->isChecked()) { if (uuidHDD.isNull()) { valid = false; setWarning (tr ("Secondary Slave hard disk is not selected.")); } else { bool found = uuids.findIndex (uuidHDD) >= 0; if (found) { CHardDisk hd = vbox.GetHardDisk (uuidHDD); valid = hd.GetType() == CEnums::ImmutableHardDisk; } if (valid) uuids << uuidHDB; else setWarning (tr ("Secondary Slave hard disk is already attached " "to a different slot.")); } } cbHDA->setEnabled (grbHDA->isChecked()); cbHDB->setEnabled (grbHDB->isChecked()); cbHDD->setEnabled (grbHDD->isChecked()); tbHDA->setEnabled (grbHDA->isChecked()); tbHDB->setEnabled (grbHDB->isChecked()); tbHDD->setEnabled (grbHDD->isChecked()); } else if (pg == pageDVD) { if (!bgDVD->isChecked()) rbHostDVD->setChecked(false), rbISODVD->setChecked(false); else if (!rbHostDVD->isChecked() && !rbISODVD->isChecked()) rbHostDVD->setChecked(true); valid = !(rbISODVD->isChecked() && uuidISODVD.isNull()); cbHostDVD->setEnabled (rbHostDVD->isChecked()); cbPassthrough->setEnabled (rbHostDVD->isChecked()); cbISODVD->setEnabled (rbISODVD->isChecked()); tbISODVD->setEnabled (rbISODVD->isChecked()); if (!valid) setWarning (tr ("CD/DVD image file is not selected.")); } else if (pg == pageFloppy) { if (!bgFloppy->isChecked()) rbHostFloppy->setChecked(false), rbISOFloppy->setChecked(false); else if (!rbHostFloppy->isChecked() && !rbISOFloppy->isChecked()) rbHostFloppy->setChecked(true); valid = !(rbISOFloppy->isChecked() && uuidISOFloppy.isNull()); cbHostFloppy->setEnabled (rbHostFloppy->isChecked()); cbISOFloppy->setEnabled (rbISOFloppy->isChecked()); tbISOFloppy->setEnabled (rbISOFloppy->isChecked()); if (!valid) setWarning (tr ("Floppy image file is not selected.")); } else if (pg == pageNetwork) { int index = 0; for (; index < tbwNetwork->count(); ++index) { QWidget *tab = tbwNetwork->page (index); VBoxVMNetworkSettings *set = static_cast (tab); valid = set->isPageValid (mInterfaceList); if (!valid) break; } if (!valid) setWarning (tr ("Incorrect host network interface is selected " "for Adapter %1.").arg (index)); } else if (pg == pageVRDP) { if (pageVRDP->isEnabled()) { valid = !(grbVRDP->isChecked() && (leVRDPPort->text().isEmpty() || leVRDPTimeout->text().isEmpty())); if (!valid && leVRDPPort->text().isEmpty()) setWarning (tr ("VRDP Port is not set.")); if (!valid && leVRDPTimeout->text().isEmpty()) setWarning (tr ("VRDP Timeout is not set.")); } else valid = true; } wval->setOtherValid (valid); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::getFromMachine (const CMachine &machine) { cmachine = machine; setCaption (machine.GetName() + tr (" - Settings")); CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox(); CBIOSSettings biosSettings = cmachine.GetBIOSSettings(); /* name */ leName->setText (machine.GetName()); /* OS type */ QString typeId = machine.GetOSTypeId(); cbOS->setCurrentItem (vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSTypeIndex (typeId)); cbOS_activated (cbOS->currentItem()); /* RAM size */ slRAM->setValue (machine.GetMemorySize()); /* VRAM size */ slVRAM->setValue (machine.GetVRAMSize()); /* Boot-order */ tblBootOrder->getFromMachine (machine); /* ACPI */ chbEnableACPI->setChecked (biosSettings.GetACPIEnabled()); /* IO APIC */ chbEnableIOAPIC->setChecked (biosSettings.GetIOAPICEnabled()); /* VT-x/AMD-V */ machine.GetHWVirtExEnabled() == CEnums::False ? chbVTX->setChecked (false) : machine.GetHWVirtExEnabled() == CEnums::True ? chbVTX->setChecked (true) : chbVTX->setNoChange(); /* Saved state folder */ leSnapshotFolder->setText (machine.GetSnapshotFolder()); /* Description */ teDescription->setText (machine.GetDescription()); /* Shared clipboard mode */ cbSharedClipboard->setCurrentItem (machine.GetClipboardMode()); /* other features */ QString saveRtimeImages = cmachine.GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_SaveMountedAtRuntime); chbRememberMedia->setChecked (saveRtimeImages != "no"); /* hard disk images */ { struct { CEnums::DiskControllerType ctl; LONG dev; struct { QGroupBox *grb; QComboBox *cbb; QLabel *tx; QUuid *uuid; } data; } diskSet[] = { { CEnums::IDE0Controller, 0, {grbHDA, cbHDA, txHDA, &uuidHDA} }, { CEnums::IDE0Controller, 1, {grbHDB, cbHDB, txHDB, &uuidHDB} }, { CEnums::IDE1Controller, 1, {grbHDD, cbHDD, txHDD, &uuidHDD} }, }; grbHDA->setChecked (false); grbHDB->setChecked (false); grbHDD->setChecked (false); CHardDiskAttachmentEnumerator en = machine.GetHardDiskAttachments().Enumerate(); while (en.HasMore()) { CHardDiskAttachment hda = en.GetNext(); for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (diskSet); i++) { if (diskSet [i].ctl == hda.GetController() && diskSet [i].dev == hda.GetDeviceNumber()) { CHardDisk hd = hda.GetHardDisk(); CHardDisk root = hd.GetRoot(); QString src = root.GetLocation(); if (hd.GetStorageType() == CEnums::VirtualDiskImage) { QFileInfo fi (src); src = fi.fileName() + " (" + QDir::convertSeparators (fi.dirPath (true)) + ")"; } diskSet [i].data.grb->setChecked (true); diskSet [i].data.tx->setText (vboxGlobal().details (hd)); *(diskSet [i].data.uuid) = QUuid (root.GetId()); } } } } /* floppy image */ { /* read out the host floppy drive list and prepare the combobox */ CHostFloppyDriveCollection coll = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost().GetFloppyDrives(); hostFloppies.resize (coll.GetCount()); cbHostFloppy->clear(); int id = 0; CHostFloppyDriveEnumerator en = coll.Enumerate(); while (en.HasMore()) { CHostFloppyDrive hostFloppy = en.GetNext(); /** @todo set icon? */ QString name = hostFloppy.GetName(); QString description = hostFloppy.GetDescription(); QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ? name : QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name); cbHostFloppy->insertItem (fullName, id); hostFloppies [id] = hostFloppy; ++ id; } CFloppyDrive floppy = machine.GetFloppyDrive(); switch (floppy.GetState()) { case CEnums::HostDriveCaptured: { CHostFloppyDrive drv = floppy.GetHostDrive(); QString name = drv.GetName(); QString description = drv.GetDescription(); QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ? name : QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name); if (coll.FindByName (name).isNull()) { /* * if the floppy drive is not currently available, * add it to the end of the list with a special mark */ cbHostFloppy->insertItem ("* " + fullName); cbHostFloppy->setCurrentItem (cbHostFloppy->count() - 1); } else { /* this will select the correct item from the prepared list */ cbHostFloppy->setCurrentText (fullName); } rbHostFloppy->setChecked (true); break; } case CEnums::ImageMounted: { CFloppyImage img = floppy.GetImage(); QString src = img.GetFilePath(); AssertMsg (!src.isNull(), ("Image file must not be null")); QFileInfo fi (src); rbISOFloppy->setChecked (true); uuidISOFloppy = QUuid (img.GetId()); break; } case CEnums::NotMounted: { bgFloppy->setChecked(false); break; } default: AssertMsgFailed (("invalid floppy state: %d\n", floppy.GetState())); } } /* CD/DVD-ROM image */ { /* read out the host DVD drive list and prepare the combobox */ CHostDVDDriveCollection coll = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost().GetDVDDrives(); hostDVDs.resize (coll.GetCount()); cbHostDVD->clear(); int id = 0; CHostDVDDriveEnumerator en = coll.Enumerate(); while (en.HasMore()) { CHostDVDDrive hostDVD = en.GetNext(); /// @todo (r=dmik) set icon? QString name = hostDVD.GetName(); QString description = hostDVD.GetDescription(); QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ? name : QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name); cbHostDVD->insertItem (fullName, id); hostDVDs [id] = hostDVD; ++ id; } CDVDDrive dvd = machine.GetDVDDrive(); switch (dvd.GetState()) { case CEnums::HostDriveCaptured: { CHostDVDDrive drv = dvd.GetHostDrive(); QString name = drv.GetName(); QString description = drv.GetDescription(); QString fullName = description.isEmpty() ? name : QString ("%1 (%2)").arg (description, name); if (coll.FindByName (name).isNull()) { /* * if the DVD drive is not currently available, * add it to the end of the list with a special mark */ cbHostDVD->insertItem ("* " + fullName); cbHostDVD->setCurrentItem (cbHostDVD->count() - 1); } else { /* this will select the correct item from the prepared list */ cbHostDVD->setCurrentText (fullName); } rbHostDVD->setChecked (true); cbPassthrough->setChecked (dvd.GetPassthrough()); break; } case CEnums::ImageMounted: { CDVDImage img = dvd.GetImage(); QString src = img.GetFilePath(); AssertMsg (!src.isNull(), ("Image file must not be null")); QFileInfo fi (src); rbISODVD->setChecked (true); uuidISODVD = QUuid (img.GetId()); break; } case CEnums::NotMounted: { bgDVD->setChecked(false); break; } default: AssertMsgFailed (("invalid DVD state: %d\n", dvd.GetState())); } } /* audio */ { CAudioAdapter audio = machine.GetAudioAdapter(); grbAudio->setChecked (audio.GetEnabled()); cbAudioDriver->setCurrentText (vboxGlobal().toString (audio.GetAudioDriver())); } /* network */ { ulong count = vbox.GetSystemProperties().GetNetworkAdapterCount(); for (ulong slot = 0; slot < count; ++ slot) { CNetworkAdapter adapter = machine.GetNetworkAdapter (slot); addNetworkAdapter (adapter); } } /* USB */ { CUSBController ctl = machine.GetUSBController(); if (ctl.isNull()) { /* disable the USB controller category if the USB controller is * not available (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */ QListViewItem *usbItem = listView->findItem ("#usb", listView_Link); Assert (usbItem); if (usbItem) usbItem->setVisible (false); /* disable validators if any */ pageUSB->setEnabled (false); /* Show an error message (if there is any). * Note that we don't use the generic cannotLoadMachineSettings() * call here because we want this message to be suppressable. */ vboxProblem().cannotAccessUSB (machine); } else { cbEnableUSBController->setChecked (ctl.GetEnabled()); CUSBDeviceFilterEnumerator en = ctl.GetDeviceFilters().Enumerate(); while (en.HasMore()) addUSBFilter (en.GetNext(), false /* isNew */); lvUSBFilters->setCurrentItem (lvUSBFilters->firstChild()); /* silly Qt -- doesn't emit currentChanged after adding the * first item to an empty list */ lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (lvUSBFilters->firstChild()); } } /* vrdp */ { CVRDPServer vrdp = machine.GetVRDPServer(); if (vrdp.isNull()) { /* disable the VRDP category if VRDP is * not available (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */ QListViewItem *vrdpItem = listView->findItem ("#vrdp", listView_Link); Assert (vrdpItem); if (vrdpItem) vrdpItem->setVisible (false); /* disable validators if any */ pageVRDP->setEnabled (false); /* if machine has something to say, show the message */ vboxProblem().cannotLoadMachineSettings (machine, false /* strict */); } else { grbVRDP->setChecked (vrdp.GetEnabled()); leVRDPPort->setText (QString::number (vrdp.GetPort())); cbVRDPAuthType->setCurrentText (vboxGlobal().toString (vrdp.GetAuthType())); leVRDPTimeout->setText (QString::number (vrdp.GetAuthTimeout())); } } /* shared folders */ { mSharedFolders->getFromMachine (machine); } /* request for media shortcuts update */ cbHDA->setBelongsTo (machine.GetId()); cbHDB->setBelongsTo (machine.GetId()); cbHDD->setBelongsTo (machine.GetId()); updateShortcuts(); /* revalidate pages with custom validation */ wvalHDD->revalidate(); wvalDVD->revalidate(); wvalFloppy->revalidate(); wvalVRDP->revalidate(); } COMResult VBoxVMSettingsDlg::putBackToMachine() { CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox(); CBIOSSettings biosSettings = cmachine.GetBIOSSettings(); /* name */ cmachine.SetName (leName->text()); /* OS type */ CGuestOSType type = vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSType (cbOS->currentItem()); AssertMsg (!type.isNull(), ("vmGuestOSType() must return non-null type")); cmachine.SetOSTypeId (type.GetId()); /* RAM size */ cmachine.SetMemorySize (slRAM->value()); /* VRAM size */ cmachine.SetVRAMSize (slVRAM->value()); /* boot order */ tblBootOrder->putBackToMachine (cmachine); /* ACPI */ biosSettings.SetACPIEnabled (chbEnableACPI->isChecked()); /* IO APIC */ biosSettings.SetIOAPICEnabled (chbEnableIOAPIC->isChecked()); /* VT-x/AMD-V */ cmachine.SetHWVirtExEnabled ( chbVTX->state() == QButton::Off ? CEnums::False : chbVTX->state() == QButton::On ? CEnums::True : CEnums::Default); /* Saved state folder */ if (leSnapshotFolder->isModified()) cmachine.SetSnapshotFolder (leSnapshotFolder->text()); /* Description */ cmachine.SetDescription (teDescription->text()); /* Shared clipboard mode */ cmachine.SetClipboardMode ((CEnums::ClipboardMode)cbSharedClipboard->currentItem()); /* other features */ cmachine.SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_SaveMountedAtRuntime, chbRememberMedia->isChecked() ? "yes" : "no"); /* hard disk images */ { struct { CEnums::DiskControllerType ctl; LONG dev; struct { QGroupBox *grb; QUuid *uuid; } data; } diskSet[] = { { CEnums::IDE0Controller, 0, {grbHDA, &uuidHDA} }, { CEnums::IDE0Controller, 1, {grbHDB, &uuidHDB} }, { CEnums::IDE1Controller, 1, {grbHDD, &uuidHDD} } }; /* * first, detach all disks (to ensure we can reattach them to different * controllers / devices, when appropriate) */ CHardDiskAttachmentEnumerator en = cmachine.GetHardDiskAttachments().Enumerate(); while (en.HasMore()) { CHardDiskAttachment hda = en.GetNext(); for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (diskSet); i++) { if (diskSet [i].ctl == hda.GetController() && diskSet [i].dev == hda.GetDeviceNumber()) { cmachine.DetachHardDisk (diskSet [i].ctl, diskSet [i].dev); if (!cmachine.isOk()) vboxProblem().cannotDetachHardDisk ( this, cmachine, diskSet [i].ctl, diskSet [i].dev); } } } /* now, attach new disks */ for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (diskSet); i++) { QUuid *newId = diskSet [i].data.uuid; if (diskSet [i].data.grb->isChecked() && !(*newId).isNull()) { cmachine.AttachHardDisk (*newId, diskSet [i].ctl, diskSet [i].dev); if (!cmachine.isOk()) vboxProblem().cannotAttachHardDisk ( this, cmachine, *newId, diskSet [i].ctl, diskSet [i].dev); } } } /* floppy image */ { CFloppyDrive floppy = cmachine.GetFloppyDrive(); if (!bgFloppy->isChecked()) { floppy.Unmount(); } else if (rbHostFloppy->isChecked()) { int id = cbHostFloppy->currentItem(); Assert (id >= 0); if (id < (int) hostFloppies.count()) floppy.CaptureHostDrive (hostFloppies [id]); /* * otherwise the selected drive is not yet available, leave it * as is */ } else if (rbISOFloppy->isChecked()) { Assert (!uuidISOFloppy.isNull()); floppy.MountImage (uuidISOFloppy); } } /* CD/DVD-ROM image */ { CDVDDrive dvd = cmachine.GetDVDDrive(); if (!bgDVD->isChecked()) { dvd.SetPassthrough (false); dvd.Unmount(); } else if (rbHostDVD->isChecked()) { dvd.SetPassthrough (cbPassthrough->isChecked()); int id = cbHostDVD->currentItem(); Assert (id >= 0); if (id < (int) hostDVDs.count()) dvd.CaptureHostDrive (hostDVDs [id]); /* * otherwise the selected drive is not yet available, leave it * as is */ } else if (rbISODVD->isChecked()) { dvd.SetPassthrough (false); Assert (!uuidISODVD.isNull()); dvd.MountImage (uuidISODVD); } } /* Clear the "GUI_FirstRun" extra data key in case if the boot order * and/or disk configuration were changed */ if (mResetFirstRunFlag) cmachine.SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_FirstRun, QString::null); /* audio */ { CAudioAdapter audio = cmachine.GetAudioAdapter(); audio.SetAudioDriver (vboxGlobal().toAudioDriverType (cbAudioDriver->currentText())); audio.SetEnabled (grbAudio->isChecked()); AssertWrapperOk (audio); } /* network */ { for (int index = 0; index < tbwNetwork->count(); index++) { VBoxVMNetworkSettings *page = (VBoxVMNetworkSettings *) tbwNetwork->page (index); Assert (page); page->putBackToAdapter(); } } /* usb */ { CUSBController ctl = cmachine.GetUSBController(); if (!ctl.isNull()) { /* the USB controller may be unavailable (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */ ctl.SetEnabled (cbEnableUSBController->isChecked()); /* * first, remove all old filters (only if the list is changed, * not only individual properties of filters) */ if (mUSBFilterListModified) for (ulong count = ctl.GetDeviceFilters().GetCount(); count; -- count) ctl.RemoveDeviceFilter (0); /* then add all new filters */ for (QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling()) { USBListItem *uli = static_cast (item); VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings = static_cast (wstUSBFilters->widget (uli->mId)); Assert (settings); COMResult res = settings->putBackToFilter(); if (!res.isOk()) return res; CUSBDeviceFilter filter = settings->filter(); filter.SetActive (uli->isOn()); if (mUSBFilterListModified) ctl.InsertDeviceFilter (~0, filter); } } mUSBFilterListModified = false; } /* vrdp */ { CVRDPServer vrdp = cmachine.GetVRDPServer(); if (!vrdp.isNull()) { /* VRDP may be unavailable (i.e. in VirtualBox OSE) */ vrdp.SetEnabled (grbVRDP->isChecked()); vrdp.SetPort (leVRDPPort->text().toULong()); vrdp.SetAuthType (vboxGlobal().toVRDPAuthType (cbVRDPAuthType->currentText())); vrdp.SetAuthTimeout (leVRDPTimeout->text().toULong()); } } /* shared folders */ { mSharedFolders->putBackToMachine(); } return COMResult(); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerHDA() { showVDImageManager (&uuidHDA, cbHDA); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerHDB() { showVDImageManager (&uuidHDB, cbHDB); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerHDD() { showVDImageManager (&uuidHDD, cbHDD); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerISODVD() { showVDImageManager (&uuidISODVD, cbISODVD); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showImageManagerISOFloppy() { showVDImageManager(&uuidISOFloppy, cbISOFloppy); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::showVDImageManager (QUuid *id, VBoxMediaComboBox *cbb, QLabel*) { VBoxDefs::DiskType type = VBoxDefs::InvalidType; if (cbb == cbISODVD) type = VBoxDefs::CD; else if (cbb == cbISOFloppy) type = VBoxDefs::FD; else type = VBoxDefs::HD; VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg dlg (this, "VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg", WType_Dialog | WShowModal); QUuid machineId = cmachine.GetId(); dlg.setup (type, true, &machineId, true /* aRefresh */, cmachine); if (dlg.exec() == VBoxDiskImageManagerDlg::Accepted) { *id = dlg.getSelectedUuid(); resetFirstRunFlag(); } else { *id = cbb->getId(); } cbb->setCurrentItem (*id); cbb->setFocus(); /* revalidate pages with custom validation */ wvalHDD->revalidate(); wvalDVD->revalidate(); wvalFloppy->revalidate(); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::addNetworkAdapter (const CNetworkAdapter &aAdapter) { VBoxVMNetworkSettings *page = new VBoxVMNetworkSettings(); page->loadList (mInterfaceList, mNoInterfaces); page->getFromAdapter (aAdapter); tbwNetwork->addTab (page, QString (tr ("Adapter %1", "network")) .arg (aAdapter.GetSlot())); /* fix the tab order so that main dialog's buttons are always the last */ setTabOrder (page->leTAPTerminate, buttonHelp); setTabOrder (buttonHelp, buttonOk); setTabOrder (buttonOk, buttonCancel); /* setup validation */ QIWidgetValidator *wval = new QIWidgetValidator (pageNetwork, this); connect (page->grbEnabled, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), wval, SLOT (revalidate())); connect (page->cbNetworkAttachment, SIGNAL (activated (const QString &)), wval, SLOT (revalidate())); connect (wval, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *))); connect (wval, SIGNAL (isValidRequested (QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (revalidate( QIWidgetValidator *))); page->setValidator (wval); page->revalidate(); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN /* fix focus order (make sure the Host Interface list UI goes after the * last network adapter UI item) */ setTabOrder (page->chbCableConnected, lbHostInterface); setTabOrder (lbHostInterface, pbHostAdd); setTabOrder (pbHostAdd, pbHostRemove); #endif } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::slRAM_valueChanged( int val ) { leRAM->setText( QString().setNum( val ) ); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::leRAM_textChanged( const QString &text ) { slRAM->setValue( text.toInt() ); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::slVRAM_valueChanged( int val ) { leVRAM->setText( QString().setNum( val ) ); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::leVRAM_textChanged( const QString &text ) { slVRAM->setValue( text.toInt() ); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::cbOS_activated (int item) { Q_UNUSED (item); /// @todo (dmik) remove? // CGuestOSType type = vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSType (item); // txRAMBest->setText (tr ("Best %1 MB") // .arg (type.GetRecommendedRAM())); // txVRAMBest->setText (tr ("Best %1 MB") // .arg (type.GetRecommendedVRAM())); txRAMBest->setText (QString::null); txVRAMBest->setText (QString::null); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbResetSavedStateFolder_clicked() { /* * do this instead of le->setText (QString::null) to cause * isModified() return true */ leSnapshotFolder->selectAll(); leSnapshotFolder->del(); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbSelectSavedStateFolder_clicked() { QString settingsFolder = VBoxGlobal::getFirstExistingDir (leSnapshotFolder->text()); if (settingsFolder.isNull()) settingsFolder = QFileInfo (cmachine.GetSettingsFilePath()).dirPath (true); QString folder = vboxGlobal().getExistingDirectory (settingsFolder, this); if (folder.isNull()) return; folder = QDir::convertSeparators (folder); /* remove trailing slash if any */ folder.remove (QRegExp ("[\\\\/]$")); /* * do this instead of le->setText (folder) to cause * isModified() return true */ leSnapshotFolder->selectAll(); leSnapshotFolder->insert (folder); } // USB Filter stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::addUSBFilter (const CUSBDeviceFilter &aFilter, bool isNew) { QListViewItem *currentItem = isNew ? lvUSBFilters->currentItem() : lvUSBFilters->lastItem(); VBoxUSBFilterSettings *settings = new VBoxUSBFilterSettings (wstUSBFilters); settings->setup (VBoxUSBFilterSettings::MachineType); settings->getFromFilter (aFilter); USBListItem *item = new USBListItem (lvUSBFilters, currentItem); item->setOn (aFilter.GetActive()); item->setText (lvUSBFilters_Name, aFilter.GetName()); item->mId = wstUSBFilters->addWidget (settings); /* fix the tab order so that main dialog's buttons are always the last */ setTabOrder (settings->focusProxy(), buttonHelp); setTabOrder (buttonHelp, buttonOk); setTabOrder (buttonOk, buttonCancel); if (isNew) { lvUSBFilters->setSelected (item, true); lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item); settings->leUSBFilterName->setFocus(); } connect (settings->leUSBFilterName, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString &)), this, SLOT (lvUSBFilters_setCurrentText (const QString &))); /* setup validation */ QIWidgetValidator *wval = new QIWidgetValidator (settings, settings); connect (wval, SIGNAL (validityChanged (const QIWidgetValidator *)), this, SLOT (enableOk (const QIWidgetValidator *))); wval->revalidate(); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (QListViewItem *item) { if (item && lvUSBFilters->selectedItem() != item) lvUSBFilters->setSelected (item, true); tbRemoveUSBFilter->setEnabled (!!item); tbUSBFilterUp->setEnabled (!!item && item->itemAbove()); tbUSBFilterDown->setEnabled (!!item && item->itemBelow()); if (item) { USBListItem *uli = static_cast (item); wstUSBFilters->raiseWidget (uli->mId); } else { /* raise the disabled widget */ wstUSBFilters->raiseWidget (0); } } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::lvUSBFilters_setCurrentText (const QString &aText) { QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem(); Assert (item); item->setText (lvUSBFilters_Name, aText); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbAddUSBFilter_clicked() { /* search for the max available filter index */ int maxFilterIndex = 0; QString usbFilterName = tr ("New Filter %1", "usb"); QRegExp regExp (QString ("^") + usbFilterName.arg ("([0-9]+)") + QString ("$")); QListViewItemIterator iterator (lvUSBFilters); while (*iterator) { QString filterName = (*iterator)->text (lvUSBFilters_Name); int pos = regExp.search (filterName); if (pos != -1) maxFilterIndex = regExp.cap (1).toInt() > maxFilterIndex ? regExp.cap (1).toInt() : maxFilterIndex; ++ iterator; } /* creating new usb filter */ CUSBDeviceFilter filter = cmachine.GetUSBController() .CreateDeviceFilter (usbFilterName.arg (maxFilterIndex + 1)); filter.SetActive (true); addUSBFilter (filter, true /* isNew */); mUSBFilterListModified = true; } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbAddUSBFilterFrom_clicked() { usbDevicesMenu->exec (QCursor::pos()); } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::menuAddUSBFilterFrom_activated (int aIndex) { CUSBDevice usb = usbDevicesMenu->getUSB (aIndex); /* if null then some other item but a USB device is selected */ if (usb.isNull()) return; CUSBDeviceFilter filter = cmachine.GetUSBController() .CreateDeviceFilter (vboxGlobal().details (usb)); filter.SetVendorId (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetVendorId())); filter.SetProductId (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetProductId())); filter.SetRevision (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetRevision())); /* The port property depends on the host computer rather than on the USB * device itself; for this reason only a few people will want to use it in * the filter since the same device plugged into a different socket will * not match the filter in this case. */ #if 0 /// @todo set it anyway if Alt is currently pressed filter.SetPort (QString().sprintf ("%04hX", usb.GetPort())); #endif filter.SetManufacturer (usb.GetManufacturer()); filter.SetProduct (usb.GetProduct()); filter.SetSerialNumber (usb.GetSerialNumber()); filter.SetRemote (usb.GetRemote() ? "yes" : "no"); filter.SetActive (true); addUSBFilter (filter, true /* isNew */); mUSBFilterListModified = true; } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbRemoveUSBFilter_clicked() { QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem(); Assert (item); USBListItem *uli = static_cast (item); QWidget *settings = wstUSBFilters->widget (uli->mId); Assert (settings); wstUSBFilters->removeWidget (settings); delete settings; delete item; lvUSBFilters->setSelected (lvUSBFilters->currentItem(), true); mUSBFilterListModified = true; } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbUSBFilterUp_clicked() { QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem(); Assert (item); QListViewItem *itemAbove = item->itemAbove(); Assert (itemAbove); itemAbove = itemAbove->itemAbove(); if (!itemAbove) { /* overcome Qt stupidity */ item->itemAbove()->moveItem (item); } else item->moveItem (itemAbove); lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item); mUSBFilterListModified = true; } void VBoxVMSettingsDlg::tbUSBFilterDown_clicked() { QListViewItem *item = lvUSBFilters->currentItem(); Assert (item); QListViewItem *itemBelow = item->itemBelow(); Assert (itemBelow); item->moveItem (itemBelow); lvUSBFilters_currentChanged (item); mUSBFilterListModified = true; } #include "VBoxVMSettingsDlg.ui.moc"