//Added by qt3to4: #include /** * * VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"): * Snapshot details dialog (Qt Designer) */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /**************************************************************************** ** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation. ** ** If you want to add, delete, or rename functions or slots, use ** Qt Designer to update this file, preserving your code. ** ** You should not define a constructor or destructor in this file. ** Instead, write your code in functions called init() and destroy(). ** These will automatically be called by the form's constructor and ** destructor. *****************************************************************************/ /** QListViewItem subclass for snapshots */ class VBoxSnapshotsWgt::ListViewItem : public Q3ListViewItem { public: /** Normal snapshot item */ ListViewItem (Q3ListView *lv, const CSnapshot &aSnapshot) : Q3ListViewItem (lv) , mBld (false), mItal (false) , mSnapshot (aSnapshot) { recache(); } /** Normal snapshot item */ ListViewItem (Q3ListViewItem *lvi, const CSnapshot &aSnapshot) : Q3ListViewItem (lvi) , mBld (false), mItal (false) , mSnapshot (aSnapshot) { recache(); } /** Current state item */ ListViewItem (Q3ListView *lv, const CMachine &aMachine) : Q3ListViewItem (lv) , mBld (false), mItal (true) , mMachine (aMachine) { recache(); updateCurrentState (mMachine.GetState()); } /** Current state item */ ListViewItem (Q3ListViewItem *lvi, const CMachine &aMachine) : Q3ListViewItem (lvi) , mBld (false), mItal (true) , mMachine (aMachine) { recache(); updateCurrentState (mMachine.GetState()); } bool bold() const { return mBld; } void setBold (bool bold) { mBld = bold; repaint(); } bool italic() const { return mItal; } void setItalic (bool italic) { mItal = italic; repaint(); } void paintCell (QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align) { QFont font = p->font(); if (font.bold() != mBld) font.setBold (mBld); if (font.italic() != mItal) font.setItalic (mItal); if (font != p->font()) p->setFont (font); Q3ListViewItem::paintCell (p, cg, column, width, align); } int width (const QFontMetrics &fm, const Q3ListView *lv, int c) const { QFont font = lv->font(); if (font.bold() != mBld) font.setBold (mBld); if (font.italic() != mItal) font.setItalic (mItal); if (font != lv->font()) return Q3ListViewItem::width (QFontMetrics (font), lv, c); return Q3ListViewItem::width (fm, lv, c); } CSnapshot snapshot() const { return mSnapshot; } QUuid snapshotId() const { return mId; } KMachineState machineState() const { return mMachineState; } void recache() { if (!mSnapshot.isNull()) { mId = mSnapshot.GetId(); setText (0, mSnapshot.GetName()); mOnline = mSnapshot.GetOnline(); setPixmap (0, vboxGlobal().snapshotIcon (mOnline)); mDesc = mSnapshot.GetDescription(); mTimestamp.setTime_t (mSnapshot.GetTimeStamp() / 1000); mCurStateModified = false; } else { Assert (!mMachine.isNull()); mCurStateModified = mMachine.GetCurrentStateModified(); setText (0, mCurStateModified ? VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("Current State (changed)", "Current State (Modified)") : VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("Current State", "Current State (Unmodified)")); mDesc = mCurStateModified ? VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("The current state differs from the state " "stored in the current snapshot") : parent() != 0 ? /* we're not the only item in the view */ VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("The current state is identical to the state " "stored in the current snapshot") : QString::null; } } void updateCurrentState (KMachineState aState) { AssertReturn (!mMachine.isNull(), (void) 0); setPixmap (0, vboxGlobal().toIcon (aState)); mMachineState = aState; mTimestamp.setTime_t (mMachine.GetLastStateChange() / 1000); } QString toolTipText() const { QString name = !mSnapshot.isNull() ? text (0) : text (0); bool dateTimeToday = mTimestamp.date() == QDate::currentDate(); QString dateTime = dateTimeToday ? mTimestamp.time().toString (Qt::LocalDate) : mTimestamp.toString (Qt::LocalDate); QString details; if (!mSnapshot.isNull()) { /* the current snapshot is always bold */ if (mBld) details = VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr (" (current, ", "Snapshot details"); else details = " ("; details += mOnline ? VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("online)", "Snapshot details") : VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("offline)", "Snapshot details"); if (dateTimeToday) dateTime = VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("Taken at %1", "Snapshot (time)") .arg (dateTime); else dateTime = VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("Taken on %1", "Snapshot (date + time)") .arg (dateTime); } else { dateTime = VBoxSnapshotsWgt::tr ("%1 since %2", "Current State (time or date + time)") .arg (vboxGlobal().toString (mMachineState)) .arg (dateTime); } QString toolTip = QString ("%1%2
%3") .arg (name) .arg (details) .arg (dateTime); if (!mDesc.isEmpty()) toolTip += "

" + mDesc; return toolTip; } void okRename (int aCol) { Q3ListViewItem::okRename (aCol); AssertReturn (aCol == 0 && !mSnapshot.isNull(), (void) 0); mSnapshot.SetName (text (0)); } private: bool mBld : 1; bool mItal : 1; CSnapshot mSnapshot; CMachine mMachine; QUuid mId; bool mOnline; QString mDesc; QDateTime mTimestamp; bool mCurStateModified; KMachineState mMachineState; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Tooltips for snapshots */ #warning port me //class VBoxSnapshotsWgt::ToolTip : public QToolTip //{ //public: // // ToolTip (Q3ListView *aLV, QWidget *aParent, QToolTipGroup *aTG = 0) // : QToolTip (aParent, aTG), mLV (aLV) // {} // // virtual ~ToolTip() // { // remove (parentWidget()); // } // // void maybeTip (const QPoint &aPnt); // //private: // // Q3ListView *mLV; //}; //void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::ToolTip::maybeTip (const QPoint &aPnt) //{ // ListViewItem *lvi = static_cast (mLV->itemAt (aPnt)); // if (!lvi) // return; // // if (parentWidget()->topLevelWidget()->inherits ("QMainWindow")) // { // /* // * Ensure the main window doesn't show the text from the previous // * tooltip in the status bar. // */ // QToolTipGroup *toolTipGroup = // (::qt_cast (parentWidget()->topLevelWidget()))-> // toolTipGroup(); // if (toolTipGroup) // { // int index = toolTipGroup->metaObject()->findSignal("removeTip()", false); // toolTipGroup->qt_emit (index, 0); // } // } // // tip (mLV->itemRect (lvi), lvi->toolTipText()); //} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::init() { mCurSnapshotItem = 0; listView->setItemMargin (2); listView->header()->hide(); listView->setRootIsDecorated (true); /* we have our own tooltips */ listView->setShowToolTips (false); /* disable sorting */ listView->setSorting (-1); /* disable unselecting items by clicking in the unused area of the list */ new QIListViewSelectionPreserver (this, listView); /* toolbar */ VBoxToolBar *toolBar = new VBoxToolBar (0, this); curStateActionGroup->addTo (toolBar); toolBar->addSeparator(); snapshotActionGroup->addTo (toolBar); toolBar->addSeparator(); showSnapshotDetailsAction->addTo (toolBar); toolBar->setUsesTextLabel (false); toolBar->setUsesBigPixmaps (true); toolBar->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); #warning port me // VBoxSnapshotsWgtLayout->insertWidget (0, toolBar); #ifdef Q_WS_MAC toolBar->setMacStyle(); #endif /* context menu */ mContextMenu = new Q3PopupMenu (this); mContextMenuDirty = true; /* icons */ discardSnapshotAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx ( "discard_snapshot_22px.png", "discard_snapshot_16px.png", "discard_snapshot_dis_22px.png", "discard_snapshot_dis_16px.png")); takeSnapshotAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx ( "take_snapshot_22px.png", "take_snapshot_16px.png", "take_snapshot_dis_22px.png", "take_snapshot_dis_16px.png")); revertToCurSnapAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx ( "discard_cur_state_22px.png", "discard_cur_state_16px.png", "discard_cur_state_dis_22px.png", "discard_cur_state_dis_16px.png")); discardCurSnapAndStateAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx ( "discard_cur_state_snapshot_22px.png", "discard_cur_state_snapshot_16px.png", "discard_cur_state_snapshot_dis_22px.png", "discard_cur_state_snapshot_dis_16px.png")); showSnapshotDetailsAction->setIconSet (VBoxGlobal::iconSetEx ( "show_snapshot_details_22px.png", "show_snapshot_details_16px.png", "show_snapshot_details_dis_22px.png", "show_snapshot_details_dis_16px.png")); /* tooltip */ #warning port me // mToolTip = new ToolTip (listView, listView->viewport()); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::destroy() { delete mToolTip; } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::setMachine (const CMachine &aMachine) { mMachine = aMachine; if (aMachine.isNull()) { mMachineId = QUuid(); mSessionState = KSessionState_Null; } else { mMachineId = aMachine.GetId(); mSessionState = aMachine.GetSessionState(); } refreshAll(); } VBoxSnapshotsWgt::ListViewItem *VBoxSnapshotsWgt::findItem (const QUuid &aSnapshotId) { Q3ListViewItemIterator it (listView); while (it.current()) { ListViewItem *lvi = static_cast (it.current()); if (lvi->snapshotId() == aSnapshotId) return lvi; ++ it; } return 0; } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::refreshAll (bool aKeepSelected /* = false */) { QUuid selected, selectedFirstChild; if (aKeepSelected) { ListViewItem *cur = static_cast (listView->selectedItem()); Assert (cur); if (cur) { selected = cur->snapshotId(); if (cur->firstChild()) selectedFirstChild = static_cast (cur->firstChild())->snapshotId(); } } listView->clear(); if (mMachine.isNull()) { listView_currentChanged (NULL); return; } /* get the first snapshot */ if (mMachine.GetSnapshotCount() > 0) { CSnapshot snapshot = mMachine.GetSnapshot (QUuid()); populateSnapshots (snapshot, 0); Assert (mCurSnapshotItem); /* add the "current state" item */ new ListViewItem (mCurSnapshotItem, mMachine); ListViewItem *cur = 0; if (aKeepSelected) { cur = findItem (selected); if (cur == 0) cur = findItem (selectedFirstChild); } if (cur == 0) cur = curStateItem(); listView->setSelected (cur, true); listView->ensureItemVisible (cur); } else { mCurSnapshotItem = NULL; /* add the "current state" item */ ListViewItem *csi = new ListViewItem (listView, mMachine); listView->setSelected (csi, true); /* * stupid Qt doesn't issue this signal when only one item is added * to the empty list -- do it manually */ listView_currentChanged (csi); } listView->adjustColumn (0); } VBoxSnapshotsWgt::ListViewItem *VBoxSnapshotsWgt::curStateItem() { Q3ListViewItem *csi = mCurSnapshotItem ? mCurSnapshotItem->firstChild() : listView->firstChild(); Assert (csi); return static_cast (csi); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::populateSnapshots (const CSnapshot &snapshot, Q3ListViewItem *item) { ListViewItem *si = 0; if (item) si = new ListViewItem (item, snapshot); else si = new ListViewItem (listView, snapshot); if (mMachine.GetCurrentSnapshot().GetId() == snapshot.GetId()) { si->setBold (true); mCurSnapshotItem = si; } CSnapshotEnumerator en = snapshot.GetChildren().Enumerate(); while (en.HasMore()) { CSnapshot sn = en.GetNext(); populateSnapshots (sn, si); } si->setOpen (true); si->setRenameEnabled (0, true); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::listView_currentChanged (Q3ListViewItem *item) { /* Make the selected item visible */ if (item) { QPoint oldPos (listView->contentsX(), listView->contentsY()); listView->ensureItemVisible (item); listView->setContentsPos (listView->treeStepSize() * item->depth(), listView->contentsY()); /* Sometimes (here, when both X and Y are changed), affected items * are not properly updated after moving the contents. Fix it. */ if (oldPos != QPoint (listView->contentsX(), listView->contentsY())) listView->triggerUpdate(); } /* whether another direct session is open or not */ bool busy = mSessionState != KSessionState_Closed; /* enable/disable snapshot actions */ snapshotActionGroup->setEnabled (!busy && item && mCurSnapshotItem && item != mCurSnapshotItem->firstChild()); /* enable/disable the details action regardles of the session state */ showSnapshotDetailsAction->setEnabled ( item && mCurSnapshotItem && item != mCurSnapshotItem->firstChild()); /* enable/disable current state actions */ curStateActionGroup->setEnabled (!busy && item && mCurSnapshotItem && item == mCurSnapshotItem->firstChild()); /* the Take Snapshot action is always enabled for the current state */ takeSnapshotAction->setEnabled ((!busy && curStateActionGroup->isEnabled()) || (item && !mCurSnapshotItem)); mContextMenuDirty = true; } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt:: listView_contextMenuRequested (Q3ListViewItem *item, const QPoint &pnt, int /* col */) { if (!item) return; if (mContextMenuDirty) { mContextMenu->clear(); if (!mCurSnapshotItem) { /* we have only one item -- current state */ curStateActionGroup->addTo (mContextMenu); } else { if (item == mCurSnapshotItem->firstChild()) { /* current state is selected */ curStateActionGroup->addTo (mContextMenu); } else { /* snapshot is selected */ snapshotActionGroup->addTo (mContextMenu); mContextMenu->insertSeparator(); showSnapshotDetailsAction->addTo (mContextMenu); } } mContextMenuDirty = false; } mContextMenu->exec (pnt); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::discardSnapshot() { ListViewItem *item = static_cast (listView->currentItem()); AssertReturn (item, (void) 0); QUuid snapId = item->snapshotId(); AssertReturn (!snapId.isNull(), (void) 0); /* open a direct session (this call will handle all errors) */ CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession (mMachineId); if (session.isNull()) return; CConsole console = session.GetConsole(); CProgress progress = console.DiscardSnapshot (snapId); if (console.isOk()) { /* show the progress dialog */ vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, mMachine.GetName(), vboxProblem().mainWindowShown()); if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0) vboxProblem().cannotDiscardSnapshot (progress, mMachine.GetSnapshot (snapId)); } else vboxProblem().cannotDiscardSnapshot (console, mMachine.GetSnapshot (snapId)); session.Close(); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::takeSnapshot() { ListViewItem *item = static_cast (listView->currentItem()); AssertReturn (item, (void) 0); VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg dlg (this, "VBoxTakeSnapshotDlg"); QString typeId = mMachine.GetOSTypeId(); dlg.pmIcon->setPixmap (vboxGlobal().vmGuestOSTypeIcon (typeId)); /* search for the max available filter index */ int maxSnapShotIndex = 0; QString snapShotName = tr ("Snapshot %1"); QRegExp regExp (QString ("^") + snapShotName.arg ("([0-9]+)") + QString ("$")); Q3ListViewItemIterator iterator (listView); while (*iterator) { QString snapShot = (*iterator)->text (0); int pos = regExp.search (snapShot); if (pos != -1) maxSnapShotIndex = regExp.cap (1).toInt() > maxSnapShotIndex ? regExp.cap (1).toInt() : maxSnapShotIndex; ++ iterator; } dlg.leName->setText (snapShotName.arg (maxSnapShotIndex + 1)); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { /* open a direct session (this call will handle all errors) */ CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession (mMachineId); if (session.isNull()) return; CConsole console = session.GetConsole(); CProgress progress = console.TakeSnapshot (dlg.leName->text().stripWhiteSpace(), dlg.txeDescription->text()); if (console.isOk()) { /* show the progress dialog */ vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, mMachine.GetName(), vboxProblem().mainWindowShown()); if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0) vboxProblem().cannotTakeSnapshot (progress); } else vboxProblem().cannotTakeSnapshot (console); session.Close(); } } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::discardCurState() { ListViewItem *item = static_cast (listView->currentItem()); AssertReturn (item, (void) 0); /* open a direct session (this call will handle all errors) */ CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession (mMachineId); if (session.isNull()) return; CConsole console = session.GetConsole(); CProgress progress = console.DiscardCurrentState(); if (console.isOk()) { /* show the progress dialog */ vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, mMachine.GetName(), vboxProblem().mainWindowShown()); if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0) vboxProblem().cannotDiscardCurrentState (progress); } else vboxProblem().cannotDiscardCurrentState (console); session.Close(); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::discardCurSnapAndState() { ListViewItem *item = static_cast (listView->currentItem()); AssertReturn (item, (void) 0); /* open a direct session (this call will handle all errors) */ CSession session = vboxGlobal().openSession (mMachineId); if (session.isNull()) return; CConsole console = session.GetConsole(); CProgress progress = console.DiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState(); if (console.isOk()) { /* show the progress dialog */ vboxProblem().showModalProgressDialog (progress, mMachine.GetName(), vboxProblem().mainWindowShown()); if (progress.GetResultCode() != 0) vboxProblem().cannotDiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState (progress); } else vboxProblem().cannotDiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState (console); session.Close(); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::showSnapshotDetails() { ListViewItem *item = static_cast (listView->currentItem()); AssertReturn (item, (void) 0); CSnapshot snap = item->snapshot(); AssertReturn (!snap.isNull(), (void) 0); CMachine snapMachine = snap.GetMachine(); VBoxSnapshotDetailsDlg dlg (this); dlg.getFromSnapshot (snap); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { dlg.putBackToSnapshot(); } } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::machineDataChanged (const VBoxMachineDataChangeEvent &aE) { if (aE.id != mMachineId) return; /* not interested in other machines */ curStateItem()->recache(); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::machineStateChanged (const VBoxMachineStateChangeEvent &aE) { if (aE.id != mMachineId) return; /* not interested in other machines */ curStateItem()->recache(); curStateItem()->updateCurrentState (aE.state); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::sessionStateChanged (const VBoxSessionStateChangeEvent &aE) { if (aE.id != mMachineId) return; /* not interested in other machines */ mSessionState = aE.state; listView_currentChanged (listView->currentItem()); } void VBoxSnapshotsWgt::snapshotChanged (const VBoxSnapshotEvent &aE) { if (aE.machineId != mMachineId) return; /* not interested in other machines */ switch (aE.what) { case VBoxSnapshotEvent::Taken: case VBoxSnapshotEvent::Discarded: { refreshAll (true); break; } case VBoxSnapshotEvent::Changed: { ListViewItem *lvi = findItem (aE.snapshotId); if (!lvi) refreshAll(); else { lvi->recache(); lvi->repaint(); } break; } } }