1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | # This script generates the packer.c file from the gl_header.parsed file.
7 |
8 | from __future__ import print_function
9 | import sys, string, re
10 |
11 | import apiutil
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | def WriteData( offset, arg_type, arg_name, is_swapped ):
16 | """Return a string to write a variable to the packing buffer."""
17 | retval = 9
18 | if apiutil.IsPointer(arg_type):
19 | retval = "\tWRITE_NETWORK_POINTER( %d, (void *) %s );" % (offset, arg_name )
20 | else:
21 | if is_swapped:
22 | if arg_type == "GLfloat" or arg_type == "GLclampf":
23 | retval = "\tWRITE_DATA( %d, GLuint, SWAPFLOAT(%s) );" % (offset, arg_name)
24 | elif arg_type == "GLdouble" or arg_type == "GLclampd":
25 | retval = "\tWRITE_SWAPPED_DOUBLE( %d, %s );" % (offset, arg_name)
26 | elif apiutil.sizeof(arg_type) == 1:
27 | retval = "\tWRITE_DATA( %d, %s, %s );" % (offset, arg_type, arg_name)
28 | elif apiutil.sizeof(arg_type) == 2:
29 | retval = "\tWRITE_DATA( %d, %s, SWAP16(%s) );" % (offset, arg_type, arg_name)
30 | elif apiutil.sizeof(arg_type) == 4:
31 | retval = "\tWRITE_DATA( %d, %s, SWAP32(%s) );" % (offset, arg_type, arg_name)
32 | else:
33 | if arg_type == "GLdouble" or arg_type == "GLclampd":
34 | retval = "\tWRITE_DOUBLE( %d, %s );" % (offset, arg_name)
35 | else:
36 | retval = "\tWRITE_DATA( %d, %s, %s );" % (offset, arg_type, arg_name)
37 | if retval == 9:
38 | print >>sys.stderr, "no retval for %s %s" % (arg_name, arg_type)
39 | assert 0
40 | return retval
41 |
42 |
43 | def UpdateCurrentPointer( func_name ):
44 | m = re.search( r"^(Color|Normal)([1234])(ub|b|us|s|ui|i|f|d)$", func_name )
45 | if m :
46 | k = m.group(1)
47 | name = '%s%s' % (k[:1].lower(),k[1:])
48 | type = m.group(3) + m.group(2)
49 | print("\tpc->current.c.%s.%s = data_ptr;" % (name,type))
50 | return
51 |
52 | m = re.search( r"^(SecondaryColor)(3)(ub|b|us|s|ui|i|f|d)EXT$", func_name )
53 | if m :
54 | k = m.group(1)
55 | name = 'secondaryColor'
56 | type = m.group(3) + m.group(2)
57 | print("\tpc->current.c.%s.%s = data_ptr;" % (name,type))
58 | return
59 |
60 | m = re.search( r"^(TexCoord)([1234])(ub|b|us|s|ui|i|f|d)$", func_name )
61 | if m :
62 | k = m.group(1)
63 | name = 'texCoord'
64 | type = m.group(3) + m.group(2)
65 | print("\tpc->current.c.%s.%s[0] = data_ptr;" % (name,type))
66 | return
67 |
68 | m = re.search( r"^(MultiTexCoord)([1234])(ub|b|us|s|ui|i|f|d)ARB$", func_name )
69 | if m :
70 | k = m.group(1)
71 | name = 'texCoord'
72 | type = m.group(3) + m.group(2)
73 | print("\tpc->current.c.%s.%s[texture-GL_TEXTURE0_ARB] = data_ptr + 4;" % (name,type))
74 | return
75 |
76 | m = re.match( r"^(Index)(ub|b|us|s|ui|i|f|d)$", func_name )
77 | if m :
78 | k = m.group(1)
79 | name = 'index'
80 | type = m.group(2) + "1"
81 | print("\tpc->current.c.%s.%s = data_ptr;" % (name,type))
82 | return
83 |
84 | m = re.match( r"^(EdgeFlag)$", func_name )
85 | if m :
86 | k = m.group(1)
87 | name = 'edgeFlag'
88 | type = "l1"
89 | print("\tpc->current.c.%s.%s = data_ptr;" % (name,type))
90 | return
91 |
92 | m = re.match( r"^(FogCoord)(f|d)EXT$", func_name )
93 | if m :
94 | k = m.group(1)
95 | name = 'fogCoord'
96 | type = m.group(2) + "1"
97 | print("\tpc->current.c.%s.%s = data_ptr;" % (name,type))
98 | return
99 |
100 |
101 | m = re.search( r"^(VertexAttrib)([1234])N?(ub|b|s|f|d)(NV|ARB)$", func_name )
102 | if m :
103 | k = m.group(1)
104 | name = 'vertexAttrib'
105 | type = m.group(3) + m.group(2)
106 | # Add 12 to skip the packet length, opcode and index fields
107 | print("\tpc->current.c.%s.%s[index] = data_ptr + 4;" % (name,type))
108 | if m.group(4) == "ARB" or m.group(4) == "NV":
109 | print("\tpc->current.attribsUsedMask |= (1 << index);")
110 | print("\tpc->current.changedVertexAttrib |= (1 << index);")
111 | return
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 | def PrintFunc( func_name, params, is_swapped, can_have_pointers ):
116 | """Emit a packer function."""
117 | if is_swapped:
118 | print('void PACK_APIENTRY crPack%sSWAP( %s )' % (func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationStringWithContext('CR_PACKER_CONTEXT', params)))
119 | else:
120 | print('void PACK_APIENTRY crPack%s( %s )' % (func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationStringWithContext('CR_PACKER_CONTEXT', params)))
121 | print('{')
122 | print('\tCR_GET_PACKER_CONTEXT(pc);')
123 |
124 | # Save original function name
125 | orig_func_name = func_name
126 |
127 | # Convert to a non-vector version of the function if possible
128 | func_name = apiutil.NonVectorFunction( func_name )
129 | if not func_name:
130 | func_name = orig_func_name
131 |
132 | # Check if there are any pointer parameters.
133 | # That's usually a problem so we'll emit an error function.
134 | nonVecParams = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
135 | bail_out = 0
136 | for (name, type, vecSize) in nonVecParams:
137 | if apiutil.IsPointer(type) and vecSize == 0 and not can_have_pointers:
138 | bail_out = 1
139 | if bail_out:
140 | for (name, type, vecSize) in nonVecParams:
141 | print('\t(void)%s;' % (name))
142 | print('\tcrError ( "%s needs to be special cased %d %d!");' % (func_name, vecSize, can_have_pointers))
143 | print('\t(void) pc;')
144 | print('}')
145 | # XXX we should really abort here
146 | return
147 |
148 | if "extpack" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name):
149 | is_extended = 1
150 | else:
151 | is_extended = 0
152 |
153 |
154 | print("\tunsigned char *data_ptr;")
155 | print('\t(void) pc;')
156 | #if func_name == "Enable" or func_name == "Disable":
157 | # print "\tCRASSERT(!pc->buffer.geometry_only); /* sanity check */"
158 |
159 | for index in range(0,len(params)):
160 | (name, type, vecSize) = params[index]
161 | if vecSize>0 and func_name!=orig_func_name:
162 | print(" if (!%s) {" % name)
163 | # Know the reason for this one, so avoid the spam.
164 | if orig_func_name != "SecondaryColor3fvEXT":
165 | print(" crDebug(\"App passed NULL as %s for %s\");" % (name, orig_func_name))
166 | print(" return;")
167 | print(" }")
168 |
169 | packet_length = apiutil.PacketLength(nonVecParams)
170 |
171 | if packet_length == 0 and not is_extended:
172 | print("\tCR_GET_BUFFERED_POINTER_NO_ARGS( pc );")
173 | elif func_name[:9] == "Translate" or func_name[:5] == "Color":
174 | # XXX WTF is the purpose of this?
175 | if is_extended:
176 | packet_length += 8
177 | print("\tCR_GET_BUFFERED_POINTER_NO_BEGINEND_FLUSH( pc, %d, GL_TRUE );" % packet_length)
178 | else:
179 | if is_extended:
180 | packet_length += 8
181 | print("\tCR_GET_BUFFERED_POINTER( pc, %d );" % packet_length)
182 | UpdateCurrentPointer( func_name )
183 |
184 | if is_extended:
185 | counter = 8
186 | print(WriteData( 0, 'GLint', packet_length, is_swapped ))
187 | print(WriteData( 4, 'GLenum', apiutil.ExtendedOpcodeName( func_name ), is_swapped ))
188 | else:
189 | counter = 0
190 |
191 | # Now emit the WRITE_() macros for all parameters
192 | for index in range(0,len(params)):
193 | (name, type, vecSize) = params[index]
194 | # if we're converting a vector-valued function to a non-vector func:
195 | if vecSize > 0 and func_name != orig_func_name:
196 | ptrType = apiutil.PointerType(type)
197 | for i in range(0, vecSize):
198 | print(WriteData( counter + i * apiutil.sizeof(ptrType),
199 | ptrType, "%s[%d]" % (name, i), is_swapped ))
200 | # XXX increment counter here?
201 | else:
202 | print(WriteData( counter, type, name, is_swapped ))
203 | if apiutil.IsPointer(type):
204 | counter += apiutil.PointerSize()
205 | else:
206 | counter += apiutil.sizeof(type)
207 |
208 | # finish up
209 | if is_extended:
210 | print("\tWRITE_OPCODE( pc, CR_EXTEND_OPCODE );")
211 | else:
212 | print("\tWRITE_OPCODE( pc, %s );" % apiutil.OpcodeName( func_name ))
213 |
214 | if "get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name):
215 | print('\tCR_CMDBLOCK_CHECK_FLUSH(pc);')
216 |
217 | print('\tCR_UNLOCK_PACKER_CONTEXT(pc);')
218 | print('}\n')
219 |
220 |
221 | r0_funcs = [ 'ChromiumParameteriCR', 'WindowSize', 'WindowShow', 'WindowPosition' ]
222 |
223 |
224 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
225 |
226 | print("""
228 |
229 | /* For each of the OpenGL functions we have a packer function which
230 | * packs the function's opcode and arguments into a buffer.
231 | */
232 |
233 | #include "packer.h"
234 | #include "cr_opcodes.h"
235 |
236 | """)
237 |
238 |
239 | keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
240 |
241 | for func_name in keys:
242 | if apiutil.FindSpecial( "packer", func_name ):
243 | continue
244 |
245 | if not apiutil.HasPackOpcode(func_name):
246 | continue
247 |
248 | pointers_ok = 0
249 |
250 | return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
251 | params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
252 |
253 | if return_type != 'void':
254 | # Yet another gross hack for glGetString
255 | if return_type.find('*') == -1:
256 | return_type = return_type + " *"
257 | params.append(("return_value", return_type, 0))
258 |
259 | if "get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name):
260 | pointers_ok = 1
261 | params.append(("writeback", "int *", 0))
262 |
263 | if func_name == 'Writeback':
264 | pointers_ok = 1
265 |
266 | if not func_name in r0_funcs:
267 | print('#ifndef IN_RING0')
268 |
269 | PrintFunc( func_name, params, 0, pointers_ok )
270 | PrintFunc( func_name, params, 1, pointers_ok )
271 |
272 | if not func_name in r0_funcs:
273 | print('#endif')
274 |