1 |
2 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
3 | * All rights reserved
4 | *
5 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include <stdio.h>
9 | #include "state.h"
10 | #include "state/cr_statetypes.h"
11 | #include "cr_mem.h"
12 | #include "cr_string.h"
13 | #include "cr_extstring.h"
14 |
15 | #ifdef WINDOWS
16 | #pragma warning( disable : 4127 )
17 | #endif
18 |
19 |
20 | /* This is a debug helper function. */
21 | void crStateLimitsPrint (const CRLimitsState *l)
22 | {
23 | fprintf(stderr, "----------- OpenGL limits ----------------\n");
24 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS = %d\n", (int) l->maxTextureUnits);
25 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = %d\n", (int) l->maxTextureSize);
26 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE = %d\n", (int) l->max3DTextureSize);
27 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE = %d\n", (int) l->maxCubeMapTextureSize);
28 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY = %f\n", l->maxTextureAnisotropy);
29 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_LIGHTS = %d\n", (int) l->maxLights);
30 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES = %d\n", (int) l->maxClipPlanes);
31 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH = %d\n", (int) l->maxClientAttribStackDepth);
32 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH = %d\n", (int) l->maxProjectionStackDepth);
33 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH = %d\n", (int) l->maxModelviewStackDepth);
34 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH = %d\n", (int) l->maxTextureStackDepth);
35 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_COLOR_STACK_DEPTH = %d\n", (int) l->maxColorStackDepth);
36 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH = %d\n", (int) l->maxAttribStackDepth);
37 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH = %d\n", (int) l->maxClientAttribStackDepth);
38 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH = %d\n", (int) l->maxNameStackDepth);
39 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES = %d\n", (int) l->maxElementsIndices);
40 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES = %d\n", (int) l->maxElementsVertices);
41 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER = %d\n", (int) l->maxEvalOrder);
42 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING = %d\n", (int) l->maxListNesting);
43 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE = %d\n", (int) l->maxPixelMapTable);
44 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = %d %d\n",
45 | (int) l->maxViewportDims[0], (int) l->maxViewportDims[1]);
46 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS = %d\n", (int) l->subpixelBits);
47 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE = %f .. %f\n",
48 | l->aliasedPointSizeRange[0], l->aliasedPointSizeRange[1]);
49 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE = %f .. %f\n",
50 | l->aliasedPointSizeRange[0], l->aliasedPointSizeRange[1]);
51 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY = %f\n", l->pointSizeGranularity);
52 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE = %f .. %f\n",
53 | l->aliasedLineWidthRange[0], l->aliasedLineWidthRange[1]);
54 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE = %f .. %f\n",
55 | l->smoothLineWidthRange[0], l->smoothLineWidthRange[1]);
56 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY = %f\n", l->lineWidthGranularity);
57 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_MAX_GENERAL_COMBINERS_NV = %d\n", (int) l->maxGeneralCombiners);
58 | fprintf(stderr, "GL_EXTENSIONS = %s\n", (const char *) l->extensions);
59 | fprintf(stderr, "------------------------------------------\n");
60 | }
61 |
62 |
63 | void crStateLimitsDestroy(CRLimitsState *l)
64 | {
65 | if (l->extensions) {
66 | crFree((void *) l->extensions);
67 | l->extensions = NULL;
68 | }
69 | }
70 |
71 |
72 | /*
73 | * Initialize the CRLimitsState object to Chromium's defaults.
74 | */
75 | void crStateLimitsInit (CRLimitsState *l)
76 | {
77 | l->maxTextureUnits = CR_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS;
78 | l->maxTextureSize = CR_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE;
79 | l->max3DTextureSize = CR_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE;
80 | l->maxCubeMapTextureSize = CR_MAX_CUBE_TEXTURE_SIZE;
81 | #ifdef CR_NV_texture_rectangle
82 | l->maxRectTextureSize = CR_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE;
83 | #endif
84 | l->maxTextureAnisotropy = CR_MAX_TEXTURE_ANISOTROPY;
85 | l->maxGeneralCombiners = CR_MAX_GENERAL_COMBINERS;
86 | l->maxLights = CR_MAX_LIGHTS;
87 | l->maxClipPlanes = CR_MAX_CLIP_PLANES;
88 | l->maxClientAttribStackDepth = CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH;
89 | l->maxProjectionStackDepth = CR_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH;
90 | l->maxModelviewStackDepth = CR_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH;
91 | l->maxTextureStackDepth = CR_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH;
92 | l->maxColorStackDepth = CR_MAX_COLOR_STACK_DEPTH;
93 | l->maxAttribStackDepth = CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH;
94 | l->maxClientAttribStackDepth = CR_MAX_ATTRIB_STACK_DEPTH;
95 | l->maxNameStackDepth = CR_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH;
96 | l->maxElementsIndices = CR_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES;
97 | l->maxElementsVertices = CR_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES;
98 | l->maxEvalOrder = CR_MAX_EVAL_ORDER;
99 | l->maxListNesting = CR_MAX_LIST_NESTING;
100 | l->maxPixelMapTable = CR_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE;
101 | l->maxViewportDims[0] = l->maxViewportDims[1] = CR_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIM;
102 | l->subpixelBits = CR_SUBPIXEL_BITS;
103 | l->aliasedPointSizeRange[0] = CR_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_MIN;
104 | l->aliasedPointSizeRange[1] = CR_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_MAX;
105 | l->smoothPointSizeRange[0] = CR_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_MIN;
106 | l->smoothPointSizeRange[1] = CR_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_MAX;
107 | l->pointSizeGranularity = CR_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY;
108 | l->aliasedLineWidthRange[0] = CR_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_MIN;
109 | l->aliasedLineWidthRange[1] = CR_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_MAX;
110 | l->smoothLineWidthRange[0] = CR_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_MIN;
111 | l->smoothLineWidthRange[1] = CR_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_MAX;
112 | l->lineWidthGranularity = CR_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY;
113 | #ifdef CR_EXT_texture_lod_bias
114 | l->maxTextureLodBias = CR_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS;
115 | #endif
116 | #ifdef CR_NV_fragment_program
117 | l->maxTextureCoords = CR_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS;
118 | l->maxTextureImageUnits = CR_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS;
119 | l->maxFragmentProgramLocalParams = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_LOCAL_PARAMS;
120 | #endif
121 | #ifdef CR_NV_vertex_program
122 | l->maxProgramMatrixStackDepth = CR_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH;
123 | l->maxProgramMatrices = CR_MAX_PROGRAM_MATRICES;
124 | #endif
125 | #ifdef CR_ARB_fragment_program
126 | l->maxFragmentProgramInstructions = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS;
127 | l->maxFragmentProgramLocalParams = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMS;
128 | l->maxFragmentProgramEnvParams = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMS;
129 | l->maxFragmentProgramTemps = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_TEMPS;
130 | l->maxFragmentProgramAttribs = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS;
131 | l->maxFragmentProgramAddressRegs = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGS;
132 | l->maxFragmentProgramAluInstructions = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ALU_INSTRUCTIONS;
133 | l->maxFragmentProgramTexInstructions = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_TEX_INSTRUCTIONS;
134 | l->maxFragmentProgramTexIndirections = CR_MAX_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_TEX_INDIRECTIONS;
135 | #endif
136 | #ifdef CR_ARB_vertex_program
137 | l->maxVertexProgramInstructions = CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_INSTRUCTIONS;
138 | l->maxVertexProgramLocalParams = CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_LOCAL_PARAMS;
139 | l->maxVertexProgramEnvParams = CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ENV_PARAMS;
140 | l->maxVertexProgramTemps = CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_TEMPS;
141 | l->maxVertexProgramAttribs = CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ATTRIBS;
142 | l->maxVertexProgramAddressRegs = CR_MAX_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_REGS;
143 | #endif
144 |
145 | l->extensions = (GLubyte *) crStrdup(crExtensions);
146 |
147 | /* These will get properly set in crStateCreateContext() by examining
148 | * the visBits bitfield parameter.
149 | */
150 | l->redBits = 0;
151 | l->greenBits = 0;
152 | l->blueBits = 0;
153 | l->alphaBits = 0;
154 | l->depthBits = 0;
155 | l->stencilBits = 0;
156 | l->accumRedBits = 0;
157 | l->accumGreenBits = 0;
158 | l->accumBlueBits = 0;
159 | l->accumAlphaBits = 0;
160 | l->auxBuffers = 0;
161 | l->rgbaMode = GL_TRUE;
162 | l->doubleBuffer = GL_FALSE;
163 | l->stereo = GL_FALSE;
164 | l->sampleBuffers = 0;
165 | l->samples = 0;
166 | l->level = 0;
167 |
168 | (void) crAppOnlyExtensions; /* silence warning */
169 | }
170 |
171 |
172 | /*
173 | * Given the GL version number returned from a real GL renderer,
174 | * compute the version number supported by Chromium.
175 | */
176 | void crStateComputeVersion(uint32_t *puMajorMin, uint32_t *puMinorMin)
177 | {
178 | if (*puMajorMin > CR_OPENGL_VERSION_MAJOR)
179 | {
180 | *puMajorMin = CR_OPENGL_VERSION_MAJOR;
181 | *puMinorMin = CR_OPENGL_VERSION_MINOR;
182 | return;
183 | }
184 |
185 | if (*puMinorMin > CR_OPENGL_VERSION_MINOR)
186 | *puMinorMin = CR_OPENGL_VERSION_MINOR;
187 |
188 | return;
189 | }
190 |
191 |
192 | /*
193 | * <extenions> is an array [n] of GLubyte pointers which contain lists of
194 | * OpenGL extensions.
195 | * Compute the intersection of those strings, then append the Chromium
196 | * extension strings.
197 | */
198 | GLubyte * crStateMergeExtensions(GLuint n, const GLubyte **extensions)
199 | {
200 | char *merged, *result;
201 | GLuint i;
202 |
203 | /* find intersection of all extension strings */
204 | merged = crStrdup(crExtensions);
205 | for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
206 | {
207 | char *m = crStrIntersect(merged, (const char *) extensions[i]);
208 | if (merged)
209 | crFree(merged);
210 | merged = m;
211 | }
212 |
213 | /* append Cr extensions */
214 | result = crStrjoin(merged, crChromiumExtensions);
215 | crFree(merged);
216 | return (GLubyte *) result;
217 | }
218 |
219 | static GLboolean hasExtension(const char *haystack, const char *needle)
220 | {
221 | const int needleLen = crStrlen(needle);
222 | const char *s;
223 |
224 | while (1) {
225 | s = crStrstr(haystack, needle);
226 | if (!s)
227 | return GL_FALSE;
228 | if (s && (s[needleLen] == ' ' || s[needleLen] == 0))
229 | return GL_TRUE;
230 | haystack += needleLen;
231 | }
232 | }
233 |
234 | /*
235 | * Examine the context's extension string and set the boolean extension
236 | * flags accordingly. This is to be called during context initialization.
237 | */
238 | void crStateExtensionsInit( CRLimitsState *limits, CRExtensionState *extensions )
239 | {
240 | /* init all booleans to false */
241 | crMemZero(extensions, sizeof(CRExtensionState));
242 |
243 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_depth_texture"))
244 | extensions->ARB_depth_texture = GL_TRUE;
245 |
246 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_fragment_program"))
247 | extensions->ARB_fragment_program = GL_TRUE;
248 |
249 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_imaging"))
250 | extensions->ARB_imaging = GL_TRUE;
251 |
252 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_multisample"))
253 | extensions->ARB_multisample = GL_TRUE;
254 |
255 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_multitexture"))
256 | extensions->ARB_multitexture = GL_TRUE;
257 |
258 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_occlusion_query"))
259 | extensions->ARB_occlusion_query = GL_TRUE;
260 |
261 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_point_parameters"))
262 | extensions->ARB_point_parameters = GL_TRUE;
263 |
264 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_point_sprite"))
265 | extensions->ARB_point_sprite = GL_TRUE;
266 |
267 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_shadow"))
268 | extensions->ARB_shadow = GL_TRUE;
269 |
270 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_shadow_ambient"))
271 | extensions->ARB_shadow_ambient = GL_TRUE;
272 |
273 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp") ||
274 | hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp"))
275 | extensions->ARB_texture_border_clamp = GL_TRUE;
276 |
277 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_compression"))
278 | extensions->ARB_texture_compression = GL_TRUE;
279 |
280 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map") ||
281 | hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_texture_cube_map"))
282 | extensions->ARB_texture_cube_map = GL_TRUE;
283 |
284 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_env_add"))
285 | extensions->ARB_texture_env_add = GL_TRUE;
286 |
287 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine") ||
288 | hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_texture_env_combine"))
289 | extensions->ARB_texture_env_combine = GL_TRUE;
290 |
291 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar"))
292 | extensions->ARB_texture_env_crossbar = GL_TRUE;
293 |
294 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3") ||
295 | hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3"))
296 | extensions->ARB_texture_env_dot3 = GL_TRUE;
297 |
298 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat"))
299 | extensions->ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat = GL_TRUE;
300 |
301 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once"))
302 | extensions->ATI_texture_mirror_once = GL_TRUE;
303 |
304 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"))
305 | extensions->ARB_texture_non_power_of_two = GL_TRUE;
306 |
307 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_transpose_matrix"))
308 | extensions->ARB_transpose_matrix = GL_TRUE;
309 |
310 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"))
311 | extensions->ARB_vertex_buffer_object = GL_TRUE;
312 |
313 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object"))
314 | extensions->ARB_pixel_buffer_object = GL_TRUE;
315 |
316 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_vertex_program"))
317 | extensions->ARB_vertex_program = GL_TRUE;
318 |
319 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_ARB_window_pos"))
320 | extensions->ARB_window_pos = GL_TRUE;
321 |
322 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_blend_color"))
323 | extensions->EXT_blend_color= GL_TRUE;
324 |
325 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_blend_minmax"))
326 | extensions->EXT_blend_minmax = GL_TRUE;
327 |
328 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_blend_func_separate"))
329 | extensions->EXT_blend_func_separate = GL_TRUE;
330 |
331 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_blend_logic_op"))
332 | extensions->EXT_blend_logic_op = GL_TRUE;
333 |
334 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_blend_subtract"))
335 | extensions->EXT_blend_subtract = GL_TRUE;
336 |
337 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint"))
338 | extensions->EXT_clip_volume_hint = GL_TRUE;
339 |
340 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_fog_coord"))
341 | extensions->EXT_fog_coord = GL_TRUE;
342 |
343 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays"))
344 | extensions->EXT_multi_draw_arrays = GL_TRUE;
345 |
346 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_secondary_color"))
347 | extensions->EXT_secondary_color = GL_TRUE;
348 |
349 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_separate_specular_color"))
350 | extensions->EXT_separate_specular_color = GL_TRUE;
351 |
352 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_shadow_funcs"))
353 | extensions->EXT_shadow_funcs = GL_TRUE;
354 |
355 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_stencil_wrap"))
356 | extensions->EXT_stencil_wrap = GL_TRUE;
357 |
358 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp") ||
359 | hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp"))
360 | extensions->EXT_texture_edge_clamp = GL_TRUE;
361 |
362 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"))
363 | extensions->EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic = GL_TRUE;
364 |
365 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias"))
366 | extensions->EXT_texture_lod_bias = GL_TRUE;
367 |
368 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip"))
369 | extensions->IBM_rasterpos_clip = GL_TRUE;
370 |
371 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_fog_distance"))
372 | extensions->NV_fog_distance = GL_TRUE;
373 |
374 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_fragment_program"))
375 | extensions->NV_fragment_program = GL_TRUE;
376 |
377 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_register_combiners"))
378 | extensions->NV_register_combiners = GL_TRUE;
379 |
380 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_register_combiners2"))
381 | extensions->NV_register_combiners2 = GL_TRUE;
382 |
383 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_texgen_reflection"))
384 | extensions->NV_texgen_reflection = GL_TRUE;
385 |
386 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_texture_rectangle")
387 | || hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_texture_rectangle"))
388 | extensions->NV_texture_rectangle = GL_TRUE;
389 |
390 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_vertex_program"))
391 | extensions->NV_vertex_program = GL_TRUE;
392 |
393 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_vertex_program1_1"))
394 | extensions->NV_vertex_program1_1 = GL_TRUE;
395 |
396 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_NV_vertex_program2"))
397 | extensions->NV_vertex_program2 = GL_TRUE;
398 |
399 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_EXT_texture3D"))
400 | extensions->EXT_texture3D = GL_TRUE;
401 |
402 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap"))
403 | extensions->SGIS_generate_mipmap = GL_TRUE;
404 |
405 | if (hasExtension((const char*)limits->extensions, "GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap"))
406 | extensions->EXT_texture_from_pixmap = GL_TRUE;
407 |
408 | if (extensions->NV_vertex_program2)
409 | limits->maxVertexProgramEnvParams = 256;
410 | else
411 | limits->maxVertexProgramEnvParams = 96;
412 |
413 | if (extensions->NV_vertex_program || extensions->ARB_vertex_program)
414 | extensions->any_vertex_program = GL_TRUE;
415 | if (extensions->NV_fragment_program || extensions->ARB_fragment_program)
416 | extensions->any_fragment_program = GL_TRUE;
417 | if (extensions->any_vertex_program || extensions->any_fragment_program)
418 | extensions->any_program = GL_TRUE;
419 |
420 | #if 0
421 | /* Now, determine what level of OpenGL we support */
422 | if (extensions->ARB_multisample &&
423 | extensions->ARB_multitexture &&
424 | extensions->ARB_texture_border_clamp &&
425 | extensions->ARB_texture_compression &&
426 | extensions->ARB_texture_cube_map &&
427 | extensions->ARB_texture_env_add &&
428 | extensions->ARB_texture_env_combine &&
429 | extensions->ARB_texture_env_dot3) {
430 | if (extensions->ARB_depth_texture &&
431 | extensions->ARB_point_parameters &&
432 | extensions->ARB_shadow &&
433 | extensions->ARB_texture_env_crossbar &&
434 | extensions->ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat &&
435 | extensions->ARB_window_pos &&
436 | extensions->EXT_blend_color &&
437 | extensions->EXT_blend_func_separate &&
438 | extensions->EXT_blend_logic_op &&
439 | extensions->EXT_blend_minmax &&
440 | extensions->EXT_blend_subtract &&
441 | extensions->EXT_fog_coord &&
442 | extensions->EXT_multi_draw_arrays &&
443 | extensions->EXT_secondary_color &&
444 | extensions->EXT_shadow_funcs &&
445 | extensions->EXT_stencil_wrap &&
446 | extensions->SGIS_generate_mipmap) {
447 | if (extensions->ARB_occlusion_query &&
448 | extensions->ARB_vertex_buffer_object &&
449 | extensions->ARB_texture_non_power_of_two &&
450 | extensions->EXT_shadow_funcs) {
451 | extensions->version = (const GLubyte *) "1.5 Chromium " CR_VERSION_STRING;
452 | }
453 | else {
454 | extensions->version = (const GLubyte *) "1.4 Chromium " CR_VERSION_STRING;
455 | }
456 | }
457 | else {
458 | extensions->version = (const GLubyte *) "1.3 Chromium " CR_VERSION_STRING;
459 | }
460 | }
461 | else {
462 | extensions->version = (const GLubyte *) "1.2 Chromium " CR_VERSION_STRING;
463 | }
464 | #endif
465 | }
466 |
467 |
468 | /*
469 | * Set the GL_EXTENSIONS string for the given context. We'll make
470 | * a copy of the given string.
471 | */
472 | void
473 | crStateSetExtensionString( CRContext *ctx, const GLubyte *extensions )
474 | {
475 | if (ctx->limits.extensions)
476 | crFree((void *) ctx->limits.extensions);
477 |
478 | ctx->limits.extensions = (const GLubyte *)crStrdup((const char*)extensions);
479 |
480 | crStateExtensionsInit(&(ctx->limits), &(ctx->extensions));
481 | }
482 |