/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University * All rights reserved * * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */ #include "cr_environment.h" #include "cr_error.h" #include "cr_string.h" #include "cr_net.h" #include "cr_process.h" #ifdef WINDOWS #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifndef IN_GUEST #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_SHARED_CROPENGL #endif #if !defined(IN_GUEST) || defined(CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE) #include #endif #if defined(WINDOWS) # define CR_DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE #endif #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(IN_GUEST) # ifndef CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE # error "CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE is expected!" # endif #else # ifdef CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE # error "CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE is NOT expected!" # endif #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE # include # include #endif static char my_hostname[256]; #ifdef WINDOWS static HANDLE my_pid; #else static int my_pid = 0; #endif static int canada = 0; static int swedish_chef = 0; static int australia = 0; static int warnings_enabled = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_misha //int g_VBoxFbgFBreakDdi = 0; #define DebugBreak() Assert(0) #endif void __getHostInfo( void ) { char *temp; /* on windows guests we're typically get called in a context of VBoxOGL!DllMain ( which calls VBoxOGLcrutil!crNetInit ), * which may lead to deadlocks.. * Avoid it as it is needed for debugging purposes only */ #if !defined(IN_GUEST) || !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) if ( crGetHostname( my_hostname, sizeof( my_hostname ) ) ) #endif { crStrcpy( my_hostname, "????" ); } temp = crStrchr( my_hostname, '.' ); if (temp) { *temp = '\0'; } my_pid = crGetPID(); } static void __crCheckCanada(void) { static int first = 1; if (first) { const char *env = crGetenv( "CR_CANADA" ); if (env) canada = 1; first = 0; } } static void __crCheckSwedishChef(void) { static int first = 1; if (first) { const char *env = crGetenv( "CR_SWEDEN" ); if (env) swedish_chef = 1; first = 0; } } static void __crCheckAustralia(void) { static int first = 1; if (first) { const char *env = crGetenv( "CR_AUSTRALIA" ); const char *env2 = crGetenv( "CR_AUSSIE" ); if (env || env2) australia = 1; first = 0; } } static void outputChromiumMessage( FILE *output, char *str ) { fprintf( output, "%s%s%s%s\n", str, swedish_chef ? " BORK BORK BORK!" : "", canada ? ", eh?" : "", australia ? ", mate!" : "" ); fflush( output ); } #ifdef WINDOWS static void crRedirectIOToConsole() { int hConHandle; HANDLE StdHandle; FILE *fp; AllocConsole(); StdHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); hConHandle = _open_osfhandle((long)StdHandle, _O_TEXT); fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "w" ); *stdout = *fp; *stderr = *fp; StdHandle = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); hConHandle = _open_osfhandle((long)StdHandle, _O_TEXT); fp = _fdopen( hConHandle, "r" ); *stdin = *fp; } #endif DECLEXPORT(void) crError(const char *format, ... ) { va_list args; static char txt[8092]; int offset; #ifdef WINDOWS DWORD err; #endif __crCheckCanada(); __crCheckSwedishChef(); __crCheckAustralia(); if (!my_hostname[0]) __getHostInfo(); #ifdef WINDOWS if ((err = GetLastError()) != 0 && crGetenv( "CR_WINDOWS_ERRORS" ) != NULL ) { static char buf[8092], *temp; SetLastError(0); sprintf( buf, "err=%d", err ); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, NULL, err, MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), (LPTSTR) &temp, 0, NULL ); if ( temp ) { crStrncpy( buf, temp, sizeof(buf)-1 ); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; } temp = buf + crStrlen(buf) - 1; while ( temp > buf && isspace( *temp ) ) { *temp = '\0'; temp--; } offset = sprintf( txt, "\t-----------------------\n\tWindows ERROR: %s\n\t----------------------\nCR Error(%s:%d): ", buf, my_hostname, my_pid ); } else { offset = sprintf( txt, "OpenGL Error: "); } #else offset = sprintf( txt, "OpenGL Error: " ); #endif va_start( args, format ); vsprintf( txt + offset, format, args ); #if defined(IN_GUEST) crDebug("%s", txt); outputChromiumMessage( stderr, txt ); #else LogRel(("%s\n", txt)); #endif #ifdef WINDOWS if (crGetenv( "CR_GUI_ERROR" ) != NULL) { MessageBox( NULL, txt, "Chromium Error", MB_OK ); } else { #endif va_end( args ); #ifdef WINDOWS } #if !defined(DEBUG_leo) && !defined(DEBUG_ll158262) && !defined(DEBUG_misha) if (crGetenv( "CR_DEBUG_ON_ERROR" ) != NULL) #endif { DebugBreak(); } #endif #ifdef IN_GUEST /* Give chance for things to close down */ raise( SIGTERM ); exit(1); #endif } void crEnableWarnings(int onOff) { warnings_enabled = onOff; } #ifdef DEBUG_misha # undef crWarning #endif DECLEXPORT(void) crWarning(const char *format, ... ) { if (warnings_enabled) { va_list args; static char txt[8092]; int offset; __crCheckCanada(); __crCheckSwedishChef(); __crCheckAustralia(); if (!my_hostname[0]) __getHostInfo(); offset = sprintf( txt, "OpenGL Warning: "); va_start( args, format ); vsprintf( txt + offset, format, args ); #if defined(IN_GUEST) crDebug("%s", txt); outputChromiumMessage( stderr, txt ); #else LogRel(("%s\n", txt)); #endif va_end( args ); #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(DEBUG) && !defined(IN_GUEST) DebugBreak(); #endif } } DECLEXPORT(void) crInfo(const char *format, ... ) { va_list args; static char txt[8092]; int offset; __crCheckCanada(); __crCheckSwedishChef(); __crCheckAustralia(); if (!my_hostname[0]) __getHostInfo(); offset = sprintf( txt, "OpenGL Info: "); va_start( args, format ); vsprintf( txt + offset, format, args ); #if defined(IN_GUEST) crDebug("%s", txt); outputChromiumMessage( stderr, txt ); #else LogRel(("%s\n", txt)); #endif va_end( args ); } #ifdef CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE static DECLCALLBACK(void) crDebugBackdoorRt(char* pcszStr) { RTLogBackdoorPrintf("%s", pcszStr); } static DECLCALLBACK(void) crDebugBackdoorDispMp(char* pcszStr) { VBoxDispMpLoggerLog(pcszStr); } #endif #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(WINDOWS) /* && (!defined(DEBUG_misha) || !defined(IN_GUEST) ) */ # define CR_DEBUG_DBGPRINT_ENABLE #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG_DBGPRINT_ENABLE static void crDebugDbgPrint(const char *str) { OutputDebugString(str); OutputDebugString("\n"); } #endif DECLEXPORT(void) crDebug(const char *format, ... ) { va_list args; static char txt[8092]; int offset; #ifdef WINDOWS DWORD err; #endif static FILE *output; static int first_time = 1; static int silent = 0; #ifdef CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNCRGEDUGBACKDOOR(char* pcszStr); typedef FNCRGEDUGBACKDOOR *PFNCRGEDUGBACKDOOR; static PFNCRGEDUGBACKDOOR pfnLogBackdoor = NULL; #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG_DBGPRINT_ENABLE static int dbgPrintEnable = 0; #endif if (first_time) { const char *fname = crGetenv( "CR_DEBUG_FILE" ); const char *fnamePrefix = crGetenv( "CR_DEBUG_FILE_PREFIX" ); char str[2048]; #ifdef CR_DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE int logToConsole = 0; #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE if (crGetenv( "CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR" )) { int rc = VBoxDispMpLoggerInit(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pfnLogBackdoor = crDebugBackdoorDispMp; else pfnLogBackdoor = crDebugBackdoorRt; } #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG_DBGPRINT_ENABLE if (crGetenv( "CR_DEBUG_DBGPRINT" )) { dbgPrintEnable = 1; } #endif if (!fname && fnamePrefix) { char pname[1024]; if (crStrlen(fnamePrefix) < sizeof (str) - sizeof (pname) - 20) { crGetProcName(pname, 1024); sprintf(str, #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS "%s_%s_%u.txt", fnamePrefix, pname, GetCurrentProcessId() #else "%s_%s_%lu.txt", fnamePrefix, pname, crGetPID() #endif ); fname = &str[0]; } } first_time = 0; if (fname) { char debugFile[2048], *p; crStrcpy(debugFile, fname); p = crStrstr(debugFile, "%p"); if (p) { /* replace %p with process number */ unsigned long n = (unsigned long) crGetPID(); sprintf(p, "%lu", n); } fname = debugFile; output = fopen( fname, "w" ); if (!output) { crError( "Couldn't open debug log %s", fname ); } } else { #ifdef CR_DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE if (crGetenv( "CR_DEBUG_CONSOLE" )) { crRedirectIOToConsole(); logToConsole = 1; } #endif output = stderr; } #if !defined(DEBUG)/* || defined(DEBUG_misha)*/ /* Release mode: only emit crDebug messages if CR_DEBUG * or CR_DEBUG_FILE is set. */ if (!fname && !crGetenv("CR_DEBUG") #ifdef CR_DEBUG_CONSOLE_ENABLE && !logToConsole #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE && !pfnLogBackdoor #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG_DBGPRINT_ENABLE && !dbgPrintEnable #endif ) silent = 1; #endif } if (silent) return; __crCheckCanada(); __crCheckSwedishChef(); __crCheckAustralia(); if (!my_hostname[0]) __getHostInfo(); #ifdef WINDOWS if ((err = GetLastError()) != 0 && crGetenv( "CR_WINDOWS_ERRORS" ) != NULL ) { static char buf[8092], *temp; SetLastError(0); sprintf( buf, "err=%d", err ); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, NULL, err, MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ), (LPTSTR) &temp, 0, NULL ); if ( temp ) { crStrncpy( buf, temp, sizeof(buf)-1 ); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; } temp = buf + crStrlen(buf) - 1; while ( temp > buf && isspace( *temp ) ) { *temp = '\0'; temp--; } offset = sprintf( txt, "\t-----------------------\n\tWindows ERROR: %s\n\t-----------------\nCR Debug(%s:%d): ", buf, my_hostname, my_pid ); } else { offset = sprintf( txt, "[0x%x.0x%x] OpenGL Debug: ", GetCurrentProcessId(), crThreadID()); } #else offset = sprintf( txt, "[0x%lx.0x%lx] OpenGL Debug: ", crGetPID(), crThreadID()); #endif va_start( args, format ); vsprintf( txt + offset, format, args ); #ifdef CR_DEBUG_BACKDOOR_ENABLE if (pfnLogBackdoor) { pfnLogBackdoor(txt); } #endif #ifdef CR_DEBUG_DBGPRINT_ENABLE if (dbgPrintEnable) { crDebugDbgPrint(txt); } #endif #if defined(IN_GUEST) outputChromiumMessage( output, txt ); #else if (!output || output==stderr ) { LogRel(("%s\n", txt)); } else { LogRel(("%s\n", txt)); outputChromiumMessage(output, txt); } #endif va_end( args ); }