/* $Id: tstOpenUSBDev.cpp 38636 2011-09-05 13:49:45Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Testcase that attempts to locate and open the specfied device. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Gets an unsigned 32-bit integer value. * * @returns Success indicator (true/false). * @param DictRef The dictionary. * @param KeyStrRef The key name. * @param pu32 Where to store the key value. */ static bool tstDictGetU32(CFMutableDictionaryRef DictRef, CFStringRef KeyStrRef, uint32_t *pu32) { CFTypeRef ValRef = CFDictionaryGetValue(DictRef, KeyStrRef); if (ValRef) { if (CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)ValRef, kCFNumberSInt32Type, pu32)) return true; } *pu32 = 0; return false; } /** * Gets an unsigned 64-bit integer value. * * @returns Success indicator (true/false). * @param DictRef The dictionary. * @param KeyStrRef The key name. * @param pu64 Where to store the key value. */ static bool tstDictGetU64(CFMutableDictionaryRef DictRef, CFStringRef KeyStrRef, uint64_t *pu64) { CFTypeRef ValRef = CFDictionaryGetValue(DictRef, KeyStrRef); if (ValRef) { if (CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)ValRef, kCFNumberSInt64Type, pu64)) return true; } *pu64 = 0; return false; } static int tstDoWork(io_object_t USBDevice, mach_port_t MasterPort, const char *argv0) { /* * Create a plugin interface for the device and query its IOUSBDeviceInterface. */ int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; SInt32 Score = 0; IOCFPlugInInterface **ppPlugInInterface = NULL; IOReturn irc = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService(USBDevice, kIOUSBDeviceUserClientTypeID, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID, &ppPlugInInterface, &Score); if (irc == kIOReturnSuccess) { IOUSBDeviceInterface245 **ppDevI = NULL; HRESULT hrc = (*ppPlugInInterface)->QueryInterface(ppPlugInInterface, CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOUSBDeviceInterfaceID245), (LPVOID *)&ppDevI); irc = IODestroyPlugInInterface(ppPlugInInterface); Assert(irc == kIOReturnSuccess); ppPlugInInterface = NULL; if (hrc == S_OK) { /* * Try open the device for exclusive access. */ irc = (*ppDevI)->USBDeviceOpenSeize(ppDevI); if (irc == kIOReturnExclusiveAccess) { RTThreadSleep(20); irc = (*ppDevI)->USBDeviceOpenSeize(ppDevI); } if (irc == kIOReturnSuccess) { #if 0 /* * Re-enumerate the device and bail out. */ irc = (*ppDevI)->USBDeviceReEnumerate(ppDevI, 0); if (irc != kIOReturnSuccess) { vrc = RTErrConvertFromDarwinIO(irc); RTPrintf("%s: Failed to re-enumerate the device, irc=%#x (vrc=%Rrc).\n", argv0, irc, vrc); } #endif (*ppDevI)->USBDeviceClose(ppDevI); } else if (irc == kIOReturnExclusiveAccess) { vrc = VERR_SHARING_VIOLATION; RTPrintf("%s: The device is being used by another process (irc=kIOReturnExclusiveAccess)\n", argv0); } else { vrc = VERR_OPEN_FAILED; RTPrintf("%s: Failed to open the device, irc=%#x (vrc=%Rrc).\n", argv0, irc, vrc); } } else { vrc = VERR_OPEN_FAILED; RTPrintf("%s: Failed to create plugin interface for the device, hrc=%#x (vrc=%Rrc).\n", argv0, hrc, vrc); } (*ppDevI)->Release(ppDevI); } else { vrc = RTErrConvertFromDarwinIO(irc); RTPrintf("%s: Failed to open the device, plug-in creation failed with irc=%#x (vrc=%Rrc).\n", argv0, irc, vrc); } return vrc; } static int tstSyntax(const char *argv0) { RTPrintf("syntax: %s [criteria]\n" "\n" "Criteria:\n" " -l \n" " -s \n" , argv0); return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { RTR3InitExe(argc, &argv, 0); /* * Show help if not arguments. */ if (argc <= 1) return tstSyntax(argv[0]); /* * Parse arguments. */ static const RTGETOPTDEF g_aOptions[] = { { "--location", 'l', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, { "--session", 's', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT64 }, }; kern_return_t krc; uint64_t u64SessionId = 0; uint32_t u32LocationId = 0; int ch; int i = 1; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGetOptInit(&GetState, argc, argv, g_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(g_aOptions), 1, 0 /* fFlags */); while ((ch = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion))) { switch (ch) { case 'l': u32LocationId = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 's': u64SessionId = ValueUnion.u64; break; case 'h': return tstSyntax(argv[0]); case 'V': RTPrintf("$Revision: 38636 $\n"); return 0; default: return RTGetOptPrintError(ch, &ValueUnion); } } /* * Open the master port. */ mach_port_t MasterPort = NULL; krc = IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &MasterPort); if (krc != KERN_SUCCESS) { RTPrintf("%s: IOMasterPort -> %x\n", argv[0], krc); return 1; } /* * Iterate the USB devices and find all that matches. */ CFMutableDictionaryRef RefMatchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName); if (!RefMatchingDict) { RTPrintf("%s: IOServiceMatching failed\n", argv[0]); return 1; } io_iterator_t USBDevices = NULL; IOReturn irc = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(MasterPort, RefMatchingDict, &USBDevices); if (irc != kIOReturnSuccess) { RTPrintf("%s: IOServiceGetMatchingServices -> %#x\n", argv[0], irc); return 1; } RefMatchingDict = NULL; /* the reference is consumed by IOServiceGetMatchingServices. */ unsigned cDevices = 0; unsigned cMatches = 0; io_object_t USBDevice; while ((USBDevice = IOIteratorNext(USBDevices))) { cDevices++; CFMutableDictionaryRef PropsRef = 0; krc = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(USBDevice, &PropsRef, kCFAllocatorDefault, kNilOptions); if (krc == KERN_SUCCESS) { uint64_t u64CurSessionId; uint32_t u32CurLocationId; if ( ( !u64SessionId || ( tstDictGetU64(PropsRef, CFSTR("sessionID"), &u64CurSessionId) && u64CurSessionId == u64SessionId)) && ( !u32LocationId || ( tstDictGetU32(PropsRef, CFSTR(kUSBDevicePropertyLocationID), &u32CurLocationId) && u32CurLocationId == u32LocationId)) ) { cMatches++; CFRelease(PropsRef); tstDoWork(USBDevice, MasterPort, argv[0]); } else CFRelease(PropsRef); } IOObjectRelease(USBDevice); } IOObjectRelease(USBDevices); /* * Bitch if we didn't find anything matching the criteria. */ if (!cMatches) RTPrintf("%s: No matching devices found from a total of %d.\n", argv[0], cDevices); return !cMatches; }