1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved.
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #ifndef CR_SERVER_H
8 | #define CR_SERVER_H
9 |
10 | #include "cr_protocol.h"
11 | #include "cr_glstate.h"
12 | #include "spu_dispatch_table.h"
13 |
14 | #include "state/cr_currentpointers.h"
15 |
16 | #include "cr_server.h"
17 |
19 | # include <VBox/VBoxVideo.h>
20 |
21 | #include <iprt/cdefs.h>
22 |
24 |
25 | extern uint8_t* g_pvVRamBase;
26 | extern uint32_t g_cbVRam;
27 | extern HCRHGSMICMDCOMPLETION g_hCrHgsmiCompletion;
28 | extern PFNCRHGSMICMDCOMPLETION g_pfnCrHgsmiCompletion;
29 |
30 | #define VBOXCRHGSMI_PTR(_off, _t) ((_t*)(g_pvVRamBase + (_off)))
31 | #define VBOXCRHGSMI_PTR_SAFE(_off, _cb, _t) ((_t*)crServerCrHgsmiPtrGet(_off, _cb))
32 |
33 | DECLINLINE(void*) crServerCrHgsmiPtrGet(VBOXVIDEOOFFSET offBuffer, uint32_t cbBuffer)
34 | {
35 | return ((offBuffer) + (cbBuffer) <= g_cbVRam ? VBOXCRHGSMI_PTR(offBuffer, void) : NULL);
36 | }
37 |
38 | DECLINLINE(void) crServerCrHgsmiCmdComplete(struct VBOXVDMACMD_CHROMIUM_CMD *pCmd, int cmdProcessingRc)
39 | {
40 | g_pfnCrHgsmiCompletion(g_hCrHgsmiCompletion, pCmd, cmdProcessingRc);
41 | }
42 |
43 | #define VBOXCRHGSMI_CMD_COMPLETE(_pData, _rc) do { \
45 | CRVBOXHGSMI_CMDDATA_RC(_pData, _rc); \
46 | crServerCrHgsmiCmdComplete((_pData)->pCmd, VINF_SUCCESS); \
47 | } while (0)
48 |
49 | #define VBOXCRHGSMI_CMD_CHECK_COMPLETE(_pData, _rc) do { \
50 | if (CRVBOXHGSMI_CMDDATA_IS_SET(_pData)) { \
52 | } \
53 | } while (0)
54 |
55 | #endif
56 |
57 | /*
58 | * This is the base number for window and context IDs
59 | */
60 | #define MAGIC_OFFSET 5000
61 |
62 | extern CRServer cr_server;
63 |
64 | /* Semaphore wait queue node */
65 | typedef struct _wqnode {
66 | RunQueue *q;
67 | struct _wqnode *next;
68 | } wqnode;
69 |
70 | typedef struct {
71 | GLuint count;
72 | GLuint num_waiting;
73 | RunQueue **waiting;
74 | } CRServerBarrier;
75 |
76 | typedef struct {
77 | GLuint count;
78 | wqnode *waiting, *tail;
79 | } CRServerSemaphore;
80 |
81 | typedef struct {
82 | GLuint id;
83 | GLint projParamStart;
84 | GLfloat projMat[16]; /* projection matrix, accumulated via calls to */
85 | /* glProgramLocalParameterARB, glProgramParameterNV */
86 | } CRServerProgram;
87 |
88 | void crServerSetVBoxConfiguration();
89 | void crServerSetVBoxConfigurationHGCM();
90 | void crServerInitDispatch(void);
91 | void crServerReturnValue( const void *payload, unsigned int payload_len );
92 | void crServerWriteback(void);
93 | int crServerRecv( CRConnection *conn, CRMessage *msg, unsigned int len );
94 | void crServerSerializeRemoteStreams(void);
95 | void crServerAddToRunQueue( CRClient *client );
96 | void crServerDeleteClient( CRClient *client );
97 |
98 |
99 | void crServerApplyBaseProjection( const CRmatrix *baseProj );
100 | void crServerApplyViewMatrix( const CRmatrix *view );
101 | void crServerSetOutputBounds( const CRMuralInfo *mural, int extNum );
102 | void crServerComputeViewportBounds( const CRViewportState *v, CRMuralInfo *mural );
103 |
104 | GLboolean crServerInitializeBucketing(CRMuralInfo *mural);
105 |
106 | void crComputeOverlapGeom(double *quads, int nquad, CRPoly ***res);
107 | void crComputeKnockoutGeom(double *quads, int nquad, int my_quad_idx, CRPoly **res);
108 |
109 | int crServerGetCurrentEye(void);
110 |
111 | GLboolean crServerClientInBeginEnd(const CRClient *client);
112 |
113 | GLint crServerDispatchCreateContextEx(const char *dpyName, GLint visualBits, GLint shareCtx, GLint preloadCtxID, int32_t internalID);
114 | GLint crServerDispatchWindowCreateEx(const char *dpyName, GLint visBits, GLint preloadWinID);
115 | GLint crServerMuralInit(CRMuralInfo *mural, const char *dpyName, GLint visBits, GLint preloadWinID);
116 | void crServerMuralTerm(CRMuralInfo *mural);
117 | void crServerMuralSize(CRMuralInfo *mural, GLint width, GLint height);
118 | int crServerMuralSynchRootVr(CRMuralInfo *mural, uint32_t *pcRects, const RTRECT **ppRects);
119 |
120 | GLint crServerGenerateID(GLint *pCounter);
121 |
122 | GLint crServerSPUWindowID(GLint serverWindow);
123 |
124 | GLuint crServerTranslateProgramID(GLuint id);
125 |
126 | CRMuralInfo * crServerGetDummyMural(GLint visualBits);
127 |
128 | void crServerSetupOutputRedirect(CRMuralInfo *mural);
129 | void crServerCheckMuralGeometry(CRMuralInfo *mural);
130 | GLboolean crServerSupportRedirMuralFBO(void);
131 |
132 | #define CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_NONE 0x00
133 | /* the data should be displayed on host (unset when is on or when CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RAM_VMFB is set) */
134 | #define CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_DISPLAY 0x01
135 | /* guest window data get redirected to FBO on host */
136 | #define CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO 0x02
137 | /* used with CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO only
138 | * indicates that FBO data should be copied to RAM for further processing */
139 | #define CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RAM 0x04
140 | /* used with CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RAM only
141 | * indicates that FBO data should be passed to VRDP backend */
142 | #define CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RAM_VRDP 0x08
143 | /* used with CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RAM only
144 | * indicates that FBO data should be passed to VM Framebuffer */
145 | #define CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RAM_VMFB 0x10
146 | /* used with CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RAM only
147 | * makes the RPW (Read Pixels Worker) mechanism to be used for GPU memory aquisition */
148 | #define CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RPW 0x20
149 |
150 |
151 | #define CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_ALL 0x3f
152 |
155 |
156 | DECLINLINE(GLuint) crServerRedirModeAdjust(GLuint value)
157 | {
158 | /* sanitize values */
159 | value &= CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_ALL;
160 |
162 | value |= CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO;
164 | value |= CR_SERVER_REDIR_F_FBO_RAM;
165 |
166 | return value;
167 | }
168 |
169 | int32_t crServerSetOffscreenRenderingMode(GLuint value);
170 | void crServerRedirMuralFBO(CRMuralInfo *mural, GLuint redir);
171 | void crServerDeleteMuralFBO(CRMuralInfo *mural);
172 | void crServerPresentFBO(CRMuralInfo *mural);
173 | GLboolean crServerIsRedirectedToFBO();
174 | GLuint crServerMuralFBOIdxFromBufferName(CRMuralInfo *mural, GLenum buffer);
175 | void crServerMuralFBOSwapBuffers(CRMuralInfo *mural);
176 |
177 | void crServerVBoxCompositionDisableEnter(CRMuralInfo *mural);
178 | void crServerVBoxCompositionDisableLeave(CRMuralInfo *mural, GLboolean fForcePresentOnEnabled);
179 | void crServerVBoxCompositionPresent(CRMuralInfo *mural);
180 | DECLINLINE(GLboolean) crServerVBoxCompositionPresentNeeded(CRMuralInfo *mural)
181 | {
182 | return mural->bVisible
183 | && mural->width
184 | && mural->height
185 | && !mural->fRootVrOn ? CrVrScrCompositorEntryIsInList(&mural->CEntry) : CrVrScrCompositorEntryIsInList(&mural->RootVrCEntry);
186 | }
187 |
188 | #define CR_SERVER_FBO_BB_IDX(_mural) ((_mural)->iBbBuffer)
189 | #define CR_SERVER_FBO_FB_IDX(_mural) (((_mural)->iBbBuffer + 1) % ((_mural)->cBuffers))
190 |
191 | int32_t crVBoxServerInternalClientRead(CRClient *pClient, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint32_t *pcbBuffer);
192 |
193 | PCR_DISPLAY crServerDisplayGetInitialized(uint32_t idScreen);
194 |
195 | void crServerPerformMakeCurrent( CRMuralInfo *mural, CRContextInfo *ctxInfo );
196 |
197 | PCR_BLITTER crServerVBoxBlitterGet();
198 |
199 | DECLINLINE(void) crServerVBoxBlitterWinInit(CR_BLITTER_WINDOW *win, CRMuralInfo *mural)
200 | {
201 | win->Base.id = mural->spuWindow;
202 | win->Base.visualBits = mural->CreateInfo.visualBits;
203 | win->width = mural->width;
204 | win->height = mural->height;
205 | }
206 |
207 | DECLINLINE(void) crServerVBoxBlitterCtxInit(CR_BLITTER_CONTEXT *ctx, CRContextInfo *ctxInfo)
208 | {
209 | ctx->Base.id = ctxInfo->SpuContext;
210 | if (ctx->Base.id < 0)
211 | ctx->Base.id = cr_server.MainContextInfo.SpuContext;
212 | ctx->Base.visualBits = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->CreateInfo.visualBits;
213 | }
214 |
215 | /* display worker thread.
216 | * see comments for CR_SERVER_RPW struct definition in cr_server.h */
217 | DECLINLINE(void) crServerXchgI8(int8_t *pu8Val1, int8_t *pu8Val2)
218 | {
219 | int8_t tmp;
220 | tmp = *pu8Val1;
221 | *pu8Val1 = *pu8Val2;
222 | *pu8Val2 = tmp;
223 | }
224 |
225 | #ifdef DEBUG_misha
226 | # define CR_SERVER_RPW_DEBUG
227 | #endif
228 | /* *
229 | * _name : Draw, Submitted, Worker, Gpu
230 | */
231 |
232 | #ifdef CR_SERVER_RPW_DEBUG
233 | # define crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pE) crServerRpwEntryDbgDoVerify(_pE)
234 | #else
235 | # define crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pE) do {} while (0)
236 | #endif
237 |
238 |
239 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _name) ((_pEntry)->iTex##_name > 0)
240 |
241 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_INVALIDATE(_pEntry, _name) do { \
242 | crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pEntry); \
243 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _name)); \
244 | (_pEntry)->iTex##_name = -(_pEntry)->iTex##_name; \
245 | crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pEntry); \
246 | } while (0)
247 |
248 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_PROMOTE(_pEntry, _fromName, _toName) do { \
249 | crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pEntry); \
250 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _fromName)); \
251 | Assert(!CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _toName)); \
252 | crServerXchgI8(&(_pEntry)->iTex##_fromName, &(_pEntry)->iTex##_toName); \
253 | crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pEntry); \
254 | } while (0)
255 |
256 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_XCHG_VALID(_pEntry, _fromName, _toName) do { \
257 | crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pEntry); \
258 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _fromName)); \
259 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _toName)); \
260 | crServerXchgI8(&(_pEntry)->iTex##_fromName, &(_pEntry)->iTex##_toName); \
261 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _fromName)); \
262 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _toName)); \
263 | crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pEntry); \
264 | } while (0)
265 |
266 |
267 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_PROMOTE_KEEPVALID(_pEntry, _fromName, _toName) do { \
268 | crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pEntry); \
269 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _fromName)); \
270 | Assert(!CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _toName)); \
271 | crServerXchgI8(&(_pEntry)->iTex##_fromName, &(_pEntry)->iTex##_toName); \
272 | (_pEntry)->iTex##_fromName = -(_pEntry)->iTex##_fromName; \
273 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _fromName)); \
274 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(_pEntry, _toName)); \
275 | crServerRpwEntryDbgVerify(_pEntry); \
276 | } while (0)
277 |
278 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX(_pEntry, _name) ((_pEntry)->aidWorkerTexs[(_pEntry)->iTex##_name - 1])
279 |
280 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_PBO_NEXT_ID(_i) (((_i) + 1) % 2)
281 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_PBO_IS_ACTIVE(_pEntry) ((_pEntry)->iCurPBO >= 0)
282 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_PBO_CUR(_pEntry) ((_pEntry)->aidPBOs[(_pEntry)->iCurPBO])
283 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_PBO_COMPLETED(_pEntry) ((_pEntry)->aidPBOs[CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_PBO_NEXT_ID((_pEntry)->iCurPBO)])
284 | #define CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_PBO_FLIP(_pEntry) do { \
285 | (_pEntry)->iCurPBO = CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_PBO_NEXT_ID((_pEntry)->iCurPBO); \
286 | } while (0)
287 |
288 | #ifdef CR_SERVER_RPW_DEBUG
289 | DECLINLINE(void) crServerRpwEntryDbgDoVerify(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry)
290 | {
291 | int tstMask = 0;
292 | int8_t iVal;
293 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(pEntry, Draw));
294 |
295 | #define CR_VERVER_RPW_ENTRY_DBG_CHECKVAL(_v) do { \
296 | iVal = RT_ABS(_v); \
297 | Assert(iVal > 0); \
298 | Assert(iVal < 5); \
299 | Assert(!(tstMask & (1 << iVal))); \
300 | tstMask |= (1 << iVal); \
301 | } while (0)
302 |
304 | CR_VERVER_RPW_ENTRY_DBG_CHECKVAL(pEntry->iTexSubmitted);
307 | Assert(tstMask == 0x1E);
308 | }
309 | #endif
310 |
311 | DECLINLINE(bool) crServerRpwIsInitialized(const CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker)
312 | {
313 | return !!pWorker->ctxId;
314 | }
315 | int crServerRpwInit(CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker);
316 | int crServerRpwTerm(CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker);
317 | DECLINLINE(bool) crServerRpwEntryIsInitialized(const CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry)
318 | {
319 | return !!pEntry->pfnData;
320 | }
321 | int crServerRpwEntryInit(CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker, CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, PFNCR_SERVER_RPW_DATA pfnData);
322 | int crServerRpwEntryCleanup(CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker, CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry);
323 | int crServerRpwEntryResize(CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker, CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
324 | int crServerRpwEntrySubmit(CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker, CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry);
325 | int crServerRpwEntryWaitComplete(CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker, CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry);
326 | int crServerRpwEntryCancel(CR_SERVER_RPW *pWorker, CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry);
327 | DECLINLINE(void) crServerRpwEntryDrawSettingsToTex(const CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY *pEntry, VBOXVR_TEXTURE *pTex)
328 | {
329 | pTex->width = pEntry->Size.cx;
330 | pTex->height = pEntry->Size.cy;
331 | pTex->target = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
332 | Assert(CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX_IS_VALID(pEntry, Draw));
333 | pTex->hwid = CR_SERVER_RPW_ENTRY_TEX(pEntry, Draw);
334 | }
335 | /**/
336 |
337 | typedef struct CR_SERVER_CTX_SWITCH
338 | {
339 | GLuint idDrawFBO, idReadFBO;
340 | CRContext *pNewCtx;
341 | CRContext *pOldCtx;
343 |
344 | DECLINLINE(void) cr_serverCtxSwitchPrepare(CR_SERVER_CTX_SWITCH *pData, CRContext *pNewCtx)
345 | {
346 | CRMuralInfo *pCurrentMural = cr_server.currentMural;
347 | CRContextInfo *pCurCtxInfo = cr_server.currentCtxInfo;
348 | GLuint idDrawFBO, idReadFBO;
349 | CRContext *pCurCtx = pCurCtxInfo ? pCurCtxInfo->pContext : NULL;
350 |
351 | CRASSERT(pCurCtx == crStateGetCurrent());
352 |
353 | if (pCurrentMural)
354 | {
355 | idDrawFBO = pCurrentMural->aidFBOs[pCurrentMural->iCurDrawBuffer];
356 | idReadFBO = pCurrentMural->aidFBOs[pCurrentMural->iCurReadBuffer];
357 | }
358 | else
359 | {
360 | idDrawFBO = 0;
361 | idReadFBO = 0;
362 | }
363 |
364 | crStateSwitchPrepare(pNewCtx, pCurCtx, idDrawFBO, idReadFBO);
365 |
366 | pData->idDrawFBO = idDrawFBO;
367 | pData->idReadFBO = idReadFBO;
368 | pData->pNewCtx = pNewCtx;
369 | pData->pOldCtx = pCurCtx;
370 | }
371 |
372 | DECLINLINE(void) cr_serverCtxSwitchPostprocess(CR_SERVER_CTX_SWITCH *pData)
373 | {
374 | crStateSwitchPostprocess(pData->pOldCtx, pData->pNewCtx, pData->idDrawFBO, pData->idReadFBO);
375 | }
377 |
378 | #endif /* CR_SERVER_H */