1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include <string.h>
8 | #include "cr_mem.h"
9 | #include "cr_environment.h"
10 | #include "cr_string.h"
11 | #include "cr_error.h"
12 | #include "cr_glstate.h"
13 | #include "server.h"
14 |
15 | #ifdef WINDOWS
16 | #pragma warning( disable: 4706 )
17 | #endif
18 |
19 | static void
20 | setDefaults(void)
21 | {
22 | if (!cr_server.tcpip_port)
23 | cr_server.tcpip_port = DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT;
24 | cr_server.run_queue = NULL;
25 | cr_server.optimizeBucket = 1;
26 | cr_server.useL2 = 0;
27 | cr_server.maxBarrierCount = 0;
28 | cr_server.ignore_papi = 0;
29 | cr_server.only_swap_once = 0;
30 | cr_server.overlapBlending = 0;
31 | cr_server.debug_barriers = 0;
32 | cr_server.sharedDisplayLists = 0;
33 | cr_server.sharedTextureObjects = 0;
34 | cr_server.sharedPrograms = 0;
35 | cr_server.sharedWindows = 0;
36 | cr_server.useDMX = 0;
37 | cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixParameter = -1;
38 | cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixVariable = NULL;
39 | cr_server.currentProgram = 0;
40 |
41 | cr_server.num_overlap_intens = 0;
42 | cr_server.overlap_intens = 0;
43 | crMemset(&cr_server.MainContextInfo, 0, sizeof (cr_server.MainContextInfo));
44 |
45 | crMatrixInit(&cr_server.viewMatrix[0]);
46 | crMatrixInit(&cr_server.viewMatrix[1]);
47 | crMatrixInit(&cr_server.projectionMatrix[0]);
48 | crMatrixInit(&cr_server.projectionMatrix[1]);
49 | cr_server.currentEye = -1;
50 |
51 | cr_server.uniqueWindows = 0;
52 |
53 | cr_server.idsPool.freeWindowID = 1;
54 | cr_server.idsPool.freeContextID = 1;
55 | cr_server.idsPool.freeClientID = 1;
56 |
57 | cr_server.screenCount = 0;
58 | cr_server.bForceOffscreenRendering = CR_SERVER_REDIR_NONE;
59 | cr_server.bOffscreenRenderingDefault = cr_server.bForceOffscreenRendering;
60 | cr_server.bUsePBOForReadback = GL_FALSE;
61 | cr_server.bUseOutputRedirect = GL_FALSE;
62 | }
63 |
64 | void crServerSetVBoxConfiguration()
65 | {
66 | CRMuralInfo *defaultMural;
67 | char response[8096];
68 |
69 | char **spuchain;
70 | int num_spus;
71 | int *spu_ids;
72 | char **spu_names;
73 | char *spu_dir = NULL;
74 | int i;
75 | /* Quadrics defaults */
76 | int my_rank = 0;
77 | int low_context = CR_QUADRICS_DEFAULT_LOW_CONTEXT;
78 | int high_context = CR_QUADRICS_DEFAULT_HIGH_CONTEXT;
79 | unsigned char key[16]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
80 | char hostname[1024];
81 | char **clientchain, **clientlist;
82 | GLint dims[4];
83 | char * env;
84 |
85 | defaultMural = (CRMuralInfo *) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.muralTable, 0);
86 | CRASSERT(defaultMural);
87 |
88 | setDefaults();
89 |
90 | /*
91 | * Get my hostname
92 | */
93 | if (crGetHostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)))
94 | {
95 | crError("CRServer: Couldn't get my own hostname?");
96 | }
97 |
98 | strcpy(response, "1 0 render");
99 | crDebug("CRServer: my SPU chain: %s", response);
100 |
101 | /* response will describe the SPU chain.
102 | * Example "2 5 wet 6 render"
103 | */
104 | spuchain = crStrSplit(response, " ");
105 | num_spus = crStrToInt(spuchain[0]);
106 | spu_ids = (int *) crAlloc(num_spus * sizeof(*spu_ids));
107 | spu_names = (char **) crAlloc((num_spus + 1) * sizeof(*spu_names));
108 | for (i = 0; i < num_spus; i++)
109 | {
110 | spu_ids[i] = crStrToInt(spuchain[2 * i + 1]);
111 | spu_names[i] = crStrdup(spuchain[2 * i + 2]);
112 | crDebug("SPU %d/%d: (%d) \"%s\"", i + 1, num_spus, spu_ids[i],
113 | spu_names[i]);
114 | }
115 | spu_names[i] = NULL;
116 |
117 | //spu_dir = crStrdup(response);
118 | crNetSetRank(0);
119 | crNetSetContextRange(32, 35);
120 | crNetSetNodeRange("iam0", "iamvis20");
121 | crNetSetKey(key,sizeof(key));
122 | crNetSetKey(key,sizeof(key));
123 | cr_server.tcpip_port = 7000;
124 |
125 | /*cr_server.optimizeBucket = crStrToInt(response);
126 | cr_server.localTileSpec = crStrToInt(response);
127 | cr_server.useL2 = crStrToInt(response);
128 | cr_server.ignore_papi = crStrToInt(response);
129 | if (crMothershipGetServerParam(conn, response, "overlap_blending"))
130 | {
131 | if (!crStrcmp(response, "blend"))
132 | cr_server.overlapBlending = 1;
133 | else if (!crStrcmp(response, "knockout"))
134 | cr_server.overlapBlending = 2;
135 | }
136 | if (crMothershipGetServerParam(conn, response, "overlap_levels"))
137 | cr_server.only_swap_once = crStrToInt(response);
138 | cr_server.debug_barriers = crStrToInt(response);
139 | cr_server.sharedDisplayLists = crStrToInt(response);
140 | cr_server.sharedTextureObjects = crStrToInt(response);
141 | cr_server.sharedPrograms = crStrToInt(response);
142 | cr_server.sharedWindows = crStrToInt(response);
143 | cr_server.uniqueWindows = crStrToInt(response);
144 | cr_server.useDMX = crStrToInt(response);
145 | if (crMothershipGetServerParam(conn, response, "vertprog_projection_param"))
146 | if (crMothershipGetServerParam(conn, response, "stereo_view"))
147 | if (crMothershipGetServerParam(conn, response, "view_matrix"))
148 | if (crMothershipGetServerParam(conn, response, "right_view_matrix"))
149 | if (crMothershipGetServerParam(conn, response, "projection_matrix"))
150 | if (crMothershipGetServerParam(conn, response, "right_projection_matrix"))*/
151 |
152 | crDebug("CRServer: my port number is %d", cr_server.tcpip_port);
153 |
154 | /*
155 | * Load the SPUs
156 | */
157 | cr_server.head_spu =
158 | crSPULoadChain(num_spus, spu_ids, spu_names, spu_dir, &cr_server);
159 |
160 | env = crGetenv( "CR_SERVER_DEFAULT_RENDER_TYPE" );
161 | if (env != NULL)
162 | {
163 | GLubyte redir = (env[0] - 0x30);
164 | if (redir <= CR_SERVER_REDIR_MAXVAL)
165 | {
166 | int rc = crServerSetOffscreenRenderingMode(redir);
167 | if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
168 | crWarning("offscreen rendering unsupported, no offscreen rendering will be used..");
169 | }
170 | else
171 | crWarning("invalid redir option %c", redir);
172 | }
173 | cr_server.bOffscreenRenderingDefault = cr_server.bForceOffscreenRendering;
174 |
175 | /* Need to do this as early as possible */
176 |
177 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetChromiumParametervCR(GL_WINDOW_POSITION_CR, 0, GL_INT, 2, &dims[0]);
178 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetChromiumParametervCR(GL_WINDOW_SIZE_CR, 0, GL_INT, 2, &dims[2]);
179 |
180 | defaultMural->gX = dims[0];
181 | defaultMural->gY = dims[1];
182 | defaultMural->width = dims[2];
183 | defaultMural->height = dims[3];
184 |
185 | crFree(spu_ids);
186 | crFreeStrings(spu_names);
187 | crFreeStrings(spuchain);
188 | if (spu_dir)
189 | crFree(spu_dir);
190 |
191 | cr_server.mtu = 1024 * 30;
192 |
193 | /*
194 | * Get a list of all the clients talking to me.
195 | */
196 | if (cr_server.vncMode) {
197 | /* we're inside a vnc viewer */
198 | /*if (!crMothershipSendString( conn, response, "getvncclient %s", hostname ))
199 | crError( "Bad Mothership response: %s", response );*/
200 | }
201 | else {
202 | //crMothershipGetClients(conn, response);
203 | strcpy(response, "1 tcpip 1");
204 | }
205 |
206 | crDebug("CRServer: my clients: %s", response);
207 |
208 | /*
209 | * 'response' will now contain a number indicating the number of clients
210 | * of this server, followed by a comma-separated list of protocol/SPU ID
211 | * pairs.
212 | * Example: "3 tcpip 1,gm 2,via 10"
213 | */
214 | clientchain = crStrSplitn(response, " ", 1);
215 | cr_server.numClients = crStrToInt(clientchain[0]);
216 | if (cr_server.numClients == 0)
217 | {
218 | crError("I have no clients! What's a poor server to do?");
219 | }
220 | clientlist = crStrSplit(clientchain[1], ",");
221 |
222 | /*
223 | * Connect to initial set of clients.
224 | * Call crNetAcceptClient() for each client.
225 | * Also, look for a client that's _not_ using the file: protocol.
226 | */
227 | for (i = 0; i < cr_server.numClients; i++)
228 | {
229 | CRClient *newClient = (CRClient *) crCalloc(sizeof(CRClient));
230 | #ifdef VBOX
231 | sscanf(clientlist[i], "%1023s %d", cr_server.protocol, &(newClient->spu_id));
232 | #else
233 | sscanf(clientlist[i], "%s %d", cr_server.protocol, &(newClient->spu_id));
234 | #endif
235 | newClient->conn = crNetAcceptClient(cr_server.protocol, NULL,
236 | cr_server.tcpip_port,
237 | cr_server.mtu, 0);
238 | newClient->currentCtxInfo = &cr_server.MainContextInfo;
239 | crServerAddToRunQueue(newClient);
240 |
241 | cr_server.clients[i] = newClient;
242 | }
243 |
244 | /* set default client and mural */
245 | if (cr_server.numClients > 0) {
246 | cr_server.curClient = cr_server.clients[0];
247 | cr_server.curClient->currentMural = defaultMural;
248 | cr_server.client_spu_id =cr_server.clients[0]->spu_id;
249 | }
250 |
251 | crFreeStrings(clientchain);
252 | crFreeStrings(clientlist);
253 |
254 | /* Ask the mothership for the tile info */
255 | //crServerGetTileInfoFromMothership(conn, defaultMural);
256 |
257 | if (cr_server.vncMode) {
258 | /* In vnc mode, we reset the mothership configuration so that it can be
259 | * used by subsequent OpenGL apps without having to spawn a new mothership
260 | * on a new port.
261 | */
262 | crDebug("CRServer: Resetting mothership to initial state");
263 | //crMothershipReset(conn);
264 | }
265 |
266 | //crMothershipDisconnect(conn);
267 | }
268 |
269 | void crServerSetVBoxConfigurationHGCM()
270 | {
271 | CRMuralInfo *defaultMural;
272 |
273 | int spu_ids[1] = {0};
274 | char *spu_names[1] = {"render"};
275 | char *spu_dir = NULL;
276 | int i;
277 | GLint dims[4];
278 | char * env;
279 |
280 | defaultMural = (CRMuralInfo *) crHashtableSearch(cr_server.muralTable, 0);
281 | CRASSERT(defaultMural);
282 |
283 | //@todo should be moved to addclient so we have a chain for each client
284 |
285 | setDefaults();
286 |
287 | /* Load the SPUs */
288 | cr_server.head_spu = crSPULoadChain(1, spu_ids, spu_names, spu_dir, &cr_server);
289 |
290 | if (!cr_server.head_spu)
291 | return;
292 |
293 | env = crGetenv( "CR_SERVER_DEFAULT_RENDER_TYPE" );
294 | if (env != NULL)
295 | {
296 | GLubyte redir = (env[0] - 0x30);
297 | if (redir <= CR_SERVER_REDIR_MAXVAL)
298 | {
299 | int rc = crServerSetOffscreenRenderingMode(redir);
300 | if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
301 | crWarning("offscreen rendering unsupported, no offscreen rendering will be used..");
302 | }
303 | else
304 | crWarning("invalid redir option %c", redir);
305 | }
306 | cr_server.bOffscreenRenderingDefault = cr_server.bForceOffscreenRendering;
307 |
308 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetChromiumParametervCR(GL_WINDOW_POSITION_CR, 0, GL_INT, 2, &dims[0]);
309 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.GetChromiumParametervCR(GL_WINDOW_SIZE_CR, 0, GL_INT, 2, &dims[2]);
310 |
311 | defaultMural->gX = dims[0];
312 | defaultMural->gY = dims[1];
313 | defaultMural->width = dims[2];
314 | defaultMural->height = dims[3];
315 |
316 | cr_server.mtu = 1024 * 250;
317 |
318 | cr_server.numClients = 0;
319 | strcpy(cr_server.protocol, "vboxhgcm");
320 |
321 | for (i = 0; i < cr_server.numClients; i++)
322 | {
323 | CRClient *newClient = (CRClient *) crCalloc(sizeof(CRClient));
324 | newClient->spu_id = 0;
325 | newClient->conn = crNetAcceptClient(cr_server.protocol, NULL,
326 | cr_server.tcpip_port,
327 | cr_server.mtu, 0);
328 | newClient->currentCtxInfo = &cr_server.MainContextInfo;
329 | crServerAddToRunQueue(newClient);
330 |
331 | cr_server.clients[i] = newClient;
332 | }
333 |
334 | /* set default client and mural */
335 | if (cr_server.numClients > 0) {
336 | cr_server.curClient = cr_server.clients[0];
337 | cr_server.curClient->currentMural = defaultMural;
338 | cr_server.client_spu_id =cr_server.clients[0]->spu_id;
339 | }
340 | }