1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 | import sys
8 |
9 | import apiutil
10 |
11 |
12 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
13 |
14 | print("""
15 | #include "cr_spu.h"
16 | #include "chromium.h"
17 | #include "cr_error.h"
18 | #include "cr_mem.h"
19 | #include "cr_net.h"
20 | #include "server_dispatch.h"
21 | #include "server.h"
22 | """)
23 |
24 | max_components = {
25 | 'GetClipPlane': 4,
26 | 'GetCombinerStageParameterfvNV': 4,
27 | 'GetCombinerStageParameterivNV': 4,
28 | 'GetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV': 4,
29 | 'GetCombinerOutputParameterivNV': 4,
30 | 'GetCombinerInputParameterfvNV': 4,
31 | 'GetCombinerInputParameterivNV': 4,
32 | 'GetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV': 4,
33 | 'GetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV': 4,
34 | 'GetLightfv': 4,
35 | 'GetLightiv': 4,
36 | 'GetMaterialfv': 4,
37 | 'GetMaterialiv': 4,
38 | 'GetPolygonStipple': 32*32/8,
39 | 'GetTexEnvfv': 4,
40 | 'GetTexEnviv': 4,
41 | 'GetTexGendv': 4,
42 | 'GetTexGenfv': 4,
43 | 'GetTexGeniv': 4,
44 | 'GetTexLevelParameterfv': 1,
45 | 'GetTexLevelParameteriv': 1,
46 | 'GetTexParameterfv': 4,
47 | 'GetTexParameteriv': 4,
48 | 'GetProgramParameterdvNV': 4,
49 | 'GetProgramParameterfvNV': 4,
50 | 'GetProgramivNV': 1,
51 | 'GetTrackMatrixivNV': 1,
52 | 'GetVertexAttribPointervNV': 1,
53 | 'GetVertexAttribdvNV': 4,
54 | 'GetVertexAttribfvNV': 4,
55 | 'GetVertexAttribivNV': 4,
56 | 'GetFenceivNV': 1,
57 | 'GetVertexAttribdvARB': 4,
58 | 'GetVertexAttribfvARB': 4,
59 | 'GetVertexAttribivARB': 4,
60 | 'GetVertexAttribPointervARB': 1,
61 | 'GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV': 4,
62 | 'GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV': 4,
63 | 'GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB': 4,
64 | 'GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB': 4,
65 | 'GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB': 4,
66 | 'GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB': 4,
67 | 'GetProgramivARB': 1,
68 | 'AreProgramsResidentNV': 1,
69 | 'GetBufferParameterivARB': 1,
70 | 'GetBufferPointervARB': 1,
71 | 'GetQueryObjectivARB' : 1,
72 | 'GetQueryObjectuivARB' : 1,
73 | 'GetQueryivARB' : 1,
74 | 'GetProgramiv' : 1,
75 | 'GetShaderiv' : 1,
76 | 'GetObjectParameterfvARB': 1,
77 | 'GetObjectParameterivARB': 1,
78 | 'GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT': 1,
79 | 'GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT': 1
80 | }
81 |
82 | no_pnames = [
83 | 'GetClipPlane',
84 | 'GetPolygonStipple',
85 | 'GetProgramLocalParameterdvARB',
86 | 'GetProgramLocalParameterfvARB',
87 | 'GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV',
88 | 'GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV',
89 | 'GetProgramNamedParameterdvNV',
90 | 'GetProgramNamedParameterfvNV',
91 | 'GetProgramEnvParameterdvARB',
92 | 'GetProgramEnvParameterfvARB',
93 | 'GetProgramivARB',
94 | 'AreProgramsResidentNV',
95 | 'GetProgramiv',
96 | 'GetShaderiv',
97 | 'GetObjectParameterfvARB',
98 | 'GetObjectParameterivARB',
99 | 'GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT',
100 | 'GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT'
101 | ];
102 |
103 | convert_bufferid = [
104 | 'GetVertexAttribdvARB',
105 | 'GetVertexAttribdvNV',
106 | 'GetVertexAttribfvARB',
107 | 'GetVertexAttribfvNV',
108 | 'GetVertexAttribivARB',
109 | 'GetVertexAttribivNV'
110 | ];
111 |
112 | keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
113 | for func_name in keys:
114 | #(return_type, arg_names, arg_types) = gl_mapping[func_name]
115 | if ("get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name) and
116 | apiutil.ReturnType(func_name) == "void" and
117 | not apiutil.FindSpecial( "server", func_name )):
118 |
119 | params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
120 |
121 | print('void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatch%s(%s)' % (func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationString( params ) ))
122 | print('{')
123 |
124 | lastParam = params[-1]
125 | assert apiutil.IsPointer(lastParam[1])
126 | local_argtype = apiutil.PointerType(lastParam[1])
127 | local_argname = 'local_%s' % lastParam[0]
128 |
129 | print('\t%s %s[%d] = { 0 };' % ( local_argtype, local_argname, max_components[func_name] ))
130 | print('\t(void) %s;' % lastParam[0])
131 |
132 | params[-1] = (local_argname, local_argtype, 0)
133 |
134 | print('\tcr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.%s(%s);' % ( func_name, apiutil.MakeCallString(params) ))
135 |
136 | if func_name in convert_bufferid:
137 | print('\tif (pname==GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING_ARB){')
138 | print('\t\tlocal_params[0]=(%s)crStateBufferHWIDtoID((GLint)local_params[0]);' % (local_argtype))
139 | print('\t}')
140 |
141 | if func_name in no_pnames:
142 | print('\tcrServerReturnValue(&(%s[0]), %d*sizeof(%s));' % (local_argname, max_components[func_name], local_argtype ))
143 | else:
144 | print('\tunsigned int cComponents = RT_MIN(crStateHlpComponentsCount(pname), RT_ELEMENTS(%s));' % local_argname)
145 | print('\tcrServerReturnValue(&(%s[0]), cComponents*sizeof(%s));' % (local_argname, local_argtype ))
146 | print ('}\n')