1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "server_dispatch.h"
8 | #include "server.h"
9 | #include "cr_error.h"
10 | #include "state/cr_statetypes.h"
11 | #include "cr_mem.h"
12 | #include "cr_string.h"
13 |
14 | /*
15 | * This file provides implementations of the basic OpenGL matrix functions.
16 | * We often need to twiddle with their operation in order to make tilesorting
17 | * and non-planar projections work.
18 | */
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 | /*
23 | * Determine which view and projection matrices to use when in stereo mode.
24 | * Return 0 = left eye, 1 = right eye.
25 | */
26 | int crServerGetCurrentEye(void)
27 | {
28 | if (cr_server.currentEye != -1) {
29 | /* current eye was specified by tilesort SPU */
30 | return cr_server.currentEye;
31 | }
32 | else {
33 | /* we have a quad-buffered window and we're watching glDrawBuffer */
34 | GLenum drawBuffer = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->pContext->buffer.drawBuffer;
35 | int eye = drawBuffer == GL_BACK_RIGHT || drawBuffer == GL_FRONT_RIGHT
36 | || drawBuffer == GL_RIGHT;
37 | return eye;
38 | }
39 | }
40 |
41 |
42 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchLoadMatrixf( const GLfloat *m )
43 | {
44 | const GLenum matMode = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->pContext->transform.matrixMode;
45 |
46 | crStateLoadMatrixf( m );
47 |
48 | if (matMode == GL_MODELVIEW && cr_server.viewOverride) {
49 | int eye = crServerGetCurrentEye();
50 | crServerApplyViewMatrix(&cr_server.viewMatrix[eye]);
51 | }
52 | else {
53 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.LoadMatrixf( m );
54 | }
55 | }
56 |
57 |
58 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchLoadMatrixd( const GLdouble *m )
59 | {
60 | const GLenum matMode = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->pContext->transform.matrixMode;
61 |
62 | crStateLoadMatrixd( m );
63 |
64 | if (matMode == GL_MODELVIEW && cr_server.viewOverride) {
65 | int eye = crServerGetCurrentEye();
66 | crServerApplyViewMatrix(&cr_server.viewMatrix[eye]);
67 | }
68 | else {
69 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.LoadMatrixd( m );
70 | }
71 | }
72 |
73 |
74 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchMultMatrixf( const GLfloat *m )
75 | {
76 | const GLenum matMode = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->pContext->transform.matrixMode;
77 |
78 | if (matMode == GL_PROJECTION && cr_server.projectionOverride) {
79 | /* load the overriding projection matrix */
80 | int eye = crServerGetCurrentEye();
81 | crStateLoadMatrix( &cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye] );
82 | }
83 | else {
84 | /* the usual case */
85 | crStateMultMatrixf( m );
86 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.MultMatrixf( m );
87 | }
88 | }
89 |
90 |
91 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchMultMatrixd( const GLdouble *m )
92 | {
93 | const GLenum matMode = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->pContext->transform.matrixMode;
94 |
95 | if (matMode == GL_PROJECTION && cr_server.projectionOverride) {
96 | /* load the overriding projection matrix */
97 | int eye = crServerGetCurrentEye();
98 | crStateLoadMatrix( &cr_server.projectionMatrix[eye] );
99 | }
100 | else {
101 | /* the usual case */
102 | crStateMultMatrixd( m );
103 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.MultMatrixd( m );
104 | }
105 | }
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 | void SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchLoadIdentity( void )
110 | {
111 | const GLenum matMode = cr_server.curClient->currentCtxInfo->pContext->transform.matrixMode;
112 |
113 | crStateLoadIdentity();
114 |
115 | if (matMode == GL_MODELVIEW && cr_server.viewOverride) {
116 | int eye = crServerGetCurrentEye();
117 | crServerApplyViewMatrix(&cr_server.viewMatrix[eye]);
118 | }
119 | else {
120 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.LoadIdentity( );
121 | }
122 | }
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 | /*
127 | * The following code is used to deal with vertex programs.
128 | * Basically, vertex programs might not directly use the usual
129 | * OpenGL projection matrix to project vertices from eye coords to
130 | * clip coords.
131 | *
132 | * If you're using Cg then the vertex programs it generates will have
133 | * some comments that we can scan to figure out which program parameters
134 | * contain the projection matrix.
135 | * In this case, look at the Cg program code for a string like
136 | * "ModelViewProj". Then set the crserver's 'vertprog_projection_param'
137 | * config option to this name.
138 | *
139 | * If you're not using Cg, you may have to tell Chromium which program
140 | * parameters contain the projection matrix.
141 | * In this case, look at the OpenGL application's vertex program code to
142 | * determine which program parameters contain the projection matrix.
143 | * Then set the crserver's 'vertprog_projection_param' config option to
144 | * the number of the parameter which holds the first row of the matrix.
145 | *
146 | * Yup, this is complicated.
147 | *
148 | */
149 |
150 |
151 | static void matmul(GLfloat r[16], const GLfloat p[16], const GLfloat q[16])
152 | {
153 | GLfloat tmp[16];
154 | int i, j, k;
155 | for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
156 | for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
157 | GLfloat dot = 0.0;
158 | for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
159 | dot += p[i+4*k] * q[k+4*j];
160 | }
161 | tmp[i+4*j] = dot;
162 | }
163 | }
164 | for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
165 | r[i] = tmp[i];
166 | }
167 |
168 |
169 | static CRServerProgram *
170 | LookupProgram(GLuint id)
171 | {
172 | CRServerProgram *prog = (CRServerProgram *)crHashtableSearch(cr_server.programTable, id);
173 | if (!prog) {
174 | prog = (CRServerProgram *) crAlloc(sizeof(CRServerProgram));
175 | if (!prog)
176 | return NULL;
177 | prog->id = id;
178 | prog->projParamStart = cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixParameter;
179 | crHashtableAdd(cr_server.programTable, id, prog);
180 | }
181 | return prog;
182 | }
183 |
184 |
186 | crServerDispatchProgramLocalParameter4fARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)
187 | {
188 | #if 0
189 | if (target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) {
190 | CRServerProgram *prog = LookupProgram(cr_server.currentProgram);
191 |
192 | if (prog && prog->projParamStart != -1) {
193 | if (index >= (GLuint) prog->projParamStart && index <= (GLuint) prog->projParamStart + 3) {
194 | /* save the parameters as rows in the matrix */
195 | const int i = index - prog->projParamStart;
196 | prog->projMat[4*0+i] = x;
197 | prog->projMat[4*1+i] = y;
198 | prog->projMat[4*2+i] = z;
199 | prog->projMat[4*3+i] = w;
200 | }
201 |
202 | /* When we get the 4th row (row==3) of the projection matrix we can
203 | * then pre-multiply it by the base matrix and update the program
204 | * parameters with the new matrix.
205 | */
206 | if (index == (GLuint) (prog->projParamStart + 3)) {
207 | const CRMuralInfo *mural = cr_server.curClient->currentMural;
208 | const GLfloat *baseMat = (const GLfloat *) &(mural->extents[mural->curExtent].baseProjection);
209 | int i;
210 | GLfloat mat[16];
211 |
212 | /* pre-mult the projection matrix by the base projection */
213 | matmul(mat, baseMat, prog->projMat);
214 | /* update the program parameters with the new matrix */
215 | for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
216 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(target, index + i - 3, mat[4*0+i], mat[4*1+i], mat[4*2+i], mat[4*3+i]);
217 | }
218 | return; /* done */
219 | }
220 | }
221 | }
222 | #endif
223 |
224 | /* if we get here, pass the call through unchanged */
225 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ProgramLocalParameter4fARB(target, index, x, y, z, w);
226 | }
227 |
228 |
230 | crServerDispatchProgramLocalParameter4dARB(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)
231 | {
232 | crServerDispatchProgramLocalParameter4fARB(target, index, (GLfloat) x, (GLfloat) y, (GLfloat) z, (GLfloat) w);
233 | }
234 |
235 |
237 | crServerDispatchProgramParameter4fNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat w)
238 | {
239 | #if 0
240 | if (target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV) {
241 | CRServerProgram *prog = LookupProgram(cr_server.currentProgram);
242 |
243 | if (prog && prog->projParamStart != -1) {
244 | if (index >= (GLuint) prog->projParamStart && index <= (GLuint) prog->projParamStart + 3) {
245 | /* save the parameters as rows in the matrix */
246 | const int i = index - prog->projParamStart;
247 | prog->projMat[4*0+i] = x;
248 | prog->projMat[4*1+i] = y;
249 | prog->projMat[4*2+i] = z;
250 | prog->projMat[4*3+i] = w;
251 | }
252 |
253 | /* When we get the 4th row (row==3) of the projection matrix we can
254 | * then pre-multiply it by the base matrix and update the program
255 | * parameters with the new matrix.
256 | */
257 | if (index == (GLuint) (prog->projParamStart + 3)) {
258 | const CRMuralInfo *mural = cr_server.curClient->currentMural;
259 | const GLfloat *baseMat = (const GLfloat *) &(mural->extents[mural->curExtent].baseProjection);
260 | int i;
261 | GLfloat mat[16];
262 |
263 | /* pre-mult the projection matrix by the base projection */
264 | matmul(mat, baseMat, prog->projMat);
265 | /* update the program parameters with the new matrix */
266 | for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
267 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ProgramParameter4fNV(target, index + i - 3, mat[4*0+i], mat[4*1+i], mat[4*2+i], mat[4*3+i]);
268 | }
269 | return; /* done */
270 | }
271 | }
272 | }
273 | #endif
274 |
275 | /* if we get here, pass the call through unchanged */
276 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ProgramParameter4fNV(target, index, x, y, z, w);
277 | }
278 |
279 |
281 | crServerDispatchProgramParameter4dNV(GLenum target, GLuint index, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z, GLdouble w)
282 | {
283 | crServerDispatchProgramParameter4fNV(target, index, (GLfloat) x, (GLfloat) y, (GLfloat) z, (GLfloat) w);
284 | }
285 |
286 |
288 | crServerDispatchProgramStringARB(GLenum target, GLenum format, GLsizei len, const GLvoid *string)
289 | {
290 | if (target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB &&
291 | cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixVariable != NULL) {
292 | /* scan the program string looking for 'vertprog_projection'
293 | * If the program was generated by Cg, the info we want will look
294 | * something like this:
295 | * #var float4x4 ModelViewProj : : c[0], 4 : 1 : 1
296 | */
297 | CRServerProgram *prog = LookupProgram(cr_server.currentProgram);
298 | CRASSERT(prog);
299 | if (prog) {
300 | const char *varPos, *paramPos;
301 | varPos = crStrstr((const char *) string, cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixVariable);
302 | if (varPos) {
303 | paramPos = crStrstr(varPos, "c[");
304 | if (paramPos) {
305 | char number[10];
306 | int i = 0;
307 | paramPos += 2; /* skip "c[" */
308 | while (crIsDigit(paramPos[i])) {
309 | number[i] = paramPos[i];
310 | i++;
311 | }
312 | number[i] = 0;
313 | prog->projParamStart = crStrToInt(number);
314 | }
315 | }
316 | else {
317 | crWarning("Didn't find %s parameter in vertex program string",
318 | cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixVariable);
319 | }
320 | }
321 | }
322 |
323 | /* pass through */
324 | crStateProgramStringARB(target, format, len, string);
325 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.ProgramStringARB(target, format, len, string);
326 | }
327 |
328 |
330 | crServerDispatchLoadProgramNV(GLenum target, GLuint id, GLsizei len, const GLubyte *string)
331 | {
332 | if (target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV &&
333 | cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixVariable != NULL) {
334 | /* scan the program string looking for 'vertprog_projection'
335 | * If the program was generated by Cg, the info we want will look
336 | * something like this:
337 | * #var float4x4 ModelViewProj : : c[0], 4 : 1 : 1
338 | */
339 | CRServerProgram *prog = LookupProgram(id);
340 | CRASSERT(prog);
341 | if (prog) {
342 | const char *varPos, *paramPos;
343 | varPos = crStrstr((const char *) string, cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixVariable);
344 | if (varPos) {
345 | paramPos = crStrstr(varPos, "c[");
346 | if (paramPos) {
347 | char number[10];
348 | int i = 0;
349 | paramPos += 2; /* skip "c[" */
350 | while (crIsDigit(paramPos[i])) {
351 | number[i] = paramPos[i];
352 | i++;
353 | }
354 | number[i] = 0;
355 | prog->projParamStart = crStrToInt(number);
356 | }
357 | }
358 | else {
359 | crWarning("Didn't find %s parameter in vertex program string",
360 | cr_server.vpProjectionMatrixVariable);
361 | }
362 | }
363 | }
364 |
365 | /* pass through */
366 | crStateLoadProgramNV(target, id, len, string);
367 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.LoadProgramNV(target, id, len, string);
368 | }
369 |
370 |
372 | crServerDispatchBindProgramARB(GLenum target, GLuint id)
373 | {
374 | id = crServerTranslateProgramID(id);
375 |
376 | if (target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB) {
377 | CRServerProgram *prog = LookupProgram(id);
378 | (void) prog;
379 | cr_server.currentProgram = id;
380 | }
381 |
382 | /* pass through */
383 | crStateBindProgramARB(target, id);
384 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.BindProgramARB(target, id);
385 | }
386 |
387 |
389 | crServerDispatchBindProgramNV(GLenum target, GLuint id)
390 | {
391 | if (target == GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_NV) {
392 | CRServerProgram *prog = LookupProgram(id);
393 | (void) prog;
394 | cr_server.currentProgram = id;
395 | }
396 | /* pass through */
397 | crStateBindProgramNV(target, id);
398 | cr_server.head_spu->dispatch_table.BindProgramNV(target, id);
399 | }