/* $Id: SelfSizingTable.h 76528 2018-12-30 05:56:28Z vboxsync $ $Revision: 76528 $ */ /** @file * vboxraw header file */ /* * Copyright (C) 2018 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /* SELFSIZINGTABLE * * An ANSI text-display oriented table, whose column widths conform to width of * their contents. The goal is to optimize whitespace usage, so there's neither too * much nor too little whitespace (e.g. min. necessary for optimal readability). * * Contents can only be added to and redisplayed, not manipulated after adding. * * Simple API (see example below): * * 1. Create table instance. * 2. Add column definitions. * 3. Add each row and set data for each column in a row. * 4. Invoke the displayTable() method. * * Each time the table is [re]displayed its contents are [re]evaluated to determine * the column sizes and header and data padding. * * Example: * * SELFSIZINGTABLE tbl(2); * void *colPlanet = tbl.addCol("Planet" "%s", 1); * void *colInhabit = tbl.addCol("Inhabitability", "%-12s = %s"); * * // This is an 'unrolled loop' example. More typical would be to iterate, * // providing data content from arrays, indicies, in-place calculations, * // databases, etc... rather than just hardcoded literals. * * void *row = tbl.addRow(); * tbl.setCell(row, colPlanet, "Earth"); * tbl.setCell(row, colInhabit, "Viability", "Decreasing"); * row = tbl.addRow(); * tbl.setCell(row, colPlanet, "Mars"); * tbl.setCell(row, colInhabit, "Tolerability", "Miserable"); * row = tbl.addRow(); * tbl.setCell(row, colPlanet, "Neptune"); * tbl.setCell(row, colInhabit, "Plausibility", "Forget it"); * * tbl.displayTable(); * * Planet Inhabitability * Earth Viability = Decreasing * Mars Tolerability = Miserable * Neptune Plausibility = Forget it * * (note: * Column headers displayed in bold red to distinguish from data) * */ #ifndef ___SELFSIZINGTABLE_H #define ___SELFSIZINGTABLE_H #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define ANSI_BOLD "\x1b[1m" /** ANSI terminal esc. seq [CSI] to switch font to bold */ #define ANSI_BLACK "\x1b[30m" /** ANSI terminal esc. seq [CSI] to switch font to black */ #define ANSI_RED "\x1b[31m" /** ANSI terminal esc. seq [CSI] to switch font to red */ #define ANSI_RESET "\x1b[m" /** ANSI terminal esc. seq to reset terminal attributes mode */ #define HDRLABEL_MAX 30 /** Maximum column header label length (for RTStrNLen()) */ #define COLUMN_WIDTH_MAX 256 /** Maximum width of a display column */ typedef class SelfSizingTable { public: SelfSizingTable(int cbDefaultPadding = 1); ~SelfSizingTable(); void *addCol(const char *pszHdr, const char *pszFmt, int8_t align = LEFT, int8_t padRight = 0); void *addRow(); void setCell(void *row, void *col, ...); void displayTable(); private: typedef struct ColDesc { struct ColDesc *next; char *pszHdr; uint8_t hdrLen; char *pszFmt; int8_t alignment; uint8_t cbPadRightOpt; uint8_t cbWidestDataInCol; } COLDESC; typedef struct ColData { struct ColData *next; COLDESC *pColDesc; char *pszData; uint8_t cbData; } COLDATA; typedef struct Row { struct Row *next; uint32_t id; COLDATA colDataListhead; } ROW; int cbDefaultColPadding; COLDESC colDescListhead; ROW rowListhead; public: enum Alignment /* column/cell alignment */ { CENTER = 0, RIGHT = 1, LEFT = -1, }; } SELFSIZINGTABLE; SELFSIZINGTABLE::SelfSizingTable(int cbDefaultPadding) { this->cbDefaultColPadding = cbDefaultPadding; colDescListhead.next = NULL; rowListhead.next = NULL; } SELFSIZINGTABLE::~SelfSizingTable() { COLDESC *pColDesc = colDescListhead.next; while (pColDesc) { COLDESC *pColDescNext = pColDesc->next; RTMemFree(pColDesc->pszHdr); RTMemFree(pColDesc->pszFmt); delete pColDesc; pColDesc = pColDescNext; } ROW *pRow = rowListhead.next; while(pRow) { ROW *pRowNext = pRow->next; COLDATA *pColData = pRow->colDataListhead.next; while (pColData) { COLDATA *pColDataNext = pColData->next; delete pColData->pszData; delete pColData; pColData = pColDataNext; } delete pRow; pRow = pRowNext; } } void *SELFSIZINGTABLE::addCol(const char *pszHdr, const char *pszFmt, int8_t align, int8_t padRight) { COLDESC *pColDescNew = new COLDESC(); if (!pColDescNew) { RTMsgErrorExitFailure("out of memory"); return NULL; } pColDescNew->pszHdr = RTStrDup(pszHdr); pColDescNew->hdrLen = RTStrNLen(pszHdr, HDRLABEL_MAX); pColDescNew->pszFmt = RTStrDup(pszFmt); pColDescNew->alignment = align; pColDescNew->cbPadRightOpt = padRight; COLDESC *pColDesc = &colDescListhead; while (pColDesc->next) pColDesc = pColDesc->next; pColDesc->next = pColDescNew; return (void *)pColDescNew; } void *SELFSIZINGTABLE::addRow() { ROW *pNewRow = new Row(); COLDESC *pColDesc = colDescListhead.next; COLDATA *pCurColData = &pNewRow->colDataListhead; while (pColDesc) { COLDATA *pNewColData = new COLDATA(); pNewColData->pColDesc = pColDesc; pCurColData = pCurColData->next = pNewColData; pColDesc = pColDesc->next; } ROW *pRow = &rowListhead; while (pRow->next) pRow = pRow->next; pRow->next = pNewRow; return (void *)pNewRow; } void SELFSIZINGTABLE::setCell(void *row, void *col, ...) { ROW *pRow = (ROW *)row; COLDESC *pColDesc = (COLDESC *)col; va_list ap; va_start(ap, col); char *pszData = new char[COLUMN_WIDTH_MAX]; int cbData = RTStrPrintfV(pszData, COLUMN_WIDTH_MAX, pColDesc->pszFmt, ap); COLDATA *pColData = pRow->colDataListhead.next; while (pColData) { if (pColData->pColDesc == pColDesc) { pColData->pszData = pszData; pColData->cbData = cbData; break; } pColData = pColData->next; } } void SELFSIZINGTABLE::displayTable() { /* Determine max cell (and column header) length for each column */ COLDESC *pColDesc = colDescListhead.next; while (pColDesc) { pColDesc->cbWidestDataInCol = pColDesc->hdrLen; pColDesc = pColDesc->next; } ROW *pRow = rowListhead.next; while(pRow) { COLDATA *pColData = pRow->colDataListhead.next; while (pColData) { pColDesc = pColData->pColDesc; if (pColData->cbData > pColDesc->cbWidestDataInCol) pColDesc->cbWidestDataInCol = pColData->cbData;; pColData = pColData->next; } pRow = pRow->next; } /* Display col headers based on actual column size w/alignment & padding */ pColDesc = colDescListhead.next; while (pColDesc) { uint8_t colWidth = pColDesc->cbWidestDataInCol; char colHdr[colWidth + 1], *pszColHdr = (char *)colHdr; switch (pColDesc->alignment) { case RIGHT: RTStrPrintf(pszColHdr, colWidth + 1, "%*s", colWidth, pColDesc->pszHdr); break; case LEFT: RTStrPrintf(pszColHdr, colWidth + 1, "%-*s", colWidth, pColDesc->pszHdr); break; case CENTER: int cbPad = (colWidth - pColDesc->hdrLen) / 2; RTStrPrintf(pszColHdr, colWidth + 1, "%*s%s%*s", cbPad, "", pColDesc->pszHdr, cbPad, ""); } RTPrintf(ANSI_BOLD ANSI_RED); uint8_t cbPad = pColDesc->cbPadRightOpt ? pColDesc->cbPadRightOpt : cbDefaultColPadding; RTPrintf("%s%*s", pszColHdr, cbPad, " "); RTPrintf(ANSI_RESET); pColDesc = pColDesc->next; } RTPrintf("\n"); /* * Display each of the column data items for the row */ pRow = rowListhead.next; while(pRow) { COLDATA *pColData = pRow->colDataListhead.next; while (pColData) { pColDesc = pColData->pColDesc; uint8_t colWidth = pColDesc->cbWidestDataInCol; char aCell[colWidth + 1]; switch (pColDesc->alignment) { case RIGHT: RTStrPrintf(aCell, colWidth + 1, "%*s", colWidth, pColData->pszData); break; case LEFT: RTStrPrintf(aCell, colWidth + 1, "%-*s", colWidth, pColData->pszData); break; case CENTER: int cbPad = (colWidth - pColData->cbData) / 2; RTStrPrintf(aCell, colWidth + 1, "%*s%s%*s", cbPad, "", pColData->pszData, cbPad, ""); } uint8_t cbPad = pColDesc->cbPadRightOpt ? pColDesc->cbPadRightOpt : this->cbDefaultColPadding; RTPrintf("%s%*s", aCell, cbPad, " "); pColData = pColData->next; } RTPrintf("\n"); pRow = pRow->next; } } #endif