1 | [Desktop Entry]
2 | Version=1.0
4 | GenericName=Virtual Machine
5 | GenericName[de]=Virtuelle Maschine
6 | GenericName[ru]=Виртуальная машина
7 | Type=Application
8 | Exec=VirtualBoxVM %U
9 | TryExec=VirtualBoxVM
10 | Keywords=virtualization;
11 | Keywords[de]=Virtualisierung;
12 | Keywords[ru]=виртуализация;
13 | Icon=virtualbox
14 | Categories=Emulator;System;
15 | Actions=Manager;
16 | StartupWMClass=VirtualBox Machine
17 | Comment=Run the virtual machine
18 | Comment[de]=
19 | Comment[it]=
20 | Comment[ko]=
21 | Comment[pl]=
22 | Comment[ru]=
23 | Comment[sv]=
24 | NoDisplay=true
25 |
26 | [Desktop Action Manager]
27 | Exec=VirtualBoxVM
28 | Name=Run the Virtual Machine
29 | Name[de]=