#!/bin/sh # # innotek VirtualBox # Permanent host interface creation script for Linux systems. # # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH # # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. # # This script creates a new permanent host interface on a Linux system. In # fact, it does two things: it checks to see if the interface is present in # the list of permanent interfaces (/etc/vbox/interfaces) and checks to see # whether it can be created using VBoxTunctl. appname=`basename $0` interface=$1 user=$2 if [ "$user" = "-g" ]; then shift; group=$2 user=+$group fi bridge=$3 appadd="VBoxAddIF" appdel="VBoxDeleteIF" echo "VirtualBox host networking interface creation utility, version _VERSION_" echo "(C) 2005-2007 innotek GmbH" echo "All rights reserved." # Print out the correct usage instructions for the utility usage() { if [ "$appname" = "$appadd" ] then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Usage: $appname " echo 1>&2 " [| -g ] []" echo 1>&2 "Create and register the permanent interface for use by user" echo 1>&2 " (or group for linux kernels which support this)" echo 1>&2 "on the host system. Optionally attach the interface to the network" echo 1>&2 "bridge . should take the form vbox<0-99>." elif [ "$appname" = "$appdel" ] then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Usage: $appname " echo 1>&2 "Delete the permanent interface from the host system." else echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Your VirtualBox setup appears to be incorrect. This utility should be called" echo 1>&2 "$appadd or $appdel." fi } valid_ifname() { if expr match "$1" "vbox[0-9][0-9]*$" > /dev/null 2>&1 then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Check which name we were called under, and exit if it was not recognised. if [ ! "$appname" = "$appadd" -a ! "$appname" = "$appdel" ] then usage exit 1 fi # Check that we have the right number of command line arguments if [ "$appname" = "$appadd" ] then if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" -o ! -z "$4" ] then usage exit 1 fi elif [ "$appname" = "$appdel" ] then if [ -z "$1" -o ! -z "$2" ] then usage exit 1 fi fi # Check that the interface name is valid if we are adding it. If we are # deleting it then the user will get a better error message later if it is # invalid as the interface will not exist. if [ "$appname" = "$appadd" ] then if ! valid_ifname "$interface" then usage exit 1 fi fi # Make sure that we can create files in the configuration directory if [ ! -r /etc/vbox -o ! -w /etc/vbox -o ! -x /etc/vbox ] then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "This utility must be able to access the folder /etc/vbox/. Please" echo 1>&2 "make sure that you have enough permissions to do this." exit 1 fi # Make sure that the configuration file is accessible and that the interface # is not already registered. if [ -f /etc/vbox/interfaces ] then # Make sure that the configuration file is read and writable if [ ! -r /etc/vbox/interfaces -o ! -w /etc/vbox/interfaces ] then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "This utility must be able to read from and write to the file" echo 1>&2 "/etc/vbox/interfaces. Please make sure that you have enough permissions to" echo 1>&2 "do this." exit 1 fi fi # Parse the configuration file and create a new, updated one. oldbridge="" foundif="" tempfile=/etc/vbox/interfaces.tmp rm -f "$tempfile" if [ -f /etc/vbox/interfaces ] then while read line do set ""$line # If the line is a comment then ignore it if (expr match "$1" "#" > /dev/null || test -z "$1") then echo ""$line >> "$tempfile" else # Check that the line is correctly formed (an interface name plus one # or two non-comment entries, possibly followed by a comment). if ((expr match "$2" "#" > /dev/null) || (! test -z "$4" && ! expr match "$4" "#" > /dev/null) || (! valid_ifname "$1")) then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Removing badly formed line $line in /etc/vbox/interfaces." # If the interface to be created is already registered in the file, then # remove it and remember the fact elif [ "$1" = "$interface" ] then # Remember which bridge the interface was attached to, if any, and # do not write the line to the new configuration file. Remember that # we have found the interface in the file. foundif=1 oldbridge="$3" else echo ""$line >> "$tempfile" fi fi # The line was not a comment done < /etc/vbox/interfaces else # Create the file /etc/vbox/interfaces and add some explanations as comments echo "# This file is for registering VirtualBox permanent host networking interfaces" > "$tempfile" echo "# and optionally adding them to network bridges on the host." >> "$tempfile" echo "# Each line should be of the format []." >> "$tempfile" echo "" >> "$tempfile" fi mv -f "$tempfile" /etc/vbox/interfaces # Add the new interface line to the file if so requested if [ "$appname" = "$appadd" ] then echo "$interface" "$user" "$bridge" >> /etc/vbox/interfaces echo "" if [ -n "$group" ]; then echo "Creating the permanent host networking interface \"$interface\" for group $group." else echo "Creating the permanent host networking interface \"$interface\" for user $user." fi fi # Remove the old interface (if it exists) from any bridge it was a part of and # take the interface down if [ ! -z "$oldbridge" ] then brctl delif "$oldbridge" "$interface" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi ifconfig "$interface" down > /dev/null 2>&1 # Delete the old interface if it exists if ! VBoxTunctl -d "$interface" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Failed to take down the old interface in order to replace it with the new one." echo 1>&2 "The interface may still be in use, or you may not currently have sufficient" echo 1>&2 "permissions to do this. You can replace the interface manually using the" echo 1>&2 "VBoxTunctl command, or alternatively, the new interface will be created" echo 1>&2 "automatically next time you restart the host system." exit 1 else # Create the new interface and bring it up if we are adding it if [ "$appname" = "$appadd" ] then if [ -n "$group" ]; then if ! VBoxTunctl -t "$interface" -g "$group" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Failed to create the interface \"$interface\" for group $group. Please check" echo 1>&2 "that you currently have sufficient permissions to do this." exit 1 fi else if ! VBoxTunctl -t "$interface" -u "$user" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Failed to create the interface \"$interface\" for user $user. Please check" echo 1>&2 "that you currently have sufficient permissions to do this." exit 1 fi fi # On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, the tunctl command does not take # effect at once, so we loop until it does. i=1 while [ $i -le 10 ] do ifconfig "$interface" up > /dev/null 2>&1 if ifconfig | grep "$interface" up > /dev/null 2>&1 then i=11 else i=`expr $i + 1` sleep .1 fi done if [ ! -z "$bridge" ] then # And add it to a bridge if this was requested if ! brctl addif "$bridge" "$interface" > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Failed to add the interface \"$interface\" to the bridge \"$bridge\"." echo 1>&2 "Make sure that the bridge exists and that you currently have sufficient" echo 1>&2 "permissions to do this." exit 1 fi fi fi # $appname = $appadd fi # VBoxTunctl -d succeeded if [ "$appname" = "$appdel" -a -z "$foundif" ] then echo 1>&2 "" echo 1>&2 "Warning: the utility could not find the registered interface \"$interface\"." exit 1 fi