/* $Id: ConsoleVRDPServer.cpp 33556 2010-10-28 13:16:42Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox Console VRDP Helper class */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include "ConsoleVRDPServer.h" #include "ConsoleImpl.h" #include "DisplayImpl.h" #include "KeyboardImpl.h" #include "MouseImpl.h" #include "AutoCaller.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP #include #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ class VRDPConsoleListener : VBOX_SCRIPTABLE_IMPL(IEventListener) { public: VRDPConsoleListener(ConsoleVRDPServer *server) : m_server(server) { #ifndef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM refcnt = 0; #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */ } virtual ~VRDPConsoleListener() {} NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS #ifndef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)() { return ::InterlockedIncrement(&refcnt); } STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)() { long cnt = ::InterlockedDecrement(&refcnt); if (cnt == 0) delete this; return cnt; } STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID riid , void **ppObj) { if (riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppObj = (IUnknown*)this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } if (riid == IID_IEventListener) { *ppObj = (IEventListener*)this; AddRef(); return S_OK; } *ppObj = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */ STDMETHOD(HandleEvent)(IEvent * aEvent) { VBoxEventType_T aType = VBoxEventType_Invalid; aEvent->COMGETTER(Type)(&aType); switch (aType) { case VBoxEventType_OnMousePointerShapeChanged: { ComPtr mpscev = aEvent; Assert(mpscev); BOOL visible, alpha; ULONG xHot, yHot, width, height; com::SafeArray shape; mpscev->COMGETTER(Visible)(&visible); mpscev->COMGETTER(Alpha)(&alpha); mpscev->COMGETTER(Xhot)(&xHot); mpscev->COMGETTER(Yhot)(&yHot); mpscev->COMGETTER(Width)(&width); mpscev->COMGETTER(Height)(&height); mpscev->COMGETTER(Shape)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(shape)); OnMousePointerShapeChange(visible, alpha, xHot, yHot, width, height, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(shape)); break; } case VBoxEventType_OnMouseCapabilityChanged: { ComPtr mccev = aEvent; Assert(mccev); if (m_server) { BOOL fAbsoluteMouse; mccev->COMGETTER(SupportsAbsolute)(&fAbsoluteMouse); m_server->NotifyAbsoluteMouse(!!fAbsoluteMouse); } break; } case VBoxEventType_OnKeyboardLedsChanged: { ComPtr klcev = aEvent; Assert(klcev); if (m_server) { BOOL fNumLock, fCapsLock, fScrollLock; klcev->COMGETTER(NumLock)(&fNumLock); klcev->COMGETTER(CapsLock)(&fCapsLock); klcev->COMGETTER(ScrollLock)(&fScrollLock); m_server->NotifyKeyboardLedsChange(fNumLock, fCapsLock, fScrollLock); } break; } default: AssertFailed(); } return S_OK; } private: STDMETHOD(OnMousePointerShapeChange)(BOOL visible, BOOL alpha, ULONG xHot, ULONG yHot, ULONG width, ULONG height, ComSafeArrayIn(BYTE,shape)); ConsoleVRDPServer *m_server; #ifndef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM long refcnt; #endif /* !VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */ }; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_XPCOM #include NS_DECL_CLASSINFO(VRDPConsoleListener) NS_IMPL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS1_CI(VRDPConsoleListener, IEventListener) #endif /* VBOX_WITH_XPCOM */ #ifdef DEBUG_sunlover #define LOGDUMPPTR Log void dumpPointer(const uint8_t *pu8Shape, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, bool fXorMaskRGB32) { unsigned i; const uint8_t *pu8And = pu8Shape; for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { unsigned j; LOGDUMPPTR(("%p: ", pu8And)); for (j = 0; j < (width + 7) / 8; j++) { unsigned k; for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) { LOGDUMPPTR(("%d", ((*pu8And) & (1 << (7 - k)))? 1: 0)); } pu8And++; } LOGDUMPPTR(("\n")); } if (fXorMaskRGB32) { uint32_t *pu32Xor = (uint32_t*)(pu8Shape + ((((width + 7) / 8) * height + 3) & ~3)); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { unsigned j; LOGDUMPPTR(("%p: ", pu32Xor)); for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { LOGDUMPPTR(("%08X", *pu32Xor++)); } LOGDUMPPTR(("\n")); } } else { /* RDP 24 bit RGB mask. */ uint8_t *pu8Xor = (uint8_t*)(pu8Shape + ((((width + 7) / 8) * height + 3) & ~3)); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { unsigned j; LOGDUMPPTR(("%p: ", pu8Xor)); for (j = 0; j < width; j++) { LOGDUMPPTR(("%02X%02X%02X", pu8Xor[2], pu8Xor[1], pu8Xor[0])); pu8Xor += 3; } LOGDUMPPTR(("\n")); } } } #else #define dumpPointer(a, b, c, d) do {} while (0) #endif /* DEBUG_sunlover */ static void findTopLeftBorder(const uint8_t *pu8AndMask, const uint8_t *pu8XorMask, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t *pxSkip, uint32_t *pySkip) { /* * Find the top border of the AND mask. First assign to special value. */ uint32_t ySkipAnd = ~0; const uint8_t *pu8And = pu8AndMask; const uint32_t cbAndRow = (width + 7) / 8; const uint8_t maskLastByte = (uint8_t)( 0xFF << (cbAndRow * 8 - width) ); Assert(cbAndRow > 0); unsigned y; unsigned x; for (y = 0; y < height && ySkipAnd == ~(uint32_t)0; y++, pu8And += cbAndRow) { /* For each complete byte in the row. */ for (x = 0; x < cbAndRow - 1; x++) { if (pu8And[x] != 0xFF) { ySkipAnd = y; break; } } if (ySkipAnd == ~(uint32_t)0) { /* Last byte. */ if ((pu8And[cbAndRow - 1] & maskLastByte) != maskLastByte) { ySkipAnd = y; } } } if (ySkipAnd == ~(uint32_t)0) { ySkipAnd = 0; } /* * Find the left border of the AND mask. */ uint32_t xSkipAnd = ~0; /* For all bit columns. */ for (x = 0; x < width && xSkipAnd == ~(uint32_t)0; x++) { pu8And = pu8AndMask + x/8; /* Currently checking byte. */ uint8_t mask = 1 << (7 - x%8); /* Currently checking bit in the byte. */ for (y = ySkipAnd; y < height; y++, pu8And += cbAndRow) { if ((*pu8And & mask) == 0) { xSkipAnd = x; break; } } } if (xSkipAnd == ~(uint32_t)0) { xSkipAnd = 0; } /* * Find the XOR mask top border. */ uint32_t ySkipXor = ~0; uint32_t *pu32XorStart = (uint32_t *)pu8XorMask; uint32_t *pu32Xor = pu32XorStart; for (y = 0; y < height && ySkipXor == ~(uint32_t)0; y++, pu32Xor += width) { for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (pu32Xor[x] != 0) { ySkipXor = y; break; } } } if (ySkipXor == ~(uint32_t)0) { ySkipXor = 0; } /* * Find the left border of the XOR mask. */ uint32_t xSkipXor = ~(uint32_t)0; /* For all columns. */ for (x = 0; x < width && xSkipXor == ~(uint32_t)0; x++) { pu32Xor = pu32XorStart + x; /* Currently checking dword. */ for (y = ySkipXor; y < height; y++, pu32Xor += width) { if (*pu32Xor != 0) { xSkipXor = x; break; } } } if (xSkipXor == ~(uint32_t)0) { xSkipXor = 0; } *pxSkip = RT_MIN(xSkipAnd, xSkipXor); *pySkip = RT_MIN(ySkipAnd, ySkipXor); } /* Generate an AND mask for alpha pointers here, because * guest driver does not do that correctly for Vista pointers. * Similar fix, changing the alpha threshold, could be applied * for the guest driver, but then additions reinstall would be * necessary, which we try to avoid. */ static void mousePointerGenerateANDMask(uint8_t *pu8DstAndMask, int cbDstAndMask, const uint8_t *pu8SrcAlpha, int w, int h) { memset(pu8DstAndMask, 0xFF, cbDstAndMask); int y; for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { uint8_t bitmask = 0x80; int x; for (x = 0; x < w; x++, bitmask >>= 1) { if (bitmask == 0) { bitmask = 0x80; } /* Whether alpha channel value is not transparent enough for the pixel to be seen. */ if (pu8SrcAlpha[x * 4 + 3] > 0x7f) { pu8DstAndMask[x / 8] &= ~bitmask; } } /* Point to next source and dest scans. */ pu8SrcAlpha += w * 4; pu8DstAndMask += (w + 7) / 8; } } STDMETHODIMP VRDPConsoleListener::OnMousePointerShapeChange(BOOL visible, BOOL alpha, ULONG xHot, ULONG yHot, ULONG width, ULONG height, ComSafeArrayIn(BYTE,inShape)) { LogSunlover(("VRDPConsoleListener::OnMousePointerShapeChange: %d, %d, %lux%lu, @%lu,%lu\n", visible, alpha, width, height, xHot, yHot)); if (m_server) { com::SafeArray aShape(ComSafeArrayInArg(inShape)); if (aShape.size() == 0) { if (!visible) { m_server->MousePointerHide(); } } else if (width != 0 && height != 0) { /* Pointer consists of 1 bpp AND and 24 BPP XOR masks. * 'shape' AND mask followed by XOR mask. * XOR mask contains 32 bit (lsb)BGR0(msb) values. * * We convert this to RDP color format which consist of * one bpp AND mask and 24 BPP (BGR) color XOR image. * * RDP clients expect 8 aligned width and height of * pointer (preferably 32x32). * * They even contain bugs which do not appear for * 32x32 pointers but would appear for a 41x32 one. * * So set pointer size to 32x32. This can be done safely * because most pointers are 32x32. */ uint8_t* shape = aShape.raw(); dumpPointer(shape, width, height, true); int cbDstAndMask = (((width + 7) / 8) * height + 3) & ~3; uint8_t *pu8AndMask = shape; uint8_t *pu8XorMask = shape + cbDstAndMask; if (alpha) { pu8AndMask = (uint8_t*)alloca(cbDstAndMask); mousePointerGenerateANDMask(pu8AndMask, cbDstAndMask, pu8XorMask, width, height); } /* Windows guest alpha pointers are wider than 32 pixels. * Try to find out the top-left border of the pointer and * then copy only meaningful bits. All complete top rows * and all complete left columns where (AND == 1 && XOR == 0) * are skipped. Hot spot is adjusted. */ uint32_t ySkip = 0; /* How many rows to skip at the top. */ uint32_t xSkip = 0; /* How many columns to skip at the left. */ findTopLeftBorder(pu8AndMask, pu8XorMask, width, height, &xSkip, &ySkip); /* Must not skip the hot spot. */ xSkip = RT_MIN(xSkip, xHot); ySkip = RT_MIN(ySkip, yHot); /* * Compute size and allocate memory for the pointer. */ const uint32_t dstwidth = 32; const uint32_t dstheight = 32; VRDECOLORPOINTER *pointer = NULL; uint32_t dstmaskwidth = (dstwidth + 7) / 8; uint32_t rdpmaskwidth = dstmaskwidth; uint32_t rdpmasklen = dstheight * rdpmaskwidth; uint32_t rdpdatawidth = dstwidth * 3; uint32_t rdpdatalen = dstheight * rdpdatawidth; pointer = (VRDECOLORPOINTER *)RTMemTmpAlloc(sizeof(VRDECOLORPOINTER) + rdpmasklen + rdpdatalen); if (pointer) { uint8_t *maskarray = (uint8_t*)pointer + sizeof(VRDECOLORPOINTER); uint8_t *dataarray = maskarray + rdpmasklen; memset(maskarray, 0xFF, rdpmasklen); memset(dataarray, 0x00, rdpdatalen); uint32_t srcmaskwidth = (width + 7) / 8; uint32_t srcdatawidth = width * 4; /* Copy AND mask. */ uint8_t *src = pu8AndMask + ySkip * srcmaskwidth; uint8_t *dst = maskarray + (dstheight - 1) * rdpmaskwidth; uint32_t minheight = RT_MIN(height - ySkip, dstheight); uint32_t minwidth = RT_MIN(width - xSkip, dstwidth); unsigned x, y; for (y = 0; y < minheight; y++) { for (x = 0; x < minwidth; x++) { uint32_t byteIndex = (x + xSkip) / 8; uint32_t bitIndex = (x + xSkip) % 8; bool bit = (src[byteIndex] & (1 << (7 - bitIndex))) != 0; if (!bit) { byteIndex = x / 8; bitIndex = x % 8; dst[byteIndex] &= ~(1 << (7 - bitIndex)); } } src += srcmaskwidth; dst -= rdpmaskwidth; } /* Point src to XOR mask */ src = pu8XorMask + ySkip * srcdatawidth; dst = dataarray + (dstheight - 1) * rdpdatawidth; for (y = 0; y < minheight ; y++) { for (x = 0; x < minwidth; x++) { memcpy(dst + x * 3, &src[4 * (x + xSkip)], 3); } src += srcdatawidth; dst -= rdpdatawidth; } pointer->u16HotX = (uint16_t)(xHot - xSkip); pointer->u16HotY = (uint16_t)(yHot - ySkip); pointer->u16Width = (uint16_t)dstwidth; pointer->u16Height = (uint16_t)dstheight; pointer->u16MaskLen = (uint16_t)rdpmasklen; pointer->u16DataLen = (uint16_t)rdpdatalen; dumpPointer((uint8_t*)pointer + sizeof(*pointer), dstwidth, dstheight, false); m_server->MousePointerUpdate(pointer); RTMemTmpFree(pointer); } } } return S_OK; } // ConsoleVRDPServer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP RTLDRMOD ConsoleVRDPServer::mVRDPLibrary; PFNVRDECREATESERVER ConsoleVRDPServer::mpfnVRDECreateServer = NULL; VRDEENTRYPOINTS_1 *ConsoleVRDPServer::mpEntryPoints = NULL; VRDECALLBACKS_1 ConsoleVRDPServer::mCallbacks = { { VRDE_INTERFACE_VERSION_1, sizeof(VRDECALLBACKS_1) }, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackQueryProperty, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackClientLogon, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackClientConnect, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackClientDisconnect, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackIntercept, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackUSB, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackClipboard, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackFramebufferQuery, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackFramebufferLock, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackFramebufferUnlock, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackInput, ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackVideoModeHint }; DECLCALLBACK(int) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackQueryProperty(void *pvCallback, uint32_t index, void *pvBuffer, uint32_t cbBuffer, uint32_t *pcbOut) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; switch (index) { case VRDE_QP_NETWORK_PORT: { /* This is obsolete, the VRDE server uses VRDE_QP_NETWORK_PORT_RANGE instead. */ ULONG port = 0; if (cbBuffer >= sizeof(uint32_t)) { *(uint32_t *)pvBuffer = (uint32_t)port; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { rc = VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pcbOut = sizeof(uint32_t); } break; case VRDE_QP_NETWORK_ADDRESS: { com::Bstr bstr; server->mConsole->getVRDEServer()->GetVRDEProperty(Bstr("TCP/Address").raw(), bstr.asOutParam()); /* The server expects UTF8. */ com::Utf8Str address = bstr; size_t cbAddress = address.length() + 1; if (cbAddress >= 0x10000) { /* More than 64K seems to be an invalid address. */ rc = VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA; break; } if ((size_t)cbBuffer >= cbAddress) { memcpy(pvBuffer, address.c_str(), cbAddress); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { rc = VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pcbOut = (uint32_t)cbAddress; } break; case VRDE_QP_NUMBER_MONITORS: { ULONG cMonitors = 1; server->mConsole->machine()->COMGETTER(MonitorCount)(&cMonitors); if (cbBuffer >= sizeof(uint32_t)) { *(uint32_t *)pvBuffer = (uint32_t)cMonitors; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { rc = VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pcbOut = sizeof(uint32_t); } break; case VRDE_QP_NETWORK_PORT_RANGE: { com::Bstr bstr; HRESULT hrc = server->mConsole->getVRDEServer()->GetVRDEProperty(Bstr("TCP/Ports").raw(), bstr.asOutParam()); if (hrc != S_OK) { bstr = ""; } if (bstr == "0") { bstr = "3389"; } /* The server expects UTF8. */ com::Utf8Str portRange = bstr; size_t cbPortRange = portRange.length() + 1; if (cbPortRange >= 0x10000) { /* More than 64K seems to be an invalid port range string. */ rc = VERR_TOO_MUCH_DATA; break; } if ((size_t)cbBuffer >= cbPortRange) { memcpy(pvBuffer, portRange.c_str(), cbPortRange); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { rc = VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pcbOut = (uint32_t)cbPortRange; } break; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP_VIDEO_CHANNEL case VRDE_QP_VIDEO_CHANNEL: { BOOL fVideoEnabled = FALSE; server->mConsole->getVRDEServer()->COMGETTER(VideoChannel)(&fVideoEnabled); if (cbBuffer >= sizeof(uint32_t)) { *(uint32_t *)pvBuffer = (uint32_t)fVideoEnabled; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { rc = VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pcbOut = sizeof(uint32_t); } break; case VRDE_QP_VIDEO_CHANNEL_QUALITY: { ULONG ulQuality = 0; server->mConsole->getVRDEServer()->COMGETTER(VideoChannelQuality)(&ulQuality); if (cbBuffer >= sizeof(uint32_t)) { *(uint32_t *)pvBuffer = (uint32_t)ulQuality; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { rc = VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pcbOut = sizeof(uint32_t); } break; case VRDE_QP_VIDEO_CHANNEL_SUNFLSH: { ULONG ulSunFlsh = 1; com::Bstr bstr; HRESULT hrc = server->mConsole->machine()->GetExtraData(Bstr("VRDP/SunFlsh").raw(), bstr.asOutParam()); if (hrc == S_OK && !bstr.isEmpty()) { com::Utf8Str sunFlsh = bstr; if (!sunFlsh.isEmpty()) { ulSunFlsh = sunFlsh.toUInt32(); } } if (cbBuffer >= sizeof(uint32_t)) { *(uint32_t *)pvBuffer = (uint32_t)ulSunFlsh; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { rc = VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pcbOut = sizeof(uint32_t); } break; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP_VIDEO_CHANNEL */ case VRDE_QP_FEATURE: { if (cbBuffer < sizeof(VRDEFEATURE)) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } size_t cbInfo = cbBuffer - RT_OFFSETOF(VRDEFEATURE, achInfo); VRDEFEATURE *pFeature = (VRDEFEATURE *)pvBuffer; size_t cchInfo = 0; rc = RTStrNLenEx(pFeature->achInfo, cbInfo, &cchInfo); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Log(("VRDE_QP_FEATURE [%s]\n", pFeature->achInfo)); com::Bstr bstrValue; if ( RTStrICmp(pFeature->achInfo, "Client/DisableDisplay") == 0 || RTStrICmp(pFeature->achInfo, "Client/DisableInput") == 0 || RTStrICmp(pFeature->achInfo, "Client/DisableAudio") == 0 || RTStrICmp(pFeature->achInfo, "Client/DisableUSB") == 0 || RTStrICmp(pFeature->achInfo, "Client/DisableClipboard") == 0 ) { /* @todo these features should be per client. */ NOREF(pFeature->u32ClientId); /* These features are mapped to "VRDE/Feature/NAME" extra data. */ com::Utf8Str extraData("VRDE/Feature/"); extraData += pFeature->achInfo; HRESULT hrc = server->mConsole->machine()->GetExtraData(com::Bstr(extraData).raw(), bstrValue.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(hrc) || bstrValue.isEmpty()) { /* Also try the old "VRDP/Feature/NAME" */ extraData = "VRDP/Feature/"; extraData += pFeature->achInfo; hrc = server->mConsole->machine()->GetExtraData(com::Bstr(extraData).raw(), bstrValue.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(hrc) || bstrValue.isEmpty()) { rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } } else if (RTStrNCmp(pFeature->achInfo, "Property/", 9) == 0) { /* Generic properties. */ const char *pszPropertyName = &pFeature->achInfo[9]; HRESULT hrc = server->mConsole->getVRDEServer()->GetVRDEProperty(Bstr(pszPropertyName).raw(), bstrValue.asOutParam()); if (FAILED(hrc)) { rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } else { rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* Copy the value string to the callers buffer. */ if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) { com::Utf8Str value = bstrValue; size_t cb = value.length() + 1; if ((size_t)cbInfo >= cb) { memcpy(pFeature->achInfo, value.c_str(), cb); } else { rc = VINF_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } *pcbOut = (uint32_t)cb; } } break; case VRDE_SP_NETWORK_BIND_PORT: { if (cbBuffer != sizeof(uint32_t)) { rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } ULONG port = *(uint32_t *)pvBuffer; server->mVRDPBindPort = port; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pcbOut) { *pcbOut = sizeof(uint32_t); } server->mConsole->onVRDEServerInfoChange(); } break; default: break; } return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackClientLogon(void *pvCallback, uint32_t u32ClientId, const char *pszUser, const char *pszPassword, const char *pszDomain) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); return server->mConsole->VRDPClientLogon(u32ClientId, pszUser, pszPassword, pszDomain); } DECLCALLBACK(void) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackClientConnect(void *pvCallback, uint32_t u32ClientId) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); server->mConsole->VRDPClientConnect(u32ClientId); } DECLCALLBACK(void) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackClientDisconnect(void *pvCallback, uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t fu32Intercepted) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); server->mConsole->VRDPClientDisconnect(u32ClientId, fu32Intercepted); } DECLCALLBACK(int) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackIntercept(void *pvCallback, uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t fu32Intercept, void **ppvIntercept) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); LogFlowFunc(("%x\n", fu32Intercept)); int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; switch (fu32Intercept) { case VRDE_CLIENT_INTERCEPT_AUDIO: { server->mConsole->VRDPInterceptAudio(u32ClientId); if (ppvIntercept) { *ppvIntercept = server; } rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } break; case VRDE_CLIENT_INTERCEPT_USB: { server->mConsole->VRDPInterceptUSB(u32ClientId, ppvIntercept); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } break; case VRDE_CLIENT_INTERCEPT_CLIPBOARD: { server->mConsole->VRDPInterceptClipboard(u32ClientId); if (ppvIntercept) { *ppvIntercept = server; } rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } break; default: break; } return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackUSB(void *pvCallback, void *pvIntercept, uint32_t u32ClientId, uint8_t u8Code, const void *pvRet, uint32_t cbRet) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB return USBClientResponseCallback(pvIntercept, u32ClientId, u8Code, pvRet, cbRet); #else return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } DECLCALLBACK(int) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackClipboard(void *pvCallback, void *pvIntercept, uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t u32Function, uint32_t u32Format, const void *pvData, uint32_t cbData) { return ClipboardCallback(pvIntercept, u32ClientId, u32Function, u32Format, pvData, cbData); } DECLCALLBACK(bool) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackFramebufferQuery(void *pvCallback, unsigned uScreenId, VRDEFRAMEBUFFERINFO *pInfo) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); bool fAvailable = false; IFramebuffer *pfb = NULL; LONG xOrigin = 0; LONG yOrigin = 0; server->mConsole->getDisplay()->GetFramebuffer(uScreenId, &pfb, &xOrigin, &yOrigin); if (pfb) { pfb->Lock (); /* Query framebuffer parameters. */ ULONG lineSize = 0; pfb->COMGETTER(BytesPerLine)(&lineSize); ULONG bitsPerPixel = 0; pfb->COMGETTER(BitsPerPixel)(&bitsPerPixel); BYTE *address = NULL; pfb->COMGETTER(Address)(&address); ULONG height = 0; pfb->COMGETTER(Height)(&height); ULONG width = 0; pfb->COMGETTER(Width)(&width); /* Now fill the information as requested by the caller. */ pInfo->pu8Bits = address; pInfo->xOrigin = xOrigin; pInfo->yOrigin = yOrigin; pInfo->cWidth = width; pInfo->cHeight = height; pInfo->cBitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel; pInfo->cbLine = lineSize; pfb->Unlock(); fAvailable = true; } if (server->maFramebuffers[uScreenId]) { server->maFramebuffers[uScreenId]->Release(); } server->maFramebuffers[uScreenId] = pfb; return fAvailable; } DECLCALLBACK(void) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackFramebufferLock(void *pvCallback, unsigned uScreenId) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); if (server->maFramebuffers[uScreenId]) { server->maFramebuffers[uScreenId]->Lock(); } } DECLCALLBACK(void) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackFramebufferUnlock(void *pvCallback, unsigned uScreenId) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); if (server->maFramebuffers[uScreenId]) { server->maFramebuffers[uScreenId]->Unlock(); } } static void fixKbdLockStatus(VRDPInputSynch *pInputSynch, IKeyboard *pKeyboard) { if ( pInputSynch->cGuestNumLockAdaptions && (pInputSynch->fGuestNumLock != pInputSynch->fClientNumLock)) { pInputSynch->cGuestNumLockAdaptions--; pKeyboard->PutScancode(0x45); pKeyboard->PutScancode(0x45 | 0x80); } if ( pInputSynch->cGuestCapsLockAdaptions && (pInputSynch->fGuestCapsLock != pInputSynch->fClientCapsLock)) { pInputSynch->cGuestCapsLockAdaptions--; pKeyboard->PutScancode(0x3a); pKeyboard->PutScancode(0x3a | 0x80); } } DECLCALLBACK(void) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackInput(void *pvCallback, int type, const void *pvInput, unsigned cbInput) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); Console *pConsole = server->mConsole; switch (type) { case VRDE_INPUT_SCANCODE: { if (cbInput == sizeof(VRDEINPUTSCANCODE)) { IKeyboard *pKeyboard = pConsole->getKeyboard(); const VRDEINPUTSCANCODE *pInputScancode = (VRDEINPUTSCANCODE *)pvInput; /* Track lock keys. */ if (pInputScancode->uScancode == 0x45) { server->m_InputSynch.fClientNumLock = !server->m_InputSynch.fClientNumLock; } else if (pInputScancode->uScancode == 0x3a) { server->m_InputSynch.fClientCapsLock = !server->m_InputSynch.fClientCapsLock; } else if (pInputScancode->uScancode == 0x46) { server->m_InputSynch.fClientScrollLock = !server->m_InputSynch.fClientScrollLock; } else if ((pInputScancode->uScancode & 0x80) == 0) { /* Key pressed. */ fixKbdLockStatus(&server->m_InputSynch, pKeyboard); } pKeyboard->PutScancode((LONG)pInputScancode->uScancode); } } break; case VRDE_INPUT_POINT: { if (cbInput == sizeof(VRDEINPUTPOINT)) { const VRDEINPUTPOINT *pInputPoint = (VRDEINPUTPOINT *)pvInput; int mouseButtons = 0; int iWheel = 0; if (pInputPoint->uButtons & VRDE_INPUT_POINT_BUTTON1) { mouseButtons |= MouseButtonState_LeftButton; } if (pInputPoint->uButtons & VRDE_INPUT_POINT_BUTTON2) { mouseButtons |= MouseButtonState_RightButton; } if (pInputPoint->uButtons & VRDE_INPUT_POINT_BUTTON3) { mouseButtons |= MouseButtonState_MiddleButton; } if (pInputPoint->uButtons & VRDE_INPUT_POINT_WHEEL_UP) { mouseButtons |= MouseButtonState_WheelUp; iWheel = -1; } if (pInputPoint->uButtons & VRDE_INPUT_POINT_WHEEL_DOWN) { mouseButtons |= MouseButtonState_WheelDown; iWheel = 1; } if (server->m_fGuestWantsAbsolute) { pConsole->getMouse()->PutMouseEventAbsolute(pInputPoint->x + 1, pInputPoint->y + 1, iWheel, 0 /* Horizontal wheel */, mouseButtons); } else { pConsole->getMouse()->PutMouseEvent(pInputPoint->x - server->m_mousex, pInputPoint->y - server->m_mousey, iWheel, 0 /* Horizontal wheel */, mouseButtons); server->m_mousex = pInputPoint->x; server->m_mousey = pInputPoint->y; } } } break; case VRDE_INPUT_CAD: { pConsole->getKeyboard()->PutCAD(); } break; case VRDE_INPUT_RESET: { pConsole->Reset(); } break; case VRDE_INPUT_SYNCH: { if (cbInput == sizeof(VRDEINPUTSYNCH)) { IKeyboard *pKeyboard = pConsole->getKeyboard(); const VRDEINPUTSYNCH *pInputSynch = (VRDEINPUTSYNCH *)pvInput; server->m_InputSynch.fClientNumLock = (pInputSynch->uLockStatus & VRDE_INPUT_SYNCH_NUMLOCK) != 0; server->m_InputSynch.fClientCapsLock = (pInputSynch->uLockStatus & VRDE_INPUT_SYNCH_CAPITAL) != 0; server->m_InputSynch.fClientScrollLock = (pInputSynch->uLockStatus & VRDE_INPUT_SYNCH_SCROLL) != 0; /* The client initiated synchronization. Always make the guest to reflect the client state. * Than means, when the guest changes the state itself, it is forced to return to the client * state. */ if (server->m_InputSynch.fClientNumLock != server->m_InputSynch.fGuestNumLock) { server->m_InputSynch.cGuestNumLockAdaptions = 2; } if (server->m_InputSynch.fClientCapsLock != server->m_InputSynch.fGuestCapsLock) { server->m_InputSynch.cGuestCapsLockAdaptions = 2; } fixKbdLockStatus(&server->m_InputSynch, pKeyboard); } } break; default: break; } } DECLCALLBACK(void) ConsoleVRDPServer::VRDPCallbackVideoModeHint(void *pvCallback, unsigned cWidth, unsigned cHeight, unsigned cBitsPerPixel, unsigned uScreenId) { ConsoleVRDPServer *server = static_cast(pvCallback); server->mConsole->getDisplay()->SetVideoModeHint(cWidth, cHeight, cBitsPerPixel, uScreenId); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ ConsoleVRDPServer::ConsoleVRDPServer(Console *console) { mConsole = console; int rc = RTCritSectInit(&mCritSect); AssertRC(rc); mcClipboardRefs = 0; mpfnClipboardCallback = NULL; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB mUSBBackends.pHead = NULL; mUSBBackends.pTail = NULL; mUSBBackends.thread = NIL_RTTHREAD; mUSBBackends.fThreadRunning = false; mUSBBackends.event = 0; #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP mhServer = 0; m_fGuestWantsAbsolute = false; m_mousex = 0; m_mousey = 0; m_InputSynch.cGuestNumLockAdaptions = 2; m_InputSynch.cGuestCapsLockAdaptions = 2; m_InputSynch.fGuestNumLock = false; m_InputSynch.fGuestCapsLock = false; m_InputSynch.fGuestScrollLock = false; m_InputSynch.fClientNumLock = false; m_InputSynch.fClientCapsLock = false; m_InputSynch.fClientScrollLock = false; memset(maFramebuffers, 0, sizeof(maFramebuffers)); { ComPtr es; console->COMGETTER(EventSource)(es.asOutParam()); mConsoleListener = new VRDPConsoleListener(this); mConsoleListener->AddRef(); com::SafeArray eventTypes; eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnMousePointerShapeChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnMouseCapabilityChanged); eventTypes.push_back(VBoxEventType_OnKeyboardLedsChanged); es->RegisterListener(mConsoleListener, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(eventTypes), true); } mVRDPBindPort = -1; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ mAuthLibrary = 0; } ConsoleVRDPServer::~ConsoleVRDPServer() { Stop(); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mConsoleListener) { ComPtr es; mConsole->COMGETTER(EventSource)(es.asOutParam()); es->UnregisterListener(mConsoleListener); mConsoleListener->Release(); mConsoleListener = NULL; } unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(maFramebuffers); i++) { if (maFramebuffers[i]) { maFramebuffers[i]->Release(); maFramebuffers[i] = NULL; } } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ if (RTCritSectIsInitialized(&mCritSect)) { RTCritSectDelete(&mCritSect); memset(&mCritSect, 0, sizeof(mCritSect)); } } int ConsoleVRDPServer::Launch(void) { LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Check that a VRDE library name is set. */ Bstr library; Utf8Str filename; IVRDEServer *server = mConsole->getVRDEServer(); Assert(server); HRESULT hrc = server->COMGETTER(VRDELibrary)(library.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { filename = library; } if (filename.isEmpty()) { return VINF_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* * Load the VRDE library and start the server, if it is enabled. */ BOOL fEnabled = FALSE; hrc = server->COMGETTER(Enabled)(&fEnabled); AssertComRC(hrc); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc) && fEnabled) { rc = loadVRDPLibrary(filename.c_str()); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = mpfnVRDECreateServer(&mCallbacks.header, this, (VRDEINTERFACEHDR **)&mpEntryPoints, &mhServer); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB remoteUSBThreadStart(); #endif /* VBOX_WITH_USB */ } else if (rc != VERR_NET_ADDRESS_IN_USE) { LogRel(("VRDE: Could not start VRDP server rc = %Rrc\n", rc)); } } } #else int rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; LogRel(("VRDP: this version does not include the VRDP server.\n")); #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ return rc; } void ConsoleVRDPServer::EnableConnections(void) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEEnableConnections(mhServer, true); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ } void ConsoleVRDPServer::DisconnectClient(uint32_t u32ClientId, bool fReconnect) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEDisconnect(mhServer, u32ClientId, fReconnect); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ } void ConsoleVRDPServer::MousePointerUpdate(const VRDECOLORPOINTER *pPointer) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEColorPointer(mhServer, pPointer); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ } void ConsoleVRDPServer::MousePointerHide(void) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEHidePointer(mhServer); } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ } void ConsoleVRDPServer::Stop(void) { Assert(VALID_PTR(this)); /** @todo r=bird: there are(/was) some odd cases where this buster was invalid on * linux. Just remove this when it's 100% sure that problem has been fixed. */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mhServer) { HVRDESERVER hServer = mhServer; /* Reset the handle to avoid further calls to the server. */ mhServer = 0; if (mpEntryPoints && hServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEDestroy(hServer); } } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB remoteUSBThreadStop(); #endif /* VBOX_WITH_USB */ mpfnAuthEntry = NULL; mpfnAuthEntry2 = NULL; if (mAuthLibrary) { RTLdrClose(mAuthLibrary); mAuthLibrary = 0; } } /* Worker thread for Remote USB. The thread polls the clients for * the list of attached USB devices. * The thread is also responsible for attaching/detaching devices * to/from the VM. * * It is expected that attaching/detaching is not a frequent operation. * * The thread is always running when the VRDP server is active. * * The thread scans backends and requests the device list every 2 seconds. * * When device list is available, the thread calls the Console to process it. * */ #define VRDP_DEVICE_LIST_PERIOD_MS (2000) #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB static DECLCALLBACK(int) threadRemoteUSB(RTTHREAD self, void *pvUser) { ConsoleVRDPServer *pOwner = (ConsoleVRDPServer *)pvUser; LogFlow(("Console::threadRemoteUSB: start. owner = %p.\n", pOwner)); pOwner->notifyRemoteUSBThreadRunning(self); while (pOwner->isRemoteUSBThreadRunning()) { RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend = NULL; while ((pRemoteUSBBackend = pOwner->usbBackendGetNext(pRemoteUSBBackend)) != NULL) { pRemoteUSBBackend->PollRemoteDevices(); } pOwner->waitRemoteUSBThreadEvent(VRDP_DEVICE_LIST_PERIOD_MS); LogFlow(("Console::threadRemoteUSB: iteration. owner = %p.\n", pOwner)); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } void ConsoleVRDPServer::notifyRemoteUSBThreadRunning(RTTHREAD thread) { mUSBBackends.thread = thread; mUSBBackends.fThreadRunning = true; int rc = RTThreadUserSignal(thread); AssertRC(rc); } bool ConsoleVRDPServer::isRemoteUSBThreadRunning(void) { return mUSBBackends.fThreadRunning; } void ConsoleVRDPServer::waitRemoteUSBThreadEvent(RTMSINTERVAL cMillies) { int rc = RTSemEventWait(mUSBBackends.event, cMillies); Assert(RT_SUCCESS(rc) || rc == VERR_TIMEOUT); NOREF(rc); } void ConsoleVRDPServer::remoteUSBThreadStart(void) { int rc = RTSemEventCreate(&mUSBBackends.event); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { AssertFailed(); mUSBBackends.event = 0; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTThreadCreate(&mUSBBackends.thread, threadRemoteUSB, this, 65536, RTTHREADTYPE_VRDP_IO, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "remote usb"); } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("Warning: could not start the remote USB thread, rc = %Rrc!!!\n", rc)); mUSBBackends.thread = NIL_RTTHREAD; } else { /* Wait until the thread is ready. */ rc = RTThreadUserWait(mUSBBackends.thread, 60000); AssertRC(rc); Assert (mUSBBackends.fThreadRunning || RT_FAILURE(rc)); } } void ConsoleVRDPServer::remoteUSBThreadStop(void) { mUSBBackends.fThreadRunning = false; if (mUSBBackends.thread != NIL_RTTHREAD) { Assert (mUSBBackends.event != 0); RTSemEventSignal(mUSBBackends.event); int rc = RTThreadWait(mUSBBackends.thread, 60000, NULL); AssertRC(rc); mUSBBackends.thread = NIL_RTTHREAD; } if (mUSBBackends.event) { RTSemEventDestroy(mUSBBackends.event); mUSBBackends.event = 0; } } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_USB */ VRDPAuthResult ConsoleVRDPServer::Authenticate(const Guid &uuid, VRDPAuthGuestJudgement guestJudgement, const char *pszUser, const char *pszPassword, const char *pszDomain, uint32_t u32ClientId) { VRDPAUTHUUID rawuuid; memcpy(rawuuid, uuid.raw(), sizeof(rawuuid)); LogFlow(("ConsoleVRDPServer::Authenticate: uuid = %RTuuid, guestJudgement = %d, pszUser = %s, pszPassword = %s, pszDomain = %s, u32ClientId = %d\n", rawuuid, guestJudgement, pszUser, pszPassword, pszDomain, u32ClientId)); /* * Called only from VRDP input thread. So thread safety is not required. */ if (!mAuthLibrary) { /* Load the external authentication library. */ ComPtr machine; mConsole->COMGETTER(Machine)(machine.asOutParam()); ComPtr virtualBox; machine->COMGETTER(Parent)(virtualBox.asOutParam()); ComPtr systemProperties; virtualBox->COMGETTER(SystemProperties)(systemProperties.asOutParam()); Bstr authLibrary; systemProperties->COMGETTER(VRDEAuthLibrary)(authLibrary.asOutParam()); Utf8Str filename = authLibrary; LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: ConsoleVRDPServer::Authenticate: loading external authentication library '%ls'\n", authLibrary.raw())); int rc; if (RTPathHavePath(filename.c_str())) rc = RTLdrLoad(filename.c_str(), &mAuthLibrary); else rc = RTLdrLoadAppPriv(filename.c_str(), &mAuthLibrary); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Failed to load external authentication library. Error code: %Rrc\n", rc)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Get the entry point. */ mpfnAuthEntry2 = NULL; int rc2 = RTLdrGetSymbol(mAuthLibrary, "VRDPAuth2", (void**)&mpfnAuthEntry2); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) { if (rc2 != VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND) { LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Could not resolve import '%s'. Error code: %Rrc\n", "VRDPAuth2", rc2)); } rc = rc2; } /* Get the entry point. */ mpfnAuthEntry = NULL; rc2 = RTLdrGetSymbol(mAuthLibrary, "VRDPAuth", (void**)&mpfnAuthEntry); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) { if (rc2 != VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND) { LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Could not resolve import '%s'. Error code: %Rrc\n", "VRDPAuth", rc2)); } rc = rc2; } if (mpfnAuthEntry2 || mpfnAuthEntry) { LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: Using entry point '%s'.\n", mpfnAuthEntry2? "VRDPAuth2": "VRDPAuth")); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { mConsole->setError(E_FAIL, mConsole->tr("Could not load the external authentication library '%s' (%Rrc)"), filename.c_str(), rc); mpfnAuthEntry = NULL; mpfnAuthEntry2 = NULL; if (mAuthLibrary) { RTLdrClose(mAuthLibrary); mAuthLibrary = 0; } return VRDPAuthAccessDenied; } } Assert(mAuthLibrary && (mpfnAuthEntry || mpfnAuthEntry2)); VRDPAuthResult result = mpfnAuthEntry2? mpfnAuthEntry2(&rawuuid, guestJudgement, pszUser, pszPassword, pszDomain, true, u32ClientId): mpfnAuthEntry(&rawuuid, guestJudgement, pszUser, pszPassword, pszDomain); switch (result) { case VRDPAuthAccessDenied: LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: external authentication module returned 'access denied'\n")); break; case VRDPAuthAccessGranted: LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: external authentication module returned 'access granted'\n")); break; case VRDPAuthDelegateToGuest: LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: external authentication module returned 'delegate request to guest'\n")); break; default: LogRel(("VRDPAUTH: external authentication module returned incorrect return code %d\n", result)); result = VRDPAuthAccessDenied; } LogFlow(("ConsoleVRDPServer::Authenticate: result = %d\n", result)); return result; } void ConsoleVRDPServer::AuthDisconnect(const Guid &uuid, uint32_t u32ClientId) { VRDPAUTHUUID rawuuid; memcpy(rawuuid, uuid.raw(), sizeof(rawuuid)); LogFlow(("ConsoleVRDPServer::AuthDisconnect: uuid = %RTuuid, u32ClientId = %d\n", rawuuid, u32ClientId)); Assert(mAuthLibrary && (mpfnAuthEntry || mpfnAuthEntry2)); if (mpfnAuthEntry2) mpfnAuthEntry2(&rawuuid, VRDPAuthGuestNotAsked, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, u32ClientId); } int ConsoleVRDPServer::lockConsoleVRDPServer(void) { int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&mCritSect); AssertRC(rc); return rc; } void ConsoleVRDPServer::unlockConsoleVRDPServer(void) { RTCritSectLeave(&mCritSect); } DECLCALLBACK(int) ConsoleVRDPServer::ClipboardCallback(void *pvCallback, uint32_t u32ClientId, uint32_t u32Function, uint32_t u32Format, const void *pvData, uint32_t cbData) { LogFlowFunc(("pvCallback = %p, u32ClientId = %d, u32Function = %d, u32Format = 0x%08X, pvData = %p, cbData = %d\n", pvCallback, u32ClientId, u32Function, u32Format, pvData, cbData)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; ConsoleVRDPServer *pServer = static_cast (pvCallback); NOREF(u32ClientId); switch (u32Function) { case VRDE_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTION_FORMAT_ANNOUNCE: { if (pServer->mpfnClipboardCallback) { pServer->mpfnClipboardCallback(VBOX_CLIPBOARD_EXT_FN_FORMAT_ANNOUNCE, u32Format, (void *)pvData, cbData); } } break; case VRDE_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTION_DATA_READ: { if (pServer->mpfnClipboardCallback) { pServer->mpfnClipboardCallback(VBOX_CLIPBOARD_EXT_FN_DATA_READ, u32Format, (void *)pvData, cbData); } } break; default: rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return rc; } DECLCALLBACK(int) ConsoleVRDPServer::ClipboardServiceExtension(void *pvExtension, uint32_t u32Function, void *pvParms, uint32_t cbParms) { LogFlowFunc(("pvExtension = %p, u32Function = %d, pvParms = %p, cbParms = %d\n", pvExtension, u32Function, pvParms, cbParms)); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP ConsoleVRDPServer *pServer = static_cast (pvExtension); VBOXCLIPBOARDEXTPARMS *pParms = (VBOXCLIPBOARDEXTPARMS *)pvParms; switch (u32Function) { case VBOX_CLIPBOARD_EXT_FN_SET_CALLBACK: { pServer->mpfnClipboardCallback = pParms->u.pfnCallback; } break; case VBOX_CLIPBOARD_EXT_FN_FORMAT_ANNOUNCE: { /* The guest announces clipboard formats. This must be delivered to all clients. */ if (mpEntryPoints && pServer->mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEClipboard(pServer->mhServer, VRDE_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTION_FORMAT_ANNOUNCE, pParms->u32Format, NULL, 0, NULL); } } break; case VBOX_CLIPBOARD_EXT_FN_DATA_READ: { /* The clipboard service expects that the pvData buffer will be filled * with clipboard data. The server returns the data from the client that * announced the requested format most recently. */ if (mpEntryPoints && pServer->mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEClipboard(pServer->mhServer, VRDE_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTION_DATA_READ, pParms->u32Format, pParms->u.pvData, pParms->cbData, &pParms->cbData); } } break; case VBOX_CLIPBOARD_EXT_FN_DATA_WRITE: { if (mpEntryPoints && pServer->mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEClipboard(pServer->mhServer, VRDE_CLIPBOARD_FUNCTION_DATA_WRITE, pParms->u32Format, pParms->u.pvData, pParms->cbData, NULL); } } break; default: rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ return rc; } void ConsoleVRDPServer::ClipboardCreate(uint32_t u32ClientId) { int rc = lockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (mcClipboardRefs == 0) { rc = HGCMHostRegisterServiceExtension(&mhClipboard, "VBoxSharedClipboard", ClipboardServiceExtension, this); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { mcClipboardRefs++; } } unlockConsoleVRDPServer(); } } void ConsoleVRDPServer::ClipboardDelete(uint32_t u32ClientId) { int rc = lockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { mcClipboardRefs--; if (mcClipboardRefs == 0) { HGCMHostUnregisterServiceExtension(mhClipboard); } unlockConsoleVRDPServer(); } } /* That is called on INPUT thread of the VRDP server. * The ConsoleVRDPServer keeps a list of created backend instances. */ void ConsoleVRDPServer::USBBackendCreate(uint32_t u32ClientId, void **ppvIntercept) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB LogFlow(("ConsoleVRDPServer::USBBackendCreate: u32ClientId = %d\n", u32ClientId)); /* Create a new instance of the USB backend for the new client. */ RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend = new RemoteUSBBackend(mConsole, this, u32ClientId); if (pRemoteUSBBackend) { pRemoteUSBBackend->AddRef(); /* 'Release' called in USBBackendDelete. */ /* Append the new instance in the list. */ int rc = lockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext = mUSBBackends.pHead; if (mUSBBackends.pHead) { mUSBBackends.pHead->pPrev = pRemoteUSBBackend; } else { mUSBBackends.pTail = pRemoteUSBBackend; } mUSBBackends.pHead = pRemoteUSBBackend; unlockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (ppvIntercept) { *ppvIntercept = pRemoteUSBBackend; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { pRemoteUSBBackend->Release(); } } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_USB */ } void ConsoleVRDPServer::USBBackendDelete(uint32_t u32ClientId) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB LogFlow(("ConsoleVRDPServer::USBBackendDelete: u32ClientId = %d\n", u32ClientId)); RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend = NULL; /* Find the instance. */ int rc = lockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pRemoteUSBBackend = usbBackendFind(u32ClientId); if (pRemoteUSBBackend) { /* Notify that it will be deleted. */ pRemoteUSBBackend->NotifyDelete(); } unlockConsoleVRDPServer(); } if (pRemoteUSBBackend) { /* Here the instance has been excluded from the list and can be dereferenced. */ pRemoteUSBBackend->Release(); } #endif } void *ConsoleVRDPServer::USBBackendRequestPointer(uint32_t u32ClientId, const Guid *pGuid) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend = NULL; /* Find the instance. */ int rc = lockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pRemoteUSBBackend = usbBackendFind(u32ClientId); if (pRemoteUSBBackend) { /* Inform the backend instance that it is referenced by the Guid. */ bool fAdded = pRemoteUSBBackend->addUUID(pGuid); if (fAdded) { /* Reference the instance because its pointer is being taken. */ pRemoteUSBBackend->AddRef(); /* 'Release' is called in USBBackendReleasePointer. */ } else { pRemoteUSBBackend = NULL; } } unlockConsoleVRDPServer(); } if (pRemoteUSBBackend) { return pRemoteUSBBackend->GetBackendCallbackPointer(); } #endif return NULL; } void ConsoleVRDPServer::USBBackendReleasePointer(const Guid *pGuid) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend = NULL; /* Find the instance. */ int rc = lockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pRemoteUSBBackend = usbBackendFindByUUID(pGuid); if (pRemoteUSBBackend) { pRemoteUSBBackend->removeUUID(pGuid); } unlockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (pRemoteUSBBackend) { pRemoteUSBBackend->Release(); } } #endif } RemoteUSBBackend *ConsoleVRDPServer::usbBackendGetNext(RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend) { LogFlow(("ConsoleVRDPServer::usbBackendGetNext: pBackend = %p\n", pRemoteUSBBackend)); RemoteUSBBackend *pNextRemoteUSBBackend = NULL; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB int rc = lockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pRemoteUSBBackend == NULL) { /* The first backend in the list is requested. */ pNextRemoteUSBBackend = mUSBBackends.pHead; } else { /* Get pointer to the next backend. */ pNextRemoteUSBBackend = (RemoteUSBBackend *)pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext; } if (pNextRemoteUSBBackend) { pNextRemoteUSBBackend->AddRef(); } unlockConsoleVRDPServer(); if (pRemoteUSBBackend) { pRemoteUSBBackend->Release(); } } #endif return pNextRemoteUSBBackend; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB /* Internal method. Called under the ConsoleVRDPServerLock. */ RemoteUSBBackend *ConsoleVRDPServer::usbBackendFind(uint32_t u32ClientId) { RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend = mUSBBackends.pHead; while (pRemoteUSBBackend) { if (pRemoteUSBBackend->ClientId() == u32ClientId) { break; } pRemoteUSBBackend = (RemoteUSBBackend *)pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext; } return pRemoteUSBBackend; } /* Internal method. Called under the ConsoleVRDPServerLock. */ RemoteUSBBackend *ConsoleVRDPServer::usbBackendFindByUUID(const Guid *pGuid) { RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend = mUSBBackends.pHead; while (pRemoteUSBBackend) { if (pRemoteUSBBackend->findUUID(pGuid)) { break; } pRemoteUSBBackend = (RemoteUSBBackend *)pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext; } return pRemoteUSBBackend; } #endif /* Internal method. Called by the backend destructor. */ void ConsoleVRDPServer::usbBackendRemoveFromList(RemoteUSBBackend *pRemoteUSBBackend) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_USB int rc = lockConsoleVRDPServer(); AssertRC(rc); /* Exclude the found instance from the list. */ if (pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext) { pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext->pPrev = pRemoteUSBBackend->pPrev; } else { mUSBBackends.pTail = (RemoteUSBBackend *)pRemoteUSBBackend->pPrev; } if (pRemoteUSBBackend->pPrev) { pRemoteUSBBackend->pPrev->pNext = pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext; } else { mUSBBackends.pHead = (RemoteUSBBackend *)pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext; } pRemoteUSBBackend->pNext = pRemoteUSBBackend->pPrev = NULL; unlockConsoleVRDPServer(); #endif } void ConsoleVRDPServer::SendUpdate(unsigned uScreenId, void *pvUpdate, uint32_t cbUpdate) const { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEUpdate(mhServer, uScreenId, pvUpdate, cbUpdate); } #endif } void ConsoleVRDPServer::SendResize(void) const { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEResize(mhServer); } #endif } void ConsoleVRDPServer::SendUpdateBitmap(unsigned uScreenId, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) const { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP VRDEORDERHDR update; update.x = x; update.y = y; update.w = w; update.h = h; if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEUpdate(mhServer, uScreenId, &update, sizeof(update)); } #endif } void ConsoleVRDPServer::SendAudioSamples(void *pvSamples, uint32_t cSamples, VRDEAUDIOFORMAT format) const { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEAudioSamples(mhServer, pvSamples, cSamples, format); } #endif } void ConsoleVRDPServer::SendAudioVolume(uint16_t left, uint16_t right) const { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEAudioVolume(mhServer, left, right); } #endif } void ConsoleVRDPServer::SendUSBRequest(uint32_t u32ClientId, void *pvParms, uint32_t cbParms) const { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEUSBRequest(mhServer, u32ClientId, pvParms, cbParms); } #endif } void ConsoleVRDPServer::QueryInfo(uint32_t index, void *pvBuffer, uint32_t cbBuffer, uint32_t *pcbOut) const { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP if (index == VRDE_QI_PORT) { uint32_t cbOut = sizeof(int32_t); if (cbBuffer >= cbOut) { *pcbOut = cbOut; *(int32_t *)pvBuffer = (int32_t)mVRDPBindPort; } } else if (mpEntryPoints && mhServer) { mpEntryPoints->VRDEQueryInfo(mhServer, index, pvBuffer, cbBuffer, pcbOut); } #endif } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_VRDP /* static */ int ConsoleVRDPServer::loadVRDPLibrary(const char *pszLibraryName) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (!mVRDPLibrary) { rc = SUPR3HardenedLdrLoadAppPriv(pszLibraryName, &mVRDPLibrary); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { struct SymbolEntry { const char *name; void **ppfn; }; #define DEFSYMENTRY(a) { #a, (void**)&mpfn##a } static const struct SymbolEntry symbols[] = { DEFSYMENTRY(VRDECreateServer) }; #undef DEFSYMENTRY for (unsigned i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(symbols); i++) { rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(mVRDPLibrary, symbols[i].name, symbols[i].ppfn); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("VRDE: Error resolving symbol '%s', rc %Rrc.\n", symbols[i].name, rc)); break; } } } else { if (rc != VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { LogRel(("VRDE: Error loading the library '%s' rc = %Rrc.\n", pszLibraryName, rc)); } mVRDPLibrary = NULL; } } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (mVRDPLibrary) { RTLdrClose(mVRDPLibrary); mVRDPLibrary = NULL; } } return rc; } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_VRDP */ /* * IVRDEServerInfo implementation. */ // constructor / destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VRDEServerInfo::VRDEServerInfo() : mParent(NULL) { } VRDEServerInfo::~VRDEServerInfo() { } HRESULT VRDEServerInfo::FinalConstruct() { return S_OK; } void VRDEServerInfo::FinalRelease() { uninit(); } // public methods only for internal purposes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initializes the guest object. */ HRESULT VRDEServerInfo::init(Console *aParent) { LogFlowThisFunc(("aParent=%p\n", aParent)); ComAssertRet(aParent, E_INVALIDARG); /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); unconst(mParent) = aParent; /* Confirm a successful initialization */ autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); return S_OK; } /** * Uninitializes the instance and sets the ready flag to FALSE. * Called either from FinalRelease() or by the parent when it gets destroyed. */ void VRDEServerInfo::uninit() { LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); /* Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady */ AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this); if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) return; unconst(mParent) = NULL; } // IVRDEServerInfo properties ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define IMPL_GETTER_BOOL(_aType, _aName, _aIndex) \ STDMETHODIMP VRDEServerInfo::COMGETTER(_aName)(_aType *a##_aName) \ { \ if (!a##_aName) \ return E_POINTER; \ \ AutoCaller autoCaller(this); \ if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); \ \ /* todo: Not sure if a AutoReadLock would be sufficient. */ \ AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); \ \ uint32_t value; \ uint32_t cbOut = 0; \ \ mParent->consoleVRDPServer()->QueryInfo \ (_aIndex, &value, sizeof(value), &cbOut); \ \ *a##_aName = cbOut? !!value: FALSE; \ \ return S_OK; \ } \ extern void IMPL_GETTER_BOOL_DUMMY(void) #define IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR(_aType, _aName, _aIndex, _aValueMask) \ STDMETHODIMP VRDEServerInfo::COMGETTER(_aName)(_aType *a##_aName) \ { \ if (!a##_aName) \ return E_POINTER; \ \ AutoCaller autoCaller(this); \ if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); \ \ /* todo: Not sure if a AutoReadLock would be sufficient. */ \ AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); \ \ _aType value; \ uint32_t cbOut = 0; \ \ mParent->consoleVRDPServer()->QueryInfo \ (_aIndex, &value, sizeof(value), &cbOut); \ \ if (_aValueMask) value &= (_aValueMask); \ *a##_aName = cbOut? value: 0; \ \ return S_OK; \ } \ extern void IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR_DUMMY(void) #define IMPL_GETTER_BSTR(_aType, _aName, _aIndex) \ STDMETHODIMP VRDEServerInfo::COMGETTER(_aName)(_aType *a##_aName) \ { \ if (!a##_aName) \ return E_POINTER; \ \ AutoCaller autoCaller(this); \ if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); \ \ /* todo: Not sure if a AutoReadLock would be sufficient. */ \ AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); \ \ uint32_t cbOut = 0; \ \ mParent->consoleVRDPServer()->QueryInfo \ (_aIndex, NULL, 0, &cbOut); \ \ if (cbOut == 0) \ { \ Bstr str(""); \ str.cloneTo(a##_aName); \ return S_OK; \ } \ \ char *pchBuffer = (char *)RTMemTmpAlloc(cbOut); \ \ if (!pchBuffer) \ { \ Log(("VRDEServerInfo::" \ #_aName \ ": Failed to allocate memory %d bytes\n", cbOut)); \ return E_OUTOFMEMORY; \ } \ \ mParent->consoleVRDPServer()->QueryInfo \ (_aIndex, pchBuffer, cbOut, &cbOut); \ \ Bstr str(pchBuffer); \ \ str.cloneTo(a##_aName); \ \ RTMemTmpFree(pchBuffer); \ \ return S_OK; \ } \ extern void IMPL_GETTER_BSTR_DUMMY(void) IMPL_GETTER_BOOL (BOOL, Active, VRDE_QI_ACTIVE); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (LONG, Port, VRDE_QI_PORT, 0); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (ULONG, NumberOfClients, VRDE_QI_NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS, 0); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (LONG64, BeginTime, VRDE_QI_BEGIN_TIME, 0); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (LONG64, EndTime, VRDE_QI_END_TIME, 0); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (LONG64, BytesSent, VRDE_QI_BYTES_SENT, INT64_MAX); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (LONG64, BytesSentTotal, VRDE_QI_BYTES_SENT_TOTAL, INT64_MAX); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (LONG64, BytesReceived, VRDE_QI_BYTES_RECEIVED, INT64_MAX); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (LONG64, BytesReceivedTotal, VRDE_QI_BYTES_RECEIVED_TOTAL, INT64_MAX); IMPL_GETTER_BSTR (BSTR, User, VRDE_QI_USER); IMPL_GETTER_BSTR (BSTR, Domain, VRDE_QI_DOMAIN); IMPL_GETTER_BSTR (BSTR, ClientName, VRDE_QI_CLIENT_NAME); IMPL_GETTER_BSTR (BSTR, ClientIP, VRDE_QI_CLIENT_IP); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (ULONG, ClientVersion, VRDE_QI_CLIENT_VERSION, 0); IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR (ULONG, EncryptionStyle, VRDE_QI_ENCRYPTION_STYLE, 0); #undef IMPL_GETTER_BSTR #undef IMPL_GETTER_SCALAR #undef IMPL_GETTER_BOOL /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */