/* $Id: GuestImpl.cpp 33696 2010-11-02 15:37:54Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include "GuestImpl.h" #include "Global.h" #include "ConsoleImpl.h" #include "ProgressImpl.h" #include "VMMDev.h" #include "AutoCaller.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // defines ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor / destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (Guest) struct Guest::TaskGuest { enum TaskType { /** Update Guest Additions by directly copying the required installer * off the .ISO file, transfer it to the guest and execute the installer * with system priviledges. */ UpdateGuestAdditions = 100 }; TaskGuest(TaskType aTaskType, Guest *aThat, Progress *aProgress) : taskType(aTaskType), pGuest(aThat), progress(aProgress), rc(S_OK) {} ~TaskGuest() {} int startThread(); static int taskThread(RTTHREAD aThread, void *pvUser); static int uploadProgress(unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser); TaskType taskType; Guest *pGuest; ComObjPtr progress; HRESULT rc; /* Task data. */ Utf8Str strSource; }; int Guest::TaskGuest::startThread() { int vrc = RTThreadCreate(NULL, Guest::TaskGuest::taskThread, this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_HEAVY_WORKER, 0, "Guest::Task"); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) return Guest::setErrorStatic(E_FAIL, Utf8StrFmt("Could not create taskThreadGuest (%Rrc)\n", vrc)); return vrc; } /* static */ DECLCALLBACK(int) Guest::TaskGuest::taskThread(RTTHREAD /* aThread */, void *pvUser) { std::auto_ptr task(static_cast(pvUser)); AssertReturn(task.get(), VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE); Guest *pGuest = task->pGuest; LogFlowFuncEnter(); LogFlowFunc(("Guest %p\n", pGuest)); HRESULT rc = S_OK; switch (task->taskType) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL case TaskGuest::UpdateGuestAdditions: { rc = pGuest->taskUpdateGuestAdditions(task.get()); break; } #endif default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid task type %u specified!\n", task->taskType)); break; } LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rhrc\n", rc)); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* static */ int Guest::TaskGuest::uploadProgress(unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser) { Guest::TaskGuest *pTask = *(Guest::TaskGuest**)pvUser; if (pTask && !pTask->progress.isNull()) { BOOL fCanceled; pTask->progress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled); if (fCanceled) return -1; pTask->progress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(uPercent); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL HRESULT Guest::taskUpdateGuestAdditions(TaskGuest *aTask) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); /* * Do *not* take a write lock here since we don't (and won't) * touch any class-specific data (of IGuest) here - only the member functions * which get called here can do that. */ HRESULT rc = S_OK; try { Guest *pGuest = aTask->pGuest; AssertPtr(pGuest); if (aTask->progress) aTask->progress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(10); bool fIsWindows = false; Utf8Str osType = pGuest->mData.mOSTypeId; if ( osType.contains("Microsoft", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive) || osType.contains("Windows", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)) { fIsWindows = true; /* We have a Windows guest. */ } else /* Everything else is not supported (yet). */ throw setError(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, tr("Guest OS not supported for automatic Guest Additions updating")); /* * Determine guest type to know which installer stuff * we need. At the moment only Windows guests are supported. */ Utf8Str installerImage; if (fIsWindows) { if (osType.contains("64", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)) installerImage = "VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS_AMD64.EXE"; else installerImage = "VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS_X86.EXE"; /* Since the installers are located in the root directory, * no further path processing needs to be done (yet). */ } Assert(!installerImage.isEmpty()); /* * Try to open the .ISO file and locate the specified installer. */ RTISOFSFILE iso; int vrc = RTIsoFsOpen(&iso, aTask->strSource.c_str()); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = setError(VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR, tr("Invalid installation medium detected")); } else { uint32_t cbOffset; size_t cbLength; vrc = RTIsoFsGetFileInfo(&iso, installerImage.c_str(), &cbOffset, &cbLength); if ( RT_SUCCESS(vrc) && cbOffset && cbLength) { vrc = RTFileSeek(iso.file, cbOffset, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL); } /* Specify the ouput path on the guest side. */ Utf8Str strInstallerPath = "%TEMP%\\VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe"; if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { switch (vrc) { case VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Setup file was not found on installation medium")); break; default: rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("An unknown error occured (%Rrc)"), vrc); break; } } else { /* Okay, we're ready to start our copy routine on the guest! */ if (aTask->progress) aTask->progress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(15); /* Prepare command line args. */ com::SafeArray args; com::SafeArray env; args.push_back(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw()); /* The actual (internal) tool to use (as argv[0]). */ args.push_back(Bstr("--output").raw()); /* We want to write a file ... */ args.push_back(Bstr(strInstallerPath.c_str()).raw()); /* ... with this path. */ if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ComPtr progressCopy; ULONG uPID; /* * Start built-in "vbox_cat" tool (inside VBoxService) to * copy over/pipe the data into a file on the guest (with * system rights, no username/password specified). */ rc = pGuest->executeProcessInternal(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw(), ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(args), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(env), Bstr("").raw() /* Username */, Bstr("").raw() /* Password */, 10 * 1000 /* Wait 10s for getting the process started */, &uPID, progressCopy.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (aTask->progress) aTask->progress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(20); /* Wait for process to exit ... */ BOOL fCompleted = FALSE; BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; size_t cbRead; size_t cbToRead; SafeArray aInputData(_64K); while ( SUCCEEDED(progressCopy->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { /* cbLength contains remaining bytes of our installer file * opened above to read. */ cbToRead = RT_MIN(cbLength, _64K); if (cbToRead) { vrc = RTFileRead(iso.file, (uint8_t*)aInputData.raw(), cbToRead, &cbRead); if ( cbRead && RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* Did we reach the end of the content * we want to transfer (last chunk)? */ ULONG uFlags = ProcessInputFlag_None; if (cbRead < _64K) { uFlags |= ProcessInputFlag_EndOfFile; if (cbRead > 0) /* Don't allow an empty array! */ aInputData.resize(cbRead); /* Adjust array size (less than 64K read). */ } /* Transfer the current chunk ... */ ULONG uBytesWritten; rc = SetProcessInput(uPID, uFlags, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aInputData), &uBytesWritten); if (FAILED(rc)) break; Assert(cbLength >= uBytesWritten); cbLength -= uBytesWritten; /* Progress canceled by Main API? */ if ( SUCCEEDED(progressCopy->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { break; } } } } } } } RTIsoFsClose(&iso); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* * Installer was transferred successfully, so let's start it * (with system rights). */ if (aTask->progress) aTask->progress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(66); /* Prepare command line args for installer. */ com::SafeArray installerArgs; com::SafeArray installerEnv; /** @todo Only Windows! */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr(strInstallerPath).raw()); /* The actual (internal) installer image (as argv[0]). */ /* Note that starting at Windows Vista the lovely session 0 separation applies: * This means that if we run an application with the profile/security context * of VBoxService (system rights!) we're not able to show any UI. */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr("/S").raw()); /* We want to install in silent mode. */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr("/l").raw()); /* ... and logging enabled. */ /* Don't quit VBoxService during upgrade because it still is used for this * piece of code we're in right now (that is, here!) ... */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr("/no_vboxservice_exit").raw()); /* * Start the just copied over installer with system rights * in silent mode on the guest. */ ComPtr progressInstaller; ULONG uPID; rc = pGuest->executeProcessInternal(Bstr(strInstallerPath).raw(), ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(installerArgs), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(installerEnv), Bstr("").raw() /* Username */, Bstr("").raw() /* Password */, 10 * 1000 /* Wait 10s for getting the process started */, &uPID, progressInstaller.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* Nothing yet. */ } } } } catch(HRESULT aRC) { rc = aRC; } /* Clean up */ if (aTask->progress) aTask->progress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(99); /* Assign data. */ if (rc == S_OK) { } aTask->rc = rc; if (!aTask->progress.isNull()) aTask->progress->notifyComplete(rc); LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rhrc\n", rc)); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif HRESULT Guest::FinalConstruct() { return S_OK; } void Guest::FinalRelease() { uninit (); } // public methods only for internal purposes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Initializes the guest object. */ HRESULT Guest::init(Console *aParent) { LogFlowThisFunc(("aParent=%p\n", aParent)); ComAssertRet(aParent, E_INVALIDARG); /* Enclose the state transition NotReady->InInit->Ready */ AutoInitSpan autoInitSpan(this); AssertReturn(autoInitSpan.isOk(), E_FAIL); unconst(mParent) = aParent; /* Confirm a successful initialization when it's the case */ autoInitSpan.setSucceeded(); ULONG aMemoryBalloonSize; HRESULT ret = mParent->machine()->COMGETTER(MemoryBalloonSize)(&aMemoryBalloonSize); if (ret == S_OK) mMemoryBalloonSize = aMemoryBalloonSize; else mMemoryBalloonSize = 0; /* Default is no ballooning */ BOOL fPageFusionEnabled; ret = mParent->machine()->COMGETTER(PageFusionEnabled)(&fPageFusionEnabled); if (ret == S_OK) mfPageFusionEnabled = fPageFusionEnabled; else mfPageFusionEnabled = false; /* Default is no page fusion*/ mStatUpdateInterval = 0; /* Default is not to report guest statistics at all */ /* Clear statistics. */ for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < GUESTSTATTYPE_MAX; i++) mCurrentGuestStat[i] = 0; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL /* Init the context ID counter at 1000. */ mNextContextID = 1000; #endif return S_OK; } /** * Uninitializes the instance and sets the ready flag to FALSE. * Called either from FinalRelease() or by the parent when it gets destroyed. */ void Guest::uninit() { LogFlowThisFunc(("\n")); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL /* Scope write lock as much as possible. */ { /* * Cleanup must be done *before* AutoUninitSpan to cancel all * all outstanding waits in API functions (which hold AutoCaller * ref counts). */ AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* Clean up callback data. */ CallbackMapIter it; for (it = mCallbackMap.begin(); it != mCallbackMap.end(); it++) destroyCtrlCallbackContext(it); /* Clear process map. */ mGuestProcessMap.clear(); } #endif /* Enclose the state transition Ready->InUninit->NotReady */ AutoUninitSpan autoUninitSpan(this); if (autoUninitSpan.uninitDone()) return; unconst(mParent) = NULL; } // IGuest properties ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMGETTER(OSTypeId) (BSTR *aOSTypeId) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aOSTypeId); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); // redirect the call to IMachine if no additions are installed if (mData.mAdditionsVersion.isEmpty()) return mParent->machine()->COMGETTER(OSTypeId)(aOSTypeId); mData.mOSTypeId.cloneTo(aOSTypeId); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMGETTER(AdditionsRunLevel) (AdditionsRunLevelType_T *aRunLevel) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aRunLevel = mData.mAdditionsRunLevel; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMGETTER(AdditionsVersion) (BSTR *aAdditionsVersion) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aAdditionsVersion); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( mData.mAdditionsVersion.isEmpty() /* Only try alternative way if GA are active! */ && mData.mAdditionsRunLevel > AdditionsRunLevelType_None) { /* * If we got back an empty string from GetAdditionsVersion() we either * really don't have the Guest Additions version yet or the guest is running * older Guest Additions (< 3.2.0) which don't provide VMMDevReq_ReportGuestInfo2, * so get the version + revision from the (hopefully) provided guest properties * instead. */ Bstr addVersion; LONG64 u64Timestamp; Bstr flags; hr = mParent->machine()->GetGuestProperty(Bstr("/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/Version").raw(), addVersion.asOutParam(), &u64Timestamp, flags.asOutParam()); if (hr == S_OK) { Bstr addRevision; hr = mParent->machine()->GetGuestProperty(Bstr("/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/Revision").raw(), addRevision.asOutParam(), &u64Timestamp, flags.asOutParam()); if ( hr == S_OK && !addVersion.isEmpty() && !addRevision.isEmpty()) { /* Some Guest Additions versions had interchanged version + revision values, * so check if the version value at least has a dot to identify it and change * both values to reflect the right content. */ if (!Utf8Str(addVersion).contains(".")) { Bstr addTemp = addVersion; addVersion = addRevision; addRevision = addTemp; } Bstr additionsVersion = BstrFmt("%ls r%ls", addVersion.raw(), addRevision.raw()); additionsVersion.cloneTo(aAdditionsVersion); } /** @todo r=bird: else: Should not return failure! */ } else { /* If getting the version + revision above fails or they simply aren't there * because of *really* old Guest Additions we only can report the interface * version to at least have something. */ mData.mInterfaceVersion.cloneTo(aAdditionsVersion); /** @todo r=bird: hr is still indicating failure! */ } } else mData.mAdditionsVersion.cloneTo(aAdditionsVersion); return hr; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMGETTER(SupportsSeamless) (BOOL *aSupportsSeamless) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aSupportsSeamless); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aSupportsSeamless = mData.mSupportsSeamless; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMGETTER(SupportsGraphics) (BOOL *aSupportsGraphics) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aSupportsGraphics); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aSupportsGraphics = mData.mSupportsGraphics; return S_OK; } BOOL Guest::isPageFusionEnabled() { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return false; AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mfPageFusionEnabled; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMGETTER(MemoryBalloonSize) (ULONG *aMemoryBalloonSize) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemoryBalloonSize); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aMemoryBalloonSize = mMemoryBalloonSize; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMSETTER(MemoryBalloonSize) (ULONG aMemoryBalloonSize) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* We must be 100% sure that IMachine::COMSETTER(MemoryBalloonSize) * does not call us back in any way! */ HRESULT ret = mParent->machine()->COMSETTER(MemoryBalloonSize)(aMemoryBalloonSize); if (ret == S_OK) { mMemoryBalloonSize = aMemoryBalloonSize; /* forward the information to the VMM device */ VMMDev *pVMMDev = mParent->getVMMDev(); /* MUST release all locks before calling VMM device as its critsect * has higher lock order than anything in Main. */ alock.release(); if (pVMMDev) { PPDMIVMMDEVPORT pVMMDevPort = pVMMDev->getVMMDevPort(); if (pVMMDevPort) pVMMDevPort->pfnSetMemoryBalloon(pVMMDevPort, aMemoryBalloonSize); } } return ret; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMGETTER(StatisticsUpdateInterval)(ULONG *aUpdateInterval) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aUpdateInterval); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aUpdateInterval = mStatUpdateInterval; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::COMSETTER(StatisticsUpdateInterval)(ULONG aUpdateInterval) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); mStatUpdateInterval = aUpdateInterval; /* forward the information to the VMM device */ VMMDev *pVMMDev = mParent->getVMMDev(); /* MUST release all locks before calling VMM device as its critsect * has higher lock order than anything in Main. */ alock.release(); if (pVMMDev) { PPDMIVMMDEVPORT pVMMDevPort = pVMMDev->getVMMDevPort(); if (pVMMDevPort) pVMMDevPort->pfnSetStatisticsInterval(pVMMDevPort, aUpdateInterval); } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::InternalGetStatistics(ULONG *aCpuUser, ULONG *aCpuKernel, ULONG *aCpuIdle, ULONG *aMemTotal, ULONG *aMemFree, ULONG *aMemBalloon, ULONG *aMemShared, ULONG *aMemCache, ULONG *aPageTotal, ULONG *aMemAllocTotal, ULONG *aMemFreeTotal, ULONG *aMemBalloonTotal, ULONG *aMemSharedTotal) { CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aCpuUser); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aCpuKernel); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aCpuIdle); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemTotal); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemFree); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemBalloon); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemShared); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemCache); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aPageTotal); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemAllocTotal); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemFreeTotal); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemBalloonTotal); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aMemSharedTotal); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); *aCpuUser = mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_CPUUSER]; *aCpuKernel = mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_CPUKERNEL]; *aCpuIdle = mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_CPUIDLE]; *aMemTotal = mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_MEMTOTAL] * (_4K/_1K); /* page (4K) -> 1KB units */ *aMemFree = mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_MEMFREE] * (_4K/_1K); /* page (4K) -> 1KB units */ *aMemBalloon = mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_MEMBALLOON] * (_4K/_1K); /* page (4K) -> 1KB units */ *aMemCache = mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_MEMCACHE] * (_4K/_1K); /* page (4K) -> 1KB units */ *aPageTotal = mCurrentGuestStat[GUESTSTATTYPE_PAGETOTAL] * (_4K/_1K); /* page (4K) -> 1KB units */ /* MUST release all locks before calling any PGM statistics queries, * as they are executed by EMT and that might deadlock us by VMM device * activity which waits for the Guest object lock. */ alock.release(); Console::SafeVMPtr pVM (mParent); if (pVM.isOk()) { uint64_t uFreeTotal, uAllocTotal, uBalloonedTotal, uSharedTotal; *aMemFreeTotal = 0; int rc = PGMR3QueryVMMMemoryStats(pVM.raw(), &uAllocTotal, &uFreeTotal, &uBalloonedTotal, &uSharedTotal); AssertRC(rc); if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) { *aMemAllocTotal = (ULONG)(uAllocTotal / _1K); /* bytes -> KB */ *aMemFreeTotal = (ULONG)(uFreeTotal / _1K); *aMemBalloonTotal = (ULONG)(uBalloonedTotal / _1K); *aMemSharedTotal = (ULONG)(uSharedTotal / _1K); } /* Query the missing per-VM memory statistics. */ *aMemShared = 0; uint64_t uTotalMem, uPrivateMem, uSharedMem, uZeroMem; rc = PGMR3QueryMemoryStats(pVM.raw(), &uTotalMem, &uPrivateMem, &uSharedMem, &uZeroMem); if (rc == VINF_SUCCESS) { *aMemShared = (ULONG)(uSharedMem / _1K); } } else { *aMemFreeTotal = 0; *aMemShared = 0; } return S_OK; } HRESULT Guest::setStatistic(ULONG aCpuId, GUESTSTATTYPE enmType, ULONG aVal) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (enmType >= GUESTSTATTYPE_MAX) return E_INVALIDARG; mCurrentGuestStat[enmType] = aVal; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::GetAdditionsStatus(AdditionsRunLevelType_T aLevel, BOOL *aActive) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); HRESULT rc = S_OK; switch (aLevel) { case AdditionsRunLevelType_System: *aActive = (mData.mAdditionsRunLevel > AdditionsRunLevelType_None); break; case AdditionsRunLevelType_Userland: *aActive = (mData.mAdditionsRunLevel >= AdditionsRunLevelType_Userland); break; case AdditionsRunLevelType_Desktop: *aActive = (mData.mAdditionsRunLevel >= AdditionsRunLevelType_Desktop); break; default: rc = setError(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, tr("Invalid status level defined: %u"), aLevel); break; } return rc; } STDMETHODIMP Guest::SetCredentials(IN_BSTR aUserName, IN_BSTR aPassword, IN_BSTR aDomain, BOOL aAllowInteractiveLogon) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); /* forward the information to the VMM device */ VMMDev *pVMMDev = mParent->getVMMDev(); if (pVMMDev) { PPDMIVMMDEVPORT pVMMDevPort = pVMMDev->getVMMDevPort(); if (pVMMDevPort) { uint32_t u32Flags = VMMDEV_SETCREDENTIALS_GUESTLOGON; if (!aAllowInteractiveLogon) u32Flags = VMMDEV_SETCREDENTIALS_NOLOCALLOGON; pVMMDevPort->pfnSetCredentials(pVMMDevPort, Utf8Str(aUserName).c_str(), Utf8Str(aPassword).c_str(), Utf8Str(aDomain).c_str(), u32Flags); return S_OK; } } return setError(VBOX_E_VM_ERROR, tr("VMM device is not available (is the VM running?)")); } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL /** * Appends environment variables to the environment block. * * Each var=value pair is separated by the null character ('\\0'). The whole * block will be stored in one blob and disassembled on the guest side later to * fit into the HGCM param structure. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @param pszEnvVar The environment variable=value to append to the * environment block. * @param ppvList This is actually a pointer to a char pointer * variable which keeps track of the environment block * that we're constructing. * @param pcbList Pointer to the variable holding the current size of * the environment block. (List is a misnomer, go * ahead a be confused.) * @param pcEnvVars Pointer to the variable holding count of variables * stored in the environment block. */ int Guest::prepareExecuteEnv(const char *pszEnv, void **ppvList, uint32_t *pcbList, uint32_t *pcEnvVars) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint32_t cchEnv = strlen(pszEnv); Assert(cchEnv >= 2); if (*ppvList) { uint32_t cbNewLen = *pcbList + cchEnv + 1; /* Include zero termination. */ char *pvTmp = (char *)RTMemRealloc(*ppvList, cbNewLen); if (pvTmp == NULL) rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; else { memcpy(pvTmp + *pcbList, pszEnv, cchEnv); pvTmp[cbNewLen - 1] = '\0'; /* Add zero termination. */ *ppvList = (void **)pvTmp; } } else { char *pszTmp; if (RTStrAPrintf(&pszTmp, "%s", pszEnv) >= 0) { *ppvList = (void **)pszTmp; /* Reset counters. */ *pcEnvVars = 0; *pcbList = 0; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { *pcbList += cchEnv + 1; /* Include zero termination. */ *pcEnvVars += 1; /* Increase env variable count. */ } return rc; } /** * Static callback function for receiving updates on guest control commands * from the guest. Acts as a dispatcher for the actual class instance. * * @returns VBox status code. * * @todo * */ DECLCALLBACK(int) Guest::doGuestCtrlNotification(void *pvExtension, uint32_t u32Function, void *pvParms, uint32_t cbParms) { using namespace guestControl; /* * No locking, as this is purely a notification which does not make any * changes to the object state. */ #ifdef DEBUG_andy LogFlowFunc(("pvExtension = %p, u32Function = %d, pvParms = %p, cbParms = %d\n", pvExtension, u32Function, pvParms, cbParms)); #endif ComObjPtr pGuest = reinterpret_cast(pvExtension); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; switch (u32Function) { case GUEST_DISCONNECTED: { //LogFlowFunc(("GUEST_DISCONNECTED\n")); PCALLBACKDATACLIENTDISCONNECTED pCBData = reinterpret_cast(pvParms); AssertPtr(pCBData); AssertReturn(sizeof(CALLBACKDATACLIENTDISCONNECTED) == cbParms, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(CALLBACKDATAMAGICCLIENTDISCONNECTED == pCBData->hdr.u32Magic, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); rc = pGuest->notifyCtrlClientDisconnected(u32Function, pCBData); break; } case GUEST_EXEC_SEND_STATUS: { //LogFlowFunc(("GUEST_EXEC_SEND_STATUS\n")); PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS pCBData = reinterpret_cast(pvParms); AssertPtr(pCBData); AssertReturn(sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS) == cbParms, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(CALLBACKDATAMAGICEXECSTATUS == pCBData->hdr.u32Magic, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); rc = pGuest->notifyCtrlExecStatus(u32Function, pCBData); break; } case GUEST_EXEC_SEND_OUTPUT: { //LogFlowFunc(("GUEST_EXEC_SEND_OUTPUT\n")); PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT pCBData = reinterpret_cast(pvParms); AssertPtr(pCBData); AssertReturn(sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECOUT) == cbParms, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(CALLBACKDATAMAGICEXECOUT == pCBData->hdr.u32Magic, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); rc = pGuest->notifyCtrlExecOut(u32Function, pCBData); break; } case GUEST_EXEC_SEND_INPUT_STATUS: { //LogFlowFunc(("GUEST_EXEC_SEND_INPUT_STATUS\n")); PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS pCBData = reinterpret_cast(pvParms); AssertPtr(pCBData); AssertReturn(sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS) == cbParms, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertReturn(CALLBACKDATAMAGICEXECINSTATUS == pCBData->hdr.u32Magic, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); rc = pGuest->notifyCtrlExecInStatus(u32Function, pCBData); break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Unknown guest control notification received, u32Function=%u", u32Function)); rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } return rc; } /* Function for handling the execution start/termination notification. */ int Guest::notifyCtrlExecStatus(uint32_t u32Function, PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS pData) { int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); AssertPtr(pData); CallbackMapIter it = getCtrlCallbackContextByID(pData->hdr.u32ContextID); /* Callback can be called several times. */ if (it != mCallbackMap.end()) { PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS pCBData = (PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS)it->second.pvData; AssertPtr(pCBData); pCBData->u32PID = pData->u32PID; pCBData->u32Status = pData->u32Status; pCBData->u32Flags = pData->u32Flags; /** @todo Copy void* buffer contents! */ Utf8Str errMsg; /* Was progress canceled before? */ BOOL fCanceled; ComAssert(!it->second.pProgress.isNull()); if ( SUCCEEDED(it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled)) && !fCanceled) { /* Do progress handling. */ HRESULT hr; switch (pData->u32Status) { case PROC_STS_STARTED: LogRel(("Guest process (PID %u) started\n", pCBData->u32PID)); /** @todo Add process name */ hr = it->second.pProgress->SetNextOperation(Bstr(tr("Waiting for process to exit ...")).raw(), 1 /* Weight */); AssertComRC(hr); break; case PROC_STS_TEN: /* Terminated normally. */ LogRel(("Guest process (PID %u) exited normally\n", pCBData->u32PID)); /** @todo Add process name */ if (!it->second.pProgress->getCompleted()) { hr = it->second.pProgress->notifyComplete(S_OK); AssertComRC(hr); LogFlowFunc(("Process (CID=%u, status=%u) terminated successfully\n", pData->hdr.u32ContextID, pData->u32Status)); } break; case PROC_STS_TEA: /* Terminated abnormally. */ LogRel(("Guest process (PID %u) terminated abnormally with exit code = %u\n", pCBData->u32PID, pCBData->u32Flags)); /** @todo Add process name */ errMsg = Utf8StrFmt(Guest::tr("Process terminated abnormally with status '%u'"), pCBData->u32Flags); break; case PROC_STS_TES: /* Terminated through signal. */ LogRel(("Guest process (PID %u) terminated through signal with exit code = %u\n", pCBData->u32PID, pCBData->u32Flags)); /** @todo Add process name */ errMsg = Utf8StrFmt(Guest::tr("Process terminated via signal with status '%u'"), pCBData->u32Flags); break; case PROC_STS_TOK: LogRel(("Guest process (PID %u) timed out and was killed\n", pCBData->u32PID)); /** @todo Add process name */ errMsg = Utf8StrFmt(Guest::tr("Process timed out and was killed")); break; case PROC_STS_TOA: LogRel(("Guest process (PID %u) timed out and could not be killed\n", pCBData->u32PID)); /** @todo Add process name */ errMsg = Utf8StrFmt(Guest::tr("Process timed out and could not be killed")); break; case PROC_STS_DWN: LogRel(("Guest process (PID %u) killed because system is shutting down\n", pCBData->u32PID)); /** @todo Add process name */ /* * If u32Flags has ExecuteProcessFlag_IgnoreOrphanedProcesses set, we don't report an error to * our progress object. This is helpful for waiters which rely on the success of our progress object * even if the executed process was killed because the system/VBoxService is shutting down. * * In this case u32Flags contains the actual execution flags reached in via Guest::ExecuteProcess(). */ if (pData->u32Flags & ExecuteProcessFlag_IgnoreOrphanedProcesses) { if (!it->second.pProgress->getCompleted()) { hr = it->second.pProgress->notifyComplete(S_OK); AssertComRC(hr); } } else { errMsg = Utf8StrFmt(Guest::tr("Process killed because system is shutting down")); } break; case PROC_STS_ERROR: LogRel(("Guest process (PID %u) could not be started because of rc=%Rrc\n", pCBData->u32PID, pCBData->u32Flags)); /** @todo Add process name */ errMsg = Utf8StrFmt(Guest::tr("Process execution failed with rc=%Rrc"), pCBData->u32Flags); break; default: vrc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } /* Handle process map. */ /** @todo What happens on/deal with PID reuse? */ /** @todo How to deal with multiple updates at once? */ if (pCBData->u32PID > 0) { GuestProcessMapIter it_proc = getProcessByPID(pCBData->u32PID); if (it_proc == mGuestProcessMap.end()) { /* Not found, add to map. */ GuestProcess newProcess; newProcess.mStatus = pCBData->u32Status; newProcess.mExitCode = pCBData->u32Flags; /* Contains exit code. */ newProcess.mFlags = 0; mGuestProcessMap[pCBData->u32PID] = newProcess; } else /* Update map. */ { it_proc->second.mStatus = pCBData->u32Status; it_proc->second.mExitCode = pCBData->u32Flags; /* Contains exit code. */ it_proc->second.mFlags = 0; } } } else errMsg = Utf8StrFmt(Guest::tr("Process execution canceled")); if (!it->second.pProgress->getCompleted()) { if ( errMsg.length() || fCanceled) /* If canceled we have to report E_FAIL! */ { /* Destroy all callbacks which are still waiting on something * which is related to the current PID. */ CallbackMapIter it2; for (it2 = mCallbackMap.begin(); it2 != mCallbackMap.end(); it2++) { switch (it2->second.mType) { case VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_EXEC_START: break; /* When waiting for process output while the process is destroyed, * make sure we also destroy the actual waiting operation (internal progress object) * in order to not block the caller. */ case VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_EXEC_OUTPUT: { PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT pItData = (CALLBACKDATAEXECOUT*)it2->second.pvData; AssertPtr(pItData); if (pItData->u32PID == pCBData->u32PID) destroyCtrlCallbackContext(it2); break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Unknown callback type %d\n", it2->second.mType)); break; } } HRESULT hr2 = it->second.pProgress->notifyComplete(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, COM_IIDOF(IGuest), Guest::getStaticComponentName(), "%s", errMsg.c_str()); AssertComRC(hr2); LogFlowFunc(("Process (CID=%u, status=%u) reported error: %s\n", pData->hdr.u32ContextID, pData->u32Status, errMsg.c_str())); } } } else LogFlowFunc(("Unexpected callback (magic=%u, CID=%u) arrived\n", pData->hdr.u32Magic, pData->hdr.u32ContextID)); LogFlowFunc(("Returned with rc=%Rrc\n", vrc)); return vrc; } /* Function for handling the execution output notification. */ int Guest::notifyCtrlExecOut(uint32_t u32Function, PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT pData) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); AssertPtr(pData); CallbackMapIter it = getCtrlCallbackContextByID(pData->hdr.u32ContextID); if (it != mCallbackMap.end()) { PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT pCBData = (PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT)it->second.pvData; AssertPtr(pCBData); pCBData->u32PID = pData->u32PID; pCBData->u32HandleId = pData->u32HandleId; pCBData->u32Flags = pData->u32Flags; /* Make sure we really got something! */ if ( pData->cbData && pData->pvData) { /* Allocate data buffer and copy it */ pCBData->pvData = RTMemAlloc(pData->cbData); pCBData->cbData = pData->cbData; AssertReturn(pCBData->pvData, VERR_NO_MEMORY); memcpy(pCBData->pvData, pData->pvData, pData->cbData); } else { pCBData->pvData = NULL; pCBData->cbData = 0; } /* Was progress canceled before? */ BOOL fCanceled; ComAssert(!it->second.pProgress.isNull()); if (SUCCEEDED(it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled)) && fCanceled) { it->second.pProgress->notifyComplete(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, COM_IIDOF(IGuest), Guest::getStaticComponentName(), Guest::tr("The output operation was canceled")); } else { BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Completed)(&fCompleted)) && !fCompleted) { /* If we previously got completed notification, don't trigger again. */ it->second.pProgress->notifyComplete(S_OK); } } } else LogFlowFunc(("Unexpected callback (magic=%u, CID=%u) arrived\n", pData->hdr.u32Magic, pData->hdr.u32ContextID)); return rc; } /* Function for handling the execution input status notification. */ int Guest::notifyCtrlExecInStatus(uint32_t u32Function, PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS pData) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); AssertPtr(pData); CallbackMapIter it = getCtrlCallbackContextByID(pData->hdr.u32ContextID); if (it != mCallbackMap.end()) { PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS pCBData = (PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS)it->second.pvData; AssertPtr(pCBData); /* Save bytes processed. */ pCBData->cbProcessed = pData->cbProcessed; /* Was progress canceled before? */ BOOL fCanceled; ComAssert(!it->second.pProgress.isNull()); if (SUCCEEDED(it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled)) && fCanceled) { it->second.pProgress->notifyComplete(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, COM_IIDOF(IGuest), Guest::getStaticComponentName(), Guest::tr("The input operation was canceled")); } else { BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Completed)(&fCompleted)) && !fCompleted) { /* If we previously got completed notification, don't trigger again. */ it->second.pProgress->notifyComplete(S_OK); } } } else LogFlowFunc(("Unexpected callback (magic=%u, CID=%u) arrived\n", pData->hdr.u32Magic, pData->hdr.u32ContextID)); return rc; } int Guest::notifyCtrlClientDisconnected(uint32_t u32Function, PCALLBACKDATACLIENTDISCONNECTED pData) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); CallbackMapIter it = getCtrlCallbackContextByID(pData->hdr.u32ContextID); if (it != mCallbackMap.end()) { LogFlowFunc(("Client with CID=%u disconnected\n", it->first)); destroyCtrlCallbackContext(it); } return rc; } Guest::CallbackMapIter Guest::getCtrlCallbackContextByID(uint32_t u32ContextID) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mCallbackMap.find(u32ContextID); } Guest::GuestProcessMapIter Guest::getProcessByPID(uint32_t u32PID) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); return mGuestProcessMap.find(u32PID); } /* No locking here; */ void Guest::destroyCtrlCallbackContext(Guest::CallbackMapIter it) { LogFlowFunc(("Destroying callback with CID=%u ...\n", it->first)); if (it->second.pvData) { RTMemFree(it->second.pvData); it->second.pvData = NULL; it->second.cbData = 0; } /* Notify outstanding waits for progress ... */ if ( it->second.pProgress && !it->second.pProgress.isNull()) { LogFlowFunc(("Handling progress for CID=%u ...\n", it->first)); /* * Assume we didn't complete to make sure we clean up even if the * following call fails. */ BOOL fCompleted = FALSE; it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Completed)(&fCompleted); if (!fCompleted) { LogFlowFunc(("Progress of CID=%u *not* completed, cancelling ...\n", it->first)); /* Only cancel if not canceled before! */ BOOL fCanceled; if (SUCCEEDED(it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled)) && !fCanceled) it->second.pProgress->Cancel(); /* * To get waitForCompletion completed (unblocked) we have to notify it if necessary (only * cancel won't work!). This could happen if the client thread (e.g. VBoxService, thread of a spawned process) * is disconnecting without having the chance to sending a status message before, so we * have to abort here to make sure the host never hangs/gets stuck while waiting for the * progress object to become signalled. */ it->second.pProgress->notifyComplete(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, COM_IIDOF(IGuest), Guest::getStaticComponentName(), Guest::tr("The operation was canceled because client is shutting down")); } /* * Do *not* NULL pProgress here, because waiting function like executeProcess() * will still rely on this object for checking whether they have to give up! */ } } /* Adds a callback with a user provided data block and an optional progress object * to the callback map. A callback is identified by a unique context ID which is used * to identify a callback from the guest side. */ uint32_t Guest::addCtrlCallbackContext(eVBoxGuestCtrlCallbackType enmType, void *pvData, uint32_t cbData, Progress *pProgress) { AssertPtr(pProgress); /** @todo Put this stuff into a constructor! */ CallbackContext context; context.mType = enmType; context.pvData = pvData; context.cbData = cbData; context.pProgress = pProgress; /* Create a new context ID and assign it. */ CallbackMapIter it; uint32_t uNewContext = 0; do { /* Create a new context ID ... */ uNewContext = ASMAtomicIncU32(&mNextContextID); if (uNewContext == UINT32_MAX) ASMAtomicUoWriteU32(&mNextContextID, 1000); /* Is the context ID already used? */ it = getCtrlCallbackContextByID(uNewContext); } while(it != mCallbackMap.end()); uint32_t nCallbacks = 0; if ( it == mCallbackMap.end() && uNewContext > 0) { /* We apparently got an unused context ID, let's use it! */ AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); mCallbackMap[uNewContext] = context; nCallbacks = mCallbackMap.size(); } else { /* Should never happen ... */ { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); nCallbacks = mCallbackMap.size(); } AssertReleaseMsg(uNewContext, ("No free context ID found! uNewContext=%u, nCallbacks=%u", uNewContext, nCallbacks)); } #if 0 if (nCallbacks > 256) /* Don't let the container size get too big! */ { Guest::CallbackListIter it = mCallbackList.begin(); destroyCtrlCallbackContext(it); { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); mCallbackList.erase(it); } } #endif return uNewContext; } #endif /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ STDMETHODIMP Guest::ExecuteProcess(IN_BSTR aCommand, ULONG aFlags, ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aArguments), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aEnvironment), IN_BSTR aUserName, IN_BSTR aPassword, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ULONG *aPID, IProgress **aProgress) { /** @todo r=bird: Eventually we should clean up all the timeout parameters * in the API and have the same way of specifying infinite waits! */ #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL ReturnComNotImplemented(); #else /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ using namespace guestControl; CheckComArgStrNotEmptyOrNull(aCommand); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aPID); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aProgress); /* Do not allow anonymous executions (with system rights). */ if (RT_UNLIKELY((aUserName) == NULL || *(aUserName) == '\0')) return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("No user name specified")); LogRel(("Executing guest process \"%s\" as user \"%s\" ...\n", Utf8Str(aCommand).c_str(), Utf8Str(aUserName).c_str())); return executeProcessInternal(aCommand, aFlags, ComSafeArrayInArg(aArguments), ComSafeArrayInArg(aEnvironment), aUserName, aPassword, aTimeoutMS, aPID, aProgress); #endif } HRESULT Guest::executeProcessInternal(IN_BSTR aCommand, ULONG aFlags, ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aArguments), ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aEnvironment), IN_BSTR aUserName, IN_BSTR aPassword, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ULONG *aPID, IProgress **aProgress) { /** @todo r=bird: Eventually we should clean up all the timeout parameters * in the API and have the same way of specifying infinite waits! */ #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL ReturnComNotImplemented(); #else /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ using namespace guestControl; AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); /* Validate flags. */ if (aFlags) { if ( !(aFlags & ExecuteProcessFlag_IgnoreOrphanedProcesses) && !(aFlags & ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly)) { return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Unknown flags (%#x)"), aFlags); } } HRESULT rc = S_OK; try { /* * Create progress object. Note that this is a multi operation * object to perform the following steps: * - Operation 1 (0): Create/start process. * - Operation 2 (1): Wait for process to exit. * If this progress completed successfully (S_OK), the process * started and exited normally. In any other case an error/exception * occurred. */ ComObjPtr progress; rc = progress.createObject(); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = progress->init(static_cast(this), Bstr(tr("Executing process")).raw(), TRUE, 2, /* Number of operations. */ Bstr(tr("Starting process ...")).raw()); /* Description of first stage. */ } if (FAILED(rc)) return rc; /* * Prepare process execution. */ int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; Utf8Str Utf8Command(aCommand); /* Adjust timeout */ if (aTimeoutMS == 0) aTimeoutMS = UINT32_MAX; /* Prepare arguments. */ char **papszArgv = NULL; uint32_t uNumArgs = 0; if (aArguments > 0) { com::SafeArray args(ComSafeArrayInArg(aArguments)); uNumArgs = args.size(); papszArgv = (char**)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(char*) * (uNumArgs + 1)); AssertReturn(papszArgv, E_OUTOFMEMORY); for (unsigned i = 0; RT_SUCCESS(vrc) && i < uNumArgs; i++) vrc = RTUtf16ToUtf8(args[i], &papszArgv[i]); papszArgv[uNumArgs] = NULL; } Utf8Str Utf8UserName(aUserName); Utf8Str Utf8Password(aPassword); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { uint32_t uContextID = 0; char *pszArgs = NULL; if (uNumArgs > 0) vrc = RTGetOptArgvToString(&pszArgs, papszArgv, 0); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { uint32_t cbArgs = pszArgs ? strlen(pszArgs) + 1 : 0; /* Include terminating zero. */ /* Prepare environment. */ void *pvEnv = NULL; uint32_t uNumEnv = 0; uint32_t cbEnv = 0; if (aEnvironment > 0) { com::SafeArray env(ComSafeArrayInArg(aEnvironment)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < env.size(); i++) { vrc = prepareExecuteEnv(Utf8Str(env[i]).c_str(), &pvEnv, &cbEnv, &uNumEnv); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) break; } } if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS pData = (PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS)); AssertReturn(pData, VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR); RT_ZERO(*pData); uContextID = addCtrlCallbackContext(VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_EXEC_START, pData, sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS), progress); Assert(uContextID > 0); VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[15]; int i = 0; paParms[i++].setUInt32(uContextID); paParms[i++].setPointer((void*)Utf8Command.c_str(), (uint32_t)Utf8Command.length() + 1); paParms[i++].setUInt32(aFlags); paParms[i++].setUInt32(uNumArgs); paParms[i++].setPointer((void*)pszArgs, cbArgs); paParms[i++].setUInt32(uNumEnv); paParms[i++].setUInt32(cbEnv); paParms[i++].setPointer((void*)pvEnv, cbEnv); paParms[i++].setPointer((void*)Utf8UserName.c_str(), (uint32_t)Utf8UserName.length() + 1); paParms[i++].setPointer((void*)Utf8Password.c_str(), (uint32_t)Utf8Password.length() + 1); /* * If the WaitForProcessStartOnly flag is set, we only want to define and wait for a timeout * until the process was started - the process itself then gets an infinit timeout for execution. * This is handy when we want to start a process inside a worker thread within a certain timeout * but let the started process perform lengthly operations then. */ if (aFlags & ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly) paParms[i++].setUInt32(UINT32_MAX /* Infinite timeout */); else paParms[i++].setUInt32(aTimeoutMS); VMMDev *vmmDev; { /* Make sure mParent is valid, so set the read lock while using. * Do not keep this lock while doing the actual call, because in the meanwhile * another thread could request a write lock which would be a bad idea ... */ AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* Forward the information to the VMM device. */ AssertPtr(mParent); vmmDev = mParent->getVMMDev(); } if (vmmDev) { LogFlowFunc(("hgcmHostCall numParms=%d\n", i)); vrc = vmmDev->hgcmHostCall("VBoxGuestControlSvc", HOST_EXEC_CMD, i, paParms); } else vrc = VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE; RTMemFree(pvEnv); } RTStrFree(pszArgs); } if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogFlowFunc(("Waiting for HGCM callback (timeout=%ldms) ...\n", aTimeoutMS)); /* * Wait for the HGCM low level callback until the process * has been started (or something went wrong). This is necessary to * get the PID. */ CallbackMapIter it = getCtrlCallbackContextByID(uContextID); BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; if (it != mCallbackMap.end()) { ComAssert(!it->second.pProgress.isNull()); /* * Wait for the first stage (=0) to complete (that is starting the process). */ PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS pData = NULL; rc = it->second.pProgress->WaitForOperationCompletion(0, aTimeoutMS); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* Was the operation canceled by one of the parties? */ rc = it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled); if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc; if (!fCanceled) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); pData = (PCALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS)it->second.pvData; Assert(it->second.cbData == sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECSTATUS)); AssertPtr(pData); /* Did we get some status? */ switch (pData->u32Status) { case PROC_STS_STARTED: /* Process is (still) running; get PID. */ *aPID = pData->u32PID; break; /* In any other case the process either already * terminated or something else went wrong, so no PID ... */ case PROC_STS_TEN: /* Terminated normally. */ case PROC_STS_TEA: /* Terminated abnormally. */ case PROC_STS_TES: /* Terminated through signal. */ case PROC_STS_TOK: case PROC_STS_TOA: case PROC_STS_DWN: /* * Process (already) ended, but we want to get the * PID anyway to retrieve the output in a later call. */ *aPID = pData->u32PID; break; case PROC_STS_ERROR: vrc = pData->u32Flags; /* u32Flags member contains IPRT error code. */ break; case PROC_STS_UNDEFINED: vrc = VERR_TIMEOUT; /* Operation did not complete within time. */ break; default: vrc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Unknown status, should never happen! */ break; } } else /* Operation was canceled. */ vrc = VERR_CANCELLED; } else /* Operation did not complete within time. */ vrc = VERR_TIMEOUT; /* * Do *not* remove the callback yet - we might wait with the IProgress object on something * else (like end of process) ... */ if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { if (vrc == VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) /* This is the most likely error. */ rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The file '%s' was not found on guest"), Utf8Command.c_str()); else if (vrc == VERR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The path to file '%s' was not found on guest"), Utf8Command.c_str()); else if (vrc == VERR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT) rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The file '%s' is not an executable format on guest"), Utf8Command.c_str()); else if (vrc == VERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE) rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The specified user '%s' was not able to logon on guest"), Utf8UserName.c_str()); else if (vrc == VERR_TIMEOUT) rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The guest did not respond within time (%ums)"), aTimeoutMS); else if (vrc == VERR_CANCELLED) rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The execution operation was canceled")); else if (vrc == VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED) rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Invalid user/password credentials")); else { if (pData && pData->u32Status == PROC_STS_ERROR) rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Process could not be started: %Rrc"), pData->u32Flags); else rc = setError(E_UNEXPECTED, tr("The service call failed with error %Rrc"), vrc); } } else /* Execution went fine. */ { /* Return the progress to the caller. */ progress.queryInterfaceTo(aProgress); } } else /* Callback context not found; should never happen! */ AssertMsg(it != mCallbackMap.end(), ("Callback context with ID %u not found!", uContextID)); } else /* HGCM related error codes .*/ { if (vrc == VERR_INVALID_VM_HANDLE) rc = setError(VBOX_E_VM_ERROR, tr("VMM device is not available (is the VM running?)")); else if (vrc == VERR_TIMEOUT) rc = setError(VBOX_E_VM_ERROR, tr("The guest execution service is not ready")); else if (vrc == VERR_HGCM_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND) rc = setError(VBOX_E_VM_ERROR, tr("The guest execution service is not available")); else /* HGCM call went wrong. */ rc = setError(E_UNEXPECTED, tr("The HGCM call failed with error %Rrc"), vrc); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < uNumArgs; i++) RTMemFree(papszArgv[i]); RTMemFree(papszArgv); } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { if (!Utf8UserName.isEmpty()) /* Skip logging internal calls. */ LogRel(("Executing guest process \"%s\" as user \"%s\" failed with %Rrc\n", Utf8Command.c_str(), Utf8UserName.c_str(), vrc)); } } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return rc; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ } STDMETHODIMP Guest::SetProcessInput(ULONG aPID, ULONG aFlags, ComSafeArrayIn(BYTE, aData), ULONG *aBytesWritten) { #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL ReturnComNotImplemented(); #else /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ using namespace guestControl; CheckComArgExpr(aPID, aPID > 0); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aBytesWritten); /* Validate flags. */ if (aFlags) { if (!(aFlags & ProcessInputFlag_EndOfFile)) return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Unknown flags (%#x)"), aFlags); } AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); HRESULT rc = S_OK; try { /* Init. */ *aBytesWritten = 0; /* Search for existing PID. */ GuestProcessMapIterConst itProc = getProcessByPID(aPID); if (itProc != mGuestProcessMap.end()) { /* PID exists; check if process is still running. */ if (itProc->second.mStatus != PROC_STS_STARTED) { rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Process (PID %u) does not run anymore! Status: %ld, Flags: %u, Exit Code: %u"), aPID, itProc->second.mStatus, itProc->second.mFlags, itProc->second.mExitCode); } } else rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Process (PID %u) not found!"), aPID); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* * Create progress object. * This progress object, compared to the one in executeProgress() above * is only local and is used to determine whether the operation finished * or got canceled. */ ComObjPtr progress; rc = progress.createObject(); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = progress->init(static_cast(this), Bstr(tr("Setting input for process")).raw(), TRUE /* Cancelable */); } if (FAILED(rc)) return rc; PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS pData = (PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS)); AssertReturn(pData, VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR); RT_ZERO(*pData); /* Save PID + output flags for later use. */ pData->u32PID = aPID; pData->u32Flags = aFlags; /* Add job to callback contexts. */ uint32_t uContextID = addCtrlCallbackContext(VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_EXEC_INPUT_STATUS, pData, sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS), progress); Assert(uContextID > 0); com::SafeArray sfaData(ComSafeArrayInArg(aData)); uint32_t cbSize = sfaData.size(); VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[6]; int i = 0; paParms[i++].setUInt32(uContextID); paParms[i++].setUInt32(aPID); paParms[i++].setUInt32(aFlags); paParms[i++].setPointer(sfaData.raw(), cbSize); paParms[i++].setUInt32(cbSize); int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; { VMMDev *vmmDev; { /* Make sure mParent is valid, so set the read lock while using. * Do not keep this lock while doing the actual call, because in the meanwhile * another thread could request a write lock which would be a bad idea ... */ AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* Forward the information to the VMM device. */ AssertPtr(mParent); vmmDev = mParent->getVMMDev(); } if (vmmDev) { LogFlowFunc(("hgcmHostCall numParms=%d\n", i)); vrc = vmmDev->hgcmHostCall("VBoxGuestControlSvc", HOST_EXEC_SET_INPUT, i, paParms); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogFlowFunc(("Waiting for HGCM callback ...\n")); /* * Wait for the HGCM low level callback until the process * has been started (or something went wrong). This is necessary to * get the PID. */ CallbackMapIter it = getCtrlCallbackContextByID(uContextID); BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; if (it != mCallbackMap.end()) { ComAssert(!it->second.pProgress.isNull()); /* Wait until operation completed. */ rc = it->second.pProgress->WaitForCompletion(UINT32_MAX /* Wait forever */); if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc; /* Was the operation canceled by one of the parties? */ rc = it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled); if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc; if (!fCanceled) { BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Completed)(&fCompleted)) && fCompleted) { PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS pStatusData = (PCALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS)it->second.pvData; Assert(it->second.cbData == sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECINSTATUS)); AssertPtr(pStatusData); *aBytesWritten = pStatusData->cbProcessed; } } else /* Operation was canceled. */ vrc = VERR_CANCELLED; if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { if (vrc == VERR_CANCELLED) { rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The input operation was canceled")); } else { rc = setError(E_UNEXPECTED, tr("The service call failed with error %Rrc"), vrc); } } { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* * Destroy locally used progress object. */ destroyCtrlCallbackContext(it); } /* Remove callback context (not used anymore). */ mCallbackMap.erase(it); } else /* PID lookup failed. */ rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Process (PID %u) not found!"), aPID); } else /* HGCM operation failed. */ rc = setError(E_UNEXPECTED, tr("The HGCM call failed with error %Rrc"), vrc); /* Cleanup. */ progress->uninit(); progress.setNull(); } } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return rc; #endif } STDMETHODIMP Guest::GetProcessOutput(ULONG aPID, ULONG aFlags, ULONG aTimeoutMS, LONG64 aSize, ComSafeArrayOut(BYTE, aData)) { /** @todo r=bird: Eventually we should clean up all the timeout parameters * in the API and have the same way of specifying infinite waits! */ #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL ReturnComNotImplemented(); #else /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ using namespace guestControl; CheckComArgExpr(aPID, aPID > 0); if (aSize < 0) return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("The size argument (%lld) is negative"), aSize); if (aFlags != 0) /* Flags are not supported at the moment. */ return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Unknown flags (%#x)"), aFlags); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); HRESULT rc = S_OK; try { /* * Create progress object. * This progress object, compared to the one in executeProgress() above * is only local and is used to determine whether the operation finished * or got canceled. */ ComObjPtr progress; rc = progress.createObject(); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = progress->init(static_cast(this), Bstr(tr("Getting output of process")).raw(), TRUE); } if (FAILED(rc)) return rc; /* Adjust timeout */ if (aTimeoutMS == 0) aTimeoutMS = UINT32_MAX; /* Search for existing PID. */ PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT pData = (CALLBACKDATAEXECOUT*)RTMemAlloc(sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECOUT)); AssertReturn(pData, VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR); RT_ZERO(*pData); /* Save PID + output flags for later use. */ pData->u32PID = aPID; pData->u32Flags = aFlags; /* Add job to callback contexts. */ uint32_t uContextID = addCtrlCallbackContext(VBOXGUESTCTRLCALLBACKTYPE_EXEC_OUTPUT, pData, sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECOUT), progress); Assert(uContextID > 0); size_t cbData = (size_t)RT_MIN(aSize, _64K); com::SafeArray outputData(cbData); VBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms[5]; int i = 0; paParms[i++].setUInt32(uContextID); paParms[i++].setUInt32(aPID); paParms[i++].setUInt32(aFlags); /** @todo Should represent stdout and/or stderr. */ int vrc = VINF_SUCCESS; { VMMDev *vmmDev; { /* Make sure mParent is valid, so set the read lock while using. * Do not keep this lock while doing the actual call, because in the meanwhile * another thread could request a write lock which would be a bad idea ... */ AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* Forward the information to the VMM device. */ AssertPtr(mParent); vmmDev = mParent->getVMMDev(); } if (vmmDev) { LogFlowFunc(("hgcmHostCall numParms=%d\n", i)); vrc = vmmDev->hgcmHostCall("VBoxGuestControlSvc", HOST_EXEC_GET_OUTPUT, i, paParms); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { LogFlowFunc(("Waiting for HGCM callback (timeout=%ldms) ...\n", aTimeoutMS)); /* * Wait for the HGCM low level callback until the process * has been started (or something went wrong). This is necessary to * get the PID. */ CallbackMapIter it = getCtrlCallbackContextByID(uContextID); BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; if (it != mCallbackMap.end()) { ComAssert(!it->second.pProgress.isNull()); /* Wait until operation completed. */ rc = it->second.pProgress->WaitForCompletion(aTimeoutMS); if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc; /* Was the operation canceled by one of the parties? */ rc = it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled); if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc; if (!fCanceled) { BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(it->second.pProgress->COMGETTER(Completed)(&fCompleted)) && fCompleted) { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* Did we get some output? */ pData = (PCALLBACKDATAEXECOUT)it->second.pvData; Assert(it->second.cbData == sizeof(CALLBACKDATAEXECOUT)); AssertPtr(pData); if (pData->cbData) { /* Do we need to resize the array? */ if (pData->cbData > cbData) outputData.resize(pData->cbData); /* Fill output in supplied out buffer. */ memcpy(outputData.raw(), pData->pvData, pData->cbData); outputData.resize(pData->cbData); /* Shrink to fit actual buffer size. */ } else vrc = VERR_NO_DATA; /* This is not an error we want to report to COM. */ } else /* If callback not called within time ... well, that's a timeout! */ vrc = VERR_TIMEOUT; } else /* Operation was canceled. */ { vrc = VERR_CANCELLED; } if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { if (vrc == VERR_NO_DATA) { /* This is not an error we want to report to COM. */ rc = S_OK; } else if (vrc == VERR_TIMEOUT) { rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The guest did not output within time (%ums)"), aTimeoutMS); } else if (vrc == VERR_CANCELLED) { rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("The output operation was canceled")); } else { rc = setError(E_UNEXPECTED, tr("The service call failed with error %Rrc"), vrc); } } { AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* * Destroy locally used progress object. */ destroyCtrlCallbackContext(it); } /* Remove callback context (not used anymore). */ mCallbackMap.erase(it); } else /* PID lookup failed. */ rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Process (PID %u) not found!"), aPID); } else /* HGCM operation failed. */ rc = setError(E_UNEXPECTED, tr("The HGCM call failed with error %Rrc"), vrc); /* Cleanup. */ progress->uninit(); progress.setNull(); /* If something failed (or there simply was no data, indicated by VERR_NO_DATA, * we return an empty array so that the frontend knows when to give up. */ if (RT_FAILURE(vrc) || FAILED(rc)) outputData.resize(0); outputData.detachTo(ComSafeArrayOutArg(aData)); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return rc; #endif } STDMETHODIMP Guest::GetProcessStatus(ULONG aPID, ULONG *aExitCode, ULONG *aFlags, ULONG *aStatus) { #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL ReturnComNotImplemented(); #else /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ using namespace guestControl; AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); HRESULT rc = S_OK; try { AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); GuestProcessMapIterConst it = getProcessByPID(aPID); if (it != mGuestProcessMap.end()) { *aExitCode = it->second.mExitCode; *aFlags = it->second.mFlags; *aStatus = it->second.mStatus; } else rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Process (PID %u) not found!"), aPID); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return rc; #endif } /** @todo For having a progress object which actually reports something, * the actual copy loop (see below) needs to go to some worker thread * so that this routine can return to the caller (and the caller then * can do display a progress). */ STDMETHODIMP Guest::CopyToGuest(IN_BSTR aSource, IN_BSTR aDest, IN_BSTR aUserName, IN_BSTR aPassword, ULONG aFlags, IProgress **aProgress) { #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL ReturnComNotImplemented(); #else /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ using namespace guestControl; CheckComArgStrNotEmptyOrNull(aSource); CheckComArgStrNotEmptyOrNull(aDest); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aProgress); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); /* Validate flags. */ if (aFlags != CopyFileFlag_None) { if ( !(aFlags & CopyFileFlag_Recursive) && !(aFlags & CopyFileFlag_Update) && !(aFlags & CopyFileFlag_FollowLinks)) { return setError(E_INVALIDARG, tr("Unknown flags (%#x)"), aFlags); } } HRESULT rc = S_OK; try { Utf8Str Utf8Source(aSource); Utf8Str Utf8Dest(aDest); Utf8Str Utf8UserName(aUserName); Utf8Str Utf8Password(aPassword); /* Does our source file exist? */ if (!RTFileExists(Utf8Source.c_str())) { rc = setError(VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR, tr("Source file \"%s\" does not exist"), Utf8Source.c_str()); } else { RTFILE fileSource; int vrc = RTFileOpen(&fileSource, Utf8Source.c_str(), RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Could not open source file \"%s\" for reading, rc=%Rrc"), Utf8Source.c_str(), vrc); } else { uint64_t cbSize; vrc = RTFileGetSize(fileSource, &cbSize); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Could not query file size of \"%s\", rc=%Rrc"), Utf8Source.c_str(), vrc); } else { com::SafeArray args; com::SafeArray env; /* * Prepare tool command line. */ char szOutput[RTPATH_MAX]; if (RTStrPrintf(szOutput, sizeof(szOutput), "--output=%s", Utf8Dest.c_str())) { args.push_back(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw()); /* The actual (internal) tool to use (as argv[0]). */ args.push_back(Bstr(szOutput).raw()); /* We want to write a file ... */ } else rc = setError(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, tr("Error preparing command line")); ComPtr execProgress; ULONG uPID; if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { LogRel(("Copying file \"%s\" to guest \"%s\" ...\n", Utf8Source.c_str(), Utf8Dest.c_str())); /* * Okay, since we gathered all stuff we need until now to start the * actual copying, start the guest part now. */ rc = ExecuteProcess(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw(), ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(args), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(env), Bstr(Utf8UserName).raw(), Bstr(Utf8Password).raw(), 10 * 1000 /* Wait 10s for getting the process started */, &uPID, execProgress.asOutParam()); } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* Wait for process to exit ... */ BOOL fCompleted = FALSE; BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; size_t cbRead; SafeArray aInputData(_64K); while ( SUCCEEDED(execProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { vrc = RTFileRead(fileSource, (uint8_t*)aInputData.raw(), _64K, &cbRead); if ( cbRead == 0 || vrc == VERR_EOF) break; aInputData.resize(cbRead); /* Did we reach the end of the content * we want to transfer (last chunk)? */ ULONG uFlags = ProcessInputFlag_None; if (cbRead < _64K) uFlags |= ProcessInputFlag_EndOfFile; /* Transfer the current chunk ... */ ULONG uBytesWritten; rc = SetProcessInput(uPID, uFlags, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aInputData), &uBytesWritten); if (FAILED(rc)) break; /* Progress canceled by Main API? */ if ( SUCCEEDED(execProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { break; } } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* Return the progress to the caller. */ execProgress.queryInterfaceTo(aProgress); } } } RTFileClose(fileSource); } } } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return rc; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ } STDMETHODIMP Guest::UpdateGuestAdditions(IN_BSTR aSource, IProgress **aProgress) { #ifndef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL ReturnComNotImplemented(); #else /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ CheckComArgStrNotEmptyOrNull(aSource); CheckComArgOutPointerValid(aProgress); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); HRESULT rc = S_OK; ComObjPtr progress; try { /* Create the progress object. */ progress.createObject(); rc = progress->init(static_cast(this), Bstr(tr("Updating Guest Additions")).raw(), TRUE /* aCancelable */); if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc; /* Initialize our worker task. */ std::auto_ptr task(new TaskGuest(TaskGuest::UpdateGuestAdditions, this, progress)); /* Assign data - in that case aSource is the full path * to the Guest Additions .ISO we want to mount. */ task->strSource = (Utf8Str(aSource)); rc = task->startThread(); if (FAILED(rc)) throw rc; /* Don't destruct on success. */ task.release(); } catch (HRESULT aRC) { rc = aRC; } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) /* Return progress to the caller. */ progress.queryInterfaceTo(aProgress); return rc; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL */ } // public methods only for internal purposes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Sets the general Guest Additions information like * API (interface) version and OS type. Gets called by * vmmdevUpdateGuestInfo. * * @param aInterfaceVersion * @param aOsType */ void Guest::setAdditionsInfo(Bstr aInterfaceVersion, VBOXOSTYPE aOsType) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); AssertComRCReturnVoid(autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); /* * Note: The Guest Additions API (interface) version is deprecated * and will not be used anymore! We might need it to at least report * something as version number if *really* ancient Guest Additions are * installed (without the guest version + revision properties having set). */ mData.mInterfaceVersion = aInterfaceVersion; /* * Older Additions rely on the Additions API version whether they * are assumed to be active or not. Since newer Additions do report * the Additions version *before* calling this function (by calling * VMMDevReportGuestInfo2, VMMDevReportGuestStatus, VMMDevReportGuestInfo, * in that order) we can tell apart old and new Additions here. Old * Additions never would set VMMDevReportGuestInfo2 (which set mData.mAdditionsVersion) * so they just rely on the aInterfaceVersion string (which gets set by * VMMDevReportGuestInfo). * * So only mark the Additions as being active (run level = system) when we * don't have the Additions version set. */ if (mData.mAdditionsVersion.isEmpty()) { if (aInterfaceVersion.isEmpty()) mData.mAdditionsRunLevel = AdditionsRunLevelType_None; else mData.mAdditionsRunLevel = AdditionsRunLevelType_System; } /* * Older Additions didn't have this finer grained capability bit, * so enable it by default. Newer Additions will not enable this here * and use the setSupportedFeatures function instead. */ mData.mSupportsGraphics = mData.mAdditionsRunLevel > AdditionsRunLevelType_None; /* * Note! There is a race going on between setting mAdditionsRunLevel and * mSupportsGraphics here and disabling/enabling it later according to * its real status when using new(er) Guest Additions. */ mData.mOSTypeId = Global::OSTypeId (aOsType); } /** * Sets the Guest Additions version information details. * Gets called by vmmdevUpdateGuestInfo2. * * @param aAdditionsVersion * @param aVersionName */ void Guest::setAdditionsInfo2(Bstr aAdditionsVersion, Bstr aVersionName, Bstr aRevision) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); AssertComRCReturnVoid(autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); if (!aVersionName.isEmpty()) /* * aVersionName could be "x.y.z_BETA1_FOOBAR", so append revision manually to * become "x.y.z_BETA1_FOOBARr12345". */ mData.mAdditionsVersion = BstrFmt("%ls r%ls", aVersionName.raw(), aRevision.raw()); else /* aAdditionsVersion is in x.y.zr12345 format. */ mData.mAdditionsVersion = aAdditionsVersion; } /** * Sets the status of a certain Guest Additions facility. * Gets called by vmmdevUpdateGuestStatus. * * @param Facility * @param Status * @param ulFlags */ void Guest::setAdditionsStatus(VBoxGuestStatusFacility Facility, VBoxGuestStatusCurrent Status, ULONG ulFlags) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); AssertComRCReturnVoid(autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); uint32_t uCurFacility = Facility + (Status == VBoxGuestStatusCurrent_Active ? 0 : -1); /* First check for disabled status. */ if ( Facility < VBoxGuestStatusFacility_VBoxGuestDriver || ( Facility == VBoxGuestStatusFacility_All && ( Status == VBoxGuestStatusCurrent_Inactive || Status == VBoxGuestStatusCurrent_Disabled ) ) ) { mData.mAdditionsRunLevel = AdditionsRunLevelType_None; } else if (uCurFacility >= VBoxGuestStatusFacility_VBoxTray) { mData.mAdditionsRunLevel = AdditionsRunLevelType_Desktop; } else if (uCurFacility >= VBoxGuestStatusFacility_VBoxService) { mData.mAdditionsRunLevel = AdditionsRunLevelType_Userland; } else if (uCurFacility >= VBoxGuestStatusFacility_VBoxGuestDriver) { mData.mAdditionsRunLevel = AdditionsRunLevelType_System; } else /* Should never happen! */ AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid facility status/run level detected! uCurFacility=%ld\n", uCurFacility)); } /** * Sets the supported features (and whether they are active or not). * * @param fCaps Guest capability bit mask (VMMDEV_GUEST_SUPPORTS_XXX). * @param fActive No idea what this is supposed to be, it's always 0 and * not references by this method. */ void Guest::setSupportedFeatures(uint32_t fCaps, uint32_t fActive) { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); AssertComRCReturnVoid(autoCaller.rc()); AutoWriteLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS); mData.mSupportsSeamless = (fCaps & VMMDEV_GUEST_SUPPORTS_SEAMLESS); /** @todo Add VMMDEV_GUEST_SUPPORTS_GUEST_HOST_WINDOW_MAPPING */ mData.mSupportsGraphics = (fCaps & VMMDEV_GUEST_SUPPORTS_GRAPHICS); } /* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */