/* $Id: GuestDnDPrivate.h 62379 2016-07-20 20:11:50Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Private guest drag and drop code, used by GuestDnDTarget + * GuestDnDSource. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ____H_GUESTDNDPRIVATE #define ____H_GUESTDNDPRIVATE #include #include #include #include /* For PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM. */ #include #include #ifdef LOG_GROUP #undef LOG_GROUP #endif #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_GUEST_DND #include /** * Forward prototype declarations. */ class Guest; class GuestDnDBase; class GuestDnDResponse; class GuestDnDSource; class GuestDnDTarget; class Progress; /** * Type definitions. */ /** List (vector) of MIME types. */ typedef std::vector GuestDnDMIMEList; /* ** @todo Put most of the implementations below in GuestDnDPrivate.cpp! */ class GuestDnDCallbackEvent { public: GuestDnDCallbackEvent(void) : mSemEvent(NIL_RTSEMEVENT) , mRc(VINF_SUCCESS) { } virtual ~GuestDnDCallbackEvent(void); public: int Reset(void); int Notify(int rc = VINF_SUCCESS); int Result(void) const { return mRc; } int Wait(RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout); protected: /** Event semaphore to notify on error/completion. */ RTSEMEVENT mSemEvent; /** Callback result. */ int mRc; }; /** * Class for handling the (raw) meta data. */ class GuestDnDMetaData { public: GuestDnDMetaData(void) : pvData(NULL) , cbData(0) , cbDataUsed(0) { } virtual ~GuestDnDMetaData(void) { reset(); } public: uint32_t add(const void *pvDataAdd, uint32_t cbDataAdd) { LogFlowThisFunc(("pvDataAdd=%p, cbDataAdd=%zu\n", pvDataAdd, cbDataAdd)); if (!cbDataAdd) return 0; AssertPtrReturn(pvDataAdd, 0); int rc = resize(cbData + cbDataAdd); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return 0; Assert(cbData >= cbDataUsed + cbDataAdd); memcpy((uint8_t *)pvData + cbDataUsed, pvDataAdd, cbDataAdd); cbDataUsed += cbDataAdd; return cbDataAdd; } uint32_t add(const std::vector &vecAdd) { if (!vecAdd.size()) return 0; if (vecAdd.size() > UINT32_MAX) /* Paranoia. */ return 0; return add(&vecAdd.front(), (uint32_t)vecAdd.size()); } void reset(void) { if (pvData) { Assert(cbData); RTMemFree(pvData); pvData = NULL; } cbData = 0; cbDataUsed = 0; } const void *getData(void) const { return pvData; } void *getDataMutable(void) { return pvData; } uint32_t getSize(void) const { return cbDataUsed; } public: int fromString(const RTCString &strData) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (strData.isNotEmpty()) { const uint32_t cbStrData = (uint32_t)strData.length() + 1; /* Include terminating zero. */ rc = resize(cbStrData); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) memcpy(pvData, strData.c_str(), cbStrData); } return rc; } int fromURIList(const DnDURIList &lstURI) { return fromString(lstURI.RootToString()); } protected: int resize(uint32_t cbSize) { if (!cbSize) { reset(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } if (cbSize == cbData) return VINF_SUCCESS; void *pvTmp = NULL; if (!cbData) { Assert(cbDataUsed == 0); pvTmp = RTMemAllocZ(cbSize); } else { AssertPtr(pvData); pvTmp = RTMemRealloc(pvData, cbSize); RT_BZERO(pvTmp, cbSize); } if (pvTmp) { pvData = pvTmp; cbData = cbSize; return VINF_SUCCESS; } return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } protected: void *pvData; uint32_t cbData; uint32_t cbDataUsed; }; /** * Class for keeping drag and drop (meta) data * to be sent/received. */ class GuestDnDData { public: GuestDnDData(void) : cbEstTotal(0) , cbEstMeta(0) , cbProcessed(0) { RT_ZERO(dataHdr); } virtual ~GuestDnDData(void) { reset(); } public: uint64_t addProcessed(uint32_t cbDataAdd) { const uint64_t cbTotal = getTotal(); NOREF(cbTotal); Assert(cbProcessed + cbDataAdd <= cbTotal); cbProcessed += cbDataAdd; return cbProcessed; } bool isComplete(void) const { const uint64_t cbTotal = getTotal(); LogFlowFunc(("cbProcessed=%RU64, cbTotal=%RU64\n", cbProcessed, cbTotal)); Assert(cbProcessed <= cbTotal); return (cbProcessed == cbTotal); } void *getChkSumMutable(void) { return dataHdr.pvChecksum; } uint32_t getChkSumSize(void) const { return dataHdr.cbChecksum; } void *getFmtMutable(void) { return dataHdr.pvMetaFmt; } uint32_t getFmtSize(void) const { return dataHdr.cbMetaFmt; } GuestDnDMetaData &getMeta(void) { return dataMeta; } uint8_t getPercentComplete(void) const { int64_t cbTotal = RT_MAX(getTotal(), 1); return (uint8_t)(cbProcessed * 100 / cbTotal); } uint64_t getProcessed(void) const { return cbProcessed; } uint64_t getRemaining(void) const { const uint64_t cbTotal = getTotal(); Assert(cbProcessed <= cbTotal); return cbTotal - cbProcessed; } uint64_t getTotal(void) const { return cbEstTotal; } void reset(void) { clearFmt(); clearChkSum(); RT_ZERO(dataHdr); dataMeta.reset(); cbEstTotal = 0; cbEstMeta = 0; cbProcessed = 0; } int setFmt(const void *pvFmt, uint32_t cbFmt) { if (cbFmt) { AssertPtrReturn(pvFmt, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); void *pvFmtTmp = RTMemAlloc(cbFmt); if (!pvFmtTmp) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; clearFmt(); memcpy(pvFmtTmp, pvFmt, cbFmt); dataHdr.pvMetaFmt = pvFmtTmp; dataHdr.cbMetaFmt = cbFmt; } else clearFmt(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } void setEstimatedSize(uint64_t cbTotal, uint32_t cbMeta) { Assert(cbMeta <= cbTotal); LogFlowFunc(("cbTotal=%RU64, cbMeta=%RU32\n", cbTotal, cbMeta)); cbEstTotal = cbTotal; cbEstMeta = cbMeta; } protected: void clearChkSum(void) { if (dataHdr.pvChecksum) { Assert(dataHdr.cbChecksum); RTMemFree(dataHdr.pvChecksum); dataHdr.pvChecksum = NULL; } dataHdr.cbChecksum = 0; } void clearFmt(void) { if (dataHdr.pvMetaFmt) { Assert(dataHdr.cbMetaFmt); RTMemFree(dataHdr.pvMetaFmt); dataHdr.pvMetaFmt = NULL; } dataHdr.cbMetaFmt = 0; } protected: /** The data header. */ VBOXDNDDATAHDR dataHdr; /** For storing the actual meta data. * This might be an URI list or just plain raw data, * according to the format being sent. */ GuestDnDMetaData dataMeta; /** Estimated total data size when receiving data. */ uint64_t cbEstTotal; /** Estimated meta data size when receiving data. */ uint32_t cbEstMeta; /** Overall size (in bytes) of processed data. */ uint64_t cbProcessed; }; /** Initial state. */ #define DND_OBJCTX_STATE_NONE 0 /** The header was received/sent. */ #define DND_OBJCTX_STATE_HAS_HDR RT_BIT(0) /** * Structure for keeping a DnDURIObject context around. */ class GuestDnDURIObjCtx { public: GuestDnDURIObjCtx(void) : pObjURI(NULL) , fIntermediate(false) , fState(DND_OBJCTX_STATE_NONE) { } virtual ~GuestDnDURIObjCtx(void) { destroy(); } public: int createIntermediate(DnDURIObject::Type enmType = DnDURIObject::Unknown) { reset(); int rc; try { pObjURI = new DnDURIObject(enmType); fIntermediate = true; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } LogThisFunc(("Returning %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } void destroy(void) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); if ( pObjURI && fIntermediate) { delete pObjURI; } pObjURI = NULL; fIntermediate = false; } DnDURIObject *getObj(void) const { return pObjURI; } bool isIntermediate(void) { return fIntermediate; } bool isValid(void) const { return (pObjURI != NULL); } uint32_t getState(void) const { return fState; } void reset(void) { LogFlowThisFuncEnter(); destroy(); fIntermediate = false; fState = 0; } void setObj(DnDURIObject *pObj) { LogFlowThisFunc(("%p\n", pObj)); destroy(); pObjURI = pObj; } uint32_t setState(uint32_t fStateNew) { /** @todo Add validation. */ fState = fStateNew; return fState; } protected: /** Pointer to current object being handled. */ DnDURIObject *pObjURI; /** Flag whether pObjURI needs deletion after use. */ bool fIntermediate; /** Internal context state, corresponding to DND_OBJCTX_STATE_XXX. */ uint32_t fState; /** @todo Add more statistics / information here. */ }; /** * Structure for keeping around an URI (data) transfer. */ class GuestDnDURIData { public: GuestDnDURIData(void) : cObjToProcess(0) , cObjProcessed(0) , pvScratchBuf(NULL) , cbScratchBuf(0) { } virtual ~GuestDnDURIData(void) { reset(); if (pvScratchBuf) { Assert(cbScratchBuf); RTMemFree(pvScratchBuf); pvScratchBuf = NULL; } cbScratchBuf = 0; } DnDDroppedFiles &getDroppedFiles(void) { return droppedFiles; } DnDURIList &getURIList(void) { return lstURI; } int init(size_t cbBuf = _64K) { reset(); pvScratchBuf = RTMemAlloc(cbBuf); if (!pvScratchBuf) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; cbScratchBuf = cbBuf; return VINF_SUCCESS; } bool isComplete(void) const { LogFlowFunc(("cObjProcessed=%RU64, cObjToProcess=%RU64\n", cObjProcessed, cObjToProcess)); if (!cObjToProcess) /* Always return true if we don't have an object count. */ return true; Assert(cObjProcessed <= cObjToProcess); return (cObjProcessed == cObjToProcess); } const void *getBuffer(void) const { return pvScratchBuf; } void *getBufferMutable(void) { return pvScratchBuf; } size_t getBufferSize(void) const { return cbScratchBuf; } GuestDnDURIObjCtx &getObj(uint64_t uID = 0) { AssertMsg(uID == 0, ("Other objects than object 0 is not supported yet\n")); return objCtx; } GuestDnDURIObjCtx &getObjCurrent(void) { DnDURIObject *pCurObj = lstURI.First(); if ( !lstURI.IsEmpty() && pCurObj) { /* Point the context object to the current DnDURIObject to process. */ objCtx.setObj(pCurObj); } else objCtx.reset(); return objCtx; } uint64_t getObjToProcess(void) const { return cObjToProcess; } uint64_t getObjProcessed(void) const { return cObjProcessed; } int processObject(const DnDURIObject &Obj) { int rc; /** @todo Find objct in lstURI first! */ switch (Obj.GetType()) { case DnDURIObject::Directory: case DnDURIObject::File: rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; default: rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (cObjToProcess) { cObjProcessed++; Assert(cObjProcessed <= cObjToProcess); } } return rc; } void removeObjCurrent(void) { if (cObjToProcess) { cObjProcessed++; Assert(cObjProcessed <= cObjToProcess); } lstURI.RemoveFirst(); objCtx.reset(); } void reset(void) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); cObjToProcess = 0; cObjProcessed = 0; droppedFiles.Close(); lstURI.Clear(); objCtx.reset(); } void setEstimatedObjects(uint64_t cObjs) { Assert(cObjToProcess == 0); cObjToProcess = cObjs; LogFlowFunc(("cObjToProcess=%RU64\n", cObjs)); } public: int fromLocalMetaData(const GuestDnDMetaData &Data) { reset(); if (!Data.getSize()) return VINF_SUCCESS; char *pszList; int rc = RTStrCurrentCPToUtf8(&pszList, (const char *)Data.getData()); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowThisFunc(("String conversion failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } const size_t cbList = Data.getSize(); LogFlowThisFunc(("metaData=%p, cbList=%zu\n", &Data, cbList)); if (cbList) { RTCList lstURIOrg = RTCString(pszList, cbList).split("\r\n"); if (!lstURIOrg.isEmpty()) { /* Note: All files to be transferred will be kept open during the entire DnD * operation, also to keep the accounting right. */ rc = lstURI.AppendURIPathsFromList(lstURIOrg, DNDURILIST_FLAGS_KEEP_OPEN); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) cObjToProcess = lstURI.TotalCount(); } } RTStrFree(pszList); return rc; } int fromRemoteMetaData(const GuestDnDMetaData &Data) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); int rc = lstURI.RootFromURIData(Data.getData(), Data.getSize(), 0 /* uFlags */); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { const size_t cRootCount = lstURI.RootCount(); LogFlowFunc(("cRootCount=%zu, cObjToProcess=%RU64\n", cRootCount, cObjToProcess)); if (cRootCount > cObjToProcess) rc = VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return rc; } int toMetaData(std::vector &vecData) { const char *pszDroppedFilesDir = droppedFiles.GetDirAbs(); Utf8Str strURIs = lstURI.RootToString(RTCString(pszDroppedFilesDir)); size_t cbData = strURIs.length(); LogFlowFunc(("%zu root URIs (%zu bytes)\n", lstURI.RootCount(), cbData)); int rc; try { vecData.resize(cbData + 1 /* Include termination */); memcpy(&vecData.front(), strURIs.c_str(), cbData); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; } return rc; } protected: int processDirectory(const char *pszPath, uint32_t fMode) { /** @todo Find directory in lstURI first! */ int rc; const char *pszDroppedFilesDir = droppedFiles.GetDirAbs(); char *pszDir = RTPathJoinA(pszDroppedFilesDir, pszPath); if (pszDir) { rc = RTDirCreateFullPath(pszDir, fMode); if (cObjToProcess) { cObjProcessed++; Assert(cObjProcessed <= cObjToProcess); } RTStrFree(pszDir); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; return rc; } protected: /** Number of objects to process. */ uint64_t cObjToProcess; /** Number of objects already processed. */ uint64_t cObjProcessed; /** Handles all drop files for this operation. */ DnDDroppedFiles droppedFiles; /** (Non-recursive) List of URI objects to handle. */ DnDURIList lstURI; /** Context to current object being handled. * As we currently do all transfers one after another we * only have one context at a time. */ GuestDnDURIObjCtx objCtx; /** Pointer to an optional scratch buffer to use for * doing the actual chunk transfers. */ void *pvScratchBuf; /** Size (in bytes) of scratch buffer. */ size_t cbScratchBuf; }; /** * Context structure for sending data to the guest. */ typedef struct SENDDATACTX { /** Pointer to guest target class this context belongs to. */ GuestDnDTarget *mpTarget; /** Pointer to guest response class this context belongs to. */ GuestDnDResponse *mpResp; /** Flag indicating whether a file transfer is active and * initiated by the host. */ bool mIsActive; /** Target (VM) screen ID. */ uint32_t mScreenID; /** Drag'n drop format requested by the guest. */ com::Utf8Str mFmtReq; /** Drag'n drop data to send. * This can be arbitrary data or an URI list. */ GuestDnDData mData; /** URI data structure. */ GuestDnDURIData mURI; /** Callback event to use. */ GuestDnDCallbackEvent mCBEvent; } SENDDATACTX, *PSENDDATACTX; /** * Context structure for receiving data from the guest. */ typedef struct RECVDATACTX { /** Pointer to guest source class this context belongs to. */ GuestDnDSource *mpSource; /** Pointer to guest response class this context belongs to. */ GuestDnDResponse *mpResp; /** Flag indicating whether a file transfer is active and * initiated by the host. */ bool mIsActive; /** Formats offered by the guest (and supported by the host). */ GuestDnDMIMEList mFmtOffered; /** Original drop format requested to receive from the guest. */ com::Utf8Str mFmtReq; /** Intermediate drop format to be received from the guest. * Some original drop formats require a different intermediate * drop format: * * Receiving a file link as "text/plain" requires still to * receive the file from the guest as "text/uri-list" first, * then pointing to the file path on the host with the data * in "text/plain" format returned. */ com::Utf8Str mFmtRecv; /** Desired drop action to perform on the host. * Needed to tell the guest if data has to be * deleted e.g. when moving instead of copying. */ uint32_t mAction; /** Drag'n drop received from the guest. * This can be arbitrary data or an URI list. */ GuestDnDData mData; /** URI data structure. */ GuestDnDURIData mURI; /** Callback event to use. */ GuestDnDCallbackEvent mCBEvent; } RECVDATACTX, *PRECVDATACTX; /** * Simple structure for a buffered guest DnD message. */ class GuestDnDMsg { public: GuestDnDMsg(void) : uMsg(0) , cParms(0) , cParmsAlloc(0) , paParms(NULL) { } virtual ~GuestDnDMsg(void) { reset(); } public: PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM getNextParam(void) { if (cParms >= cParmsAlloc) { if (!paParms) paParms = (PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM)RTMemAlloc(4 * sizeof(VBOXHGCMSVCPARM)); else paParms = (PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM)RTMemRealloc(paParms, (cParmsAlloc + 4) * sizeof(VBOXHGCMSVCPARM)); if (!paParms) throw VERR_NO_MEMORY; RT_BZERO(&paParms[cParmsAlloc], 4 * sizeof(VBOXHGCMSVCPARM)); cParmsAlloc += 4; } return &paParms[cParms++]; } uint32_t getCount(void) const { return cParms; } PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM getParms(void) const { return paParms; } uint32_t getType(void) const { return uMsg; } void reset(void) { if (paParms) { /* Remove deep copies. */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cParms; i++) { if ( paParms[i].type == VBOX_HGCM_SVC_PARM_PTR && paParms[i].u.pointer.size) { AssertPtr(paParms[i].u.pointer.addr); RTMemFree(paParms[i].u.pointer.addr); } } RTMemFree(paParms); paParms = NULL; } uMsg = cParms = cParmsAlloc = 0; } int setNextPointer(void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf) { PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM pParm = getNextParam(); if (!pParm) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; void *pvTmp = NULL; if (pvBuf) { Assert(cbBuf); pvTmp = RTMemDup(pvBuf, cbBuf); if (!pvTmp) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } pParm->setPointer(pvTmp, cbBuf); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int setNextString(const char *pszString) { PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM pParm = getNextParam(); if (!pParm) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; char *pszTemp = RTStrDup(pszString); if (!pszTemp) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pParm->setString(pszTemp); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int setNextUInt32(uint32_t u32Val) { PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM pParm = getNextParam(); if (!pParm) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pParm->setUInt32(u32Val); return VINF_SUCCESS; } int setNextUInt64(uint64_t u64Val) { PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM pParm = getNextParam(); if (!pParm) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pParm->setUInt64(u64Val); return VINF_SUCCESS; } void setType(uint32_t uMsgType) { uMsg = uMsgType; } protected: /** Message type. */ uint32_t uMsg; /** Message parameters. */ uint32_t cParms; /** Size of array. */ uint32_t cParmsAlloc; /** Array of HGCM parameters */ PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms; }; /** Guest DnD callback function definition. */ typedef DECLCALLBACKPTR(int, PFNGUESTDNDCALLBACK) (uint32_t uMsg, void *pvParms, size_t cbParms, void *pvUser); /** * Structure for keeping a guest DnD callback. * Each callback can handle one HGCM message, however, multiple HGCM messages can be registered * to the same callback (function). */ typedef struct GuestDnDCallback { GuestDnDCallback(void) : uMessgage(0) , pfnCallback(NULL) , pvUser(NULL) { } GuestDnDCallback(PFNGUESTDNDCALLBACK pvCB, uint32_t uMsg, void *pvUsr = NULL) : uMessgage(uMsg) , pfnCallback(pvCB) , pvUser(pvUsr) { } /** The HGCM message ID to handle. */ uint32_t uMessgage; /** Pointer to callback function. */ PFNGUESTDNDCALLBACK pfnCallback; /** Pointer to user-supplied data. */ void *pvUser; } GuestDnDCallback; /** Contains registered callback pointers for specific HGCM message types. */ typedef std::map GuestDnDCallbackMap; /** @todo r=andy This class needs to go, as this now is too inflexible when it comes to all * the callback handling/dispatching. It's part of the initial code and only adds * unnecessary complexity. */ class GuestDnDResponse { public: GuestDnDResponse(const ComObjPtr& pGuest); virtual ~GuestDnDResponse(void); public: int notifyAboutGuestResponse(void) const; int waitForGuestResponse(RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout = 500) const; void setAllActions(uint32_t a) { m_allActions = a; } uint32_t allActions(void) const { return m_allActions; } void setDefAction(uint32_t a) { m_defAction = a; } uint32_t defAction(void) const { return m_defAction; } void setFormats(const GuestDnDMIMEList &lstFormats) { m_lstFormats = lstFormats; } GuestDnDMIMEList formats(void) const { return m_lstFormats; } void reset(void); bool isProgressCanceled(void) const; int setCallback(uint32_t uMsg, PFNGUESTDNDCALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pvUser = NULL); int setProgress(unsigned uPercentage, uint32_t uState, int rcOp = VINF_SUCCESS, const Utf8Str &strMsg = ""); HRESULT resetProgress(const ComObjPtr& pParent); HRESULT queryProgressTo(IProgress **ppProgress); public: /** @name HGCM callback handling. @{ */ int onDispatch(uint32_t u32Function, void *pvParms, uint32_t cbParms); /** @} */ protected: /** Pointer to context this class is tied to. */ void *m_pvCtx; /** Event for waiting for response. */ RTSEMEVENT m_EventSem; /** Default action to perform in case of a * successful drop. */ uint32_t m_defAction; /** Actions supported by the guest in case of * a successful drop. */ uint32_t m_allActions; /** Format(s) requested/supported from the guest. */ GuestDnDMIMEList m_lstFormats; /** Pointer to IGuest parent object. */ ComObjPtr m_pParent; /** Pointer to associated progress object. Optional. */ ComObjPtr m_pProgress; /** Callback map. */ GuestDnDCallbackMap m_mapCallbacks; }; /** * Private singleton class for the guest's DnD * implementation. Can't be instanciated directly, only via * the factory pattern. * ** @todo Move this into GuestDnDBase. */ class GuestDnD { public: static GuestDnD *createInstance(const ComObjPtr& pGuest) { Assert(NULL == GuestDnD::s_pInstance); GuestDnD::s_pInstance = new GuestDnD(pGuest); return GuestDnD::s_pInstance; } static void destroyInstance(void) { if (GuestDnD::s_pInstance) { delete GuestDnD::s_pInstance; GuestDnD::s_pInstance = NULL; } } static inline GuestDnD *getInstance(void) { AssertPtr(GuestDnD::s_pInstance); return GuestDnD::s_pInstance; } protected: GuestDnD(const ComObjPtr& pGuest); virtual ~GuestDnD(void); public: /** @name Public helper functions. * @{ */ HRESULT adjustScreenCoordinates(ULONG uScreenId, ULONG *puX, ULONG *puY) const; int hostCall(uint32_t u32Function, uint32_t cParms, PVBOXHGCMSVCPARM paParms) const; GuestDnDResponse *response(void) { return m_pResponse; } GuestDnDMIMEList defaultFormats(void) const { return m_strDefaultFormats; } /** @} */ public: /** @name Static low-level HGCM callback handler. * @{ */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) notifyDnDDispatcher(void *pvExtension, uint32_t u32Function, void *pvParms, uint32_t cbParms); /** @} */ /** @name Static helper methods. * @{ */ static bool isFormatInFormatList(const com::Utf8Str &strFormat, const GuestDnDMIMEList &lstFormats); static GuestDnDMIMEList toFormatList(const com::Utf8Str &strFormats); static com::Utf8Str toFormatString(const GuestDnDMIMEList &lstFormats); static GuestDnDMIMEList toFilteredFormatList(const GuestDnDMIMEList &lstFormatsSupported, const GuestDnDMIMEList &lstFormatsWanted); static GuestDnDMIMEList toFilteredFormatList(const GuestDnDMIMEList &lstFormatsSupported, const com::Utf8Str &strFormatsWanted); static DnDAction_T toMainAction(uint32_t uAction); static std::vector toMainActions(uint32_t uActions); static uint32_t toHGCMAction(DnDAction_T enmAction); static void toHGCMActions(DnDAction_T enmDefAction, uint32_t *puDefAction, const std::vector vecAllowedActions, uint32_t *puAllowedActions); /** @} */ protected: /** @name Singleton properties. * @{ */ /** List of supported default MIME/Content-type formats. */ GuestDnDMIMEList m_strDefaultFormats; /** Pointer to guest implementation. */ const ComObjPtr m_pGuest; /** The current (last) response from the guest. At the * moment we only support only response a time (ARQ-style). */ GuestDnDResponse *m_pResponse; /** @} */ private: /** Staic pointer to singleton instance. */ static GuestDnD *s_pInstance; }; /** Access to the GuestDnD's singleton instance. */ #define GuestDnDInst() GuestDnD::getInstance() /** List of pointers to guest DnD Messages. */ typedef std::list GuestDnDMsgList; /** * IDnDBase class implementation for sharing code between * IGuestDnDSource and IGuestDnDTarget implementation. */ class GuestDnDBase { protected: GuestDnDBase(void); protected: /** Shared (internal) IDnDBase method implementations. * @{ */ HRESULT i_isFormatSupported(const com::Utf8Str &aFormat, BOOL *aSupported); HRESULT i_getFormats(GuestDnDMIMEList &aFormats); HRESULT i_addFormats(const GuestDnDMIMEList &aFormats); HRESULT i_removeFormats(const GuestDnDMIMEList &aFormats); HRESULT i_getProtocolVersion(ULONG *puVersion); /** @} */ protected: int getProtocolVersion(uint32_t *puVersion); /** @name Functions for handling a simple host HGCM message queue. * @{ */ int msgQueueAdd(GuestDnDMsg *pMsg); GuestDnDMsg *msgQueueGetNext(void); void msgQueueRemoveNext(void); void msgQueueClear(void); /** @} */ int sendCancel(void); int updateProgress(GuestDnDData *pData, GuestDnDResponse *pResp, uint32_t cbDataAdd = 0); int waitForEvent(GuestDnDCallbackEvent *pEvent, GuestDnDResponse *pResp, RTMSINTERVAL msTimeout); protected: /** @name Public attributes (through getters/setters). * @{ */ /** Pointer to guest implementation. */ const ComObjPtr m_pGuest; /** List of supported MIME types by the source. */ GuestDnDMIMEList m_lstFmtSupported; /** List of offered MIME types to the counterpart. */ GuestDnDMIMEList m_lstFmtOffered; /** @} */ /** * Internal stuff. */ struct { /** Number of active transfers (guest->host or host->guest). */ uint32_t m_cTransfersPending; /** The DnD protocol version to use, depending on the * installed Guest Additions. See DragAndDropSvc.h for * a protocol changelog. */ uint32_t m_uProtocolVersion; /** Outgoing message queue (FIFO). */ GuestDnDMsgList m_lstMsgOut; } mDataBase; }; #endif /* ____H_GUESTDNDPRIVATE */