/* $Id: GuestProcessImpl.h 91312 2021-09-20 11:06:57Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VirtualBox Main - Guest process handling implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef MAIN_INCLUDED_GuestProcessImpl_h #define MAIN_INCLUDED_GuestProcessImpl_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include "GuestCtrlImplPrivate.h" #include "GuestProcessWrap.h" #include class Console; class GuestSession; class GuestProcessStartTask; /** * Class for handling a guest process. */ class ATL_NO_VTABLE GuestProcess : public GuestProcessWrap, public GuestObject { public: /** @name COM and internal init/term/mapping cruft. * @{ */ DECLARE_COMMON_CLASS_METHODS(GuestProcess) int init(Console *aConsole, GuestSession *aSession, ULONG aObjectID, const GuestProcessStartupInfo &aProcInfo, const GuestEnvironment *pBaseEnv); void uninit(void); HRESULT FinalConstruct(void); void FinalRelease(void); /** @} */ public: /** @name Implemented virtual methods from GuestObject. * @{ */ int i_callbackDispatcher(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCb); int i_onUnregister(void); int i_onSessionStatusChange(GuestSessionStatus_T enmSessionStatus); /** @} */ public: /** @name Public internal methods. * @{ */ inline int i_checkPID(uint32_t uPID); int i_readData(uint32_t uHandle, uint32_t uSize, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, void *pvData, size_t cbData, uint32_t *pcbRead, int *pGuestRc); int i_startProcess(uint32_t cMsTimeout, int *pGuestRc); int i_startProcessInner(uint32_t cMsTimeout, AutoWriteLock &rLock, GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, int *pGuestRc); int i_startProcessAsync(void); int i_terminateProcess(uint32_t uTimeoutMS, int *pGuestRc); ProcessWaitResult_T i_waitFlagsToResult(uint32_t fWaitFlags); int i_waitFor(uint32_t fWaitFlags, ULONG uTimeoutMS, ProcessWaitResult_T &waitResult, int *pGuestRc); int i_waitForInputNotify(GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, uint32_t uHandle, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, ProcessInputStatus_T *pInputStatus, uint32_t *pcbProcessed); int i_waitForOutput(GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, uint32_t uHandle, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, void* pvData, size_t cbData, uint32_t *pcbRead); int i_waitForStatusChange(GuestWaitEvent *pEvent, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, ProcessStatus_T *pProcessStatus, int *pGuestRc); int i_writeData(uint32_t uHandle, uint32_t uFlags, void *pvData, size_t cbData, uint32_t uTimeoutMS, uint32_t *puWritten, int *pGuestRc); /** @} */ /** @name Static internal methods. * @{ */ static Utf8Str i_guestErrorToString(int rcGuest, const char *pcszWhat); static bool i_isGuestError(int guestRc); static ProcessWaitResult_T i_waitFlagsToResultEx(uint32_t fWaitFlags, ProcessStatus_T oldStatus, ProcessStatus_T newStatus, uint32_t uProcFlags, uint32_t uProtocol); #if 0 /* unused */ static bool i_waitResultImpliesEx(ProcessWaitResult_T waitResult, ProcessStatus_T procStatus, uint32_t uProtocol); #endif /** @} */ protected: /** @name Protected internal methods. * @{ */ inline bool i_isAlive(void); inline bool i_hasEnded(void); int i_onGuestDisconnected(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCbData); int i_onProcessInputStatus(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCbData); int i_onProcessNotifyIO(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCbData); int i_onProcessStatusChange(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCbData); int i_onProcessOutput(PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCBCTX pCbCtx, PVBOXGUESTCTRLHOSTCALLBACK pSvcCbData); int i_prepareExecuteEnv(const char *pszEnv, void **ppvList, ULONG *pcbList, ULONG *pcEnvVars); int i_setProcessStatus(ProcessStatus_T procStatus, int procRc); static int i_startProcessThreadTask(GuestProcessStartTask *pTask); /** @} */ private: /** Wrapped @name IProcess properties. * @{ */ HRESULT getArguments(std::vector &aArguments); HRESULT getEnvironment(std::vector &aEnvironment); HRESULT getEventSource(ComPtr &aEventSource); HRESULT getExecutablePath(com::Utf8Str &aExecutablePath); HRESULT getExitCode(LONG *aExitCode); HRESULT getName(com::Utf8Str &aName); HRESULT getPID(ULONG *aPID); HRESULT getStatus(ProcessStatus_T *aStatus); /** @} */ /** Wrapped @name IProcess methods. * @{ */ HRESULT waitFor(ULONG aWaitFor, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ProcessWaitResult_T *aReason); HRESULT waitForArray(const std::vector &aWaitFor, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ProcessWaitResult_T *aReason); HRESULT read(ULONG aHandle, ULONG aToRead, ULONG aTimeoutMS, std::vector &aData); HRESULT write(ULONG aHandle, ULONG aFlags, const std::vector &aData, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ULONG *aWritten); HRESULT writeArray(ULONG aHandle, const std::vector &aFlags, const std::vector &aData, ULONG aTimeoutMS, ULONG *aWritten); HRESULT terminate(void); /** @} */ /** * This can safely be used without holding any locks. * An AutoCaller suffices to prevent it being destroy while in use and * internally there is a lock providing the necessary serialization. */ const ComObjPtr mEventSource; struct Data { /** The process startup information. */ GuestProcessStartupInfo mProcess; /** Reference to the immutable session base environment. NULL if the * environment feature isn't supported. * @remarks If there is proof that the uninit order of GuestSession and * this class is what GuestObjectBase claims, then this isn't * strictly necessary. */ GuestEnvironment const *mpSessionBaseEnv; /** Exit code if process has been terminated. */ LONG mExitCode; /** PID reported from the guest. * Note: This is *not* the internal object ID! */ ULONG mPID; /** The current process status. */ ProcessStatus_T mStatus; /** The last returned process status * returned from the guest side. */ int mLastError; Data(void) : mpSessionBaseEnv(NULL) { } ~Data(void) { if (mpSessionBaseEnv) { mpSessionBaseEnv->releaseConst(); mpSessionBaseEnv = NULL; } } } mData; friend class GuestProcessStartTask; }; /** * Guest process tool wait flags. */ /** No wait flags specified; wait until process terminates. * The maximum waiting time is set in the process' startup * info. */ #define GUESTPROCESSTOOL_WAIT_FLAG_NONE 0 /** Wait until next stream block from stdout has been * read in completely, then return. */ #define GUESTPROCESSTOOL_WAIT_FLAG_STDOUT_BLOCK RT_BIT(0) /** * Structure for keeping a VBoxService toolbox tool's error info around. */ struct GuestProcessToolErrorInfo { /** Return code from the guest side for executing the process tool. */ int rcGuest; /** The process tool's returned exit code. */ int32_t iExitCode; }; /** * Internal class for handling the BusyBox-like tools built into VBoxService * on the guest side. It's also called the VBoxService Toolbox (tm). * * Those initially were necessary to guarantee execution of commands (like "ls", "cat") * under the behalf of a certain guest user. * * This class essentially helps to wrap all the gory details like process creation, * information extraction and maintaining the overall status. */ class GuestProcessTool { public: DECLARE_TRANSLATE_METHODS(GuestProcessTool) GuestProcessTool(void); virtual ~GuestProcessTool(void); public: int init(GuestSession *pGuestSession, const GuestProcessStartupInfo &startupInfo, bool fAsync, int *pGuestRc); void uninit(void); int getCurrentBlock(uint32_t uHandle, GuestProcessStreamBlock &strmBlock); int getRc(void) const; GuestProcessStream &getStdOut(void) { return mStdOut; } GuestProcessStream &getStdErr(void) { return mStdErr; } int wait(uint32_t fToolWaitFlags, int *pGuestRc); int waitEx(uint32_t fToolWaitFlags, GuestProcessStreamBlock *pStreamBlock, int *pGuestRc); bool isRunning(void); bool isTerminatedOk(void); int getTerminationStatus(int32_t *piExitCode = NULL); int terminate(uint32_t uTimeoutMS, int *pGuestRc); public: /** Wrapped @name Static run methods. * @{ */ static int run(GuestSession *pGuestSession, const GuestProcessStartupInfo &startupInfo, int *pGuestRc); static int runErrorInfo(GuestSession *pGuestSession, const GuestProcessStartupInfo &startupInfo, GuestProcessToolErrorInfo &errorInfo); static int runEx(GuestSession *pGuestSession, const GuestProcessStartupInfo &startupInfo, GuestCtrlStreamObjects *pStrmOutObjects, uint32_t cStrmOutObjects, int *pGuestRc); static int runExErrorInfo(GuestSession *pGuestSession, const GuestProcessStartupInfo &startupInfo, GuestCtrlStreamObjects *pStrmOutObjects, uint32_t cStrmOutObjects, GuestProcessToolErrorInfo &errorInfo); /** @} */ /** Wrapped @name Static exit code conversion methods. * @{ */ static int exitCodeToRc(const GuestProcessStartupInfo &startupInfo, int32_t iExitCode); static int exitCodeToRc(const char *pszTool, int32_t iExitCode); /** @} */ /** Wrapped @name Static guest error conversion methods. * @{ */ static Utf8Str guestErrorToString(const char *pszTool, const GuestErrorInfo& guestErrorInfo); /** @} */ protected: /** Pointer to session this toolbox object is bound to. */ ComObjPtr pSession; /** Pointer to process object this toolbox object is bound to. */ ComObjPtr pProcess; /** The toolbox' startup info. */ GuestProcessStartupInfo mStartupInfo; /** Stream object for handling the toolbox' stdout data. */ GuestProcessStream mStdOut; /** Stream object for handling the toolbox' stderr data. */ GuestProcessStream mStdErr; }; #endif /* !MAIN_INCLUDED_GuestProcessImpl_h */