/* $Id: SystemPropertiesImpl.h 13606 2008-10-28 10:36:13Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #ifndef ____H_SYSTEMPROPERTIESIMPL #define ____H_SYSTEMPROPERTIESIMPL #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #include "HardDiskFormatImpl.h" #include #include class VirtualBox; class ATL_NO_VTABLE SystemProperties : public VirtualBoxBaseNEXT, public VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl , public VirtualBoxSupportTranslation , public ISystemProperties { public: VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT (SystemProperties) DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(SystemProperties) DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(SystemProperties) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISystemProperties) END_COM_MAP() NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS DECLARE_EMPTY_CTOR_DTOR (SystemProperties) HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); // public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only HRESULT init (VirtualBox *aParent); void uninit(); // ISystemProperties properties STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MinGuestRAM) (ULONG *minRAM)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MaxGuestRAM) (ULONG *maxRAM)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MinGuestVRAM) (ULONG *minVRAM)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MaxGuestVRAM) (ULONG *maxVRAM)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MaxGuestMonitors) (ULONG *maxMonitors)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MaxVDISize) (ULONG64 *maxVDISize)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(NetworkAdapterCount) (ULONG *count)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SerialPortCount) (ULONG *count)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(ParallelPortCount) (ULONG *count)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(MaxBootPosition) (ULONG *aMaxBootPosition)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(DefaultMachineFolder)) (BSTR *aDefaultMachineFolder); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(DefaultMachineFolder)) (INPTR BSTR aDefaultMachineFolder); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(DefaultHardDiskFolder)) (BSTR *aDefaultHardDiskFolder); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(DefaultHardDiskFolder)) (INPTR BSTR aDefaultHardDiskFolder); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HardDiskFormats)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IHardDiskFormat *, aHardDiskFormats)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(RemoteDisplayAuthLibrary)) (BSTR *aRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(RemoteDisplayAuthLibrary)) (INPTR BSTR aRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)) (BSTR *aWebServiceAuthLibrary); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(WebServiceAuthLibrary)) (INPTR BSTR aWebServiceAuthLibrary); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HWVirtExEnabled)) (BOOL *enabled); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(HWVirtExEnabled)) (BOOL enabled); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(LogHistoryCount)) (ULONG *count); STDMETHOD(COMSETTER(LogHistoryCount)) (ULONG count); // public methods only for internal purposes HRESULT loadSettings (const settings::Key &aGlobal); HRESULT saveSettings (settings::Key &aGlobal); /** Default Machine path (as is, not full). Not thread safe (use object lock). */ const Bstr &defaultMachineFolder() const { return mDefaultMachineFolder; } /** Default Machine path (full). Not thread safe (use object lock). */ const Bstr &defaultMachineFolderFull() const { return mDefaultMachineFolderFull; } /** Default hard disk path (as is, not full). Not thread safe (use object lock). */ const Bstr &defaultHardDiskFolder() const { return mDefaultHardDiskFolder; } /** Default hard disk path (full). Not thread safe (use object lock). */ const Bstr &defaultHardDiskFolderFull() const { return mDefaultHardDiskFolderFull; } // for VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl static const wchar_t *getComponentName() { return L"SystemProperties"; } private: typedef std::list > HardDiskFormatList; HRESULT setDefaultMachineFolder (const BSTR aPath); HRESULT setDefaultHardDiskFolder (const BSTR aPath); HRESULT setRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary (const BSTR aPath); HRESULT setWebServiceAuthLibrary (const BSTR aPath); const ComObjPtr mParent; Bstr mDefaultMachineFolder; Bstr mDefaultMachineFolderFull; Bstr mDefaultHardDiskFolder; Bstr mDefaultHardDiskFolderFull; HardDiskFormatList mHardDiskFormats; Bstr mRemoteDisplayAuthLibrary; Bstr mWebServiceAuthLibrary; BOOL mHWVirtExEnabled; ULONG mLogHistoryCount; }; #endif // ____H_SYSTEMPROPERTIESIMPL