/* $Id: VirtualBoxImpl.h 24858 2009-11-23 09:56:20Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * * VirtualBox COM class implementation */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need * additional information or have any questions. */ #ifndef ____H_VIRTUALBOXIMPL #define ____H_VIRTUALBOXIMPL #include "VirtualBoxBase.h" #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS # include "win/resource.h" #endif namespace com { class Event; class EventQueue; } class Machine; class SessionMachine; class Medium; class GuestOSType; class SharedFolder; class Progress; class Host; class SystemProperties; class DHCPServer; class PerformanceCollector; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS class SVCHlpClient; #endif struct VMClientWatcherData; namespace settings { class MainConfigFile; } class ATL_NO_VTABLE VirtualBox : public VirtualBoxBaseWithChildrenNEXT, public VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl, public VirtualBoxSupportTranslation, VBOX_SCRIPTABLE_IMPL(IVirtualBox) #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS , public CComCoClass #endif { public: typedef std::list< ComPtr > CallbackList; typedef std::list< ComObjPtr > SessionMachineList; typedef std::list< ComPtr > InternalControlList; class CallbackEvent; friend class CallbackEvent; VIRTUALBOXBASE_ADD_ERRORINFO_SUPPORT(VirtualBox) DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON(VirtualBox) DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID(IDR_VIRTUALBOX) DECLARE_NOT_AGGREGATABLE(VirtualBox) DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() BEGIN_COM_MAP(VirtualBox) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IVirtualBox) END_COM_MAP() // to postpone generation of the default ctor/dtor VirtualBox(); ~VirtualBox(); HRESULT FinalConstruct(); void FinalRelease(); /* public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only */ HRESULT init(); HRESULT initMachines(); HRESULT initMedia(); void uninit(); /* IVirtualBox properties */ STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Version)) (BSTR *aVersion); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Revision)) (ULONG *aRevision); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(PackageType)) (BSTR *aPackageType); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HomeFolder)) (BSTR *aHomeFolder); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SettingsFilePath)) (BSTR *aSettingsFilePath); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Host)) (IHost **aHost); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SystemProperties)) (ISystemProperties **aSystemProperties); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Machines)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IMachine *, aMachines)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(HardDisks)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IMedium *, aHardDisks)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(DVDImages)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IMedium *, aDVDImages)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(FloppyImages)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IMedium *, aFloppyImages)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(ProgressOperations)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IProgress *, aOperations)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(GuestOSTypes)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IGuestOSType *, aGuestOSTypes)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SharedFolders)) (ComSafeArrayOut (ISharedFolder *, aSharedFolders)); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(PerformanceCollector)) (IPerformanceCollector **aPerformanceCollector); STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(DHCPServers)) (ComSafeArrayOut (IDHCPServer *, aDHCPServers)); /* IVirtualBox methods */ STDMETHOD(CreateMachine) (IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aOsTypeId, IN_BSTR aBaseFolder, IN_BSTR aId, IMachine **aMachine); STDMETHOD(CreateLegacyMachine) (IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aOsTypeId, IN_BSTR aSettingsFile, IN_BSTR aId, IMachine **aMachine); STDMETHOD(OpenMachine) (IN_BSTR aSettingsFile, IMachine **aMachine); STDMETHOD(RegisterMachine) (IMachine *aMachine); STDMETHOD(GetMachine) (IN_BSTR aId, IMachine **aMachine); STDMETHOD(FindMachine) (IN_BSTR aName, IMachine **aMachine); STDMETHOD(UnregisterMachine) (IN_BSTR aId, IMachine **aMachine); STDMETHOD(CreateAppliance) (IAppliance **anAppliance); STDMETHOD(CreateHardDisk)(IN_BSTR aFormat, IN_BSTR aLocation, IMedium **aHardDisk); STDMETHOD(OpenHardDisk) (IN_BSTR aLocation, AccessMode_T accessMode, BOOL aSetImageId, IN_BSTR aImageId, BOOL aSetParentId, IN_BSTR aParentId, IMedium **aHardDisk); STDMETHOD(GetHardDisk) (IN_BSTR aId, IMedium **aHardDisk); STDMETHOD(FindHardDisk) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IMedium **aHardDisk); STDMETHOD(OpenDVDImage) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IN_BSTR aId, IMedium **aDVDImage); STDMETHOD(GetDVDImage) (IN_BSTR aId, IMedium **aDVDImage); STDMETHOD(FindDVDImage) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IMedium **aDVDImage); STDMETHOD(OpenFloppyImage) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IN_BSTR aId, IMedium **aFloppyImage); STDMETHOD(GetFloppyImage) (IN_BSTR aId, IMedium **aFloppyImage); STDMETHOD(FindFloppyImage) (IN_BSTR aLocation, IMedium **aFloppyImage); STDMETHOD(GetGuestOSType) (IN_BSTR aId, IGuestOSType **aType); STDMETHOD(CreateSharedFolder) (IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aHostPath, BOOL aWritable); STDMETHOD(RemoveSharedFolder) (IN_BSTR aName); STDMETHOD(GetExtraDataKeys) (ComSafeArrayOut(BSTR, aKeys)); STDMETHOD(GetExtraData) (IN_BSTR aKey, BSTR *aValue); STDMETHOD(SetExtraData) (IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue); STDMETHOD(OpenSession) (ISession *aSession, IN_BSTR aMachineId); STDMETHOD(OpenRemoteSession) (ISession *aSession, IN_BSTR aMachineId, IN_BSTR aType, IN_BSTR aEnvironment, IProgress **aProgress); STDMETHOD(OpenExistingSession) (ISession *aSession, IN_BSTR aMachineId); STDMETHOD(RegisterCallback) (IVirtualBoxCallback *aCallback); STDMETHOD(UnregisterCallback) (IVirtualBoxCallback *aCallback); STDMETHOD(WaitForPropertyChange) (IN_BSTR aWhat, ULONG aTimeout, BSTR *aChanged, BSTR *aValues); STDMETHOD(CreateDHCPServer) (IN_BSTR aName, IDHCPServer ** aServer); STDMETHOD(FindDHCPServerByNetworkName) (IN_BSTR aName, IDHCPServer ** aServer); STDMETHOD(RemoveDHCPServer) (IDHCPServer * aServer); STDMETHOD(CheckFirmwarePresent)(FirmwareType_T aFirmwareType, IN_BSTR aVersion, BSTR * aUrl, BSTR * aFile, BOOL * aResult); /* public methods only for internal purposes */ #ifdef DEBUG void dumpAllBackRefs(); #endif HRESULT postEvent(Event *event); HRESULT addProgress(IProgress *aProgress); HRESULT removeProgress(IN_GUID aId); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS typedef DECLCALLBACKPTR (HRESULT, SVCHelperClientFunc) (SVCHlpClient *aClient, Progress *aProgress, void *aUser, int *aVrc); HRESULT startSVCHelperClient(bool aPrivileged, SVCHelperClientFunc aFunc, void *aUser, Progress *aProgress); #endif void addProcessToReap (RTPROCESS pid); void updateClientWatcher(); void onMachineStateChange(const Guid &aId, MachineState_T aState); void onMachineDataChange(const Guid &aId); BOOL onExtraDataCanChange(const Guid &aId, IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue, Bstr &aError); void onExtraDataChange(const Guid &aId, IN_BSTR aKey, IN_BSTR aValue); void onMachineRegistered(const Guid &aId, BOOL aRegistered); void onSessionStateChange(const Guid &aId, SessionState_T aState); void onSnapshotTaken(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId); void onSnapshotDeleted(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId); void onSnapshotChange(const Guid &aMachineId, const Guid &aSnapshotId); void onGuestPropertyChange(const Guid &aMachineId, IN_BSTR aName, IN_BSTR aValue, IN_BSTR aFlags); ComObjPtr getUnknownOSType(); void getOpenedMachines(SessionMachineList &aMachines, InternalControlList *aControls = NULL); bool isMachineIdValid(const Guid &aId) { return SUCCEEDED(findMachine(aId, false /* aSetError */, NULL)); } HRESULT findMachine (const Guid &aId, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *machine = NULL); HRESULT findHardDisk(const Guid *aId, CBSTR aLocation, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *aHardDisk = NULL); HRESULT findDVDImage(const Guid *aId, CBSTR aLocation, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *aImage = NULL); HRESULT findFloppyImage(const Guid *aId, CBSTR aLocation, bool aSetError, ComObjPtr *aImage = NULL); HRESULT findGuestOSType(CBSTR bstrOSType, GuestOSType*& pGuestOSType); const ComObjPtr& host() const; const ComObjPtr& systemProperties() const; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_RESOURCE_USAGE_API const ComObjPtr& performanceCollector() const; #endif /* VBOX_WITH_RESOURCE_USAGE_API */ const Utf8Str& getDefaultMachineFolder() const; const Utf8Str& getDefaultHardDiskFolder() const; const Utf8Str& getDefaultHardDiskFormat() const; /** Returns the VirtualBox home directory */ const Utf8Str& homeDir() const; int calculateFullPath(const Utf8Str &strPath, Utf8Str &aResult); void calculateRelativePath(const Utf8Str &strPath, Utf8Str &aResult); HRESULT registerHardDisk(Medium *aHardDisk, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT unregisterHardDisk(Medium *aHardDisk, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT registerDVDImage(Medium *aImage, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT unregisterDVDImage(Medium *aImage, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT registerFloppyImage (Medium *aImage, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT unregisterFloppyImage (Medium *aImage, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT cast (IMedium *aFrom, ComObjPtr &aTo); HRESULT saveSettings(); HRESULT updateSettings(const char *aOldPath, const char *aNewPath); static HRESULT ensureFilePathExists(const Utf8Str &strFileName); static HRESULT handleUnexpectedExceptions (RT_SRC_POS_DECL); const Utf8Str& settingsFilePath(); RWLockHandle& hardDiskTreeLockHandle(); RWLockHandle* childrenLock(); /* for VirtualBoxSupportErrorInfoImpl */ static const wchar_t *getComponentName() { return L"VirtualBox"; } private: HRESULT checkMediaForConflicts2(const Guid &aId, const Utf8Str &aLocation, Utf8Str &aConflictType); HRESULT registerMachine (Machine *aMachine); HRESULT registerDHCPServer(DHCPServer *aDHCPServer, bool aSaveRegistry = true); HRESULT unregisterDHCPServer(DHCPServer *aDHCPServer, bool aSaveRegistry = true); struct Data; // opaque data structure, defined in VirtualBoxImpl.cpp Data *m; /* static variables (defined in VirtualBoxImpl.cpp) */ static Bstr sVersion; static ULONG sRevision; static Bstr sPackageType; static DECLCALLBACK(int) ClientWatcher (RTTHREAD thread, void *pvUser); static DECLCALLBACK(int) AsyncEventHandler (RTTHREAD thread, void *pvUser); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS static DECLCALLBACK(int) SVCHelperClientThread (RTTHREAD aThread, void *aUser); #endif }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // ____H_VIRTUALBOXIMPL