/* $Id: */ /** @file * VirtualBox Guest Control - Threaded operations (tasks). */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #include #include "GuestImpl.h" #include "GuestCtrlImplPrivate.h" #include "Global.h" #include "ConsoleImpl.h" #include "ProgressImpl.h" #include "VMMDev.h" #include "AutoCaller.h" #include "Logging.h" #include #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include GuestTask::GuestTask(TaskType aTaskType, Guest *aThat, Progress *aProgress) : taskType(aTaskType), pGuest(aThat), pProgress(aProgress), rc(S_OK) { } GuestTask::~GuestTask() { } int GuestTask::startThread() { return RTThreadCreate(NULL, GuestTask::taskThread, this, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_MAIN_HEAVY_WORKER, 0, "GuestTask"); } /* static */ DECLCALLBACK(int) GuestTask::taskThread(RTTHREAD /* aThread */, void *pvUser) { std::auto_ptr task(static_cast(pvUser)); AssertReturn(task.get(), VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE); ComObjPtr pGuest = task->pGuest; LogFlowFuncEnter(); HRESULT rc = S_OK; switch (task->taskType) { #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL case TaskType_CopyFileToGuest: { rc = pGuest->taskCopyFileToGuest(task.get()); break; } case TaskType_CopyFileFromGuest: { rc = pGuest->taskCopyFileFromGuest(task.get()); break; } case TaskType_UpdateGuestAdditions: { rc = pGuest->taskUpdateGuestAdditions(task.get()); break; } #endif default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid task type %u specified!\n", task->taskType)); break; } LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rhrc\n", rc)); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* static */ int GuestTask::uploadProgress(unsigned uPercent, void *pvUser) { GuestTask *pTask = *(GuestTask**)pvUser; if ( pTask && !pTask->pProgress.isNull()) { BOOL fCanceled; pTask->pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled)(&fCanceled); if (fCanceled) return -1; pTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(uPercent); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* static */ HRESULT GuestTask::setProgressSuccess(ComObjPtr pProgress) { BOOL fCanceled; BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && !fCanceled && SUCCEEDED(pProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { return pProgress->notifyComplete(S_OK); } return S_OK; } /* static */ HRESULT GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(HRESULT hr, ComObjPtr pProgress, const char *pszText, ...) { BOOL fCanceled; BOOL fCompleted; if ( SUCCEEDED(pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && !fCanceled && SUCCEEDED(pProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { va_list va; va_start(va, pszText); HRESULT hr2 = pProgress->notifyCompleteV(hr, COM_IIDOF(IGuest), Guest::getStaticComponentName(), pszText, va); va_end(va); if (hr2 == S_OK) /* If unable to retrieve error, return input error. */ hr2 = hr; return hr2; } return S_OK; } /* static */ HRESULT GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(HRESULT hr, ComObjPtr pProgress, ComObjPtr pGuest) { return setProgressErrorMsg(hr, pProgress, Utf8Str(com::ErrorInfo((IGuest*)pGuest, COM_IIDOF(IGuest)).getText()).c_str()); } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_GUEST_CONTROL HRESULT Guest::taskCopyFileToGuest(GuestTask *aTask) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); /* * Do *not* take a write lock here since we don't (and won't) * touch any class-specific data (of IGuest) here - only the member functions * which get called here can do that. */ HRESULT rc = S_OK; try { ComObjPtr pGuest = aTask->pGuest; /* Does our source file exist? */ if (!RTFileExists(aTask->strSource.c_str())) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Source file \"%s\" does not exist or is not a file"), aTask->strSource.c_str()); } else { RTFILE fileSource; int vrc = RTFileOpen(&fileSource, aTask->strSource.c_str(), RTFILE_O_OPEN | RTFILE_O_READ | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Could not open source file \"%s\" for reading (%Rrc)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), vrc); } else { uint64_t cbSize; vrc = RTFileGetSize(fileSource, &cbSize); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Could not query file size of \"%s\" (%Rrc)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), vrc); } else { com::SafeArray args; com::SafeArray env; /* * Prepare tool command line. */ char szOutput[RTPATH_MAX]; size_t cchOutput = RTStrPrintf(szOutput, sizeof(szOutput), "--output=%s", aTask->strDest.c_str()); if (cchOutput && cchOutput <= sizeof(szOutput) - 1) { /* * Normalize path slashes, based on the detected guest. */ Utf8Str osType = mData.mOSTypeId; if ( osType.contains("Microsoft", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive) || osType.contains("Windows", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)) { /* We have a Windows guest. */ RTPathChangeToDosSlashes(szOutput, true /* Force conversion. */); } else /* ... or something which isn't from Redmond ... */ { RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(szOutput, true /* Force conversion. */); } args.push_back(Bstr(szOutput).raw()); /* We want to write a file ... */ } else rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Destination file for source \"%s\" invalid (%ubytes)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), cchOutput); ComPtr execProgress; ULONG uPID; if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { LogRel(("Copying file \"%s\" to guest \"%s\" (%u bytes) ...\n", aTask->strSource.c_str(), aTask->strDest.c_str(), cbSize)); /* * Okay, since we gathered all stuff we need until now to start the * actual copying, start the guest part now. */ rc = pGuest->executeAndWaitForTool(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw(), Bstr("Copying file to guest").raw(), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(args), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(env), Bstr(aTask->strUserName).raw(), Bstr(aTask->strPassword).raw(), ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly, NULL, NULL, execProgress.asOutParam(), &uPID); if (FAILED(rc)) rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { BOOL fCompleted = FALSE; BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; uint64_t cbTransferedTotal = 0; SafeArray aInputData(_64K); while ( SUCCEEDED(execProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { size_t cbToRead = cbSize; size_t cbRead = 0; if (cbSize) /* If we have nothing to read, take a shortcut. */ { /** @todo Not very efficient, but works for now. */ vrc = RTFileSeek(fileSource, cbTransferedTotal, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL /* poffActual */); if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { vrc = RTFileRead(fileSource, (uint8_t*)aInputData.raw(), RT_MIN(cbToRead, _64K), &cbRead); /* * Some other error occured? There might be a chance that RTFileRead * could not resolve/map the native error code to an IPRT code, so just * print a generic error. */ if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Could not read from file \"%s\" (%Rrc)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), vrc); break; } } else { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Seeking file \"%s\" failed; offset = %RU64 (%Rrc)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), cbTransferedTotal, vrc); break; } } /* Resize buffer to reflect amount we just have read. * Size 0 is allowed! */ aInputData.resize(cbRead); ULONG uFlags = ProcessInputFlag_None; /* Did we reach the end of the content we want to transfer (last chunk)? */ if ( (cbRead < _64K) /* Did we reach the last block which is exactly _64K? */ || (cbToRead - cbRead == 0) /* ... or does the user want to cancel? */ || ( SUCCEEDED(aTask->pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) ) { uFlags |= ProcessInputFlag_EndOfFile; } ULONG uBytesWritten = 0; rc = pGuest->SetProcessInput(uPID, uFlags, 0 /* Infinite timeout */, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aInputData), &uBytesWritten); if (FAILED(rc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); break; } Assert(cbRead <= cbToRead); Assert(cbToRead >= cbRead); cbToRead -= cbRead; cbTransferedTotal += uBytesWritten; Assert(cbTransferedTotal <= cbSize); aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress((ULONG)(cbTransferedTotal * 100 / cbSize)); /* End of file reached? */ if (cbToRead == 0) break; /* Did the user cancel the operation above? */ if (fCanceled) break; /* Progress canceled by Main API? */ if ( SUCCEEDED(execProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Copy operation of file \"%s\" was canceled on guest side"), aTask->strSource.c_str()); break; } } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* * If we got here this means the started process either was completed, * canceled or we simply got all stuff transferred. */ ExecuteProcessStatus_T retStatus; ULONG uRetExitCode; rc = executeWaitForExit(uPID, execProgress, 0 /* No timeout */, &retStatus, &uRetExitCode); if (FAILED(rc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); } else { if ( uRetExitCode != 0 || retStatus != ExecuteProcessStatus_TerminatedNormally) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Guest process reported error %u (status: %u) while copying file \"%s\" to \"%s\""), uRetExitCode, retStatus, aTask->strSource.c_str(), aTask->strDest.c_str()); } } } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (fCanceled) { /* * In order to make the progress object to behave nicely, we also have to * notify the object with a complete event when it's canceled. */ rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Copying file \"%s\" to guest canceled"), aTask->strSource.c_str()); } else { /* * Even if we succeeded until here make sure to check whether we really transfered * everything. */ if ( cbSize > 0 && cbTransferedTotal == 0) { /* If nothing was transfered but the file size was > 0 then "vbox_cat" wasn't able to write * to the destination -> access denied. */ rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Access denied when copying file \"%s\" to \"%s\""), aTask->strSource.c_str(), aTask->strDest.c_str()); } else if (cbTransferedTotal < cbSize) { /* If we did not copy all let the user know. */ rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Copying file \"%s\" failed (%u/%u bytes transfered)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), cbTransferedTotal, cbSize); } else /* Yay, all went fine! */ rc = GuestTask::setProgressSuccess(aTask->pProgress); } } } } RTFileClose(fileSource); } } } catch (HRESULT aRC) { rc = aRC; } /* Clean up */ aTask->rc = rc; LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rhrc\n", rc)); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } HRESULT Guest::taskCopyFileFromGuest(GuestTask *aTask) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); /* * Do *not* take a write lock here since we don't (and won't) * touch any class-specific data (of IGuest) here - only the member functions * which get called here can do that. */ HRESULT rc = S_OK; try { ComObjPtr pGuest = aTask->pGuest; /* Does our source file exist? */ BOOL fFileExists; rc = pGuest->FileExists(Bstr(aTask->strSource).raw(), Bstr(aTask->strUserName).raw(), Bstr(aTask->strPassword).raw(), &fFileExists); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (!fFileExists) rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Source file \"%s\" does not exist, or is not a file"), aTask->strSource.c_str()); } else rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); /* Query file size to make an estimate for our progress object. */ if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { LONG64 lFileSize; rc = pGuest->FileQuerySize(Bstr(aTask->strSource).raw(), Bstr(aTask->strUserName).raw(), Bstr(aTask->strPassword).raw(), &lFileSize); if (FAILED(rc)) rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); com::SafeArray args; com::SafeArray env; if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { /* * Prepare tool command line. */ char szSource[RTPATH_MAX]; size_t cchSource = RTStrPrintf(szSource, sizeof(szSource), "%s", aTask->strSource.c_str()); if (cchSource && cchSource <= sizeof(szSource) - 1) { /* * Normalize path slashes, based on the detected guest. */ Utf8Str osType = mData.mOSTypeId; if ( osType.contains("Microsoft", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive) || osType.contains("Windows", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)) { /* We have a Windows guest. */ RTPathChangeToDosSlashes(szSource, true /* Force conversion. */); } else /* ... or something which isn't from Redmond ... */ { RTPathChangeToUnixSlashes(szSource, true /* Force conversion. */); } args.push_back(Bstr(szSource).raw()); /* Tell our cat tool which file to output. */ } else rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Source file \"%s\" too long (%ubytes)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), cchSource); } ComPtr execProgress; ULONG uPID; if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { LogRel(("Copying file \"%s\" to host \"%s\" (%u bytes) ...\n", aTask->strSource.c_str(), aTask->strDest.c_str(), lFileSize)); /* * Okay, since we gathered all stuff we need until now to start the * actual copying, start the guest part now. */ rc = pGuest->executeAndWaitForTool(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw(), Bstr("Copying file to host").raw(), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(args), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(env), Bstr(aTask->strUserName).raw(), Bstr(aTask->strPassword).raw(), ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly | ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForStdOut, NULL, NULL, execProgress.asOutParam(), &uPID); if (FAILED(rc)) rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { BOOL fCompleted = FALSE; BOOL fCanceled = FALSE; RTFILE hFileDest; int vrc = RTFileOpen(&hFileDest, aTask->strDest.c_str(), RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_OPEN_CREATE | RTFILE_O_DENY_WRITE); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Unable to create/open destination file \"%s\", rc=%Rrc"), aTask->strDest.c_str(), vrc); else { /* Note: Using size_t here is possible because the file size is * stored as 32-bit value in the ISO 9660 file system. */ size_t cbToRead = lFileSize; size_t cbTransfered = 0; while ( SUCCEEDED(execProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { SafeArray aOutputData; rc = pGuest->GetProcessOutput(uPID, ProcessOutputFlag_None /* StdOut */, 0 /* No timeout. */, _64K, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aOutputData)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (aOutputData.size()) { vrc = RTFileWrite(hFileDest, aOutputData.raw(), aOutputData.size(), NULL /* No partial writes */); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Error writing to file \"%s\" (%u bytes left), rc=%Rrc"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), cbToRead, vrc); break; } Assert(cbToRead >= aOutputData.size()); cbToRead -= aOutputData.size(); cbTransfered += aOutputData.size(); aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(cbTransfered / (lFileSize / 100.0)); } /* Nothing read this time; try next round. */ } else { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); break; } } RTFileClose(hFileDest); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if ( cbTransfered && (cbTransfered != (size_t)lFileSize)) { /* * Only bitch about an unexpected end of a file when there already * was data read from that file. If this was the very first read we can * be (almost) sure that this file is not meant to be read by the specified user. */ rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Unexpected end of file \"%s\" (%u bytes total, %u bytes transferred)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), lFileSize, cbTransfered); } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) rc = GuestTask::setProgressSuccess(aTask->pProgress); } } } } } catch (HRESULT aRC) { rc = aRC; } /* Clean up */ aTask->rc = rc; LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rhrc\n", rc)); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } HRESULT Guest::taskUpdateGuestAdditions(GuestTask *aTask) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc(); /* * Do *not* take a write lock here since we don't (and won't) * touch any class-specific data (of IGuest) here - only the member functions * which get called here can do that. */ HRESULT rc = S_OK; BOOL fCompleted; BOOL fCanceled; try { ComObjPtr pGuest = aTask->pGuest; aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(10); /* * Determine guest OS type and the required installer image. * At the moment only Windows guests are supported. */ Utf8Str installerImage; Bstr osTypeId; if ( SUCCEEDED(pGuest->COMGETTER(OSTypeId(osTypeId.asOutParam()))) && !osTypeId.isEmpty()) { Utf8Str osTypeIdUtf8(osTypeId); /* Needed for .contains(). */ if ( osTypeIdUtf8.contains("Microsoft", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive) || osTypeIdUtf8.contains("Windows", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)) { if (osTypeIdUtf8.contains("64", Utf8Str::CaseInsensitive)) installerImage = "VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS_AMD64.EXE"; else installerImage = "VBOXWINDOWSADDITIONS_X86.EXE"; /* Since the installers are located in the root directory, * no further path processing needs to be done (yet). */ } else /* Everything else is not supported (yet). */ throw GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Detected guest OS (%s) does not support automatic Guest Additions updating, please update manually"), osTypeIdUtf8.c_str()); } else throw GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Could not detected guest OS type/version, please update manually")); Assert(!installerImage.isEmpty()); /* * Try to open the .ISO file and locate the specified installer. */ RTISOFSFILE iso; int vrc = RTIsoFsOpen(&iso, aTask->strSource.c_str()); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Invalid installation medium detected: \"%s\""), aTask->strSource.c_str()); } else { uint32_t cbOffset; size_t cbLength; vrc = RTIsoFsGetFileInfo(&iso, installerImage.c_str(), &cbOffset, &cbLength); if ( RT_SUCCESS(vrc) && cbOffset && cbLength) { vrc = RTFileSeek(iso.file, cbOffset, RTFILE_SEEK_BEGIN, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Could not seek to setup file on installation medium \"%s\" (%Rrc)"), aTask->strSource.c_str(), vrc); } else { switch (vrc) { case VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Setup file was not found on installation medium \"%s\""), aTask->strSource.c_str()); break; default: rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("An unknown error (%Rrc) occured while retrieving information of setup file on installation medium \"%s\""), vrc, aTask->strSource.c_str()); break; } } /* Specify the ouput path on the guest side. */ Utf8Str strInstallerPath = "%TEMP%\\VBoxWindowsAdditions.exe"; if (RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* Okay, we're ready to start our copy routine on the guest! */ aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(15); /* Prepare command line args. */ com::SafeArray args; com::SafeArray env; args.push_back(Bstr("--output").raw()); /* We want to write a file ... */ args.push_back(Bstr(strInstallerPath.c_str()).raw()); /* ... with this path. */ if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ComPtr progressCat; ULONG uPID; /* * Start built-in "vbox_cat" tool (inside VBoxService) to * copy over/pipe the data into a file on the guest (with * system rights, no username/password specified). */ rc = pGuest->executeProcessInternal(Bstr(VBOXSERVICE_TOOL_CAT).raw(), ExecuteProcessFlag_Hidden | ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(args), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(env), Bstr("").raw() /* Username. */, Bstr("").raw() /* Password */, 5 * 1000 /* Wait 5s for getting the process started. */, &uPID, progressCat.asOutParam(), &vrc); if (FAILED(rc)) { /* Errors which return VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED can be safely skipped by the caller * to silently fall back to "normal" (old) .ISO mounting. */ /* Due to a very limited COM error range we use vrc for a more detailed error * lookup to figure out what went wrong. */ switch (vrc) { /* Guest execution service is not (yet) ready. This basically means that either VBoxService * is not running (yet) or that the Guest Additions are too old (because VBoxService does not * support the guest execution feature in this version). */ case VERR_NOT_FOUND: LogRel(("Guest Additions seem not to be installed yet\n")); rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Guest Additions seem not to be installed or are not ready to update yet")); break; /* Getting back a VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER indicates that the installed Guest Additions are supporting the guest * execution but not the built-in "vbox_cat" tool of VBoxService (< 4.0). */ case VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER: LogRel(("Guest Additions are installed but don't supported automatic updating\n")); rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Installed Guest Additions do not support automatic updating")); break; case VERR_TIMEOUT: LogRel(("Guest was unable to start copying the Guest Additions setup within time\n")); rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(E_FAIL, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Guest was unable to start copying the Guest Additions setup within time")); break; default: rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(E_FAIL, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Error copying Guest Additions setup file to guest path \"%s\" (%Rrc)"), strInstallerPath.c_str(), vrc); break; } } else { LogRel(("Automatic update of Guest Additions started, using \"%s\"\n", aTask->strSource.c_str())); LogRel(("Copying Guest Additions installer \"%s\" to \"%s\" on guest ...\n", installerImage.c_str(), strInstallerPath.c_str())); aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(20); /* Wait for process to exit ... */ SafeArray aInputData(_64K); while ( SUCCEEDED(progressCat->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { size_t cbRead; /* cbLength contains remaining bytes of our installer file * opened above to read. */ size_t cbToRead = RT_MIN(cbLength, _64K); if (cbToRead) { vrc = RTFileRead(iso.file, (uint8_t*)aInputData.raw(), cbToRead, &cbRead); if ( cbRead && RT_SUCCESS(vrc)) { /* Resize buffer to reflect amount we just have read. */ if (cbRead > 0) aInputData.resize(cbRead); /* Did we reach the end of the content we want to transfer (last chunk)? */ ULONG uFlags = ProcessInputFlag_None; if ( (cbRead < _64K) /* Did we reach the last block which is exactly _64K? */ || (cbToRead - cbRead == 0) /* ... or does the user want to cancel? */ || ( SUCCEEDED(aTask->pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) ) { uFlags |= ProcessInputFlag_EndOfFile; } /* Transfer the current chunk ... */ #ifdef DEBUG_andy LogRel(("Copying Guest Additions (%u bytes left) ...\n", cbLength)); #endif ULONG uBytesWritten; rc = pGuest->SetProcessInput(uPID, uFlags, 10 * 1000 /* Wait 10s for getting the input data transfered. */, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(aInputData), &uBytesWritten); if (FAILED(rc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); break; } /* If task was canceled above also cancel the process execution. */ if (fCanceled) progressCat->Cancel(); #ifdef DEBUG_andy LogRel(("Copying Guest Additions (%u bytes written) ...\n", uBytesWritten)); #endif Assert(cbLength >= uBytesWritten); cbLength -= uBytesWritten; } else if (RT_FAILURE(vrc)) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Error while reading setup file \"%s\" (To read: %u, Size: %u) from installation medium (%Rrc)"), installerImage.c_str(), cbToRead, cbLength, vrc); } } /* Internal progress canceled? */ if ( SUCCEEDED(progressCat->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { aTask->pProgress->Cancel(); break; } } } } } RTIsoFsClose(&iso); if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) && ( SUCCEEDED(aTask->pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && !fCanceled ) ) { /* * Installer was transferred successfully, so let's start it * (with system rights). */ LogRel(("Preparing to execute Guest Additions update ...\n")); aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(66); /* Prepare command line args for installer. */ com::SafeArray installerArgs; com::SafeArray installerEnv; /** @todo Only Windows! */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr(strInstallerPath).raw()); /* The actual (internal) installer image (as argv[0]). */ /* Note that starting at Windows Vista the lovely session 0 separation applies: * This means that if we run an application with the profile/security context * of VBoxService (system rights!) we're not able to show any UI. */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr("/S").raw()); /* We want to install in silent mode. */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr("/l").raw()); /* ... and logging enabled. */ /* Don't quit VBoxService during upgrade because it still is used for this * piece of code we're in right now (that is, here!) ... */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr("/no_vboxservice_exit").raw()); /* Tell the installer to report its current installation status * using a running VBoxTray instance via balloon messages in the * Windows taskbar. */ installerArgs.push_back(Bstr("/post_installstatus").raw()); /* * Start the just copied over installer with system rights * in silent mode on the guest. Don't use the hidden flag since there * may be pop ups the user has to process. */ ComPtr progressInstaller; ULONG uPID; rc = pGuest->executeProcessInternal(Bstr(strInstallerPath).raw(), ExecuteProcessFlag_WaitForProcessStartOnly, ComSafeArrayAsInParam(installerArgs), ComSafeArrayAsInParam(installerEnv), Bstr("").raw() /* Username */, Bstr("").raw() /* Password */, 10 * 1000 /* Wait 10s for getting the process started */, &uPID, progressInstaller.asOutParam(), &vrc); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { LogRel(("Guest Additions update is running ...\n")); /* If the caller does not want to wait for out guest update process to end, * complete the progress object now so that the caller can do other work. */ if (aTask->uFlags & AdditionsUpdateFlag_WaitForUpdateStartOnly) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressSuccess(aTask->pProgress); AssertComRC(rc); } else aTask->pProgress->SetCurrentOperationProgress(70); /* Wait until the Guest Additions installer finishes ... */ while ( SUCCEEDED(progressInstaller->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { if ( SUCCEEDED(aTask->pProgress->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { progressInstaller->Cancel(); break; } /* Progress canceled by Main API? */ if ( SUCCEEDED(progressInstaller->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { break; } RTThreadSleep(100); } ExecuteProcessStatus_T retStatus; ULONG uRetExitCode, uRetFlags; rc = pGuest->GetProcessStatus(uPID, &uRetExitCode, &uRetFlags, &retStatus); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (fCompleted) { if (uRetExitCode == 0) { LogRel(("Guest Additions update successful!\n")); if ( SUCCEEDED(aTask->pProgress->COMGETTER(Completed(&fCompleted))) && !fCompleted) { rc = GuestTask::setProgressSuccess(aTask->pProgress); } } else { LogRel(("Guest Additions update failed (Exit code=%u, Status=%u, Flags=%u)\n", uRetExitCode, retStatus, uRetFlags)); rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Guest Additions update failed with exit code=%u (status=%u, flags=%u)"), uRetExitCode, retStatus, uRetFlags); } } else if ( SUCCEEDED(progressInstaller->COMGETTER(Canceled(&fCanceled))) && fCanceled) { LogRel(("Guest Additions update was canceled\n")); rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorMsg(VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR, aTask->pProgress, Guest::tr("Guest Additions update was canceled by the guest with exit code=%u (status=%u, flags=%u)"), uRetExitCode, retStatus, uRetFlags); } else { LogRel(("Guest Additions update was canceled by the user\n")); } } else rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); } else rc = GuestTask::setProgressErrorParent(rc, aTask->pProgress, pGuest); } } } catch (HRESULT aRC) { rc = aRC; } /* Clean up */ aTask->rc = rc; LogFlowFunc(("rc=%Rhrc\n", rc)); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif