1 | VERSION 5.00
2 | Begin VB.Form TestForm
3 | Caption = "VirtualBox Test"
4 | ClientHeight = 4692
5 | ClientLeft = 60
6 | ClientTop = 348
7 | ClientWidth = 6972
8 | LinkTopic = "TestForm"
9 | ScaleHeight = 4692
10 | ScaleWidth = 6972
11 | StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default
12 | Begin VB.ListBox machineList
13 | Height = 2352
14 | ItemData = "TestForm.frx":0000
15 | Left = 240
16 | List = "TestForm.frx":0007
17 | TabIndex = 4
18 | Top = 2040
19 | Width = 6492
20 | End
21 | Begin VB.CommandButton getMachieListCmd
22 | Caption = "Get Machine List"
23 | Height = 372
24 | Left = 2640
25 | TabIndex = 0
26 | Top = 720
27 | Width = 1692
28 | End
29 | Begin VB.Label Label3
30 | AutoSize = -1 'True
31 | Caption = "Registered Machines:"
32 | Height = 192
33 | Left = 240
34 | TabIndex = 5
35 | Top = 1680
36 | Width = 1572
37 | End
38 | Begin VB.Label versionLabel
39 | AutoSize = -1 'True
40 | Caption = "<none>"
41 | Height = 192
42 | Left = 1680
43 | TabIndex = 3
44 | Top = 1320
45 | Width = 528
46 | End
47 | Begin VB.Label Label2
48 | AutoSize = -1 'True
49 | Caption = "VirtualBox Version:"
50 | Height = 252
51 | Left = 240
52 | TabIndex = 2
53 | Top = 1320
54 | Width = 1344
55 | End
56 | Begin VB.Label Label1
57 | Alignment = 2 'Center
58 | Caption = $"TestForm.frx":0013
59 | Height = 372
60 | Left = 240
61 | TabIndex = 1
62 | Top = 120
63 | Width = 6492
64 | WordWrap = -1 'True
65 | End
66 | End
67 | Attribute VB_Name = "TestForm"
68 | Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
69 | Attribute VB_Creatable = False
70 | Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
71 | Attribute VB_Exposed = False
72 |
73 | Private Declare Function SetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" _
74 | Alias "SetEnvironmentVariableA" (ByVal lpName As String, ByVal lpValue As String) As Long
75 | Private Declare Function GetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" _
76 | Alias "GetEnvironmentVariableA" (ByVal lpName As String, ByVal lpValue As String, ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
77 |
78 | Private Sub Form_Load()
79 |
80 | ' Set where to take VirtualBox configuration from
81 |
82 | 'SetEnvironmentVariable "VBOX_USER_HOME", "E:\VirtualBoxHome\win"
83 |
84 | ' Setup debug logging (available only in debug builds)
85 |
86 | 'PATH_OUT_BASE = "D:/Coding/innotek/vbox/out"
87 |
88 | 'SetEnvironmentVariable "VBOX_LOG", "main.e.l.f + gui.e.l.f"
89 | 'SetEnvironmentVariable "VBOX_LOG_FLAGS", "time tid thread"
90 | 'SetEnvironmentVariable "VBOX_LOG_DEST", "dir:" + PATH_OUT_BASE + "/logs"
91 |
92 | End Sub
93 |
94 | Private Sub getMachieListCmd_Click()
95 |
96 | ' Clear the old list conrents
97 |
98 | machineList.Clear
99 | machineList.Refresh
100 |
101 | versionLabel.Caption = "<none>"
102 |
103 | ' Disable the button and the list for the duration of the call
104 |
105 | getMachieListCmd.Enabled = False
106 | machineList.Enabled = False
107 |
108 | ' Obtain the global VirtualBox object (this will start
109 | ' the VirtualBox server if it is not already started)
110 |
111 | Dim vbox As VirtualBox.VirtualBox
112 | Set vbox = New VirtualBox.VirtualBox
113 |
114 | ' Get the VirtualBox server version
115 |
116 | versionLabel.Caption = vbox.Version
117 |
118 | ' Obtain a list of registered machines
119 |
120 | Dim machines() As VirtualBox.IMachine
121 | machines = vbox.Machines2
122 |
123 | If UBound(machines) < 0 Then
124 | machineList.AddItem ("<none>")
125 | Else
126 | For i = 0 To UBound(machines)
127 | Item = machines(i).Name + " (" + machines(i).OSTypeId() + ")"
128 | machineList.AddItem (Item)
129 | Next i
130 | End If
131 |
132 | ' Reenable the button and the list
133 |
134 | getMachieListCmd.Enabled = True
135 | machineList.Enabled = True
136 |
137 | End Sub