/** @file * tstVBoxMultipleVM - load test for ClientWatcher. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace com; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables & defs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ typedef std::vector TMachinesList; static volatile bool g_RunTest = true; static RTSEMEVENT g_PingEevent; static volatile uint64_t g_Counter = 0; static RTTEST g_hTest; /* Arguments of test thread */ struct TestThreadArgs { /** number of machines that should be run simultaneousely */ uint32_t machinesPackSize; /** percents of VM Stop operation what should be called * without session unlocking */ uint32_t percentsUnlok; /** How much time in milliseconds test will be executed */ uint64_t cMsExecutionTime; /** How much machines create for the test */ uint32_t numberMachines; }; static TestThreadArgs g_Args; /** Worker for TST_COM_EXPR(). */ static HRESULT tstComExpr(HRESULT hrc, const char *pszOperation, int iLine) { if (FAILED(hrc)) { RTTestFailed(g_hTest, "%s failed on line %u with hrc=%Rhrc\n", pszOperation, iLine, hrc); } return hrc; } #define CHECK_ERROR_L(iface, method) \ do { \ rc = iface->method; \ if (FAILED(rc)) \ RTPrintf("warning: %s->%s failed on line %u with hrc=%Rhrc\n", #iface, #method, __LINE__, rc);\ } while (0) /** Macro that executes the given expression and report any failure. * The expression must return a HRESULT. */ #define TST_COM_EXPR(expr) tstComExpr(expr, #expr, __LINE__) static int tstStartVM(IVirtualBox *pVBox, ISession *pSession, Bstr machineID, bool fSkipUnlock) { HRESULT rc; ComPtr progress; ComPtr machine; Bstr machineName; rc = TST_COM_EXPR(pVBox->FindMachine(machineID.raw(), machine.asOutParam())); if(SUCCEEDED(rc)) rc = TST_COM_EXPR(machine->COMGETTER(Name)(machineName.asOutParam())); if(SUCCEEDED(rc)) rc = machine->LaunchVMProcess(pSession, Bstr("headless").raw(), Bstr("").raw(), progress.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && !progress.isNull()) { CHECK_ERROR_L(progress, WaitForCompletion(-1)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { BOOL completed = true; CHECK_ERROR_L(progress, COMGETTER(Completed)(&completed)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { Assert(completed); LONG iRc; CHECK_ERROR_L(progress, COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&iRc)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (FAILED(iRc)) { ProgressErrorInfo info(progress); RTPrintf("Start VM '%ls' failed. Warning: %ls.\n", machineName.raw(), info.getText().raw()); } else RTPrintf("VM '%ls' started.\n", machineName.raw()); } } } if (!fSkipUnlock) pSession->UnlockMachine(); else RTPrintf("Session unlock skipped.\n"); } return rc; } static int tstStopVM(IVirtualBox* pVBox, ISession* pSession, Bstr machineID, bool fSkipUnlock) { ComPtr machine; HRESULT rc = TST_COM_EXPR(pVBox->FindMachine(machineID.raw(), machine.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { Bstr machineName; rc = TST_COM_EXPR(machine->COMGETTER(Name)(machineName.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { MachineState_T machineState; rc = TST_COM_EXPR(machine->COMGETTER(State)(&machineState)); // check that machine is in running state if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) && ( machineState == MachineState_Running || machineState == MachineState_Paused)) { ComPtr console; ComPtr progress; rc = TST_COM_EXPR(machine->LockMachine(pSession, LockType_Shared)); if(SUCCEEDED(rc)) TST_COM_EXPR(pSession->COMGETTER(Console)(console.asOutParam())); if(SUCCEEDED(rc)) rc = console->PowerDown(progress.asOutParam()); if (SUCCEEDED(rc) && !progress.isNull()) { //RTPrintf("Stopping VM %ls...\n", machineName.raw()); CHECK_ERROR_L(progress, WaitForCompletion(-1)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { BOOL completed = true; CHECK_ERROR_L(progress, COMGETTER(Completed)(&completed)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { //ASSERT(completed); LONG iRc; CHECK_ERROR_L(progress, COMGETTER(ResultCode)(&iRc)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (FAILED(iRc)) { ProgressErrorInfo info(progress); RTPrintf("Stop VM %ls failed. Warning: %ls.\n", machineName.raw(), info.getText().raw()); rc = iRc; } else { RTPrintf("VM '%ls' stopped.\n", machineName.raw()); } } } } if (!fSkipUnlock) pSession->UnlockMachine(); else RTPrintf("Session unlock skipped.\n"); } } } } return rc; } /** * Get random @a maxCount machines from list of existing VMs. * * @note Can return less then maxCount machines. */ static int tstGetMachinesList(IVirtualBox *pVBox, uint32_t maxCount, TMachinesList &listToFill) { com::SafeIfaceArray machines; HRESULT rc = TST_COM_EXPR(pVBox->COMGETTER(Machines)(ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(machines))); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { size_t cMachines = RT_MIN(machines.size(), maxCount); for (size_t i = 0; i < cMachines; ++i) { // choose random index of machine uint32_t idx = RTRandU32Ex(0, (uint32_t)machines.size() - 1); if (machines[idx]) { Bstr bstrId; Bstr machineName; CHECK_ERROR_L(machines[idx], COMGETTER(Id)(bstrId.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR_L(machines[idx], COMGETTER(Name)(machineName.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { if (Utf8Str(machineName).startsWith("umtvm")) listToFill.push_back(bstrId); } } } // remove duplicates from the vector std::sort(listToFill.begin(), listToFill.end()); listToFill.erase(std::unique(listToFill.begin(), listToFill.end()), listToFill.end()); RTPrintf("Filled pack of %d from %d machines.\n", listToFill.size(), machines.size()); } return rc; } static int tstMachinesPack(IVirtualBox *pVBox, uint32_t maxPackSize, uint32_t percentage) { HRESULT rc = S_OK; TMachinesList machinesList; bool alwaysUnlock = false; uint64_t percN = 0; // choose and fill pack of machines for test tstGetMachinesList(pVBox, maxPackSize, machinesList); RTPrintf("Start test.\n"); // screw up counter g_Counter = UINT64_MAX - machinesList.size() <= g_Counter ? 0 : g_Counter; if (percentage > 0) percN = 100 / percentage; else alwaysUnlock = true; // start all machines in pack for (TMachinesList::iterator it = machinesList.begin(); it != machinesList.end() && g_RunTest; ++it) { ComPtr session; rc = session.createInprocObject(CLSID_Session); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { rc = tstStartVM(pVBox, session, *it, !(alwaysUnlock || g_Counter++ % percN)); } RTSemEventSignal(g_PingEevent); RTThreadSleep(100); } // stop all machines in the pack for (TMachinesList::iterator it = machinesList.begin(); it != machinesList.end() && g_RunTest; ++it) { ComPtr session; rc = session.createInprocObject(CLSID_Session); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { // stop machines, skip session unlock of given % of machines rc = tstStopVM(pVBox, session, *it, !(alwaysUnlock || g_Counter++ % percN)); } RTSemEventSignal(g_PingEevent); RTThreadSleep(100); } return rc; } static Bstr tstMakeMachineName(int i) { char szMachineName[32]; RTStrPrintf(szMachineName, sizeof(szMachineName), "umtvm%d", i); return Bstr(szMachineName); } static int tstCreateMachines(IVirtualBox *pVBox) { HRESULT rc = S_OK; // create machines for the test for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g_Args.numberMachines; i++) { ComPtr ptrMachine; com::SafeArray groups; Bstr machineName(tstMakeMachineName(i)); /* Default VM settings */ CHECK_ERROR_L(pVBox, CreateMachine(NULL, /* Settings */ machineName.raw(), /* Name */ ComSafeArrayAsInParam(groups), /* Groups */ NULL, /* OS Type */ NULL, /* Create flags */ ptrMachine.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { CHECK_ERROR_L(pVBox, RegisterMachine(ptrMachine)); RTPrintf("Machine '%ls' created\n", machineName.raw()); } RTSemEventSignal(g_PingEevent); RTThreadSleep(100); } return rc; } static int tstClean(IVirtualBox *pVBox, IVirtualBoxClient *pClient) { NOREF(pClient); HRESULT rc = S_OK; // stop all machines created for the test for (uint32_t i = 0; i < g_Args.numberMachines; i++) { ComPtr machine; ComPtr progress; ComPtr session; SafeIfaceArray media; Bstr machineName(tstMakeMachineName(i)); /* Delete created VM and its files */ CHECK_ERROR_L(pVBox, FindMachine(machineName.raw(), machine.asOutParam())); // try to stop it again if it was not stopped if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { MachineState_T machineState; CHECK_ERROR_L(machine, COMGETTER(State)(&machineState)); if ( SUCCEEDED(rc) && ( machineState == MachineState_Running || machineState == MachineState_Paused) ) { rc = session.createInprocObject(CLSID_Session); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) tstStopVM(pVBox, session, machineName, FALSE); } } if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR_L(machine, Unregister(CleanupMode_DetachAllReturnHardDisksOnly, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(media))); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR_L(machine, DeleteConfig(ComSafeArrayAsInParam(media), progress.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) CHECK_ERROR_L(progress, WaitForCompletion(-1)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) RTPrintf("Machine '%ls' deleted.\n", machineName.raw()); } return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) tstThreadRun(RTTHREAD hThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { RT_NOREF(hThreadSelf); TestThreadArgs* args = (TestThreadArgs*)pvUser; Assert(args != NULL); uint32_t maxPackSize = args->machinesPackSize; uint32_t percentage = args->percentsUnlok; HRESULT rc = com::Initialize(); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { ComPtr ptrVBoxClient; ComPtr ptrVBox; rc = TST_COM_EXPR(ptrVBoxClient.createInprocObject(CLSID_VirtualBoxClient)); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) rc = TST_COM_EXPR(ptrVBoxClient->COMGETTER(VirtualBox)(ptrVBox.asOutParam())); if (SUCCEEDED(rc)) { RTPrintf("Creating machines...\n"); tstCreateMachines(ptrVBox); while (g_RunTest) { rc = tstMachinesPack(ptrVBox, maxPackSize, percentage); } RTPrintf("Deleting machines...\n"); tstClean(ptrVBox, ptrVBoxClient); } g_RunTest = false; RTSemEventSignal(g_PingEevent); RTThreadSleep(100); ptrVBox = NULL; ptrVBoxClient = NULL; com::Shutdown(); } return rc; } static int ParseArguments(int argc, char **argv, TestThreadArgs *pArgs) { RTGETOPTSTATE GetState; RTGETOPTUNION ValueUnion; static const RTGETOPTDEF s_aOptions[] = { { "--packsize", 'p', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, // number of machines to start together { "--lock", 's', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 }, // percentage of VM sessions closed without Unlok { "--time", 't', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT64 }, // required time of load test execution, in seconds { "--machines" , 'u', RTGETOPT_REQ_UINT32 } }; int rc = RTGetOptInit(&GetState, argc, argv, s_aOptions, RT_ELEMENTS(s_aOptions), 1, 0 /*fFlags*/); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); AssertPtr(pArgs); while ((rc = RTGetOpt(&GetState, &ValueUnion)) != 0) { switch (rc) { case 'p': if (ValueUnion.u32 == 0) { RTPrintf("--packsize should be more then zero\n"); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (ValueUnion.u32 > 16000) { RTPrintf("maximum --packsize value is 16000.\n" "That means can use no more then 16000 machines for the test.\n"); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } pArgs->machinesPackSize = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 's': if (ValueUnion.u32 > 100) { RTPrintf("maximum --lock value is 100.\n" "That means 100 percent of sessions should be closed without unlock.\n"); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } pArgs->percentsUnlok = ValueUnion.u32; break; case 't': pArgs->cMsExecutionTime = ValueUnion.u64 * 1000; break; case 'u': if (ValueUnion.u32 > 16000) { RTPrintf("maximum --machines value is 16000.\n" "That means can make no more then 16000 machines for the test.\n"); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (ValueUnion.u32 < pArgs->machinesPackSize) { RTPrintf("--machines value should be larger then --packsize value.\n"); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } pArgs->numberMachines = ValueUnion.u32; break; default: RTGetOptPrintError(rc, &ValueUnion); return rc; } } return rc; } /** * * Examples: * - tstVBoxClientWatcherLoad --packsize 500 --lock 10 --time 14400 --machines 4000 * It will create 4000 VMs with names "utmvm0"..."utmvm3999". It will start * 500 random VMs together, stop them, without closing their session with * probability 10%, will repeat this over 4 hours. After test it will * delete all "utmvm..." machines. * * - tstVBoxClientWatcherLoad --packsize 1 --lock 30 --time 3600 --machines 1000 * It will create 1000 VMs with names "utmvm0"..."utmvm999". It will start * random VM - stop them, without closing their session with probability * 30%, will repeat this over 30 minutes. After test it will delete all * "utmvm..." machines. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { RTEXITCODE rcExit = RTTestInitAndCreate("tstVBoxMultipleVM", &g_hTest); if (rcExit != RTEXITCODE_SUCCESS) return rcExit; SUPR3Init(NULL); com::Initialize(); RTTestBanner(g_hTest); #ifndef RT_ARCH_AMD64 /* * Linux OOM killer when running many VMs on a 32-bit host. */ RTTestSkipped(g_hTest, "Warning: the test can be processed on 64-bit hosts only.\n"); return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(g_hTest); #else RTPrintf("Initializing ...\n"); int rc = RTSemEventCreate(&g_PingEevent); AssertRC(rc); g_Args.machinesPackSize = 100; g_Args.percentsUnlok = 10; g_Args.cMsExecutionTime = 3*RT_MS_1MIN; g_Args.numberMachines = 200; /* * Skip this test for the time being. Saw crashes on several test boxes but no time * to debug. */ if (argc == 1) return RTTestSkipAndDestroy(g_hTest, "Test crashes sometimes.\n"); rc = ParseArguments(argc, argv, &g_Args); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return RTTestSkipAndDestroy(g_hTest, "Invalid arguments.\n"); RTPrintf("Arguments packSize = %d, percentUnlok = %d, time = %lld.\n", g_Args.machinesPackSize, g_Args.percentsUnlok, g_Args.cMsExecutionTime); RTTHREAD hThread; rc = RTThreadCreate(&hThread, tstThreadRun, (void *)&g_Args, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "tstThreadRun"); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { AssertRC(rc); uint64_t msStart = RTTimeMilliTS(); while (RTTimeMilliTS() - msStart < g_Args.cMsExecutionTime && g_RunTest) { // check that test thread didn't hang and call us periodically // allowed 30 seconds for operation - msStart or stop VM rc = RTSemEventWait(g_PingEevent, 3 * 60 * 1000); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (rc == VERR_TIMEOUT) { RTTestFailed(g_hTest, "Timeout. Deadlock?\n"); com::Shutdown(); return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(g_hTest); } AssertRC(rc); } } RTPrintf("Finishing...\n"); // finish test thread g_RunTest = false; // wait it for finish RTThreadWait(hThread, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, &rc); } RTSemEventDestroy(g_PingEevent); com::Shutdown(); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) RTTestFailed(g_hTest, "Test failed.\n"); else RTTestPassed(g_hTest, "Test finished.\n"); return RTTestSummaryAndDestroy(g_hTest); #endif }