
source: vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Main/webservice/websrv-cpp.xsl@ 20793

最後變更 在這個檔案從20793是 16602,由 vboxsync 提交於 16 年 前

webservice: add support for boolean safearrays

  • 屬性 svn:eol-style 設為 native
檔案大小: 70.1 KB
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
4 websrv-cpp.xsl:
5 XSLT stylesheet that generates methodmaps.cpp from
6 VirtualBox.xidl. This generated C++ code contains
7 all the service implementations that one would
8 normally have to implement manually to create a
9 web service; our generated code automatically maps
10 all SOAP calls into COM/XPCOM method calls.
12 Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
14 This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
15 available from This file is free software;
16 you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
17 General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
18 Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
19 VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
20 hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
22 Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
23 Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
24 additional information or have any questions.
28 version="1.0"
29 xmlns:xsl=""
30 xmlns:xsd=""
31 xmlns:exsl=""
32 extension-element-prefixes="exsl">
34 <xsl:output method="text"/>
36 <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
38<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
39 global XSLT variables
40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
42<xsl:variable name="G_xsltFilename" select="'websrv-cpp.xsl'" />
44<xsl:include href="" />
46<!-- collect all interfaces with "wsmap='suppress'" in a global variable for
47 quick lookup -->
48<xsl:variable name="G_setSuppressedInterfaces"
49 select="//interface[@wsmap='suppress']" />
51<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
52 root match
53 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
55<xsl:template match="/idl">
56 <xsl:text><![CDATA[
57/* DO NOT EDIT! This is a generated file.
58 * Generated from: src/VBox/Main/idl/VirtualBox.xidl (VirtualBox's interface definitions in XML)
59 * Generator: src/VBox/Main/webservice/websrv-cpp.xsl
60 */
62// vbox headers
63#include <VBox/com/com.h>
64#include <VBox/com/array.h>
65#include <VBox/com/string.h>
66#include <VBox/com/Guid.h>
67#include <VBox/com/ErrorInfo.h>
68#include <VBox/com/errorprint2.h>
69#include <VBox/com/EventQueue.h>
70#include <VBox/com/VirtualBox.h>
71#include <VBox/err.h>
72#include <VBox/log.h>
74#include <iprt/initterm.h>
75#include <iprt/stream.h>
76#include <iprt/string.h>
78// gSOAP headers (must come after vbox includes because it checks for conflicting defs)
79#include "soapH.h"
81// standard headers
82#include <map>
83#include <sstream>
85// shared webservice header
86#include "vboxweb.h"
88// shared strings for debug output
89const char *g_pcszCallingComMethod = " calling COM method %s\n";
90const char *g_pcszDoneCallingComMethod = " done calling COM method\n";
91const char *g_pcszConvertComOutputBack = " convert COM output \"%s\" back to caller format\n";
92const char *g_pcszDoneConvertingComOutputBack = " done converting COM output \"%s\" back to caller format\n";
93const char *g_pcszEntering = "\n-- entering %s\n";
94const char *g_pcszLeaving = "-- leaving %s, rc: 0x%lX (%d)\n";
96// generated string constants for all interface names
97const char *g_pcszIUnknown = "IUnknown";
100 <xsl:for-each select="//interface">
101 <xsl:variable name="ifname" select="@name" />
102 <xsl:value-of select="concat('const char *g_pcsz', $ifname, ' = &quot;', $ifname, '&quot;;')" />
103 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
104 </xsl:for-each>
105 <xsl:apply-templates />
108<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
109 if
110 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
113 * ignore all |if|s except those for WSDL target
115<xsl:template match="if">
116 <xsl:if test="@target='wsdl'">
117 <xsl:apply-templates/>
118 </xsl:if>
121<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
122 cpp
123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
125<xsl:template match="cpp">
126<!-- ignore this -->
129<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
130 library
131 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
133<xsl:template match="library">
134 <xsl:text>
136 *
137 * types: enum converter helper functions
138 *
139 ****************************************************************************/
140 </xsl:text>
141 <!--
142 enum converter functions at top of file
143 -->
144 <xsl:for-each select="//enum">
145 <xsl:variable name="enumname" select="@name" />
146 <!-- generate enum converter for COM-to-SOAP -->
147 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
148 <xsl:value-of select="concat('vbox__', $enumname, ' ', $G_funcPrefixOutputEnumConverter, $enumname, '(', $enumname, '_T e)')" />
149 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
150 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
151 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
152 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' vbox__', $enumname, ' v;')" />
153 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
154 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
155 <xsl:text> switch(e)</xsl:text>
156 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
157 <xsl:text> {</xsl:text>
158 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
159 <xsl:for-each select="const[not(@wsmap='suppress')]">
160 <xsl:variable name="enumconst" select="@name" />
161 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' case ', $enumname, '_', $enumconst, ':')" />
162 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
163 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' v = vbox__', $enumname, '__')" />
164 <!-- escape all "_" in $enumconst -->
165 <xsl:call-template name="escapeUnderscores">
166 <xsl:with-param name="string" select="$enumconst" />
167 </xsl:call-template>
168 <xsl:value-of select="';'" />
169 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
170 <xsl:text>break;</xsl:text>
171 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
172 </xsl:for-each>
173 <xsl:text> }</xsl:text>
174 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
175 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
176 <xsl:text> return v;</xsl:text>
177 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
178 <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
179 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
180 <!-- generate enum converter for SOAP-to-COM -->
181 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
182 <xsl:value-of select="concat($enumname, '_T ', $G_funcPrefixInputEnumConverter, $enumname, '(vbox__', $enumname, ' v)')" />
183 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
184 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
185 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
186 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ', $enumname, '_T e;')" />
187 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
188 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
189 <xsl:text> switch(v)</xsl:text>
190 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
191 <xsl:text> {</xsl:text>
192 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
193 <xsl:for-each select="const[not(@wsmap='suppress')]">
194 <xsl:variable name="enumconst" select="@name" />
195 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' case vbox__', $enumname, '__')" />
196 <!-- escape all "_" in $enumconst -->
197 <xsl:call-template name="escapeUnderscores">
198 <xsl:with-param name="string" select="$enumconst" />
199 </xsl:call-template>
200 <xsl:value-of select="':'" />
201 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
202 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' e = ', $enumname, '_', $enumconst, ';')" />
203 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
204 <xsl:text>break;</xsl:text>
205 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
206 </xsl:for-each>
207 <xsl:text> }</xsl:text>
208 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
209 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
210 <xsl:text> return e;</xsl:text>
211 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
212 <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
213 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
214 </xsl:for-each>
216 <xsl:text>
218 *
219 * types: struct converter helper functions
220 *
221 ****************************************************************************/
222 </xsl:text>
224 <xsl:for-each select="//interface[@wsmap='struct']">
225 <xsl:variable name="structname" select="@name" />
227 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
228 <xsl:value-of select="concat('// ', $structname, ' converter: called from method mappers to convert data from')" />
229 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
230 <xsl:value-of select="concat('// COM interface ', $structname, ', which has wsmap=&quot;struct&quot;, to SOAP structures')" />
231 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
232 <xsl:value-of select="concat('vbox__', $structname, '* ', $G_funcPrefixOutputEnumConverter, $structname, '(')" />
233 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
234 <xsl:value-of select="' struct soap *soap,'" />
235 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
236 <xsl:value-of select="' const WSDLT_ID &amp;idThis,'" />
237 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
238 <xsl:value-of select="' HRESULT &amp;rc,'" />
239 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
240 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ComPtr&lt;', $structname, '&gt; &amp;in)')" />
241 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
242 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
243 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
245 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' vbox__', $structname, ' *resp = NULL;')" />
246 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
248 <xsl:call-template name="emitPrologue"><xsl:with-param name="fSkipHRESULT" select="'1'"/></xsl:call-template>
250 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' resp = soap_new_vbox__', $structname, '(soap, 1);')" />
251 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
252 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
254 <xsl:for-each select="//interface[@name=$structname]/attribute">
255 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' // -- ', $structname, '.', @name)" />
256 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
257 <!-- recurse! -->
258 <xsl:call-template name="emitGetAttributeComCall">
259 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$structname" />
260 <xsl:with-param name="object" select="'in'" />
261 <xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="@name" />
262 <xsl:with-param name="attrtype" select="@type" />
263 <xsl:with-param name="callerprefix" select="concat('out', '.')" />
264 </xsl:call-template>
265 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
266 </xsl:for-each>
268 <xsl:call-template name="emitEpilogue"><xsl:with-param name="fSkipHRESULT" select="'1'"/></xsl:call-template>
270 </xsl:for-each>
272 <xsl:apply-templates />
275<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
276 class
277 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
279<xsl:template match="module/class">
280<!-- TODO swallow for now -->
283<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
284 enum
285 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
287<xsl:template match="enum">
290<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
291 const
292 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
295<xsl:template match="const">
296 <xsl:apply-templates />
300<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
301 desc
302 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
304<xsl:template match="desc">
305<!-- TODO swallow for now -->
308<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
309 note
310 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
312<xsl:template match="note">
313<!-- TODO -->
314 <xsl:apply-templates />
318 emitBeginOfFunctionHeader:
321<xsl:template name="emitBeginOfFunctionHeader">
322 <xsl:param name="ifname" />
323 <xsl:param name="method" />
325 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
326 <xsl:value-of select="concat('int __vbox__', $ifname, '_USCORE', $method, '(')" />
327 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
328 <xsl:text> struct soap *soap</xsl:text>
332 convertTypeAndEmitArg:
333 first type converter (from XIDL type to SOAP/C++ input types),
334 used for generating the argument lists with method implementation
335 headers.
337<xsl:template name="convertTypeAndEmitArg">
338 <xsl:param name="ifname" />
339 <xsl:param name="method" />
340 <xsl:param name="name" />
341 <xsl:param name="type" />
342 <xsl:param name="dir" />
343 <xsl:param name="fFirst" />
344 <xsl:if test="not($fFirst)">
345 <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
346 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
347 </xsl:if>
348 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
349 <xsl:choose>
350 <xsl:when test="$type='wstring'">std::string</xsl:when>
351 <xsl:when test="$type='boolean'">bool</xsl:when>
352 <xsl:when test="$type='double'">double</xsl:when>
353 <xsl:when test="$type='float'">float</xsl:when>
354 <!-- <xsl:when test="$type='octet'">byte</xsl:when> -->
355 <xsl:when test="$type='short'">short</xsl:when>
356 <xsl:when test="$type='unsigned short'">unsigned short</xsl:when>
357 <xsl:when test="$type='long'">long</xsl:when>
358 <xsl:when test="$type='long long'">long long</xsl:when>
359 <xsl:when test="$type='unsigned long'">unsigned long</xsl:when>
360 <xsl:when test="$type='unsigned long long'">unsigned long long</xsl:when>
361 <xsl:when test="$type='result'">unsigned long</xsl:when>
362 <xsl:when test="$type='uuid'">vbox__uuid</xsl:when>
363 <xsl:when test="$type='global'"><xsl:value-of select="$G_typeObjectRef_CPP" /></xsl:when>
364 <xsl:when test="$type='managed'"><xsl:value-of select="$G_typeObjectRef_CPP" /></xsl:when>
365 <!-- not a standard type: then it better be one of the types defined in the XIDL -->
366 <xsl:when test="//enum[@name=$type]">
367 <xsl:choose>
368 <xsl:when test="$dir='return'">
369 <xsl:value-of select="concat('struct ', $ifname, '__', $method, 'Response')" />
370 </xsl:when>
371 <xsl:otherwise>
372 <xsl:value-of select="concat('enum vbox__', $type)" />
373 </xsl:otherwise>
374 </xsl:choose>
375 </xsl:when>
376 <xsl:when test="//collection[@name=$type]">
377 <xsl:choose>
378 <xsl:when test="$dir='return'">
379 <xsl:value-of select="concat('struct ', $ifname, '__', $method, 'Response')" />
380 </xsl:when>
381 <xsl:otherwise>
382 <xsl:value-of select="concat('vbox__', $type)" />
383 </xsl:otherwise>
384 </xsl:choose>
385 </xsl:when>
386 <xsl:when test="//interface[@name=$type]">
387 <!-- the type is one of our own interfaces: then it must have a wsmap attr -->
388 <xsl:variable name="wsmap" select="(//interface[@name=$type]/@wsmap) | (//collection[@name=$type]/@wsmap)" />
389 <xsl:if test="not($wsmap)">
390 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
391 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('convertTypeAndEmitArg: Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $ifname, '::', $method, '&quot; lacks wsmap attribute value in XIDL.')" />
392 </xsl:call-template>
393 </xsl:if>
394 <xsl:choose>
395 <xsl:when test="$wsmap='global'"><xsl:value-of select="$G_typeObjectRef_CPP" /></xsl:when>
396 <xsl:when test="$wsmap='managed'"><xsl:value-of select="$G_typeObjectRef_CPP" /></xsl:when>
397 <xsl:when test="$wsmap='struct'"><xsl:value-of select="concat('struct ', $ifname, '__', $method, 'Response')" /></xsl:when>
398 <xsl:otherwise>
399 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
400 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('convertTypeAndEmitArg: Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $ifname, '::', $method, '&quot; has invalid wsmap attribute value &quot;', $wsmap, '&quot; in XIDL.')" />
401 </xsl:call-template>
402 </xsl:otherwise>
403 </xsl:choose>
404 </xsl:when>
405 </xsl:choose>
406 <!-- space between type & identifier -->
407 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
408 <xsl:if test="$dir='return'"><xsl:text>&amp;</xsl:text></xsl:if>
409 <!-- identifier -->
410 <xsl:copy-of select="$name" />
414 emitCppTypeForWSDLType:
415 emits the C++ type that corresponds to the given WSDL type in $type.
416 -->
417<xsl:template name="emitCppTypeForWSDLType">
418 <xsl:param name="method" />
419 <xsl:param name="type" />
420 <xsl:param name="safearray" />
421 <xsl:param name="varprefix" /> <!-- only with nested get-attribute calls -->
422 <xsl:param name="inptr" /> <!-- whether to add INPTR to BSTR (Dmitry template magic) -->
424 <xsl:choose>
425 <xsl:when test="$type='boolean'">
426 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
427 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'BOOL'"/>
428 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
429 </xsl:call-template>
430 </xsl:when>
431 <xsl:when test="$type='short'">
432 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
433 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'SHORT'"/>
434 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
435 </xsl:call-template>
436 </xsl:when>
437 <xsl:when test="$type='unsigned short'">
438 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
439 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'USHORT'"/>
440 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
441 </xsl:call-template>
442 </xsl:when>
443 <xsl:when test="$type='long'">
444 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
445 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'LONG'"/>
446 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
447 </xsl:call-template>
448 </xsl:when>
449 <xsl:when test="$type='unsigned long'">
450 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
451 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'ULONG'"/>
452 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
453 </xsl:call-template>
454 </xsl:when>
455 <xsl:when test="$type='long long'">
456 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
457 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'LONG64'"/>
458 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
459 </xsl:call-template>
460 </xsl:when>
461 <xsl:when test="$type='unsigned long long'">
462 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
463 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'ULONG64'"/>
464 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
465 </xsl:call-template>
466 </xsl:when>
467 <xsl:when test="$type='result'">
468 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
469 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="'HRESULT'"/>
470 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
471 </xsl:call-template>
472 </xsl:when>
473 <xsl:when test="$type='uuid'">
474 <xsl:choose>
475 <xsl:when test="$safearray='yes'">
476 <xsl:value-of select="'com::SafeGUIDArray'" />
477 </xsl:when>
478 <xsl:otherwise>
479 <xsl:value-of select="'com::Guid'" />
480 </xsl:otherwise>
481 </xsl:choose>
482 </xsl:when>
483 <xsl:when test="$type='wstring'">
484 <xsl:choose>
485 <xsl:when test="$safearray='yes'">
486 <xsl:choose>
487 <xsl:when test="$inptr='yes'">
488 <xsl:value-of select="'com::SafeArray&lt;IN_BSTR&gt;'" /> <!-- input string arrays must use IN_BSTR (see com/array.h) -->
489 </xsl:when>
490 <xsl:otherwise>
491 <xsl:value-of select="'com::SafeArray&lt;BSTR&gt;'" /> <!-- output string arrays use raw BSTR -->
492 </xsl:otherwise>
493 </xsl:choose>
494 </xsl:when>
495 <xsl:otherwise>
496 <xsl:value-of select="'com::Bstr'" />
497 </xsl:otherwise>
498 </xsl:choose>
499 </xsl:when>
500 <xsl:when test="//enum[@name=$type]">
501 <xsl:call-template name="emitTypeOrArray">
502 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="concat($type, '_T ')"/>
503 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
504 </xsl:call-template>
505 </xsl:when>
506 <xsl:when test="$type='$unknown'">
507 <xsl:choose>
508 <xsl:when test="$safearray='yes'">
509 <xsl:value-of select="'com::SafeIfaceArray&lt;IUnknown&gt;'" />
510 </xsl:when>
511 <xsl:otherwise>
512 <xsl:value-of select="'ComPtr&lt;IUnknown&gt;'" />
513 </xsl:otherwise>
514 </xsl:choose>
515 </xsl:when>
516 <xsl:when test="//interface[@name=$type]">
517 <xsl:variable name="thatif" select="//interface[@name=$type]" />
518 <xsl:variable name="thatifname" select="$thatif/@name" />
519 <xsl:choose>
520 <xsl:when test="$safearray='yes'">
521 <xsl:value-of select="concat('com::SafeIfaceArray&lt;', $thatifname, '&gt;')" />
522 </xsl:when>
523 <xsl:otherwise>
524 <xsl:value-of select="concat('ComPtr&lt;', $thatifname, '&gt;')" />
525 </xsl:otherwise>
526 </xsl:choose>
527 </xsl:when>
528 <xsl:when test="//collection[@name=$type]">
529 <xsl:variable name="thatif" select="//collection[@name=$type]" />
530 <xsl:variable name="thatifname" select="$thatif/@name" />
531 <xsl:value-of select="concat('ComPtr&lt;', $thatifname, '&gt;')" />
532 </xsl:when>
533 <xsl:otherwise>
534 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
535 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitOutputArgBuffer: Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $method, '&quot; is not supported.')" />
536 </xsl:call-template>
537 </xsl:otherwise>
538 </xsl:choose>
543 emitDocumentStyleArgStructs:
544 with WSDL "document" style only, emits those lengthy structs for
545 the input and output argument in the function header.
547<xsl:template name="emitDocumentStyleArgStructs">
548 <xsl:param name="ifname" />
549 <xsl:param name="methodname" />
550 <xsl:param name="fOutputs" /> <!-- if 1, emit output struct as well -->
552 <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
553 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
554 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' _vbox__', $ifname, '_USCORE', $methodname, $G_requestMessageElementSuffix, ' *', $G_requestElementVarName)" />
555 <xsl:if test="$fOutputs">
556 <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
557 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
558 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' _vbox__', $ifname, '_USCORE', $methodname, $G_responseMessageElementSuffix, ' *', $G_responseElementVarName)" />
559 <!-- <xsl:value-of select="concat(' struct ', $ifname, '__', $methodname, 'Response &amp;', $G_result)" /> -->
560 </xsl:if>
565 emitPrologue:
566 emits the closing ")" for the parameter list and the beginning
567 of the function body.
568 -->
569<xsl:template name="emitPrologue">
570 <xsl:text> WEBDEBUG((g_pcszEntering, __FUNCTION__));
572 do {</xsl:text>
573 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
577 emitEpilogue
578 -->
579<xsl:template name="emitEpilogue">
580 <xsl:param name="fSkipHRESULT" />
582 <xsl:text> } while (0);</xsl:text>
583 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
584 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
585 <xsl:text> WEBDEBUG((g_pcszLeaving, __FUNCTION__, rc, rc));</xsl:text>
586 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
587 <xsl:if test="not($fSkipHRESULT)">
588 <xsl:text>
589 if (rc)
590 return SOAP_FAULT;
591 return SOAP_OK;</xsl:text>
592 </xsl:if>
593 <xsl:if test="$fSkipHRESULT">
594 <xsl:text> return resp;</xsl:text>
595 </xsl:if>
596 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
597 <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
598 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
602 emitObjForMethod:
603 after the function prologue, emit a "pObj" object that
604 specifies the object upon which the method should be invoked.
606<xsl:template name="emitObjForMethod">
607 <xsl:param name="ifname" />
608 <xsl:param name="wsmap" />
609 <xsl:param name="structprefix" /> <!-- with WSDL document style: req element prefix, like "vbox__IVirtualBox_USCOREcreateMachineRequestElement->" -->
611 <xsl:choose>
612 <xsl:when test="$wsmap='global'">
613 <xsl:choose>
614 <xsl:when test="$ifname='IVirtualBox'">
615 <xsl:text> // invoke method on global IVirtualBox instance</xsl:text>
616 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
617 <xsl:text>ComPtr&lt;IVirtualBox&gt; pObj = G_pVirtualBox;</xsl:text>
618 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
619 </xsl:when>
620 <xsl:otherwise>
621 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
622 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitObjForMethod: Unknown interface &quot;', $ifname, '&quot; with wsmap=global in XIDL.')" />
623 </xsl:call-template>
624 </xsl:otherwise>
625 </xsl:choose>
626 </xsl:when>
627 <xsl:when test="($wsmap='managed')">
628 <xsl:text> // look up managed object reference for method call</xsl:text>
629 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
630 <xsl:value-of select="concat('ComPtr&lt;', $ifname, '&gt; pObj;')" />
631 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
632 <xsl:value-of select="concat('if (!', $G_requestElementVarName, ')')" />
633 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
634 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
635 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
636 <xsl:text> RaiseSoapInvalidObjectFault(soap, "");</xsl:text>
637 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
638 <xsl:text> break;</xsl:text>
639 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
640 <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
641 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
642 <xsl:value-of select="concat('const WSDLT_ID &amp;idThis = ', $structprefix, $G_nameObjectRefEncoded, ';')" />
643 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
644 <xsl:value-of select="'if ((rc = findComPtrFromId(soap, idThis, pObj)))'" />
645 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
646 <xsl:text> break;</xsl:text>
647 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
648 </xsl:when>
649 </xsl:choose>
653 emitInputArgConverter:
654 another type converter (from wsdl type to COM types),
655 that generates temporary variables on the stack with
656 the WSDL input parameters converted to the COM types,
657 so we can then pass them to the actual COM method call.
659<xsl:template name="emitInputArgConverter">
660 <xsl:param name="method" />
661 <xsl:param name="structprefix" /> <!-- with WSDL document style: req element prefix, like "vbox__IVirtualBox_USCOREcreateMachineRequestElement->" -->
662 <xsl:param name="name" />
663 <xsl:param name="type" />
664 <xsl:param name="safearray" />
666 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' // convert input arg ', $name)" />
667 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
669 <xsl:choose>
670 <xsl:when test="$safearray='yes'">
671 <xsl:value-of select="concat('size_t c', $name, ' = ', $structprefix, $name, '.size();')" />
672 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
673 <xsl:call-template name="emitCppTypeForWSDLType">
674 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$method"/>
675 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$type"/>
676 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
677 <xsl:with-param name="inptr" select="'yes'"/>
678 </xsl:call-template>
679 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, '(c', $name, ');')" />
680 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
681 <xsl:value-of select="concat('for (size_t i = 0; i &lt; c', $name, '; ++i)')" />
682 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
683 <xsl:value-of select="'{'" />
684 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
685 <xsl:choose>
686 <xsl:when test="$type='$unknown'">
687 <xsl:value-of select="' ComPtr&lt;IUnknown&gt; tmpObject;'" />
688 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
689 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' if ((rc = findComPtrFromId(soap, ', $structprefix, $name, '[i], tmpObject)))')" />
690 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
691 <xsl:text> break;</xsl:text>
692 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
693 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' IUnknown *tmpObject2(tmpObject); tmpObject2->AddRef(); comcall_', $name, '[i] = tmpObject;')" />
694 </xsl:when>
695 <xsl:when test="$type='wstring'">
696 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' com::Bstr tmpObject(', $structprefix, $name, '[i].c_str());')" />
697 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
698 <xsl:value-of select="' BSTR tmpObjectB;'" />
699 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
700 <xsl:value-of select="' tmpObject.detachTo(&amp;tmpObjectB);'" />
701 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
702 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, '[i] = tmpObjectB;')" />
703 </xsl:when>
704 <xsl:when test="$type='long'">
705 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
706 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, '[i] = ', $structprefix, $name, '[i];')" />
707 </xsl:when>
708 <xsl:when test="$type='boolean'">
709 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
710 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, '[i] = ', $structprefix, $name, '[i];')" />
711 </xsl:when>
712 <xsl:otherwise>
713 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
714 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitInputArgConverter Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $method, '&quot; is not yet supported in safearrays.')" />
715 </xsl:call-template>
716 </xsl:otherwise>
717 </xsl:choose>
718 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
719 <xsl:value-of select="'}'" />
720 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
721 </xsl:when>
722 <xsl:otherwise>
723 <xsl:call-template name="emitCppTypeForWSDLType">
724 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$method"/>
725 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$type"/>
726 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray"/>
727 <xsl:with-param name="inptr" select="'yes'"/>
728 </xsl:call-template>
729 <xsl:choose>
730 <xsl:when test="$type='uuid'">
731 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, '(', $structprefix, $name, '.c_str())')" />
732 </xsl:when>
733 <xsl:when test="$type='wstring'">
734 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, '(', $structprefix, $name, '.c_str())')" />
735 </xsl:when>
736 <xsl:when test="//enum[@name=$type]">
737 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, ' = ', $G_funcPrefixInputEnumConverter, $type, '(', $structprefix, $name, ')')" />
738 </xsl:when>
739 <xsl:when test="$type='$unknown'">
740 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, ';')" />
741 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
742 <xsl:value-of select="concat('if ((rc = findComPtrFromId(soap, ', $structprefix, $name, ', comcall_', $name,')))')" />
743 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
744 <xsl:text> break</xsl:text>
745 </xsl:when>
746 <xsl:when test="(//interface[@name=$type]) or (//collection[@name=$type])">
747 <!-- the type is one of our own interfaces: then it must have a wsmap attr -->
748 <xsl:variable name="thatif" select="(//interface[@name=$type]) | (//collection[@name=$type])" />
749 <xsl:variable name="wsmap" select="$thatif/@wsmap" />
750 <xsl:variable name="thatifname" select="$thatif/@name" />
751 <xsl:choose>
752 <xsl:when test="not($wsmap)">
753 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
754 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitInputArgConverter: Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $method, '&quot; lacks wsmap attribute in XIDL.')" />
755 </xsl:call-template>
756 </xsl:when>
757 <xsl:when test="($wsmap='managed')">
758 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, ';')" />
759 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
760 <xsl:value-of select="concat('if ((rc = findComPtrFromId(soap, ', $structprefix, $name, ', comcall_', $name,')))')" />
761 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
762 <xsl:text> break</xsl:text>
763 </xsl:when>
764 <xsl:otherwise>
765 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
766 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitInputArgConverter: Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $method, '&quot; has unsupported wsmap attribute value &quot;', $wsmap, '&quot; in XIDL.')" />
767 </xsl:call-template>
768 </xsl:otherwise>
769 </xsl:choose>
770 </xsl:when>
771 <xsl:otherwise>
772 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $name, ' = ', $structprefix, $name)" />
773 </xsl:otherwise>
774 </xsl:choose>
775 <xsl:text>;
777 </xsl:otherwise>
778 </xsl:choose>
783 emitTypeOrArray
786<xsl:template name="emitTypeOrArray">
787 <xsl:param name="type" />
788 <xsl:param name="safearray" />
790 <xsl:choose>
791 <xsl:when test="$safearray='yes'">
792 <xsl:value-of select="concat('com::SafeArray&lt;', $type, '&gt;')" />
793 </xsl:when>
794 <xsl:otherwise>
795 <xsl:value-of select="$type" />
796 </xsl:otherwise>
797 </xsl:choose>
801 emitOutputArgBuffer:
802 another type converter (from wsdl type to COM types)
803 that generates a buffer variable which receives the
804 data from 'out' and 'return' parameters of the COM method call.
806<xsl:template name="emitOutputArgBuffer">
807 <xsl:param name="method" />
808 <xsl:param name="name" />
809 <xsl:param name="type" />
810 <xsl:param name="safearray" />
811 <xsl:param name="varprefix" /> <!-- only with nested get-attribute calls -->
813 <xsl:text> // com output arg for </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="concat($name, ' (safearray: ', $safearray, ')')" /><xsl:text>
814 </xsl:text>
815 <xsl:call-template name="emitCppTypeForWSDLType">
816 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$method" />
817 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$type" />
818 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$safearray" />
819 </xsl:call-template>
820 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' comcall_', $varprefix, $name, ';')" />
821 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
825 emitOutParam:
827<xsl:template name="emitOutParam">
828 <xsl:param name="name" />
829 <xsl:param name="type" />
830 <xsl:param name="safearray" />
831 <xsl:param name="varprefix" /> <!-- only with nested get-attribute calls -->
833 <xsl:variable name="varname" select="concat('comcall_', $varprefix, $name)" />
835 <xsl:choose>
836 <xsl:when test="$safearray='yes'">
837 <xsl:value-of select="concat('ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(', $varname, ')')" />
838 </xsl:when>
839 <xsl:otherwise>
840 <xsl:choose>
841 <xsl:when test=" ($type='boolean')
842 or ($type='short')
843 or ($type='unsigned short')
844 or ($type='long')
845 or ($type='unsigned long')
846 or ($type='long long')
847 or ($type='unsigned long long')
848 or ($type='result')
849 or (//enum[@name=$type])">
850 <xsl:text>&amp;</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$varname" />
851 </xsl:when>
852 <xsl:otherwise>
853 <xsl:value-of select="$varname" /><xsl:text>.asOutParam()</xsl:text>
854 </xsl:otherwise>
855 </xsl:choose>
856 </xsl:otherwise>
857 </xsl:choose>
861 emitComCall:
862 emits the actual method call with the arguments.
864<xsl:template name="emitComCall">
865 <xsl:param name="object" /> <!-- normally "pObj->" -->
866 <xsl:param name="methodname" />
867 <xsl:param name="attrname" /> <!-- with attributes only -->
868 <xsl:param name="attrtype" /> <!-- with attributes only -->
869 <xsl:param name="attrsafearray" /> <!-- with attributes only -->
870 <xsl:param name="attrdir" /> <!-- with attributes only: "in" or "return" -->
871 <xsl:param name="varprefix" /> <!-- only with nested get-attribute calls -->
873 <xsl:variable name="comMethodName">
874 <xsl:call-template name="capitalize"><xsl:with-param name="str" select="$methodname" /></xsl:call-template>
875 </xsl:variable>
877 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
878 <xsl:value-of select="concat('WEBDEBUG((g_pcszCallingComMethod, &quot;', $comMethodName, '&quot;));')" />
879 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
880 <xsl:value-of select="concat('rc = ', $object, '-&gt;', $comMethodName, '(')" />
881 <xsl:if test="$attrtype">
882 <xsl:choose>
883 <xsl:when test="$attrdir='in'">
884 <xsl:value-of select="concat('comcall_', $varprefix, @name)" />
885 </xsl:when>
886 <xsl:when test="$attrdir='return'">
887 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutParam">
888 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="$attrname" />
889 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$attrtype" />
890 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$attrsafearray" />
891 <xsl:with-param name="varprefix" select="$varprefix" />
892 </xsl:call-template>
893 </xsl:when>
894 </xsl:choose>
895 </xsl:if>
896 <xsl:for-each select="param">
897 <xsl:if test="position()=1">
898 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
899 </xsl:if>
900 <xsl:if test="position() > 1">
901 <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
902 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
903 </xsl:if>
904 <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
905 <xsl:choose>
906 <xsl:when test="@dir='in'">
907 <xsl:choose>
908 <xsl:when test="@safearray='yes'">
909 <xsl:value-of select="concat('ComSafeArrayAsInParam(comcall_', $varprefix, @name, ')')" />
910 </xsl:when>
911 <xsl:otherwise>
912 <xsl:value-of select="concat('comcall_', $varprefix, @name)" />
913 </xsl:otherwise>
914 </xsl:choose>
915 </xsl:when>
916 <xsl:when test="@dir='out'">
917 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutParam">
918 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="@name" />
919 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type" />
920 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="@safearray" />
921 <xsl:with-param name="varprefix" select="$varprefix" />
922 </xsl:call-template>
923 </xsl:when>
924 <xsl:when test="@dir='return'">
925 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutParam">
926 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="$G_result" />
927 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type" />
928 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="@safearray" />
929 <xsl:with-param name="varprefix" select="$varprefix" />
930 </xsl:call-template>
931 </xsl:when>
932 </xsl:choose>
933 </xsl:for-each>
934 <xsl:text>);</xsl:text>
935 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
936 <xsl:text>if (FAILED(rc))</xsl:text>
937 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
938 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
939 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
940 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' RaiseSoapRuntimeFault(soap, rc, ', $object, ');')" />
941 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
942 <xsl:text> break;</xsl:text>
943 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
944 <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>
945 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
946 <xsl:text>WEBDEBUG((g_pcszDoneCallingComMethod));</xsl:text>
947 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
951 emitOutputArgBackConverter2: implementation details of emitOutputArgBackConverter.
952 -->
954<xsl:template name="emitOutputArgBackConverter2">
955 <xsl:param name="name" />
956 <xsl:param name="varname" />
957 <xsl:param name="type" />
958 <xsl:param name="callerprefix" />
960 <xsl:choose>
961 <xsl:when test="$type='wstring'">
962 <xsl:value-of select="concat('ConvertComString(', $varname, ')')" />
963 </xsl:when>
964 <xsl:when test="$type='boolean'">
965 <!-- the "!!" avoids a microsoft compiler warning -->
966 <xsl:value-of select="concat('!!', $varname)" />
967 </xsl:when>
968 <xsl:when test=" ($type='short')
969 or ($type='unsigned short')
970 or ($type='long')
971 or ($type='unsigned long')
972 or ($type='long long')
973 or ($type='unsigned long long')
974 or ($type='result')">
975 <xsl:value-of select="$varname" />
976 </xsl:when>
977 <xsl:when test="$type='uuid'">
978 <xsl:value-of select="concat($varname, '.toString().raw()')" />
979 </xsl:when>
980 <xsl:when test="//enum[@name=$type]">
981 <xsl:value-of select="concat($G_funcPrefixOutputEnumConverter, $type, '(', $varname, ')')" />
982 </xsl:when>
983 <xsl:when test="$type='$unknown'">
984 <xsl:value-of select="concat('createOrFindRefFromComPtr(idThis, g_pcszIUnknown, ', $varname, ')')" />
985 </xsl:when>
986 <xsl:when test="//interface[@name=$type]">
987 <!-- the type is one of our own interfaces: then it must have a wsmap attr -->
988 <xsl:variable name="thatif" select="//interface[@name=$type]" />
989 <xsl:variable name="wsmap" select="$thatif/@wsmap" />
990 <xsl:variable name="thatifname" select="$thatif/@name" />
991 <xsl:choose>
992 <xsl:when test=" ($wsmap='managed') or ($wsmap='global')">
993 <xsl:value-of select="concat('createOrFindRefFromComPtr(idThis, g_pcsz', $thatifname, ', ', $varname, ')')" />
994 </xsl:when>
995 <xsl:when test="$wsmap='struct'">
996 <!-- prevent infinite recursion -->
997 <!-- <xsl:call-template name="fatalError"><xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitOutputArgBackConverter2: attempted infinite recursion for type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $ifname, '::', $method)" /></xsl:call-template> -->
998 <xsl:if test="not($callerprefix)">
999 <xsl:value-of select="concat('/* convert COM interface to struct */ ', $G_funcPrefixOutputEnumConverter, $type, '(soap, idThis, rc, ', $varname, ')')" />
1000 </xsl:if>
1001 </xsl:when>
1002 <xsl:otherwise>
1003 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
1004 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitOutputArgBackConverter2: Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $ifname, '::', $method, '&quot; has invalid wsmap attribute value &quot;', $wsmap, '&quot; in XIDL.')" />
1005 </xsl:call-template>
1006 </xsl:otherwise>
1007 </xsl:choose>
1008 </xsl:when>
1009 <xsl:when test="//collection[@name=$type]">
1010 <!-- the type is a collection of our own types: then build an array from it -->
1011 <xsl:variable name="collectiontype" select="//collection[@name=$type]/@type" />
1012 <xsl:variable name="targetwsmap" select="//interface[@name=$collectiontype]/@wsmap" />
1013 <xsl:value-of select="concat('soap_new_vbox__ArrayOf', $collectiontype, '(soap, 1);')" />
1014 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1015 <xsl:variable name="enumerator" select="concat('comcall_', $callerprefix, $name, '_enum')" />
1016 <xsl:value-of select="concat('ComPtr&lt;', $collectiontype, 'Enumerator&gt; ', $enumerator, ';')" />
1017 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1018 <xsl:value-of select="concat('CHECK_ERROR_BREAK( comcall_', $callerprefix, $name, ', Enumerate(', $enumerator, '.asOutParam()) );')" />
1019 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1020 <xsl:value-of select="concat('BOOL comcall_', $callerprefix, $name, '_hasmore = FALSE;')" />
1021 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1022 <xsl:value-of select="'do {'" />
1023 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1024 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' CHECK_ERROR_BREAK( ', $enumerator, ', HasMore(&amp;comcall_', $callerprefix, $name, '_hasmore) );')" />
1025 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1026 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' if (!comcall_', $callerprefix, $name, '_hasmore) break;')" />
1027 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1028 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ComPtr&lt;', $collectiontype, '&gt; arrayitem;')" />
1029 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1030 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' CHECK_ERROR_BREAK( ', $enumerator, ', GetNext(arrayitem.asOutParam()) );')" />
1031 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1032 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' // collection of &quot;', $collectiontype, '&quot;, target interface wsmap: &quot;', $targetwsmap, '&quot;')" />
1033 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1034 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ', $G_responseElementVarName, '-&gt;', $G_result)" />
1035 <xsl:value-of select="'->array.push_back('" />
1036 <xsl:choose>
1037 <xsl:when test="($targetwsmap='managed')">
1038 <xsl:value-of select="concat('createOrFindRefFromComPtr(idThis, g_pcsz', $collectiontype, ', arrayitem));')" />
1039 </xsl:when>
1040 <xsl:when test="$targetwsmap='struct'">
1041 <xsl:value-of select="concat($G_funcPrefixOutputEnumConverter, $collectiontype, '(soap, idThis, rc, arrayitem));')" />
1042 </xsl:when>
1043 <xsl:otherwise>
1044 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
1045 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitOutputArgBackConverter2: Type &quot;', $collectiontype, '&quot; of collection &quot;', $type, '&quot;, used in method &quot;', $method, '&quot;, has unsupported wsmap &quot;', $targetwsmap, '&quot;.')" />
1046 </xsl:call-template>
1047 </xsl:otherwise>
1048 </xsl:choose>
1049 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1050 <xsl:value-of select="'} while (1)'" />
1051 </xsl:when>
1052 <xsl:otherwise>
1053 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
1054 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitOutputArgBackConverter2: Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $method, '&quot; is not supported.')" />
1055 </xsl:call-template>
1056 </xsl:otherwise>
1057 </xsl:choose>
1062 emitOutputArgBackConverter:
1063 another type converter (from COM type back to WSDL)
1064 which converts the output argument from the COM
1065 method call back to the WSDL type passed in by the
1066 caller.
1068<xsl:template name="emitOutputArgBackConverter">
1069 <xsl:param name="ifname" />
1070 <xsl:param name="method" />
1071 <xsl:param name="name" />
1072 <xsl:param name="type" />
1073 <xsl:param name="safearray" />
1074 <xsl:param name="varprefix" /> <!-- only when called recursively from emitGetAttributeComCall -->
1075 <xsl:param name="callerprefix" /> <!-- only for out params or when called recursively from emitGetAttributeComCall -->
1077 <xsl:variable name="topname" select="$name" />
1078 <xsl:variable name="varname" select="concat('comcall_', $varprefix, $name)" />
1080 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1081 <xsl:value-of select="concat('WEBDEBUG((g_pcszConvertComOutputBack, &quot;', $name, '&quot;));')" />
1082 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1084 <xsl:variable name="receiverVariable">
1085 <xsl:choose>
1086 <xsl:when test="(not($varprefix))">
1087 <xsl:choose>
1088 <xsl:when test="$callerprefix"> <!-- callerprefix set but varprefix not: then this is an out parameter :-) -->
1089 <xsl:value-of select="concat($G_responseElementVarName, '-&gt;', $name)" />
1090 </xsl:when>
1091 <xsl:otherwise>
1092 <xsl:value-of select="concat($G_responseElementVarName, '-&gt;', $G_result)" />
1093 </xsl:otherwise>
1094 </xsl:choose>
1095 </xsl:when>
1096 <xsl:otherwise>
1097 <xsl:value-of select="concat($callerprefix, $G_result, '-&gt;', $name)" />
1098 </xsl:otherwise>
1099 </xsl:choose>
1100 </xsl:variable>
1102 <xsl:choose>
1103 <xsl:when test="$safearray='yes'">
1104 <xsl:value-of select="concat('for (size_t i = 0; i &lt; ', $varname, '.size(); ++i)')" />
1105 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1106 <xsl:value-of select="'{'" />
1107 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1108 <xsl:choose>
1109 <xsl:when test="//interface[@name=$type]">
1110 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ComPtr&lt;', $type, '&gt; tmpObject(', $varname, '[i]);')" />
1111 </xsl:when>
1112 <xsl:when test="//enum[@name=$type]">
1113 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ', $type, '_T tmpObject(', $varname, '[i]);')" />
1114 </xsl:when>
1115 <xsl:when test="$type='$unknown'">
1116 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ComPtr&lt;IUnknown&gt; tmpObject(', $varname, '[i]);')" />
1117 </xsl:when>
1118 <xsl:when test="$type='wstring'">
1119 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' com::Bstr tmpObject(', $varname, '[i]);')" />
1120 </xsl:when>
1121 <xsl:when test="$type='uuid'">
1122 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' com::Guid tmpObject(', $varname, '[i]);')" />
1123 </xsl:when>
1124 <xsl:when test="$type='long'">
1125 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' long tmpObject(', $varname, '[i]);')" />
1126 </xsl:when>
1127 <xsl:when test="$type='unsigned long'">
1128 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' unsigned long tmpObject(', $varname, '[i]);')" />
1129 </xsl:when>
1130 <xsl:when test="$type='unsigned long long'">
1131 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ULONG64 tmpObject(', $varname, '[i]);')" />
1132 </xsl:when>
1133 <xsl:otherwise>
1134 <xsl:call-template name="fatalError">
1135 <xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitOutputArgBackConverter (1): Type &quot;', $type, '&quot; in arg &quot;', $name, '&quot; of method &quot;', $method, '&quot; is not yet supported in safearrays.')" />
1136 </xsl:call-template>
1138 </xsl:otherwise>
1139 </xsl:choose>
1140 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1141 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ', $receiverVariable, '.push_back(')" />
1142 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBackConverter2">
1143 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="$name"/>
1144 <xsl:with-param name="varname" select="'tmpObject'"/>
1145 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$type"/>
1146 <xsl:with-param name="callerprefix" select="$callerprefix"/>
1147 </xsl:call-template>
1148 <xsl:value-of select="');'" />
1149 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewlineIndent8" />
1150 <xsl:value-of select="'}'" />
1151 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1152 </xsl:when>
1153 <xsl:otherwise>
1154 <!-- emit variable name: "resp->retval = " -->
1155 <xsl:value-of select="$receiverVariable" />
1157 <xsl:value-of select="' = '" />
1158 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBackConverter2">
1159 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="$name"/>
1160 <xsl:with-param name="varname" select="$varname"/>
1161 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$type"/>
1162 <xsl:with-param name="callerprefix" select="$callerprefix"/>
1163 </xsl:call-template>
1164 <xsl:value-of select="';'" />
1165 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1167 </xsl:otherwise>
1168 </xsl:choose>
1170 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' WEBDEBUG((g_pcszDoneConvertingComOutputBack, &quot;', $name, '&quot;));')" />
1171 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1175 emitGetAttributeComCall
1176 -->
1177<xsl:template name="emitGetAttributeComCall">
1178 <xsl:param name="ifname" />
1179 <xsl:param name="object" /> <!-- normally "pObj->" -->
1180 <xsl:param name="attrname" />
1181 <xsl:param name="attrtype" />
1182 <xsl:param name="attrsafearray" />
1183 <xsl:param name="varprefix" /> <!-- only when called recursively from emitOutputArgBackConverter-->
1184 <xsl:param name="callerprefix" /> <!-- only when called recursively from emitOutputArgBackConverter-->
1186 <xsl:variable name="gettername"><xsl:call-template name="makeGetterName"><xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="$attrname" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
1187 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBuffer">
1188 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1189 <xsl:with-param name="method"><xsl:value-of select="$gettername" /></xsl:with-param>
1190 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="$attrname" />
1191 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$attrtype" />
1192 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$attrsafearray" />
1193 <xsl:with-param name="varprefix" select="$varprefix" />
1194 </xsl:call-template>
1195 <xsl:variable name="upperattrname"><xsl:call-template name="capitalize"><xsl:with-param name="str" select="$attrname" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
1196 <!-- actual COM method call -->
1197 <xsl:call-template name="emitComCall">
1198 <xsl:with-param name="methodname" select="concat('COMGETTER(', $upperattrname, ')')" />
1199 <xsl:with-param name="object" select="$object" />
1200 <xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="$attrname" />
1201 <xsl:with-param name="attrtype" select="$attrtype" />
1202 <xsl:with-param name="attrsafearray" select="$attrsafearray" />
1203 <xsl:with-param name="attrdir" select="'return'" />
1204 <xsl:with-param name="varprefix" select="$varprefix" />
1205 </xsl:call-template>
1206 <!-- convert back the output data -->
1207 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBackConverter">
1208 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1209 <xsl:with-param name="method"><xsl:value-of select="$gettername" /></xsl:with-param>
1210 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="$attrname" />
1211 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$attrtype" />
1212 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$attrsafearray" />
1213 <xsl:with-param name="varprefix" select="$varprefix" />
1214 <xsl:with-param name="callerprefix" select="$callerprefix" />
1215 </xsl:call-template>
1219 emitSetAttributeComCall
1220 -->
1221<xsl:template name="emitSetAttributeComCall">
1222 <xsl:param name="ifname" />
1223 <xsl:param name="object" /> <!-- normally "pObj->" -->
1224 <xsl:param name="attrname" />
1225 <xsl:param name="attrtype" />
1226 <xsl:param name="attrsafearray" />
1227 <xsl:param name="callerprefix" /> <!-- only when called recursively from emitOutputArgBackConverter-->
1229 <xsl:variable name="settername"><xsl:call-template name="makeSetterName"><xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="$attrname" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
1230 <xsl:variable name="upperattrname"><xsl:call-template name="capitalize"><xsl:with-param name="str" select="$attrname" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
1232 <xsl:call-template name="emitInputArgConverter">
1233 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="concat($ifname, '::', $settername)" />
1234 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="$attrname" />
1235 <xsl:with-param name="structprefix" select="concat($G_requestElementVarName, '-&gt;')" />
1236 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="$attrtype" />
1237 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="$attrsafearray" />
1238 </xsl:call-template>
1239 <xsl:call-template name="emitComCall">
1240 <xsl:with-param name="methodname" select="concat('COMSETTER(', $upperattrname, ')')" />
1241 <xsl:with-param name="object" select="$object" />
1242 <xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="$attrname" />
1243 <xsl:with-param name="attrtype" select="$attrtype" />
1244 <xsl:with-param name="attrsafearray" select="$attrsafearray" />
1245 <xsl:with-param name="attrdir" select="'in'" />
1246 </xsl:call-template>
1250 emitGetAttributeMapper
1251 -->
1252<xsl:template name="emitGetAttributeMapper">
1253 <xsl:param name="ifname" />
1254 <xsl:param name="wsmap" />
1255 <xsl:param name="attrname" />
1256 <xsl:param name="attrtype" />
1257 <xsl:param name="attrreadonly" />
1258 <xsl:param name="attrsafearray" />
1260 <xsl:variable name="gettername"><xsl:call-template name="makeGetterName"><xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="$attrname" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
1262 <xsl:call-template name="emitBeginOfFunctionHeader">
1263 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1264 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$gettername" />
1265 </xsl:call-template>
1267 <xsl:call-template name="emitDocumentStyleArgStructs">
1268 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1269 <xsl:with-param name="methodname" select="$gettername" />
1270 <xsl:with-param name="fOutputs" select="$attrtype" />
1271 </xsl:call-template>
1273 <xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
1274 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1275 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
1276 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1278 <xsl:value-of select="' HRESULT rc = S_OK;'" />
1279 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1281 <xsl:call-template name="emitPrologue" />
1283 <!-- actual COM method call -->
1284 <!-- <xsl:choose>
1285 array attributes/parameters are not supported yet...
1286 <xsl:when test="@array or @safearray='yes'">
1287 <xsl:call-template name="warning"><xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitComCall: SKIPPING ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION for &quot;', $attrname, '&quot; because it has array type. THIS SOAP METHOD WILL NOT DO ANYTHING!')" /></xsl:call-template>
1288 </xsl:when>
1289 <xsl:otherwise> -->
1290 <xsl:call-template name="emitObjForMethod">
1291 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1292 <xsl:with-param name="wsmap"><xsl:value-of select="$wsmap" /></xsl:with-param>
1293 <xsl:with-param name="structprefix" select="concat($G_requestElementVarName, '-&gt;')" />
1294 </xsl:call-template>
1296 <xsl:call-template name="emitGetAttributeComCall">
1297 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1298 <xsl:with-param name="object" select='"pObj"' />
1299 <xsl:with-param name="attrname"><xsl:value-of select="$attrname" /></xsl:with-param>
1300 <xsl:with-param name="attrtype"><xsl:value-of select="$attrtype" /></xsl:with-param>
1301 <xsl:with-param name="attrsafearray"><xsl:value-of select="$attrsafearray" /></xsl:with-param>
1302 </xsl:call-template>
1303 <!-- </xsl:otherwise>
1304 </xsl:choose> -->
1306 <xsl:call-template name="emitEpilogue" />
1310 emitSetAttributeMapper:
1311 -->
1312<xsl:template name="emitSetAttributeMapper">
1313 <xsl:param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1314 <xsl:param name="wsmap" select="$wsmap" />
1315 <xsl:param name="attrname" select="$attrname" />
1316 <xsl:param name="attrtype" select="$attrtype" />
1317 <xsl:param name="attrreadonly" select="$attrreadonly" />
1319 <xsl:variable name="settername"><xsl:call-template name="makeSetterName"><xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="$attrname" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
1321 <xsl:call-template name="emitBeginOfFunctionHeader">
1322 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1323 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$settername" />
1324 </xsl:call-template>
1326 <xsl:call-template name="emitDocumentStyleArgStructs">
1327 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1328 <xsl:with-param name="methodname" select="$settername" />
1329 <xsl:with-param name="fOutputs" select="1" />
1330 </xsl:call-template>
1332 <xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
1333 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1334 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
1335 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1336 <xsl:value-of select="' HRESULT rc = S_OK;'" />
1337 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1338 <xsl:call-template name="emitPrologue" />
1340 <!-- actual COM method call -->
1341 <!-- <xsl:choose>
1342 array attributes/parameters are not supported yet...
1343 <xsl:when test="@array or @safearray='yes'">
1344 <xsl:call-template name="warning"><xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitComCall: SKIPPING ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION for &quot;', $attrname, '&quot; because it has array type. THIS SOAP METHOD WILL NOT DO ANYTHING!')" /></xsl:call-template>
1345 </xsl:when>
1346 <xsl:otherwise> -->
1347 <xsl:call-template name="emitObjForMethod">
1348 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1349 <xsl:with-param name="wsmap"><xsl:value-of select="$wsmap" /></xsl:with-param>
1350 <xsl:with-param name="structprefix" select="concat($G_requestElementVarName, '-&gt;')" />
1351 </xsl:call-template>
1352 <xsl:call-template name="emitSetAttributeComCall">
1353 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1354 <xsl:with-param name="object" select='"pObj"' />
1355 <xsl:with-param name="attrname"><xsl:value-of select="$attrname" /></xsl:with-param>
1356 <xsl:with-param name="attrtype"><xsl:value-of select="$attrtype" /></xsl:with-param>
1357 </xsl:call-template>
1358 <!-- </xsl:otherwise>
1359 </xsl:choose> -->
1361 <xsl:call-template name="emitEpilogue" />
1364<!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1365 interface
1366 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -->
1368<xsl:template match="interface">
1369 <!-- remember the interface name in local variables -->
1370 <xsl:variable name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="@name" /></xsl:variable>
1371 <xsl:variable name="wsmap"><xsl:value-of select="@wsmap" /></xsl:variable>
1372 <xsl:variable name="wscpp"><xsl:value-of select="@wscpp" /></xsl:variable>
1374 <!-- we can save ourselves verifying the interface here as it's already
1375 done in the WSDL converter -->
1377 <xsl:if test='not( ($wsmap="suppress") or ($wsmap="struct") or ($wscpp="hardcoded") )'>
1378 <xsl:text>
1380 *
1381 * interface </xsl:text>
1382<xsl:copy-of select="$ifname" />
1384 *
1385 ****************************************************************************/
1388 <!--
1389 here come the attributes
1390 -->
1391 <xsl:for-each select="attribute">
1392 <xsl:variable name="attrname"><xsl:value-of select="@name" /></xsl:variable>
1393 <xsl:variable name="attrtype"><xsl:value-of select="@type" /></xsl:variable>
1394 <xsl:variable name="attrreadonly"><xsl:value-of select="@readonly" /></xsl:variable>
1395 <xsl:variable name="attrsafearray"><xsl:value-of select="@safearray" /></xsl:variable>
1396 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1397 <!-- skip this attribute if it has parameters of a type that has wsmap="suppress" -->
1398 <xsl:choose>
1399 <xsl:when test="( $attrtype=($G_setSuppressedInterfaces/@name) )">
1400 <xsl:value-of select="concat('// Skipping attribute ', $attrtype, ' for it is of suppressed type ', $attrtype)" />
1401 </xsl:when>
1402 <xsl:otherwise>
1403 <xsl:choose>
1404 <xsl:when test="@readonly='yes'">
1405 <xsl:value-of select="concat('// read-only attribute ', $ifname, '::', $attrname, ' of type ', $attrtype)" />
1406 </xsl:when>
1407 <xsl:otherwise>
1408 <xsl:value-of select="concat('// read/write attribute ', $ifname, '::', $attrname, ' of type ', $attrtype)" />
1409 </xsl:otherwise>
1410 </xsl:choose>
1411 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' (safearray: ', $attrsafearray, ')')" />
1412 <!-- emit getter method -->
1413 <xsl:call-template name="emitGetAttributeMapper">
1414 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1415 <xsl:with-param name="wsmap" select="$wsmap" />
1416 <xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="$attrname" />
1417 <xsl:with-param name="attrtype" select="$attrtype" />
1418 <xsl:with-param name="attrreadonly" select="$attrreadonly" />
1419 <xsl:with-param name="attrsafearray" select="$attrsafearray" />
1420 </xsl:call-template>
1421 <!-- for read-write attributes, emit setter method -->
1422 <xsl:if test="not(@readonly='yes')">
1423 <xsl:call-template name="emitSetAttributeMapper">
1424 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1425 <xsl:with-param name="wsmap" select="$wsmap" />
1426 <xsl:with-param name="attrname" select="$attrname" />
1427 <xsl:with-param name="attrtype" select="$attrtype" />
1428 <xsl:with-param name="attrreadonly" select="$attrreadonly" />
1429 </xsl:call-template>
1430 </xsl:if>
1431 </xsl:otherwise> <!-- not wsmap=suppress -->
1432 </xsl:choose>
1433 </xsl:for-each>
1435 <!--
1436 here come the real methods
1437 -->
1439 <xsl:for-each select="method">
1440 <xsl:variable name="methodname"><xsl:value-of select="@name" /></xsl:variable>
1441 <!-- method header: return value "int", method name, soap arguments -->
1442 <!-- skip this method if it has parameters of a type that has wsmap="suppress" -->
1443 <xsl:choose>
1444 <xsl:when test="param[@type=($G_setSuppressedInterfaces/@name)]">
1445 <xsl:comment><xsl:value-of select="concat('Skipping method ', $methodname, ' for it has parameters with suppressed types')" /></xsl:comment>
1446 </xsl:when>
1447 <xsl:otherwise>
1448 <xsl:variable name="fHasReturnParms" select="param[@dir='return']" />
1449 <xsl:variable name="fHasOutParms" select="param[@dir='out']" />
1451 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1452 <xsl:value-of select="concat('/* method ', $ifname, '::', $methodname, '(')" />
1453 <xsl:for-each select="param">
1454 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1455 <xsl:value-of select="concat(' [', @dir, '] ', @type, ' ', @name)" />
1456 <xsl:if test="@safearray='yes'">
1457 <xsl:text>[]</xsl:text>
1458 </xsl:if>
1459 <xsl:if test="not(position()=last())">
1460 <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
1461 </xsl:if>
1462 </xsl:for-each>
1463 <xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
1464 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1465 <xsl:text> */</xsl:text>
1467 <xsl:call-template name="emitBeginOfFunctionHeader">
1468 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1469 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$methodname" />
1470 </xsl:call-template>
1472 <xsl:call-template name="emitDocumentStyleArgStructs">
1473 <xsl:with-param name="ifname" select="$ifname" />
1474 <xsl:with-param name="methodname" select="$methodname" />
1475 <xsl:with-param name="fOutputs" select="1" />
1476 </xsl:call-template>
1477 <xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
1478 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1479 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
1480 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1481 <xsl:value-of select="' HRESULT rc = S_OK;'" />
1482 <xsl:call-template name="emitNewline" />
1483 <xsl:call-template name="emitPrologue" />
1485 <xsl:choose>
1486 <xsl:when test="param[@array]">
1487 <xsl:call-template name="warning"><xsl:with-param name="msg" select="concat('emitComCall: SKIPPING METHOD IMPLEMENTATION for &quot;', $methodname, '&quot; because it has arguments with &quot;array&quot; types. THIS SOAP METHOD WILL NOT DO ANYTHING!')" /></xsl:call-template>
1488 </xsl:when>
1489 <xsl:otherwise>
1490 <!-- emit the object upon which to invoke the method -->
1491 <xsl:call-template name="emitObjForMethod">
1492 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1493 <xsl:with-param name="wsmap"><xsl:value-of select="$wsmap" /></xsl:with-param>
1494 <xsl:with-param name="structprefix" select="concat($G_requestElementVarName, '-&gt;')" />
1495 </xsl:call-template>
1496 <!-- next, emit storage variables to convert the SOAP/C++ arguments to COM types -->
1497 <xsl:for-each select="param">
1498 <xsl:variable name="dir" select="@dir" />
1499 <xsl:choose>
1500 <xsl:when test="$dir='in'">
1501 <xsl:call-template name="emitInputArgConverter">
1502 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="concat($ifname, '::', $methodname)" />
1503 <xsl:with-param name="structprefix" select="concat($G_requestElementVarName, '-&gt;')" />
1504 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="@name" />
1505 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type" />
1506 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="@safearray" />
1507 </xsl:call-template>
1508 </xsl:when>
1509 <xsl:when test="$dir='out'">
1510 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBuffer">
1511 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="concat($ifname, '::', $methodname)" />
1512 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="@name" />
1513 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type" />
1514 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="@safearray" />
1515 </xsl:call-template>
1516 </xsl:when>
1517 <xsl:when test="$dir='return'">
1518 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBuffer">
1519 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="concat($ifname, '::', $methodname)" />
1520 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="$G_result" />
1521 <xsl:with-param name="type" select="@type" />
1522 <xsl:with-param name="safearray" select="@safearray" />
1523 </xsl:call-template>
1524 </xsl:when>
1525 </xsl:choose>
1526 </xsl:for-each>
1527 <!-- actual COM method call -->
1528 <xsl:call-template name="emitComCall">
1529 <xsl:with-param name="object" select='"pObj"' />
1530 <xsl:with-param name="methodname">
1531 <xsl:call-template name="capitalize">
1532 <xsl:with-param name="str" select="$methodname" />
1533 </xsl:call-template>
1534 </xsl:with-param>
1535 </xsl:call-template>
1536 <!-- convert back the output data -->
1537 <xsl:for-each select="param">
1538 <xsl:variable name="dir" select="@dir" />
1539 <xsl:if test="$dir='out'">
1540 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBackConverter">
1541 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1542 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$methodname" />
1543 <xsl:with-param name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@name" /></xsl:with-param>
1544 <xsl:with-param name="type"><xsl:value-of select="@type" /></xsl:with-param>
1545 <xsl:with-param name="safearray"><xsl:value-of select="@safearray" /></xsl:with-param>
1546 <xsl:with-param name="callerprefix" select="'outparms.'"/>
1547 </xsl:call-template>
1548 </xsl:if>
1549 <xsl:if test="$dir='return'">
1550 <!-- return values _normally_ should convert to the input arg from the function prototype,
1551 except when there are both return and out params; in that case gsoap squeezes them all
1552 into the output args structure and the return thing is called "retval" -->
1553 <xsl:choose>
1554 <xsl:when test="$fHasOutParms">
1555 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBackConverter">
1556 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1557 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$methodname" />
1558 <xsl:with-param name="name"><xsl:value-of select="$G_result" /></xsl:with-param>
1559 <xsl:with-param name="type"><xsl:value-of select="@type" /></xsl:with-param>
1560 <xsl:with-param name="safearray"><xsl:value-of select="@safearray" /></xsl:with-param>
1561 <xsl:with-param name="callerprefix" select="'outparms.'"/>
1562 </xsl:call-template>
1563 </xsl:when>
1564 <xsl:otherwise>
1565 <xsl:call-template name="emitOutputArgBackConverter">
1566 <xsl:with-param name="ifname"><xsl:value-of select="$ifname" /></xsl:with-param>
1567 <xsl:with-param name="method" select="$methodname" />
1568 <xsl:with-param name="name"><xsl:value-of select="$G_result" /></xsl:with-param>
1569 <xsl:with-param name="type"><xsl:value-of select="@type" /></xsl:with-param>
1570 <xsl:with-param name="safearray"><xsl:value-of select="@safearray" /></xsl:with-param>
1571 </xsl:call-template>
1572 </xsl:otherwise>
1573 </xsl:choose>
1574 </xsl:if>
1575 </xsl:for-each>
1576 </xsl:otherwise>
1577 </xsl:choose>
1578 <xsl:call-template name="emitEpilogue" />
1579 </xsl:otherwise>
1580 </xsl:choose>
1581 </xsl:for-each>
1582 </xsl:if>
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