/* $Id: Config.h 49063 2013-10-12 07:16:07Z vboxsync $ */ /** * This file contains declarations of DHCP config. */ #ifndef _CONFIG_H_ # define _CONFIG_H_ #include #include typedef std::vector MacAddressContainer; typedef MacAddressContainer::iterator MacAddressIterator; typedef std::vector Ipv4AddressContainer; typedef Ipv4AddressContainer::iterator Ipv4AddressIterator; typedef Ipv4AddressContainer::const_iterator Ipv4AddressConstIterator; static bool operator <(const RTNETADDRIPV4& a, const RTNETADDRIPV4& b) { return (RT_N2H_U32(a.u) < RT_N2H_U32(b.u)); } static bool operator > (const RTNETADDRIPV4& a, const RTNETADDRIPV4& b) { return (b < a); } class RawOption { public: uint8_t u8OptId; uint8_t cbRawOpt; uint8_t au8RawOpt[255]; }; class Client; class Lease; class BaseConfigEntity; class NetworkConfigEntity; class HostConfigEntity; class ClientMatchCriteria; typedef std::map MapLease2Ip4Address; typedef MapLease2Ip4Address::iterator MapLease2Ip4AddressIterator; typedef MapLease2Ip4Address::value_type MapLease2Ip4AddressPair; /* * it's a basic representation of * of out undestanding what client is * XXX: Client might sends Option 61 (RFC2132 9.14 "Client-identifier") signalling * that we may identify it in special way * * XXX: Client might send Option 60 (RFC2132 9.13 "Vendor class undentifier") * in response it's expected server sends Option 43 (RFC2132 8.4. "Vendor Specific Information") */ class Client { public: /* XXX: Option 60 and 61 */ Client(const RTMAC& mac); bool operator== (const RTMAC& mac) const { return ( m_mac.au16[0] == mac.au16[0] && m_mac.au16[1] == mac.au16[1] && m_mac.au16[2] == mac.au16[2]); } /** Dumps client query */ void dump(); /* XXX! private: */ RTMAC m_mac; Lease *m_lease; /* XXX: should be in lease */ std::vector rawOptions; }; typedef std::vector VecClient; typedef VecClient::iterator VecClientIterator; typedef VecClient::const_iterator VecClientConstIterator; /** * */ class ClientMatchCriteria { public: virtual bool check(const Client&) const {return false;}; }; class ORClientMatchCriteria: ClientMatchCriteria { ClientMatchCriteria* m_left; ClientMatchCriteria* m_right; ORClientMatchCriteria(ClientMatchCriteria *left, ClientMatchCriteria *right) { m_left = left; m_right = right; } virtual bool check(const Client& client) const { return (m_left->check(client) || m_right->check(client)); } }; class ANDClientMatchCriteria: ClientMatchCriteria { public: ANDClientMatchCriteria(ClientMatchCriteria *left, ClientMatchCriteria *right) { m_left = left; m_right = right; } virtual bool check(const Client& client) const { return (m_left->check(client) && m_right->check(client)); } private: ClientMatchCriteria* m_left; ClientMatchCriteria* m_right; }; class AnyClientMatchCriteria: public ClientMatchCriteria { public: virtual bool check(const Client&) const { return true; } }; class MACClientMatchCriteria: public ClientMatchCriteria { public: MACClientMatchCriteria(const RTMAC& mac):m_mac(mac){} virtual bool check(const Client& client) const { return (client == m_mac); } private: RTMAC m_mac; }; #if 0 /* XXX: Later */ class VmSlotClientMatchCriteria: public ClientMatchCriteria { str::string VmName; uint8_t u8Slot; virtual bool check(const Client& client) { return ( client.VmName == VmName && ( u8Slot == (uint8_t)~0 /* any */ || client.u8Slot == u8Slot)); } }; #endif /* Option 60 */ class ClassClientMatchCriteria: ClientMatchCriteria{}; /* Option 61 */ class ClientIdentifierMatchCriteria: ClientMatchCriteria{}; class BaseConfigEntity { public: BaseConfigEntity(const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria = NULL, int matchingLevel = 0) : m_criteria(criteria), m_MatchLevel(matchingLevel){}; virtual ~BaseConfigEntity(){}; /* XXX */ int add(BaseConfigEntity *cfg) { m_children.push_back(cfg); return 0; } /* Should return how strong matching */ virtual int match(Client& client, BaseConfigEntity **cfg); virtual uint32_t expirationPeriod() const = 0; protected: const ClientMatchCriteria *m_criteria; int m_MatchLevel; std::vector m_children; }; class NullConfigEntity: public BaseConfigEntity { public: NullConfigEntity(){} virtual ~NullConfigEntity(){} int add(BaseConfigEntity *) const { return 0; } virtual uint32_t expirationPeriod() const {return 0;} }; class ConfigEntity: public BaseConfigEntity { public: /* range */ /* match conditions */ ConfigEntity(std::string& name, const BaseConfigEntity *cfg, const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria, int matchingLevel = 0): BaseConfigEntity(criteria, matchingLevel), m_name(name), m_parentCfg(cfg), m_u32ExpirationPeriod(0) { unconst(m_parentCfg)->add(this); } virtual uint32_t expirationPeriod() const { if (!m_u32ExpirationPeriod) return m_parentCfg->expirationPeriod(); else return m_u32ExpirationPeriod; } /* XXX: private:*/ std::string m_name; const BaseConfigEntity *m_parentCfg; uint32_t m_u32ExpirationPeriod; }; /** * Network specific entries */ class NetworkConfigEntity:public ConfigEntity { public: /* Address Pool matching with network declaration */ NetworkConfigEntity(std::string name, const BaseConfigEntity *cfg, const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria, int matchlvl, const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkID, const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkMask, const RTNETADDRIPV4& lowerIP, const RTNETADDRIPV4& upperIP): ConfigEntity(name, cfg, criteria, matchlvl), m_NetworkID(networkID), m_NetworkMask(networkMask), m_UpperIP(upperIP), m_LowerIP(lowerIP) { }; NetworkConfigEntity(std::string name, const BaseConfigEntity *cfg, const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria, const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkID, const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkMask): ConfigEntity(name, cfg, criteria, 5), m_NetworkID(networkID), m_NetworkMask(networkMask) { m_UpperIP.u = m_NetworkID.u | (~m_NetworkMask.u); m_LowerIP.u = m_NetworkID.u; }; const RTNETADDRIPV4& upperIp() const {return m_UpperIP;} const RTNETADDRIPV4& lowerIp() const {return m_LowerIP;} const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkId() const {return m_NetworkID;} const RTNETADDRIPV4& netmask() const {return m_NetworkMask;} private: RTNETADDRIPV4 m_NetworkID; RTNETADDRIPV4 m_NetworkMask; RTNETADDRIPV4 m_UpperIP; RTNETADDRIPV4 m_LowerIP; }; /** * Host specific entry * Address pool is contains one element */ class HostConfigEntity: public NetworkConfigEntity { public: HostConfigEntity(const RTNETADDRIPV4& addr, std::string name, const NetworkConfigEntity *cfg, const ClientMatchCriteria *criteria): NetworkConfigEntity(name, static_cast(cfg), criteria, 10, cfg->networkId(), cfg->netmask(), addr, addr) { /* upper addr == lower addr */ } virtual int match(const Client& client) const { return (m_criteria->check(client) ? 10 : 0); } }; class RootConfigEntity: public NetworkConfigEntity { public: RootConfigEntity(std::string name, uint32_t expirationPeriod); virtual ~RootConfigEntity(){}; }; #if 0 /** * Shared regions e.g. some of configured networks declarations * are cover each other. * XXX: Shared Network is join on Network config entities with possible * overlaps in address pools. for a moment we won't configure and use them them */ class SharedNetworkConfigEntity: public NetworkEntity { public: SharedNetworkConfigEntity(){} int match(const Client& client) const { return m_criteria.match(client)? 3 : 0;} SharedNetworkConfigEntity(NetworkEntity& network) { Networks.push_back(network); } virtual ~SharedNetworkConfigEntity(){} std::vector Networks; }; #endif class ConfigurationManager { public: static ConfigurationManager* getConfigurationManager(); static int extractRequestList(PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cbDhcpMsg, RawOption& rawOpt); /** * */ Client* getClientByDhcpPacket(const RTNETBOOTP *pDhcpMsg, size_t cbDhcpMsg); /** * XXX: it's could be done on DHCPOFFER or on DHCPACK (rfc2131 gives freedom here * 3.1.2, what is strict that allocation should do address check before real * allocation)... */ Lease* allocateLease4Client(Client *client, PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cbDhcpMsg); /** * We call this before DHCPACK sent and after DHCPREQUEST received ... * when requested configuration is acceptable. */ int commitLease4Client(Client *client); /** * Expires client lease. */ int expireLease4Client(Client *client); static int findOption(uint8_t uOption, PCRTNETBOOTP pDhcpMsg, size_t cbDhcpMsg, RawOption& opt); NetworkConfigEntity *addNetwork(NetworkConfigEntity *pCfg, const RTNETADDRIPV4& networkId, const RTNETADDRIPV4& netmask, RTNETADDRIPV4& UpperAddress, RTNETADDRIPV4& LowerAddress); HostConfigEntity *addHost(NetworkConfigEntity*, const RTNETADDRIPV4&, ClientMatchCriteria*); int addToAddressList(uint8_t u8OptId, RTNETADDRIPV4& address); int flushAddressList(uint8_t u8OptId); int setString(uint8_t u8OptId, const std::string& str); const std::string& getString(uint8_t u8OptId); const Ipv4AddressContainer& getAddressList(uint8_t u8OptId); private: ConfigurationManager(){} virtual ~ConfigurationManager(){} bool isAddressTaken(const RTNETADDRIPV4& addr, Lease** ppLease = NULL); public: /* nulls */ const Ipv4AddressContainer m_empty; const std::string m_noString; private: MapLease2Ip4Address m_allocations; /** * Here we can store expired Leases to do not re-allocate them latter. */ /* XXX: MapLease2Ip4Address m_freed; */ /* XXX: more universal storages are required. */ Ipv4AddressContainer m_nameservers; Ipv4AddressContainer m_routers; std::string m_domainName; VecClient m_clients; }; class NetworkManager { public: static NetworkManager *getNetworkManager(); int offer4Client(Client* lease, uint32_t u32Xid, uint8_t *pu8ReqList, int cReqList); int ack(Client *lease, uint32_t u32Xid, uint8_t *pu8ReqList, int cReqList); int nak(Client *lease, uint32_t u32Xid); const RTNETADDRIPV4& getOurAddress(){ return m_OurAddress;} const RTNETADDRIPV4& getOurNetmask(){ return m_OurNetmask;} const RTMAC& getOurMac() {return m_OurMac;} void setOurAddress(const RTNETADDRIPV4& aAddress){ m_OurAddress = aAddress;} void setOurNetmask(const RTNETADDRIPV4& aNetmask){ m_OurNetmask = aNetmask;} void setOurMac(const RTMAC& aMac) {m_OurMac = aMac;} /* XXX: artifacts should be hidden or removed from here. */ PSUPDRVSESSION m_pSession; INTNETIFHANDLE m_hIf; PINTNETBUF m_pIfBuf; private: NetworkManager(){} virtual ~NetworkManager(){} int prepareReplyPacket4Client(Client *client, uint32_t u32Xid); int doReply(Client *client); int processParameterReqList(Client *client, uint8_t *pu8ReqList, int cReqList); union { RTNETBOOTP BootPHeader; uint8_t au8Storage[1024]; } BootPReplyMsg; int cbBooPReplyMsg; RTNETADDRIPV4 m_OurAddress; RTNETADDRIPV4 m_OurNetmask; RTMAC m_OurMac; }; class Lease { public: Lease():m(NULL){}; ~Lease(); void init(); bool isExpired() const; /* Depending on phase *Expiration and phaseStart initialize different values. */ void bindingPhase(bool); void phaseStart(uint64_t u64Start); bool isInBindingPhase() const; void setExpiration(uint32_t); uint32_t getExpiration() const; RTNETADDRIPV4 getAddress() const; void setAddress(RTNETADDRIPV4); const NetworkConfigEntity *getConfig() const; void setConfig(NetworkConfigEntity *); Client *getClient() const; void setClient(Client *); private: class Data; Data *m; }; extern const ClientMatchCriteria *g_AnyClient; extern RootConfigEntity *g_RootConfig; extern const NullConfigEntity *g_NullConfig; /** * Helper class for stuffing DHCP options into a reply packet. */ class VBoxNetDhcpWriteCursor { private: uint8_t *m_pbCur; /**< The current cursor position. */ uint8_t *m_pbEnd; /**< The end the current option space. */ uint8_t *m_pfOverload; /**< Pointer to the flags of the overload option. */ uint8_t m_fUsed; /**< Overload fields that have been used. */ PRTNETDHCPOPT m_pOpt; /**< The current option. */ PRTNETBOOTP m_pDhcp; /**< The DHCP packet. */ bool m_fOverflowed; /**< Set if we've overflowed, otherwise false. */ public: /** Instantiate an option cursor for the specified DHCP message. */ VBoxNetDhcpWriteCursor(PRTNETBOOTP pDhcp, size_t cbDhcp) : m_pbCur(&pDhcp->bp_vend.Dhcp.dhcp_opts[0]), m_pbEnd((uint8_t *)pDhcp + cbDhcp), m_pfOverload(NULL), m_fUsed(0), m_pOpt(NULL), m_pDhcp(pDhcp), m_fOverflowed(false) { AssertPtr(pDhcp); Assert(cbDhcp > RT_UOFFSETOF(RTNETBOOTP, bp_vend.Dhcp.dhcp_opts[10])); } /** Destructor. */ ~VBoxNetDhcpWriteCursor() { m_pbCur = m_pbEnd = m_pfOverload = NULL; m_pOpt = NULL; m_pDhcp = NULL; } /** * Try use the bp_file field. * @returns true if not overloaded, false otherwise. */ bool useBpFile(void) { if ( m_pfOverload && (*m_pfOverload & 1)) return false; m_fUsed |= 1 /* bp_file flag*/; return true; } /** * Try overload more BOOTP fields */ bool overloadMore(void) { /* switch option area. */ uint8_t *pbNew; uint8_t *pbNewEnd; uint8_t fField; if (!(m_fUsed & 1)) { fField = 1; pbNew = &m_pDhcp->bp_file[0]; pbNewEnd = &m_pDhcp->bp_file[sizeof(m_pDhcp->bp_file)]; } else if (!(m_fUsed & 2)) { fField = 2; pbNew = &m_pDhcp->bp_sname[0]; pbNewEnd = &m_pDhcp->bp_sname[sizeof(m_pDhcp->bp_sname)]; } else return false; if (!m_pfOverload) { /* Add an overload option. */ *m_pbCur++ = RTNET_DHCP_OPT_OPTION_OVERLOAD; *m_pbCur++ = fField; m_pfOverload = m_pbCur; *m_pbCur++ = 1; /* bp_file flag */ } else *m_pfOverload |= fField; /* pad current option field */ while (m_pbCur != m_pbEnd) *m_pbCur++ = RTNET_DHCP_OPT_PAD; /** @todo not sure if this stuff is at all correct... */ /* switch */ m_pbCur = pbNew; m_pbEnd = pbNewEnd; return true; } /** * Begin an option. * * @returns true on success, false if we're out of space. * * @param uOption The option number. * @param cb The amount of data. */ bool begin(uint8_t uOption, size_t cb) { /* Check that the data of the previous option has all been written. */ Assert( !m_pOpt || (m_pbCur - m_pOpt->dhcp_len == (uint8_t *)(m_pOpt + 1))); AssertMsg(cb <= 255, ("%#x\n", cb)); /* Check if we need to overload more stuff. */ if ((uintptr_t)(m_pbEnd - m_pbCur) < cb + 2 + (m_pfOverload ? 1 : 3)) { m_pOpt = NULL; if (!overloadMore()) { m_fOverflowed = true; AssertMsgFailedReturn(("%u %#x\n", uOption, cb), false); } if ((uintptr_t)(m_pbEnd - m_pbCur) < cb + 2 + 1) { m_fOverflowed = true; AssertMsgFailedReturn(("%u %#x\n", uOption, cb), false); } } /* Emit the option header. */ m_pOpt = (PRTNETDHCPOPT)m_pbCur; m_pOpt->dhcp_opt = uOption; m_pOpt->dhcp_len = (uint8_t)cb; m_pbCur += 2; return true; } /** * Puts option data. * * @param pvData The data. * @param cb The amount to put. */ void put(void const *pvData, size_t cb) { Assert(m_pOpt || m_fOverflowed); if (RT_LIKELY(m_pOpt)) { Assert((uintptr_t)m_pbCur - (uintptr_t)(m_pOpt + 1) + cb <= (size_t)m_pOpt->dhcp_len); memcpy(m_pbCur, pvData, cb); m_pbCur += cb; } } /** * Puts an IPv4 Address. * * @param IPv4Addr The address. */ void putIPv4Addr(RTNETADDRIPV4 IPv4Addr) { put(&IPv4Addr, 4); } /** * Adds an IPv4 address option. * * @returns true/false just like begin(). * * @param uOption The option number. * @param IPv4Addr The address. */ bool optIPv4Addr(uint8_t uOption, RTNETADDRIPV4 IPv4Addr) { if (!begin(uOption, 4)) return false; putIPv4Addr(IPv4Addr); return true; } /** * Adds an option taking 1 or more IPv4 address. * * If the vector contains no addresses, the option will not be added. * * @returns true/false just like begin(). * * @param uOption The option number. * @param rIPv4Addrs Reference to the address vector. */ bool optIPv4Addrs(uint8_t uOption, std::vector const &rIPv4Addrs) { size_t const c = rIPv4Addrs.size(); if (!c) return true; if (!begin(uOption, 4*c)) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < c; i++) putIPv4Addr(rIPv4Addrs[i]); return true; } /** * Puts an 8-bit integer. * * @param u8 The integer. */ void putU8(uint8_t u8) { put(&u8, 1); } /** * Adds an 8-bit integer option. * * @returns true/false just like begin(). * * @param uOption The option number. * @param u8 The integer */ bool optU8(uint8_t uOption, uint8_t u8) { if (!begin(uOption, 1)) return false; putU8(u8); return true; } /** * Puts an 32-bit integer (network endian). * * @param u32Network The integer. */ void putU32(uint32_t u32) { put(&u32, 4); } /** * Adds an 32-bit integer (network endian) option. * * @returns true/false just like begin(). * * @param uOption The option number. * @param u32Network The integer. */ bool optU32(uint8_t uOption, uint32_t u32) { if (!begin(uOption, 4)) return false; putU32(u32); return true; } /** * Puts a std::string. * * @param rStr Reference to the string. */ void putStr(std::string const &rStr) { put(rStr.c_str(), rStr.size()); } /** * Adds an std::string option if the string isn't empty. * * @returns true/false just like begin(). * * @param uOption The option number. * @param rStr Reference to the string. */ bool optStr(uint8_t uOption, std::string const &rStr) { const size_t cch = rStr.size(); if (!cch) return true; if (!begin(uOption, cch)) return false; put(rStr.c_str(), cch); return true; } /** * Whether we've overflowed. * * @returns true on overflow, false otherwise. */ bool hasOverflowed(void) const { return m_fOverflowed; } /** * Adds the terminating END option. * * The END will always be added as we're reserving room for it, however, we * might have dropped previous options due to overflows and that is what the * return status indicates. * * @returns true on success, false on a (previous) overflow. */ bool optEnd(void) { Assert((uintptr_t)(m_pbEnd - m_pbCur) < 4096); *m_pbCur++ = RTNET_DHCP_OPT_END; return !hasOverflowed(); } }; #endif