/* $Id: asn1-encode.cpp 69111 2017-10-17 14:26:02Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * IPRT - ASN.1, Encoding. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL. * * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #include "internal/iprt.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Argument package for rtAsn1EncodePrepareCallback passed by RTAsn1EncodePrepare. */ typedef struct RTASN1ENCODEPREPARGS { /** The size at this level. */ uint32_t cb; /** RTASN1ENCODE_F_XXX. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** Pointer to the error info. (optional) */ PRTERRINFO pErrInfo; } RTASN1ENCODEPREPARGS; /** * Argument package for rtAsn1EncodeWriteCallback passed by RTAsn1EncodeWrite. */ typedef struct RTASN1ENCODEWRITEARGS { /** RTASN1ENCODE_F_XXX. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** Pointer to the writer funtion. */ PFNRTASN1ENCODEWRITER pfnWriter; /** User argument to the writer function. */ void *pvUser; /** Pointer to the error info. (optional) */ PRTERRINFO pErrInfo; } RTASN1ENCODEWRITEARGS; /** * Argument package for rtAsn1EncodeToBufferCallback passed by * RTAsn1EncodeToBuffer. */ typedef struct RTASN1ENCODETOBUFARGS { /** The destination buffer position (incremented while writing). */ uint8_t *pbDst; /** The size of the destination buffer left (decremented while writing). */ size_t cbDst; } RTASN1ENCODETOBUFARGS; RTDECL(int) RTAsn1EncodeRecalcHdrSize(PRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, uint32_t fFlags, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { AssertReturn((fFlags & RTASN1ENCODE_F_RULE_MASK) == RTASN1ENCODE_F_DER, VERR_INVALID_FLAGS); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint8_t cbHdr; if ((pAsn1Core->fFlags & (RTASN1CORE_F_PRESENT | RTASN1CORE_F_DUMMY | RTASN1CORE_F_DEFAULT)) == RTASN1CORE_F_PRESENT) { /* * The minimum header size is two bytes. */ cbHdr = 2; /* * Add additional bytes for encoding the tag. */ uint32_t uTag = pAsn1Core->uTag; if (uTag >= ASN1_TAG_USE_LONG_FORM) { AssertReturn(pAsn1Core->uTag != UINT32_MAX, RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_ASN1_DUMMY_OBJECT, "uTag=UINT32_MAX")); do { cbHdr++; uTag >>= 7; } while (uTag > 0); } /* * Add additional bytes for encoding the content length. */ uint32_t cb = pAsn1Core->cb; if (cb >= 0x80) { AssertReturn(cb < _1G, RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_ASN1_TOO_LONG, "cb=%u (%#x)", cb, cb)); if (cb <= UINT32_C(0xffff)) { if (cb <= UINT32_C(0xff)) cbHdr += 1; else cbHdr += 2; } else { if (cb <= UINT32_C(0xffffff)) cbHdr += 3; else cbHdr += 4; } } } /* * Not present, dummy or otherwise not encoded. */ else { cbHdr = 0; if (pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_DEFAULT) rc = VINF_ASN1_NOT_ENCODED; else { Assert(RTASN1CORE_IS_DUMMY(pAsn1Core)); Assert(pAsn1Core->pOps && pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } } /* * Update the header length. */ pAsn1Core->cbHdr = cbHdr; return rc; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNRTASN1ENUMCALLBACK} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtAsn1EncodePrepareCallback(PRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, const char *pszName, uint32_t uDepth, void *pvUser) { RTASN1ENCODEPREPARGS *pArgs = (RTASN1ENCODEPREPARGS *)pvUser; RT_NOREF_PV(pszName); if (RTASN1CORE_IS_PRESENT(pAsn1Core)) { /* * Depth first, where relevant. */ uint32_t const cbSaved = pArgs->cb; if (pAsn1Core->pOps) { /* * Use the encoding preparation method when available. */ int rc; if (pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEncodePrep) rc = pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEncodePrep(pAsn1Core, pArgs->fFlags, pArgs->pErrInfo); else if (pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum) { /* * Recurse to prepare the child objects (if any). */ rc = pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum(pAsn1Core, rtAsn1EncodePrepareCallback, uDepth + 1, pArgs); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pAsn1Core->cb = pArgs->cb - cbSaved; } else { /* * Must be a primitive type if DER. */ if ( (pAsn1Core->fClass & ASN1_TAGFLAG_CONSTRUCTED) && (pArgs->fFlags & RTASN1ENCODE_F_DER) ) return RTErrInfoSetF(pArgs->pErrInfo, VERR_ASN1_EXPECTED_PRIMITIVE, "Expected primitive ASN.1 object: uTag=%#x fClass=%#x cb=%u", RTASN1CORE_GET_TAG(pAsn1Core), pAsn1Core->fClass, pAsn1Core->cb); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTAsn1EncodeRecalcHdrSize(pAsn1Core, pArgs->fFlags, pArgs->pErrInfo); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; } else { AssertFailed(); pAsn1Core->cb = 0; pAsn1Core->cbHdr = 0; } /* * Recalculate the output size, thus far. Dummy objects propagates the * content size, but the header size is zero. Other objects with * header size zero are not encoded and should be omitted entirely. */ if (pAsn1Core->cbHdr > 0 || RTASN1CORE_IS_DUMMY(pAsn1Core)) pArgs->cb = RTASN1CORE_GET_RAW_ASN1_SIZE(pAsn1Core) + cbSaved; else pArgs->cb = cbSaved; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } RTDECL(int) RTAsn1EncodePrepare(PRTASN1CORE pRoot, uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t *pcbEncoded, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { AssertReturn((fFlags & RTASN1ENCODE_F_RULE_MASK) == RTASN1ENCODE_F_DER, VERR_INVALID_FLAGS); /* * This is implemented as a recursive enumeration of the ASN.1 object structure. */ RTASN1ENCODEPREPARGS Args; Args.cb = 0; Args.fFlags = fFlags; Args.pErrInfo = pErrInfo; int rc = rtAsn1EncodePrepareCallback(pRoot, "root", 0, &Args); if (pcbEncoded) *pcbEncoded = RTASN1CORE_GET_RAW_ASN1_SIZE(pRoot); return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTAsn1EncodeWriteHeader(PCRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, uint32_t fFlags, FNRTASN1ENCODEWRITER pfnWriter, void *pvUser, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { AssertReturn((fFlags & RTASN1ENCODE_F_RULE_MASK) == RTASN1ENCODE_F_DER, VERR_INVALID_FLAGS); if ((pAsn1Core->fFlags & (RTASN1CORE_F_PRESENT | RTASN1CORE_F_DUMMY | RTASN1CORE_F_DEFAULT)) == RTASN1CORE_F_PRESENT) { uint8_t abHdr[16]; /* 2 + max 5 tag + max 4 length = 11 */ uint8_t *pbDst = &abHdr[0]; /* * Encode the tag. */ uint32_t uTag = pAsn1Core->uTag; if (uTag < ASN1_TAG_USE_LONG_FORM) *pbDst++ = (uint8_t)uTag | (pAsn1Core->fClass & ~ASN1_TAG_MASK); else { AssertReturn(pAsn1Core->uTag != UINT32_MAX, RTErrInfoSet(pErrInfo, VERR_ASN1_DUMMY_OBJECT, "uTag=UINT32_MAX")); /* In the long form, the tag is encoded MSB style with the 8th bit of each byte indicating the whether there are more byte. */ *pbDst++ = ASN1_TAG_USE_LONG_FORM | (pAsn1Core->fClass & ~ASN1_TAG_MASK); if (uTag <= UINT32_C(0x7f)) *pbDst++ = uTag; else if (uTag <= UINT32_C(0x3fff)) /* 2**(7*2) = 0x4000 (16384) */ { *pbDst++ = (uTag >> 7) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = uTag & 0x7f; } else if (uTag <= UINT32_C(0x1fffff)) /* 2**(7*3) = 0x200000 (2097152) */ { *pbDst++ = (uTag >> 14) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = ((uTag >> 7) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = uTag & 0x7f; } else if (uTag <= UINT32_C(0xfffffff)) /* 2**(7*4) = 0x10000000 (268435456) */ { *pbDst++ = (uTag >> 21) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = ((uTag >> 14) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = ((uTag >> 7) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = uTag & 0x7f; } else { *pbDst++ = (uTag >> 28) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = ((uTag >> 21) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = ((uTag >> 14) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = ((uTag >> 7) & 0x7f) | 0x80; *pbDst++ = uTag & 0x7f; } } /* * Encode the length. */ uint32_t cb = pAsn1Core->cb; if (cb < 0x80) *pbDst++ = (uint8_t)cb; else { AssertReturn(cb < _1G, RTErrInfoSetF(pErrInfo, VERR_ASN1_TOO_LONG, "cb=%u (%#x)", cb, cb)); if (cb <= UINT32_C(0xffff)) { if (cb <= UINT32_C(0xff)) { pbDst[0] = 0x81; pbDst[1] = (uint8_t)cb; pbDst += 2; } else { pbDst[0] = 0x82; pbDst[1] = cb >> 8; pbDst[2] = (uint8_t)cb; pbDst += 3; } } else { if (cb <= UINT32_C(0xffffff)) { pbDst[0] = 0x83; pbDst[1] = (uint8_t)(cb >> 16); pbDst[2] = (uint8_t)(cb >> 8); pbDst[3] = (uint8_t)cb; pbDst += 4; } else { pbDst[0] = 0x84; pbDst[1] = (uint8_t)(cb >> 24); pbDst[2] = (uint8_t)(cb >> 16); pbDst[3] = (uint8_t)(cb >> 8); pbDst[4] = (uint8_t)cb; pbDst += 5; } } } size_t const cbHdr = pbDst - &abHdr[0]; Assert(sizeof(abHdr) >= cbHdr); Assert(pAsn1Core->cbHdr == cbHdr); /* * Write it. */ return pfnWriter(abHdr, cbHdr, pvUser, pErrInfo); } /* * Not present, dummy or otherwise not encoded. */ Assert(pAsn1Core->cbHdr == 0); if (pAsn1Core->fFlags & RTASN1CORE_F_DEFAULT) return VINF_ASN1_NOT_ENCODED; Assert(RTASN1CORE_IS_DUMMY(pAsn1Core)); Assert(pAsn1Core->pOps && pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNRTASN1ENUMCALLBACK} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtAsn1EncodeWriteCallback(PRTASN1CORE pAsn1Core, const char *pszName, uint32_t uDepth, void *pvUser) { RTASN1ENCODEWRITEARGS *pArgs = (RTASN1ENCODEWRITEARGS *)pvUser; RT_NOREF_PV(pszName); int rc; if (RTASN1CORE_IS_PRESENT(pAsn1Core)) { /* * If there is an write method, use it. */ if ( pAsn1Core->pOps && pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEncodeWrite) rc = pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEncodeWrite(pAsn1Core, pArgs->fFlags, pArgs->pfnWriter, pArgs->pvUser, pArgs->pErrInfo); else { /* * Generic path. Start by writing the header for this object. */ rc = RTAsn1EncodeWriteHeader(pAsn1Core, pArgs->fFlags, pArgs->pfnWriter, pArgs->pvUser, pArgs->pErrInfo); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * If there is an enum function, call it to assemble the content. * Otherwise ASSUME the pointer in the header points to the content. */ if ( pAsn1Core->pOps && pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum) { if (rc != VINF_ASN1_NOT_ENCODED) rc = pAsn1Core->pOps->pfnEnum(pAsn1Core, rtAsn1EncodeWriteCallback, uDepth + 1, pArgs); } else if (pAsn1Core->cb && rc != VINF_ASN1_NOT_ENCODED) { Assert(!RTASN1CORE_IS_DUMMY(pAsn1Core)); AssertPtrReturn(pAsn1Core->uData.pv, RTErrInfoSetF(pArgs->pErrInfo, VERR_ASN1_INVALID_DATA_POINTER, "Invalid uData pointer %p for no pfnEnum object with %#x bytes of content", pAsn1Core->uData.pv, pAsn1Core->cb)); rc = pArgs->pfnWriter(pAsn1Core->uData.pv, pAsn1Core->cb, pArgs->pvUser, pArgs->pErrInfo); } } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; return rc; } RTDECL(int) RTAsn1EncodeWrite(PCRTASN1CORE pRoot, uint32_t fFlags, FNRTASN1ENCODEWRITER pfnWriter, void *pvUser, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { AssertReturn((fFlags & RTASN1ENCODE_F_RULE_MASK) == RTASN1ENCODE_F_DER, VERR_INVALID_FLAGS); /* * This is implemented as a recursive enumeration of the ASN.1 object structure. */ RTASN1ENCODEWRITEARGS Args; Args.fFlags = fFlags; Args.pfnWriter = pfnWriter; Args.pvUser = pvUser; Args.pErrInfo = pErrInfo; return rtAsn1EncodeWriteCallback((PRTASN1CORE)pRoot, "root", 0, &Args); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) rtAsn1EncodeToBufferCallback(const void *pvBuf, size_t cbToWrite, void *pvUser, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { RTASN1ENCODETOBUFARGS *pArgs = (RTASN1ENCODETOBUFARGS *)pvUser; if (RT_LIKELY(pArgs->cbDst >= cbToWrite)) { memcpy(pArgs->pbDst, pvBuf, cbToWrite); pArgs->cbDst -= cbToWrite; pArgs->pbDst += cbToWrite; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /* * Overflow. */ if (pArgs->cbDst) { memcpy(pArgs->pbDst, pvBuf, pArgs->cbDst); pArgs->pbDst -= pArgs->cbDst; pArgs->cbDst = 0; } RT_NOREF_PV(pErrInfo); return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW; } RTDECL(int) RTAsn1EncodeToBuffer(PCRTASN1CORE pRoot, uint32_t fFlags, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo) { RTASN1ENCODETOBUFARGS Args; Args.pbDst = (uint8_t *)pvBuf; Args.cbDst = cbBuf; return RTAsn1EncodeWrite(pRoot, fFlags, rtAsn1EncodeToBufferCallback, &Args, pErrInfo); }